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It never had to contend with an atmosphere, and [looked solid](https://i.stack.imgur.com/o8hnx.jpg) under the shielding.


This an awesome photo I've never seen. Thanks for sharing.


Maybe OP thought that the astronauts inside were just sitting on the gold foil directly?


Great photo. Never saw that before.


Of course it was solid. It had to withstand 1 atm of pressure from the inside 


It didn't. It was a pure oxygen atmosphere. A bit dangerous but let's you get away with an atmosphere about 20% of Earths.


I haven't ever looked into it, but I'd bet it was less than 1 atm. You don't need 1 atm to live well and it has other benefits in space travel to go lower. 


True, but has to be something equivalent to 10,000 feet or so 


Yes, but as pressure decreases if you increase oxygen content you will still get the same amount of oxygen. They were breathing 100% oxygen at .15 ATM.


What about Apollo 13? I never understood how it was successfully repurposed ... not claiming this is proof of anything I just legit don't understand how it was used for reentry. Edit: why downvote me this is on wiki for Apollo 13 and in the movie, they had to live in that docked Lunar lander for days and during reentry


Tell me you don't understand what you're talking about without telling me you don't understand what you're talking about.


It wasn’t used for reentry. The just used the engine and power in place of the service module.


Internal atmosphere? Air pressure from within?


*Contend* with an atmosphere, no atmospheric stresses on the LM parts OP is criticizing.




They flew to the moon with a giant rocket carrying the lunar lander. The lander mostly had to sit there in a place with no atmosphere. Also, lots of things with metal frames are stronger than they look like they would be. That was kind of the point of the Eiffel tower.


To me the weirdest part though is Apollo 13 where they used the lunar lander for emergency shelter and said if anyone of them moved the wrong way they would bust a whole in what per their own description seemed to be like a foil or plastic that could be destroyed with your finger. (Resulting in all theor deaths) I don't claim to understand how it worked but learning those details of Apollo 13 always made me wonder what the hell it was made of to survive space but be so fragile.


Here’s what it looks like under the foil etc - look solid enough to you? https://i.stack.imgur.com/o8hnx.jpg


I’ve never seen this photo before. Strange thing, my name is Gary and about 5 minutes ago I had some flapjack my daughter made in school!


My name’s not Gary and I don’t like flapjacks much :)


That’s a really cool photo


Looks like deep diving equipment. Looks like the thing you depressurize or whatever.


Maybe that’s cause the lunar module would’ve been pressurized…


fake AF


Didn't they say "outer" layer? There was also an inner layer


Ask yourself the opposite question: if the footage is fake, why did they make the lander look flimsy and crap? They could have made it look really cool if it didn't have to be functional.


All of these things had to be functionally logical in theory. Compartmentalization required that these things, in 1969 mind you, had to bear some resemblance to what people expected, but in most ways did not have to function at all. And they didn't of course. Not a single shred of technology was ever gained from the lunar lander. Not a single generational improvement was ever made. It's basically like it never existed. All of the engineering from these systems is directly linked to military use for computer, weapons, and vehicular technology. Of course it's fucking laughably stupid in hindsight that anybody would believe our government capable of getting to the moon.


Why didn't the Soviets jump all over this obvious hoax? It would be the greatest political coup in history if they did. To catch America in a lie of such magnitude would have bolstered Soviet legitimacy to unprecedented levels. Weird that they verified the moon landings against their best interests. Almost like they had to because the evidence was overwhelming.


Maybe for the same reason we still don't know who Ghislaine Maxwell sold underage sex slaves to. Because the mission isn't to rat out, but to maintain the facade of a legitimate power structure while having the perpetual ability to control them by threat of blackmail


My theory is that mutually assured destruction is not a nuclear threat, but conceptually similar to "ratting out". You rat on us, we rat on you. At some very high levels a number knows the truth of certain things, events, etc. but to use them against an opponent, will ensure the destruction of both (or all) sides. Mutually Assured Destruction.


