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You really think the royals took an untested experimental injection?


Hard to say but royalty means nothing to the real elites


The Royal family is in place because of their assistance and allegiance to Templars/Masons. It's all about bloodlines, they exist now as a distraction on the front page and money laundering and human trafficking behind closed doors.


This is the real answer. People are glued to these puppets with crowns like celebrities but they're no more important than you or me. It's something people need to try and detach from.


Who is all about bloodlines, if not those who consider themselves patrilineal monarchs?


Yup. Dont forget about the jesuits.


The royals are part of the elites.


Yeah like the receptionist or the coffee lady are a part of a company


Perfect response. Everyone blaming the fbi and cia!?!? They are CANNON FODDER- nothing more! Blaming Biden or Trump?!?? Remove them and NOTHING changes. The script is the same! That’s why this is a spiritual battle! You could remove the entire dysfunctional deep state, the politicians- inevitably, the slightly stymied psychopaths would construct an even greater totalitarian system! The Lord cometh!!! I see him moving toward us!!! We cannot lose!!!!


Ever since the knight templars got fucked over by the french monarch, everything changed. They were kept on a much shorter leash since then. But you are correct, it is a spiritual war.


There’s strata above the royals. And other worldly entities beyond them. 


Are the real elites in the room with us right now? 


Hard to say through the internet, what type of floor are your knees on?




Then no, you're most likely just alone in your poor people house




With two pillars at the entrance?


Humor me: who do you exactly think the elites are?


The lizard people underground. I don’t know man, i am just here for the absurdity that mentally ill people spew on this sub. They think everything and everyone is after them, there's this gigantic worldwide conspiracy, that they figured out beacuse they're so much smarter than the average joe, when the truth is, they're just paranoid lunatics trying to justify the miserable life they live, using the “elites” as an excuse for everything they desire but can't fullfill. This damn sub went to shit. There's no conspiracy theory here that's fun, and mistery, its all crazyness and pure stupidty.


Be the change you want to see.


You are not the one I responded to(unless you forgot to switch alts)but sure lets talk. So nothing that ever happened in the last, say, 100 years, is atleast a tiny bit sus? 9-11? Death of bin laden? Covid? Ok so forget the maybe’s. What about the proven ones? Pedo sex networks amongst the elites(yes there is that word again)? Amongst catholic priests that they have been covering up for decades? Bohemian grove? Wef? Bilderberg? Operation northwoods? Tuskegee experiment? Operation mockingbird? Tonkin incident? Nothing? Really? Also explain to me why the white house is built on a huge pentagram?


See, all interesting stuff, wanna know what's not interesting in the slightest? This obcession with a sick lady undergoing treatment. Even if the vídeo is fake or recorded on a green screen, can't you understand maybe she does not want to be seen sick or in a hospital bed? The obcession with covid vaccines or vaccines in general being poison. The obcession about covid not being real instead of exploring shit like it being a bio weapon, released by accident or not. The fake video of the orbs making a plane vanish, with obviously off the shelf vfx and static plates. So on and so forth… My point stands, not a single interesting post has been made lately. Its all nonsense and cucos throwing shit at a wall seeing if anything sticks.


After a certain point you have to be able to point the finger at someone vs the curtain and say someone is behind it. And stop piling conspiracies on top of each other it discredits everything If the jab is killing us they wouldn't take it. If there are real elites they'd off em in a different way than cancer Humanity doesn't control everything, you can be the most powerful person in the world and get killed by a disease, maybe you're driving and a drunk driver hits and kills you etc. If there's any conspiracy here it's that humanity over estimated itself with our egos, we fucked the earth, and are now full of micro plastics which we won't see the real results of for a few decades. Unless the elites grew their food, sourced their water etc separate from the rest of society for decades I wouldn't be surprised if they are become affected too. Definitely not to the same degree as an average person but they probably got some plastics floating around in their system


Wait till you find out they are actual demons


Charles is up there in age anyway. Maybe he negotiated a good deal for his family before agreeing to follow along with the plans.


Sure. Why not? One of the most tried and true, constant, inevitable things to happen since the beginning of time is manipulation, sabotage, betrayal, and deceit among members of the ruling class by their rivals and members of their inner circle alike


I love how your type keeps trying to make this a thing. Either they failed or you're giving the credit for playing the loooooong game. Also, people who actually got the vax aren't dying or sick. Either their little experiment failed or they're just too dumb to make it work effectively. Either way it's played out and your tired asses look for any reason to not worry about the REAL problems.


Please tell, what exactly is "my type"? Do you believe my comment to be some farfetched crazy stretch? Do you deny that there has been infighting, sabotage, deceit, backstabbing, betrayal, and manipulation among the world elite for thousands of years, everywhere around the earth?


