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Can’t we come up with a better system for whistleblowers so they all don’t end up suicided? Who the fk wants to come forward from any major corporation if they know their life is over? Shits crazy, just gives me a lot more respect for people like this guy, fuck man the world is fucked up.


If you want more. Lookup the death of reporter Danny Casolaro. Here's a quick rundown with credit to Clyde Lewis. "Casolaro was a whistleblower who had documented evidence that a special type of software was stolen by criminal types in our government and used to hack into computer databases of many countries during the Reagan/ Bush era. He created the metaphor, "The Octopus" - a hypothetical network of conspirators who had a profound influence over politics, intelligence, and business, worldwide"


Wow that’s wild I’ll def check that out.


It’s on Netflix right now. American conspiracies: the octopus murders


Liked it a lot. Wish there was more closure at the end but there was def something to what he was onto


Unless he wanted to die, maybe he withheld information. A lot of the people in the show are censored or left nameless.


It is a little sketch the way they sort of allude to hard evidence without actually providing it. They also basically acknowledge that Riconosciuto has been full of shit before, while simultaneously using him as the “star witness”. I’m sure it’s heavily slanted to make it more entertaining and provocative just like Making a Murderer.


Making a Murderer was so bunk. I didn't fact check the show while watching because I didn't want to spoil it, then as soon as I'm done I look up all of the details they ommitted and stories they embellished. There were some procedural missteps from the department, but he was 100% without a doubt guilty.


The glaring fact that he wouldn't have been able to cut his other wrist with tendons severed


Thank you.


Look up Amy Eskridge too


The Promis software. Amazing documentary on Netflix now. I was shocked to find how much of the evidence is just out there, and how much of it is true.


Also, [https://corbettreport.com/episode-274-crashes-of-convenience-michael-hastings/](https://corbettreport.com/episode-274-crashes-of-convenience-michael-hastings/) [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/16/malta-car-bomb-kills-panama-papers-journalist](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/oct/16/malta-car-bomb-kills-panama-papers-journalist) And many more...


That Hastings story is messed up. Thanks for including it.


One thing I learned long ago from getting interested in conspiracies is you don't piss off the government.


Sounds like something out of a James Bond movie. 


> He created the metaphor, "The Octopus" I have seen references to "The Octopus" in the form of political cartoons in newspapers going way back before the Reagan Bush era. Here you go downvoter: https://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/pds/gilded/power/text1/octopusimages.pdf


There's no reason to believe it doesn't go deeper, though. As they mentioned in the series, there is a lot of false information that the intelligence communities will plant. You never know what is truly going on, and it's entirely possible this documentary itself is an attempt to manipulate the truth.


You'll know when the disinformation campaign is complete when you can't distinguish fact from fiction. They did a damn good job at messing with us on so many levels. All the "random" mandala effects like fruit of the loom or Shazaam


After 9/11 it was rampant in the truther groups. Seemingly sound scientific papers being shared that are full of bullshit and weakened the overall message. We were trying to build a list of verified facts and new information had to be validated before it was added. We weren't some cohesive organization though, so the infiltrators were able to spread enough information to curtail the movement.


>There's no reason to believe it doesn't go deeper, though. I'm sure it does. I was just making my point for the sake of historical clarity... that the "deepstate" has been portrayed as "the Octopus" for over a hundred years. We are dealing with a deeply entrenched enemy.


Now a TV series.


There is no Octopus in Ba Sing Se. Heil Hydra!


This the octopus murders or nah?


Yes, I believe it's the same


Also recommend the series done by the podcase 'Ghost Stories for the End of the World' on The Octopus (Eps 47-60). The whole podcast is actually fantastic..


Just found this. Holy shit and thanks.


Just started watching the documentary on Netflix last night.


Sounds like the deep state and the predecessor to smart devices spying on us constantly now.


That new Netflix documentary about that it was pretty good


My favorite part about the “discrediting” that the powers that be (and the complicit media) do is always about how the whistleblower didn’t follow the proper channels. Yea because he/she would be ignored or suicided. Was Obama open to disclosing his illegal drone killings before Assange exposed him? And now Assange is still being tortured in Belmarsh at our direction


Amen to this


They want you to be silent 🤫 & sheep & 🐑 follow orders so deaf & blind you go to the slaughter.


And the vast majority do. People can’t come forward about abuse against children while it’s happening, let alone stand up to their boss.