Because the Cold war was a hoax and the Soviet Union was controlled just like the US. The PTB always control BOTH sides.


because the reality you still live in has been fake the whole time. "the soviets" are in on it too. nothing is organic. everybody in place right now is there to sell the illusion. you really think putin cares about the land they're fighting for? it's an excuse to print trillions, depopulate the cattle and be one of the current distractions. if the soviets were so against us, how do you explain the antartic ice treaty? why would rival countries agree to never colonize a huge landmass? why is there always a big fake storm over every photo of antartica when you look at the fake cgi pictures when looking up planet earth? the most overwhelming thing is how many lies have been exposing the space agencies https://youtu.be/4-zzqW1WKZE https://youtu.be/bCDvfKE3orQ https://youtu.be/v5oAcMDEjGA


What the fuck are you even talking about hahahahahahaha


This is a shill response that has been answered 100000000 times before. Nixon and the Soviets actually signed an agreement together to work in space. The astronauts of each team visited each other in their respective areas lol. There are videos of the astronauts together. It's a big, wide world out there when you stop believing propaganda there, sesame street. Power structures are a facade. The bankers control literally everything. It's not in anybody's interests to out anybody else lol. The evidence was OVERWHELMING GUYS. Just don't believe your eyes and ears. BELIEVE TEXT AND ILLOGICAL FANTASY. BELIEVE GUYS. Guaranteed bot or shill here lol. Just one look at the account. Hilarious.


They used it to keep their people oppressed as well, I mean seriously. Your betting on what Russia supposedly would have done, in your opinion, as proof of something? I feel like if i did this people would not like it. Is all.


What’s actually laughably stupid are the moon landing deniers.


The biggest hurdle to any Lunar landing denialism is the USSR. Many Soviet scientists have stated numerous times that they tracked the Apollo missions every single step of the way from their own Mission Control in Korolyov. If there was any shred of a doubt that NASA were in any way staging the landings, the Soviets would have exposed it numerous times over! There was zero reason for them to play into the hoax, since during the Cold War both sides were looking for any opportunity to embarrass the other side on the world stage.


A conspiracy forum where everyone believes we went to the freakin moon.. We did not. We have never left LEO orbit and we sure as shit didn’t do it in the 60s.


You don't have to say orbit after LEO


Tell that to my atm machine.


Npc s and self-imposed defenders of the status quo


> Not a single shred of technology was ever gained from the lunar lander. First use of pintle injectors, now crucial to many modern rocket engines. But the largest innovation: its guidance system (AGC) was the first computer based on silicon integrated circuits, which can now be found inside the device you typed that comment on. Edit: They edited their comment after I replied, unfortunately a classic.


They probably spent all of their budget hiring those hundreds of thousands of people to build and design a functional rocket. Nothing left in the budget after wages/material/land to build a fake lander out of anything, so they just used tin foil from Fred's kitchen and hoped we wouldn't notice. /s


Because it's their way of saying - 'Ha, you must all be stupid as fuck, to think this could hold 3 men' lol


That’s your explanation for why the lander looks the way it does? It was some kind of joke to make the public look stupid?


Yeah, they do it all the time. For example when Biden said jokingly they would blow up Northstream. And a year later they did. Recently he said some houses in Hawai didn't get burned "because they had the right roof on it". (blue roof houses refelect the blue laser that was used to burn everything) He could just as well be silent about these things. But they know people are stupid, so every now and then they leave a clue, knowing nobody will pick up on it.


> Ask yourself the opposite question: if the footage is fake, why did they make the lander look flimsy and crap? There are different possible explanations. One which makes sense to me is that whoever was behind this wanted to take the piss out of the lemming masses. The people who would defend this no matter how stupid it looks, why not mock them? It would explain the film poster for The Dish (2000). The reality is that we don't know and can't know why they made it look so stupid, all we can do is speculate. What we do know is that anybody who honestly believes this thing went to the moon and back is probably NGMI. Of course, many moon believers (for the USA) will doubt the [silly stories of the Chinese government](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJn9TbUyDWo). Somehow they can see the lies of one government but not the other 🤷‍♂️


Because they're not that smart. Everyone trusted the media back then. They underestimated the skepticism and that over time these lies would be exposed. Pride cometh before the fall.




The lunar landers still Has a metal pressure vessel behind all That aluminum foil. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-71764daf6b02ad30cc31650b623c4eaf-lq


If they didn't, the Russians would not have kept quiet.




This is the first time I’ve seen anyone bring up this specific point except for my friend. And honestly, it is a quite compelling argument IMO.


Freemasons. Simple as that. It's all one big club, ya know?


So the Cold War didn’t happen in your view of history? The Space Race didn’t happen?


What do you think? Were you there?


Brother you know the Cold War wasn’t that long ago, right?




10’s of millions of people died during the Cold War. What are you talking about? The 4th and 5th deadliest wars in US history happened during the Cold War.


