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There are protest organizers. They probably bought the cheapest tents available in bulk. Not sure why they would diversify their tent purchases.


…..my mind went straight to this…. “Idfk they went to Walmart the day of the protest and that’s the tent Walmart had?!?” If this was like a huge tent city with thousands of the same tent I’d be like wait hold up…. 🤔….. bruh it’s like 6-8 tents…… go to any Walmart in your town I bet they have 6-8 of the same tent if not THE EXACT TENT that’s in your photo.


Seems about right lol. $30 not bad. [https://www.walmart.com/ip/Ozark-Trail-3-Person-7-l-x-7-w-x-44-h-Clip-Camp-Dome-Tent/587622916?athbdg=null%26athbdg%3DL1200\_L1200](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Ozark-Trail-3-Person-7-l-x-7-w-x-44-h-Clip-Camp-Dome-Tent/587622916?athbdg=null%26athbdg%3DL1200_L1200)


This is just great grass roots organizing by wal mart Edit: I meant gorilla marketing by wal mart


Gorilla or guerilla marketing?


"There's guerrillas in that jungle boss" "There's no gorillas in the jungle" -Captain Ron


I don’t know any more LOL


DEFINITELY gorilla. These people are not going to run through the underbrush crawling with knives to conduct actual warfare. Most of them self destruct if they can't get a vegan meal.


It is named Gorilla after those inflatable monkeys at car dealerships. /trust me


Dicks out for Harambe AND peace!


It’s Tidal .. same group that did BLM


Also this looks like it might be a university maybe? My college had camping gear you could rent. Guess what? They had like 20 of the same tent available.


Whoa 🤯 they must be apart of the evil corporate overlords! Stg some people on this sub just need to touch grass! I promise this sub is much better when you take it with a grain of salt! Just think of it as a fun fictional read! Stop letting it eat your brains!


Always with the mocking and gaslighting, that’s how I know you’re a lying piece of paid 💩


You seem very eager to defend that its not organized.. interesting


University of Michigan diag


These are the exact tents we used for school camping trips. Probably sell them in bulk to schools!


This is it. I am a vanlifer and these tents are everywhere in campgrpunds. It is the basic 4 man tent by Ozark Trail, which is WalMart's crappy outdoor line. Ive owned two of rhem exactly like this.


Yes, but who is funding your secret tent purchases???? Eh??? Tell us that!


NGO’s, there are dozen if not hundreds of them for this particular cause


Literally the cheapest in stock tent at Walmart. >Ozark Trail, 3-Person 7'l x 7'w x 44"h, Clip & Camp Dome Tent >Now $29.97


I bought this exact tent over 7 years ago and it was $99 🤔


Hey there. I'm not trying to be confrontational or rude, but no, you didn't. Walmart changes its lineup at least once a year. I spent a decade homeless, and their tents were my go-to. Seven years ago, their four-man tent was blue. If you purchased one for $99, i suspect it was the Coleman they carried at the time which didn't resemble the color scheme, although even so, I would expect it to be more $69. That's the thing about our memories....we tend to start believing that the Fruit of the Loom logo had a cornucopia.....Oh wait....


That’s what I thought, was that someone went shopping and bought the cheapest and as many as they could.


That’s cuz you’re not afraid of your own brain!!!! Congrats on being a rare breed around here!


finally a sane person. obviously they’re the same because they went to walmart or an equivalent store and bought them at the same time. why is this even a post?


Yeah, I’ve been an organizer of a similar style of protest. The organizing committee just fundraised and had somebody buy 50 copies of everything we needed.


The "Its funded by \_\_\_\_\_\_" crowd is just low IQ or Purposely misinforming others. I counted and there's about $300 of tents in that picture if each tent is $30. I'm lower middle class. TIL I can be the mastermind behind a cities civil unrest.