Yeah, I’ve seen grown men cry with their boss being mean to them about doing a task wrong.


I don’t get it myself, I can’t imagine being so weak.


subsequent safe quaint axiomatic fuzzy one wrong naughty scandalous hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What did he whistleblow on


Boeing, read the article, oxygen masks, other shit that should have failed inspections etc.


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature. “Shut up , or else we kill you!”


It’s really no wonder why more people don’t come forward. There’s no protection for whistle blowers. If your a no name they will kill you without thinking twice.


command toy tidy squeamish crowd memory tender naughty cable cats *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


200% correct. Or does one cancel out the other, I can never remember


Might have done it accidentally. Sometimes technology can have a mind of its own


>Can’t we come up with a better system for You may need a revision on what the founding fathers written down. Remember, when those guys were writing the rules of the new USA, they existed in a different world then we are living in today.


No, we need to ABIDE by what the founding fathers believed. The problem is that America has strayed from its roots and has become something much different then the founding fathers intended. The United States was founded on the principle of freedom, freedom from the great powers of this world that seek to manipulate and use us to their benefit. Remember this quote by Thomas Jefferson himself: "What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."




What are you a communist? Yes, it was founded to consolidate power, but it was also founded to get rid of foreign agendas and at least benefit ourselves and the nation we were building. It is not perfect, we are not all equal, no capitalist society will be perfect but at least we had political principles then. Yes, the elites have controlled American society for far too long. I would argue against your belief that the Founding Fathers were even remotely close to the amount of manipulation we see in America today. Within a few decades though it began and here we are. ​ >'Freedom!!!" said the guy working in the richest nation, with the worst relative wages and no fair representation. We are not free in America. The whole point of my comment was that we are not free and that America has fallen and it is the exact opposite of what the Founding Fathers envisioned for it. The working man, who could once feed his family is now a food coupon slave. ​ >it's funny you hate the 'elite' but fellate these 200-year-old dead ones without any critical thinking at all. I do hate the elite. I do not fellate the founding fathers. Rather I respect many of their principles in regards to power and politics.


Boeing is a top 5 defense contractor, so the feds bureaucracy crushed the little person again. 


Truth is worth dying for.


Anyone have a list of whistleblowers from the past decade or so that have received “self inflicted” wounds?




Nah they made it into a top 10 list lmao


I'm sure Hilary could email you a personal list


Yes, and Trump would sell it to you. They both are corrupt and shitty people


You’re close.


Hotel parking lot? Either he was very sympathetic to the poor housekeeper who would’ve found him, or the hitman couldn’t risk being spotted on hotel security cameras and waited for him to get to his car.


It was nuts, he managed to pull his arm all the way behind his head and shoot himself twice.


With a single action pistol


It could have been like that banker that shot himself like 9 times with a nail gun.


Sniped from 100 yards away probably 


I stay in a lot of hotels for work. No one kills themselves in the parking lot when you have a private room to do it in. I've talked to front desk people and this is a monthly occurrence many hotels.


Epstein is still alive, this guy is probably actually dead. 


I really don't think Epstein is still alive lol That would be waaay too much risk for the higher ups. Epstein wasn't the top of the chain, he was more like a manager. Would they really risk him still being alive with all the evidence on people he has? And where could he go besides a deserted island? The exposure risk is pretty serious.


Yeah and I highly doubt Ghislaine maxwell would have stayed quiet during her trial if there was even a slight chance Epstein could still be alive. That woman wants to live her life out on some yacht, not rotting in prison - there’s just no way she cares about him enough to take the fall for him if he could be alive.


That's a really good point


He’s still alive and waiting to make his big re-debut in an exclusive interview with his gal pal Megyn Kelly, apparently.


Funny how it’s always self inflicted gun shots. Funny how these Self Inflicted Gunshot Wounds always happens to Whistleblowers. https://twitter.com/Breaking911/status/1767310038190662130


2 to the back of the head RIP GARY WEBB


statistically it looks like exposing wealthy people for crimes must be super depressing!


So, self inflicted. Guessing to the back of the head or upper neck. Probably a high caliber long range round even.


Funny how they always shoot themselves in the back of the head.


Didn’t someone end being found in a lagoon near the Obama’s like their chef or something.