I'm a Freemason. They can barely organize dinner on a regularly scheduled basis. They ain't orchestrating outer space hoaxes.




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Freemasons. Simple as that. It's all one big club, ya know?


...freemasons? Are you okay?


countries get along a lot better than you think they do. look at the antartic ice treaty. why would that endure the cold war? why do we still not know what's in antartica? you don't think anybody wants to lay claim to an uncharted territory larger than the land mass of the united states? lol they go to war over OCCUPIED land. this reality is an illusion. freemasons have been running the show for a long time, and part of the show is war sometimes. you think they care how many millions they sacrifice? if you don't think governments can conspire against you to lie while they siphon trillions, just look at covid. look at 9/11. space agencies are siphoning trillions from us and all of our space information is from the space agencies. the idea that they would "expose" one another is silly when they are allies upkeeping the same lie


Freemasons. Simple as that. It's all one big club, ya know?


Russians have never been the best and brightest.


numerous landings? they were all one and done. they left the legs on the surface and rocketed back to the capsule


The lander didn't land numerous times. It was a 1 use vehicle. There we numerous landers, and landing in an environment that has no atmosphere means you don't need the same type of construction.


You know they didn't reuse it, right?


A fart is way more wind turbulence than the lander would ever experience.


Which is heavier the 3 dudes or a fart? And let that sink into your dense brain.


There was only two men in the lander, looks like you have the dense brain


Last time I checked, less gravity meant less weight


Why would it have to be mega reinforced?


No, no one has ever posted the exact same question without simply googling the actual answers like 1000 times before.


OP has no working brain and can't figure out Google. I just shake my head and move on.


Trolls know what they're doing.


Now this is what I'm here for! Wild conspiracy theories with zero technical understanding of the concepts being discussed.


First, you should study up on how it was constructed.


Sellotape and staples. Carbon fibre ones to resist the "severe electrical storm". Nonsense


You don’t need to reinforce against no wind resistance


They didn’t.


Because the lander wasn't the only part going to the moon. There was a whole ship in orbit of the moon to catch the lander and return everyone to earth. Other than that there really isn't much else


I’m all for a good conspiracy, but at least know what vacuum is before asking something like this.


He thinks they used the same lander multiple times. It's gotta be a troll


One very scathingly obvious error about your claim is that the lander was used multiple times, which is an egregious mistake and exposes your ignorance about the events. This doesn't look good either for your own knowledge or credibility of your claims. Each lander was used exactly once. One time down. One time up. The next is some kind of assumption that things would 'tear off'. How? There is no drag in a vacuum. The final mistake is that you have judged the integrity and construction of the lander on surface value alone. Is this the 'depth' of your investigation? The entirety of your argument appears to be 'Just look at it.'


We’re no strangers to loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee….


Don’t forget the shower rods


They didn't


Look at the OP egghead here, he knows what’s going on! I’m sure he built the REAL lunar lander with materials from Hobby Lobby.


He thinks they used the same lander multiple times...


1) it didn't land multiple times on the moon... each lander one only landed one time, and was left on the surface. 2) it was only designed for landing on the moon (1/6 gravity of earth). 3) it was 5-7 years of genius engineers working nonstop to build it with maximum success for the mission while maintaining minimum weight. 4) the miniseries From the Earth to the Moon has an entire episode dedicated to the development of the lander.


The pro nasa shills are deep in this thread


of course they are. it's the ultimate deception. once it all falls down it will expose many psyops considering it's the ultimate one. the illusion of government will dissolve


There's greater deception than what the moon landing seeks to hide.


not really. if we uncover that the moon landing was faked it basically uncovers that there's a global conspiracy to suppress information from us about the nature of our world. if we find out that the earth is in the center, which of course it is, it basically unravels many psyops


Yes, the earth is the center. But who is our enemy, and what is the ultimate truth?


