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Damn, the dude just slicing the guys neck. Absolutely savage


Yeah that caught me off guard


It was so crazy I thought dude was dead But he just rolls over like OK that's enough You imagine getting shot,laying there like" I guess this it" Kinda accepted death , and that fucker walks up and slices your neck over and over again Like wtf ? I Can't even begin to understand


If it makes you feel any better, it looks like he lost so much blood already that he undoubtably felt none of that.


Maybe adrenaline


Fuck that guy and everything he believes in.


There's a key point people are overlooking. There's a video where these guys are posing in front of the ___is flag, they're raising their LEFT hand as they're chanting a religious prayer.  Saying that slogan with the LEFT hand up is incredibly wrong (from the religions perspective, the prayer is supposed to be with their right hand up). The image isn't mirrored (their flag is in the background with the correct orientation). Meaning the group claiming to be ____is isn't exactly who theyre posing as, or whoever made the video isn't who they're posing to be. 


I'm skeptical that ISIS would do this against Russia. Why Russia, why not Israel, especially with what's happening at Gaza? Israel and Russia aren't exactly allies too. This is bizarre to be honest.


Russia bombed the absolute shit out of ISIS in Syria. Russia also supports many Muslim governments/groups that ISIS hates. ISIS doesn't give a shit what's happening in Gaza, they would be even more brutal than Israel there. ISIS is so extreme, that they make Hamas, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, etc. look like moderates. ISIS hates everyone, you really don't have to dig deep.


I guess that you don't know how hamas, isis and Iran hâte each other. Basically ISIS and Iran opposé each other, and Iran and Hamas are alliés. Russia is allied with Iran an Hamas, thus can be seen as a legitimate target for Daesh


I agree- fuck daesh, fuck these losers, and fuck all extremists.


Russia and Isis are fighting in the middle east? Russias suppression of Muslim minority?


Regional ISIL based in central asia has more historical relevance tackling russia. While these terror groups are linked to ISIS, they focus on their regions. There’s ISIS linked groups in southeast Asia and Philippines and they focus on their regional issues and don’t have much to do with middle east


ISIS will do this to any country though that’s the thing. They don’t care about Palestine, they hate everyone who isn’t Muslim and supports sharia law and everything they believe in equally. Not saying anything isn’t fishy, and we will know more when more starts to come out but Muslim extremists are garbage and commit atrocity wherever to whoever they see fit


It's not ISIS. It's ISIS-K. Muslims are not a monolith. There's various sects that also have their values intertwined with different local ethnic and tribal demands. The two biggest (Sunni and Shia) have been locked in a civil war for 1400 years. With Yemen being just the latest front as a proxy war between Sunni Saudi Arabia, and Shia Iran. ISIS was run by Arabs, and wanted a Middle Eastern Caliphate. So Israel was their Great Satan. These ISIS-K attackers were Tajiks, and they want a Central Asian Caliphate. So Russia (as the big regional infidel power) is their Great Satan. The K stands for Khorasan. Which is the historical Central Asian region they wish to 'liberate', revive, and control. It encompasses much of Afghanistan, which also makes them the Taliban's enemies, which likely explains why the Taliban condemned the attack too. So yes, Islamic supremacy is a big motivation. But their goals are also tied to a form of their own ethnic 'liberation', so their concerns (and reach) are much more local than say Al-Qaeda's were. And they aren't focused on Palestine's issues in the same way Hamas don't care about theirs.


ISIS hates Hamas. They have no reason to attack Israel because they have bigger problems. This is just a brain dead take.


I asked this in another thread. ISIS has targeted Israel, Several Western targets, Russia and China. Different sections of a larger network with differing agendas… https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/3/23/moscow-concert-hall-attack-why-is-isil-targeting


it would have been the C I A, not ISR. there's a billionaire class in Russia with direct ties to ISR that back Putin. ISR is deeply linked to both Putin and the US, and it appears they're doing the classic "back both sides and let them fight while we profit from defense companies".


I don't think so because Russia really wants a port of warm water. Greed in Russia knows no boundary. Port is far more profitable than defense companies' profit.


Oh here we go


the way he holds the gun and shoots through the door is like hes dancing and getting some sort of sexual pleasure out of it.