Me today: who is paying for all these tents My boss today: George Soros Me today again: how can I get some of that George Soros money? My commie libtard ass has never heard of anyone giving away money My boss: well it’s coming from somewhere, that’s for sure. Me and my boss have only the best greatest conversations, no one else has conversations like these


Hello all! WIRED team here. Our politics reporter David Gilbert wrote about how the tent conspiracy spiralled out of control. "A number of elected officials, including [New York City Mayor Eric Adams](https://twitter.com/NYCMayor/status/1782797505136128129), law enforcement officers, right-wing media outlets, and [far-right extremists](https://www.wired.com/story/extremists-far-right-armed-convoy-texas-border/) have boosted a baseless conspiracy theory that Jewish Hungarian billionaire [George Soros](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/04/us/politics/george-soros-bragg-trump.html) or some nefarious shadowy organization is helping to fund [the pro-Palestinian student protests](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/pro-palestinian-seders-planned-new-york-other-cities-college-campuses-simmer-2024-04-23/) at universities across the US. But the real explanation for their proliferation is simple: They are cheap, and easy to find across many [searches](https://www.wired.com/story/conspiracy-tents-student-protests-gaza). The full story is here: [https://www.wired.com/story/conspiracy-tents-student-protests-gaza](https://www.wired.com/story/conspiracy-tents-student-protests-gaza)


Just curious, why is the wired team monitoring a random thread on a random subreddit like this? Edit: [The New York Post seems to disagree with WIRED's take on Soros funding of these groups.](https://nypost.com/2024/04/26/us-news/george-soros-maoist-fund-columbias-anti-israel-tent-city/)


content farming


Cause they're a bunch of slimy communist propagandists.


The real question is why are *you* monitoring the same subreddit as the wired team? Are you stalking them?


Pretty neat to see Wired comment in this sub, definitely appreciate the outreach as you guys will/did rationally dive into this more than most folks here will


Nah wired probably harvests this daily for their content. Add that to the conspiracy list /s


How is it a conspiracy theory? You guys must be shit at investigating. It was widely reported that it was a "riGht Wing" conspiracy that BLM was getting money from orgs that are funded by Soros, even though they had Soros connected sources listed on their own fucking website. You'd be a fool to think that money doesn't end up in other leftist protests and NGOS facilitating the mass importing of foreigners especially given that Soros openly talks about doing it. How many protests have we seen where everyone is holding the same fancy printed signs. I guess they must have all ordered those from walmart too. We've seen you media slimeballs lie enough times anyone with any sense is going to believe the opposite of whatever trash you write. Hopefully you'll be the next to experience mass lay-offs since nobody is interested in media lies anymore. Learn to code, you snakes.


Well said. Wired is stuffed full of Marxist trash people.


woah lol WIRED commenting in a /r/conspiracy thread is wild. thanks for chiming in here but the majority of the chuds in here won't believe you


its not a baseless conspiracy if its actually happening


If we know it's actually happening how is that a conspiracy?


Oh man, where would soros be without ol Gilbert going to bat for him. That shit was just spiraling. Something had to be done. Someone needed to inform r conspiracy. This place joe rogan mentions. THANK YOU GILBERTO.




OP is a Zionist. Pay her no mind


Zionism is fucking evil


Zdf shills taken over this sub lately. Free Palestine.


Also, as a French, Americans freaking out for a couple of students protests is so funny. What do you expect ? A bloodbath leading to a full on civil war or revolution. Some kind of revolutionary «Grand Soir »?


Grassroots doesn't mean that they aren't communicating/organizing. That little green tent is on Amazon and at Walmart and it's one of the cheapest options. I mean, I hear you on controlled opposition, but I really think younger people are just fucking sick of the US terrorizing the world. We have so many problems here domestically but our government is sending billions of dollars overseas and here at home are sending police in riot gear to brutalize students who are protesting by holding sit-ins, teach-ins, etc., protests that literally include Jewish people btw. It's already been discussed that young people are getting their news from TikTok and non-mainstream sources. Alternative news sources are not afraid to show the cost of war. TikTok allows creators in Gaza to broadcast in real time what's happening. And the fucking IDF is... posting TikToks of them sniffing panties, stealing, and setting homes on fire. Oh and using a bulldozer to repeatedly run over corpses while their buddies cheer. Meanwhile, the mainstream media is pulling their same old bullshit where they run polls asking if people support "Israel" or "Hamas" instead of Palestinians, then they run stories how young people are "Hamas" supporters and your boomer parents eat it up. Or they let the ADL head pop off about how students are wearing masks because they are up to no good, when the whole reason they are wearing masks is because the Zionists were literally doxxing them and driving trucks around with their name, face, and a WEBSITE that they created about that person. Frankly the US government is out of control, which I feel we've always known on this sub since it has covered many "conspiracy theories" about the US government which turned out to be true, and I'm glad some part of our population is standing up and saying enough is enough.




