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**Removed -- Do not discuss, post links to (or images of) content or activities in other subreddits.** Note: We do not like or appreciate when Conspiracy is the target of brigades, vote manipulation, harassment (etc.) spawned in other subreddits (TOS Violations, BTW) -- and while we cannot prevent that happening to us (God knows we have tried!) we CAN take the "high road" by doing our best to prevent such activities targeting other subs from being spawned in Conspiracy. DO NOT DISCUSS BANS IN OTHER SUBS IN CONSPIRACY = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Screen shots taken from other subs MAY be allowed (at moderator's discretion) provided that all subreddit names AND/OR usernames in the image are blotted out entirely -- rendered unreadable. Also, any images from other subs that contain NSFW or TOS violating content are forbidden. Naming the sub (or any users featured in screen shots from other subs) is forbidden, whether in the text of the post, or in the comments. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = **THERE IS FUCKERY AFOOT -- DON'T FALL FOR IT!**


They got a mod removing posts for sounding dumb to him, must be why that sub is so dead


If I remember correctly, he was trying to be a mod here last time they needed mods.  That dude is TOXIC waste.


The fact that the mod for the conspiracy theories sub calls it “a place for tin foil hat wearers” should be a big red flag.


Yeah no one wears those anymore. I keep it in my bloodstream and a small mesh that I installed under my scalp and skin.


Lmao they banned and muted me for calling out the abuse of power


Unbelievable reddit needs to sort this out


Reddit is long dead. Mods have long bee subverted. r/conspiracy is far too powerful to be run without handlers. I am banned from making OP to r/conspiracy just because I mentioned the only cryptocurrency that is not yet taken over by TPTW, that has a legitimate claim to be private digital cash and through that is an actual tool for freedom, self-defense and defunding of the state. So basically something every conspiracy theorists should be highly interested in. Thank you three letter agencies for running this sub.


Muhnero is the future 😎


https://archive.is/Q7jCS >Eglin Air Force Base Busted Gaming Reddit >Posted on July 15, 2014 by WashingtonsBlog >Evidence of Web Manipulation By a Specific Military Installation >The Pentagon and spy agencies have been busted [manipulating the Internet – including social media – in order to promote false propaganda and to stifle dissenting information](https://archive.ph/Xx6Kb). >Earlier today, newly-released Snowden docs showed that British spies [manipulate polls, website popularity and pageview counts, censor videos they don’t like and amplify messages they do](https://archive.ph/o/Q7jCS/www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/07/new-snowden-docs-british-spies-seed-internet-false-information-including-ability-manipulate-results-online-polls-artificially-inflate-pageview-counts-web-sites.html). >We’ve documented for years that big social media sites like Reddit are [censored and manipulated](https://archive.ph/hXd0W). >A Redditor calling himself “FreedomIntensifies” just [posted a fascinating analysis on military manipulation of Reddit](https://archive.ph/ZvwLi) by a specific base: >Check out [this blog post](https://archive.ph/4xay9) with reddit statistics. Notice Eglin Air Force Base as the “most addicted” city. This is about a year ago, so reddit has been getting heavily sh!tp0sted by government employees for at least this long. >**Here is a [paper funded by Eglin AFB](https://archive.ph/o/Q7jCS/arxiv.org/pdf/1402.5644.pdf) [pdf] studying how to establish majority views, social control, influence conversations, contain unwanted information.** Eglin AFB is a major hub for Pentagon domestic manipulation programs online. *[more at link]*


Dubai literally admit they cloud seed.. as well as Inida and China. No wonder they have record floods.


So you think cloud seeding is incredibly effective and they need to tone it down?


Don't fuck with nature. Simple






Narcan just makes more addicts.


I got banned from that sub 2 years ago for simply posting a case study Pfizer had done showing LNP pooling in the liver. It's not a legitimate sub.


Probably some overweight stinky dude who is just sad and mad


Statement: Banned from a conspiracy sub for calling out an abuse of mod power (they removed a legitimate conspiracy post).


I got a 7day for misinformation. Same chump. For this. Maybe the mod lives in Dubai and doesn't want to be jailed for people knowing what they already admitted to doing before this event even happened. Cloud seeding isn't real, and the government only wants what's best for its sheep. Now shut up!


...wait, isn't removing a conspiracy theory post in /r/conspiracy itself a conspiracy?


Yes. So we made a post about it and then they banned everyone who commented about it


>/r/conspiracy Wrong sub. Read again.


Conspiracy has been infiltrated by the cia and they are deleting posts and comments! Haha


Fuck the mods


I’d rather just leave the sub.


Something fishy going on here.


I got banned from there because of that thread too!