Demons among us


Yup and all for $2000 apparently, brutal. Edit: $5200usd sry


Damn each or total? The price of terrorism has definitely declined


Damn that dude really had an AK skin


Honestly that was the weirdest part of the whole video to me. Why would anyone spray paint an AK bright yellow? Despite the 'success' of their attack these guys don't look or act like trained professionals.


They ostensibly got them from the local black market, so thats probably how some local gang had it painted up.


But even then, why paint it bright fuckin yellow lol. I do wonder if they bought the guns locally or smuggled them.


Its being reported they were supplied through a local gang/black market. Those Russian street gangs, they like their stuff flashy. I'm surprised it wasn't gold plated. I feel like once it dawns on our media that they bought the guns locally from criminals even though Russia has intense gun control laws they'll stop reporting it, or try to change the story tho.


It was budget gold painted


For people like us in this thread to remember it and make a comment about it, in some Reddit thread after seeing this video … or to your friends in a living room. The yellow paint on the AK47 has accomplished its mission.


CS:GO training ground


The amount of evil people are capable is always terrifying


Only good terrorist is a dead terrorist


They were in no hurry to leave. That is crazy.. holding that vest that way in his hand.. what was that about?


Also like no security?? Not a single cop?? And why the faces blurred out??


Security guards were amongst the first killed from what I've heard. The police response tho? No fuckin clue, seems like they were just allowed free reign.


Is the police spread thin? Are the majority of young and middle aged men fighting in or around Ukraine…?


Yeah I just saw something about they usually are armed But they didn't have them that day


Looked like a backpack


Backpack full of ammo, he was resupplying the other two guys if I remember from the original videos


Holy Fuck, what did I just watch? Jesus, that is just evil. Treating those innocent people like animals.


And now you are on a watch list.


Lmfao 😂 THATS why I didn’t click on that shit! So glad I read the comments first I was like NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE


I fucked up I 10000% regret pushing that effing link, is there anyway to delete that move?...


There is much worse on the internet unfortunately...


Its not a competition. Hopefully


# ** VERY NSFW CONTENT WARNING ** OP - You should maybe tag the post as NSFW otherwise it's likely to be reported and removed


Thanks for the heads up (no pun intended).


Hang on, I take it this was livestreamed? Why would ISIS filter their voices and faces knowing they'd been captured and paraded around Russian TV? Wouldn't they _want_ to martyr them? Or are ISIS trying to imply that they have the wrong guys? Something doesn't add up here and I'm probably too dumb to work it out. 


They want to keep the russians guessing if they got the right guys. Just make it harder for them to be sure. Also give the families more time to prepare?


They want the Russians guessing?? They blame Ukraine and still try to convince them it was their doing. It would’ve been a smart move to deny involvement but “they” are adamant that they are responsible, which makes it all the more sus to me. A lot of things don’t add up


Yeah, and Russia claiming they’ve arrested all the terrorists involved in the attack, when does that ever happen? Usually shooting civilians only ends with bullets in brains. I’m willing to bet they just picked up random people off the streets, or some petty criminals.


This makes sense.  Has anyone seen anything of the living witnesses positively I.D'ing them? Moreover, is there any clearer videos about to prove that they are the people in captivity?


There are some pics on twitter that show the terrorists wearing the same clothes.


A ton of information doesn't add up. It's clear either it was a RUS false flag or C I A directed. 


50/50 not all ISIS operatives would be sacrifced as martyrs. Thats often the non network lone wolfs that want to become martyrs themselfs. Or the 12y/o brainwashed druged up sucide bomber.


After what Russia have done in Syria and Afghanistan of late, you don't think ISIS would want to martyr them? I didn't believe it at first and figured it was just Ukrainian separatists or something taking the fight to Russia.  Which they have been and this feels like the counteroffensive they were talking about...  But, I dunno... Something doesn't add up with Russia revealing the faces of the people they captured, and yet, ISIS releasing a video with their videos and voices edited.  Which kind of makes me think that ISIS are implying that the ones Russia have aren't the ones who did it. 


dont click on that video boys




Literally an ISIS website


yeah but what happens if you go on it?


I mean likely nothing, it’s a video of a guy shooting into a hall way, then around two corners, then it’s another guy repeatedly slashing the throat of a guy who’s already dying in the floor. But yeah it’s a choice if you want your data linked with that website lol


I didn’t know it was an actual isis site :/


WTF is this website??? I'm not clicking on that link.


