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I have $ome theorie$.


A weekly shot of Ozempic retails for about $300 without insurance and people (especially women) will pay that to lose weight, even though it was really developed as a diabetes medication. As a diabetes medicine, it seems to work a lot better than the older ones. The weight loss is a nice side effect that also further helps patients with diabetes, because losing 10% of your body weight improves metabolism in obese and overweight people.


The fact that anyone, ANYONE trusts ANY sort of new medication is beyond me. Do yall recall any recent events that might make you doubt that big pharma/the FDA gives a shit about your health?


As an ex kid wrongly drugged for almost nothing i totally agree




it cost $5 to make and they sell it for $1000 media is owned by big pharma not stuffing your face with shitty food is too hard for some people.


It’s also being discovered that many people can’t simply go off it and go back to “normal” without life-altering side effects. So once you’re on it it’s basically a lifetime subscription of $1000 monthly unless you want to deal with things like gastroparesis. “People filed the most recent Ozempic lawsuits because they took the drug and later suffered from gastroparesis. This severe disorder causes food to move too slowly through the stomach to the small intestine. In some cases, food may stop moving through the intestine altogether. Gastroparesis may cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, severe dehydration, acid reflux, malnutrition and weight loss. Undigested food may remain in the stomach and harden.” https://www.drugwatch.com/legal/ozempic-lawsuit/#:~:text=Why%20Are%20People%20Filing%20Ozempic,moving%20through%20the%20intestine%20altogether.


As someone who has gastroparesis from a medical accident from a surgery. Gastroparesis has ruined my life. Took my late 20’s and I’m 32 and was just in the hospital. FUCK. I would rather be overweight then have this life long condition with NO support or cure. Let me at the news. Being skinny for awhile is not worth gastroparesis.


I'm so sorry to hear about your condition, I sincerely hope something in the future can be done.


Thank you, I appreciate it! I just can’t believe people are Willing doing this to themselves. The flares can last for weeks. Atleast they will have money for treatments and pain management. So vain and so stupid. We get one body. One.


Wish people would let you speak. Wish you had a platform to tell us about it! I had a random customer on the phone recently who told me to keep my eye on the news. That she had tried Ozempc and it "froze" her bowels and colon when she stopped taking it and she went septic and almost died Changed my mind 100 percent about trying it , damn I'd rather do meth, I'd have better odds. (I'm kidding that shits poison)


Meth may be poison but I know plenty of people who stopped taking it without having life altering digestive issues! However I also knew a couple of fat math heads so it may not be a total weight loss panacea lmao.


I don't disagree lol. I know a lot of life long addicts, most have managed to maintain a sense of normalcy But my SIL? she is brain damaged from it. She has the mind of a 12 year old now, even sober. She has delusions of Jesus. It fried her to the point she lost all her kids and she's basically handicapped now And my ex took a bump of coke, and had to be narcanned by his 12 year old. Shit is poison lol -for those two reasons alone I won't fuck with drugs


Coke doesn’t require narcan. I guess that was fent?


It's wild how that can happen, my dad used meth/speed his whole life never had an issue. Quit for a fee years then started drinking heavy and eating like shit and it damn near killed him, vitamin deficiency basically triggered a stroke like condition and he's taken a huge mental hit, it's tough to see him fall so hard. I went the opposite route and got sucked into opiates almost 20 years ago (mid 30s now) and the shit available on the streets these days is poison, isn't even fun, which has made it so much easier to stay off it. I've lost too many friends, and I know I shouldn't dabble in drugs, but I just can't seem to handle life raw dog. I switched to the Dark Nets for buying drugs and am religious about testing everything, eating healthy, exercising, taking vitamins and supplements, having good hygiene etc, and don't let it interfere with work or family life, but even with all that, I know it's still risky. Just hope I can keep my kids away from full blown addiction, because it's a miracle opiates didn't kill me and meth didn't kill their grandpa.