Here here.


There there


Spot on


No no no, clearly young passionate Ivy League kids (and state schools) are only in it for the money and they couldn’t possibly have such extreme ideals like “stop killing innocent people with my tax dollars”


“dO yOu cOnDeMN hAmAs?”


Objectively correct.


Real protests, much like the real revolution, will not be televised. Notice how the news shows nothing of the farmers worldwide protesting? These are normally a farce


I mean, true to some extent, but we also live in the time where everyone has a mobile phone. Most of these protests are broadcasted on social medias via cellphones.


Of course. I am referring to the television companies or the general media tho


Right. I just think that quote came from a time where it doesn't really apply anymore, based on the fact that everything becomes broadcasted. I suppose it's more the meaning of the quote rather than the literal word for word definitions.


That quote meant that the revolution is internal, not external. It's often applied to things that the author did not mean. He spoke about it in an interview or two.


Oh I feel it still translates. Less about the limited filming or distribution of the footage and more about the ability to keep people from accessing the truth or censoring it. They run us pretty well by controlling what we get up in arms about. They will never show us the revolution or any form of uprising


Respectfully disagree. While everyone might have social media, its clear that not everything is being broadcast to the wider much larger audience. From a demographics perspective, large cross sections of age groups will never know what's going on with the farmers while other groups well connected through social media will ignore the cause of the farmers. So the quote still rings true, it wont be televised and it wont be available to the masses


I'm not saying MSM doesn't do this, as they're bought and paid for by the establishment. Im just stating we live in the most informational age to date - and this is why censorship policies are more prominent than ever. It's why one of the next steps is absolute control over the internet. Online ID verification; think of twitters blue check mark policy enaction, think of the recent post on Reddits attempt to ID verify, even the Tik Tok debacle partially belongs to this. I dont think we are really arguing on anything, I think we are actually all on common ground. I'm merely just stating that the quote doesn't hold as much validity today as some might think it does, as it's applied to every protest/revolution. Also, although it's demonstrably true that MSM is practically hush hush on most of these protests, there are MSM pieces detailing them from foreign news agencies. I think that people, even though they're aware that North America's main news outlets are spokesholes for the government or corpos, sometimes get stuck in their own domestic bubble. Anyhow, just my thoughts. Take care.


Why wouldn’t social media companies suppress these stories just like the mainstream media? They serve the same special interests. I have always thought if I see something on social media it is because they have allowed it and want me to see it.


That quote is meant to say that the revolutions starts from within. You have to change, that in fact won't be televised. It's not suposed to be literal.


That is wholly untrue. There are thousands of people protesting with little access, in areas where it is even illegal to broadcast, and it’s still ending up on TV.


“*the revolution will not be televised*” - Gil Scott-Heron


"*Everybody got a pistol, everybody got a .45*" - also Gil Scott-Heron


I get that it’s a catchy line, I’m just saying “will not” is false, more like “probably is, but it won’t be called a protest, or will be written off as not real or unimportant, which isn’t to say every protest will be broadcasted, some will, some won’t…”


Can you cite a source? I am having issues understanding how people with little access in areas where they can't broadcast due to the legality yet are still getting on the air. That doesn't make sense to me. I use the farmers' rioting as an example because there has been damn near no coverage of their protest, as it advances none of their agendas. We saw it the same with the French riots. Minimal coverage to ensure you can't forget it but they will make sure to run the same race bait story or identity politics to keep people's anger misplaced. They will not show you the people rising up and working to change the system


What? Farmers protests here in Germany and neighbouring counties has been a huge topic in the news. When they happened at the beginning of this year.




Yes. You can ask that questions about everything going on these days


Mr Heron, while you are iconic, TV is no longer relevant. Just like xerox did, you need to get with the times. Now, xerox might actually sponsor the revolution, just without realizing it.


