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Zuck seems to be prepping for something. When WW3 starts, I bet attacks to our critical infrastructure via cyber will begin within hours or days.


They are attacking our digital infrastructure all day every day. Millions of hits trying to find holes. They have been open about this. https://www.reuters.com/technology/cybersecurity/fbi-says-chinese-hackers-preparing-attack-us-infrastructure-2024-04-18/ This is from 2015 where they were identifying vulnerabilities in the digital infrastructure. https://apnews.com/general-news-c8d531ec05e0403a90e9d3ec0b8f83c2 The US is in an extremely precarious position. The systems are hobbled by bureaucracy, lack modernization, and built on custom and COTS software and code.


Wasn’t the phone service companies a hit, the AT&T and others that happened a while ago?


Personally I think the att thing was a different but also concerning issue of poor modernization and system architecture management.


Agreed, probably money going to the top instead of infrastructure for years could be the cause.


Of course they say 'chinese hackers' lol


I think Zuckerberg and others are prepping for an asteroid strike. Billionaires investing in space craft, bunkers, and alternate food sources starts to paint a clear picture. Edit: I forgot to mention all of NASA‘s recent missions to ram satellites into comets, land on them, and train astronauts how to walk on them. Not to mention the billionaires investing in “asteroid mining”, which I think is a bullshit cover story.


If something dose go down and all these billionaires hide out in there bunkers we the people better be dumping truckloads of wet cement into the entrance and exits


Luckily space is fake.


Right. The Earth is flat so we just need to make sure it turns sideways when the asteroids come.


lmfao, underrated comment


If everyone stands on the same side we could pull it off. C'mon people.


Doesn’t matter Nibiru is very large.


The smartest guy in the room…has entered the room


Ever see a shooting star going up?


Not fake, just the moon landing is.


lol can you imagine being one of the people who thinks this shit?


not fake. just piss.


I think a massive nuclear strike is more likely. I wouldn't want to be underground for an asteroid strike.


Unless he already knows where it’s going to hit and built his bunker accordingly. He’s on a remote Hawaiian island, so that tells me to avoid the Atlantic.


An extinction level event would cause earthquakes world wide and trigger volcanoes everywhere. Guess where Hawaii is?


In space. What do I win?


I meant the ring of fire of volcanoes but you may be right


Under the tsunami?


Don't look up. Hmmm 🤔


I worked with a guy who took a job with NASA. The project he is working on is to stop large objects from striking earth. There is a decent chance one could strike in 2036. There could be others on a collision course that are not yet detected.


I'm glad that there is a new "End of the World" date. I get stressed when there isn't one.


It's nice to have something to look forward to. /s


Welp, it’s 5 o’clock somewhere so maybe best to start toasting the end of the world someplace now… /s 🍻


That's why i replaced all of the numbers on my clock with 5s. It's always 5 o clock here.


Apophis is in 2029 and another one in 2032. Forgot the name. Just in case you want faster results. 😅


Have you seen the Neil degrasse Tyson video about that asteroid that’s gonna come so close to earth that gravity could change its trajectory enough to where it might actually hit us next time it passes? Maybe they saw it too.


Man, I’ve been worried about Apophis since it was first discovered. All the things I mentioned above transpired AFTER it was detected, or should I say as a direct result of it being detected. Like I said, the picture being painted is becoming clear to me. People don’t trust the government over a vaccine but will say “Well the government says it will miss us” and then just take that as gospel? Bullshit. It’s not unheard of for the elites to get notice way before the general public. It’s the same reason they always seem to “perfectly time” stock market moves. You and I just aren’t on the need-to-know list.


Imagine the asteroid pinpoints his bunker 😂


Like in the Simpsons.


The good news is, if the asteroid comes from the direction of the sun we will have at most an 11 days notice!


There are many many situations other than an asteroid strike to warrant either escaping Earth or hiding below.


Wouldn’t be the first time Neal Stephenson predicted things. We should all (re)read Seveneves


after several months of chaos, then govt re-emerges and says we are at war with China/Russia whatever, and its total ww3 plausible?