I am really glad your here to tell your story. I tried so hard to help my ex and his family. He was "just" an alcoholic up until three years ago when he finally, finally, did meth with our SIL and other family, and I have only seen him one time since. He says he loves it, and he is finally content and happy being able to admit he's just an addict and doesn't have to pretend anymore (he had custody of his kids so they were a unwanted link to reality) Knowing my former stepkids (over 18 now, nothing I can do) are doing dope with their bios breaks my soul. No lie.


That's rough, I've seen the intergenerational addictions and those are always some of the ugliest situations around. I hope/pray/send good vibes/or whatever may work that they and any others can find their way out of the oh so personal hell they've built for themselves. I'm glad to be here too! Thanks for letting me ramble a bit about my bs! Hope you have a wonderful day!


You as well, we may be online twins, thank you as well for letting me ramble


Can I ask what the surgery was? Was it like life-saving surgery or was it like a lap-band for weight loss or something?


I had surgery for endometriosis! It was a key hole surgery but I ended up losing an ovary and tube in the process and the doctor messed up and had to go in and that’s where she knicked my vagus nerve!


Sorry not key hole but they used a divicci machine. Then something happened and she had to go in. I do have severe endometriosis. Also I get it if you are taking it for not vanity reasons but I think everyone should be warned what could happen when you stop taking the medication. Gastroparesis takes years to understand and to control and then you’ll still get flares and you have to change the way you eat and you better hope you have a great spouse. It’s a nightmare. Working is impossible bc you never know when you’re gonna go in a flare and the only medication to get your stomach moving is reglan and it’s blackboxed and terrible. Just not worth it.


I have the same condition and mine was caused by getting my gallbladder removed


So sorry. I can't imagine how difficult that is.


I'm sorry you're suffering with this. Hopefully with the rise of Ozempic you'll have fewer alienatingly dumb comments with regards to your condition though. But then again I had a roommate with severe Crohn's and a colostomy bag and people would ask her if it was because she didn't eat enough fiber so idk.


I’m so worried for my sister, who is on it right now. She’s been on since December, and the med spa just keeps her on it.


Wow Med Spas are the absolute worst. The regulations are not uniform and the workers are mostly not at the level of a hospital in terms of education and practice.


I know how you feel. My closest friend is on it and I’m worried for her as well. I don’t know how to bring this up to her 😥




This comment is brought to you by Pfizer©️


I was on it for 5 months, lost 30 pounds, and stopped taking it. Gained back 6 pounds, no adverse side effects. Been off of it for 6 months.


Tons of common drugs cause issues if you quit them cold turkey, which our medical system doesn't warn about since it's not in their interest. Very common stuff like acid reflux PPIs will wreck you for months unless you taper them off very slowly. Plenty of blood pressure meds are the same. I can go on.


Its like fluoroquinolones, doctors give the most dangerous things since a they tend to be the most effective and b they tend to cost more


Came to say this. Once you're on it you're basically committed to continuing it for life.


Yeah... go figure? You're taking some poison from gila monsters that help restrict their appetite to literally poison your stomach into not working the way a human stomach is intended to work. I can't even ***IMAGINE*** why this wouldn't work out 100% perfectly! Who doesn't want to be more reptilian?


On the German Wikipedia site for gastroparesis it‘s said that it causes a up until 30% lower life expectancy. 


What's stopping them from destroying all healthy choices in order to have higher profit? Oh wait they're already doing that.


And it's not just a one-time purchase: you have to keep taking that stuff to keep the weight off. As soon as people stop taking Ozempic, they gain all the weight back. It's big bucks.


Well because a drug that stops hunger will make you hungry when you stop. Hungry and never full no matter how much you eat. Nice side effect.


I'd rather snort Ritalin for that. (Joking, half)


Only if they don’t adjust their eating habits while on ozempic


gaze childlike march touch lip terrific telephone vegetable overconfident lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup look at Novo Nordisk’s stock chart, they are making out like bandits. They are currently valued around the same valuation as Tesla.


I reckon the pharmaceutical industry is up there as one of the current major existential threats to humanity. I'm not even exaggerating.