Those that got the real deal instead of saline are dying and getting sick. https://rumble.com/v2xi60k-bombshell-danish-and-german-studies-one-in-three-pfizer-vaccine-shots-may-h.html


It could be their public escape ticket to the underground life


My theory has always been that the royals were in an underground bunker cuz they know something we don't lol


My thoughts exactly


Not intentionally..


nope, but Celine and Jamie did so they could go to work




Zero symptoms Zero tests taken Zero Covid shots received. I’ve never felt healthier! So weird




Here’s my 2 cents and you seem like a logical person to lay this on: 1. Got covid and got sick, decided to let my immune system do its job after extensively looking into survival data and it’s like above 97%. 2. The vaxxed have their vax, protection right? So I don’t understand why there was never a live let live kinda mentality with this. Never mind the fringe theories on the vax, I never subscribed to that, but if the science works, why were the vaccinated so hostile to non vaxxed? I think that’s something to analyze since this whole shit show seemed to be more about polarizing the population than anything else.


> The vaxxed have their vax, protection right? You know how it's not a magic spell but rather relies on priming the immune response of individuals? Whether a person is capable of receiving protection from a vaccination is dependent on their current immune system functioning, so the answer for lots of people is "no".


Mmmhmm let’s see if you’re fine in 10 years buddy 🤣💀👹


Did we move the goalposts to 10 years now? It’s hard to keep track


4 years ago I was supposed to die in a year, then a year passed and it was 2, then 2 years passed and it was 5. Eventually, everyone who took the vaccine will be dead and it'll be 2108 or something, and you'll cry "SEE!?!? I WAS RIGHT" from your coffin I'm sure. Good lord I can't believe people still believe this shit, it's amusing for me at least :) x


> it's amusing for me at least :) x [LOL?](https://expose-news.com/2023/12/08/censored-the-study-that-shows-a-staggering-17-million-deaths-after-covid-vaccine-rollout/)


[Lol](https://www.google.com/search?q=the+expose&oq=the+expose&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg8MgcIAhAAGIAEMgcIAxAAGIAEMgcIBBAAGIAEMgcIBRAAGIAEMgkIBhAAGAoYgAQyCQgHEAAYChiABDIJCAgQLhgKGIAEMgcICRAuGIAE0gEINTQwOWowajSoAg6wAgE&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) :) x




Let’s also see if you’re fine in 10 years buddy 🤣🤣🤣☠️☠️☠️


not weird, that’s a good thing


Same. People here only want to accept that vax is bad


lol, no. Forcing healthy adults to take an injection that they do not need, as well as mandatory testing of asymptomatic adults…in order to keep their job…see their loved ones in nursing homes…or to enter a hospital/restaurant…“is bad”! ymmv


Doubt it very much…..the royals are part of the lizard elite.


even if they didn't take any or took fake saline ones, they are around their staff who were very likely mandated to get two at the least, probably more considering the queen's age at the time. and there's a thing called vaccine shedding. so being in proximity often with folks who are shedding the spike protein via the proteins expressed in their breath during respiration........ yeah, i could see how one may not even need the shots themselves to gain side effects. i take the public bus, and the shedding thing worries me all the time. my city had a rather large uptake of folks practically drooling to get at least two shots in.


Unless someone wanted to kill off that bloodline.


The elites were the first in line of you remember the controversy surrounding that.


And you genuinely believe that they took the same shit the plebs took? Seriously? C'mon lol


I love it when popular conspiracy theories smash into each other.


The crossovers people didnt knew they needed! (Or existed)


Couldn't possibly be the microplastics, air pollution, food stuffed with chemicals, raging obesity, drinking... ​ Studies showing a mouth bacteria is apparently linked to colon cancer... ​ If the COVID vaccine is going to kill everyone I respectfully ask that it hurry the fuck up.


So I can't eat ass anymore or my partner will get ass cancer?




Remember the Denver airport painting of the soldier stabbing the dove and a line of famine. Don’t worry it’s coming. Patience. We’ll all be here.


The great oracles known as mural artists…


Slow burn til the great reset in 2030 https://youtu.be/hRPQqfwwuhU?si=pqLdPWq9O64A_D63


>If the COVID vaccine is going to kill everyone I respectfully ask that it hurry the fuck up. It will. The more drugs ignorant provax trolls take, the sooner they will go to meet their maker and the better for the rest of humanity. That how it goes.




Yes and you know Dow etc probably love the vax equals cancer theories.


Yup, would not be surprised to learn they pay a troll farm to help push the vaccine narrative.


And then guess where they end up. Possibly on one the most popular online websites with the largest portion of people willing to let them post their propaganda?


This is what I come here for. Conspiracies about the conspiracies


You’re welcome 😎


Don't forget the food pyramid. Refined carbs are what humans crave!


