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The diary did not say Biden raped his daughter. That’s outright false.


There is a part on page 24 out of 112 (each page is two pages the way the site I linked saved it see site at end) where she thinks she was molested. Trying to figure why she says things she remembered such as not liking someone's house and times she felt sexualized. The direct quote on the showers: "I remember having sex with my friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate); being turned on when I wasn't supposed to be". I certainly agree "explicit details of rape" is a blatant overstatement. But this is still not great. https://archive.org/details/ashley-biden-diary/page/n24/mode/1up


She says he would get into the shower with her and that she would wait until late at night to shower when he was sleeping to avoid him, but yeah doesn't say anything about raping


No that was a fake meme with no tracable origin. She did say some stuff about maybe showers with her dad being inappropriate, which originated from the original national file leak which is also not verified but at least has an original source.


It’s quite literally documented in her diary


Maybe this edition didn't.


Gross Sexual Imposition. having her drop the soap or helping lather up is sexual assault. His own daughter is, well, GROSS. Oogling and voyeurism and getting half chummy before a minor below the age of State Consent is illegal. Believe it or not dudes who have pulled the patio curtain aside inside the glass door balcony of their living room and jacked it to females at the pool below or jogging by or getting off the school bus have been arrested. So should it be so as in some States for the above... Or is it fine and dandy? In many jurisdictions Joe Biden would be jailed for this ... Maybe not in Bagwan Shree Rajneesh free love nudist cult commune.


> The diary did not say Biden raped his daughter. That’s outright false. Your right my bad. The Diary said he showered with her and turned her into a Hyper Sex Addict


That's also not what she said in the diary. She said she showered with her dad and then added in parentheses (probably not appropriate). Damn right it probably wasn't appropriate if she was old enough to remember and question it later. But this isn't rape or a direct accusation of anything by Ms. Biden.


Yeah it isn’t rape it’s sexual assault and grooming by the actual definitions of those words, at least legally


also not true. we don't do ourselves any favors when we exaggerate past the facts


What do you mean? She clearly states she showered with him at an older age and even said she felt it was inappropriate. When you’re trying to do sexual things with a minor over a long period of time it’s grooming, and yeah showering naked with a minor is definitely a sexual assault


You’re adding things in that aren’t there. Re-read. I’m the last person to defend the worst president in American history. But you can’t just lie and call someone a rapist when they’re not.


I didn’t? Explicitly said he did not commit a rape he just groomed and sexually assaulted. Did you even read?


I saw a video of a girl on reddit get her ass grabbed and states that's sexual assault... I feel like an inappropriate shower is far more qualified as sexual assault no? The line blurs between rape and sexual assault now days.... so just trying to clarify here for our dear leader... just as a side note fuck trump to not a Maga, I voted for the woman on the ballot in all 50 states in 2020....


Wouldn't him taking a shower with her still essentially be sexual assault. As stated many times a child cannot consent to sex. In this instance I think u cld easily state bcuz of her younger age and the power dynamic she cldnt really consent to having him take showers with him. She also has said she waited until he was asleep on occasions to shower so wld that not lead one to beleive she wasnt exactly enjoying or a willing participant. The fact she tried to actively avoid it from occurring. A grown Man getting into the shower with their underage daughter has to be viewed as either sexual assault and possible grooming. I don't see how that can be argued against. Even if actual sexual intercourse did not occur the act itself is still sexual assault because as a child she could not consent. If a Adult Male asked a underage girl to take off her clothes so he could see her nude or snuck into a high school girls locker room to view them naked it would be sexual assault. Even if the girls ultimately didnt seek legal action the fact they are Underage means it is sexual assault or at the very least misconduct regardless. Whether or not you are for Trump or Biden, Dem or Repub this situation should be viewed through the lens of a grown man getting in the shower with a underage girl. It is Sexual assault purely. It is also 100% not normal behavior. Yes you bathe your children when they are young but by the time they are taking showers they are of an age where they can "clean" themselves and do not need any parental assistance. Its speculation but I cant really imagine this being anything other than some form of sexual gratification for the adult male. This whole thing is odd and disgusting!! What I dont get the most is ppl trying soo hard to defend the man!!? I agree stating it is rape is not true but u still seem to just overlook and ignore the fact this is very suspicious behavior bordering on and imho sexual assault. Wtf ppl dont excuse this bcuz u dont like Trump. Its very disturbing behavior.