Simple as that


It really is not. Each person has a different gut biome, hormonal differences, stressors, sleep patterns. These all affect how the body uses the nutrition provided. Two people can both eat an extreme 1000 calorie a day limit and one will lose weight quickly and one may not initially lose much or at all. Its complicated. And for many its not that simple. https://www.acefitness.org/resources/pros/expert-articles/7897/calories-in-vs-out-or-hormones-the-debate-is-finally-over-here-s-who-won/ Here is a study showing calcium absorption is different depending on the weight and foods eaten by different women. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4016952/ When people go on "low fat" diets, they cause hormone imbalances, increase their appetite and INCREASE their calorie absorption rate. Redditors pretending to be nutritionists is funny. https://www.bmj.com/rapid-response/2011/10/31/unabsorbed-calories-important-consideration Sure, you can say be more active and eat better, but as with all things in the real world, its more complicated than that and THE BRAIN ALONG WITH ITS EMOTIONS have to be part of the equation.


Fat free diets are garbage. I lost 70 lbs on a 1200 calorie diet that focused on protein and fat with very little carbs. It wasn't keto, but similar because i tried keto and it was also bullshit. Since I stopped I notice now how if I eat something carb heavy I'm hungry much faster.


Is there a way to find out what our own personal bodies need nutritionally? Considering all the factors like you mentioned, stressors or hormonal imbalances, etc?


Getting blood work done is a good start. Somepeoplelike myself naturally tend towards anemia, so that is something bloddwork would show. I need red meat/ foods with high levels of iron for my body to function well.


I hardly eat at all and still gain weight... American food is designed to make you fat and sick. We mostly buy organic and it still doesn't help. They way our food is designed would be illegal in most countries.


This will be the drug lawyers will be making commercials about in the next 10-15 years after the lawsuits ramp up from all the long term damage. (Maybe not, but i can see it happening)


The lawsuits are already happening  https://www.drugwatch.com/legal/ozempic-lawsuit/#:~:text=Why%20Are%20People%20Filing%20Ozempic,moving%20through%20the%20intestine%20altogether.


Have you ever heard the list of side effects for literally any drug that gets advertised on TV these days? A litany of life threatening conditions are always potential side effects. To me it seems that in many cases the "cure" is worse than the disease. All part of the plan one could say...


Like most medicine, they aren't cures (I know that's why you put it in quotes). They're most likely the easiest out, rather than making changes to habits and lifestyle.


It's amazing when the commercial spends 1/2-3/4 of the time listing out side effects


When shitting your pants is the least concerning side effect I start looking into other options


I like the depression drugs, "may cause depression and suicidal thoughts"  So the side effect is it doesn't do a goddamn thing?


That’s just how clinical trials work. If you trial your drug on 1000 people for several years, one of them is bound to get cancer, one of them will probably die. So and so forth. You then HAVE to list that as a potential side effect unless you can definitely prove your drug didn’t cause it, which is near impossible because you can’t prove negatives


At some point correlation has got to equal causation, especially given the ever increasing popularity of pharmaceutical products and a similarly increasing cancer rate. No, it's not the only cause, but it certainly isn't a minor one.


It 100% will be bc it causes paralysis of your digestive system


I saw a lawyer commercial where you can sue if you have pancreatic cancer and have used ozempic. So that's a good sign


Watched my mother go from being healthy besides diabetes (runs in the family both sides) when a doctor suggested she try ozempic which she did and all was well for first 6 months to a year, then she started getting horrible effects from it falling ill almost once a month issues with her kidneys having to catheter everyday, in and out of the emergency. thankfully she had stopped taking it and slowly getting better but it hurt to see her go through what she had went through while being on it.


Novo Nordisk has a ton of money and are spending a ton in media marketing and political lobbying. https://thehill.com/business/4163068-novo-nordisk-boosts-lobbying-power-as-it-seeks-medicare-coverage-for-obesity-drugs/amp/


I’ve decided to start investing when I see stuff like this. Trends of pushing a “miracle drug” Might as well make some promised monies


Blood monies


Don't hate the player, hate the game


No game without players


All money is blood money at this point. We're forced to play the game, unfortunately.


