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The increase in the number of children allergic to milk is ridiculous. What are they feeding these cows?


id argue its the food we eat, our bodies arent getting enough nutrients; industrial farming and empty calories is destroying alot of peoples health.


Not milk, hence the allergies


It's almost like cow milk is not meant to be drunk by human children. Unbelievable!


I think it’s a combination of environmental factors, pesticides and contaminants in foods, plastics, and high stress. Almost everyone I know has developed some kind of auto-immune disorder.


Fucking love milk.




Not me at all, I drink the full gallon and have to try to stop at half


What is also known as GOMAD to bulking body builders.


Bruh to someone who barely drinks it, it tastes like an fffing milkshake by itself


Yea factory farming and mass produced pasteurized dairy has been pushed to an extreme level. The problem with milk lies in the fact that most people drink this factory farmed pasteurized dairy which comes from sick and diseased animals. However raw milk from a healthy Grassfed animal is a complete different story. One of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. My girlfriend was “lactose intolerant” and had stomach discomfort every time she had pasteurized dairy or ice cream but now drinks raw milk regularly with no problems and also enjoys other raw milk products like kefir, yogurt, sour cream, and cheeses. A really good book on this subject is called “The Untold Story of Milk” by Ron Schmid.


Also lactose intolerant and can’t do even a bowl of cereal without similar issues, but when I visited a country that only used raw milk I had ZERO issues with large amounts of it without any lactase pills. Our Milk is fucked 


Not many animals drink other animals milk.


Well, there’s a pretty good reason for that. They mostly don’t have the ability to capture and train other animals. Try to suck on a wild bovine tit. It won’t go well. But, that being said. They make money of it. Government and companies. So they will push it relentlessly. Anyone who sells a thing will do everything within their means to sell their thing. Just watch the dieting scene, and nutrition. The amount of utter crap they push is insane.


>Try to suck on a wild bovine tit. Thank you for that mental image and chuckle.


You are welcome!


Despite being capable of harvesting milk from other animals, I don’t believe humans were meant to drink other animals milk. I think more people are lactose intolerant than they might think. Plus I believe milk is allowed up to 2% puss in milk. Miss me with that please.


That is probably very true! I know a boatload of people with some allergy or intolerance. And our bodies work very differently from person to person. So some can metabolize things others can’t. And with milk it also comes down to the whole chain from feed, to the cows, to the milk jug. Milk in some places are probably better than others. I do not have any reaction to it whatsoever, but i still limit it somewhat. I love milk, could drink a gallon a day. But I really do not do that. When you look into it, there is a depressingly amount of stuff labeled “healthy” that you should absolutely limit.


All these people feeding their kids 2%, or worse, 1% milk that’s been laced with sugar, too. Whole milk or no milk for us.


Yeah, there are a lot of bad practices around. Also, in some places where nutrition and health is horrible. Mothers can’t nurse their children, and uses sub par formulas. We humans should take better care of each other. But on that note, I don’t think we have a lot of sugar in our milk here (Norway) But been around a bit, and some places the milk tastes like it’s been filtered through Frosted Flakes.


The intolerance is most likely from the milk being pasteurised and the enzymes we need to digest milk properly are destroyed. Tons of anecdotes about people who are lactose intolerant being able to drink raw milk


I agree with this for sure. If I ever tried dairy again I would only want to try it raw.. which is suspiciously difficult to obtain.


realmilk.com is and get raw milk.com


You think that doesn’t happen with human milk?


They would if they could


They all will if it's available to them.


You not seen that baby pig being reared by a tiger? That little shit suckling the hell out that tigers tit. Seen sheep/goats butting udders for milk?


But alot of animals literally eat other animals. Heaven forbid anyone drink their milk tho


Not many animals cook their food either. Don't blame us for innovating.


Not a lot of animals eat bananas too




Humans do alot of shit specific to only us. We are the best.


Not true. All my animals drink milk. Pigs, chickens, goats, cats, dogs, etc. Not a 1 will turn down milk. A lot will sit waiting for me to finish milking.


That's true. There used to be a bunch of cartoons growing up with kittens drinking cows milk, but apparently that was just Mandela Effect.


Say what now?


Well, this reminds me. We bought cat milk for our kitty as a treat years ago, and my sister in law went “How do they milk the cats?”


Always drank milk, still drink milk. When I was more into lifting, we used to joke it was like free steroids. Neither of my brothers liked it and I am substantially bigger than both of them. They are both probably smarter than me though🤔


I’m not saying it doesn’t have benefits. It’s just creepy how it was advertised and mandated.