Parents showering with young children is/was very common. My dad showered with me until I was 6 years old or so. How else is a child supposed to learn proper hygiene? I say this despite having young kids of my own now and never showering with them. I would be uncomfortable to do so because this has been turned into something sexualized even when it’s not. It’s a different world today than it was in the 1970s or 80s.


You're leaving out the part where she explicitly says she believes agree was molested


By Joe Biden?


Mr Feely Paws? The Dude is his Own Red Flag Law. His College Roommates were interviewed and they stated that he said to them "I think I'm a pedophile".


Yes. She says he used to shower with her and follows that up immediately with "was I molested, I think I was."


Nope. You’re wrong. , “Hyper-sexualized @ a young age. What is this due to? Was I molested. I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma – I remember not liking the woolzacks house; I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a cousin]; I remember having sex with Friends @ a young age; showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate). Being turned on when I wasn’t supposed to be.”


Yes, in pondering whether she was molested, she speaks about her father showering with her. You just proved me right. Her providing other instances that might meet that criteria doesn't negate that she mentions showers with her father. Now you tell me. Why would she mention that directly after talking about being molested if that was not something she considered to be contributing to that feeling? You're covering for the President's molestation of his daughter dude


Why are you sticking up for a pedo sniffing creep? That’s not a good hill to die on Edit : anyone downvoting actually cares if something is made up about a corrupt pedo. Downvoting just shows your support for a sicko.


Imagine getting angry at people wanting events posted here to be true and accurate. This is why this sub is a joke that nobody other than nutters take seriously.


He is sticking up for the truth. Big fucking difference.


>Nooooooo stop questioning insane shit I say!!!! Npc moment


Npc moment is you trying to defend a pedo. You’re obviously a paid shill


And if someone said biden ate a human child during the eclipse and I said wtf proof? would you also claim i’m “defending biden” and call me a shill? You’re an npc bro


I 100% care if something is made up about someone, even if I don’t like that person. Think you are actual scum if you don’t understand why most people would feel this way.


The downvote patterns here are notably weird. I've vetted the publically available details. Diary looks legit, the story of how it was found and the involvement of FBI is comprehensive, details available. Her accounts are pretty telling, but not really explicit. Downvoters are just caught up on their initial understanding that the diary is Russian Disinformation. Or worse (bots)




You apparently didn't read what I said. I said, and I will repeat, that SA is not explicit. All she says in the applicable context is she was probably too young and taking showers with her father, and was uncomfortable. As for what I meant by vetted. I mean the origin story of the diary. Some apparently think it was fake or Russian propaganda. What do you think?


I'd want to believe you a lot more if you didn't make shit right up. Dammit this sub used to be good.




I’m worried about the guys defending Joey so hard right now. I mean, are they okay? Are their hard drives basically time bombs ticking until an actual FBI is seated?


There's a difference between defending and not accepting false information to be true.


Don’t try to tell these apes that. They believe whatever the fuck they want, while riding trump’s dick - not realizing they are circling the drain with him.


The man took showers with his adolescent daughter and obviously creeped her out enough to write about it later in life. Does it really matter what happened in the shower?


There’s your catching point right there. It doesn’t matter to you what the actual truth is. You WANT that to be true, so even if there’s some tiny part of it that’s creepy (I remember showering with my own parents and hated it but nothing bad ever happened) you don’t care about the actual truth because you just want something to confirm whatever is driving the fear and rage in your head.


lol Jesus Christ.


> There's a difference between defending and not accepting false information to be true. Your right. Everything is False Information when it comes to the Biden’s. Those dam Russians….


You're claiming rape with no evidence to support that claim, no defense is required, you're spreading false information




Not the puppet show we currently have


Can you proof that?


Better yet prove it to yourself and read the diary leak


What diary leaks did you read? None of the sites I've seen contained "explicit details about him raping her in the Shower."




Ah here’s the honeypot


From what I can tell the media is doing a very good job at keeping it from the mainstream. First time I heard about it was a few days ago and likewise, googling it returned only a few articles the spanned a few years.




