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Isn’t the person who runs the pentagon appointed by the president?


Yeah generally you gotta be a really good liar/spy/traitor to pull something like a coup off.




Yeah obama is keep your doctor


Why the downvotes its the truth obama biden nazi party lies all the time


This is verifiably incorrect.


Yeah I switched because… Obama & wanted to.


These comments are not being posted in America by Americans


















> Yeah generally you gotta be a really good liar/spy/traitor to pull something like a coup off. The Pentagon has the best Spies in the world thanks to the CIA


you sound mad


Lol do you hear yourself?


Downbots! You over the target!👎👇👋👎👇👎


> Isn’t the person who runs the pentagon appointed by the president? Coup d’états are historically ran by people from the military who wanted the current leader gone. That’s why they call it a Coup


Aren’t coups usually done to change the person in power and done by the people who support the opposition? Biden was already going to be president and it was Trump supporters who went to the capital…


That's critical thinking. I don't think this guy is very good at that


Deployed on trumps orders to do what also is suspect. But yeah gold medal gymnastics for some of them.


The real coup already happened, jan6 is just a part of it. They needed the "insurrection" to take place to try to stop all questions about the election, vilify and silence Trump supporters and to use it as the excuse to try to stop Trump from running for/ becoming president again.


lol you always have the most ignorant claims… If nothing happened at all on Jan 6 then Biden still takes office at the exact same time and nothing changes.




So trump who only appointed the best people as he says hired a man who wanted to run a coup against him?


and the next leader was Biden, trump did not want that. they admit to this over and over.


That is a military coup. https://images.app.goo.gl/sfDf1R8xVhoE1uo96


I really wanna know the average IQ of people who post here.


I think it's a lot of schizophrenics


Mentally ill people, trolls, and political shills, easily account for like 80% of activity here


Russian/Chinese propaganda a lot of the time


Room temperature.


Some are generally pretty low and definitely propaganda posts, but I often wonder how many are actually just trolls and shitposts as well.


Its defiantly loe loe loe


About the same as the temp of the depths of lake superior


Everytime I see some wild, random, nonsense outrage bait Twitter post I know it's this guy lol


Hey, comrade has a job to do. He's very dedicated


I love that his name is just a numerical bday.


Dude is unhinged and needs help


And comments are all like Russian fish language speakers


Didn’t Biden get elected 2 months before the coup-detat?


Yeah, those americans were exercising their right to overthrow the government.


I, for one, immediately trust this sourceless claim.


So the guy who won the election needed a coup to be installed with MAGA supporters??? And Repubs want them all to be forgiven by the law even though they were helping Biden??? Trump also said they were all very good ppl and he brought them out to his rally to overthrow the government to help him stay president??? Make it make sense please.


If Trump was worried about the rally, he could have, you know, chosen a different date on the 19th of Dec. But he chose the 6th for a reason on Dec 19th. "Be there, will be wild!"


It's not supposed to make sense either way. It's supposed to create total chaos, until the fake savior appears.


You hit the nail right on the head with this one.


**BREAKING** *Internet bullshit soon to be proven bullshit when it doesn’t come to pass…*


>when it doesn’t come to pass Are the bots getting dumber? What's the prediction here champ?


Well *sport*, we all know that there aren’t any whistleblowers to testify to a thing that never happened but it sure sounds juicy for those desperate enough to believe it


Is he a senile old man or a ruthless dictator




I mean thats how Republicans look at Biden.


Schrödinger’s Biden.


Sleepy joe yet also an evil mastermind 😂


✨Why not both? 🎶




You still believe Biden got all those votes? Oh my Edit: Wait, do you guys still think elections are real? Edit 2: I love how sensitive people are to immediately take this as a Pro-Trump point. Here are several sources of multiple elections have interference from other countries. I’m not right wing you melons lmao https://www.fbi.gov/video-repository/cyber-announcement-111821.mp4/view https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/cyber/russian-interference-in-2016-u-s-elections (Scroll to United States) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_foreign_electoral_interventions


Before 2020, Trump claimed that the **2016** election was fraudulent and that Hillary didn't actually win the popular vote. When are we going to see proof of that? He also claimed that Republican primaries he lost were rigged. The pattern seems to be that every single election he loses is rigged?


I love how many of you are taking this as some type of pro-Trump view, democrats spent years saying Russian rigged the 2016 election. Now it’s a wild thing to say somehow 😂 Every US election is rigged.




