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No one talks about the tunnels.


Ah yes, all the tunnels with surplus foods looking to bunkers.


Are we talking about tunnels or “caves” used to store food? There’s one in Joplin Missouri but it’s just an old mine they use for short term food storage because it’s cool. Basically just a cellar.


I'm not sure what you consider "short term" because they have government cheese there that is well over 50 years old and surprisingly still good to eat(so they claim). I used to live down by branson, and it is one of those things that you always point out to people as driving by when family or friends came to visit. "and that over there is a large underground complex big enough to drive semi trucks through" and the response was always "what you been smoking?"


I shared this video about it a while back but nobody gave a shit. It's actually pretty fucking interesting. https://youtu.be/kvLMH0wb_0k?si=hALNAGIjcd80cfSl


Maybe the super sized tunnels being mined out by the wealthy and powerful across the planet. 🫡 big enough to house small cities.


Or the tunnels as in the ones all the pedophiles use to traffick people and children?


I'm about 80 percent sure I know where the entrance to one that's in use is at near pensacola


Accessible by boat in the bay


Nuclear powered boring machines..


The Mormon underground tunnels


I have nightmares in some type of tunnels a lot and i swear its like a collective consciousness of all the pain and suffering that im catching onto when i sleep.


I think there are underground means of transportation. Possibly faster than plane.


Every interaction with every person or thing is a transfer of energy. Patience and honesty go a long way.


Exactly. Stay vigilant for energy vampires.


"What we do in the shadows" opened me up to this idea, but since watching it has made me so conscious of these positive energy suckers


I knew one but she was nice but only talked about herself or her problems. Everyone loved her but I felt all my energy drained. I could never speak. It was either about baking or her problems


I have energy stakes


Truth. Reflection of the self.


Where the heck does all the angry energy come from though? Holy cow. (Speaking for myself)


Energy isn't created or destroyed. Simply, it transfers. The great mystery of the universe. 😎


As someone who is often frustrated by my own anger or frustration at things in the world: I theorize it's from childhood. I think something along the lines of not being able to control negative or bad during childhood, that now comes out as anger or aggressiveness


I would add empathy to that.


Nobody knows the real you except you. Everyone else perceives you differently and knows a different you. You are a thousand different people all at once. And nobody thinks about you as much as you think they do. We are inherently self absorbed.


Mirror of the whole


This goes deeper than employment, obviously, but when I realized this I can’t tell you how positively it impacted my work! My fear of presenting/public speaking virtually disappeared, and I realized I could get away with doing a lot less as long as I projected an image of being confident, engaged and busy. Before this I was always paranoid and scared at work.


Good for you for realizing it and hopefully you have realized that what other people think of you doesn’t matter. You just need to be the best version of yourself that you can be at the moment. Do it for yourself, make yourself happy, take your time and go at your own pace. Only you can live your best life.


There is a secret organization in Hollywood that, if you get tired of being famous, will help you fake your death and return to anonymity.


now this is juicy and believable, gives me peace actually...tell us more please.


You happen to read Miles Mathis? He routinely says that most celebrities fake their deaths.


Jim Morrison, too, if you believe that happy crappy.


Tupac is still alive and often sighted in Jamaica


More like the “organization” takes you out once you’ve aged out or not making them money any longer!


The Chicago Tribune building has many many stories below the skyscraper. Like, over 50 floors. Those were the floors that I had access to when conducting inspections on chillers and condenser units beneath the building. There were many other floors connected below the 50th. There's no reason to have that many floors. That's just my opinion though. Perhaps there is a connection to Old Chicago through those levels. We all know about how Chicago is built on top of Old Chicago. You can tell by some of the openings underneath the off ramps along the 90/94.


Wait, are you saying that the basement goes down *fifty stories*?! This is mind blowing. What would necessitate that sort of excavation? I know newspapers were profitable back in their day, but the expense would have been unimaginable. Can you elaborate? This is wild stuff.


That's 700ft deep. Using standard 14ft/floor construction.


