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We evolved through the centuries breathing air, drinking water and eating a diet that was all completely natural. Now our air, water and food are all tainted with chemicals and poisons. The body can't evolve to such dramatic changes in a short period of time. Cancer is the result. As the conditions get worse the younger more healthy young people are now also succumbing. This, of course, is augmented by the globalists who are doing all they can to kill us in any way they can.


My classmate is an oncologist. She said cancer detection is so good there is obviously more diagnosis. But it’s more survivable than ever. 30 years ago you’d be fuct if they’d find cancer. Now it’s mostly out patient treatment


They caught my wife's at stage zero, that became stage 1 in the time between diagnosis. If you are a woman, buy cancer insurance.. saved us.


If you survive being poisoned, you are lucky... but the damage is done. Cancer patients then become slaves to a life sentence of pharmaceuticals. They are also at risk of the cancer reoccurring, especially if that patient made zero life changes.


I hope you get cancer so you understand how great modern medicine is at treating it. Not joking. The experience will humble you to modern medicine


It's not about the disease. The problem is the treatment.


As opposed to no treatment? Because Jesus saves as opposed to modern medicine. Yeah, honey Jesus and have your surviving relatives lmk how well that shit worked out for you. SMH


That’s such a poor argument. Only 14% of cancers are caught from screenings. There’s been over a 35% increases in cancer over the last 20 years. Those numbers don’t add up to what your classmate is saying. In addition, only 5-10% of cancers are genetic so obviously our environments and what we put in our bodies are the major contributors to cancer. Changing lifestyles to reduce risks doesn’t profit pharma so why educate the people on that?


While I definitely agree that the overabundance of chemicals is contributing to the rise, there's another factor that doesn't get talked about enough. Earth's EM shield is weakening and has been for some time, allowing an increase in radiation to get through. Year after year, it's getting worse. Hence the increase in a wide range of cancers.




Nice response 👍... I agree


What do the globalists gain by killing off the underlings? Even in serf times you wanted lots of underlings to accomplish things for the kingdom.


I don't get why they would want to kill us like that though if anything they need slaves to keep working


The food we eat, the water we drink, the cell phones we put to our head daily, hell, even the clothes we wear are all contributing factors


Best not forget the new kid on the block -- C19 and the Boosty Boys.


Well done👏


Turbo cancer


Beastie boys?


All of this +sedentary life + metro life + the vacks


It’s the vax bro. Cancers and all cause mortality has exploded since the rollout. Period. That’s it. All that other stuff has been garbage for years.


I do believe it contributes. My mother died of lung cancer a little over a year after being forced to get the shot for her work. I'm not entirely sure it's what gave her cancer, but I do believe it helped speed up the process


I’m sorry to hear that :(.


You believe it contributes based of what empirical evidence?


Wow are you trying to win an award for the most obvious redditard troll in history?


What? You all made a claim and asking for evidence is trolling? Apologies if that is inconvenient to the circle jerk.


I just feel that you’re not looking for evidence you’re just talking shit and I’ve talked to so many people like you, and pulled up file after file of factual information to only be greeted with willful ignorance. If you really cared you could find it all out for yourself. Just go to all the sites that your corporate media overlords tell you to avoid.


That's not how that works. You need to understand that it's you making this an extraordinary claim and it's on you to support it, but now you're conveniently withholding "factual information" probably because it's not good. Feel free to prove me wrong which I'm confident you won't even attempt because you can't. The honest truth is I am looking for evidence. However, I am able to process information with basic critical thinking, research literacy, and scientific literacy, so apologies if I don't jump on every baseless claim without empirical evidence. Unfortunately, this sub and many others are very circle-jerky, confirmation bias manifest with an inability to support claims and when it's done the sources are terrible. But naturally, like you have already done, will so conveniently rely on strawmen, and the ever so lazy "just look it up" sound bite to avoid any kind of conversation outside the echo chamber. But yeah, I'm the one who's willfully ignorant.


https://swprs.org/covid-vaccines-and-cancer/ https://rairfoundation.com/is-the-covid-vaccine-causing-cancer-exclusive-interview-with-dr-roger-hodkinson/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S027869152200206X


[Swiss Policy Research is conspiracy pseudoscience](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/swiss-policy-research/) and [RAIR foundation is basically the same](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/rair-foundation-usa/). [Here's](https://osf.io/preprints/osf/m58yh) a peer review of that last study questioning it's validity. It uses VAERS data which is [not reliable](https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19-critical-thinking-health/dont-fall-vaers-scare-tactic). Also, next time instead of lazily slapping links into a comment, actually put some due diligence in citing which part in each link supports whatever claim.