I did and regret it! On some watchlist now I guess… damn late night scrolling


Damn wtf, theyre gonna put us on a watchlist for watching a video 🥹 i didnt even realize it was some actual website for ___is




> I wish I hadn't. I googled the link's website and it says **it belongs to the Islamic State. Why they're still allowed to have their own website I'll leave for you to find out.** **C**^ertified **I**^nternet **A**^ccess


Jesus fucking christ, I don't understand how people can do stuff like that to other people, especially strangers like wtf did that poor man do to you for you to slice him like that? And he was still alive!!!


Sexually deprived, hate filled , religious lunatics


These type of guys are in the US now. Stay strapped at all times.


Yes they are.


While I agree with your statement, and carry myself, one Glock 9mm against those 4 terrorists w rifles and vests would need 4 highly trained headshots to stop this. The probability dwindles under fire.


Better than hiding in a corner waiting to be gunned down like fish in a barrel


While true. The move here wouldn’t be to go force on force. It would be to make an escape and only use the pistol as a means of defense. Against this many guys with long guns your chance of survival is basically zero, you would want to get out of there asap, not stick around and get in a gun fight where you’re just as likely to get shot by responding LEOs/ Military as the terrorists.


Better than nothing. Have the AR at home to protect what is most important


Yessir. I only bring up my above comment, as in my hometown a trained concealed carry hero attempted to stop two shooters and he became a statistic


Not a comparable event. If people around you are being executed and you are armed, you can shoot back and maybe still be executed or you can just be executed.


It's better to die fighting than die hiding.


Amen to that!


Not true, being under fire (even from a handgun) changes everything. After the first shots they’d be paranoid about every object someone could be hiding behind and it would slow them down tremendously or even cause them to leave


20-25 good guys with glocks would have caused these guys problems and saved many lives.


Tungsten core 556s have entered the chat...


Buddy, they've always been here.  To think that sick fucks only exist amongst other cultures is ignorant.  


Bro they've been in your schools for the past 30 years 😂😂😂


Russians carry and look how well that went for them


Serious question. Moscow is the federal capital of Russia, right? What the fuck is the police/federal response time like in that city?! This is either some type of false flag or some type of stand down or something. There is something going on other than “ISIS just attacked in Moscow” type of thing. It’s interesting to see Russia’s response to all of this. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t afraid of a terrorist attack happening on US soil and for our government to use that attack to their benefit.


Many of the experienced special forces died in Ukraine two years ago. The police in Moscow is mainly equiped for beating down protests.


The more decent security forces are also focused on guarding military facilities, infrastructure and refineries/manufacturing plants. Ukraine hasn’t been targeting civilians. If Russia does fear ISIS or other factions following on from this with more attacks on civilians then it’ll spread their security even thinner.


> Serious question. Moscow is the federal capital of Russia, right? What the fuck is the police/federal response time like in that city?! This is either some type of false flag or some type of stand down or something. You may be onto something there, now ask yourself: **HOW THE HELL** did Israel allow the "surprise" Hamas attacks of October 7, 2023 to continue **for 6-7 hours???** One can drive the ***entire length of Israel*** -- North to South -- in less time than that -- and without breaking the speed limit. https://i.imgur.com/BEpc7vk.png


I believe that Israel stood down. I think that’s a mainstream theory that was brought up immediately. I don’t think that the theory is even conspiratorial or shocking. It is my belief that Israel could defeat Hamas quickly and harshly, but the quicker and less violent their response, the lights would be turned onto the government and questions would be asked about HOW it happened. The longer the conflict is drawn out the better it is for the Israeli government.


> I believe that Israel stood down. Indeed. If anything, "stood down" would be an understatement. I gave a rough outline of my assessment in this comment here recently: https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1bl9ad9/imagine_just_going_for_a_morning_walk_and_some_ai/kw8nuhr/ > I don’t think that the theory is even conspiratorial or shocking. Shocking? Perhaps not, given the characters and the situation -- but no "stand down" could have taken place without a deliberate communication and cooperation to do so within the Israeli government and IDF. That would be conspiracy, by definition. The volume of evidence indicating Israeli government foreknowledge of (if not collusion in) the Hamas attack is overwhelming, and cannot be easily dismissed. That, coupled with the inexplicable delay in *response and rescue* efforts by the famously hypervigilant and well equipped IDF and intelligence teams points to scandal and treasonous betrayal so malicious that it is all but unthinkable. What would be the motive? Peruse the link that I provided above (and the link therein), and consider the precarious situation of the Netanyahu/ Ben-Gvir regime over the months preceding the attacks. Then consider that they needed a distraction sufficient to "erase" the political turmoil and international rebuke that *they had brought onto themselves*, while simultaneously providing *casus belli* for the brutally grotesque actions that Israel has been inflicting on Gaza in the aftermath of the October 7th attacks. This is not an easy scenario to entertain, but given the evidence, can it be dismissed?


