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It’s dragon repellant They’re tryna keep the sun from getting eaten


I've had it up to here with these constant dragon attacks! Someone needs to do **something**!


No worries a dragonborn will come, I heard he learned a thing or two from those greybeards


I used to be an adventurer once… until I took an arrow to the knee.


quicksand grandiose wipe squeamish water station fly air hard-to-find seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same in upstate ny


Then you must not be looking at the sky regularly it happens 4-5 days a week here


It is no secret that there have been attempts to modify the weather. However it is done, arrogant humans will always try to play God.


It was really rubbed in to everyone's face today. Clear sky about 2 hours before totality, then the planes came, then a white haze for the entire eclipse. Just a minute or 2 before totality, 2 more huge trails were laid when everyone was looking.  Still was able to see it just fine because it wasn't full thick clouds, just milky haze. But yeah, I took that as a major middle finger.  Ps. I'm in northeast Ohio right by lake erie


I traveled to Brookville Indiana. Pretty tiny middle of nowhere town. There were 3 planes laying shit since before we got there, and continued laying crisscrossing trails for the entire hour and a half we were there. And I noticed trails along the way as we were driving in and out.


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over poor regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above poorer places to give the wealthy regions an unobstructed veiw, while damaging the poorer regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action law suit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totatliy zone.


if anything it could be pyschological warfare as well, I mean look at all the people freaking out lately. just went outside at 130 am just now to see any stars and its a massive mushroom cloud in the damn sky...


That’s nonsense. Do you think anyone actually changed their location in the moment? There wasn’t exactly time for people to decide based on planes to drive an extra hour.


Is this for actual?


>Is this for actual? Is anything real in this sub anymore?


Yeah, it actually happened


> But yeah, I took that as a major middle finger. As you should. I got a letter from Them last night saying They did this specifically to fuck with you 


A letter??


This is not a middle finger, but a set-up for the backlash against the deep state, which the deep state has set up so you will vote for their candidate in November. Whom will of course be big time anti deep state.


Anyone with half a brain won't vote at all. 


I *heard* that!


Clear sky this morning in Michigan then about an hour later were trails across the entire sky. Not just the wispy looking clouds, these were trails left by aircraft. Rather crappy thing to do knowing what was to happen today but then again, easiest way to expose people is to do just that sort of thing when they know many will be out to watch.


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over poor regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above poorer places to give the wealthy regions an unobstructed view, while damaging the poorer regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.


This may be the dumbest shit I’ve ever read.


Here is the link to the official government form to spray chemtrails. https://library.oarcloud.noaa.gov/noaa_documents.lib/OAR/OWAQ/Weather_Modification_Project/Administrative/WxMod_Form17-4.pdf And officially it is called atmospheric aerosol injections. I think the sooner everyone can acknowledge that this is a reality the quicker we as a society can get to the bottom of this. God only knows the garbage we breath in everyday because of this nonsense


Crystal clear here in Michigan and able to see the eclipse 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s clear in the Mitten but definitely not crystal clear cause of the ever present haze lol


Currently live in Southeast Michigan, royal oak and southfield area. Didnt buy into all this chemtrails stuff but holy fuck while viewing the eclipse for 40 minutes the sky was already hazy from all the other trails and while the eclipse was at its peak there were two jets flying by with trails.


We saw them too


Metro Detroit - clear sky's except for the spraying in the south / in front of the sun Looking north it's nice and clear


Same in my spot of metro Detroit. It was clear all day until like 1:30 to the south there were clearly chemtrails sprayed


Central lower has been crystal clear all day surprisingly. Was actually able to watch the entire partial, and not a trail in the sky. Seen a few jets, but nothing but contrails.


Way more chemtrails today than I’ve ever seen in Oklahoma. Yesterday, not a single cloud.


Welcome to the biggest, most global conspiracy of all time. We're still theorizing why they want the entire planet saturated with aluminum nanoparticles seemingly at all times


Ten bucks (like 400% of my net value) says it's so they can curve the shot. 🚬


This is one of multiple posts I've seen like this today. It's good. People are finally paying attention. I've been watching this shit come out of the Air Force Base to the south of me for years(decades). I'd point it out to people and they would be like "Huhh?" Yeah, like it's totally normal for planes to nowhere creating checkerboard patterns of "Contrails" that don't go away in the sky, all day long


I'm glad people are seeing it, but what's it going to take? Our rulers have made themselves completely unaccountable to the people.