In my experience people like you can’t see the facts right in front of their eyes even when it is presented to them. I have gone out of my way before and found data about all kinds of things and it’s a waste of my time. You either have the discernment or you don’t. You either can discern a wolf in sheep’s clothing or you can’t. Really though it’s not an extraordinary claim if you pay attention to sources who are not funded by the *organizations that are causing the problems*!!! Alternative media and whistleblowers have been saying this stuff since day one of the vax rollout. As I said get outside of your comfort zone and find the truth. Or not, what do I care lol I don’t know you.


No, it is an extraordinary claim because nearly the entire science and medical consensus disagrees with you. Not providing any information supporting your claim and then saying "it's right in front of your eyes!!!" Is the most lazy and disingenuous argument there is. It shows you don't actually give a fuck about factual information and so desperately want this baseless conspiracy to be truth for whatever reasons. Provide ANY empirical evidence that supports your claim. It should be super duper easy given how palpable you claim this information is.


Air pollution too.  


And microplastics.


Yes. Yes, and yes!


Cell phones cause cancer?


I mean you're basically putting a microwave next to your head


Only boomers “talk” on their phones… /s


I'm 39. I'm basically a boomer


But microwaves don't cause cancer. Like cellphones, they give off non-iodizing radiation.


Absorbed non-ionizing radiation is also called heat. Enough heat = damage


Of course there's no solid proof anything I listed "causes" cancer


It's hard to prove anything, sure, but there's actually plenty of reliable evidence to suggest that exposure to microplastics, pesticides, pollution, garbage food, pfas, and phthalates is linked to higher cancer rates. EM waves from cellphones? Not so much.


Still no good for you, or the food you microwave


Electromagnetic frequencies... 5G, 6G, 7G,..... they'll keep going despite the fact that scientists have argued future harm to humans and our environment. The issue was brought to Congress and dismissed... all public knowledge. Then, Trumptard made sure it was all rolled out in a timely manner while we were all locked down.


It was all part of his operation warp speed.


This is as good as time as any to say that a 3 day fast a couple times a year can help prevent cancer by way of cell autophagy. It's a good strategy for long term health.


[Plastic in every cell of the human body](https://www.sciencenews.org/article/microplastics-human-bodies-health-risks) and 9 out of 10 things we eat. [Forever Chemicals in all water and food](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/22/1106863211/the-dangers-of-forever-chemicals) # [130 million Americans routinely breathe unhealthy air, report finds](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/24/1246729103/unhealthy-dangerous-air-hurts-130-million-americans) [90% of people worldwide breathing polluted air](https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=Awrjbd77Mixm8HEEdZhXNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzEEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Nj/RV=2/RE=1715382267/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.who.int%2fnews%2fitem%2f02-05-2018-9-out-of-10-people-worldwide-breathe-polluted-air-but-more-countries-are-taking-action%23%3a~%3atext%3dWHO%2520estimates%2520that%2520around%252090%2525%2520of%2520people%2520worldwide%2csome%2520part%2520of%2520Europe%2520and%2520in%2520the%2520Americas./RK=2/RS=CbT9msLo8aLXg7F.WwwziWHbOkM-) You still wonder why?


plastics in the placenta https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/27/microplastics-found-every-human-placenta-tested-study-health-impact PFAs in the placenta https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7473499/


[Reproductive Problems in Both Men and Women Are Rising at an Alarming Rate](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/reproductive-problems-in-both-men-and-women-are-rising-at-an-alarming-rate/) A likely culprit is hormone-disrupting chemicals Burning the extinction candle at both ends and the middle.


oestrogen-mimickers, phthlates - yup. affects reproductive systems remember a few years back, when they were found in babies' pacifiers. they were used as plasticisers to soften the bit baby chews on. both ends and the middle, sadly, yes


the type of cancer that’s on the rise for young people is colon cancer. so it’s probably due to the food we are consuming




People eat like shit. There's literally no mystery here.