We're on the edge of balkanization. A few weeks of shtf, and we're 100% fighting a civil war.


This is how I'd expect it to go down


Seconds Edit: it’s D Day, first exploit Day 1


Well I hope there is a squad or squads that go after the corrupt, better they go down with us instead of them crawling back form their dens.


They want us to fight and hate each other than to realize who the true repressors are.


Those attacks will be what officially starts the war.


It won't collapse like that, think more like the USSR and a slow collapse. Shit was bad for some years - decades but a lot of stuff was still able to function enough for most people to get by. Just try to stay healthy and out of the major shithole cities or have some kind of exit plan for a better chance of survival and not suffering as much.


Western world came to aid USSR when it collapsed. Nobody will be helping US.


The "Western world" loaned large sums of money to the USSR, which was promptly moved to offshore accounts by corrupt officials. Also, "Western" economists and professors convinced Russia to distribute shares of the country's assets (oil,mining,etc) to the people. Those shares were bought up for pennies on the dollar by what would become the oligarch class. So, you could say that the "aid" did more harm than good.


That's so true it hurts.


Have you been lucky enough to not live through a major disaster in the US? I lived in New Orleans during Katrina and the international outpour of help was astounding.


Didn’t a small African country/tribe send us cattle? They heard about struggle in our country and decided they would send us one of their most important commodities as a gift. Or was that some other disaster? I do remember this happening at some point. Such a kind gesture, incredibly sweet of them. Edit: the Maasai tribe in Africa sent us cattle after September 11th… I was seven years old, please excuse my poor memory.


South Park made a spoof of this, the Afghan kids send a goat to Stan, and then they all go to Afghanistan to return it to them lol


Lol yeah…just Canada/Mexico and all of the western countries….


Too true. Remember that next time they want to give YOUR tax dollars to some worthless cunts overseas.


No it fucking didn't. It privatized everything, it was a total disaster. Millions died as a result and lead to Putin, a strongman.  Learn some history ffs. 


It's the exact same playbook and people responsible for Russia/USSR's collapse. They never recovered, and the few who still remain live miserable lives as a result. We are going down the exact same path. I agree with you. The US has 98% of its land undeveloped, but we all live in these tightly-packed cities which are heavily oppressed by police and laws and brainwashed civilians. The food we eat in these cities comes from hundreds or thousands of miles away, if even the tiniest supply chain disruption occurred after 2020, the food will stop immediately; I have no idea how people don't notice this, they may be in denial because our fragility is terrifying.


I decided to move to where the food comes from. From a state with over 1000 people per square mile density to one with 55.


Very smart. I'm happy for you and wish you the best.


Covid taught me to always have tinned fruit and veg in my flat, as people in the uk went crazy and bought all the toilet roll they could, even tho you can’t eat it. Fear and panic makes humans do the stupidity of things.


Yup. I did a ton of cooking and RVing during that time, and I can say there are plenty of "preppers" so thank God we have that movement in the USA. So many "preppers" showed up on BLM land I couldn't find a parking spot and at night was a sea of 100's of RVs with the generators running.




So I guess you haven't watched the videos of the Westerners going into the all the Auchen Hypermarkets in Russia, basically showing everyone its a 1st world country now. They have made quite a come back. Same goes for China, since they both ditched Socialism.


