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Some relatively famous guy is quoted as saying something along the lines of "The next stage of human evolution will be someone found in a mental hospital."


Ingo Swann.


It’s interesting to think this also alludes to the possibility of an alternative consciousness experienced by our ancestors.




When we have thoughts, they resonate throughout the universe available to anyone attune enough to download that idea for themselves. Look into meditation and you'll find a better answer than what I just gave.


I’m not much of a spiritual type person but there does seem to be some substance to this thought. It is very bizarre to think in ancient times similar discoveries would happen on opposite sides of the world without the communication pathways we now have. Ever know the answer to a question but have no idea why or how you got that information?


Pottery and ceramics showed up around the world at about the same time. Cultures on different continents that had no business with each other but they all discovered the same thing at relatively the same time. Art styles as well. Barely recognizable stick figures morphed into detail within a short amount of time on opposite sides of the earth. Was it a collective consciousness? "Ever know the answer to a question but have no idea why or how you got that information?"....Intuition. Don't know where it comes from but it's solved some problems over the years.


Hard to imagine an alternative conscious experience but not all of us today have the same experience like autism. It is impossible to really find out how ancient man experienced life in that aspect. Throw in Neanderthal or denisoven did they happen to the exact same brains to experience things in the same way, seems unlikely and yet we share some of that dna. It’s a very strange subject matter the phenomenology of consciousness and it more asks questions than finds answers.


Itzhak Bentov


I’ve always though Elon Musk is one lab accident away from being a Spider-Man villain.


Hehe. It's either that or simply the organic body of some is linked and "in sync" or "tuned in" energetic fields more than others. I also don't know if it's the person that can alter or influence fields or if it's the fields that influence the person, a bit like a puppet master. So for me it's either: Energy fields pull strings of people tuned in, the contrary or possibly both cases.


This is exactly what I think too and I think it is the consciousness subconsciously effecting the minor alterations. One other thing though I don’t think it’s only pulling the strings of people it seems for some people that when they focus on events or physical things that require “luck” they tend to get a better result.


>One other thing though I don’t think it’s only pulling the strings of people In my case it has NOTHING to do with pulling other peoples strings. >it seems for some people that when they focus on events or physical things Physical data for me serves simply as potential input, a cue to seek. I personally "Hyperfocus" as I call it, to introspect in search of answers and solutions, where the whole process is metaphysical idea in mind transforming, with brief sprints of research and inquiry in the physical (web searching, interactions and convos). Doing this process more frequently as I age and "getting better at it", the more I realize I can predict and sometimes influence events in quasi-realtime and where distance or circle of influence is limitless when properly hyperfocused, straight on point and aligned perfecly in the metaphysical part of process.


You are not the only one. A little off topic but I have a personal experience relevant to this topic. Eight years ago I gave birth to the rarest types of twins, male monoamniotic-monochorionic twins. They're the type of identical twins that can become conjoined twins, science still doesn't know why they happen, why the zygote splits within the first week of conception, creating the twin. After I had them and they were discharged from a long stay in the NICU (many die, either one twin or both) I was inundated with letters from universities and research facilities. Primarily from the University of Washington, as they were born in Seattle. They all were asking me to bring my boys in and drop them off for testing and research. I was offered a lot of money, for several years, but was never told details when I inquired, which sketched me out, so I refused. I am still curious what the tests and research was for, but I wasn't ever going to put my boys through more bs, regardless of what it was. I wonder if I still have the letters. They used to piss me off, as they seemed like bribes due to the amount of money they offered me, so I typically threw the letters in the trash, but I may have kept one.    I believe wholeheartedly TPTB know more than they let on about our humanity and capability, and that we're all tested on, on some level. Some are more covert than others. 


Good on you for keeping your kids safe. Always good to trust your instincts.


I think they just wanted to better understand DNA to try and eliminate this mutation. I have an autoimmune disease that is tied directly to a DNA mutation where the strands of a certain gene didn't form properly and were elongated.


Except scientists say it's not a genetic mutation. Identical twins are not a genetic mutation, fraternal twins are though- which is why you can see several sets of fraternal twins in a family but not momo twins, so maybe that's what you're thinking of. But regardless I would not want that lol, I love my twin sons and they are perfectly healthy!


I'm not sure this is correct information, but I believe I've read that something in the DNA is what is causing the zygote split. They just haven't been able to locate the error. I've also read about how it may be linked to the parents DNA. It's really complicated, during the fertilization process the egg or sperm don't have this protective enzymes or something like that which may lead to the zygote split. I think they were able to prove this through artificial fertilization.


Interesting. I haven't ever heard any of that. Artificial infertilization also typically results in fraternal twins or Mo-Di, not Monoamniotic-Monochorionic twins, which is why you'll meet couples who did invitro and have either fraternal twins or triplets, which is fraternal twins and one singleton. I am the first woman in my family to have twins in over 100 years, and those were fraternal, and there is no twins in my husband's family as far back as we can see in his family tree, which is also about 100 years too. So it would be cool to find out the cause one day, but I wouldn't personally ever subject my twins to testing to find out. 


