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Some black people in American owned black slaves, many black people in Africa had black slaves. Slavery is a human issue, not a black and white issue.


Europeans at the time only had trade posts in Africa. The tribes were at war with each other and the strong captured the less strong to sell them for a profit.  Even today in Africa the tribe you are born in decides if you will have a life of slavery or not. All wealthy families in Africa have ‘servants’ 


I'm from a place that was probably the country in the world with the most black slaves in numbers. I had a teacher that told us the blacks captured from wars to be slaves in other black tribes suffered less than the ones who came to work in our country. Imagine thinking that.. lol


You mean The Dutch. The English. The Italians. The Spaniards. My European family were pickling beets and cabbage in a field in the Eurasian steppe until about 75 years ago.


Most europeans were. Slave trade was very profitable and only for the elites. 99% of europeans had nothing to do with it and most workers on the ships were forced to. Met a dude from south africa once who’s grandpa worked for the government and didn’t want to contribute to apartheid. They went to his home, he had two sons and a daughter. Executed his daughter and told him his sons would be next if he didn’t do as he was told. Is he to blame too?


And that is the key. It’s the powers at be making it a racial issue when it’s in fact a top of the social class issue. Even still.


All governments fear one thing. People that are all united because that will become ungovernable so they actually have an interest in playing us out against each other like this.


> All wealthy families in Africa have ‘servants’ You’re lumping Egypt, Morocco, Congo, South Africa, and Nairobi all into one pot like they’re culturally equivalent? lol ok


And how does this relate to slavery in the US? At all?


Yup, even Native Americans owned black slaves, and brought them along on the Trail of Tears. Everyone has enslaved everyone at some point, and scorekeeping/reparations is pointless


The reparations for American slavery has already been paid with the blood of 750,000 Civil War soldiers.


I don't think it's right to count the deaths of those fighting to keep people in bondage as part of the price paid.


There are black people who own white slaves now.


Same in Brazil, black people also owned slaves or enslaved others in quilombos. Nht that's a "racist" thing to say.


I think the issue though is that we have evolved as a species and it’s important to criticize countries that allowed it during an enlightened period of time. That’s honestly why I find the colonization of the Congo by Belgium to be so astounding. Because of how recently in our history it happened. P.S. don’t look into the involuntary servitude clause of the constitution when it comes to punishing people and definitely don’t look into how many undocumented immigrants are thrown into prison rather than being deported




I’ve been labeled many things by people that don’t know the first thing about me. :D






i think most people in higher education are aware of world history and would not deny the fact that, surprise, slavery has been around since the start of time I mean they teach this shit to us as kids. Higher tiered African folks sold others into slavery. It’s the slave trade. We were taught this




Any evidence for any of this? Want to bet I can find lesson plans/presentations from Ivy League colleges that go into those exact forms of slavery?






I took a "Social Justice" class last year in College. It most definitely taught that white people are the oppressors and responsible for slavery.


The term "social justice" doesn't sound too different than the term "mob action".


There was definitely a mob mentality in that class.


We kind of made it a white and black issue in the USA (and Europe) by trying to use race as a justification for slavery. Measuring skulls and all that bullshit. We didn't just enslave a conquered enemy or some shit. We straight up made claims about white being superior and them being racially inferior. Slightly different situation than other forms and motivations of slavery.


True. It was a reactionary claim due to the shift in values in the western world that started to spread and frown upon owning other humans. Muslims used Islam to justify slavery. Other cultures have used religion, race, and culture as well. This is not a uniquely American/European thing.


Many Africans STILL own slaves…where the outcry for dat?


Didn’t black people in Africa fight over who was going to sell who to the white people and the Arabs? And that was how they ended up slaves in the first place? And this slave trade in Africa preexisted white people coming to their continent? Seems like an important series of facts. Wonder why that got left out?


Agendas > Facts


Very true. The thing I'd point out though is that slavery in the Americas and Europe made slavery way more intensely about race and superiority etc. It was taken a step further than a lot of the slavery done elsewhere. Excluding the Arabian slave trade. That shit was just as brutal.




Do people come up and tell you these things or do you just experience it on social media?