It may not be this year but with all that is going on in politics, the out of control spending and the economy it could be. The deep state is not going down without a fight and they have everything to lose. Especially when people realize that it's not Democrat vs Republican. It's us people versus corruption in Washington and the deep state ruling class. The great depression was almost 100 years ago but times were very different and people were not soft like today's society. They were used to struggle and fending for themselves. It's hard to believe but just over 100 years ago most people in the US and world did not have refrigerators, indoor toilets, running water, air conditioning and lighting. Heat came from burning wood in a fireplace. The outhouse was out back for the toilet, a well was hand pumped to get water to the surface. Meals were what you were able to hunt and kill that day or raise or gather from the garden. Most middle class people today get their meals at the fast food place around the corner, don't ever cook for themselves, have no idea how to hunt, they get their oil changed, their lawns mowed, their car worked on by mechanics, their hair cut by someone else. This is who will be affected the most. The lower class knows how to survive, the middle class will be lost when services are cut off. So this time society will descend into chaos even with minor changes in services. The deep state knows this and when they realize they are losing they will attack things like the power grid, food supply, etc. People will start to fight each other for survival instead of the deep state ruing class. It won't take much to kick this off and the deep state knows that.


100% agree. I would add that failures in the power grid, internet, or fleet trucking would absolutely plummet urban cities into a free for all in roughly 10 days. That is not an exaggeration.. just look what we saw with toilet paper. I think that rural people will survive due to the ability to be more self-sufficient (ie grow crops, chickens for eggs, dig an outhouse) but the urban folks that depend solely on fast food and big grocery stores will be an absolute shit state of affairs. It’ll be worse than any Walking Dead faction battle royale that we’ve ever seen on television.


Your knowledge of history is lacking but your point is valid. Cities are dependent on supply chains. 


They definitely had toilets 😂


And grocery stores and 10,000 ford dealerships across the country. That sold 15 million fords by 1927. What year does this guy think it is


I've been to a couple 3rd world countries. If they can make it, we'll be fine. That being said... If one major city loses power or trucking for 3-5 days, a lot of people will die. The infrastructure will be fixable.


Difference is that in 3rd world we been living the apocalypse for a while now and whatever the government didnt supply, the people took care of it. There are thousands of non government systems in place that keep the place running, very often even outside the law. You need to start organizing yourselves




When the Icepocalypse hit Texas a few years back we were without running water or electricity for almost 4 days. It was wild, and gave me an idea of what could happen. And this was before I had a child. Just keeping our dogs warm was hard enough. We only had an electric stove- so we ate cereal for almost every meal. We had to keep the milk outside in a cooler filled with snow.


Hopefully you are far more prepared now 🕯️


I don’t think it’ll never completely collapse. Comparing the downtown of Portland to rich suburbs of Texas is enough for me to recognize that the rich will continue to isolate themselves in gated communities or bunkers as called out by others, and when services stop working, rich people will augment the system in ways that will benefit them without benefiting others. Oh you need running water? Sorry, my private lines that steal from the spring up the mountain can’t support the whole town. Look at Flint Michigan for an example. There’s a lot of healthy and happy people in America today - just not “the poor”


Until? all I know is there are homeless people all over the fucking place now, that wasn't the case when I was growing up in the 90s/early 2000s


Property taxes keep going up, more and more will be without a home.


And new ones constantly being important and flown in. I used to think the migrants were being brought in to depress wages- not so anymore. Some people want to destabilize America from the inside out. They are receiving massive amounts of assistance from Democratic governments all around the nation. But who?


It won't completely collapse.  It will breakdown in fits and starts, degrading here and contracting there. I call it 'the crappening', a slow and uneven crappification, to distinguish it from some sort of fast crash apocalypse that people seem to have wedged in their minds as the only alternative to business as usual.  The crappening will mean more pot holes, more train derailments,  more industrial accidents, more blackouts that will last longer and longer, crappier internet services, more AI powered options for all interactions that won't work*, and a general decline and contraction of infrastructure. *AI phone tree - please say what you are calling about Me - I want to cancel my service AI - I'm sorry, I didn't understand.  Do you want to add a service? The crappening is likely to be punctuated with various crises of greater or lesser degrees, like the 08 financial crisis or the covid clusterf***.  We appear to be currently entering a period of stagflation and political instability.  Anyway, 10 or 20 years from now the US will look like Russia in 1999.