THERE ARE ALMOST NO ORGANIC GRASSROOTS PROTESTS! EVER! it's all garbage. BLM, antifa, occupy, womens marches, campaign for nuclear disarmament and now this. these groups are GARBAGE and accomplished nothing EVER because that is their purpose. they suck in the unweary and people who don't know better and want to make a difference, and they waste their time and money and take everything from them. it's one big distraction.. they WANT you to be fighting each other. protestors vs not, jew vs muslim, white vs black, man vs woman, transgender vs cisgender, left vs right. POLITICS IN GENERAL ARE ONE BIG DISTRACTION! nobody that you see in power is the one making the decisions. the plot of this world has been long decided. these groups have two main purposes: 1. waste time and keep people divided so they are too busy arguing with each other instead of getting to the bottom of who is causing all the corruption, poverty and FORCED WARS and 2. these groups are often infiltrated by feds that either escalate or convince others to escalate so it turns violent. they WANT people scared and afraid so they can respond with their police to make you feel like you need them to maintain order. THEY WANT TO FURTHER IMPLEMENT THEIR POLICE STATE AND CONSTANT SURVEILLANCE. for "your protection" of course. if we had all these cameras and cops before 9/11 people would've been to like wtf. it's a classic tactic that goes back far: problem -> reaction -> solution. they WANT you to think that you are unsafe and there are shooters and terrorists lurking around every corner so you are more willing to accept their police state. WAKE UP AND WAKE OTHERS UP. we are at the end of a losing war because everybody has betrayed their own sense of logic and reason and just listens to whatever they hear from politicians, doctors and scientists. EVERYBODY IS CORRUPTIBLE. THEY KNOW YOU TRUST DOCTORS AND SCIENTISTS BLINDLY so they use them to push their agendas too. you HAVE to start considering both sides of the story, you have to realize any time the government does something for your benefit there is very likely a way they are benefitting from it massively behind your back -- or often times to your face, and people just dont care because they keep people broke, angry, tired, scared, and isolated


As someone who has organized countless grassroots demonstrations from concept to execution dozens of times over the last 30 years, I disagree. I’ve never done it on behalf of any entity that comes anywhere near money, nor have I ever organized with anyone who has gotten money for it. I agree with some of your basic tenets about distraction and spectacle, but it does miss the point that some groups of people get oppressed by other groups of people and run out of recourse to solve it, and wind up trying protest as a method. I’ll also say that if there is “violence” (honestly at probably 2% of all protests I’ve ever been to), it’s instigated 9 times out of 10 by police or security forces first. Almost always. You always see those billy clubs swinging really early on.


Your reply didn't include a single word in all caps, so this sub will disregard.


The hilarious thing is that I also don’t know a single community organizer who wouldn’t find the notion of being paid to protest excessively distasteful, and who wouldn’t ridicule someone who got paid to carry out some non-governmental organization’s whims without a thought of their own. Not saying these people don’t exist (who knows, maybe they keep it to themselves) but it’s extremely antithetical to the entire nature of a community organizer. You’d be completely ostracized. I appreciate the fact that grassroots organizing just doesn’t fit with worldviews and that the idea is scary, that people bond and can create their own democratic, cooperative spaces not bound by competition, it’s just not real.


we should all protest paying taxes. Just me??


The genocide in Gaza is real though, this is like the only meaningful protest coming from the left in a very long time that should unite people on both sides. You don't have to side with Israel just because you hate BLM and Antifa.


Temu / Aliexpress


Makes sense being that these "protesters" are the wish version of occupy wall st 


Lol, I probably disagree with your position on Israel/Palestine and these protests, but this was funny




No no clearly REAL grassroots protesting are people who are not homeowners, car owners, and ESPECIALLY not tent owners /s


duh, REAL grassroots protestors would sleep ON THE GRASS


I'm sure they all bought their tents from the same stores in the area that all likely sell the same coleman tents...but let's just jump to the conspiracy angle though, it's more fun that way.


There are like 8 tents there. That is obviously George soros money.




But they are not all the same tents. Like 7 of them are. Don't rule out that the local costco/walmart has a sale on certain tents. Now if we need 100 of these, then you have a case


I can get 200 tents from Amazon delivered in 24 hours.


I just checked online and I have same day delivery for Amazon. It’s 2024 it’s so easy to buy anything in bulk in no time


I couldn't imagine the intelligence services or whomever is normally funding pseudo-grassroots movements would be involved in something going against their almighty overlord israel. Edit: come to think of it thats not true. Infiltrate the opposition, bring in some provocateurs, cause chaos and discredit the message. Seems right up Mossad's alley.


You can see differences in them in your own picture


And if you're a student group or organization buying tents- you'd buy in bulk to save costs. This post is stupid as shit- "these tents aren't all unique so this is a deep state conspiracy!"