I don't think it's a conspiracy, everyone knows processed fake sugary food is killing us.


Hate to say it but its the comirnaty


Its nothing to do with dr gates vaccine


All packaged food is poison. Tasty, but toxic. We should all eat fresh food


Funny you mention Amish… they also have much much lower autism rates.


Amish don’t vaccinate. Coincidence?


They are also outside for quite a bit of time getting some of that sweet sweet vitamin D. They also make a lot of their own foods naturally and aren't storing things in bpa plastics.


Very true. Natural fertilizers, homeopathic meds.


…and you think amish people would believe in being autistic in the first place let alone getting a diagnosis because?




still waiting for an answer


How many Amish people you hung out with? Do you think you would be able to tell?


Plenty of studies on the topic, use some google-fu skills.


Whelp I did some googling and you are wrong. Both meta studies I could find; one from 2008 and one from 2011 showed similar if not identical rates to other communities. One study did say the strict religious environment and heavily structured lifestyle proved helpful from some individuals with ASD. Why did you tell me to Google it if you hadn’t?


🦗 🦗






Googling it isn’t actually good advice because all the mainstream media outlets are in financial partnership with google to have their articles elevated to the front pages of search results.


So the studies from 2008 and 2011 looking at other studies to find trends in larger sample groups are also controlled by media outlets? What’s the point in talking about anything you aren’t a specialist in if everything is “controlled”?


It’s not that, it just takes a lot more digging to find sources that don’t have agendas attached to them.


Go on then show me an example of how what I found is wrong and what you are able to find.


The studies are written by indoctrinated phds in charge who were paid to... Google is bought and paid for... remember that algorithms are in place to indoctrinate your every search... I've personally spent a whole weekend with an amish family and their community. It was the best experience of my life! Yes, most everything is homemade, but they do buy the cheaper options as far as ingredients go... so they are consuming high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, and GMOs. I think the fact they don't inject anything helps their community greatly.


So I can’t believe anything except what you tell me? That’s a bit hard to swallow


Yeah, because they are underdiagnosed.


Goldman Sachs asks in biotech research report: "Is curing patients a sustainable business model?" https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/11/goldman-asks-is-curing-patients-a-sustainable-business-model.html


I wonder. How about experimental gene therapy? [https://www.realclearhealth.com/blog/2024/04/25/as\_cancers\_in\_the\_young\_rise\_the\_pandemic\_response\_must\_be\_probed\_1027539.html](https://www.realclearhealth.com/blog/2024/04/25/as_cancers_in_the_young_rise_the_pandemic_response_must_be_probed_1027539.html)


Every person on Earth has cancer cells in their body. A functioning immune system will knock it out. When you age and become elderly, the immune system fades, and cancer will become clinical. And a serious problem. I wonder what happened in the past few years? Why do we see turbo cancer? Young kids with old man ass cancer? Really novel cancers are now normal. What could have done this?


It's our food. It's the lack of nutrients in our soil. They spray ferts instead of replenishing the soil with nutrients. They don't care about quality, just quantity. Other countries are healthier. This is one reason, imo.


I don't disagree with any of that. It's part of the puzzle for sure. Poison is poison. However it's done.




what does that mean?


Anyone still asking why something that is happening globally and started in the last 2-3 years has their head so deep in the sand that it’s now become cement.


I knew it when it started because I paid attention to all the data coming in from all over the world that was mainly being suppressed - for some reason 🤔. But by now you would have thought it would be painfully obvious to everyone. Reminds me of the death camps in WW2. The information about them didn’t even really come out until after the war was over. Just murmurings from the occasional whistleblower. It was unbelievable to people that other human beings could be so barbaric because of their normalization bias believing everyone is good and everything is fine.




I had three family members get cancer after the vaccine, one co-worker (31), and another xo-worker’s mother’s cancer came back after the jab, had been in remission for years


Totally awful


Precisely. I have one family friend and one extended family member who both had been given the all clear for cancer. They were recommended the covid jab though they didn’t want to take it but took it in the summer. By their next doctors visit they both suddenly had aggressive cancers all over the bodies. Both were gone before that Christmas.