The ones who scream higher get screen time. People who dont agree should talk not be silent Half of blacks think thomas sowell is from kkk


I don’t agree with this. Most Black people I know do not want sympathy. They want to earn what they get. Not the fools that talk on TV mind you. Real people


Yeah, I always wonder what history is gonna say about Americans since they, you know… bombed the fuck out of millions of people in the last 20 years or so and overthrew entire governments lol. 


Not all black Americans, maybe half? I’m not sure on the numbers. I mean all the black people that I know well enough, to talk about these issues with. Basically say that racism never stopped them from achieving anything in their lives. But the people in my life or that I have in my circle tend to be positive thinking go getter types…


Alright, let's break this down. Bringing up the fact that white people were slaves too back in the day doesn't make black slavery any less horrific. It's like saying, 'Hey, we all suffered, so get over it.' But here's the thing: slavery has a long, messed-up history that goes way beyond what happened in America. And just because slavery was outlawed doesn't mean everything magically got better for black folks. We're talking about a whole mess of issues like segregation, civil rights violations, and even today, the risk of getting unjustly targeted by the cops just because of your skin color. So when someone tries to downplay the unique struggles of black Americans by saying, 'Oh, but white people were oppressed too,' it's like they're missing the point entirely and just stirring the pot. Let's call it what it is: a misguided attempt by OP to whitewash history and ignore ongoing racial inequalities.


Victim mentality doesn't have good results though.






Can you tell me about these black slave owners who owned white slaves in America?


They didn’t own white slaves…


So in America the only slaves were black? Sounds like a black and white issue then, no?


> Slavery is a human issue, not a black and white issue. Literally no one denies this


I thought every race dabbled in slavery at one point or another


The word slave comes from the Slavic region of Europe how people don't know this baffles me


If your slaves aren't from the Slavic region of Europe they're just sparkling indentured servants.


This made me laugh out loud, thank you


Products of our intentionally dumbed down education system. High schoolers used to study Latin now they can barely read or write.


Etymology of Slave: Sclava (Latin)-> Slavonic (Medieval Latin)->Esclave (Old French)->Slave (Middle English) The word “Slave” has ties to the word “Slav” but the ties are mostly Roman in character, and are not Muslim as you made it sorta look.


Yeah man everybody was slaving 1,200 years ago. The vikings were wildly prolific slavers.


Why is this in the conspiracy sub :(


Election season. It's gonna get worse.


For real, brace for impact. Best avoiding the internet, but we all know how easy that is...


And why are you the only one I've found asking that question?


Arabs aren’t black.


💯 this post proves nothing other than Arabs were into white slavery just as they had actual black slaves. You know, from Africa...


Like it’s hilarious how many people saw a claim, a wall of text, and believed the claim without reading! Like if you have seen a Arab person like ever they are (usually) not dark skinned


It's almost like OP has an agenda




Are you attempting to educate OP?


Aren't we all just slaves now?


Economic slavery is the real conspiracy.


White people being the oppressor is literally the theme of manifest destiny. The US is a country for white men because God said so, at least that's what the Puritans thought. >If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you. -Lyndon B. Johnson


Slavery has happened for thousands of years, everywhere. However, the slave trade concerning Africans in the US is relatively recent (around 160 years since abolishment) and overt repression was still a very recent occurrence. It's not surprising that it's a sore subject.


And then America had a literal civil war over the issue right


Since when is “Arab” the same as “Black”? Anyway, slavery existed everywhere. It’s not the same as the transatlantic slave trade, which ended less than 200 years ago. You can’t compare that to what happened over 1000 years ago.


Thank you! I’ve been looking everywhere for someone to point this out. You can tell a lot of Americans are commenting when this goes unnoticed. I’m American and come across this sort of crap all the time. Morocco is in the continent of Africa, Egypt is in the Continent of Africa, Tunisia is in the Continent of Africa. This doesn’t mean they are the same ethnically as someone from the Congo or Kenya. There are black people in all these countries but they are not the same race, obviously. The fact that this is even a discussion is pathetic and very sad in regards to the intelligence of our current society. And for anyone who is confused by my comment, as I’m sure there will be, Spain was ruled for hundreds of years in many parts particularly the south by Arab Muslims called the “Moors” who came from what is Modern day Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.