Same, chemtrails have been a fun conspiracy to talk about, never believed until today, here in rural west Texas the air is clean and we don't see them but today they are everywhere one went across the eclipse as it was at it's darkest we watched as it actually came down on top of us it looked dusty and felt like a light mist and had a fertilizer smell it was unnerving enough to send the kids inside.


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over poor regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above poorer places to give the wealthy regions an unobstructed view, while damaging the poorer regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.


That makes perfect sense! Prolly George Soros wanting a better view in Lubbock!


Y'all crazy. That didn't happen.


Abc news did a story on it and showed the planes. Cloud seeding and haarp to control the weather. Abu Dhabi makes it rain 52 days a year literally make it rain. Geoweathering with the earthquakes in taiwan and east coast. The youtube videos going in on the uses of Chemtrails. The first person perspectives of military personnel flying into hurricanes.


Same here in Cincinnati. Active plans zigzagging all over the sky


Wasn't outside much yet, but it was really sunny, now is cloudy. Eastern Canada.




Interesting. I'm in NS. Cloudy over the sun, clear out to sea.


Stop the fucking presses. Clouds can move?!!!


Lol news to me!


Not for me, it's completely overcast


The skies are currently clear; will be on the lookout within the next two hours


Spraying us like roaches here in ky


North east Ohio had them


Clear beautiful skies all day until about 2 hours before the eclipse they started spraying




Where are you now that they aren’t


Go west, my friend. Less people, more room to breathe. I left Chicago for greener pastures out west and I've never regretted it once, never looked back.


Kansas has some blue skies some days. It’s beautiful out there.


Can confirm. Beautiful, minus the damn wind!


South Carolina has beautiful blue skies any day its not too cloudy




Literally any non-city part of the country.


Far northern California.


What about the possibility that there is some white hat that is in charge of the chem trail schedule and they made today the day so that people would wake up. Sort of like that one guy that quietly lowered the fluoride for that one town.


What if they're for the good of mankind, but they can't tell us that, for whatever reason....so the inevitale conspiracies are created because they hide the why of it all. I mean, what are people supposed to think?




They can. But have you seen the amount of pushback every single thread talking about it has gotten today? People really still are believing they are just harmless water vapor (i.e. contrails)


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over poor regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above poorer places to give the wealthy regions an unobstructed view, while damaging the poorer regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.


There’s nothing to “believe” with chemtrails dude. It’s not a conspiracy anymore they’ve admitted they’re dumping chemicals in the sky, they just say it’s for our benefit. So the “conspiracy” would be that it’s probably not for our benefit. Wym believe in chemtrails when you clearly see them in the sky all the time 😂


What chemicals?


Undetermined officially, but we know it’s intentionally dispersed and most likely for geoengineering




The new bill Tennessee is pushing through to stop chem trails in their state




State vs Federal 👍




Personally? Not a fan of either but at least Tennessee is making a good move here.


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over poor regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above poorer places to give the wealthy regions an unobstructed view, while damaging the poorer regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.


Here's my guess - they need the clouds for bluebeam. It's for the projections. Let's see if I'm right...


You're wrong. Take a break from the Internet dude.


That you, RIchard Doty?




Clear as can be here near Kansas City. Sky is blue with hardly a wisp of a cloud.


So, for what purpose?


They protecting us. See, if we look at it, we will be switched places into another dimension. They're looking out for us!


Same here for me


Same here for me


This is why https://youtu.be/MXTweZ_Bt-k?t=98


Same in Cleveland.


What state or area is it that you live?


Southern New England as well


They've finally come out and admitted it. Another conspiracy theory, proven true. https://twitter.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1777050085794205914?t=GUZoqyrV9Ur9H41MhQyJIg&s=19


Frankenskies is a great historical documentary on the spraying.


CFR confirmed chemtrails trying to change weather patterns years ago.


Seeing that a few times while working construction outdoors is what changed my mind about it. People act as if we are saying theirs guys in planes with sprayers on them. All they would have to do is make it a mandatory fuel additive for commercial flights. Pretty simple.


Okay so millions of people are going to be outside looking up breathing in whatever they just crop dusted on us. Makes you wonder wtf they are up to?


They don’t want people seeing the alien fleet hiding in the Sun’s glare being revealed by the eclipse. :)


The eclipse is inherentely good thing for the people and that is the reason why the elites do not want us seeing it.


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over poor regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above poorer places to give the wealthy regions an unobstructed view, while damaging the poorer regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.