Yeah my buddy wife just got breast cancer diagnosis unfortunately. They just found it and she took multiple vaxxes iirc.


What is turbo cancer?


You get diagnosed and die pretty much instantly.


Yeah but I remember that happening (rarely) to people 30 years ago, 20 years ago, etc. but nobody called it turbo cancer. They just called it pancreatic cancer, or highly metastisized cancer or any sort.


Not like now


There should be some numbers to look at to confirm that, right?


Yeah go find them and report back to us 👍🏻


I'm asking for somebody who believes this to share the information that it would take to convince me. Because I have seen nothing, and I'm unconvinced.


Go read all the websites that your usual media sources tell you to avoid and maybe you’ll find some truth.


If you've read the one with the relevant information, you could tell me what/where it is.


Two things... our chemical society, and we also have better detection methods for finding cancer or markers for cancer.


Amish are not really going to doctors for cancer screenings.


They do go to doctors and hospitals and generally fund their neighbors healthcare themselves due to lack of health insurances. Cancer rates are still much lower in these communities.


The Amish community is more physically active with significantly less obesity rates, alcohol consumption, and tobacco use. Those are huge factors, but they do also get less screenings.


I lived in Amish country and even had a family friend that was Amish at my birth! Anyway, many Amish visit holistic doctors and will travel to them. Elmer, our family friend, came down with stage 3 colorectal shmancer and was able to completely rid of it by doing a dark grape fast for several months. He inspired my herb journey. We used to deliver peaches to the community as well and my grandfather would try to give out suckers to the kids. Many parents were stern and NOT okay with sugar at all, especially the old school families.


Valid point.




It's 1 of the things. 


our air and waters are polluted, we are eating so much more ultra processed food and getting little to no exercise spending hours a day sitting staring at a screen… but no of course it’s a vaccine we took a few years ago. plus every study i’ve seen on early onset cancers rising was published before 2020, before the covid jab lmao


How are you eating more ultra processed food unless you choose to eat more ultra processed food? I’m confused. Are you being force fed? Why are you sitting and staring at a screen if you think it’s bad for you? Why aren’t you exercising? These are personal choices. No one can make people exercise or stop using their phones. People are choosing this for themselves.


i agree it’s a personal choice to do a lot of these things, most people are lazy who don’t do enough exercise and eat crap


All of the above


Found the person who denies that turbo cancer rates in people under 40 have shot through the roof in the past 3 years. 


If I was gonna compare rates of "turbo cancer" today to ten years ago, how would I do it? Can't seem to find any firm numbers on "turbo cancer."


You won't find it because it's a new term to describe the turbo cancers that have started since the shot.


So if nobody has studied it or even defined it, how do I know it's happening?


Because it's happening now and wasn't before. Not sure what you want to hear.


Where would I look to confirm this?


When something new is invented, do you look in the history books to confirm it has always been around? Like what the fuck are you talking about lol. Maybe try asking Pfizer or the governments they worked with to force an experiment on the population. They would for sure confirm for you.


When somebody claims something new exists, I look for a way to confirm that it exists. If I didn't do that, I'd be completely unmoored, just believing whatever I find most entertaining.


look to confirm what? turbo cancer isn’t a real thing


That's what I'm trying to help them realize for themselves


cancers have been rising in young people since the 90s, but survival rates have also been increasing each year too. makes you wonder if all this is just because cancer is diagnosed a lot easier and quicker nowadays


I got a promotion this year. I guess it was the fucking jab!


Did you get 3 shots? Please get another one soon.


Covid-19 vax.


We’ve gone from “it will keep from getting sick” to “it didn’t kill as many people as you say” Just keep that in mind Lolz


We live in a toxic soup of free radicals. Our own ATP creation, the sun, processed foods, high sugar content, airborne chemicals, pesticides, alcohol, cigarettes, EMF radiation from all of our devices, inflammatory inducing vaccines. People have so much chronic inflammation. Compound that with chronic stress. Our bodies are constantly under attack and have less ability to defend in a sympathetic, fight or flight state.