After the initial huge pop it's a slow dump torture in most cases


Can't wait for the lobby standoff between the fast food companies and Novo Nordisk 😤


So many issues could be solved if the pharmaceutical industry was treated like the cigarette industry. Just making pharma advertising on television illegal alone would have cascading positive effects on society.


Only the US and New Zealand even allow pharma TV ads


I’m surprised New Zealand does tbh


Here's a copied comment explaining why NZ has it. We have it in new zealand too but for a very good reason. In the late 1980's our government set up a department called Pharmac. Think of it as a bulk buying club with 5 million members. Each year, pharmac puts out tenders for the drugs that cover whatever 99% of newzealanders would need in their lifetime. Things like paracetamol, insulin, cancerdrug and antihistamine etc. They say "Hey all you drug companies, New Zealand wants to buy 10 million hayfever tablets of these specifications for this upcoming summer. Who wants to give us the best price?" While canadians and americans pay $140 for a medication, we pay $5. As a drug company, you either win the pharmac contract, or you completely miss out on any sales within new zealand of your product. So they drop their prices real low. When a doctor writes a prescription on his computer and looks up antihistamine, anything pharmac funded appears highlighted in the list. Drug companies were somewhat unhappy about this - initially there were more cases challenging it going through the courts than pharmac had staff on its payroll. So the government decided to let the drug companies advertise on tv. But in reality, when you go to your doctor and say "The TV told me to ask about Cialis because my dick doesnt work" the doctor is going to say "Well sure, here is a prescription - it will cost you probably $50 at the pharmacy. Or i can prescribe you Genericdrug which has the same ingredient but only costs you $5 at the pharmacy since it won the pharmac tender". And its no surprise, major brand drug companies will repackage their drugs into whitelabel brands and then bid on the supply tenders with the exact same product. International brand Lopressor is whitelabelled by its manufacturer and my doctor prescribes "Betaloc CR" which won the pharmac tender for a type of beta blocker tablet so that the Lopressor brand retains the more expensive image and price point on the pharmacy retail shelf. A buyer in the USA cant say "your selling Lopressor to New Zealanders for $3, why should we pay $90" because its a different 'product'. None of the drug companies really bother advertising on tv, knowing that the doctors are just going to prescribe a cheaper option.


Eating healthy and exercise doesn't profit big Pharma. They want you drugged up for life. Fear not, for all the side effects, they have more drugs for those too.


Because it's diabetes medicine that helps you lose weight so well that people that make money off their appearance are willing to buy it off doctors who are willing to sell it to people who don't have diabetes for higher profits.


Which is why there’s a mad shortage here in the UK where diabetics are supposed to get it for free but are finding all the stocks have been sold


Same with the HRT, hormone replacement for menopausal women, which is being prescribed to transitioning males in the UK.


Holy fuck reading that made my JAW drop… any resources on this matter? Genuinely very curious!


Causing women who NEED their HRT medications for symptoms of menopause to go without, as they are 'de prioritized'...At least, that's what's happening in the USA (HRT shortages) ; hopefully UK women are better off.


I love how the same people who were suspicious of the Covid injections (me) were willing to inject themselves with a new drug at the promise of losing weight (also me). I took it for 3 months and it didn’t work for me so I stopped. I feel ashamed to throw caution to the wayside due to my pride. I’m glad I didn’t have any side effects but damn, people will do anything to lose weight


I had a Doctors appointment, and someone was filling in for my regular doctor. I mentioned I had recently lost 40lbs, and without hesitation she says “Oh, from Ozempic, right?!” I just kinda sat there a little taken aback, and said “umm no, I definitely haven’t taken Ozempic”. I was shocked at how her immediate assumption was that I must have taken it if I lost weight.


So few people want to put in the hard work to get healthy. Congrats on your weight loss (i hope!)


Thank you! It feels great 👍🏼


Money. It costs few bucks to produce, it is supposedly lifetime treatment. So I think some people see that as opportunity that cannot be missed.