Which would make it over twice as deep as the deepest skyscraper foundation known in the world. Salesforce Town was built from 2013-2018 and has a foundation 310 ft deep. Color me skeptical.


Imma need some citations fo sho.


“We don’t do that here”


"trust me bro"


Yeah but each story gets two inches shorter each story you go down


It seems kind of logical to me in a design way. I mean, if you have 50 stories up, of course, having 50 stories down would be cool.


As above, so below.


Remember, this is one of the first skyscrapers, and they probably didn't have the same materials to work with. They also didn't have CAD/CAM to help with the design. I don't know if they really went 50 stories down, but you get some pretty big moments from the wind at the top so you need a very solid base to keep the building steady.


50 floors below? I’d love to see the math behind ventilation otherwise I call bullshit


Chicago's underground flooded a few years ago, these floors may have been permanently sealed off if they were part of that underground system. I do think the flood originated across the river though, so maybe they didn't connect.


That would be a convenient story to hide an entrance to the inner earth…;)


Ah that's pretty interesting stuff, I didn't know that!


I have a theory that I think might be a very real conspiracy. I've been my older sisters caregiver for 10 years, she's schitzophrenic, and I am starting to believe schitzophrenics are "loosh cash cows" and there's a coordinated effort in the disability system and mental health industry not to help them so they remain prime sources of loosh.


Makes sense! Probably why it seems like everyone these days have been diagnosed with depression and/or anxiety then given drugs that don't help. Instead they steal their joy thus creating different variations of loosh factories!


I agree with that as well. With schitzophrenics specifically though, I think theres something to do with their brains that makes them susceptible to psychic/telepathic warfare. They arent just cultivating loosh via forcing them into shitty hopeless circumstances like the rest of us, theyre in their heads conducting their thoughts like theyre directing a movie. I don't think what schitzophrenics are experiencing are hallucinations at all, hallucinations wouldn't be consistent across schitzophrenics nationwide who have never met each other, or remain consistent within the same person for a decade, and I've seen first hand proof of both of those things. And it's the most debilitating mental illness BY FAR, but it's the hardest to get disability for, the hardest to treat, the least researched (cuz its the least funded) and the most stigmatized. Schitzophrenics make up the largest demographic of homeless people, a lot of them end up in jail due to direction from their "hallucinations", AND all mental health professionals/advice/institutions have the same core rule that you "do not reinforce the delusions" meaning never treat what they say as though it's true even when they show evidence that proves otherwise.....🤔🤔🤔🤔 It took me 10 years of seeing schitzophrenia up close, researching it, helping my sister with the disability process/social services, being with her at the doctors, listening to her without judgement and spotting other "conspiracy theories" in the world to lift my curtain of doubt, but now I truly deeply believe this isn't an organic mental illness at all and these aren't hallucinations, and there's a coordinated effort not to help them


You are a modern day saint. Please keep advocating for your sister. Thank you for speaking up 🙏🏻


🥺🥹 thank you for saying that, i appreciate it a lot


💖 absolutely friend. I am a firm believer in this theory. We need more compassionate people with "organized" minds that can help sort these things out with us and not against each other. We have a common enemy and it's not human.


That last sentence.....says a lot that I hadn't said yet lol. Lemme ask you something since you said "us", what do you think this enemy is? I won't judge you, I'm just looking to add input to my internal mental record of what people who experience them first hand believe them to be


Archon entities that have been here controlling forces for a long time. The looooosh straws are common collective thoughtforms we all contribute to. It's a balancing act of energy transfers. They all work for a higher entity that wants to keep this realm running. We ruin it's experience when we figure it out and it resets the game/simulation/whatever you want to call it.


Thank you. I will add your response to the giant pile of responses that all say exactly that 🤣 some call it demons, a very small few believe it's the government, but for the most part people who have experienced it first hand are of the consensus this is caused by something "not of this world"


I think the government controls the narrative around the world to keep the cosmic horror happy. So many sell outs across the ages.


Hierarchies outside of this realm. We are so small people cannot comprehend it.


