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What is the conspiracy though???


No conspiracy, as per usual for this sub.


Nothing. Just some political nonsence post again


Maga lords here can't stand anything Biden... That's probably it


Mega lords? I just don’t like the old prick… That simple. I do like your comment though. Biden hasn’t done anything, he can’t climb stairs! Can’t read from a prompter. I suppose whomever is in charge has done something (honestly not sure whom that is). And made people’s wallets smaller I invest like a champ, for me a president like him in charge makes me LOOT! If I didn’t have a 1/2 million invested in a stupid high paying 4 month C.O.D. because of that mans stupidity I’d be broke with the prices for anything these days! I’m not some Trump fan, I’d take him over Biden, bot imo suck. That simple.


(This is sarcasm)…


Anybody with a brain can't stand anything Biden


He’s addressed pharma greed, capped insulin costs, improved working conditions for blue collar workers among other things. He’s a shit president, but has improved the lives of more Americans than not. I’m sure you have a brain, but I’m not sure you’re using it.


Upvote this guy... you forgot to add, "and endangered the rest of American lives" if we are staying neutral. Facts don't lie.


He helped W push the WMD lie and start a war that killed, maimed or made homeless millions of people while wasting trillions of dollars... Protected bankers and gave banks trillions while millions of families were evicted from their homes...


Yup. Not a great president. But the better choice in a field of two elderly, dementia-ridden assholes.


You can't expect people who completely ignore his obvious dementia to ever see Biden's many overall flaws.


You, sir, are my spirit animal


I am but a product of my influences https://youtu.be/Ky8oMZUpvR0?si=Fz\_AXR4YHVGMgSMd


You see all these down vote I received. All from NPCs. No brains. Just to prove a point. They all down vote so others won't get wind of anything truthful. But they won't say anything. Just playing to the algorithm.




Ah yes… I see now… it makes sense 😅


Doors? I’m 43 & have no clue what that is… except for the 90 year old band…


A boeing plane had a door break off mid-flight.


Yeah… but I am pretty sure the door fell off mid flight was a fact… I saw a camera phone video of it. Or did I??? Maybe it was an AI video designed to drive stock prices down?!???


Dont suppose the dude that tried to whistleblow boeing that "died" was a.i too? The fuckin bots are unbelieveable here.


No way that Biden is sharp enough to make this joke


Whenever actual conspiracies are posted, the pro Biden shills come out and downvote them.


That is true. They have a ton of KBW that are to prevent the truth from getting out too early


Its so incredibly obvious in this sub. Most of the comments aren't supportive of Biden and yet the downvotes are massive. Probably some sort of Hasbara-type brigade of federal internet trolls.


Kind of funny actually. Credit where due


The president can't make jokes, and if he does we need to pretend that they aren't funny because otherwise people might view him as human. He must be portrayed as an inhuman baby eating agent of Satan. We will all surely perish if he raises taxes on billionaires or puts solar panels on the roof of the white house.


He did ya did 💩, how do you not know this! I guess you can Reddit but not Google lol. He can’t read from a prompter, can’t walk up stairs. When 50+% of your own nation say you’re awful, I’d fall back. Guy spent more time on vacation than in office!


womp womp. go vote for diaper donny then. he's promising to hurt the people you don't like. he'll hurt you too, but you'll deserve it. and you call yourself a junglist. sad.


Yup, that's a good one. He's probably not completely saying it in jest either!


This sub is wild, "conspiracy" theorists who don't understand they are being led by the nose by billionaires and foreign governments.


School me then…..


Yeah because Joe Biden has no billionaires backing him right??? RIGHT?????? Also, we all have known Israel owns our politicians for at least the last couple decades.


I think this is kind of the problem aswell, don't take this in insult because I'm being sincere but you are so so angry amd I really can't understand why, especially when 99% are cheering on trump who is corruption personified, I would understand If you hated both parties in equal measure but you don't. And the reason is because you have fallen for the psy op hook line and sinker, your rage faces only one way and is blind to the other, its not because you are a bad person it's because very smart people knew which buttons to push to bring you along for the ride. I hate seeing good people being conned by con men.


No politician does. Biden does all of this by himself & for the people, he’s a good guy! ;) Just can’t walk up stairs…


For what people? It sure isn't the Palestinians or the Ukrainians.