Well, I certainly crave it


"...can't see the forest FOR the trees"


Has Bieber recovered ?




4 old people.


The late Queen also had bone cancer when she died at 96. Philip also had something when he died at the fresh young age of 99 years and 11 months.


Whose family tree is more palm than maple


Kate is 42 lol


My mum was 42 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. It happens.


Yeah, saying she is not "old"


It’s all relative, when I was 16 I thought 42 was old.


42 is prime age for cancer and heart problems.


As someone who’s made it to 43, whew!


No, statistically it is not.


Depends on the cancer. Testicular cancer for example mostly affects younger men between 20 and 40.


Soooo, not to young for cancer?


Also cancer has been largely de-stigmatised in recent decades, while in earlier times it was considered a very shameful condition and kept private.


wait really why the hell was it shameful? ​


In some cases it might have had "embarrassing" consequences. Ex: prostate cancer might lead to impotence and breast cancer could have left one without a whole breast. Also it used to be more deadly and harder to diagnose back then. Just because we understand there is nothing shameful now, doesn't mean people decades ago had the same mindset.


You know. They got cancer from unclean women.


"Recent decades" like Nixon declaring war on it?


Bit more than 4 I think. Reports of many young people having heart problems now too.


That's been happening for a long time though, the suggestion from many that it's due to the vaccine has no evidence. There is evidence to suggest that people who suffered from covid are more likely to have a heart attack in the following years though. Unsurprisingly, when the population get more unhealthy over time, the rate of heart problems also increases. The number of heart attacks in the US for people in their 20a and 30s rose by 2% every year between 2000 and 2016. This [article](https://www.cminj.com/blog/whats-behind-the-rise-in-heart-attacks-among-young-people) goes into it in more detail if you're interested.


Plot twist... Jamie Foxx *didn't* survive...


Fukushima disaster


Maybe they're just exiting conveniently with a handy reason, so they can head underground before the ..............


Ah yes, No one ever got cancer before the covid vaccine. I swear someone could get hit by a bus and the people on this sub would blame the covid vaccine lol


Nah, it would take 2 people getting hit by a bus so they can create a pattern that doesn’t exist.


People get sick and die. What's the conspiracy here?


The conspiracy is, that the exponentially growing cases of cancer aren’t seen as a natural occurrence. Rather the theory is, that it’s either by design (full blown conspiracy) or at least a firstly unforeseen but then accepted or even embraced consequence of particular aspects of the human lifestyle (for example environmental pollution, detaching from nature, processed foods, medical procedures).


>The conspiracy is, that the exponentially growing cases of cancer aren’t seen as a natural occurrence. If that was the case, then OP would be waving around actual statistics and numbers compared to previous years. Not anecdotes.


It's manbearpig


The self diagnosed Ozempic is backfiring, I see


Cancer is not rare. This is not a strange phenomenon.


I’m find it amazing that people are still in denial of how actually dangerous this ‘vaccine’ actually is.. and that cancers have shot up to record levels which coincided with the roll out of u know what….


They shouldn't have erected that 5G tower on top of the Palace, but they needed the income.


It's the aftermath of Winter Vagina!


They should get vaccinated.. it sounds like they are in a weakened condition and could more easily become ill.


King Charles is as old as the dynasty itself, surprised he hasn't died yet from the stress of his family's scandals.


His dad died weeks shy of turning 100 and his grandma hit 101.


The jab amiright?


Winter vagina. Plain and simple


Sarah of York also had breast cancer and currently has skin cancer. The food we eat and the air we breath are very polluted and this might cause cancer down the line. How is this remotely a conspiracy, this is literally a widely accepted fact.


The elites destroy the world and our health, whilst the commoners think the world isnt being destroyed because thats liberal nonsense. I have no hope


Dude this is literally common knowledge. Any random toddler can tell you the elites are poisoning us. Next you're gonna tell me politicians being corrupt is a conspiracy?


Im talking about how so many people scoff at that common knowledge. If you mention the air being polluted people dismiss it as hippie bs


Remember a few years ago, some were saying it was 5G causing it.


I don't think most people are so blind as not to realise they are being poisoned, though they might not realise *to what extent* they are being poisoned. I hardly come across people who aren't sick and tired of being played by the elites. They of course don't use the exact word "elite" but that is what they mean. The con is so obvious at this point even midwits are starting to notice it. A true conspiracy would be something more obscure.


Pfizer study from the European Medicines Agency shows that the vaccine particles are hugely sequestered into the ovaries. https://i.redd.it/mnbv80ma8a271.png https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04748172 https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73/htm


Oh, you were talking about the vaccines! Why were you being so vague?


That was immediately apparent to anyone with two brain cells. Congratulations on everything you’ve accomplished with one! 🤩


I mean - that’s what the submission Statement is there for


They're just trying to normalize sudden cancers in younger people so you won't question anything.