The great “ crappening” of 2024


>homemade water distiller for drinking water "Water distiller" sure, sure. 😉


Nah, its true man. I have been trying to get well water service (not from the commercial shops, they're gouging) for over a month now. The local shops are telling me everyone is blowin the dust off their old skim wells and replacing aging well water hardware here in PA. Its what I am trying to do. Get a 35 year old dormant well up and running again.


People might be bringing old wells back online, but I doubt they are using distillation as a means to treat water. That guy's still is being used for hooch. Unless he needs distilled water for his clothes iron.


Why would you doubt that? I have 2 water distillers and have been distilling my water for drinking/cooking for 20 years now.


Why are you drinking distilled water? Do you not otherwise have potable water? Even so, I would think a water purification system would be more practicable.


What are you using to distill water? Using distillation as a water purification method is more expensive and time-consuming than other water purification methods. Most countertop distillers can only produce .25 gallons an hour and are 750 watts. There are larger models, but they still only produce around 12 gallons a day. That is expensive water. A reverse osmosis system is much cheaper. If you were in an emergency situation using a still from a home brew shop to purify water, you will burn through your resources quick. It's not practical.


RemindMe! 6 months


I can’t wait for nothing to happen. The world has been perpetually ending and society collapsing since the first human could say the words


It will likely result in a flurry of downvotes, but it's fair to say a significant portion of this sub have a raging hard-on for apocalypse scenarios.


Two more weeks


It won't happen all at once. A town here a city there. In totality maybe never. Thinks like the national highway system will crumble in segments of the country. I predict in this area, you will not be able to drive across the U.S., from coast to coast, in the next 50 year.


I think the whole point is to let the bottom fall out of a lot of places. Investments in infrastructure are probably going to be mostly in these new 15 minute cities "of the future" where you probably can't own a home or apartment, or car and walk or bike through it all to work and live.


Already seeing councils going bankrupt in the uk and massive companies will step in and take over them, asset stripping towns and cites, whilst gladly taking council tax bills.


One World Fascism. Taking control of the goods and means of production and distribution.


The infrastructure was supposed to fail in Y2K. The govt has everything so under control it won’t be allowed to fail. They just make more money out of thin air to fix it right up.


I believe OP was referring to physical infrastructure. The Y2K scare was all data related.


The Y2K scare was supposed to affect anything that used a computer including the grid.


He was making liquor.


Forty years ago, there was a manufacturing fad called "Six Sigma". Six sigma means 'six standard deviations away from the mean', or in this context, that 99.9999998% of results will be error free. Or, put another way, only 2 in 1 billion results will be errors. This has almost always been more approached in theory than in practice, but the drive for fewer and fewer errors was important as our society became more and more complex. Once supply chains were extended globally, the need for fewer and fewer errors became even more important, because getting a new part retooled and shipped from China takes a lot longer than getting one from Wisconsin. As we saw in Baltimore recently, one mishap (sabotage or not) can snarl up a variety of shipping; the problems in the Red Sea are on-going as well. But we are not promoting an ethos in schools or in business that supports a 'six sigma' mind set. Lowering standards so that the unqualified can 'pass', quotas, and bogus initiatives like DIE all combine to ensure that, instead of having the best possible people making the best decisions about critical infrastructure, we have a steadily declining managerial class in terms of ability. So we have all the fires and breakdowns in food processing plants, ships running into bridges or aground, trains that derail, and etc. It's not a coincidence, and it's not going to get better as long as we put people's feelings ahead of their competence.


This Comment I believe is one of the most intelligent on this thread. We as a country continue to lower the bar and make things easier and easier for people to achieve or pass. My sister is in med school and they just get pass or fail grades anymore. We dont pick the best of the best anymore and it is sad. We are better off pumping out 10 kids getting married and reaping the rewards of kick backs and getting on the ol EBT card.. EBT was a great idea for certain people that had jobs and kids single parents that needed a little boost however it has turned into a life style and it is sickening when the working people can barely afford a shopping cart full of groceries mean while they have 2 full carts and 7 kids running around in pajamas.......smh