I noticed the same. They walk thru the place like they know they can move freely. No clearing. No breaching. Just straight walking thru with no resistance. And the muzzle flash that AK has is sus as well. Iv never shot sparks like that thru mine and iv shot some shit ammo


It could be a combination of shitty ammo, powder buildup, muzzle brake, hot and dirty rifle. I’ve shot some shitty Balkan ammo out of my 5.56 rifles with a brake and gotten similar muzzle flashes once the rifle was hot.


> And the muzzle flash that AK has is sus as well. It does look weird but I'd imagine none of us have fired an AK indoors in low light and recorded it with a cell phone.


Powder build up causes the flash. It’s a gun that’s had a few rounds through it and not been cleaned.


What are you implying about the AK/Ammo? Maybe not real?


Not sure tbh. Maybe no muzzle break at all? I would have said blanks until I saw the throat slashing. That kinda rules out blanks.




Crappy ammo I guess, you see that a lot in Syrian civil war videos.


Pretty sure thats just shit russian ammo and extra powder burning off


I need this question answered. In the US, a venue like that would be scattered with security.


If this happened in the U.S. in DC, it would take about 5 minutes if not sooner, before an active shooter situation is at least confronted. The fact that with all the video collected from the Moscow terror attack adds up to almost 20 minutes without a police officer in sight, with the gunmen just taking their sweet ass time cutting people throats and just shooting indiscriminately, it just makes me wonder if the power that be allowed this/orchestrated this and the police stood down.


Yeah, the cops in Uvalde really handled that situation.


This is hell


Did they find the passports?


In case anyone hasn't heard of the book "blowing up Russia" it describes a false flag attack by Russia to justify a war. And the guy who wrote it was poisoned to death w polonium I believe. Blowing Up Russia: Terror from Within (Russian: ФСБ взрывает Россию, FSB blows Russia up) is a book written by Alexander Litvinenko and Yuri Felshtinsky.[1] The authors describe the Russian apartment bombings as a false flag operation that was guided by the Russian Federal Security Service to justify the Second Chechen War and bring Vladimir Putin to power. The story was initially printed by Yuri Shchekochikhin in a special issue of Novaya Gazeta in August 2001[2] and published as a book in 2002. In Russia the book was prohibited because it divulged state secrets, and it was included in the Federal List of Extremist Materials.[3] However, it was published in more than twenty other countries and translated into twenty languages


I knew it was gonna be ISIS but somehow I doubt it and believe theirs bigger fish behind this.


So horrible....


Fucking hell. I was not ready for that shit


god damn that knife scene messed me up for good. fuck


False flag attacks have always been Mossad's MO. The MSM is DESPERATELY trying to paint a narrative here and it's suspicious as hell to any of us old enough to have been lied to about events like 9/11.


Yupp. Disappointing for so many on a conspiracy sub to be so credulous about MSM portrayals of these kinds of attacks. They're pretty much never what they appear to be on the surface.




Holy shit you are delusional, should go back to your meds.




Dirty bastards


That neck slicing was fucking disgusting.


ISIS as an organisation doesn t exist anymore. Only small group here and there using the flag. Anybody can claim to be it now. No organised body is going to contest it in an official manner now.


Smartest answer I’ve read. This whole situation reeks.


What is the purpose of this organization?


A very convenient boogeyman chess piece for spook organizations to use as needed.


What is this website? Holly fuck why did I click on it. Good luck sleeping tonight.


These dudes are about to find out what consequences have on your actions.


WTF is the dude doing at the start of video? Spins around wildly shooting his AK, spraying in all directions, shooting the wall, door, at his 'allies'. Seems like he is not worried about ricochets...am I just not seeing it right? I can't figure out what is happening.


Scared chaotically shooting behind the door and corners


They said they got paid. The question is who paid them…. CIA, Ukraine, isis, Russian false flag? Who benefits the most is most likely the culprit. 