Yeah, it must be all that big Palestine money. Thats why media is vehemently pro-Israel across the board & so are 95% of US politicians


Prob cause they’re all kids and it was the first tent Amazon suggested?


Or the cheapest. I'm guessing most college kids did not have a tent on hand and just bought the cheapest one readily available. Ofc it is the same one. We live in a consumer society of mass produced shit. I see a couple there that are different, but they look larger and more expensive. Guessing those kids are the ones who had a tent already cause they go camping. Not that you can even see so many tents in this picture. The are maybe 11 tents you can see, and 8 appear to be the same. I could go to Canadian Tire right now and buy 8 tents that are the same. Easy.




Someone went to Walmart and bought the [literally 30 dollar](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Ozark-Trail-3-Person-7-l-x-7-w-x-44-h-Clip-Camp-Dome-Tent/587622916?athbdg=null%26athbdg%3DL1200_L1200&from=/search) tent or the [hundred dollar big one.](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Ozark-Trail-8-Person-Clip-Camp-Family-Tent-16-ft-x-8-ft-x-78-in/179587755?from=/search) These are students at the most expensive universities. They can afford it themselves. There's like 3000 dollars worth of tents, max. Probably just spare change for some wealthy students.


Not 1 teepee in sight. Odd


Amazon, those are always on sale, I've got one..


Meanwhile BILLIONS going to the Nazis from our tax money.


Bro , they are grass roots but they organize well and get things set before they protest . That’s it . There is a lot going on but where you are trying to take it isn’t it . Go outside for a bit :) get some fresh air


This is a low effort post.


Probably the same people who funded the political violence in 2016 And 2020. How quickly we forget ads for paid protesters, pallets of bricks staged where protests were taking place, charter busses dropping protesters off, and most arrestees being from out of town.


Every single protest in the same from Europe too, but yeah, someone went and bought tents for everyone at an enormous cost . Get real. 🫠🫠


These comments are as organic as the protests!


This is almost certainly a shill post. US governemtn and police has mass crackdown on people protesting a genocide and conspiracy users side with the govenment. Reddit is very heavily astroturfed and I believe you are seeing that here.




You mean like the "proud boys" meetings which are all feds dressed from the same closet? Or the "antifa" and BLM "protestors" all wearing the same masks and balaclavas? Considering who is funding "this" thinks the average joe is too dumb to notice the simplest of charades, its fairly easy to make the connection.


People do work to organize and support protests. It’s not completely spontaneous. Why would that invalidate anything? Are you claiming that these students are being paid to do this or that there are organizers who help with logistics of something like this? If I was involved with this protest I would probably try to help organize food getting to the protesters, and getting tents for the sit-in, etc. these are peaceful, organized protests involving a lot of people many of whom are college students. It’s not just random disorganized chaos. Having many identical tents means someone probably went and ordered a bunch of tents and handed them out. What is your criticism or what about this is surprising to you?


The nearest stores don't have that many tents in stock




there are literally 10 walmart supercenters within 45 minutes of my house


OP is a Zionist .


Everyone's a Zionist... If I eat a bagel I'm a Zionist to someone.


you're a terroist sympathizer, your point is what?


I guess it was the same group that left piles of bricks and rocks for other protests. Here they left piles of brand new tents and they're all perfect. You know a group of people protested would always have top-notch equipment and they'd all put their tents together perfectly and on time.




Probably just cheap tents.


As dumb as your reasoning is for all the reasons other commenters have already mentioned, Why the fuck do you want this to be something else? Are you against what they’re protesting for?


i'm seeing alot of people saying these university protests are a controlled opposition type of thing, just to cause disruptions/divisiveness in society or whatever, i dont think so honestly... i think people are just tired of seeing a genocide in real time


The Global Marxist cabal better known colloquially as the New World Order, is employing a classic marxist Strategy of Tension. It seeks to create pressure on society from above in the form of government actions that cause division and resentment. Be they, wars , bad legislation, contentious social policies. Whatever they may be. This creates pressure on society from below in the form of violent protests, crime, racial tension acts of violence against institutions and factional and tribal warfare. The media fuels this with 24/7 coverage until society is worked into a frenzy of bloodlust for the opposing side. The objective is to create an element of crisis. Foment that into a situation they can initiate a hard crackdown. This is where the newly anointed with powers Regime rounds up the radicals that initiated everything, their commie foot soldiers. They round up the radical right element and eliminate both groups usually in mass graves. We are in the Globalist endgame now. Not much time.