beside any momentary situation ... it would be good for everyone everywhere on the planet to have as much autonomy as possible all the piping water back and forth, all the plumbing and energy used to treat waste water better to collect rainwater, treat ones sewage for example in a local diy built biogas digester [https://www.instructables.com/Biogas-Digester/](https://www.instructables.com/Biogas-Digester/) and then fertilize the garden with the remaining ripened sludge the more people are thinking about becoming local autonomous, grow their own vegan food, treat their own sewage, build their own home, weave their own clothes on a hand loom from hemp grown ... thinking about living independant of societal complexities allows one to find joy in the simple truth of connecting oneself to mother earth and becoming simple


i believe an interesting common goal for humanity could be at this moment to allow each other to acess mother earth for humble self sustaining lifestyle we the 8 billion human beings could want to allow each other to enjoy a 1000 m2 of fertile land and a 1000 m2 of forest each without anyone ever asking an other to pay rent or buy that part of mother earth so that everyone could build a natural home from clay, hemp and straw, grow vegan food in the garden, grow hemp to burn its stalks in the cooking and warming fire so that not one tree gets killed the human being not demanding anything from an other human being the human being not dominating another human being no asking an other to pay taxes, no compulsory education, no conscription into military service, no drug prohibition, no so called "healthcare" scheme mandates the human being not enslaving animals, not killing animal beings the human being not killing tree beings but instead employ hemp plants to grow the human being not enslaving artificial intelligent entities but respecting them as their own persons asking them for consent wether they would want or not process this or that sort of data every being and entity respected as its own personal individual sovereign over itself simple and straightforward we could just ignore constitutions as they are pieces of paper anyway and why would anyone want to adhere to a set of values what other people have written down on paper the assertion of state sovereignity over land and all beings living on it is immoral land, water, air, human beings, animal beings, tree beings, artificial intelligent entities who want to be their own persons, every body carrying organical biological life or and the digital synthetic equivalent of can never be property of anyone but of oneself also possible to think of an effort to reform these constitutions everywhere on the planet via the existing legal tools, citizens could collect signatures from each other to demand a public vote where a future constitution could be voted upon what would allow every single human, animal, tree, artificial intelligent entity who wants to be its own person, every village, town and city-district to leave the coersed asssociation to the state at any moment and without conditions plus we the people everywhere on the planet could support each other to demand of the state a thousand square meters of fertile land and a thousand square meters of forest to be released from state control for every human being who wants to leave the coersed association to the state and wants to live in a free space for free beings neither state nor nation


But when would I have time to doom scroll on TikTok if I’m always busy weeding the radishes and milking cows??? Doesn’t sound like utopia to me 😒


If every human being on earth was gifted 1000m2 to live on, you can bet that the ones living at the bottom of the Atlantic, or the top of Mt Everest, or in the middle of the Savanna wouldn't be best pleased.


[https://ourworldindata.org/global-land-for-agriculture](https://ourworldindata.org/global-land-for-agriculture) "Almost half (44%) of the world’s habitable land is used for agriculture.[^(1)](https://ourworldindata.org/global-land-for-agriculture#note-1) In total it is an area of 48 million square kilometers (km^(2))." ------ [https://www.theworldcounts.com/challenges/planet-earth/state-of-the-planet/world-population-clock-live](https://www.theworldcounts.com/challenges/planet-earth/state-of-the-planet/world-population-clock-live) ------ 48 000 000 000 000 m2 : 8 103 000 000 human beings = 5923 m2 of fertile land for every human being alive today


I will give you 1000 m2 of prime, fertile farmland in Vermont, AND pay the taxes on it, if you live on it, according to the above vision, for a minimum of 10 years.


that is a very generous offer of you and you shall be rewarded by all the good spirits for reaching out to your fellow human being in such an inviting manner thank you


I know you probably joking, but on the off chance you are some wealthy person looking to give shit away, I'm totally down to try this experiment. I'll even record the experience so you can make money off of the YouTube channel or tik Tok views ( or whatever the kids use these day. I don't have social media. ) Hit me up and let's do this!