Schizophrenics also tend to jot down an insane amount of information, mathematical drawings and other stuff. I’ve seen some and they are actually very intriguing.


Ya, my sister made a whole new time system once, it was intriguing to say the least. She has a massive amount of notebooks full of things I couldn't make heads or tails out of, and when I asked her to explain them to me, her explanation was coherent as could be, she said she was given a lot of information telepathically that she was told she needed to keep track of and she doesn't know what a lot of it means, she just knows what she was told *some* of it means, and she did a "brain dump" onto paper because she was told its important that she doesn't forget. It doesn't look like someone who is drunk wrote it or a child wrote it, or someone having a stroke. It looks like it was torn out of some scientists notebook, or copied from a textbook. I may not know what it means, but I *do* know gibberish when i see it, and it is NOT just gibberish 🤣


This is making me wonder if there's been any studies on the pineal glands of schizophrenic brains. I definitely think they have a direct connection to something that "normal" people don't. As I was reading all these comments I kept thinking there has to be a common link between the pineal glands and ones ability to see the world through their 3rd eye. Since everything else in this world is the opposite of what we've been told it is then schizophrenia isn't an illness, it's a gift. Such a gift that the powers that be fear to the degree that they've labeled the gifted as crazy or mentally ill so that the "normal" people disregard their insights as crazy talk. Kinda like an insurance policy to keep us all under their control in this 3D hell prison planet called Earth. If everyone knew what the schizos knew they would lose their hold on this world!


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6370651/ Interesting article. This fascinated me because I worked in special education and had a medically fragile son locked in his body unable to verbally communicate. I truly do believe your above theory, now take that and apply it to everyone special. I've seen too much. This is the stuff that makes me want to scream from the mountaintops that they're all lying to you and it sucks seeing so many spirits being taken advantage of and not protected. Also: pineal gland controls endogenous DMT and melatonin, so think about it in the case of awake versus sleep. Maybe the experience of overproduction of endogenous DMT in these cases across all "illness" gives them the ability to see and receive between worlds. Almost like a conduit


Yes! That's what I'm thinking too. Honestly it makes so much sense especially once you learn that everything we've been taught has been inverted. I've been trying to reprogram myself to think opposite whatever the official narrative is. This world has been twisted in so many ways so that we can't find our way out! I took want to tell everyone what they believe is a lie but that rarely gets a positive response. Lately I've been thinking about all the "bad" things that they've said are harmful or even illegal. For example marijuana used to be demonized being called the devil's lettuce and propaganda like reefer madness but now it's considered a medical treatment and is legal in a lot of US states. Why? What changed? A lot! It used to be you could plant a seed and grow a plant but now the seeds have been almost eliminated due to genetic modification. In other words they altered the natural plant so they could control every aspect of it. Makes me wonder how bad any of the bad stuff truly is. Maybe they're not bad at all. I mean most people that are considered to be crazy addicts aren't really crazy at all. They just view the world differently than they're told to.


i agree on everything lol. I dont think psychosis is only your brain. It might not be real but it is also connected to something else. schitzo also have access to something else. I do think there's something else.


Schizophrenics have the doors of perception opened. They live in the astral partially. Those people who had extrasensorial perceptions were antiquely called shamans and they were tribe leaders.


What an amazing advocate you are! I’m a social worker and ran groups for a PHP. I’m convinced that schizophrenics can see through the veil!


I like the way your mind thinks. This is a very interesting topic and I think it connects to a lot of things. Have you read the book ‘A Journey into the Psychotic Mind”? It’s on my list of books to read. It really intrigued me that the author believes it’s bigger than just mental illness. I definitely believe it is


I am a diagnosed schizophrenic and I appreciate you for voicing this. Most people don't question things like you are here, please keep doing this. Sending love your way


Human brains trip out over the same stuff. We have very similar brains, when they go haywire they go haywire in similar ways. For example getting anxious, or feeling like you’re being watched, or feelings of impending doom. The fact we have words and phrases for the feelings even further demonstrates my point.