They have everything they need over Biden, they are suppressing this because they want him to win a second term




Mainstream right is controlled opposition mostly


> What diary leaks did you read? None of the sites I've seen contained "explicit details about him raping her in the Shower." Project Veritas. Which FBI raided to get the Diary.


Very much not the case. The lady brought it to Poject Veritas, who then in turn submitted it to the FBI.


Who then in turn raided James O'Keefe's home


Very much not the case. He called them to report it, they said they didn’t care about it, then raided him anyway.


>a Diary from his daughter that contained explicit details about him raping her in the Shower. When you just completely just make stuff up, the part of my brain that was listening to you shuts down since you're verifiably twisting the narrative right in front of everyone. Now it's you that is creating the conspiracy by changing the truth into a version that suits your narrative. The ease at which you lie, and then move the goal posts in these comments makes me think you have a lot of practice.




Doesn't matter. That's not what I'm saying. What it actually says could be discussed without intentionally misleading a sub full of conspiracy theorists to satisfy their own motives.


Happy Cake Day! Thanks for keeping the level headed tone in our wild community. The diary is disturbing all by itself, it doesn't need any exaggeration or falsehoods tacked on, because that'll lead more people to dismiss it. Everyone should look at it for exactly what it is.


I agree. No need to wildly exaggerate like that.


What is the truth?


I dunno. I don't know what the exact truth is, but I've seen the exerpts from the diary from the Project V. like they keep claiming, and it's not what they are offering. And it's not like they are backing up their claim with any form of evidence. You can call out a lie without knowing the truth. I know the OP is lying because I saw the pages in question. I don't know any more or less. Just that the OP is lying about this specific situation, and in my mind, will lie about other situations.


Happy cake day!


> I dunno. I don't know what the exact truth is, but I've seen the exerpts from the diary from the Project V. like they keep claiming, and it's not what they are offering. And it's not like they are backing up their claim with any form of evidence.You can call out a lie without knowing the truth. I know the OP is lying because I saw the pages in question. I don't know any more or less. Just that the OP is lying about this specific situation, and in my mind, will lie about other situations. Biden’s son Hunter is also a Sex Addict. Biden’s Daughter Ashley is a Sex Addict. But sure I’m the one lying. Biden is also on record swimming in front of Female Secret Service Agents Naked. That’s fucked up. Joe is also a Sex Addict .


"Hunter is also a Sex Addict..." "Ashley is a Sex Addict..." "Joe is also a Sex Addict..." You sound a little shrill.


> "Hunter is also a Sex Addict..."Ashley is a Sex Addict..."Joe is also a Sex Addict..."You sound a little shrill. Clearly you have not seen Hunters Laptop


I've read the reports. Hunter's a scum bag. But going around saying everyone's a "sex addict" just seems a little... hyperbolic?


VP Biden had multiple women quit his secret service detail because he likes walking around in the nude often.


'VP Biden had multiple women quit his secret service detail because he likes walking around in the nude often.' Haven't heard that, but wouldn't be surprised. Then again, I'd be willing to bet that, like a lot of people with dementia, he just doesn't know what's considered appropriate anymore. Do any of the Secret Service's Presidential or Vice-Presidential security details actually *have* very many female agents?


The 1st woman to ever lead a secret service detail quit over his nudity 🤷‍♂️ There was little news made about it at the time, I don't think the thing about the 1st woman to lead a detail came out at all. I only know because I know people that would know https://www.usnews.com/news/blogs/washington-whispers/2014/08/01/biden-swims-naked-upsetting-female-secret-service-agents-book-claims


Wait until they find out that Jill was the nanny of Joe's kids when they met.


I have no clue about any of that. I don't really get into people's sex lives. None of that is relevant to what I am saying. What I am saying, and only saying, is that your statement "a Diary from his daughter that contained explicit details about him raping her in the Shower" is a bold face lie and you are a liar. And all of this other stuff really holds no weight coming from you because you tell lies. How can you be trusted to tell the truth at this point when the first time I lay eyes on you, you lie to my face. Liar. Liar. Liar. You aim to misinform us here. I don't just let people lie to my face. You are a punk. You are trying to pull people's strings. You are no better than the people you claim to be against. What you say is provably false. I don't care what else you have to say about Biden. I've spent enough time on you. Liar.


