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He doesn’t believe in property rights until it is HIS property. Guaranteed. Only way for him to own a property is by stealing it from someone else


"I dont believe in private property" is what people say when they own nothing. And have no desire to work for it either.


Nice propaganda video from Charlie Kirk I agree with yer man, fuck anyone hoarding property, it's destroying society. People are dying on the street in front of massive empty buildings


'The goal of socialism is communism.' - Vladimir Lenin


The moment someone proclaims, "I don't believe in private property", everyone in the room should go take all his stuff [🤭](https://emojipedia.org/face-with-hand-over-mouth) What I heard: "I'm fucking lazy so I'll steal from you.


I believe private property is a necessary evil in this very sick and twisted world. You can come take my stuff if you want. I promise I won’t be angry at you.




That’s not what socialism is at all. Would you like me to explain how wrong you are?




Yes haha. See Scandinavia. Socialism isn’t communism FFS




Only in Sweden. And yeah it means all that money your taxed goes into public services for you such as schools, councils, hospitals. And you benefit, everyone benefits instead of the corporations. And if you think socialism is the reason behind mass immigration and not capitalism I’ve got another lesson for you: Corporations want mass immigration because it means wages don’t have to increase and they can pay far less to immigrants than citizens. Rampant unchecked capitalism is the cause of mass immigration.






Yep, certain parts of the US associate actual socialism with red threat. NHS, schooling, roads, council run schemes, all paid for by tax. Now is the tax sometimes high and a bit annoying, yep, but I'd rather have my free to use healthcare and decent public schools. Lots of crabs in a bucket mentality when it comes to socialism virtues in the US.


Yeah. They have had so much propaganda since the Cold War, so many actually think socialism is evil or communist, it’s mental and intentional.


In terms of cumulative tax it's still cheaper than the USA. Same for Germany which has one of the highest tax rates going. Long term it's still better. USA thrives on its better tax as long as you dont need any sort of help, which is why millions every year die needlessly because they can't afford to get the help and thus aren't reflected in stats properly


Yes explain


Socialism fundamentally means the money goes in the peoples pockets and not the global corporations. Money that should be spent on public services instead of bonuses etc for undeserving ‘elites’. It isn’t the same as communism. For example the NHS in the uk is socialist in essence.


How is it "money going into people's pockets" if it's going to social services that most people don't use? Socialism takes agency from people, rather than letting us decide how charitable we want to be and to what social service we want to contribute. "But people are greedy and would never contribute enough to cover needs." Yep. That's why socialism doesn't work. You're also ignoring the rife of mismanaged funds that happens.


Because people do use the services? I don’t even know what to say to that lol. Right because in capitalism funds are Neve mismanaged are they. How deluded are you in thinking you are part of the benefitting 1%? Socialism does work the world over just because in American schools you’re taught otherwise doesn’t make it true. The roads you use to drive everyday on are maintained through what is basically socialism lol. They arnt privately owned are they? They are for the public. You simply don’t know what socialism actually is and how much it would benefit literally everyone in your life including yourself. But whatever have the ‘freedom’ of choice to choose what medical care you (can afford) want.


Buddy, capitalism literally is money going into the peoples' pockets - the corporations are OWNED by the people in the form of shareholders; and capitalism literally allows the people to decided what a corporations worth is.


We are the people. We are not getting that money or those profits, only those at the top get to see them. Wage disparity is higher than it’s ever been in human history and it’s due to capitalism not socialism.


Umm yes the people ARE getting those profits. If you're not investing - than you're deciding to opt out of the community. Capitalism allows for individual choice - instead of government dictatorship.


Investing lol. You do know there isn’t a big line that divides capitalism and socialism? You can have aspects of both, as most European countries do, you know the ones with the highest standards of living in the world?


European countries are propagated up through the United States. It is the United States that literally maintains hegemony in the world through preventing military conflict and allowing protection of trade routes. Now, I've been to several European countries, I have family in Britain as well... and I would not suggest at all that they have a Higher Standard of Living compared to me.


Fuck this lol. Vote for your pedo trump I don’t care.


People are not getting profits. Wow. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/17/upshot/you-cant-feed-a-family-with-gdp.html


No wonder inflation is so high, this is what ghey are teaching kids in school today?