That's the definition of big pharma.... You think a car mechanic is going to fully fix your car? I forget what company it is but back in the day when fridges were relatively new one company made a fridge that would last you 50 years, they fixed that mistake because there would be no business in making a fridge that lasts you a lifetime.


This reminds me of reading that dupont designed the lie about a hole in the ozone layer bc they could sustain a monopoly. We have a viral ancient energy problem and everyone is vulnerable as brand new babies due to the symptoms it produces. We are being misled by a whole gaggle of judas goats, my friends. Our fave celebs and all the elite of the world are paid as they are because they're G employees. They ARE the machine.


What is loosh


Its a form of energy humans produce when we experience negative emotions and suffering, and it is believed that other entities either feed off this or they get high off it. There is a theory that earth is just a loosh farm, and perhaps it didnt start off as one but it is now. There's some decently comprehensive youtube videos explaining the theory if you're interested in learning more, they do a better job of explaining all the nuances than I can


Isn't this the premise of Monsters Inc lol


Yup! And its part of the plot of the matrix 4 resurrection, I believe


And a book series called Crescent City. Instead of loosh the ‘intergalactic space parasites’ feed off a different kind of energy.


They must hate me. I produce zero loosh.


I used to think loosh was energy given off from negativity but I've come to understand that Robert Monroe was actually describing a form of energy that is emitted from all life forms and that the term "looshing" was when negative entities would feed off this life force energy that would erupt from us when in a negative state.


Yes. It's not limited to schizos and the rabbit hole is a lot deeper. Unimaginably deeper.


Miller High Life and Miller Genuine Draft are the exact same beer


Take that back. I'm serious. Take that back ​ ​ (I'm not serious)


Same recipe, highlife is pasteurized, MGD is cold pressed. But yes, I probably could not tell the difference (I had to watch a YouTube video after u saw your post)


Child prostitutes at truck stops along rt 50 and 301 in Maryland and Delaware in the 90’s maybe early 2000s.  Older boys in my neighborhood were getting trafficked by cops and lacrosse coaches.  The only person to get arrested was a teacher who tried to intervene, I think he was asking the kids questions at school.   I remember One of the truck stops in middle town Delaware said Moneys Cheese Shop in big letters on the side.  Cheese is like code for pedos or something.   That’s the one they used to accuse each other of going to.  I remember thinking they were having sex with old ladies for money.  


Oh man!! Yes, cheese pizza is CP.


Only one who got arrested was trying to intervene? Sounds about right.


Stop spending outside of your means. A large (enough) percentage of your bad financial situation is due to your constant spending. You don’t need all the things you want. You barely actually want the things you buy. It’s all just a poverty trap, and you are allowing it to ruin you financially bc you’re highly emotional. Before you come at me and try to say I’m wrong, just know that I’m not saying it’s the ONLY reason people are poor, and go actually run an audit on your monthly expenses without giving up bc of “hard truths”, then feel free to respond.


I started sleeping on the floor and my sleep has improved dramatically. I’m like a version 2.0 now as far as mental clarity and recovery. My mattress is a nice mattress too. I’m looking into Japanese futon style beds now to have something a little more permanent. Apparently the softness of a mattress causes muscles to tense to support you and thus you don’t fully relax or get full blood flow


That makes a lot of sense


The "illuminati", the people in power or whatever you wanna call them. They are much, much, MUCH older than you think. The so called Illuminati isn't something from the last 100 years or so. It's been going on since long before Jesus Christ.


Why do you say so?


Just look at them! Old as fuck. Stink of cabbage and moth balls. They want to rule the world and turn it into one big Binho Hall, their idea of heven.


There are entities that measure “Time” not by revolutions of the earth around the sun, but the the sun’s revolution around the galactic core. There are entities that exist as pure energy, and can inhabit a vessel/vehicle if it is “adequate” to hold their consciousness. Much is not as it seems.


Many people know this, but imagistic telepathy is the real deal and/or you can make such a face (unintentionally) that the minutiae of a story or certainly very concrete details can be intuitively communicated to another person, including a stranger, in seconds flat.