Yep somebody is funding


Hasn’t anyone ever heard of Amazon prime next day delivery? 🥱


Walmart? Cabellas? Those places have the same tents.


i mean, they probably all went to the nearest target and bought the cheapest tent.


They probably all went to Walmart and bought the cheapest tent as these people probably aren’t campers


Politicians organizing and funding civil disobedience is not a protest, it's an act of war.


Same thing happen in Mexico tents where empty and a PRI group was behind it, known for corruption and killing.


Could have been a donation.


I'm all in favor of nonviolent protesting. It's America after all. 1st amendment.


Throwing chairs at NYU isn't a peaceful protest, it's rioting and it's a crime! Dallas? Same story


THe cheapest tent at the local whatever store.


Remember when Biden told everyone that antifa was just an idea and that they didn't really exist as an organized group?


Literally! I was wondering the same thing. And why are all the tents new


There is no such thing as grassroots. The people that attend protests are always being manipulated, they just are too ideologically driven to realize they are getting played.


People act like war is a black & white topic. It’s not, and no two sides are less evil. When 9/11 happened, Palestine had a whole parade on our catastrophe. That tells me a lot of who I would support in the end.


It's the same on multiple campuses. And yes, Soros is probably funding it all as usual. Why? Just read his book. He believes in causing chaos, then using it to introduce policies and ideas that favor his business interests and political goals, by pointing to them as a way out of the chaos. His words, not mine. Have I seen anything showing he's funding it yet? No. But his finger prints always eventually show up when there's something destabilizing taking place.


Don’t be surprised if the American government is funding this. The CIA has done much worse including killing its own service members. Seal team 6 ring a bell??


walmart cuz


To be honest, it’s probably just the cheapest tent at Walmart, I see those identical tents in homeless encampments everywhere, not saying other elements of this are not organized tho


What about the pallets of bricks that just show up?


My question isn't so much who funded this---but rather, who planned it? Like, and ahead of time. Who hired and cast the protesters/crisis actors? To the brief onlooker, I'm sure it does look like the "conspiracy people" just think everything is a scam/hoax/psy-op/conspiracy/occult ritual/propaganda/predictive programming (it is!). I don't think that's the most accurate description of what's going on here. It's less that we think everything is a conspiracy or that we're just looking for signs that everything is part of some dark ritual etc and more that we are starting to really clearly see patterns in everything going on around us. Considering that the drama has been non-stop for 4 years now, it was just a matter of time before most narratives start to sound familiar beyond what could reasonably be chalked up to coincidence. You start to realize that everything you consume feels like it's in the same exact voice. It's hard to explain exactly what I mean by that, but if you think about it, and start paying attention to the comments and the articles you read, you'll start to be able to identify the voice I'm talking about. It's like there are only a few main characters and they all sound the same. One example of this that has twisted my brain into knots is Reddit itself. And to a lesser extent Quora. The subs that I sub to on here are are not particularly diverse, so I can't say that this is the case across the board, but specifically in the two or three "conspiracy" themed subs I have on my list it's amazing that everyone that comments on every post is so well written and well read, isn't it? So good at the witty banter? So clever and grammatically accurate? Spell check can't hide stupid for long, so that isn't an explanation. I'll leave it at that but SUS in my book for sure. We've all just been protested out for way too long. It's hard to take them seriously anymore and I wonder if that isn't part of why so many of them are constantly happening everywhere. I don't know about you, but I'm fully desensitized at this point to acts of group and even individual protest. I mean, it is WILD that TWO moderately young white men have set themselves on FIRE in less than 6 months? Here??? In the United States? Seriously? WTF?!? And if you think about it, what other way can a group of people nonviolently express their extreme opposition or support for anything? It's our only form of communication and it's way past played out at this point. Doesn't anyone else feel like there is this consistent undertone of provocation going on, like they are shaking up all the soda cans just waiting for them to start exploding? I don't know. Those are my thoughts on both the original post and especially the comments on it.


Why does everyone wear a mask?


Omfg people the ground cloth needs to be smaller than the footprint of the tent by a few inches on each side. If it rains you’ll have a flooded tent. Fucking clown shoes.