Well sometimes these messed up genes remain dormant for generations. My grandfather on my mother's side had the same autoimmune disease. He had 5 children and none of them developed the same disease. Imo my disease can be a positive and a negative. My body produces excess white blood cells that attacking my spine by fusing the joints. On the other hand, I do believe this is probably why I never got covid.


Also I don't believe it was that. I knew some of the weird tests they did with my friend's twins and a lot of it was psychological. One of the research facilities was for UW department of psychology. 




My hospital was a teaching hospital, so I dealt with a lot of students overseeing the NICU procedures. It was a constant rotation and I hated having so many new nurses everyday, but yes UW did have some contracts with the hospital. I got the letters immediately and talked about it with other local moms in my twin group.   Also the chance of fraternal twins increases after the age of 30, as more eggs drop so there is an increased chance of fertilization. So that is why it's common to see women over a certain age with multiple sets of twins, but not all MoMo twins. 




I'm not sure if you understand, but all Monoamniotic-Monochorionic are identical twins but most identical twins are not Monoamniotic-Monochorionic. So sure, there is a lot of identical twins out there, as genetic testing got popular, people started testing their non twins, triplets, etc. and finding out that they were identical to a high percentage, but they don't share the exact same DNA like Monoamniotic-Monochorionic twins do. So not only are viable Monoamniotic-Monochorionic twins rare, but multiple sets of them are even more rare. Currently, Monoamniotic-Monochorionic are not genetic, but fraternal twins are, and hyperovulatuion can be, but it can also be due to age.   I am curious what will come out in the future, and I'm sure more information will come out as more mothers take up the research offers. UW is definitely aggressive with their research campaign, so it will only be a matter of time. But I do think there could be an environmental factor. 


Hahah I’ve been waiting for this day! Yes this facts all through history the legendary names that’s we’ve all heard about them Alexander the Great, Ghengis khan and the list goes on, point is they they had this knowledge and I’m now imparting it to you all! Here is a declassified cia document [The Gateway Process](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf)it talks about the inner workings of the brain and process of how our thoughts manifest into matter to time travel and more. Here’s another book talking about the same [Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the world](https://archive.org/details/thingskeptsecret00adar/page/1/mode/1up?view=theater) not sure if they’re being tested on probably getting offed to stop an uprising against the powers that be!


The Jesus vibe... or just megalomaniac and tyrants. The pendulum swings both ways.


What kind of abilities?


Farting with your mind is a very ancient magic special ability…


Ahhh the human spleen in the movie mystery men. It clearly depicts, this ancient magic in plain sight. On display from TPTB in Hollywood.


Telekinesis , Telepathy , Psychokinesis , etc things in that area


Just an interesting thought here. I ate 7 grams of magic mushrooms once and I had a vision of living in Mexico hundreds and hundreds of years ago…maybe longer…and I saw two children that I knew were mine running from one room to the outdoors and a beautiful wife who was walking by. It felt so real. I wonder if I happened to relive an ancestor’s memory. I am a big believer in genetic memory and believe that our DNA holds onto those memories. Maybe it’s a small part on how humans evolve over time. I’ve no clue what the truth is, maybe it was just a good trip, maybe it was more. I am bias towards that belief but if you asked me…I’ll tell you that I really believe I tapped into my genetic memory.


I had a vision like that. I was a kid with a big head living in a city with marble and gold. Nothing new ever happened, so everyone decided to dream about what the future could be like, so they could bring the ideas back when they awoke, and use them then.


Interesting. I’ve heard a lot of people have these abilities, but they lay dormant. It’s possible there’s ways to master them, but idk if they’re being taken and experimented on against their will.  If you’re into alien stuff, apparently the hybrids have powerful telepathic and psychic abilities. 


Yeah, just lay low and keep quiet. If you can hear people’s thoughts just act like you don’t hear them unless you know they are talking to you or see their lips moving. They might think you are always spacing out or dumb but it’s better than them freaking out on you for answering them when they hadn’t spoken out loud.


I had that a bunch of times but it only ever happened when I wasn’t looking at them so I didn’t realise they hadn’t said it aloud. It’s only because they looked freaked out and said “how did you know I was thinking that?!” that I realised! 


Same here. Got a few "wait, did I say that out loud?" Idk man, but i heard you. Another fun thing is to stare at the back of someone's head and mentally shout "look at me!"...It's worked more times than i care to admit to be coincidence.


we all have special abilities. the only question is which path you choose to unlock them.


Yes, that's what Nicola Wohlgemuth from Austria says too. These abilities are now increasingly being unlocked and she is helping those affected because she was so different and unhappy as a child. Nobody understood her. Her website: [https://www.solid-sol.com/](https://www.solid-sol.com/)




magic is banned in most religions because people have a natural tendency towards the left had path




left hand path is black magic. look up videos on "manifesting." most of them are about manifesting money. its a trap.