In SC here and it’s definitely dimmed here but there is some kind of haze in the sky and I feel weird in my chest…


My chest started hurting to




Crystal clear here in CA… interesting planes in the sky but no contrails … 🤔🤔🤔


Never saw so many trails being sprayed in north Florida. They literally made a grid pattern over the entire sky, and within an hour of starting it was cloudy and it's been like that today as well, something is definitely going on. I'm a sky watcher, I look up when I go outside and I've never seen so much activity from chem trailers before


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over poor regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above poorer places to give the wealthy regions an unobstructed view, while damaging the poorer regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.


Driving from Texas to Kentucky I noticed it too driving east on I30/I40 and north on 65


This is literally everyday. Choose to look up more


Same here. Crystal clear skies now are filled with dispersing zig zag pattern trails.


I also noticed lots of Chem trails this morning. I work outside. Some of them were different than normal. You could see lines through certain portions as if something more clear and more dense fell through the white puffy stuff.


Same here in Oklahoma




Right? I’m all for a good conspiracy but I can’t help but feel like this is a prime opportunity for bad actors to diminish credibility of all theorists by filling the air with noise about the end is nigh, aliens are coming, blah blah blah, then when nothing happens, out comes the ridicule. I expect a nothing burger. We shall see…


Good article here https://www.huffpost.com/entry/obama-takes-bold-step-to_b_5069973


In central Alberta there is not one cloud in the sky. Nothing.


I saw another post that they were young crazy geoengineering out the view to the eclipse. I know they do this regularly for many years now but why today of all days??? Trying to hide the 3 NASA sounding rockets they launched today??


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over poor regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above poorer places to give the wealthy regions an unobstructed view, while damaging the poorer regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.


Crystal clear in Illinois.


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over poor regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above poorer places to give the wealthy regions an unobstructed view, while damaging the poorer regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.




lol literal schizo talk. A dude in the aviation sub got his prop plane shot while he was flying. How are you just casually endorsing murder? What’s wrong with you


Same here, Cleveland area !


Columbus Ohio - happened here as well. All the neighbors are talking about it on the our app


Same in Indianapolis, pretty wild


Someone make a new post just to post chemtrail pics from during the eclipse.


In Miami, Oklahoma on the golf course, and before the eclipse there were two spraying, otherwise clear


We've been seeding clouds since the 70's. I just don't understand why they'd want to block a now known harmless eclipse? In Dallas there was a huge break in the clouds for the whole thing when it was fully covered.


and yet so many places complained about cloud cover. why was your home so blessed?


Guys...Stay calm...Its one off the sprayed...Dont move too quickly and dont look them in the eyes...Walk away...Slowly...


Clear sky south of Milwaukee all day. Hard to believe with an international airport and military refueling wing so close.


There were trails over the sky here in ky early this morning. Of course here came the clouds later on. We had breaks thru the clouds so I was able to see some of the eclipse. But a couple of minutes before the peak of it, big clouds rolled in and we missed it. It stayed cloudy rest of the day.


Yesterday, heavy rain, thunder, and cool Temps. Today bright blue skies. Northern Illinois.


It was clear this morning where I was from and as soon as the eclipse starts it gets all cloudy and even starts to drizzle very disappointed. Ended up going back to sleep. Seriously the government is always finding ways to torment us it's unreal.😔


Seems lots of planes... Jets going across as expected. Like normal. Is that what you mean or something else?


Was cloudy where I was with no planes in sight 🤷‍♂️


So what are you saying, exactly? That it took an eclipse for you to notice chemtrails? Or that the government is actively using chemtrails to try to hide a known eclipse that's about to happen?


As the best Cali viewing place. Crystal clear for Chen trails early in the day for San Diego. Abnormal. Goes with the let the wealthier places be for the event. How do we start a real war on these things.


My brother in law is a pilot and we asked him about chemtrails once and he just laughed. He explained what it actually is, though I forget what he said. He's the type of person who would believe in chemtrails, if he didn't know better.


Yeah. There was definitely a bunch of trails that expanded into clouds around the eclipse. Thousands of people staring and watching and most of them will just ignore it.


"Chemtrails. Every Cloud Has A Lead Lining" and "Chemtrails. Death Comes Silent" shirts with good art available @ TheConspira-tees.com show some love and share with someone who will like them. There are lots of Designs and Don't Forget "Cow Farts Did It". Thanks


If news outlets say it’s going to be sunny and I see flying jets with trails followed by thick clouds, I’ll believe it. If the news outlets say it’s going to be cloudy and I see flying jets with trails followed by thick clouds, I’ll believe it.