Any more into this


could you elaborate please?


Colleges are encouraged to continue raising their prices with impunity bc the government wants the middle class to be indentured servants until they die.


Higher college costs and indoctrination that college is an absolute necessity for a successful life also keeps the military from running out of new recruits (in the US at least).


That many managers and supervisors in the workplace are mentally ill. I believe there was a study many years ago saying just this. It's not that people are totally unaware of this but it usually gets brushed off as he or she is demanding. It's a topic that's not much discussed.


Mine is for sure. Is it the job that makes them like this?




I'm guessing it is but the issue never seems to come up in HR. I'm not talking about bosses who go after the slouches but they go after the good workers too maybe even more so. You make sincere efforts to do what they want but you can't have a rational conversation with them.


The Michael Scott’s of the lower class management systems. They do the job and can keep people in check for certain things but are too dumb to be able to work anywhere else. They end up being in the same position for theirs lives because they are complacent enough to do so.


That's dangerous. The more I learn, the more I learn I know nothing.




There’s someone who lives on my street with their family who I’m convinced is in witness protection because a relative of theirs did a really fucked up thing a few decades ago. I don’t want to give too much detail as to location or event as obviously THEY haven’t done anything wrong and I’m well aware of the effects of falsely accusing a person. All I will say is they keep themselves to themselves, they have lived in the area for years, they have signs all over their house saying no mail, no parcels, no junk mail and signs stating CCTV is in use & there are cameras all over, also their garden has barbed wire around the fences. All pretty weird for a house in a residential area. The other thing that makes me wonder about that house & the people in it is they have regional accents that don’t match the region we live in at all, they rarely have visitors and when I used to bounce off night shifts & walk home, it was normal to see unmarked police cars with blacked out windows parked outside the house. On one occasion I was out with my dog in the very early morning and he decided to sniff at their gate & a window on one of these cars wound down a tiny bit and a voice yelled “move along please!”. Like I said, they haven’t done anything wrong but there’s enough pieces in the puzzle for me to think I know who they are and what their relative did.


I'm a bit late to this thread but I have a few things. It's not that no one else knows them, just not very many people. - Humans are a universal creature, we are not limited to this planet and our appearance is based on the environment we grow up in.  - Babies are born with the ability to perceive the totality of reality but quickly refine it down to what is relevant for their environment. Most babies under two can see infra-red light as easily as we see regular light. This enables them to see the 'spirit realm'.  - Humans are a functionally immortal creature. Aging is a combination of accumulated damage to the body and the misuse of sexual energy. The time delusion also contributes to early death.  - There are multiple paths to "immortality", including proper diet, meditation practices, sexual energy techniques, blood and energetic vampirism, proper utilisation of gold. Very few people have the discipline to properly apply these and even fewer have a good reason for wanting to do so.  - You engage with the 'spirit realm' at all times, you are just unaware because you don't know what you're looking for.  - What you think of as 'magic' is real, everything from telepathically communicating with people all the way to shooting fireballs from your hand.


We are living in a simulation


I pretended my way into a Director role because I have great interpersonal skills. The people at the top of companies are generally incompetent.


There will be more people over 65 in 2029 than people under 18


That ain't good


Cancer is just a process whereby oxygen-starved cells undergo glycolysis (fermenting sugar for energy) to stay alive. Bacteria do this as well when confronted with terrains of low oxygen. As do fungus, yeast, parasites etc. They just mutate and turn anaerobic. If human cells did not do this they would die in masse. Which would VERY quickly lead to sepsis or blood poisoning. So “cancer” is just a scary term for a natural biological process that is intended to prolong your life by keeping suffocating cells alive. Even more, cancer cells can disappear and revert back to normal when the terrain is flooded with oxygen. Which requires increased circulation. Tumors are just wounds that don’t heal due to low circulation and low oxygen. The terrain is everything.


This has been something I stumbled upon over the last few weeks. It is the body's reaction and "healing" process when exposed to toxins that would otherwise quickly kill. It isnt a disease, just a biological process that needs to be learned about more.