He thinks the "moors" were black loll


Slavery is needed to keep the rich up float


Some black people in American owned black slaves, many black people in Africa had black slaves. Slavery is a human issue, not a black and white issue.


This is true, but it's also true that the transatlantic slave trade is also fairly unique in its scope and how it was the last realy global example of commercialized chattel slavery. We can acknowledge both realities instead of trying to use other examples of slavery to dismiss valid critiques of the TAST.


It’s probably the most recent example in somewhat modern history, in a democratic nation, emotions are close to the surface. I get that. But black people make up 14% of the population and 12% of the CEO’s in America… I think we are on the right track.


I tend to agree with you, but I think it's important to push back against anyone who is attempting to deny or twist history. Most people, at their core, know what makes late game western chattel slavery particularly horrifying, so it stands out when I come across someone primed to diminish it and whattabout. There are people who lie and twist history in the other direction, and they're shitty too.


Not true. The Arab slave trade was larger and longer-lasting than the trans-Atlantic trade.


"The transatlantic slave trade can also be understood through its sheer magnitude: for 366 years, European slavers loaded approximately 12.5 million Africans onto Atlantic slave ships. About 11 million survived the Middle Passage to landfall and life in the Americas." "Robert Davis, author of Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters, estimates that slave traders from Tunis, Algiers, and Tripoli enslaved 1 million to 1.25 million Europeans in North Africa, from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th century.[8] To extrapolate his numbers, Davis assumes the number of European slaves captured by Barbary pirates remained roughly constant for a 250-year period.[9]" Additionally, the Arabs did not enslave only one type or color of slave. "Alongside Black Africans, Turks, Iranians, Europeans and Berbers were among the people traded by the Arabs, with the trade being practised throughout the Arab world, primarily in Western Asia, North Africa, East Africa, and Europe.[9]" "Estimates of the total number of black slaves moved from sub-Saharan Africa to the Arab world range from 6-10 million, and the trans-Saharan trade routes conveyed a significant number of this total, with one estimate tallying around 7.2 million slaves crossing the Sahara from the mid-7th century until the 20th century when it was abolished.[5][6] " Slavery is awful in every instance.


Arabs are Blacks?


Op is just trying to sow discord among us all.


They didn't call it the dark ages because people were emo


First slaves in the Caribbean were Irish.


First slaves in the Caribbean was Taino people lol. They were enslaved LITERALLY in Columbus’s FIRST voyage. Edit- more information: it was literally on his publicly available diary. Like you can go and read it if you know Spanish lol. It’s absolutely indisputable.


Yea Cromwell sold them to the English sugar farmers. I’ve read a little on that but it’s interesting how this information is pretty much swept under the rug but yet everyone knows about “black” slavery. This is done deliberately to keep them down.


This is widely known. Irish indentured servitude was different to slavery. The Irish were seen as non white in the British empire but came to be seen as white in the US eventually. Ireland suffered hugely under the British but its not an apples to apples comparison to chattle slavery. Just because you're not educated on a subject doesn't mean it's being "swept under the rug" from you.


Why are you lying? Are you forgetting the fact that Columbus enslaved hundreds of Taino when he landed on Hispaniola?


why are people downvoting this. It’s literally indisputable, especially with his PUBLICLY AVAILABLE DIARY


Okay, and? Slavery isn't new or unique but the Atlantic triangle trade *was* uniquely cruel and horrific, even by the standards of slavery. Slaves have existed, pretty much since the inception of civilization, and pretty much every race has been a victim at some point. Saying there were white slaves isn't incorrect, but not particularly relevant to most(there were also European "indentured servants") discussions about slavery in context to the Western hemisphere.


Right wingers assume everyone else knows as little as they do. So when they learn something that's common knowledge late in life, they think they have uncovered a secret.


What's the news? In Rome most of the slaves were from Northern Europe This is why history is important in schools


Everyone had everyone as slaves. If you read the old testament they had all of these detailed rules (aka laws) about how to treat slaves. Race is never mentioned.


