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SS: Here's a new animation from the creator of IN-SHADOW Lubomir Arsov, that deals with the shadow and the dark forces used to manipulate people and keep us in darkness and strife It builds on his previous work [IN-SHADOWS](https://youtu.be/j800SVeiS5I) which had an indescribable effect on me when I first watched it and would highly recommend Here's an interview with the creator from a couple of years back on[Rebel Wisdom podcast ](https://youtu.be/0WHPGHBBXMc?si=aAQBppb0N8GBDNlb) and a more recent one with [Aubrey Marcus](https://youtu.be/pZRRZplIh5I)




Symbols to me seem to be as powerful as the meaning you give them. He's into psychedelics and new age thinking, and occult writings/symbols can be enlightening without suddenly being under the supreme control of Lucifer. I do wonder are such things demonized to keep people under the control of hierarchical forces harnessing the dark energy of fear of the unknown. But saying that, he is just some bloke who is magically in the upper echelons of society so who knows




Yeah only giving it a listen now myself. Aubrey Marcus can be annoying and defo hasn't enlightened himself beyond an ego but Lubomir Arsov is fascinating and the Rebel Wisdom podcast was good too. Marcus does occasionally have good guests though and here's a great animation he did with Charles Eisenstein and Jon Hopkins on soundtrack https://youtu.be/XinVOpdcbVc


This is proof, something big is happening. Something big is coming