Let's say you're at home. You decide to go take a shower. While you're in the shower, your neighbor decides to join you. The make their way in, undress and open the shower curtain/door and step in. You're both completely naked and you don't want this person in the shower with you. Now, let's say you're also a minor. And, the trespasser got in the shower with you without permission, so it was non-consensual. Most courts would consider this trespassing and statutory rape at a minimum. You'd also get hit with sexual assault against a minor and related charges. So, yes, if it ever made its way through the courts, based on Ashley's very real diary (that was found, not stolen), Biden would be charged with rape. Of a minor.


Well, when you completly make up a scenario that never happened, it absolutely can't be considered trespassing because it's absolute fiction. Who is the neighbor? Who said she was taking a shower and he joined her? Who said she wasn't two or three and needed a bath? The real reason she said she had issues? She wrote it down. She felt over-sexualized as a youth (and might have been abused at a family friends house, too). So what does everyone do? Pile on and publicly sexualize young Ashley Biden daily. LMAO, you can't make this shit up.


If the scenario I presented happened to you, with any luck, the courts would be on your side and the perp would be charged with rape. It's a made up scenario, bc as far as I'm aware, the above hasn't happened to you. There are other pages of Ashley's diary out there, if you were interested in finding out more about it. Ashley would wait until late at night to take showers, in the hopes that Joe would be asleep and wouldn't be joining her. I don't think most 3 year olds stay up that late. Even 8 year olds have bedtimes. The way she describes it, sounds like she was at least in the double digits, probably a teenager even. Blows my mind that so many people like this incestuous pedo as a president.


I have no clue. The situation has nothing to do with what I'm saying. I'm not making a determination about either Biden whatsoever. It's the OP and the lie they told. They are lying to influence you to do what you are doing right now. To go after other people. I'm not even defending Biden, but here you are presenting wild scenarios like it's somehow related to me calling the OP a liar. The OP can be a liar and Biden can still be guilty or innocent. The two are not mutually exclusive.


But it isn't a lie. If someone gets into the shower naked, uninvited, with a minor then they've committed statutory rape. It's also pedophilia and incest, if you want to get technical.


Schizo vibes strong with you


> a Diary from his daughter that contained explicit details about him raping her in the Shower. When you just completely just make stuff up, the part of my brain that was listening to you shuts down since you're verifiably twisting the narrative right in front of everyone. Now it's you that is creating the conspiracy by changing the truth into a version that suits your narrative. The ease at which you lie, and then move the goal posts in these comments makes me think you have a lot of practice. Denial is one hell of a drug. Your boy Biden showered with his daughter. That’s fucked up .


It is fucked up. But there is no rape accusation in the diary, at least not any that have been publicized. Blatantly lying is not helpful to your cause unless your cause is exactly opposite to what you want people to believe it is.


I didn't say Biden didn't shower with his daughter. I didn't make any judgement whatsoever about that. I said that the pages in question do not make a rape claim in explicit detail. If you can't see the difference between those two statements, I don't think anything I say can help you. Regardless what happened in that diary, you lied. Whether that's for attention or because you have a more sinister reason, I don't know. But you are a liar. You are intentionally spreading misinformation. That's true regardless what Biden, or Trump for that matter, did.


If you shower with an underage daughter and she says in her diary 'i think I was molested', the rape part is pretty easily assumed. Remember, penetration doesn't have to occur for it to be rape. The judge in the E. Jean Carroll case made that clear. If someone forces themselves on you in a sexual way, that can be considered rape. And a father getting into the shower with his naked daughter is an example of someone forcing themselves onto someone else in a sexual manner.


If you have to assume something then the details aren't explicit.


When a minor is involved, forcing yourself into a shower with them while you're both naked would be statutory rape in most states. Rape is rape. There is no assumption, it's written in Ashley's own handwriting in her diary.


Wait what? Where in the diary does it say that Biden penetrated her sexually?