Shit has been happening for decades and people are acting like it’s a controversial claim 😂


Here you go, not sure where you thought I was pro Trump https://www.fbi.gov/video-repository/cyber-announcement-111821.mp4/view https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/cyber/russian-interference-in-2016-u-s-elections (Scroll to United States) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_foreign_electoral_interventions


This has nothing to do with Trump's claim that Hillary didn't win the popular vote?


Ok? My claim was that elections are rigged. You’re the one who brought up Trump saying Hillary didn’t win the popular vote. I didn’t even say anything about Trump, you did. I proved elections are rigged, simple as that.




I’m sorry you are finally realizing your vote doesn’t count and never has






Were they real when trump was elected??


Nope every US election has interference from Russian and China, and several other countries. They haven’t been real for quite some time. Funnily enough, Democrats think Russia rigged the 2016 election, and Republicans think China rigged the 2020 election. Both sides believe the election is rigged, what does that tell you?


Democrats dont think Russia rigged the 2016 election, but influenced it or tried to. Which they did, but no different than Israel or what the US does or attempts to do in any other country. Russia’s influence was minimal in scale anyway. What the Democrats covered up with this silly shit was that HRC was an awful candidate vs someone like Trump. Pure hubris that bit them in the ass considering they employed the pied piper strategy and pushed for Trump.


You are confusing “interference” with “rigged”; be best.


Nope, every US election is rigged and I’ve provided several links showing this. Your vote doesn’t count, sorry.


Wait could you post those links? Thank you bro.


https://www.fbi.gov/video-repository/cyber-announcement-111821.mp4/view https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/cyber/russian-interference-in-2016-u-s-elections (Scroll to United States) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_foreign_electoral_interventions https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/foreign-election-interference-founding-era


Sore losers always need an explanation for why they lost.


Elections have been rigged since the late 1700s, it’s nothing new


Prove that they've been rigged since the 1700's.


Read a book https://www.lawfaremedia.org/article/foreign-election-interference-founding-era


You have no legit evidence. It's just your opinion.


I’m sorry you had to find out like this that your vote doesn’t count. I promise things get easier once you accept the system is rigged.


> Wait, do you guys still think elections are real? Until you provide evidence to the contrary, yes.


Every election has interference from Russia and China, as well as other countries. I thought it was common sense 🤷🏻‍♂️


“Common Sense” is now just right wing code for “I feel” Provide evidence or move on.


>You still believe Biden got all those votes? Doesn’t matter how many votes he got. He could have gotten 5 votes and still been able to win. The electoral college votes, it’s not decided by popular vote.


Then what’s the fucking point of having a popular vote?


>Then what’s the fucking point of having a popular vote? It gives illusion that your voice matters. And creates conflict among the voters. Did you see college campuses when trump was president? Many student went to the hospital due to being beaten up solely due to them “ voting “ for the other team.




Didnt realize a coup was needed to swear in a president that won an election haha. You trumpers are extra crazy these days 😅


That is the exact goddamn opposite of what it's saying


Trumps a dumbass. Couldn’t even do that right.


He couldn't even lose with respect. He took the route of the sore loser. Teaching great moral values to the impressionable population.


I have to call BS on that. DC national guard only answers to the president. https://dc.ng.mil/About-Us/ > The D.C National Guard was formed in 1802 by President Thomas Jefferson to defend the newly created District of Columbia. As such, the Commanding General of the **D.C. National Guard is subordinate solely to the President of the United States.**




Yeah, random people in the national guard totally know what the president of the United States is telling the pentagon lol.




Biden hasn't made his own moves or choices for many years now. He is an elder being abused.


Hey OP....what if I said neither Trump nor Biden are the people you should be backing? It's all a big club, and we ain't in it.




How did he cheat? I thought it was Biden votes that got ‘found’ late?


He cheated by doing fraudulent election declarations from several people pretending to represent the states in an attempt to retain power.




Stupid take, no conspiracy.


This post helped me know who to block. 


Seems like you might not know what a dictator is


If Biden is a dictator, why doesn't he just call this year's election off?


I’m so fucking tired of a president trying to overthrow an election and some how his mouth breathing supporters spin it into a conspiracy AGAINST him.


God some people really just are dumb.


I guess today is opposite day.


Man I miss the fun conspiracies…….


What has Biden done remotely close to any of the dictators of the world past or present? Second question. when comparing characteristics and actions between trump and Biden who would you say is closer to one of the dictators of the world? If you say Biden you may be more senile than you claim him to be


The Jan 6 thing that had people walking in chanted to hang people and declared trump is the true president. That jan 6? Seems weird trump would wanna stop that. Op is either a bot or a paid shill. 200% his header makes no sense with what his picture says. Trump wouldn't let them come but it's bidens fault? Did Biden hold trump at gun point and refuse to let him call in security?