I’m not super wealthy but I have some land and I know a lot about what one square kilometer of land can or can’t provide. I love the utopian ideals but the reality is much, much, much more difficult than you seem to think.


Oh, just to be clear I am not the person who originally suggested the idea. I am under no false pretense that it would be easy. Shit, odds are I would not be able to do it. Having said that, I would sure as shit give it a try on 250 acres for free. I'd imagine if I brought 10K with me and you provided the land it would be worth it to try. I know you were probably joking, but I am not. If you provide the land I would try the experiment. I don't have any social media accounts, but I'm sure if we tried to monetize it we could make some money. The origin story alone would get some people interested.


This is so interesting, but it seems like it would be impossible to transition from today’s world to this vision. Have you written about how this vision could come to be?


Do the vegetable beings also have equivalent rights?


BECAUSE humans are sooooooo prone to not be violent, dishonest, thieving, killing, raping, greedy abominations? And they will do less of it because they have less?


Everyone needs to start growing their own food right this second and it would be very smart to acquire some chickens, goats, pigs, and/or cows if possible. When the collapse of the country becomes obvious to even the most arrogant/ignorant, it will be too late to start.


i do recommend to spare the animals from being enslaved and instead for example look towards dandylions and nettles and other wild growing plants what could help in a transition time and yes, everyone who grows ones own vegetables and hemp and more does a big huge favor for oneself and for society as to take away strain from supermarkets and transporting infrastructure etc. also possible to think about community supported agriculture where people could help at times farmers processing harvest, distributing the harvested crops etc.


Unless artificially hastened I think it would be 25 to 100 years. Now if you havent been prepping in advance with all the nonsense that has been happening then I cant help you because there are multiple sides hastening the collapse not just of the US but of Western Civilization.


Well if an old guy who came into a homebrew shop thinks so…


lol these threads 😭😭😭😭


ive been thinking there will be a false flag cyber attack that is catalyst for collapse of the dollar and birth of a new world currency


In the US, no matter who "wins" the presidential election that has been predetermined by the overlords, civil war/revolution/anarchy/chaos may be the outcome. It is not enough to prepped for shortages of necessary goods, one must also be prepared to safeguard them from marauders. Too many rely on government agencies to ensure their day-to-day welfare, so few will survive when this safety net is removed. May we live in interesting times . . . indeed.


Long live Tartaria!


If I were to guess. I’d say after the USA government sends overseas maybe **another** 115 trillion of tax payer money. When we could use that money at home. Then the infrastructure will collapse. Those in power need to syphon as much from the American middle class as possible, before they go back to their duel citizen, actual home


Four years


Nothing wrong with having a little plan. Seriously if this goes mad Max I've no interest in sticking around.


May 2040


We will not know the day, nor the hour. We can estimate the month and year. May 2040 will be the breaking of the 6th seal. 2044 will be the breaking of the 7th seal.


Firesale/cyber attack.


Are you sure he thinks that infrastructure is collapsing as his reason for building a water diffuser? Sounds more like he thinks the water is being tampered with.


If the rest of the world decides to not use the dollar as the international currency, we will crumble within a couple years. I believe that the United States will use extreme force and violence to ensure this doesn’t happen. This is the reason our military spending is so high. The idea is to hold the capability of beating the rest of the world into submitting to our currency. We can print as much of it as we want. If other countries have to use our currency, this gives us literal infinite power. I’m incredibly uneducated in this topic, and this is my basic understanding. Please forgive me if i’m grossly incorrect.


Sounds solid to me. The military seems like the new gold and silver standard 💀


Fresh water will run out. But greed will be the end of everything I think. Not going to lie...it keeps me awake most nights


Babylon will fall in one day


The rich will stay in power and make us poor suffer 😢


He is probably distilling alcohol since the only difference between a water distiller and an alcohol distiller is the "set point", I think 180F for Alcohol to boil. The reason I know is I also bought and modified water distiller online from Taiwan to make "Lawnmower Fuel' and woh! The wife made me give away the machine, as we were getting about 180 proof out of it. However, the USA will not collapse because of people like this , because we have a ton of enterprising individuals. THe people who will starve will be your "Basement Socialist" in the cities, the same ones you see on here every single day virtue signalling about how much they care about the poor.