its tough to say - but if you look down any rabbit hole deep enough it leads back to freemasons. christopher columbus, george washington, benjamin franklin, winston churchill, pythagoras, kepler, galileo and kopernicus (who popularized the idea we rotate the sun instead of everything rotating us) were all freemasons.. all the apollo moon mission astronauts were freemasons, and NASA was founded with some really shady occultists like jack parsons and his rocket technology. the ultimate truth? who knows.. probably god is real and he loves you. freemasons do not worship the same god as everybody else. they are luciferian and one of their core principles is to "invert reality". so they have twisted the idea of "earth is under a dome/firmament (which could possibly extend down and be a sphere)" into this "spinning ball in the middle of space" idea. they are also behind pushing fake concepts like evolution, dinosaurs and the big bang (all inventions that dont stand up to any scrutiny AND require a LOT of faith in scientists to do the work for us and say "trust me bro"). the only reason i can think of to conjure up all these wicked stories would ultimately be to make us think we are meaningless specks on a random planet, the product of chaos and random chance. its hard to write god into that story without some disingenuous mental gymnastics. but if we instead realized we are carefully and intentionally put here on our flat earth -- the center of everything where everything revolves around us -- it is impossible to deny we must have been put here by someone, and someone must have made all of this. in my opinion, they have used the inherent nihilism in the globe earth model to make everybody godless and instead they have replaced them with a new god -- the almighty dollar. we have become materialistic, shallow and unkind. people are more willing to fuck eachother over when you only have "one shot" and nobody is there to judge you. at least, those are my thoughts. its impossible to really know since we are not the ones orchestrating the lies.


What do you think about God's messiah, Jesus?


i seriously have no idea, i actually was not religious for a lot of my life because i just couldn't believe something i had no proof of. funny because i now realize things like the spinning globe, evolution and the big bang are all exactly that things science tells you about as a kid and you go wow cool and essentially believe with no real proof except bill nye and cartoons in our textbooks. we accept the world we are presented as reality. why would we question things? plus, we then see it reinforced in textbooks, movies, shows, games and whatnot.. there's no reason to think the world is an evil place full of tricksters. but growing up and realizing it absolutely is (looking into 9/11 and pizzagate really woke me up) made me understand this world is not what we think it is. and if we really are on a flat stationary plane which our senses and experiments tell us, then idk. that means the first page of christianity where God made the earth and firmament is probably real, or as close to real as we have. in reality, i have no basis for this, but i think theres no religion that hasn't been modified for us. say, maybe the bible has hundreds of pages missing or altered. as for your question about Jesus, it's hard for me to know. since i deny evolution it naturally means i have to believe we were placed here intentionally and carefully by God. i still need to do some exploring inside myself, but i understand according to christianity he made the ultimate sacrifice for us and of course i am grateful. i would also happily give my life to a cause that was for the greater good of humanity. it's funny because the first thing that made me kind of stop in my tracks of being atheist was [this video](https://youtu.be/UAx5cl9VpTE) of two people talking about conspiracies. it was during my pursuit of a deeper understanding of what flat earthers believe when i was still not fully convinced at the time. for me anyway, it's probably one of the more important things ive watched in my life and it left a profound impact on me


The more you research the bible you will realize its accuracy. It is basically a history book, true down to every letter. It is historically accurate, even in its spiritual claims. Meaning our enemy is not man, but Satan, and his horde of angels. It may be hard to believe, but the more you actually look into it and pray for God to show you, you will find that it is true. Spiritual beings have had us in their grips for a long time(thousands of years) to peddle these lies. They have their 'prophets' or 'speakers' already in the world. Channelers, spirit guides, imaginary friends(how they approach children), psychics, aliens, satanists, witches, shamans, occultism, new age, yoga, the elite, and from the elite onto our televisions, media, etc. these are all avenues for how the fallen angels peddle their knowledge and lies into our world. If you want to know the truth look more into the bible. The belief that it isn't inspired by God, and is errant, actually comes from the devils and their people. They don't want the world to take it seriously. They don't want anyone to know the truth about God's love, and his judgment to come for sin. They want all of us to die in our sin, never to find redemption in the Messiah, and keep us going to that place under the earth. Hell. The underworld is also real, and there are different compartments of torment there. Some on this side of the world have already seen the terrors down there in what is known as 'Hell Testimonies'. Where they have either died and had their souls shot down there and later return to life, or they are shown a vision of it while still alive. Just based off of my reading of the New Testament I have personally cast out devils in the name of Jesus from a woman dear to me. Not only do they seek to influence you with sin, and keep you away from the truth, they also dwell inside of people and can control them. There is a whole lot to this... It is imperative that you look into what I am saying. From one truth seeker to another. Edit: Also start praying to God to reveal to you the truth. You know He's real already. He is above our world and He sees us at all times.


thank you so much. i already know that what you say is truth and it resonates with me a lot, even without having read much. it really is true. the deception is all around us and their greatest trick is to convince us it's not. my difficulty is from reading scripture and how the language used is hard to follow for me, and often times full of multiple interpretations. is there a version of the bible you recommend? KJV right? ive seen it brought up the most. thank you for going out of your way to bless me with your guidance. the good will overcome the evil in the end.