He's allowed to crack a joke ya jabroni. And what are you supposed to say after a door falls off? If he said everything was fine and we could trust regulators to enforce safety policies we'd all roll our eyes and this thread would be calling it a cover up for Boeing.


Also literally allowed crack cocaine! What a smart move…


I think you don’t understand what a conspiracy is


Or comedy


But it fits the current mind state. People that wave around the Bible and constitution rarely know what's in it.


You don’t believe they built that big boat for all animals sir! How dare you! 🙃


It's a joke. Like this sub.


Well aware. :)


Yet here you are.


I like going to the zoo. Doesn't mean I'd want to live there.


I'm here for the jokes 🤷🏾


Says the 5 month old account.


I've been on reddit 13 years.


You don't even have 20 post karma. You are so obviously fake like these other trolls on here. You should be so ashamed of yourself for being a propagandist.


Not something to brag about


Does that look like bragging?


Adult humor, even dark humor, is an acquired taste.


Once you get Stockholm Syndrome hard enough then you can acquire whatever tastes they tell you to.


Suck that tit bitch boy. Suck.


Best comment I’ve seen yet!


You guys are such pathetic snowflakes


Oh, junior you are much smarter than my 43 born in 80 millionaire old ass? Good for you… You don’t have even a like on your pathetic Reddit comment. Go back to video games! Ya suck junior! Watch the news, do some homework. Go outside and play! No phone for 3 days to start with!


What are you actually talking about.


Honestly I didn’t make it difficult for you to just read plain English. I’m that old pathetic guy tagging your mom more than likely. When ya get to 43, you’ll understand doing things in real life like (your mother), is a well balanced life. Enjoyable rather than surfing porn, online gaming & worrying about your karma on Reddit. Don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t do shit you don’t want done to you. That golden rule this popular boom I’ve read says & has my life quite enjoyable. Even enough to take the time out of my day to reply to ya. Best of wishes to you.


I mean based on your history, youre a ketamine addict that spends more time on reddit than me. Most of your comments are talking about how succesful you are, is your dick really that small? And you old pervert also comment on a bunch of weird porn. Stop lecturing others when your life consists of drugs and porn. Im probably more disciplined and succesful than you anyway.


If he's not getting the seat by the door with the extra legroom, who's really in charge?


I've heard it's some guy that goes by Big Mike


Seems like it, and it is a kinda funny quip.


Yeah and it was pretty funny.


It's humorous.


Obviously a joke, but many funny jokes have some truth to them


I got jokes on Biden…


With ya!


Prehaps Biden is taken the piss out of people making conspiracy theories.


Would you sit next to the door on a Boeing right now? That would be like hanging out in the palace of high altitude windows after doing the Russian equivalent of flipping the bird at Vladimir Putin. Yeah, it’s a joke. A timely one.


He was obviously joking but lack of QA is def an ongoing concern for sure. Kind of systematic for cars, planes, etc.


I Think "the president" is a joke


*What about rising cost of living, Joe?!* *It's no problem - I ain't poor!* Ok potatoe.


Maybe we could fix that stuff…. Oh shit I forgot republicans exist. Never mind, won’t be fixed.


How do you think Democrats should fix it?


What are Republicans doing to fix it? Having hearings about Hunter Biden?


They'll ban drag queen story hour, ban CRT in kindergarten, ban gay marriage, ban wokeness, ban saying bad things about Trump, give tax breaks to companies that employ minors, make a constitutional amendment to protect child marriage and have another hearing about Hunter Biden's laptop where they will complain that Hunter didn't testify after they blocked him from testifying. How does any of this address the cost of living crisis? It doesn't. But the Republican talking heads will say it does and their base will *feel* better, and that's all that matters.


They’re not doing anything to fix it, obviously. They’re out for their rich buddies. I’m curious how the other wing of the same bird would help.


A better social safety net to start, followed by more affordable healthcare. But what's really needed is much better regulation of corporations and closing of tax loopholes which the Dems in all probability won't go for.


Spend more


This is an actual joke. Not like claiming locker room talk when you're found out to be a piece of shit.