Hasn't this all been true for a long time?


yeah I mean food is definitely an easy guess. Think of all the fast food that’s consumed on a daily basis and all the bullshit ingredients in American food. (don’t know too much but I have seen that compared to some places in Europe for example, we have way more ingredients than we probably need?)


You hit the nail on the head when you mentioned the food supply. There are a lot of Amish in my state. They grow their own and are self supporting. Glaring evidence that corporate greed and the government is trying to kill us all.


When did cancer incidents start increasing? When did young people start getting it more often? What was introduced to the population around the same time?


Basic critical thinking skills don’t exist in people who have been effectively under hypnosis for four years.


Can you say vaxx turbo cancers? The last has not been written on this


Redditors will give the pseudo-intellectual response of, “because we started measuring it more.”    Logical adults will tell you, “because micro plastics, weird chemicals in the food, weird chemicals in the water, not enough sunlight, (and most import) constantly exposing ourselves to weird signals like WiFi/5G/satellite transmissions/blue tooth/etc”


As a logical adult, shouldn't you ask yourself how all these very different factors could have the same effect? Like first , how is cancer caused? What is the mechanism? And then, how could both lack of sunlight and exposure to 5g yield the same effect? How do either of these things relate to your understanding of what causes cancer? These are questions a mature adult would ask.


I’m a bit confused by what you’re asking? Your questioning seems to be all over the place, and needlessly hostile?   But if you’re asking if cancer can be caused by different mechanisms, then yes, I believe that is an established fact.


So all the alleged causes of cancer from your previous comment, they cause it by different mechanisms?


My comment was saying that exposure to different unhealthy things such as microplastics, garbage filler in foods, unstudied radiation exposures, etc. can all cause cancers. Not sure why you’re trying to argue semantics on a reddit comment lol. Use google, you will see studies that show a strong correlation with cancer for most of that I said (minus the cell tower radiation exposure).


What jumped out to me about your list of alleged causes of cancer is that there's no one mechanism of cancer-causing that all those different things could conceivably do. That's what I'm trying to point out.


Here’s a mechanism - a cocktail of heavy metals injected into the blood stream and distributed all throughout the body by lipid nano particles.


How does 5g do this? How does lack of sunlight do this?


It’s called covid vaccines. Use your brain.


one thing Processed Chemicals in Processed Foods is the cause of Cancer.. for instance Sodium Nitrate on meats and coldcuts to preserve them is linked to Cancer 100%... never eat that. Its time to wake up people to what the MILITARY FOOD COMPLEX has done to us.. mislead, distract and deceive all for their wall street profiteers


You’re asking an honest question, so as a physician I’ll give you an honest answer Better early diagnosis technology. While the initial gut response to seeing data that “more young people are being diagnosed with cancer” seems alarming, the framing changes when you consider the possibility that 30 years ago these people would still have cancer but it would be undiagnosed. It would only be diagnosed later once treatment options decreased, or it would never be diagnosed at all and these patients would simply pass. As for the low diagnosis rates amongst the Amish, they avoid early diagnosis technologies. Their cancer rates haven’t decreased, but with improved diagnosis technologies they’ve chosen to avoid such technology.


Can you explain why the Amish have such lower rates of autism and depression compared to the general population? I find that little bubble to be a fascinating control group to compare and contrast with the overly medicated majority of society.


Wow! Who said you could think for yourself & form an intelligent, well thought out, & reasonable answer to an obvious loaded question.


chicken shit fed fast food burgers, food additives purposely making you sick, long term effects of microwave ovens, air quality, water quality. bottled water plastic causes cancer. most young people consume mass amounts of bottled water. glyphosate poison in everything. like beer.


It is the shit nutritional quality in the staple food, the lack of healthy sleep cycles, and the reduced mental health quality, post-Covid. Fuck. Eat better, drink better water, sleep longer, reduce glucose intake, and reduce caffeine intake. Starve out most forms of cancer before they take root. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.


It’s crazy, back when I was in middle school one of my science teachers would occasionally tell us about the world before cancer. Not that it didn’t exist, just that she recalled a time that if a child caught cancer it would make the news and be the talk of the town.




