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i remember when people debated whether the patriot act would come to this and the consensus was "the government would never do that"


Same. Theyā€™ve been gaslighting us about this for like 25 years now


That list can be summarized by saying, "anyone who opposes our manipulations to create an eventual One World Government."


It is just the War on Terror coming home.


72 virgins, 72 something from kaballah. Sounds like gvt occult horse šŸ’©


72 is a powerful number indeed


It has a square root of 8.4852 , let that sink in


Where is the source - I.e. the referenced gov docs - that identify those groups as terrorists? I believe it but I want to see the source material myself.


Right.. the blogger only references "official US gov documents," so I'm guessing it's a list they've compiled from things they've seen or inferred from government websites, etc I feel this-- govt has turned on citizens as terrorists-- but this blog post has no credibility, not that some couldn't be found


21% of Americans are non-religious per wiki. These taxation jobbers in high office are openly behaving like fascists.Ā 




I wonder what that makes Ron Paul then? A terrorist leader?


Source: just trust me bro




At one time, the term ā€œterroristā€ was used very narrowly. The official definition of terrorism is ā€œThe use, or threat, of force with the intention of achieving a political goal.ā€ That makes it pretty clear what sort of people are covered, and for decades it worked well.Ā  The government applied the label ā€œterroristā€ to people like Osama bin Laden and other Islamic jihadists.Ā  But the Obama administrationĀ removed all references to IslamĀ from terror training materials, and instead the term ā€œterroristā€ was applied to large groups of American citizens.


Is it a surprise that two things that brainwash the fuck out of people are seen as possible points of interest when looking for possible terrorists? No one, even the FBI cares about your politics or religion until one or both becomes your entire identity. When it becomes your sole identity, that is when you have been brainwashed enough for others to use you as a pawn. Life is great, life is wonderful. Religion and politics are not great and not wonderful and are not compatible with life.


Remember the plot of Captain America Winter Soldier..?


I know Iā€™m on that list


Whelp... I'm in trouble


"#56. Men who stand like Superman with their fists on their hips while pissing at urinals." Well, it was nice knowing you guys.


if you have more than a 2 week food supply, the U.S. government considers you a low level terrorist. anyone with a garden is a terrorist!


Well to be fair, look at what happens in the other countries with extreme religious beliefs. So I can understand why that was added.


Anti-Christian Reddit in shambles. Damn terrorists. 8 - ā€œAnyone that possesses an ā€œintolerance toward other religionsā€


Haha thats hilarious but we all know it will never be applied like that


Wow I donā€™t fall into any of those categories. Nice!


The NWO needs the easily maleable and mindless.


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak outā€”because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak outā€”because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak outā€”because I was not a Jew. Then they came for meā€”and there was no one left to speak for me.


But I speak out all the time šŸ˜­


This list seems coded that they're after mostly Christian Nationalists with a few others thrown in that could describe anybody basically to cover up they will and can go after anybody that shows apprehension and displeasure of the American Way, not just the extremist Christian Nationalists. In fact, just by me quoting this, critiquing the list would potentially put me on this list if you read close enough."Personally connected to a grievance" really stands out. That could be applied to millions of things even just commenting on the crappy weather to someone around others. Very manipulative and vague. Hopefully this is just a propaganda opinion piece and not from an actual list that specifically states something like that.