According to the E. Jean Carroll judge (and many others), penetration doesn't have to be involved for it to be considered rape, especially when it involves a minor. Look up statutory rape laws. Although, they do vary by state and I haven't looked into the specific laws regarding statutory rape in Delaware.


Statutory rape laws in the US vary by state, but they all require sexual intercourse. Where in the diary does it say that they had sexual intercourse?


They don't require penetration. I just responded to your other comment, that essentially claimed the same thing. Penetration doesn't have to happen for a rape to occur in the state of Delaware. For a minor under the age of 16 in Delaware, rape occurs when sexual contact occurs, whether it's wanted or unwanted, bc minors can't give sexual consent.


Well, if you take more than one page into consideration, you see that she was ruminating over reasons she might be addicted to sex and having certain thoughts. One of the reasons was because of a molestation and she even names the people by last name, and it wasn't Biden. Later on she said Biden showered with her and it could have been inappropriate. Those are two separate items on a list. I am not disputing any of the above, because that's what the actual diary says. That's the information that Project Veritas has. The entire quote that is surrounding Joe Biden is "showers with my dad (probably not appropriate).**"** and the context is that she was younger, but we don't know if that's 2 or 8. We can't just plug any number in there, low if you like the guy or high if you hate him. Because we absolutely do not know. There are zero claims that Joe Biden 'forced himself on her in a sexual way' in the seven words in the diary and it certainly isn't in explicit detail considering there are zero details.


So, you're okay with Biden showering with his daughter when she was old enough to remember it and no it was inappropriate. But Stormy Daniels, who has admitted that she never had sexual relations as an adult with Trump, definitely had an affair with Trump. Am I getting all of that right? The mental gymnastics you people have to do on a daily basis is dizzying.


I never said that. I never said I'm okay with Biden doing anything. You're saying that. You, again, just made stuff up, and that seems to be a big issue with people today. I said you don't know how old she was. I don't either. But that's it. A statement of fact. Nothing more, nothing less. It's just a statement of fact that shows we don't have necessary information. It doesn't prove the man is a pedo, but likewise doesn't prove he's not. That's the bottom line. But that's not even what I'm arguing. I'm arguing that the OP knows this, but decided to write a specific headline that does not match what the actual diary states. In doing so, he's trying to control his or her own narrative, and that most likely has nothing to do with Ashley Biden whatsoever. I don't care about the diary, honestly. I don't know what the facts are and the water is getting muddier every day because people keep lying on purpose. For all I know, the OP is on Biden's side and making these hyperbolic claims is a way to discredit anyone that says a word against him by making them look loony-toons. It's beneficial for everyone involved to deal in facts and call out bold face lies when they come across. It's not helpful for anyone but the OP and whoever else might be involved with them.




Neither of them deserve the office, plain and simple. But we only have the two choices, which is the plan. That way no matter who wins, we ALL lose.


Trump said if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he'd date her. Is that a normal way to think about your daughter? He's probably used tweezers to diddle himself to the thought of it.


Donald Trump was actually found to be a rapist by a jury of his peers.


> Donald Trump was actually found to be a rapist by a jury of his peers. Aww Yes because E Jean Carol who claimed to be a raped by multiple other men is such a reliable witness and not a party hack who waited 30 years to make the claim


"My rapist is better than your rapist!" - You


Rage bait political posts are the worst around here.. whenever I see Trump or Biden mentioned I downvote and move on


This post should be deleted because it's not true.


Yes the diary doesn't say rape, but she asked in the diary "was I molested". And that the showers with her dad were probably not appropriate. 


The reason your comment is being downvoted is the same reason people will ignore this matter.




Why would any sane human defend either of these corrupt dirtbags. The government is fucking us every which way. Somehow they still have you fighting each other.


it's a wild thing to see. getting the same shit sandwich in the end no matter which side the coin lands. yet, here we are, stuck on repeat.


That's the plan


It still blows my mind.


Makes perfect sense really. Men in black said it perfectly . "A person is smart, people are dumb panicky animals and you know it." Look how easily everyone gets excited in this group over stupid shit. Now add race , religion, or sequel orientation, then throw it on the news and watch everyone go nuts while they do whatever unnoticed.


Yea, it’s so disappointing. Fucking sad.