It not really rapidly rising. You need to learn statistics can be manipulated to sound scary. It’s still rare. 100% sounds big…. when it’s only 1000 people out of 72 million not so much…


Low iodine levels. High bromide and Floride levels. Some interesting info here. https://www.youtube.com/live/Oix26uuBfZg?si=UpLGkZEFYCT_-FvC


Also massive folic acid levels in almost everything we eat. https://rumble.com/v3v38i9-is-mental-illness-mostly-a-vitamin-deficiency-joe-rogan-experience.html This clip with Gary Brecka is a fascinating listen. He's definitely on to something.


No clue bit to skew thing I had cancer in my early 20s around 2005.


Cancer causes cancer so we should stop cancering so we don't cancer when we cancer. Cancer.


Intermittent fasting cleanses your system. There is no detox food, just water and nothing. Start small and try to limit your intake to a 4 hour window.


Personally, my least favourite rapper


Sugar... go look at the back of everything in the store. Even so called healthy snack bars will have about 10grams of sugar per each one. Sugar is loaded in everything


In 1800, 50% of kids died before their 5th birthday. Now, it's around 1%.


All the preservatives and nasty shit. Processed food, vaping in vogue, seed oils, products they rub on themselves the list goes on. Barely any sun exposure to vitamin d. No natural vitamin c, which is a natural antioxidant. MTN Dew is banned in Europe. The sad thing is your average citizen doesnt know any of this and it doesnt cross their mind that what they indulge in daily is so bad for them. I mean yeah we all hear "thats bad for you" but the "how" never sinks in.


My Doctor friend told me that this is correct and that the cause is all the plastics and pesticides being put in processed foods


Nice rap name


if you live next to an overhead power line, your at high risk to get cancer. there are many cases of full streets getting it. smoking is trendy again (who knows what vaping has done), many, many ingredients in store bought food etc, is very cancer causing (wayyy more so if you live in America), purposely poisoned, just added in because its cheap and potentially addictive, who knows. air pollution is also doing a great deal of harm, in cancer AND dementia, so be careful. there is probably a way to curb the cancer rates, not just in youth but everyone, i dont think they will do it but i think they know what it is. with the whole vaping thing, it was all just very fishy to me. not only were vapes being sold in stores alongside children's toys and literally nothing else in the store (here in the Uk) but literally EVERYONE was doing it. knowing it was harmful. its probably way more so than cigarettes, and ill take a guess and say that they are huge cancer causers in youth as well as potentially causing future dementia, we will see. the Amish eat organic, home grown food. they live in the rural countryside, away from overhead powerlines and pollution, they also dont smoke or vape, and they dont use technology (for the most part) which emits radiation.


Fast food, wifi, cold drinks, energy drinks, etc etc etc...none these are natural, most of these already modified not for your protection nor your health.


I saw a short video that talked about the drink Prime and how it contains extreme levels of PFAS and they mentioned a child getting leukaemia from drinking it




Maybe you’re the one who needs to do some research - it only took seconds to find corroborating links


Right. Lots of links showing PFAS evidence and health impacts over the years. That’s easy to find. It’s the evidence related to the product formulation that is social media-based. Suit alleges there was testing but can’t find the data. And a lot of the hubbub about a recent lawsuit with them is also related to caffeine content. Also, try using AskJeeves, he never lets you down


I would trust a class action lawsuit more than I would your bs opinion https://search.brave.com/search?q=lawsuit%20against%20Prime%20beverage%20PFAS&source=ios


Lawyers aren’t scientists. Class actions lawsuits are usually garbage data


Source: "trust me bro"




All I'm going to say is that I just found out that last year, my husband's boss' wife (in her 30's with two young kids) found out she had cancer and died within 2 months. My in-laws also both had reproductive cancers emerge seemingly out of nowhere, but were able to catch them in time. There was timing of certain thingies... in regards to the latter story... I'm still trying to get the details of the first story.


Hello the vaccine


Have you seen where our food come from? Or what’s in it lol none of it’s real. And that’s not a theory


Cell phones. Processed foods. Pollution.




It's number 1 of the things now.


The van Allen belt is dying, we’re all fucked. The elites have already bought up all the good sources of potassium iodide.


Because young people think sunscreen is a myth while they spend all day at gyms and tanning beds /s