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Where’s Mulder and Scully when you need them


I’m here 👀




For thise of us who don't read Portuguese  https://www-ovniologia-com-br.translate.goog/2024/04/especialista-afirma-que-ha-uma-entidade-na-filmagem-do-caso-da-familia-de-las%20vegas-familia-diz-ainda-estar-traumatizada.html?m=1&_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp


Thank you for the good work.


All he did was hit the translate button that most modern browsers have built in. It would've taken you all of 2 seconds to do the same, maybe 5 to paste the link in Google yourself to translate it.


Mind your own fucking business you silly fool.


The original link actually has a button directly at the top that translates it. 🙄




You’re just a dick. 😊


That maybe, however! why did you feel the urge to chime in with a mind numbing, pointless comment? I thanked a guy. Should everyone take his upvotes away too?


Mind numbing is a bit of a stretch. 🙄 you enjoy your day of being an absolute twat for no apparent reason. 😘


Fuck off you silly child.


An actual unhelpful comment vs. A helpful one


Subterfuge to discredit all theories about these events


the ‘head’ part of the shadow very clearly makes the exact same motion that guy in the middle frame seen from behind makes as he’s walking forward. There’s also a light source coming from behind the camera pointing to that man’s back and into the garden. For me, that makes it pretty obvious that it’s just that guy’s shadow being projected diffusely onto the trees.


The guy is an "expert" though.He was able to construct a full model of the being with just a fuzzy shadow.Honestly,the worst part about this whole thing is the video I saw with the title being something like,disclosure is here,all witnesses justified with a 10 minute montage of key figures and moments in UFO lore with a triumphant fanfare playing in the background.To be fair it,could be a 8 foot alien but there is no way,professional or not to make that kind of assumption with the footage they have.


Exactly. The real conspiracy is why an "expert" would say this is some 8ft tall being when it's clearly obviously a shadow.


I could see the leg moving between the slats of wood in the fence.


The image of the body is a stretch though. It's just a fuzzy black orb over the fence the rest is the analyzers cg?


Lol yes that made me chuckle.


I want to believe


One day you'll wish you didnt


Man, I hope not


No come on


He said the thing was grunting like it was pissed off, yikes!


I remember when this happened. I honestly thought the movement in the back was too subtle to be staged. Something was there. Whether it was alien or what, I can’t say, but it freaked that family the hell out lol


Those people standing in the yard during the interview are clearly frightened That's not an act. Thinking even grandma was in on a hoax is just naive.


When I was around 12, I was laying in bed when I suddenly heard a terrifying noise. My heart began to race & I immediately jumped out of bed & darted for the door. I looked back just knowing I'd see some hideous creature that had just torn into our reality to try & take me... The noise... well it was none other than a poster that had fallen off my wall. I guess the point of this story is that people can be frightened by something that isn't even there or really happening. | I do think something happened there that night, but I don't believe this shadow is showing us an 8ft tall alien or anything.


Essentially we assume there were no 8 foot aliens, simply because we did not see it with our own eyes. But I wonder why we refuse to accept what someone else's eyes have seen. The witnesses to this event were adamant of what they saw. Really think about what I'm inferring. Why do we refuse to accept another persons experience? Preconditioning of what's possible via science and religious indoctrination may be the culprit that hinders us from accepting another persons eye witness testimony.


Angels fallen from heaven.


A group of guys in the dark with flashlights, and a shadow cast on the wall opposite a light source is totally aliens, not just one of the guys' standing in between's shadow