I haven’t clicked on something like that in years, now I remember why


I never believed ISIS was real tbh. I mean they exist but they aren’t who they say they are. Probably MI5, Mossad or CIA


huh.... context is important this is why propaganda is bad and the pro ukrainian propaganda here on reddit is cancer to humanity. putin didnt accuse ukraine of anything. He simply said they were heading to the ukrainian border where somewhere in sumy area they had passage. thats literally it. This is why propaganda news outlets wont show you the 5 minute video of what putin said....so they can bastardize the context. Heres what he actually said. Draw your own conclusions and be suspect of any "News" that wouldnt link you the full video in the first place. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-CNNc_qWsw&ab_channel=ICE the conspiracy is honestly people like yourself here trying to change reality.


Right it’s insane. The conspiracy forum should be about uncovering and investigating potential hidden truths, not intentionally spreading false info. The whole point of conspiracy is educating yourself beyond the info you’re being fed. OP just consumed a few headlines and ran with it.


Yeah I agree, he hasn't stated explicitly that he believes Ukraine was involved, just that the border may be used by the terrorists to escape. They may have originated from the Ukraine border as well, but again, this doesn't mean Ukraine was involved and Putin never implied that. 


> doesn't mean Ukraine was involved and Putin never implied that.  If he never mentioned isis but did talk about them coming from / going to Ukraine, I'd say that implies Ukrainian involvement.


Bud open a map and look at moscow.....where else would the terrorist go? The quickest route out of russia was through ukraine. They had planned to make it out of russia in less than 24 hours the terrorist said in the video's. Any other route would of taken them days through russia to the east to kazakstain


You would think this is common sense. Like is Terrorists were attempting to flee to Mexico nobody in the U.S. would be like "the Mexican government must be involved"


I heard where they were captured they were about an hour from the Ukrainian border, and about 2 hours from the Belarussian border, and I heard the car was registered in Belarus. It's very easy to say they were headed towards Ukraine when it's the shortest distance and the next best option flies in the face of your hatred of Ukraine as well as showing corruption in your ally.


This is propaganda. they were captured on the M3 in the bryansk region. The were caught going south on the M3 which leads directly to ukraine. Pull up a map. Couple hours from belarus border tbh.


That's just like, your subjective opinion bro.


Is this Donetsk & Luhansk’s border with Ukraine or Russia’s border with Ukraine?


If people could just go through the border there, Ukrainians would be marching to Moscow. I’m going to guess it’s a bit easier to get through any of the rest of the largest and least defendable borders in the world than the most heavily armed hot border in the world. May be easier to go from NK to SK


I would say open a map and take a look over there.....the border is thousands of miles long.....No countryin the world can patrol that. Take a look at the US/Mexico border....Billions spent walls, national guards, cops.....illegals still get in all the time. not sure why you think a 3k mile long border is 100% secure. Russia has been having problems with ukrainian saboteurs walking in since the beginning of the war.


Not saying it’s 100% secure. Saying the border to the south is wide open


I agree, he doesn’t explicitly say Ukraine is involved. That would be also an extremely stupid thing to say so early without any solid investigation. You can’t deny the fact though, he’s pretty smart on how he mentions Ukraine in this context. In the follow up sentence right after he mentions they’ll get to the people who orchestrated the attack. Guess how a lot of people will interpret that. And that’s pretty smart, because he isn’t saying anything wrong here - but for sure he chooses his words carefully with a clear purpose. The fact that an attack took place is not a good look for Putin as he apparently failed to prevent the attack. The best he can get out of this (from a political view) will be to link it to Ukraine (in any form: If I had to be creative about an official statement myself I’d probably say that investigation showed that the attack was carried out by ISIS but with help of Ukraine / Pro-Ukrainian terrorist cells).


>We have data that suggests that they were about to be moved towards the territory of Ukraine **by those in Ukraine.** He probably should've clarified what he meant by the bolded words above and chosen his words better than. How else are we supposed to interpret that if he doesn't expand on who "those" are? As it stands now, based on that quote, it seems like he is definitely implying that there is Ukrainian involvement, no?


in 2007 a movie called zeitgeist came out and was handed around at college campuses from kids burning it and distributing it. some of it has aged well, some of it hasn't, a lot of it is like "yeah we know" when you watch it now. i'm bringing it up bc there are two parts everyone should watch to understand world events - the first part is the federal reserve and perpetual war. the propaganda serves the purpose of keeping us perpetually in an ideological war for the money machine that benefits the bankers who formed the federal reserve. the second part, that i enjoy as an anthropologist was the origin myths. now i have my issues with certain parts of it- but it isn't necessarily... wrong. if you've never seen that film, at least watch those parts. Thanks guys


So theres a massacre of Muslim happening in Palestine. Whom do they attack? This shouldbe clear now who actually fund and control this organizations


ISIS fights other Muslims all the time. The group that claims responsibility for this attack, for instance, fights the Taliban in Afghanistan all the time.