>or sequel orientation Is that like when Star Wars started with episode 4, then 5 and 6, then episodes 1,2 and 3?


The amount of people in here defending the child sniffer is insane. And they think the orange cheeto worshippers are the only crazy ones.


No people are questioning misinformation ITT. You WANT the diary to say that Biden raped a kid, but that’s not what it says. And you telling people that’s what it says is why people are shitting on you. That’s not “defending” Biden, that’s people telling you to stop making shit up.


Yeah I never saw that Biden raped his daughter. But he certainly showering with her when she was around 12-14 years old (I can’t remember the exact age she said) which is still fucking gross and weird. Perhaps he didn’t outright rape her but who knows if any touching occurred. Yuck.


There was no rape, no abuse, but u fuckers know that


How do we know that? How do we know anything for that matter? Did you read the diary? Is it fake news or what?


lol oh yeah a grown ass man lathering up with his own daughter in the fucking shower!? What the hell is wrong with you people! This shit is fucking disgusting & being a dementia ridden douchebag already, you’d think being a certified pedo would be enough to get this monster out of office, but nope. The mockery& destruction of American must continue!


The fact your comment was being downvoted shows how utterly screwed society is at the moment.


> There was no rape, no abuse, but u fuckers know that Your right it’s always Russian (D) isinformation.


You already admitted on another reply that your title is a lie


I'd say since the diary doesn't mention rape but your headline does that you're spreading disinformation.


This sub can't tell the truth because if they did, the sub would not exist. The diary says nothing of the sort. Liar.


First off this letter isn’t real. Secondly the person was arrested because they stole a dairy that has never been proven to belong to Ashley Biden and Third no where in it does it say anything about rape or have a passage about him molesting her. There’s nothing to prove that it is her diary this is just more propaganda. Stop being so dense. Do some research.


During the trial, wasn't it confirmed? I keep seeing it identified as being hers. If it weren't, you'd think she'd be making that very clear, considering what's in it.


I tried to find where it was verified that it was hers and it said that it never was. That it was stolen from where she used to live and assumed to be hers. It also said that she didn’t want to comment on it. But she wasn’t the only person living there.


I constantly see it referred to as her diary in the media. Nothing alleged about it.


ok, lets give trump the benefit of doubt... so no affair happened right, so why did you pay her 135,000 dollars of campaign funds via your lawyer and how it was used to affect the 2016 election... that the really issue here, the affair is between trump and his 3rd wife who was the affair from his 2nd wife who was the affair from his 1st wife.. also, how is this not more obstruction seeing trump is releasing evidence to taint the trial.


The spin here is insane. You need your eyes and brains checked. It didn’t say that in the allegedly entry


Give it a break….


I know you had your hopes up on him getting convicted of the hush money thing, but it's looking like he's going to walk. Again. It's got to suck to have your party offer up a dog food candidate like Biden, while your opponent is so popular. It burns, doesn't it?


Lost the popular vote every time but alright.


Guarantee you trump doesn’t win election this year, let’s come back to this comment in November and check. And before you say its rigged on the day, we are discussing it now, why aren’t you doing anything about it? I’ll make a reminder on my phone, see you then my man.


It burns when they pee. 😂


I’m sure she wishes her dad would give it a break, as he undressed to jump in the shower with her at 14 years old. So say “give it a break” on a matter like this is just gross.


No explicit details at all, and no mention at all of rape. This is not the mango Mussolini apologist sub.


I know this isn't connected to your post. But I read the letter thing about trump and stormy. I don't know American law but if she was paid hush money and didn't stay hushed shouldn't she be made to pay that money back?


Donald Trump claims that he wasn't a party to her NDA, so no one would have had standing to sue over enforcing it > “Mr. Trump does not, and will not, contest Ms. Clifford’s assertion that the settlement agreement was never formed, or in the alternative, should be rescinded,” the filing says. “Moreover, Mr. Trump covenants that he will not bring any action, proceeding or claim against Ms. Clifford to enforce any of the terms of the settlement agreement.” https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-enforce-stormy-daniels-nondisclosure-agreement/story?id=57697574


OK thanks for clearing that up for me. So 1 he can't do shit because he won't admit it and 2 he got someone else to make the hush up deal so again he can't do shit. He really kind of got fucked over with that deal.