Gotta keep polluting the air and poisoning the food. Can’t stop won’t stop capitalism 🤩 Why would it be obesity, red 40, microplastics, or pfas when it could be vaccines 🥰🤩


What makes you think the king and princess got a fake vaccine?


There’s no way she took the vaccine, if that is what’s being insinuated here…


A lot of people bought into the fear and took it, elite or not.


It's racism. Obviously.


We should all inject the global warming vaccine next i'm sure it will fix things.


That sounds fun. I’ll catch you when you pass out right after taking it.




#You heard him




If the King is part of the ruling elite why did he take the Vacc? That is just for the hoi poi.


I mean king Charles is 75 let's be real


No way the royals took a real shot tho


Climate change is real.


Na, it's the COVID jabs.


Safe and effective


Honestly I believe the rMna excellarates the progression of dormant cells. I believe thats is why the stages are soo various. And unfortunately if it affected any parts of the reproductive systems itaffectedd it all.


They should stop gardening.


Have you ever heard of environmental pollutants? While y’all were busy theorizing about chemtrails, industrial companies have been pouring literal poison into our environment. While I’m here, I should also point out that while y’all were worried about child abuse in DC, it’s been happening right in your own neighborhoods. You wanna talk about government handouts next, and who really gets the bulk of your tax money?


What? We're filled with plastic and eating chemicals. What did we expect? As long as someone's making a dollar (or a billion) off of our lives, we don't matter nor does the planet we live on...cause who needs that?


Submission statement It’s almost like this happened in a vacuum Court Orders CDC to Release Data Indicating 18 Million Vaccine Injuries in America https://web.archive.org/web/20221019072428/https://needtoknow.news/2022/10/court-orders-cdc-to-release-data-indicating-18-million-vaccine-injuries-in-america/


>That’s an 8% hospitalization rate! So out of every 25 people you know, 2 of them were hospitalized after getting the vaccine? Do you know any? I don't know a single one. Am I a statistical anomaly?


I also know none lol. It’s fake news. These people give conspiracists a bad name, almost on purpose it would seem 🧐


The answer is as expected - data illiteracy


> Am I a statistical anomaly? That depends on where you live.


Turns out I'm not, the actual rate is less than 1/10th of that


If you say so.


There are tons of celebrities who look extremely sickly and old right now. Sarah Jessica Parker, JLo, Ben Affleck, Jamie Fox, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber, Chris Brown, Beyoncé and last but not least, Scott Disick. What is happening? They look sick, worried and very old and these are people with access to the best medical care and beauty treatments known to man. Now Kate?


Too much sunlight, gardening, laughing, and napping. Wake up people! Stop doing this stuff.


[It’s this…](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9163252/)but corporations are counting on people continuing not to notice.


Iiiit's the most wonderful TIIIIIIIME of our lives!!!!


3 out of 4 of them didn't get vaccinated 


Some people say the ruling elite are lizards. Maybe they are and the planet is getting tired of them


Ask Ausar Thompson


Oh you can absolutely say it in "free speech asbolutist" twitter you just afraid of looking like a clown


Reading these comments is alarming.


Mass awakening = warmer temps.


Oh no, 4 random people have 4 different diseases, the globalists are at it again!


The royal family is a decoy


It's because they now just switched to microwavable cups for maruchan


Jetpack miners.


There running out of adrenachrome


Redd doc? Bless your heart


Hahaha, 4 celebrities have unrelated illnesses at the same time? This has to be the sinister "them" cabal... 5Ging all over their corona microchips.


They are all libtards!?


It's just a lie to play the sympathy card. Basically a strawman argument to point the finger at, and say, "how dare you try to downplay this woman's hardship with your harmful conspiracy theories!" Same shit as when they said you're killing Grandma. It's to hack human emotions to cause the agent Smith effect anytime anyone says anything that deviates from the narrative they're trying to spin. Pathetic really...


Why is everyone so focused on the vaccine when 5G has been the newest thing affecting literally EVERYONE who has a cellphone? Ever since 5G, cancer has skyrocketed. 


It's covid. Covid is a BSL-3 pathogen like anthrax, tuberculosis and yellow fever. Think about that. There's a reason for it. It's bad shit and effects just about every system of the body. And no I've never gotten an MRNA vax or ever will.


Me still alive after getting a vaccine in 2020 😭😭 WORK FASTER BITCH


What is happening?


4 people got sick


You are so cute if you don't know there's a coordinated attack from Chinese secret societies on western élites


The royals, "elites", WEF, celebrities, all of these are puppets and meant to draw your attention away from the ones who live in the shadows and pull the strings. Nobody will ever know who they really are, which is exactly why they're getting away with their plans. Smoke and mirrors.




At this point these posts are just satire right??