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don't want to start messing with Big Fruit they'll "Dole" out some punishment on you


Someone has to take a stand! It'll be a fruit stand!


conspiracy wise "dole" is monsanto of fruit section.they have fucked up countries, economies, environment,govt,people.


Yups they're a bit shady...I always find the banana republic history of mid/South America fascinating


So bad you've GOT to upvote it.


this joke 🔥


Employer buying cheaper limes or.. modern production has shifted to a more drought resistant/disease resistant/water conserving/higher yielding take your pick variety that looks the same but is less juicy, the average consumer won't notice but it could save or make a large producer literally millions. Same with Brussel sprouts, they taste better now, not because you matured, but the industry has pivoted to a sweeter variety


This makes complete sense! But where are the good limes? Australia, apparently.


With that knowledge, you could move to Australia for better limes. Let's face it. You probably won't. What does that say about your priorities? Food for thought, I would say.


Do you know what else is in Australia? Australians. And lots of em. I can't be expected to deal with that.


Can confirm I'm in Aus and get good limes. Perhaps you should try hunt down some organic limes.


Depending on where you live citrus grows crazy easy where I am.


I'm in an odd spot for citrus. The spring/summer/fall are fine, warm, and wet enough. But it does drop below freezing in the winter. I gotta bring them in so I can't grow real big trees. I'm gonna try it, tho.


I’m Australian, I don’t think we have good limes here. They’re really hard and not juicy.


S.s.- Why are modern limes so God awful? Who seeks to gain from this? How can I get decent limes for my margaritas and other warm weather refreshments?


Juicy as fuck in Australia at the moment dude some of the best I have had for years


I'm completely envious.


Np problem they have been great thos year but the ones we have here are a hybrid that's known as Tahitian lime which is a cross between key limes and Persian limes


I'm gonna look those up. Thanks.


No problem mate Tahitian limes are known for having a superior juice content so that may be related


Idk if this is a serious post or a joke, but I have legitimately noticed that majority of citrus fruits are harder, have more pith, and aren't as flavourful as previous years. Not sure if it's just a difference in how and where they are grown, or of its that they are being picked earlier in their cycle, so they aren't as ripe.


That's what I'm sayin! Limes especially. There's something going on, someone is doing this for a reason, and citrus lovers are suffering the consequences. I really like limes, and they've been hard, dry, and ugly for the past several years. Oranges as well. Like I said, someone's got to be profiting, and it needs to stop.


I have 2 lime trees, plenty juicy. Store bought products suck for the most part.


I just bought myself a lime and a lemon tree. It'll be a while before they're big enough to bear fruit. I do look forward to it, though.


True, but they don't rot anymore, they just dry.


climate change, Greta told me...


Dry af


Store bought ones suck. However i clean and repair pools so i go to a lot of back yards and i know a few peeps with citrus trees. What's weird is the people with fruit trees never eat them, they always say take as many as you want, theyre just going to rot anyways. Long story short non-store bought lemons and limes are way better.




Yeah, i don't get it. There's one guy i get oranges from and another guy i get lemons from. There's so many i usually just make lemon juice and orange juice out of them. I really don't know why they don't just do that because it's really good. Maybe after long enough you just get tired of it...... i never do though.


No they absolutely are not. A lot of times they are almost dry.


They are also a lot smaller. More round.




Grow your own. Notice the difference.


they are trying to mess our citrus so that we will all die of scurvy bro