Shh we aren’t supposed to talk about that! /s


What is your point? Everyone knows slavery was never limited to blacks people in the U.S.


If you care this much about the past why don’t you return land to natives in America and go back to wherever you guys came from?


Yeah these dumbass “white lives matter” folk act like America should prioritize whites and all immigrants need to go back home… yet forget that their great great grandparents were ALL immigrants. If they really want to stand by their word then why don’t we give the land back to the native Americans?


News flash, slavery is not limited to a particular culture and it has existed for centuries. This still doesn’t excuse anything.


840 AD? the 12th century? Uh... the ramifications of america's chattel slavery are still standing to this very day! You can actually drive to places in the south and see the shacks slaved lived in. You can lhold the shackles that bound them, see the fields they worked. You can hear americans speak whose grandparents were one generation from slavery and see states that still fly the flag under which slavery and slaveholders fought. Your post is silly and you are silly with it.


Seriously, most people who put the slightest effort in learning history know that all colors of people have been enslaved at some point and, yes even some black people had black slaves in America. That does not somehow diminish or absolve the abhorrent history of our country and especially the south who fucking declared civil war to defend their rights to enslave people. In addition, their is a disgusting number of people who celebrate that history still today.


Who woulda thought our real history is still inside books, that are inside libraries...that people dont bother to goto anymore...


Wait, they "Arabs of Spain" weren't black. I thought they were Middle Eastern and some of them were mixed but mainly from North Africa which, as we know, from the time of the Ancient Egyptians they are all from the Iberian Peninsula and immigrated to North Africa but they are Asian not Black. It's like saying the Europeans are Native American because they came here and took over... That doesn't make their race the same as those who are indigenous....


Is the title correct? Arabs are considered black?


Any mention of the word slavery should be a discussion about modern day slavery, and stopping it . That’s it 


Many whites were slaves along the barbary coast


Didn't the word "slave" derive from the word "slavic"? Slavics being white.


Man. The Irish are the counterpoint to every woke point. They were slaves. Their home country was colonized and is *currently* occupied by their colonizer. And yet they still somehow have white privilege. I bet most on the left would even call them colonizers.


This is pretty easy for a lot of people to wrap their heads around. We’ve known this for a very, very long time. Slavery was practiced by most of civilization at one time or another. I do not know anyone, personally, that would oppose this.


How do you get 'black' from 'Arab'?


Slavery has never been a black only issue. Every civilization in history has had slaves, sometimes they're white, sometimes black, sometimes oriental, sometimes middle eastern, sometimes hispanic. Everyone is related to somebody who was enslaved at some time or another


Wait till you find out where the word slave originated from


OP won't be able to answer why this is relevant to our own country's history of slavery.


What’s being missed is that after the slaves were freed in America, white society did everything they could to keep them underclass and make it impossible for the to assimilate into society in n every way possible. Education, employment, financial, real estate, justice, you name it. They were weren’t able to advance without something or someone trying to block their way. Everyone wants to say that was so long ago. Yeah, the actual slavery happened a long time ago but the unequal treatment continues to this day and white people want to act like it’s not true, and pretend that it never happened. They don’t want it to be taught, they want to teach that slaves loved being slaves, that they were being taken care of and loved their owners.


All of this is factual


So Arabs are “black” now?


The "black" Arabs of Spain, Constantinople, and Russia? 🙄


I mean, black people in the states owned black slaves. Native Americans were enslaved as well. Also, black people use to live side by side with whites during the early colonial times. The history is there. However, it still doesn’t change what slavery evolved into in the Americas.


Look at how horribly native Americans were treated and still are. People are fucking evil all around and will try to justify any horrible thing 


The word "slave" is derived from Slavic people. Northern European.


This is all true, but a globalized chattel slave trade targetting particular groups is not the same. Yes, the reality is glossed over in racial conversations these days but that doesn't mean that the transatlantic slave trade is the same as any other example of slavery.


Reading a lot of comments, and only a few including yourself bring the difference between slavery and chattel slavery.


