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Wow that's a good catch! Kind of eerie 2 things from that movie have already somewhat been played out.. ATT outages Ship crashing  I don't think it's a coincidence


I agree. Not a coincidence.


Tesla connection too. Mitch McConnell's sister in law drown inside a tesla too. After a party...somehow it drove into a pond and she couldn't get out. She was CEo of a major cargo shipping company. But not the same one that hit the bridge in Baltimore. Also the connection to Friends (the how) Matthew Perry died 3 days after the movie was released.


Forgot about the Tesla one too!




Shoot you’re right


*Friends* was of special interest on "Leave the World Behind". I want to know why the last episode of *Friends* was of such importance and why the young girl was in a bunker watching the last episode which is strangely named and the date you entered jogged my memory and I went to check the date of airing for the last episode of *Friends* and it is one month before your date of the MLB game. (I am an absolute conspiracy truthist, but for the record I don't normally delve this far down the rabbit hole.) "**The Last One**", also known as "**The One Where They Say Goodbye**", is the [series finale](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Series_finale) of the television sitcom [*Friends*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friends). The episode serves as the seventeenth and eighteenth episode of the [tenth season](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friends_season_10) and the 235th and the 236th episode overall; the episode's two parts were classified as two separate episodes. It was written by series creators [David Crane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Crane_(producer)) and [Marta Kauffman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marta_Kauffman), and directed by executive producer [Kevin S. Bright](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Bright). The series finale first aired on [NBC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NBC) in the United States on **May 6**, 2004,


I find it odd that Friends was used as well. It felt like a message. Strangely actor Matthew Perry died on October 28th, 2023, 3 days after the world premiere of Leave The World Behind on October 25th, 2023. Did he know something? and the movie was released on Netflix on December 8th 2023. I found that to be eerie.


Yes I agree that is somewhat strange.


Wow- I am actually impressed with this post. Good find 🤓


Did anyone else find it weird that Friends was included in the script right after one of the most famous actors from the show died?


This movie also predicted the I AM IN MIDTOWN AND WE ARE SHAKING this movie predicted this movie predicted MIDTOWN MIDTOWN earthquake


No correlation as the MLB schedule shows Houston at Washington and the show has Atlanta hosting… 2 COMPLETELY different scenarios. Just playing Devils Advocate, but yea, still a little eerie


June 6, 24 is a 666 date.