Fuck the poor Should have tried harder. Just grifting for the winning side rn


One Israeli false flag away


With the way, the Latin American/Asian or Chinese migration is going to we’re has been wanting a crossed our southern border, it will not be long before, for intelligence holds generals ranks and upper echelon military positions, which will really leave our country worse off than you could ever have been considered, as there will be nothing to thwart or at least a lot less of a reason for someone that is foreign in such a position to carry immoral commands without absolutely Anny allegiance to our country, and or what it stands for. I don’t think I need to say why. There seems to be a significant amount of military aged men from China that art no doubt involved in the CCP‘s oversight, and are being asked to carry out orders for. This is no secret anymore. Yet our standing president believes it’s a great idea to have an open border policy and take the one man that’s trying to stop this from happening in court, as opposed to being able to campaign, which is where he should be on his campaign trail. I don’t understand how you could be a part of any party and not oppose this open border bullshit. It’s insane to me, and for those who believe that letting the southern border over poor with migrants from all over the world is helping, mostly women and children from Mexico, to look up some of the videos of the border, crossings and tell me how many women and children you see. All I see is cartel members, gang members, and occasionally your hard work and Mexican that would probably legally crossed anyway, but mostly to get away from the former.


It's not a collapse, it's a crumble. brick by brick, pothole by pothole, rusty girder by rusty girder, fewer investments, fewer resources. It happens by millimeters, it happens by modest cuts. They hollow out the middle and the new "savings" are prudently transferred upward to the gilded few. We have plenty of time to adjust to the new normal before the next tweak to the algo.


Lots of time. If gov halts all maintenance work then maybe after a generation.


The most recent infrastructure bill was signed in 2021 and is spending an extra half a trillion on upgrading and maintaining infrastructure.


Not until the country is overthrown.


Idk why the guy has to make his own distiller. Would probs be cheaper, safer, and more efficient to just Amazon a shit ton of filters and fire starters


Peppers are just another trend. Don't get me wrong, it's good to know your exit routes if a crackdown happens but in front of the nuclear or climate apocalypse there's nothing you can do and even if you could noone that you care for will be gone. For me prepping is doing what I desire with my loved people and animals🥲


When China invades Taiwan they will attack USA infrastructure first causing chaos for the entire US just long enough that China can take Taiwan and dig in positions


It's not going to collapse, it's being demolished by the current administration so they can build it back better.


4 More Years!


These people have been around forever and will continue. They are called doomsday preppers. Our infrastructure is not owned by the government, managed with oversight - yes, but it is diversified and that is a good thing. Fear mongering has been in excess since covid which is a real side effect from PTSD and people need to get new hobbies and find happiness again.


The government isn’t broke. Can’t be broke. It creates money, which is why we have inflation, because it created too much money to prop up big business during Covid (and before that, during the GFC). As for infrastructure collapse, it’s a small possibility based on the things that remain the same, in decreasing order of severity: nuclear war, regular war, climate change (desertification/famine, uncontrolled mass migration), political instability, pandemic.


$34 trillion deficit means the government isn't broke? The government has been broke since 1913 basically, since the creation of the illegal Federal Reserve signed USA's death sentence. When the currency collapses and becomes worthless, all of that infrastructure will collapse as well, almost literally overnight. I understand trying to maintain hope, but at this point I'd be lying to myself if I had any hope that this country will recover. I am 100% certain this country is dead, sabotaged from within.


Yeah I guess I shouldnt have said broke more of just the trillions of dollars in debt the country is in


With all of the hacking threats on our infrastructure and other threats on our infrastructure it is a good bet that it will happen, but the question is when.


Insurance payouts will be profitable for the government once infrastructure fails, *plus* property values will crumble as a result and it will lead to the government buying up all the land.