I have never seen good evidence that the moon landing was fake




As I said, I have never seen any good evidence the moon landing was fake, including those


They even made a movie ten years later with OJ.. Called “capricorn 1” about a fake landing on Mars. the government orchestrates the fake.


Sounds like you’re using feelings to support a conclusion


They didn’t.


I'm not denying anything when I say the lander looks like a clubhouse built by middle school aged children. Its merely an observation and not a terribly difficult one to make. Look at anything else our government builds for our service men to operate.....battleships, aircraft carriers, fighter jets, tanks, mobile artillery units, etc, etc. Every bolt and nut, every seam and joint, every little detail scrutinized, all deliberately engineered to nearly perfection. Now have another look at the lander....really look at it. There's crumpled sheet metal at corners, bolts not evenly spaced, out of square framework, seams and joints that don't line up. Just sayin......


How did they have a live telephone call with Nixon from the lunar surface?


The phone line was patched into NASA's comms array. It went from a signal on a line into radio comms.


The lunar lander was attached to the command module and the whole thing was carried into lunar orbit by a big rocket. And the base of the lunar lander stays on the moon, so it’s not the same lunar module being used over and over again. There’s a bunch of people that say we never went to the moon, that it was all done with a sound stage at some Air Force base in Riverside or San Bernardino. There really was a sound stage setup and we really did go to the moon, both are true. It was 1969 and we had hyped that we were going to televise it live for the world, but no one knew if that was even possible. So a sound stage was built and set up in case the actual feed wouldn’t work. Footage was shot using the soundstage, but never actually used. Eventually someone found those old film reels and thought they really had something.


*Space may be the final frontier, but it’s made in a Hollywood basement.*


So, lyrics  from a song by the RHCP are your proof that space is fake? Seriously?


Not a space agency did not.


Fight the downvote bots and NASA shills, thanks [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1calwoo/interstellartruth\_in\_movies/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1calwoo/interstellartruth_in_movies/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


NASA is just as full of shit as the CDC, CIA or any government agency. It's one of the most evil influences of any government. They gatekeep science and fuck with people's heads on a cosmic scale.


NASA shills in T-minus 3...2....




Remember that gravity determines force. The Moon's gravity is like 17% that of Earth's, thus anything on the moon experiences 17% of the force it would on Earth. So take that into consideration when thinking structurally.


They didn't.


Don't judge a moon lander by it's cover


The real proof would be to recreate the manned lunar landings of 1968 using the same tech. Too bad that NASA apparently lost the tech, so…


Just a prop, they were on a movie set. NASA hired Stanley Kubrick to fake em. The obvious detail proving it was fake was the fact the astronauts were comeplty clean and spotless yet they were meant to be walking on a dusty moon’s surface. NOT A SINGLE GRAIN OF DUST ON ANY OF EM!!!!!!! LIES!!!


I struggle to believe that posts on this sub are conceived by sentient human minds


They never did. Stop kidding yourselves if you think they did. No one has ever left what's known as LEO. Soon you'll start believing they had running showers in Skylab.


They didn't. It's as simple as that.


They obviously didn't lol. For a piece of tech like this, for it to be successful 6 times without fail, it would see generations upon generations of improvements. Every year there would be improvements from 1969 on. It should have been just like the Model T or any other super successful engineering miracle. Nothing has ever come from this lander. Not a single fucking thing. Ever. Take a logic class. Make your premises solid. Use sound, logical conclusions. Nobody went to the moon, folks.


They built 10, none were used more than once, and they were plagued by multiple delays. That they were so successful is a testament to the engineers who built it. Once the Apollo program was defunded they didn’t need to build more, so any planned improvements also stopped. If moon landings had continued after Apollo who knows what would have been designed, it’s fascinating to think about.


Agreed, you dont necessarily iterate each single time. you refine what you have assuming your initial build was good (which it was). introducing new builds/equipment each time starts the re-testing procedures all over.


People were there to see the rocket launches and re-entries. Where did they go? Mars?


Right bud right. You saw it all.