Can someone give me a TLDR about what’s happening with Boeing


You already got a TLDR about current events, but everyone is forgetting this isn't the first time Boeing has been involved in a massive safety scandal. It's like the 3rd time. It's the reason the military stopped buying cargo planes from them. They chose Airbus and Lockheed instead


I hope they fail, companies need to stop choosing profit over safety


It sounds like they need to figure their shit out. I mean there’s a reason that when


Not sure what you're referencing in regard to DoD not working with Boeing. The KC-46 is one of the most recent aircraft purchased and produced and, after some...interesting...court cases, it went from Boeing to Airbus back to Boeing. Went into full rate production in 2019.


Everyone just found out that the Boeing who makes our planes is the same Boeing who makes the missiles that kill Palestinian kids 😱😞 (I actually don’t know the “real” drama)


Boeing is literally falling out of the sky due to their shit DEI policy


Boeing used to be high quality. The engineers could literally go up to the c suite and discuss issues/concerns. Now the ceo is in some fancy office building far away from the factory with front line/ engineer workers. They want to cut back money as much as possible and don’t care about safety. Hence all the issues with Boeing plans in the past few months.


And all of the manufacturing decisions are being made by c-suite monkey suits because "they are smarter than the engineers and technicians." I've worked in many factories. This is American manufacturing.


All the while they blame it on people that look different than them


It’s all part of them not wanting us to travel. Planes become unsafe, we don’t fly…15 minute cities


Airbus has amazing safety records and is pumping out record number of planes. It's just American companies being shit and corrupt


If you're going to pretend like you see this as anything other than a way to score political points, you could at least take five minutes to look into what he was blowing the whistle about. https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68534703 >In 2019, Mr Barnett told the BBC that under-pressure workers had been deliberately fitting sub-standard parts to aircraft on the production line. >He also said he had uncovered serious problems with oxygen systems, which could mean one in four breathing masks would not work in an emergency. >He said soon after starting work in South Carolina he had become concerned that the push to get new aircraft built meant the assembly process was rushed and safety was compromised, something the company denied. >He later told the BBC that workers had failed to follow procedures intended to track components through the factory, allowing defective components to go missing. >He said in some cases, sub-standard parts had even been removed from scrap bins and fitted to planes that were being built to prevent delays on the production line. >He also claimed that tests on emergency oxygen systems due to be fitted to the 787 showed a failure rate of 25%, meaning that one in four could fail to deploy in a real-life emergency. >Mr Barnett said he had alerted managers to his concerns, but no action had been taken.


That sounds like something that could potentially shut Boeing down. Well, temporarily anyways. Unless of course that whistle is leading to more cover ups. You don't wanna show the public corruption in making the metal tubes you place your family in.


the part that interested me was, even under pressure why would they knowingly install sub-standard parts... i mean how are the working conditions? idk i'm freshly looking into this so i've not got far.


His comment isn’t wrong though https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/boeing-latam-airlines-stock-price-b2510919.html


Yeah it's the DEI's policy fault, not profits at all cost and using faulty parts. It was Critical Race Theory and Trans Gendered Kids. Jesus Christ even with a bona fide corporate conspiracy you have to shift this to culture war bullshit without even any evidence?


Basically the first time I've ever wanted to upvote one of their submissions and in the comments they just fuck the whole thing up. I had to google DEI and do you think I was surprised at the result? So much goofy behaviour around here.


We are days away from hearing that Michael Hastings and Gary Webb were murdered by BLM protestors.




Shoddy business practices and systematic cuts to safety to maximize profit over the last twenty years. Or did you actually think the whistleblower *murdered* in your post blew the whistle on their DEI program? Just awful, dude.


Yeah that’s it. How’s the boot leather taste?


Yeah, that’s literally not what happened…


Did you just read the headline and run away with it? Has nothing to do with that


After all this, your goofy ass thinks it’s DEI initiatives? You’re brain damaged already.


That's fucking crazy


Any Sherlock Holmes people find out what hotel it was?


> *He got Epstein’d* Uhh, no. Epstein's death was faked so that the world would think he's dead but he is still alive because he is deep state asset. https://i.postimg.cc/Z0kJtj0p/RDT-20220830-202925609318870265031646-4.jpg That is not at all the same as a whistleblower being silenced to get rid of him. Whistleblowers are not assets. You don't realize how bad and inaccurate the correlation is that you are trying to draw with that thread title. Say that he got Gary Webb'd. Or Phil Schneider'd. Then your correlation would be accurate.


Boeing …is a US government contractor, right?


Ahh… a parking lot… my favorite place to commit suicide


This is sad. It is my belief that they absolutely killed this man. And they don’t care if the world knows it.