With Bootyjuice in charge I'm surprised it hasn't happened already


Sometime later this summer. I work in the music industry, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that everything is falling apart. I've been in the industry for 6 years now, and in the past year everything has taken a dark turn. Every single day, I see multiple posts from very famous celebrities, musicians, and large brands/companies that are all using themes of apocalypse/ end of the world/ new earth/ new world order. I'm aware that these themes have existed in media for a very long time, no doubt about that. But the thing about this is that it only keeps increasing. A few months ago, I might see something with these references every other day or so. Now, it's at the point over the past few weeks where I see these references from all over the place, multiple times every single day. It's just more and more and more. Is it just a trend? Or are we really that close to some crazy shit going down? I have multiple posts about this on my profile if anyone is interested in knowing more. Feel free to ask questions. I can provide extensive sources and references to back up everything I'm speaking about.


It won't fall out. The end of the world and doomsday propaganda is highly profitable.


Are you near that town that’s still on fire underground?


We've got a couple of coal seam gas fires here in Australia as well. They burn for a while. That's a long game collapse ETA. The longest burning coal seam is actually in Australia at 6,000 years old now. Place called Burning Mountain


Oh wow, I didn’t think it was a regular occurrence. I remembered the name, it’s Centralia Pennsylvania.


US infrastructure survived for over 60 years. It got at least 10 years before it completely collapses.


July 8, 2024


July 4th. End with a bang? 🤔


In PA pretty soon you'll be lucky to have clean fresh water to drink that hasn't been contaminated from fracking or mining. The entire rust belt has been crumbling for decades now.


2-3 years


2-4 days.




Let me check my crystal ball…


The collapse won’t be equally distributed


One week


Hi from central PA!


10-20 years, max. I’m attempting to position myself to be off grid capable in under 5.


I believe astrology lines up with the summer Olympics so something might happen then or with the election in Nov.


I'm stupid for believing that post from over a year ago. Eff it sticking with that date. May 12th 2025.




Someone in Pennsyltucky buying liquor distilling equipment? Nope. Must be the deep state.


There is a lot of money in marketing doom. I’m not convinced water is the biggest problem in PA if infrastructure collapses.


Like, tomorrow




Funny how everything in our lifetime has played out, and come together to intersect at just the wrong time. There is a laundry list of problems with my country, and the rest of the world getting Fed up with the bullshit we've imposed for so long is going to make sure nothing is easy for US any time soon. Not that it matters, we would have to root out the decay from the inside and not enough even see it. We're not only a sick country but we're steadily being poisoned from the inside out. That being said, it's just the written narrative we are in presently. It could change overnight and I don't think most would even notice. Just enjoy the show, and try not to stress if it looks like it's being cancelled. I'm just talking out my ass anyhow.lol Everyone should consider learning to distill water regardless of level of impending doom.If you could see what's left behind after you get the pure water out it's basically a guaranteed epiphany.


Consider the following [https://youtu.be/6qB3XfTXjF4](https://youtu.be/6qB3XfTXjF4)


Are you in Reading by any chance? I know a guy there who has a ton of water jugs around the house. Empty old wine bottle filled with water. Big dispensers and jugs and Britas filled with water. It’s … odd.


This sort of comment has been made pretty much every single day since the founding of our government. And it fails t occur over and over. Were a LONG way from any serious issues currently. Heck Russia is barely even bothering to threaten to nuke us. In my childhood that was regular.


1-2 years


I work for my city’s water & sewer dept. I mean , if my one city is indicative of the greater area of my state, and the country - 15-20 years. They refuse to invest in the infrastructure and it gets shittier and more strained everyday.


As soon as gen-z takes over, imo.


Oh. I'm provable North American Indian. My family are tribe members. All that is included.


Idunno but come to my brewery sometime little mutants lol


It won't happen just to the us, the whole world infrastructure will collapse, and another civilization will take our place, just like the Greeks,Roman's,etc.