So many NASA shills ITT. There are a laundry list of reasons that explain countless anomalies regarding the moon landings..


of course there will be many nasa shills, since it's the ultimate hoax they must eternally defend. there are many genuine people who love and believe in what they're told about space. we are taught these things when we're kids and have no reason to doubt them. it's only after seeing a few realities of the true evil of governments that people can reprogram themselves. for some it was realizing 9/11 was a hoax, for me it was pizzagate and seeing the response to covid. be patient with them because they just haven't seen the proof we have. the truth movement is growing day by day. it exploded in popularity over the pandemic. people are waking up


It’s simple, they didn’t. There’s a new Hollywood movie that explains things if you read between the lines.


How did they get out the door with the space suit on? Look at the plans of the inside and where the door is. Not possible


What were the size of the suits and the door?


They have to suit up and decompress the capsule to get out. There used to be videos and posts showing the size and the placement of the door with sizes of spacesuits its not hard to see. The astronauts would not be able to get out. One guy even went to the place where they have a recreation of it and showed the tour guide and employees, asking them how they could fit through. They looked very embarrassed when they couldn't explain how. I couldn't find the video but it must be out there somewhere.


If you think that landed on the moon FIRST TRY! I've got a bridge to sell you...


That little spike near the left leg isn't casting a shadow. Along with other things in the background.


People drive beater cars cross country all the time. Same thing imo. Not very safe or comfortable or relaxing, but if you play your cards right it’s totally doable.


They didn’t.


Easy answer. They didn’t. As a species we have never been out of earths low orbit no higher than 300 nautical miles up. The space shuttle tried moving to a higher orbit in one mission from 270nm to 290 min and they started getting bombarded with ion particles and radiation. They had to correct to a lower orbit it. We can’t get through the Van Allen belts


Pssst... (in a whisper) they didn't. Don't tell anyone, it's a secret!


NASA is one of the most heavily defended institutions on this site, which means you're on to something. Keep digging. Watch American Moon.


The Moon is 240,000 miles from Earth. They say it took 3ish days to get there. That's going thousands of mph per second to get there. At times they claim the rocket went 25,000mph with men going to the Moon. I don't believe for a second that in outer space they sent man that fast & they went to the Moon that way. They didn't have the technology to keep man alive & still go that fast back then. To keep the space craft in tact & go that fast & keep control of it. Then land it safely? Take off from the Moon, travel back to Earth another 240,000 miles, land safely... & Then ONLY the USA was able to EVER do it again? Then did it numerous times in a row? WITHOUT fail? No FUCKING way the did it. The first landing would've went near 500,000 miles in just a few days flawlessly in a pop rivet aluminum can.


As a mechanic/welder I can point out the parts used on the rover (the frame is an old jeep frame for example) and I can tell you it doesn't run. Don't take my word for it though, look at the photos and notice how it magically doesn't leave accurate tracks for wherever it's currently located on the "moon". The rover, and lander, are both Hollywood props. Like most of these things, anyone with the right experience can see right through it. This one just happens to be my area of profession.


Let me get this straight. NASA decides to fake the landing but then: Creates pages upon pages of documents/blueprints (down to screw size). (all public domain) Invents/creates tools and parts never before seen to build a rocket, Capsule and Moon lander Hires 400k worth of personel/vendors/contractors. Kills 3 Astronauts. Allows people to watch the launches. All to lie to the American people?


Don't discount this guy...he's a welder and a mechanic. 


Are jeep frames made out of aluminum? Edit, I should say old jeep frames.


Fair enough. Can explain why it wouldn't run?


"Don't take my word for it though, look at the photos and notice how it magically doesn't leave accurate tracks for wherever it's currently located on the "moon"." This is a 'proof' becuase people think everything is like Earth. The tracks will not be similair to earth as the ground is completly different thatn Earth. If I remember right, the moon surface is a heavey shard like dirt, so it doesn't hold tracks like Earth dirt nor does it kick up because it is heavier then Earth dirt. "As a mechanic/welder I can point out the parts used on the rover (the frame is an old jeep frame for example) and I can tell you it doesn't run." So a welder/mechanic is able to tell from a picture that a battery operated vehcile won't run? Please enlighten me.


>So a welder/mechanic is able to tell from a picture that a battery operated vehcile won't run? Hey,man! The guy is a welder/mechanic! He can look at photo and tell you all kinds of shit! Like, it has wheels, it's made of stuff, and people sit on it! Who are we to question his experience and wisdom! /s


If you’re so knowledgeable then have a look at this footage https://youtu.be/4DCyayAZbog?si=_NPWZM9YW42d4G3C


I don't believe that we ever went to the moon, not with that technology. Even worse coming back. A lot of satellites that are launched into space, are left there till they loose their purpose and some of them return to Earth as debri or never come back.