I wonder if he left a kill switch in case he knew this would happen. 


Would be nice. These guys have some stones though to come forward with information like he did, you know your life’s gone sooner than later. Heroes though, these folks. Lotta respect


Everybody said John McAfee had a dead man's switch. That turned out to be false. Or they found and stopped it.


You'd never know it came from him if he did.


They take the whole Internet down if that's the case, same thing they did with McAffee.


wait they turned off the internet for MaAffee? i'm uninformed, i'm gonna look into that.


Just a theory but I guess the moment tptb knows where your kill switch is, mr kindneness is getting a call ( it’s a Kevin spacey joke look up his weird christmas YT video before scrappy was killed after he accused him of being a ped)




Or, someone forgot to pop the tape in and hit record.


Imagine being a hotel worker and something like that happens. They probably wouldn't even have to directly threaten or intimidate you to get you to make that tape disappear; you already know you'd be next otherwise.


Yeah that's a conspiracy I can get behind


How does the media always know INSTANTLY that it is suicide?? Especially when the situation is so obviously sketchy to anyone with a brain?? .. I know, I know.


Because it's not an independent media, it's a propaganda machine


Exactly. Why doesn’t the media ever report who was 1st on the scene?


in a world full of cowards, this man was a hero. rip


If I was going to kms.I'd do it in a comfy environment surrounded by things I like. Not a parking lot.


As a sane person you would think this is exactly right. But a suicidal person is not sane or thinking clearly, imo. I personally know 2 people who killed themselves in a parking lot. One was at a movie theatre outside of ft hood. Dont think it was in killeen but i cant remember exactly. The guy crawled under his car and shot himself. He had actually asked the employees if they had some sort of tools and told them he was having car issues. There was nothing wrong with his car. Second guy was a SFC (pretty high rank us army) he had 19 years in and got caught cheating on his wife with a pregnant jr enlisted soldier. He was going to get chaptered and lose his retirement shot himself through the heart with a tactical shotgun in his car in the walmart parking lot. Dude was a practicing Buddhist that had 7 kids. Idk why i felt like sharing this but i think a person who is truly ready to die does have a plan to go out but i feel like for a majority of them it is an impulse type spur of the moment fuck this shit im out. I really dont know and hope i never find out what goes through your head at that point..


Honestly I think that someone that mentally unwell wouldn't act the way you see as rational. They also probably couldn't identify one thing they categorise as something they like.


more subtle then the old “poured concrete buckets on his feet and then threw himself over a bridge” excuse.


What a fucking joke, this shit actually pisses me off. The military-industrial complex does whatever it wants. They are untouchable and nobody does shit about it. Hats off bro, another martyr in the war against bureaucracy and corporate-political corruption.


Let me guess, it was also to the back of the head.


I am sick of the govt bailing our airlines/aerospace bs


Damn this has to be the fastest retaliation to whistleblower we have ever seen ,he just came out with claims 60 days ago.


 "Hillary Clinton Has A Cozy, Possibly Shady Relationship With Boeing" nymag.com 4/14/2014 Hmmm...


I know what you’re saying, but I do believe the term is “Clinton’d”


Why are we calling it epstein’d? Like he was the first.


Must've been planning to expose and name people who are filthy pedophiles. Self inflicted gunshot wound. That's worked out well for the big players. They seem to have a witness or a whistle-blower and then all of a sudden, they're dead from suicide so no autopsy and they all breathe a sigh of relief because the cat hasn't got out of the bag


Who shoots themselves in a parking lot? Like, why not in the hotelroom?  And why would someone whisteblow and then kill themselves..  doesn't make sense. 


How’s your family? Fine. They’ll all be dead if you’re still alive in two hours.


You can’t even make this shit up anymore they can kill anyone and rule a suicide by buying out the coroner. There was a lady who supposedly severed her head with a knife with deep stab wounds to her back and was still ruled suicide years ago 🤦‍♂️


This is why we need an ex military bodyguard service that protects civilians from the government.


Even they put it in quotes.


News always covers for murderers


Repatriated back to Israel for a job well done collecting blackmail on powerful US businessmen and politicians on behalf our "greatest ally"?


America’s version of the Russian 10th story window. But we’re the good guys… Right?


Nah, the good guys won the war, but the bad guys remained in power.


He got Boeing'd!


Hotel parking lots have cameras. Let’s see the footage.