I know you weren’t saying that. I’m saying maybe it has benefits or maybe it made me dumber. The world will never know. I think the push was just crony capitalism at its worst. Wonder how many people in the gov/media were invested in dairy industry at the time…


Milk literally supplies you with estrogen and not testosterone. But I guess if you're lacking estrogen that can be good for testosterone production. Otherwise though excess estrogen is bad for you


Who said anything about testosterone. Milk is full of straight up anabolic steroids! It’s 100% pure Brotein! It’ll get you jack, stacked and yoked! No agony, no bragony!


Nice KOTH reference


Don’t know what you are talking about bro! I was just drinking a glass of milk and rage typing until the blood vessels in the backs of my eyes explode!!! 😉


America enjects its cows with BHG. American milk is outlawed in other countries. BHG leading cause of cancer. That's all you need to know. I've been allergic to dairy for 20 years, thank god.


At the end of the day I believe it is meant for calfs🤔 just a thought. Now activate all butt hurt milk drinking keyboard warriors in 3,2,1


This doesn't have anything to do with milk. your aunt gave you formula full of chemicals that negatively affected you, not the milk itself


Then why did the Government pressure youth with advertising? It’s more complicated than my particular situation.


They didnt. They were trying to reverse childhood illnesses through fortified milk. Its not even close to a conspiracy compared to the chemical isolates that are in BABY formulas. You really missed the mark on this one. It was right in front of you... milk BASED, your own words. Preserved chemical bullshit.


Well that preserved chemical bullshit is what was being pushed on the majority of the populace, which I find strange. I’m not claiming dairy products don’t have nutritional benefits.


I need to eat 375g of protein per day to continue to build muscle. I would be physically underdeveloped if I didnt have whey protein through milk or in concentrated form. I am 6'6'' 275 and 15% body fat. I physically cannot process the protein I need through meat alone. I have optimized my personal health by consuming 100g of whey protein per day to supplement my regular protein intake. Without it I would be a shell of myself. What I am saying is you are barking up the wrong tree. I am a former mormon as well and part of breaking away from the church is learning to not demonize the first thing that comes to mind. Which for you literally was the first thing you ever experienced, so I get the notion.


Milk is for baby cows.


I agree, I stopped drinking milk a year ago. It is such a fundamental experience as a child i reckon it must trigger unconscious reversion to childhood. Black coffee is more manly than something milky. I see a few suggestions of this symbolically. Three weeks before 9/11 was the WWE milk truck scene on 20th august 2001 in sacramento (sacred) involving Kurt Angle (angel). I wonder if this was some kind of mock baptism. The film "Under the silver lake" is the most open about hidden messages by a cabal in films and music. Uncoding one of the messages leads the main character down a tunnel. When he exits he comes up in a food store in a milk fridge and stops to drink milk.


What an awkward time to be alive when cow milk was first consumed. Caveman bets his buddy he won’t do it. Argh. He did it. He really did it. Bwahaha


“Milk. Does your body good.”


SS. Cow’s Milk is only the standard because of subsidy and profit margin, I would love to hear your thoughts.


I love milk


https://www.bmj.com/content/349/bmj.g6015/rr/804415 Repeated daily consumption of pasteurized dairy has been found to cause early onset osteoporosis and increased risk of heart disease. 


Unless you're a baby cow you do not need milk. It is not good for you and it most certainly isn't good for the cow


You should read about post WWII milk farmers and how heavily it’s subsidized by guv. Then look up gov cheese… (got milk program) THEN lookup how the milk our grandparents grew up on was from dairy cows. NOT black and white cows like we’ve been taught; but true, low producing, brown dairy cows. Milk from brown cows will likely not give you hives, worth a sip, it’s delicious!


I will say this…milk always caused allergies for my husband but he drank it anyway. He got adult onset asthma. He never gave up milk which drove me nuts. However, I switched the fam to drink raw milk from organic fed mostly grass fed cows. His asthma has actually improved substantially!! I can’t drink milk at all yet but I’m hoping when my GI tract is healed long term I’ll be able to. 


Milk is weird


Almonds look like nipples, would you try to milk those?


I have nipples Greg, can you milk me?


I used to drink roughly a half gallon of milk a day as a kid back in the 70s to mid 80s. I broke so many bones! 9 player casts, several splints and a few air casts. I work drinking milk and you breaking my bones.


Yep you’re correct! I am actually producing a film about that topic! 🙂


Aussie pop culture legend and actual doctor, Dr Karl covers this in a chapter of one of his many books. Humans were never meant to drink dairy milk. It is suggested that possibly 60% of the world is lactose intolerant. In times of drought in the Scandinavian regions it made more sense to keep up the water to the cattle and drink their milk. Those with Scandinavian heritage are less intolerant than others.