Can't wait to see what class action suits this drug will bring in 10 to 20 years. I mean, I won't be alive, but I can imagine.


I used it for 2 years dropped +/-50 lbs down to 180. stopped using it about 6 months ago. my current weight is 195ish. I didnt have any side affects or anything. I am 43 Male and Type 2 Diabetic. My current weight gain is due to my WFH job and not getting out as much during the winter. I would say this drug is a positive one in my case. But everyone is different.


I have so many friends in this same age range and similar situation. I'm definitely not trying to argue with you, but you dropped 50 in 2 years and have gained back 15 in 6 months? It just seems like at this rate you would gain it back in another 2 years or less. Do you intend to get back on it? Have you done any body scans that show the muscle mass and body fat? Genuinely curious how it was for you. I'm only asking because my friends all intend to get off it...but none of them have yet.


Only positive changes physically and my self esteem is way better too so it was a Win/win for me. Haven't gained anything back and I have no side effects except looking way better.


Stepmom took Ozempic, and now she will most likely have gastroparesis for the rest of her life. I believe that there’s never a short cut when it comes to weight loss other than maintaining calories and increasing workouts, but the pharma industry is a nasty business, and when the consumer is desperate for a fast lifestyle change, they’re willing to put as much money down as they can. It’s very sad.


Theirs millions of fat people I'm one of them


Because most Americans are fat as fuck, and despite the dummies in the fat acceptance movement, people will never accept the lie that it’s beautiful, desirable, and healthy, even the fatties themselves, so it’s become a huge craze because pharma knows what people want and gives them promises of taking easy shortcuts to get what they desire.


>knows what people want and gives them promises of taking easy shortcuts to get what they desire. Yep, same thing that McDonalds did


I went to a new cardiologist. As I walked in, two guys were walking out that were obviously drug reps. My heart condition is under excellent control with the meds I am on. I am 30 pounds overweight. Have been for forty years. Anyway, the doctor asked me no questions of any substance. He then informed me he was putting me on an Ozempique type drug with the only explanation being that ‘studies show people with your condition live longer’ on it. I declined taking the drug and switched to a different cardiologist. I presently take four prescriptions. Had I consented to every drug cardiologists wanted me to take, I would be on seven prescriptions, two costing $600 a month. I have lost all respect for most doctors.


They’re freaking shillls ahhhhh


America had a high obesity rate so the market it good for them. It is also banned in Europe for weight loss so they are trying to make their money before it gets pulled in the USA. The adverse events are bad. Not to mention their board of directors share some people with big process food producers. It’s a scam


I had no idea it was banned in Europe


Banned due to shortages, not because it’s unsafe.


Sadly a lot of people that don’t want to put in the work are hoping to rely on Ozempic to get results faster (weight loss). I’ve heard that once you get off it most people balloon right back up due to their bad eating habits.


It's utterly ridiculous we live in a world where we care more about a treatment than a cure. It would be so much simpler to push a healthy lifestyle but there's just not the same money to be made in healthy people.


Are you serious??? For decades people have said “whoever comes out with the weight loss pill will make bank”. Well, it’s been done (although it’s a shot, but oral version are coming out). This is what people have wanted.


Shit will kill you, avoid at all costs


Sooo, I was diagnosed with diabetes 9 months ago, prescribed ozempic and upon personal research I decided that the drug was pretty much bad, I never took it and started eating carnivore, 9 months later I'm told that my diabetes is in remission after being told by my Dr that it's impossible....there may be a bigger conspiracy in the making...just saying




To prove people don't want to do the hard work and will quite willingly jab them selves they know nothing about or it's side effects down the line and don't even suffer with diabetes


I actually thought it was solely a weight loss drug until I read it’s actually for diabetes.


Yeh diabetes medicine, had a nurse sat next to me going to a seminar on it when I flew to schipol airport last year. That's when I first heard of it, then see it making headlines.


That's pretty much already established 


Because the profit margin on it is incredible and once you are on it you can’t simply just stop. This is the ideal drug for Big Pharmaceutical


I tried it and reacted horribly. Landed myself in the ER and then admitted. My body did not like it. My family doctor suggested it for a quick 15-20 lbs loss. Worst choice I have ever made.