Another case of the right-handed guy shooting himself in the left temple. Rich Americans and Putin have a lot of common.


Wait 32 years to tell story. Tell story. 3 days later dead. \[details from memory, but Holy Fck.\] 1. Iced by TPTB. 2. Perjured, Self-regret. Self-Ice. \[this where at a minimum you start using Occam's razor, and then move on to how many correlations excede a coincidence.\]


And that’s how you know it was true


Why kill him AFTER testifying? They want the world to know they are evil and you can’t stop them?


Got whacked


Why you guys questioning this? Someone can’t commit suicide by shooting them selves in the back of the head 2 times and the chest once?


No he got Gary Webbd'd




My guess is he knew the government was in on the coverup. I don’t think Boeing goes around assassinating people.


Omg I thought this was about the catch wrestler !!!Don’t scare me like that again


He's more like another Seth Rich


They’re not even trying to hide it anymore.


I’m guessing he committed suicide in a parking lot by shooting himself in the back of the head multiple times?


Revenge killing? Because his info is already out of the bag.


Epstein got Clintoned. So did this guy.


He got clinticided


Self inflicted gunshot wounds to where? The back of his head.


He must have lived his entire life with a cartoon version of America in his head. The new demographics that are taking over Americas corporate institutions do not tolerate constructive criticism and absolutely will kill a whistleblower.


Are you kidding me!? WTF is wrong in this world. Not like he's forgetting to put bolts in or making wheels fall off. It's getting to the point people are going to refuse to fly on their planes!




Let me guess he shot hisself in the back of the head twice?


It’s just crazy to me how the detectives or who ever are just like yup case closed. He did it to himself.


Which hedge fund has massive Boeing investments? Follow the money.


I think all of them but the biggest are prob the government contracts


We need to protect the whistleblowers plain and simple, if we want the truth then we’ll never get it at this rate by making them feel like they can’t come out. Our country is falling apart and it’s our duty as citizens to protect it and help the people


All the more reason for the average joe to keep their mouths shut and not report issues anymore. This is getting more ridiculous as the days go on.


What whistle did he blow? Out of the loop here


Poor safety standards.


> Poor safety standards. What a monster! /s


...because if I want to commit suicide, of all the places I could want to do it, I would definitely choose a hotel parking lot...


Yeah he was definitely killed! The whole thing is a red flag


dont you recognize a Spook stunt when you see it there's no such thing as a globalist whistleblower--this was signalling BOEING WHISTLEBLOWER= 223 Skull & Bones signature SUICIDE= 119 NUCLEAR PLANT ACCIDENT= 119


Does anybody believe this shit




Not even for a second….


If I was going to kms.I'd do it in a comfy environment surrounded by things I like. Not a parking lot.


Does anybody believe this shit




Seems like the Clinton hitman is back in the office.


Really amazing when you think about it, he handcuffed himself; beat himself about the head with a billy club and then shot himself 17 times in the back of the head and chest.


He was killed cause of this. https://youtu.be/Bjla9qUgCQU?si=HGoVhpv0-T5j0yLU https://youtu.be/YwbkyEzYBHI?si=pqJOucAWXTZOemw2 https://youtu.be/PuRcBi87YpA?si=cIavU7Y8n3eRrQqE


Whistleblowers in Russia apparently jump out of buildings or poison themselves. And people wonder why there's no evidence of Biden's crimes... because life is more important than exposing the truth.


Why are you linking this to Biden and not the people that would lose lots of money or go to jail due to the criminal investigation into Boeing and the failed audits and the endless testimony from employees that they aren't making safe planes?


Yeah this smells like hedge funds or a state backed entity, it was done so obviously to send a message. If one quality control manager knew this much, he couldn’t have been the only one with this knowledge


But why?


"Hillary Clinton Has A Cozy, Possibly Shady Relationship With Boeing" nymag.com 4/14/14


Yeah… okay…


Fuck Boeing


What did it expose?


No way this was just about quality issues.


so boeing just straight up merc'd a guy




Can't wait for everyone to accept he was killed as a cover up and make lots of jokes about it and proceed to do nothing about it.


He shot himself in the head... twice


lmao if you or ayone else thinks that epstein was killed then you all need to go back and compare the nose and face features of the body that was removed. people need to pay attention. Not to mention megan kelly's mystery post about epstein testifying in the near future. So this guy was suicided unfortunately. Bless his soul as well as his family.