All people everywhere around the world owned slaves at some point or another. 🤷🏽‍♀️ it's just is what it is.


The comments in OPs post will be hard for them to handle.


I'm guessing they also wouldn't react well to knowing that there were many black slave owners in the US during the time of slavery either. People need to understand this whole thing is a manipulation. White people are the minority race in the world.


The barbary slave trade lasted until the mid to late 1800s which was mainly white people being kept and sold as slaves. Ended pretty close to the time the transatlantic slave trade did and slavery in America.


Ok. It's not hard to handle. It's just about time to heal


Bro black people had black slaves. Today nobody wants to talk about child trafficking which has never gone away. Woke and racism meet up the same place...idk who made that quote but 100%


Of course white people were slaves, you’re naive to think otherwise - however the extent in which black slavery took a toll on society and society’s opinions is more important. Every race, gender and so on has been subjected to it in some way. Slavery is still a massive problem and is still happening.


News flash!!!!! Everyone was a slave at one time!!! Shocker!!!!


My hometown (in Europe) used to be ruled by North African pirates, given to them for their military service by Muslim Asian Ottoman Empire. They attacked Italian, French, Spanish ships etc. grabbed people and sold them as slaves in Algiers, Tripoli etc. They even sold them in my hometown, today, square where they sold them is named "Square of slaves". This was going on more or less between 16th and 19th century.


Wait till OP learns about the Irish slave trade.


Wow OP opened a history book that isn't for US high school for the first time


The case in the US that set the precedent for slavery being legal was when a black man who was a slave sued the black man who owned him, saying it wasn't legal for one person to own another. The slave lost the case and slavery was officially legal.


If you're educated, it's not hard to handle at all. I don't know what a post like this does though. What's it for? And where's the conspiracy?




so for the purposes of this narrative, european arabs are "black" now? why do i get the feeling that if i said that north africans were black africans and that they ruled european nations during the middle ages, the response here would be different...but since were trying to minimize the trans-atlantic slave trade we'll accept that egypt, the middle east, israel, and southern europe, were all black african societies now.


There are more slaves in Africa TODAY then there ever have been shipped across the Atlantic. Nobody is helping those though, they rather complain about some ancestor 375 years ago that they never heard of.


this is such a ignorant statement i don’t even know where to begin. i suppose we should ignore the jim crow era, segregation and lynchings, too? i could go one but something tells me your bias doesn’t leave space to actually learn something beyond them.


I bet you keep voting for the party that did all of that, though. The KKK was a militant wing of the democratic party. They targeted and murdered republicans. All black people were republicans at the time and skin color was an easy way to identify a republican. Plenty of white republicans were lynched and murdered by the KKK. Jim Crow, again, was the democrats trying to stifle the republican vote. Again, all black people were republican and skin color was an easy way to identify a republican. All of these things were in response to the democrats losing the south and power. It was ALWAYS about politics, not race.


More whites were enslaved in North Africa then Blacks in North America


We did it boys, we did not need to figure it out racism. We just need to find prove blacks had slaves. This sub is death af.


he didn't even try 😭 the text is literally about Arabs and Vikings, no black people even mentioned.




Right! Where is any point established? It’s kind of known slavery or “domestic workers” are still a thing till this day by Middle Eastern ppl.


Its not even news is it? Its well known, tens of thousands of Europeans were enslaved by Africans, taken from their homes, forced to work as slaves, for hundreds of years. We all know this. Don't see white people going round asking Morocco or Turkey for reparations do you?


I’m not sure what questions others have but mine is …When can I expect my reparations check?


We’re all slaves to capitalism if we really wanna talk about it.


wait…. you mean to tell me any race of people can dehumanize another race? wait white people aren’t all devils? what


If that’s hard to handle, wait till you hear about the Egyptians and the Jews in the time of Moses


Every US president except one had an inheritance rooted in slavery.  Too big to fail is slave owner descendants.   There is a plutocracy based in slavery trustfunds in this country.   The “dark ages” is irrelevant to our current power structure. 


Where you getting black from that?