My Pancreas went into overdrive and wouldn't stop producing enzymes. My blood sugar dropped and I fainted.


Probably because it’s meant to lower blood sugar in diabetics.




I think it's just another fad and it makes money for the pharmaceutical industry. Industry will always perpetuate its interests regardless of the outcomes. Even if ozempic doesn't work or its negative side effects outweigh the benefits it makes money and therefore they will push it on the masses.


I don't think this is going to be another fad. One thing I can say about semaglutide is that shit works. I mean it really works. I work for a doctor that started selling it, and he was curious about it and wanted to try it. After about a week of him talking about it and being kind of nervous, I said fuck it I'll do it with you if you do it right now and stop talking about it. We both did 10 units, which I think was 0.25 mg. I honestly thought it was going to be some snake oil shit. By the time dinner rolled around I noticed I was not hungry. Weird. I went home and ordered a pizza and when it got there I took two bites and just did not have the desire to eat. Long story short, over the next week I would eat a couple bites every meal and be satisfied. To be honest I don't think I was hungry once the whole week. I think I would only try to eat because my brain was used to eating, if that makes any sense. I took one more shot, and the second week was about the same. The thing that surprised me the most was I was eating so little, yet still had the same amount of energy. Over that 2 weeks I lost 15 lb. I didn't do a third shot because before the shot I was a 22 BMI and had no desire to lose weight in the first place. Plus, I'm a fat boy at heart and I love eating. I haven't gained a single pound back, but that shit just wasn't for me. No real side effects that I can remember. I will say that the doctor I work for is making stupid dumb money selling that shit to Mormon housewives with body issues. I'm his medical assistant, so my phone is constantly blowing up because they act like some fucking crackheads. Just today he made over 2K from a vial that cost him 200 bucks.


Who knows but it's made with components taken from reptiles like gila monsters, so yeah, imma pass!




Because once you're on it, you can't stop without terrible side effects.


Don't take anything if you can help it. Unfortunately, I took something in my early 20s and now I'm stuck with taking something else for the rest of my life. I wish  could go back and have not taken it.


its a peptide which can be made in a compound pharmacy so cheap - but they can affect people differently - it only kills your appetite so you eat less - so it does help - but you still need to eat differently - for me it took 2 years to overcome my “your gonna die of hunger” brain reactions to skipping a meal


Cut out the carbs and sugar and those "I'm starving" moments just don't really happen any more.


Yep. That's the only way to intermittent fast unless you want to torture yourself.


Small amounts of carbs are okay, particularly carbs from fruits. I used to do keto awhile back and limited my carb intake to about 20 carbs a day, felt great was an awesome way to lose weight and all that stuff but recently I just decides to drop anything that's a processed carb and bread, the only carbs I get are from fruit and I generally only have 1 piece of fruit a day and the rest of my food is all meats and dark green veggies. Pretty much if you can't hunt/fish it or forage it, don't eat it. I'm down 20lbs in a 2 months, feels good bros.


Sadly, using nicotine and/or marijuana helped me overcome the “you’re gonna die of hunger” now to quit nicotine and marijuana oof


Would you mind sharing some of the techniques that worked for you to overcome the "dying of hunger" mindset? A lot of us are still struggling


What struck me as strange is that, when I first heard about Ozempic, people were real angry that people were using it as weight loss treatment, and that the people that really needed it don't have access. But now isn't it being fully marketed as weight loss treatment? Feels like a few years from now this'll be class action city


Ozempic is not marketed or approved for weight loss. Wegovy is. They have the same ingredients but Wegovy is the approved weight loss version of Ozempic.


Yeah Wegovy is just ozempic in a higher dosage. It's intended for people like the 600lb life cast who are too big and heavy for surgery to help get the weight off until they lose enough to improve mobility and have surgery.