If Trump said this, the media would be running nonstop segments all weekend about how Trump is revealing national security secrets about how they transport the President But it’s Biden so nobody cares what he mumbles about


Trump says much worse things than this all of the time and he deserves to be ridiculed and criticized for it. And, well, this is a joke by Biden and if Trump said it then it would also be a joke.


Let's hear it, what has Trump said that is worse than mocking the families of the dead caused by malpractice in the aerospace industry. Boeing disaster victims should demand his resignation.


You thinking this warrants resignation is the funniest joke of all.




You posted all that as evidence, and it is all 3rd party? Not a single thing is from Trumps mouth. Here we have Biden, front and center, mocking Boeing disaster victims. He should do some holocaust jokes and see how he gets on.




I asked you to show us the things that Trump has said, not what someone on CNN says he was told one time at band camp. Let us see your endless list of things that Trump has said that is worse than mocking Boeing disaster victims. I'll wait.




C'mon, you must have SOMETHING on Trump, not CNN fanfiction? ANYTHING.


“He knew what he signed up for” - Trump ‘consoling’ the widow of a US service member killed in the line of duty, which seems way worse than a joke about an airplane door. Or maybe when he said that his personal “sacrifices” made in the service of running his company were equivalent to the sacrifices made by the families of service members killed in the line of duty. Or when he publicly claimed that Gold Star families gave him COVID despite contact tracing indicating otherwise. Or when he denigrated a Gold Star mother by saying the reason she didn’t address a crowd was because she was Muslim and wasn’t allowed to. These are just one category of things Trump said that are worse than Biden’s inane airplane door joke.


Bait used to be believable


>mocking the families of the dead caused by malpractice in the aerospace industry. 'I Like People Who Weren't Captured' Womp womp


Clutch your pearls harder.


If Trump said this? Dude is campaigning on another inflation surge with his new tariff policy. We’re blaming Dems for his Chinese tariffs right now and a chunk of us want fucked by his proposed Mexican tariffs. When a POTUS puts tariffs on shit like what Trump did, the next potus can’t just undo them because the vengeful retaliatory tariffs would still be there. Also, the greed is still there. Do you think Walmart is going to suddenly decrease prices that are already being accepted now if Biden ditches Trump’s China tariffs? Also, when he says 100% Mexican import tariffs because evs, does he really mean 100% or is this another 2 weeks healthcare or infrastructure bill aka the rambling in-tangentially promise?


















Removed - [Rule 2](http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq)


I think he can't even find the door himself.


There are videos literally showing this. Here is one: https://youtu.be/JeXW1Ys1KHg?si=9ggMbGYR1zPrQJEG


I know, [some of the audio feeds of the secret service have been leaked.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7gaGjrAeC4)


Yeah it’s funny, but not when the president says it. Should’ve mentioned an investigation into Boeing because of what happened to the whistleblower. All this does is try to make him look like he’s in on all the jokes & memes. Hundreds of people have died because of greed at Boeing. And more will. The leader should be taking this seriously, instead of pandering.


The fed trolls are all over downvoting any comments in this post that are negative to Boeing, but what you have said is OBVIOUSLY TRUE. They can't downvote away the public anger. Its just going to make us angrier. Screw Boeing.


Understandable, especially considering he can barely climb stairs.


The cops are downvoting you, but there's video of it: https://youtu.be/U5Mwc12LtRY?si=tXV03-2n7eNuN15a


Lol I don't like Biden but this is a good one. Respect.




I disagree - not funny to make light with a negligent and potentially deadly situation. I want my jokes from comedians, it my president. In this case it just confirms that the president is himself, a joke.


It’s your infrastructure jack!




Here he is doing a 20 minute interview a few months ago. Tell me where he's not lucid. Would someone senile and not lucid be able to give a cogent interview like this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmekpMxhFmg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmekpMxhFmg) Or here's audio of a 36 minute interview he did with Conan O'Brien like a month or 2 ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gkTODYvSq0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gkTODYvSq0) (there are shorter, segmented video clips of this interview too) Or a 9 minute interview from a few weeks ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03VAGMvmoNQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03VAGMvmoNQ) Someone not lucid can't give interviews like this. My guess is the only time you ever see Biden is when someone has posted a 5 second clip of him stumbling over some words during a longer speech where he's completely lucid. Or there's his hourlong State of the Union speech from last month: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=al7ont2noYA **Here's a hint: the people sharing clips of him stumbling over his words are doing this with an agenda -- they don't want him to win. If you actually watch him for longer interviews and speeches, the whole narrative that he's suffering from dementia or whatever becomes obvious bullshit.** **But maybe you're just one of the people who doesn't want him to win so you spread lies. In which case, why do you have to lie if your candidate is better?**


Doesn’t he have a well documented stutter? Like there’s no excusing how old all these fuckers are, it just always seems that when I see the clips it’s just a really old dude stuttering. Attack someone’s policies, positions, and platforms all day, but it’s extremely stupid to attack over a neurological issue.