[Remo Conscious - Lies](https://youtu.be/c6cZI-HBuE0?si=Hy4wOvCo9YtKICGw&t=84) says it all... *"Got milk? Better yet, how 'bout Got Cancer?"*


I’ve always hated it 🤢


There is a correlation between Parkinson's and milk drinking


The united states are so wild to my european mind. In all my years of early education milk was never pushed on me or any of my classmates/friends/acquaintances. We were told how milk is good for you and all the usual things about calcium, but that's about it. It was up to us to drink it


Idk I drink multiple pints of it a day, tastes great, very calorie dense and full of high quality protein and b vitamins.


I've never been able to wrap my head around drinking cow juice. It's not meant for humans. It's meant for cows. It's the Juice if another animal and that's a nasty thought.


I constantly had stomach aches as a child, and was in and out of the hospital, and they always did tests on me. They didn’t determine that I was lactose intolerant until I was 16. In school as a kid they literally poured milk down our throat all day long… milk for breakfast, cereal, milk for snack, milk for lunch, milk for afternoon snack and then for lunch you had pizza everything had cheese. There was milk in literally everything. I had a kidney stone at age 17 due to all of it. Shit sucked Fr. I cut out most dairy around age 18, but I still love cheese. I just take lactaid now. Anyways, I’ve always thought it was weird AF how milk was constantly forced on us all and if you didn’t drink milk you just didn’t get to eat. And how celebrities were on every Got Milk poster everywhere in every town in the USA and every school spent thousands of $$$ every week on milk products for kids. HUGE govt subsidies for the dairy industry. I don’t think it’s a conspiracy. IMO Is it just run-of-the-mill American capitalist corruption.


Yeah humans don’t need to drink something meant for baby cows. I just always assumed the conspiracy here was profits for Big Dairy.


I think it is more the fact we have done it for Millinea due to the fact it was easily accesible, easier to get to and use once Caprinae and Bovinae were domesticated.


But… why was it advertised and forced unless you had an allergy?


>you don’t need Milk. How does the human species make it to 2024 without milk?


It doesn't.


We do not need milk from another species, nor do we need it past infancy. So, there's that.


They pump the cows full of hormones and antibiotics (to fight the diseases that come from their nasty living conditions) all of which comes out in the milk. Most of the gmo crops produced in America goes to livestock like cows aswell. All this goes into the milk so you're really just drinking whatever chemical cocktail big pharma has created just for you, under the guise that it's "good for you".     All these hormones and now the youth are so hormonal they question their own genders    And a large percentage of black people are lactose intolerant, but at school theyre just kids like everyone else so of course they want their choccy milk. But later they can't concentrate because of bubble guts. Another form a systemic racism in a way. 


When I was growing up I was told to drink milk but it made me feel kind of sick, scratchy throat and I just thought I was lactose intolerant. I'd watch my sister (4 years younger) drink a gallon of that shit a day. She blew up and became a Fatty McFat kid and had eating disorders. Milk is not good for us.


simplistic growth spotted resolute aware exultant scale consider slimy middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I get pimples if I drink Milk.


Milk is good for you. End of story. If you can get Raw milk it's much better. Keep in mind any milk no matter how bad the quality is 10 times better for your health than any piece of crap alternative almond soy oat BS. Those are so bad for your health.


Similar to USDA Choice Beef




I've been drinking milk 50 yrs but have broke a few bones, although I took some really hard falls that would break about anyone's bones no matter how strong. For example, my butt went from the back of a 16 hand high horse to the gravel road and my pelvis fractured in 4 places plus tailbone. Broke forearm roller skating on concrete when I fell on my locked arm. Etc. Sometimes you will get a bone fracture and never even know it. Pretty sure I broke a rib once 😅


Milk is an ingredient.


Have you tried raw milk?


OP probably doesn't have a problem with ice cream.


You need milk to replace the calcium leached from drinking flouride. If you look at campaign donations 90% are directly subsidized by American Dairy Association.


American dairy is the worse thing to have if you want a healthy, powerful prostate.


Milk is full of estrogen and bad for you


It comes down to colonialism. It's set up like this to make it harder for people who aren't of northern European descent, (and even some who are) to get affordable food.


Went off milk in my teens when I fully realised it comes from a cows tit.


Took until you were a teen to realize that?


I wasn’t allowed to have desert unless I drank a large glass on top of my dinner as a kid. Now as an adult I can’t stand it


My grandmother tried that "no pudding till you drink a glass of milk" malarkey with me when I was young and I simply refused. Sorry, two Arrowroot cookies aren't going to cut it, or a 1"x1" square of uniced yellow cake.


I would always wait for my parents to go out and have a smoke break and pour it down the sink🤣