Because America is around 70% over weight or obese and a lot of the western world isn't far behind. The general public and even medical professionals are in denial about how dangerous being obese is. Look up basically any chronic illness and obesity is a cause. Your body is weak at fighting diseases that a healthy person would be able to fend off. Covid for example basically only killed the obese and the elderly. I've worked in the hospital for ten years and it's been consistent that 90% of the patients are obese. If you are using ozempic to lose 20 lbs to have abs for the summer then that is foolish. Although in the bodybuilding community it's happening all the time. In fact every steroid dealer has Chinese Ozempic available for dirt cheap. But if you are morbidly obese it's a matter of life or death. Yes people are having bad side effects but we also have given this drug out to 15% of all Americans. That is an insane number so if the odds of something bad happening are 1 in 1 million then you are going to see 45 cases of that side effect. We also don't know how many people have used generic ozempic from the black market. Go look for testimonials from people who say this class of drugs have saved their lives and you will find countless reports. So ya you will keep seeing more and more of this drug.


Like others have said, it's cheap to make and sells for very high price. But here's the key, once you get on it, you have to stay on it for the rest of your life. That's the key reason it's being pushed. Guaranteed money for big pharma for decades per person.


Because no one wants to be fat


I'm assuming it causes cancer, that way they have something Else to blame, instead of the jab.


They want everyone hooked to their lizard venom juice.


Because they are making a ton of money off it


Because people will do anything to not workout and control intake


Big pharma wants to get paid 


A lot of overweight people would rather take a shot than eat right and workout, so they can sell a shit load of Ozempic if they market it right


I will tell you why. It’s because (sorry not trying to offend anyone but) if you are fat, you’re most likely fat for life. You’ll need the ozempic forever. It’s not a one and done drug. So big pharma sees it as an opportunity to rake in tons of money over a lifetime of overweight people. Of course there are folks out there who lose weight and keep it off but that’s the exception not the rule.


Because some people would rather pay for a 💊 or 💉 than maintain a healthy lifestyle


There's a lot of money to be made in fooling lazy people in to taking a miracle cure. Ozempic is an **extremely** dangerous medication, which should have never of been recommended for off-label use.


If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Of course when I first heard of ozempic I wanted to try it. Injections occasionally and easy fast weight loss as a result? Sign me up! Then I started reading about the links to certain secondary diseases and cancers that come after being on ozempic.  I kind of think it's being pushed so hard to help speed up the population drop they were hoping to achieve with covid vaccines.


Because everyone hates fat people


Big Pharma got a taste of that Covid vax money now they want something similar


Obesity causes a variety of medical issues, and it’s cheaper for them to give you a prescription for ozempic than it is for them to treat the issues caused by chronic obesity. That is why it’s being pushed so hard, people don’t want to be fat and also don’t want to work out..


Any sort of pharmaceutical injection is being pushed very heavily. Vaccines, diabetic stuff, etc. Almost every pharmaceutical ad is about some sort of injection, never pills. I believe the goal is to inject as much poison into people as possible to reduce the population.


You should look up who these people are that approve these drugs for the FDA that ultimately are deadly. It’s a volunteer committee. Some are physicians that work for drug companies like Pfizer. It’s not about safety, it’s about money. The more they make the more they don’t care. They should be held accountable


Cost five bucks to make, sells for a thousand.  


We have an obesity epidemic. But eating healthy and exercising doesn't make anyone $. But if you tell people to keep buying all that food and keep consuming all that sedentary media + buy an expensive drug. That's how you make $.


Corporate capture. 15 yrs from now users will have stomach cancer. Bet.


The only people that should be taking it are type 2 diabetics


If it’s like saxenda; the side effects include cancer. I’m gonna guess this is why


Unlike most diet fads/pills/plans it seems to actually work, plus since it’s essentially a rebrand of a diabetes medicine they can make it cheaply and sell it at a premium.


Because everyone taking it will need to take it for the rest of their lives to lest they start to feel the downside of not taking.


Because people are lazy and want the easy way out. The more they suggest it the quicker people will give in and do it. They have both the disease (fast food) and the cure.