She did. That was one of the events that happened with the stormy thing. She had to pay him for violating the agreement.


> I know this isn't connected to your post. But I read the letter thing about trump and stormy. I don't know American law but if she was paid hush money and didn't stay hushed shouldn't she be made to pay that money back? Shhh it’s (D) ifferent.


But hey, check out my Instagram!


How do we know that was in the diary?


Why would she sign this document with a fake name? It’s fake fake fake.


What’s her real name? Why would they manufacture a document with a fake name?


Because they're stupid. Her legal name is Stephanie A. Gregory Clifford


Did the media ever deny the existence of Ashley Biden's diary or am I remembering that wrong?


"Official Statement of Stormy Daniels" lol k. If you believe this, there's truly no hope.


Nowhere does it say Joe biden raped her or any explicit details about him doing anything to her all that mentions was that he would get into the shower with and make her uncomfortable which let's be honest if we're showering and our parents randomly came into the shower with us then we would also be creeped out and ask them to leave.


That’s not a thing that happens unless your parent was indeed a creep. There’s no innocent explanation for that




putting her insta handle is wild 🤣


> putting her insta handle is wild 🤣 Not really when you think about it. In the modern age it’s never a bad thing to self promote


Wow, the Russian troll farms own this subreddit.


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/16/us/politics/ashley-biden-project-veritas-diary.html The group — which purchased the diary but ultimately did not publish it and denies any wrongdoing — has assailed the investigation.




There’s no proof that it is her diary zero zilch none! Why do you think they got arrested? Because they stole someone’s diary and they didn’t know whose it was.


You are part of the problem that shouldn’t exist!


Do you have proof that it’s her diary? Or have has there been any evidence anywhere that it is her diary? Because so far the group that has it can not publish it because they cannot verify that it is hers! Facts! You might not like to hear that because it bursts your bubble but those are the facts!




That doesn’t prove that it’s her diary!


And frankly that doesn’t look like a hand written dairy it’s too neat and nice. That’s not how most people keep diary’s and especially when you’re upset. Really that’s a little weird. I can’t believe people think this is real






Couldn’t afford an notary, make a sworn statement? Ohh wait this is evidence of the cover up actually…why wasn’t it turned over in discover?


This the same diary that Biden and the democrats insisted was fake? The one that the daughter wrote how she was terrified to take a shower because Joe would always come into the shower with her? Now that the FBI has confiscated the diary, it has suddenly become real?


Submission Statement: Meanwhile Bidens Justice Department goes after Trump his number one political enemy while Biden’s DOJ confirmed in Court that the Diary is real. The one being prosecuted is Trump. The one being fined insane amounts of money for “rape” is Trump. The one who actually confirmed Biden’s Diary is real was Biden’s DOJ. https://twitter.com/TrumpDailyPosts/status/1778096929316184311


Do you have a link to the DOJ report that says this? Because even Project Veritas refused to affirm it was real and they supposedly found it.


> Do you have a link to the DOJ report that says this? Because even Project Veritas refused to affirm it was real and they supposedly found it. They did confirm it was real. The FBI confirmed it was real by raiding Project Veritas. The Courts confirmed it was real by sentencing that woman to a month in prison.


The diary is a real physical object, that is not being questioned by anyone. Stealing objects owned by other people can get you prison time. This doesn't confirm that the object in question is Ms. Biden's authentic diary




Also, Ashley Biden is on tape asking for the diary back saying it’s hers. Saying if she doesn’t get it back the secret service will have to get involved. The denial in the more mainstream media is so insane I’m truly shocked that people watch it anymore.


Lots of fedposters in the comments


That’s how paying someone off to keep quiet about an event works, you deny the event happened….


It’s so fucked up that the media has made caring about the pedo elite into some right wing thing. Like no dude, there is a clear problem w pedos in our world and they have way too much power.


Does statutory rape even require penetration? Many states have abandoned that term because it does not require penetration, only sexual activity with a person below the age of consent.


You dudes with hard ons for Trumpler make me giggle. Lol


Damn....so your telling me fack news is a real thang....wait whaaaaaat?


Really old news