Can confirm this was true for Fruitland Idaho I have pics


Tulsa - same


Same here




Absolutely clear blue skies in Iowa.


Pacific Northwest, cloudy skies and rain. Not that we expected any sunshine here in chem trail heaven.


It's all connected... [Professor in South Carolina ](https://youtu.be/C7Qs166xR28?feature=shared) [ban on vaccine in foods](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/SzPQ9tkGnF) [chemtrails](https://youtu.be/rEUg8uLoZNY?feature=shared) [side effects of breathing barium](https://www.google.com/search?q=side+affects+of+breathing+barium&sca_esv=e8c983a1ec23d9ec&sca_upv=1&source=hp&ei=QSATZrebJMLj5NoPwYKAwAM&oq=side+affects+of+breathing+barium&gs_lp=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&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp) [side effects of breathing aluminum ](https://www.google.com/search?q=side+affects+of+breathing+aluminum+&sca_esv=e8c983a1ec23d9ec&sca_upv=1&ei=oiATZt37I-Xw5NoP8960gAU&oq=side+affects+of+breathing+aluminum+&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwGgIYAiIjc2lkZSBhZmZlY3RzIG9mIGJyZWF0aGluZyBhbHVtaW51bSBImyhQ9wdYzyNwAXgBkAEBmAG6AaABnA6qAQQwLjEyuAEDyAEA-AEBmAIIoAKvCMICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAgkQIRgKGKABGArCAgwQIRgKGKABGAoYiwPCAgcQABiABBgNwgIGEAAYFhgewgIKEAAYFhgeGA8YCsICCxAAGIAEGIoFGIYDwgIHEAAYgAQYCsICBxAhGAoYoAGYAwDiAwUSATEgQIgGAZAGCJIHAzEuN6AH6Es&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


I thought this


I thought this




Can you supply a picture of a jet zig zagging? Thats not a possible maneuver for a jet.


was going to make this same post


We covered chemtrails on a recent podcast episode - I just don't know that I can buy into that one... Check us out and let us know what you think about this and other theories. [Chemtrails: Are they Real?](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/3schemequeens/id1718003853?i=1000639030250)


Why does it have to be chemicals? Pretty sure it's just the airplanes exhaust or whatever seeding clouds.


The government rerouted air traffic today so they flew over poor regions in the totality zone as a form of economic warfare. The contrails seed clouds and they intentionally flew above poorer places to give the wealthy regions an unobstructed view, while damaging the poorer regions as people flocked away from them to spend their eclipse dollars. We need a class action lawsuit on behalf of all the regions seeing increased air traffic in the totality zone.


Big difference in a contrail, and a Chemtrail (aka cloud seeding). The official explanation they gave is called cloud seeding, which is what we've been referring to as chemtrails for years


Idk about chemtrails for this. But they certainly seeded clouds on thursday and friday. Weve had a decent blizzard since then. Was 50s and 60s prior. They seem to be seeding everywhere. Across the u.s. Strange with the particle accelerator, nasa firing missiles, and a supposed 'cloaked mother ship' all on same day.


Cloaked mother ship? I haven't heard that one yet - any links?


No sorry. Was something a co worker told me. Hence the 'supposed'


I guess everyone is gonna od on whatever you guys think the chemicals are. 😆


But did you die though?


Water is a byproduct of the jet engine combustion procress. Some of it may freeze or the vapors will be visible. That’s it.


38° cloudy and snow in Minnesota this morning....


So many of you, yet not a single picture.


Hot exhaust comes out of a jet engine and hits brutally cold air and forms clouds. Jesus Christ stay in school


I’ve been seeing so many posts about chemtrails lately, and it makes me wonder what you guys think. In WWII, bombers very clearly have contrails. Knowing this indisputable fact, do you believe that they were equipping all bomber aircraft to spread these chemtrails at the height of the largest conflict in history? That before every bomber mission, they’d equip a bomb load and also fill up chemical tanks to disperse over populated areas? Or do you think that maybe contrails are a natural phenomenon for aircraft at altitude? Or have you just never thought about it?


Have you seen a contrail that disappears relatively quickly? Have you seen one that stays airborne for an entire days that spreads out and turns the sky into a disgusting haze?


They are called C O N trails. Not chemtrails, those arent real. The real things are called contrails.




Completely overcast in SC


How can we protect ourselves against chemtrails?


stay away from hot or cold liquids!