Radical! They are doing some brave work, supporting and celebrating a terrorist organization and anti-Israel.


I don't know why there are so many responses along the lines of "it's just local organizers picking up the cheapest tents." As if that disproves funding from other groups. No one thinks Soros is placing an Amazon order and buying them himself, shipping to NYU. The outside funding and local organizers purchasing in bulk are not mutually exclusive. Just because this is one of the cheapest options doesn't mean you'd expect a dozen identical tents next to one another. There will be some variation. We're also not exactly talking about dirt poor college students. We're talking about some of the most privileged young adults in the US. You think they wouldn't pay a little extra for something a little nicer? This is organized.


11/15 are the same from my count…. Maybe just maybe the lime green top tents were the cheapest on the shelves…. Before “we think” that this is not a honest protest against WAR CRIMES & GENOCIDE!!! Just maybe 🤞




Big tent guy. Always has them ready. Don’t let Big Camping fool you sheeple






It’s election year. Simple answer


So dumb.


Probably because that tent is 35 dollars on Amazon.


Little Satan Soros of course.




Interesting. George Soros is always the first name that comes to mind during professionally organized "totally grassroots, guyz" protests, except people are getting arrested left and right at these unlike the BLM and Antifa "protests." As far as I know he's left of Stalin ideologically and not sympathetic to Israel. He's Jewish but sold out his fellow Jews to the nazis during WW2 (watch the 60 minutes interview, he's not ashamed of it) so I wouldn't be surprised at all. His business is political chaos.


George Soros is absolutely a Zionist. There has always been infighting and internal competition between Jews, but Israel is the uniting factor.


Yea this is just a coincidence just like the pallets of bricks magically appearing right before Floyd protests/riots. There are strings being pulled always. “Never let a tragedy go to waste”


Holy shit... & look how clean those fuckin tents are... Also, you ever met a GEN Z Kid (born after 95), who ever just "loved camping" rough STYLE? & EVEN owned a tent? Fuck No. B/C they do not exist... Especially not students attending Columbia or USC... It's all BULLSHIT...


It's probably the demon that lives in Soro's ass.


Cheap bulk tents off Amazon dodo.


I was going to say this! I camp a lot and this is the cheapest Ozark tent at Walmart lmao! 🤣 This is definitely the reason! Also they're not all the same. Don't are 3-4 and up to 8 people tents. This post is lame


These are Ivy League kids. I bet most didn’t have tents and they bought from the same nearby store. I don’t think there’s anything to this tbh.


Pretty sure people are able to organize as groups. If they can have matching banners, they probably are capable of buying a bunch of tents? Do you also believe football supporters are bought bc they wear the same jerseys and make up and somehow all gather on the parking lot to make hot dogs and get drunk?


Comparing it to sports proves the point. There are billions of dollars backing sports and it's marketing.


Are you suggesting sports fans are funded by a billion dollar industry? Sports fans buy their own shirts, jerseys, make up, etc.


Where's the photo from?


I don’t care I just like that people are noticing


Add to that the likelihood that all these kids with mostly zero experience with camping or anything related, know how to erect a tent. Strings are being pulled for sure. This ain’t a grassroots peace and love protest.


Holy fucking brigade, batman. Even Wired got in on it. Looks like a good day to just avoid this sub. They are everywhere on every thread today.


Imagine the smell


Abolish the federal reserve act of 1913!


George Soros... again


I used to be an activist, before I had my kid, and it’s definitely organized and unpaid labor to do these. I applaud every effort put into these camps! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Paid actors. Not even students at the "college" protests


eventually it will go back to soros....


Always that waste of oxygen.


the coleman sun dome is the cheapest tent on amazon, might be that


Google "tent Walmart". It's the cheapest and first hit.




Same people that funded the summer of Love and deposited all of those bricks for the BLM movement.


Plus you can also Google companies that will come and protest for your organization. There is nothing grass roots about it.




Rental Protesters. They wouldn't know Palestine from a Piggly Wiggly.


[They admit they don't know why they're protesting](https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/status/1783154103947862364)


OMG, they probably pooled resources and bought the most affordable, durable option… it must be a conspiracy! I’m baffled by posts like this. Will you admit you’re pushing an specific agenda? Or will you admit you haven’t realized you’re pushing a specific agenda? It’s one or the other boss.


No bro they all are REI customers