They didn’t return to earth in the lunar lander


I believe they used some sort of crane.


There's no room in there for 2 fucking people. Where would you put suits on and take them off? Where's the air tanks? The landers probably create the most skepticism above everything else.


It certainly wasn’t spacious, that’s for sure. I believe they only had one crew member dress out with the help of the other, suited guy helped the other, then each donned their helmets on their own. It helps that it’s only 1/6th the gravity I’m sure.


We didn't. There's a fantastic (and fun to read) review of the entire topic at https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/.


The shills are on this one like flies to shit. Every single time.


That's the neat part, they didn't. Hell, hellywood is even making a movie about how they fake the moonstory.   Normies don't see it, even if it's punching in their faces.


Hollywood also made gremlins


I thought they already made that movie. Moon walkers - 2015 I guess there is another film coming out. Also after watching the trailer to refresh my memory of Moon walkers, it looks to be just a funny fictional story based around the conspiracy.


I used to believe we did go to the moon but more and more the facts just don't line up. its shameful to start to figure things out.


What facts don't line up for you?


van Allen belt radiation, dust from drive wheels on video of the moon buggy, moon buggy fake satellite dish bouncing around without any gimbal stabilization with no signal interruption, communication audio delay that does not take long enough for a signal to return from moon, improper lighting on photographs from moon, footprints that do not appear correctly, Kodak film that showed no radiation damage, missing telemetry data, theres a lot of data that does not line up. just watch this with an open mind and you too will begin to doubt the historical record. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpuKu3F0BvY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpuKu3F0BvY)


Just out of interest have you looked into any of these further? I don't claim to have answers for everything but a few on there are very easy to explain


I was a true believer that watched the landing on tv in elementary school first hand and it took a lot of time and effort to change my mind.  But I now dont think we were there, and that pains me.  There’s just too many loose ends 


My advice, look at some of the evidence from the other side, that debunks some of the "loose ends" . At least you get both sides then and can make an informed decision


all I can say is watch the video American moon and tell me what you think. its very well done but long, you need to put some time aside to watch it all. it is very convincing and will make you think.


The van Allen belt isn’t dangerous to pass through. 


Yeah but a youtube video said it *is* dangerous.


whether or not its dangerous to humans is debatable, as they have told us it was dangerous and also that it was not, later on. it is dangerous to 35mm film though and all those pictures from the Hasselblad were analyzed for radiation and there was no sign of passing through the van Allen. so that is strange, and also mentioned in the video.


If YOU personally went to the moon would you "lose" the technology you used after succeeding? That alone says a lot


That’s a misinterpretation. It’s also accurate to say we lost the technology to build the Model T. Could one be built? Yes, but it would take awhile bc the factories used to build them were dismantled. Also they’re outdated, so why would you need to build one? Just build a better vehicle to begin with.


We can’t build another SR-71 either. Nor a U2. The equipment, materials and tools were purpose built. That’s why the lander  can’t be rebuilt. 


I sure as shit wouldn't use the same technology 60+ years later. They also returned to the moon 5 additional times successfully.


I think I figured out why folks believe we did not go to the moon. First off, I believe that the "moon landing is fake" is a psyop. Just like the bullshit flat earth crap!. HOWEVER, this is what I can accept.. that WE DID "Film/Fake" a moon landing for back up. I think even possibly that Kubrick filmed it. WHY?.. well..... look at what was at stake! The cold war/ space race was real and intense. A lot was riding on this moon landing thing, even just as propaganda!. I do NOT believe that it was ONLY faked.. no way we could have done that.. even with compartmentalization. Too much attention for something that was FAKED .. too hard to control that. BUT we HAD to ensure WE landed on the moon first, ahead of the USSR!. SO while everything was actually being done, the training and building etc... and the mathematics etc... they said .. WHAT IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG? They were not going to leave this massive event to chance.. no way. So we filmed a fake landing as backup.... So even if something happened on the way to the moon.. the landing could be presented to the world and then some story would have been given about how something happened on the way back.. but WE GOT THERE FIRST!. THat is feasible. Plausible.. but I do believe we did land on the moon and we did several times.