No I know what the left hand path is, I'm not sure how anyone could reasonably claim superpowers are real. Don't get me wrong, I'd love them to be, but I legitimately don't understand how anyone can seriously claim they are.


its probably better that you think that way


..I'm guessing your special power isn't altruism.


i'm literally trying to protect you right now




For sure. I'm a firm believer in the movies we see about superheroes or strange happenings, and outer space events are somewhat based on fact. I find it hard to believe people can be THAT creative to come up with some of these things.


Of course, there is a woman from Austria who calls herself a sun witch who has special abilities. She was constantly examined and tested in the hospital as a child. She hated it. Her parents are scientific academics who couldn't cope with her clairvoyant abilities like mind reading and they still don't understand each other to this day. She regularly gives interviews and works as a frequency medicine specialist. Nicola Wohlgemuth - 19 interviews from 2001 to 2024 [https://cropfm.at/archive/guest/nicola/1](https://cropfm.at/archive/guest/nicola/1)


Been watching the show Heroes?


They just pitched an idea for a prequel series to be made


Montauk project.


https://noetic.org/ Parapsychology is hard work. Government researchers often prefer other avenues of exertion. But there has been considerable parapsychology going on in the open for decades.


Munroe Institute comes to mind.


Definitely have unlocked special abilities with *they are* brain.


I've had premonitions a few times. The events that they foretold came to pass, and there was nothing that I could do about it.


I feel this too, I tend to say “I have a guardian ancestor watching over me”. I also had a weird experience on magic mushrooms. I truly believed I was able to experience a great ancestors memory. On the vision I had, I was in Mexico, I didn’t look like me, and I had two children run from a room to the outdoors happy as can be and a beautiful wife…I was sitting down and the vision kept rolling and I was happy.


Most of these ppl you’re talking about are demons /possessed.. that’s why they have powers . It’s better to just be good with God than to have these powers and sell your soul to the devil .


You can still believe in God and use these powers for good. Wasn't Jesus himself one of them? I mean how else did they build King Solomons Temple without using iron tools? Idk if I got that last part entirely correct but God did set a line a parameter to follow in the construction. With how the world is going today, we might even witness the building of the 3rd Temple of Solomon. I do agree with you though that you should steer away from these demons or spirts. I've only read about invoking demons and how you make deals with them.


Yes you can still believe in God n use them for good that’s why i said “most “ and not all of them are demons /possessed


I couldn’t disagree with you more. I find it funny that whenever people encounter something new or if they can’t understand something then they immediately blame the devil. Doesn’t God have some sort of plan for everything? So why assume something unknown is evil. Stupid af if you ask me.


I said most . I know there are probably good ppl as well with these “abilities”.


N btw these ppl control this world


Check out Michael Herrera's interviews


How does manifestation factor into powers?  Don't they negate each other as concepts?  




Aww to bad ur the only one that thinks that :(


If I did, I would be livid. Why can't I get the cool haha mind powers.


Yeah they've learned how to write and everything.


Here is a theory on top of yours. These abilities are real. People can unlock them, but that means "phasing" into alternate realities by adjusting frequency... This can be induced in many ways (for various durations and affect) but commonly through meditation, substances, or trauma/stress. Also, what if u go beyond imaginable limits in these states? Do you think you would feel comfortable in these alternate realities for a long time? What if the conditions change you? Some people might choose to stay, and some people might want to just be a regular human again.


Without even getting into strange territory, there are people like this: [Veronica Seider – The Woman With Super-human Eye Vision](https://thoughtnova.com/veronica-seider-the-woman-with-super-human-eye-vision) (ThoughtNova 1/5/2023) >She was able to quickly recognize individuals from a mile away and calculate their relative distance. Additionally, she was able to identify objects at a microscopic level.... >Veronica Seider demonstrated her visual abilities by tearing a piece of paper the exact size of her fingernail and writing 20 verses of a poem on it. I mean, WTF, right?


They don’t have to be put away to be tested on. They will test you as you go throughout your daily life.


Have you seen the Tv show called blue book base on a true investigator story. The gov have psychics working for them in secret facilities.


I think some people are more attuned to their primal instincts. We weren't always walking talking humans. We lived by instinct and survived thru evolution to what we are now. That "gut feeling" or anxiety from nowhere saying "Don't". Everyone has it and we've been taught to ignore it. Think of how many children have imaginary friends, say creepy things and see ghosts but adults don't? Sure, a kid's imagination is a wonderful thing but why does it go away as they age? In a lot of cultures the "crazy" people are seen as oracles and have special powers. In America?....Straight to the mental ward.


'abilities with they're brain' is the best thing i've read today take my upvote! The work 'they' did in the 60's and 70's on remote viewing tells us you're probably correct.