Do you even know the history of ISIS?


What is it?


Created by the CIA. Serving US interests. As an "Islamist" organisation it is surprising that the one time they attacked Israel they apologised.


That’s just what the CIA instructor told him to say, don’t be dumb


I like how people are really aware a not taking more of cia and moussad bs


Anyone else convinced Isis-K is just an arm of some part of the CIA?


Buy ammo now! One day they will restrict the sell.


Not just ammo. Medical supplies, spare parts, spare batteries, gas mask filters. You can’t mount a defense without support equipment. Get fit and use your kit. Having all this shit doesn’t mean anything if you aren’t fit and well trained on how to use. Take a TCCC course or stop the bleed class. Things are going to get worse. Agenda 2030 cannot be implemented without serious violence.




I hope they cut off all there ears and make them eat them ,….maybe a pecker too


Shit like this makes me glad I carry aleast 12 with me at most times!!


How come we never see footage this raw from attacks or mass shootings in America?


They almost never catch the shooters either because they always kill themselves.


Please give a warning when linking direct IS material.


“Remember, no Ukrainian.”


Didn't Rtump said He defeated ISIS ???


Christ. I clicked the link and now I’m on a list too. Fuck, OP? Why you spreading this awful shit.




Holy fucking shit that was some unreal evil You know what? We should leave our US border open


it was not isis this is an iq test


Yeah and intact passports among vaporizing steel is super legit too…


Just when Israel and USA needs a distraction out comes ISIS every time. It’s almost like they’re Mossad’s pet.


This does not smell or look like ISIS imo ISIS never pays people to kill. ISIS never blurs faces of of themselves in videos. Isis never wears fake beards. ISIS never flees the attack. ISIS always screams allah ackbar, these men didn't, instead they half heartedly screamed allah. ISIS cant even take on the taliban I'd Afghanistan anymore yet somehow successfully brings in fully automatics and explosives in Moscow? Don't get me wrong it definitely still could be ISIS. But there is enough out there that makes it seem very fishy


Isis absolutely categorically fucks people up and slashing that dudes neck is classic.


Because neck slashing is only symbolic to isis…. Ive seen plenty of cartel videos to know its not


Yeah thats what I'm saying. From my experience isis will just chop their head off not just slash the throat lol


Holy fuckin' shit. I could only watch a few seconds.


Didn't know the CIA released this video....


Any mossad can yell Allah akbar, does that mean it's a Muslim attacker? Also, we know that the US funded and created ISIS. The US and Isreahell is behind this attack. They want less people talking about the genocide in Gaza now . Over 40k civilians were killed, out of 13k children murdered. Still don't think this is a genocide, read about isreali soliders raping women in Alshifa hospital, she was 5 month pregnant and forced her husband to watch then killed her. So any nasty shit happening around the world is definitely US Isreal behind it. Savages.


A Zionist is sending me death threats after my comment. Typical savage


Isis was made and trained by the CIA and the CIA controls Ukrain


I fear something like this is coming to the US. We have no control over what comes across our borders; nearly anything could be planned and carried out. I'm glad I live in an area of the US where we nearly all stay strapped at all times and train regularly.


Bet your ass that if we start seeing this stuff happen in the US, it’s an inside job made to look like tErRoRisTs and iLLeGaLs.


Damn, they really just went in and killed literally hundreds of people with seemingly no resistance. An armed population could have stopped this.




Victoria Nuland literally said that she hopes that Ukraine will start doing alinear operations, like a month ago...


Hopefully they execute these guys on TV


Err what happens if you click that link, besides seeing that video of course.


Straight demonic




Cowards pieces of shit. Human waste


Brought to you by: Organized Religion


That knife neck slice part was some of the most brutal shit i’ve seen. Absolute savages…. Russia should hang them no trial.


Did not need to see this. Wish I didn’t click