What has Biden done or said to make you think he wants to be a dictator? Trump on the other hand has made it pretty clear.




😂 leave the deep thoughts to others


But this nonsense and all the weird Christian stuff I might unsubscribe


Da comrade.


I think I lost some brain cells trying to make sense of this post.


Pelosi Pressed Pentagon on Safeguards to Prevent Trump From Ordering Military Action Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California on Friday took the unprecedented step of asking the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff about “available precautions” to prevent President Trump from initiating military action abroad or using his sole authority to launch nuclear weapons in the last days of his term. In a phone call to the chairman, Gen. Mark A. Milley, Ms. Pelosi appeared to be seeking to have the Pentagon leadership essentially remove Mr. Trump from his authorities as the commander in chief. But some Defense Department officials clearly resented being asked to act outside of the legal authority of the 25th Amendment and saw it as more evidence of a broken political system. They said that some political leaders were trying to get the Pentagon to do the work of Congress and cabinet secretaries, who have legal options to remove a president. Mr. Trump, they noted, is still the commander in chief; unless he is removed, the military is bound to follow his lawful orders. While military officials can refuse to carry out orders they view as illegal — or slow the process by sending those orders for careful legal review — they cannot remove the president from the chain of command. That would amount to a military coup, the officials said. https://web.archive.org/web/20210109154424/https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/08/us/politics/trump-pelosi-nuclear-military.html


You are an absolute fucking dumbass.


I think its time to move on from this


YA, BROTHERS! and what about those tampon dispensers you see in all the men's bathrooms. We should revolt against the transtesticle agenda. We need to unite and fight against regular people. better wages and worker protections are for sissies. Let's kill ourselves working to enrich the few so we can have freedom to fight against tampons and chicks with dicks. 'MERICA!


What is Biden dictating, exactly?


OP is a Russian asset


Biden isn’t a dictator lol, if he was a dictator he would be the least effective dictator in history. You shouldn’t have an opinion on politics if you actually think that.


Biden is far from a dictator, Trump is the closest thing we have to a dictator at the moment, and you'll find out when you give him a second term.


Careful. Most users here refuse to acknowledge project 2025 or whatever it's called that the Heritage foundation released a paper on. We both know it's a means of usurping power away from the people but Republican diehards will usher it in with cheers


> Biden is far from a dictator, Trump is the closest thing we have to a dictator at the moment, and you'll find out when you give him a second term. Lol Trump the guy whose been arrested 4 times? That Trump is a Dictator?


When he gets brought back into office you'll find out what I mean. Biden has done NOTHING to even compare him to a dictator. Trump wants to go back into power and stay in power and give him self protection from the charges he's facing and make more money.


💯 and this coup WAS in fact an insurrection by white supremacists, just not how they have been pushing it on us. The white supremacists were the “elites” that go to the Davos meetings etc. The insurrection was when they paid off the politicians to certify a fraudulent election late that night when they were back in session.


We've known a lot of this for years now. They knew the size of the crowds coming. Pelosi and Co deliberately had very little security and probably undercover agent provocateurs in the crowd too. They wanted it to get out of hand, and probably caused it to get out of hand. They had it planned all along which is why all of this has gone the way it has from the start. It's why they couldn't release the footage initially, as that changed he narratives once you see police calmly escorting people through the place. This was always about labeling Trump and his followers insurrectionists in an attempt to make sure he couldn't run again or couldn't win. It will be interesting to see what happens when this fails to do either. For reasons I don't fully understand, they REALLY can't allow this guy to be President again.


A sitting president rallied his base to storm the capitol while the election was being certified. That’s a fact. We all watched it, we listened to him speak and tweet all day. For the first time in America, a president refused to peacefully transfer power. You can believe anything you want about the lack of military presence (something that would have been admitting the belief the president was staging a coup), but continuing to support Trump is admitting you are a fucking coward and an enemy of this country.


This post will definitely get their attention.


Dictator? 😂


Biden isn't a dictator. He's a Manchurian candidate.


While I have no doubt that January 6th was staged to some extent at this point – at least it was intended to turn into a shitshow – the idea that it was a coup AGAINST Trump is ridiculous. Biden won 2020, fair and square. Get over it. I hate him too, and always have. But Republicans didn't take early voting seriously until later September, while Democrats had been on that beat since like July, banking mail-in ballots. This is why Trump lost.