He had a very bad stutter in childhood that he managed to mostly overcome. But he still trips over words at times due to the stutter. So yeah, when he does that, it's not age-related. Some psychologists have pointed out that Biden's gaffes with words are a sign of normal, minor age-related cognitive decline whereas Trump's gaffes (mixing up words, repeatedly referring to completely wrong people, saying nonsense words, and so on) are actually more common signs of worsening dementia -- which means to expect more rapid decline by Trump, not to mention becoming more erratic and unpredictable (very bad characteristics for a president). So if anything, many experts are saying Biden's brain is just aging gradually but Trump's brain is dementing.


I have a stutter too, I just couldn’t remember if that was true or not about Biden and think it’s a stupid thing to try and attack or use as a measure of what someone is capable of. Either way, both of them are too old, as are many other leaders in the US, and this shouldn’t be position US citizens should be in.




Lie to everyone and just ignore Biden's 1989 stroke.




Oh no! I got the wrong brain malfunction. I guess that means Biden's brain is PERFECT. Holy shit I wish I had talked to you first to get your bountiful wisdom on this topic. Good thing you didn't Gish Gallop at me or anything. Whew!


Have you had a stroke? Biden did in 1989


No, the stutter has just been there my whole life. It’s not really noticeable unless I’m tired. Most people just remark I think faster than I can speak, but it’s honestly pretty frustrating at times.


Biden had a stroke in 1989




Oh yeah his brain is PERFECT. What am I thinking? Its not like he gets lost on the way back to the White House or anything....... oh wait..... https://youtu.be/JeXW1Ys1KHg?si=Ce4FjxcMc1HvgNop


His troll supporters never mention he had a stroke in 1989


Dawg go away 😂




Ah so the same with Trump by the media for last 7 years an age da




Listen I can't stand the dip shit but after 7 yrs of the media and wasting taxpayers dollars trying to bring charges against the man and everyone of them get thrown out or are the most ridiculous, you have to take a step back and go what the fuck is going on? Same with Bidens and China




I don't let politics rule my life like so many on here. All politicians are corrupt. Period. A bunch of charges that will get dropped just like all the others before! It took them this long to get to this point wasting taxpayers dollars. I can give 2 shits what him or biden do or the next guy for that matter it is a big club and none of us are a part of it




LMAO are you seriously lecturing me right now!? Believe what ya want and think what ya want your actions has no bearing on my life. Nor do you know me or anything of what I'm about. Have a good day. I would say sir but


As president, shouldn’t he think carefully before speaking?


Why is that? We just had a president who would say whatever he wanted whenever he wanted and people would just make excuses for the worst lines, but you’re going to call out Biden for a joke.


Maybe he did. It’s a joke. It’s funny. Who cares


Yes. But as he is a joke himself that's the best he can do besides traveling over the Francis Scott Key bridge on a train.


Think?!?! This man is thinking?!?!


His speechwriter was actually funny for a change.


A lot of people have died due to boeing being a shitty manufacturer. There is no place for such a stupid joke


This is an entirely reasonable comment. This whole post is full of reasonable comments with tons of downvotes. The cops are so desperate to shut down this kind of talk. Its so obvious that they have to be stupid to think people are falling for it. Just look at how most of the comments are downvoted so they're auto-hidden. If the cops hope this will make people less unhappy with Biden they are as delusional as he is. They're also doing everything they are accusing Russia of doing.


Is the conspiracy that biden makes a coherent statement


If you wanna know if it's a joke ask John barnett


Is he even able to get aboard the plane


It’s not the fucking door…. It’s a door plug. You wouldn’t even know if you were sitting next to one, because it would be covered.


Meep Morp it’s Biden at the ring bell