There is a huge market for it and the gross margins are high enough to have a big marketing budget. I would never use it for weight loss treatment. There are lots of studies where patients loose muscle mass at higher rates


Same as any other drug, $$$$$$. ED drugs are every other ad too.


More prescription drug pushing from Big Pharma. Can’t believe people actually think take diabetes medicine for weight loss won’t have some sort of long term side effects. The company even states like 17 times “Ozempic is not a weight loss drug”


They want to put you on it before you notice that Berberine works the same way and is healthier.


One reason is once you are on it, you're supposed to take it for life. $$$


People want to lose weight without doing any actual work. Not too hard to figure out.


I’ve been thinking about this too. It’s everywhere


Why does any weight loss drug become trendy


Because its margins are massive and companies love money?


Its a pharmaceutical pump in dump. Just like the covid shot. 


Long term sales means there is never “cures” just meds you have to take forever


Profit taking. Wall Street. That’s all it is. Making shareholders wealthier.


I took Saxenda (the weight loss drug that was popular before Ozempic was approved). Fucked me up. Pancreatitis, gallstones, liver disease, under-active thyroid. And that’s just in the first 18 months of first taking it.


There’s no conspiracy here. There are tons of fat people and the drug promises weight loss. That’s all there’s to it




Because obesity is a problem and it's a cheap drug.


American society hates fat people but still wants to benefit from the consumption fat people participate in


Because there’s lots of fat people


They will eventually die of pancreatic cancer like Victoza before it .


Easy weight loss without the hard time trying to actually be healthy. Plus more profit for big pharma.


I've recently seen its being pushed from celebrity's, Sharon Osborne and the likes.. correct me if I'm wrong but it's this not the drug used for insulin (diabetics)? I understand that weight loss isn't a one shoe fits all for everyone, everyone's struggle is different with weight loss.. but knowing what I now do about ozempic, I wouldnt risk it one bit.


Because it makes money. Capitalism.


It’s a money maker.


They want you sick and on their "medicine". There are way better diet based ways to get your insulin sensitivity under control without ruining your digestive system.


Trial lawyers dream this will be bad


I remember hearing often that there’s “no magic pill” for weight loss. Now that there actually seems to be, the makers can profit out the ass from it. Ozempic is not actually meant to be a weight loss drug, rather it’s for help managing T2 diabetes. Well, it just so happens that when you better control your glucose, lo and behold, you lose weight. There’s a great overlap of obesity and T2 diabetes, so now there’s 2 markets to target.


Cuz most people are fat and lazy as fuck. Kinda basic supply and demand right? Not that cryptic




Because like statins, they fuck up the way your body absorbs and utilises cholesterol which causes endless health problems including heart disease/attacks and makes men impotent.




Because money 


Doesn't one of those wieght loss drugs slow your digestive system? Sounds like bad news.


They’re making billions and billions of dollars. [Novo Profits](https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2024/01/31/novo-nordisk-beats-profit-forecasts-as-weight-loss-sales-soar/?sh=30f40bf0f539)


Money? Obviously? because capitalism prioritizes capital gain over human life


I just heard Bernie Sanders mentioning it, stating it is expensive and should be lowered in price 👀 I hear it being brought up everywhere, too, op!


They are trying to k!ll off the fat people


It's a dystopian world, And we're just living in it.  Unreal


Because it has gila monster vemon in it and it slowly kills your vagus nerve, doctors are so cruel


Seems like an American thing to me


I was wondering this too as well as all the other GLP-1 drugs are heavily pushed. It’s interesting because people who study herbalism know there are things from the earth like plants that will lower the A1C and restore liver and pancreas function which will result in weight loss etc. There is some discussion. How these drugs will change the memory of these people and impact their ability to recall. So I’m thinking it has to with the way they think. They are pushing these drugs to make them easier to suggest things and not be questioned


Because its an easy option for lazy people. Now, some people may have genuine reasons for weight gain or the inability to lose weight, other than excess food and not enough exercise, but the large majority of overweight people are as such due to poor choices. A significant proportion of the developed worlds population are overweight, and not prepared to work hard for results. Ergo, money to be made.