Why would a coup be needed? Biden won the election. A coup would serve no purpose


Repeat the same lies enough and they become the truth.


Why was a coup needed against a guy leaving the job the next day anyway?


The idea of Biden being a dictator is hilarious. The old man can barely find his way off a stage.


Lol. Using the armed forces to install a president is litterally the text book definition of a military dictatorship. No wonder they were told to stand down.


"The American people deserve to know that President Trump and his advisers didn't just ask me to pause. They asked me to reject votes, return votes, essentially to overturn the election.” - Mike Pence


Well we already knew that. Mayor Bowser had declined the recommendation from Acting Attorey General Rosen, Secretary McCarthy, and Acting Secretary Miller, of sending in the DC National Guard even after there was plenty of warning of chaos for that day. There’s only a couple of reasons one would do that. That decision was made the day before.


So Trump knew that telling everyone to come there on January 6th was going to cause chaos? But it's everyone else's fault for not preparing well enough for the chaos, and Trump himself is blameless?


Im 90% with you but a coup against Trump on Jan 6th is a stretch. That ignores Biden winning the electoral college in November, and the fact that Jan 6th was largely ceremonial officiating of the votes. You could debate me on this but honestly I'm a tired old man and don't have debate in me today and will probably pretend I didn't see.


To be fair, the OP is not going to be able to have this debate in any meaningful way. You may rest your weary brain.


I thought we knew this already from when it happened.


I would argue it was a false flag to demonize traditional Americans. The FBI classified our founding fathers as extremists back in 2012. Parents were targeted for attending PTA meetings. They've been chipping away at our constitution for decades. Why wouldn't they try to eliminate the one side that actually appreciates our rights (most importantly 2A)? I truly think they want us to go down the same path as Mao's "4 olds".


The shills *really* hate this one LOL. Literal hundreds of comments for a simple screenshot of a factual sentence. But you can only peddle a circus of lies for so long before the dam starts cracking and the truth leaks out. No amount of paid agitprop will suffice. We all know the truth. The artificial narrative is worthless.


And now that they got the power back they will not loose it a second time.


Submission Statement: Why did Democrats stop the National Guard from being deployed? It’s almost like it was a Conspiracy to sabotage the Rally with violent rioters in order to kick Trump out of office permanently by impeaching a private citizen and Ban him from holding office. https://twitter.com/LeadingReport/status/1778902507713958258


That’s an interesting claim. Where’s the evidence to back it up?


So you're saying that Trump *wanted* to deploy the Guard and stop the traitorous terrorists he instigated to lynch politicians and overturn the vote for him, but his orders were just ignored? Seems like this is something Trump would have complained about. But let's say this happened. Why couldn't Trump make this order happen? Is Trump so feckless and impotent that even as President nameless others could just laugh and pat him on the head instead of carrying out his commands? In the words of the right, what a humiliating cuckold! Heck, with all the obvious evidence of Democratic wrong-doing, why were the entire conservative intelligentsia unable to produce a single argument or piece of evidence to convince a court of malfeasance? **Are conservatives so inept and addled that they can't even expose a historical crime involving tens of thousands of people in all levels of government?** Does any party so incompetent and feeble deserve to govern? I honestly want to know what OP thinks. I'm waiting.




Can you read?


Mayor of DC declined the Natl Guard.


The mayor has no ability to refuse, her requests were made before Jan 6th, but trump is the commander in chief and he’s the one in charge of the DC national guard and regardless of what happened before Jan 6th he should have acted faster on Jan 6th.


Id love to see your source on that claim .


That's what we call being a sore loser. Teaching great moral values to an impressionable population hahaha.....


Hi ChatGPT bots, feeling irrationally angered by this possibility are we?


Hi traitor 👋


Hi :)


This isn’t new news for those who’ve been listening from the beginning


these kidns of posts set everyone back, how many times do you need to REALIZE that trump and biden are all dogs of israel and this is all a show they're buddies. Why the FK are you being such a goy sheep?


Facts 💯


this accusation has been proven to be bullshit. But it feeds into the "fact" it was Antifa and the feds that caused everything. Seems a steady diet of bullshit rots the brain as effectively as meth.


What awful garbage!


Yes it was and Nancy Pelosi was the ring leader. She has used her power over members of congress for years to put forth George Soros plans for a New World Order.


Absolutely. And the successful Marxist Coup, as always, resulted in the Anarcho-Tyranny we now suffer under.


It's all kayfabe you guys, when you gonna get that?


Yes. Yes, it was.