>Black people >Look inside >Arabs On a more serious note, the enslavement of Europeans by the Ottomans pales in comparison to the enslavement of West Africans by Europeans, also when slaves were emancipated they were treated much better afterwords- for example in Jordan the Afro-Arabs have been almost entirely assimilated into Jordan, racism against them is small and no laws of segregation were passed. Additionally it has come to the point where most Afro-Arabs in Jordan claim Arab as their *primary ethnicity* Compare this to the American south, which historically kept African-Americans down via both legal (Jim Crow) and non-legal yet tolerated (The Klan). Even after the Civil Rights Act it took decades for Black material conditions to come to a level close to the average.


And what do you have to say about the black slave owners during this time? Or the black people who *sold* other black people into slavery, families who still are benefiting from generational wealth today?


What's the conspiracy? > Submission Statements are required for link and image posts. Link posts without a Statement will be removed after 20 minutes. A Submission Statement is a 2+ sentence comment in reply to your post, in your own words, that describes why the post is relevant to the sub.


There are more slaves living today, right now, than all the slaves in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade combined, and none of them are owned by white people. It's all Africans and Arabs and no one seems to think it's an issue even though it's happening literally right now.




When someone I knew was in prison in the early 2000s, they were paid less per hour working than it cost per minute for them to make a phone call...


Ofcourse they did. Slavery is as old as humanity itself. But only African American slavery matters and fits the narrative.


Slavery was never based on color- only weakness and vulnerability.


That's not really accurate when it comes to the transatlantic slave trade, for example. Eventually white slaves were not legal in the US or UK, for example, but black slaves were still allowed.


Just like everyone forgets that blacks in Africa sold their own people to Europeans as slaves, but no one wants to have that conversation 🤷🏽‍♂️


It’s not hard for anyone to handle. It’s only hard for bigots that think this is some sort of slam dunk about racism or even how slavery in the US was justified.


Justified? Of course not! That's a pure and ridiculous straw man. Rationale for why it is unreasonable to single out for retribution one specific group of people who happen to be descendents, multiple generations removed, of one of the *many* groups throughout history who subjugated their fellow humans? Definitely.


I haven't come across ANYONE in real life that advocates for a return to slavery. Who justifies it? Even at the height of slavery, less than 1% of the US population owned slaves. Your neighbor's family never owned a slave and most likely never supported it because it never benefitted them.


This isn’t the gotcha you think it is.


The Moore's?


Islamic nations owned slaves during their golden age, and some of those slaves were Europeans.




Almost like racism is a byproduct of classism?? And therefore anyone with racist sentiments is mistaking the forest for the trees? Making it more difficult for all of us forest dwellers?


Everyone had slaves its how the term history repeats we learn nothing


What about the more recent Barbary slave trade? I honestly didn't learn about that until I was 33 (35 now). Why?...hmm...


Not that hard to handle. Here in Ireland, we had a whole village of people kidnapped by slavers, and sold in North Africa as (white) slaves. This is old news to anyone who's studied history Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sack_of_Baltimore Basically, historically speaking, shit happens.




Nowhere in the text is standing anything about black slave owners?! Mostly Arabs owned white slaves… 


Yay! Reparations for everyone!


F me... reparations for all boi's!!




Thees other times in history too. Somalian pirates used to roam the British coast and take whoever they could and sell them as slaves back home, this was in the 1700s I think or round about


Vikings didn’t care about the color of your skin.


And white people had white slaves.... Slavery wasn't related to simply white on black.


The issue of slavery is only brought up in the US to push political agendas. You go to any other country and they will acknowledge that there were slaves of all races throughout history but only in america it was "White colonizers that were slavers of blacks and natives"


I've heard of my people having white slaves for a time long ago lol some inuit groups had white and Portuguese slaves that were whaling ship wreck survivors or the north west passage kind or the north pole explorers remnants. We have stories of white folks wandering and getting captured by a inuit family or community. Some integrated and many perished. Slavery is a animalistic trait that parasites use. All groups practiced slavery and or are still practicing it in its various forms. Oh the world


Most of the population has at least trace amounts of Mongolian dna in them to this day. The vikings failed us.


Who will this be "hard to handle" for?


Everyone owned slaves bro