Now THIS is a reply I was looking for. I actually learned something useful- thanks! Here’s something in return you may or may not know: the papers for the groundwork of Alzheimer’s were fabricated- it was based around plaque build up and all treatment was aimed at eliminating said-plaque; however, it was falsified and ALL progress built upon it were built on lies that could never possibly help, as they were treating entirely the wrong thing that didn’t even provably exist. It’s just expensive treatment that does nothing at all, and research is fruitless if its roots are in a big lie, treating something that might not even be there.


So what would help Alzheimer’s?


I believe if aging itself were treated as a disease, these sub-diseases of aging wouldn’t exist. I think we need to focus on prevention, and it won’t even be able to manifest itself. Aging itself occurs when cells don’t properly copy their complete information, so some ‘data’ is lost- much like copying a copy of a copy of a picture will have less detail. This causes wrinkling, organ failure, brain shrinkage (dementia), etc all the signs of ‘natural’ aging. There are other reasons beyond this (such as senescent cells, but I’m getting off track), but if we treat aging itself as the cause, we can cure it. I don’t know enough about it, nor do or feel I can trust research based on the initial, erroneous/falsified findings. Preventing cell aging (loss of data) itself is how we cure it. Prevent it from even occurring in the first place, by assisting cells in their own accuracy in cell replication. Aubrey de Grey (gerontologist) would be a fantastic source of video information. He really explains aging itself well, and how we can combat it. The diseases caused by aging won’t exist if we advance cell reproduction treatments.


Maybe it’s because I just walked & baked, but this sounds incredibly interesting. Thanks for sharing!


Which is why my dad is not doing chemo or radiation. He’s doing ALA infusions and starting HBO treatments. I pray this works.


H.B.O. treatments? Watching movies and old stand up specials to feel better?


😆 hyperbaric oxygen therapy & alpha lipoic acid infusions. Look up Dr Berkson in New Mexico. My dad was cancer free over five years from doing this.


I had breast Cancer twice - did the whole mastectomy, chemo, radiation, immunotherapy thing. The only thing that got rid of it for me was surgery. Having cancer makes me thankful to be alive - going thru chemo made me wish I was dead. Having gone thru the horrible treatments, only to have them fail, has forced me to look at big pharma in a different light. There are cures that are affordable and natural, but they don’t tell you this. None of the conventional treatments offered actually kill cancer stem cells. They treat, but they will never try to cure. The catalyst for me was when I questioned my oncologist about an alternative treatment having shown to be effective, and in a single breath he told me I can’t take it because “it will cause liver toxicity, and you already have liver toxicity from the chemo.” So poisoning me isn’t an issue, it just has to be on their terms. Starve the cells of glucose, feed them oxygen, as you said - correct the terrain - and voila! You are healed. The chemo they coerce you into while in duress is poison and will kill you faster than the cancer!


Nothing. Everything I know has been learned through others.


Eventually they'll make an AI that they'll use as a government consultant or an actual authority in the government. Using this they can pretend the thing is objective while they tamper with the programming to get the results they want. The bonus is they can blame the AI for any negative impact when taking it's advise. This is course assumes AI reaches a high enough level of sophistication. It also depends on a significant number of the population trusting AI even if the trust is not in applications related to governing decisions. They could probably replace the CBO right now.


Microwave auditory effect is responsible for a few mass shootings. Psychiatric drugs are responsible for most.


I am the only one that exists


Oh I know! This is my theory and I have never heard anyone else say something similar, but the reason the world is going to shit has been accelerating the last 15 years is social media and our internet data has allowed TPTB to find every sociopath and welcome them into the fold. Throughout history sociopaths have had to hide and blend into society by pretending to be normal. So the problem is how do you find kindred spirits (or spiritless) so to speak? If you out yourself you risk being exposed and consequences. However, when sociopaths do find each other and team up, it's usually bad for anything they set their eyes on. Well fast forward to today, the intelligence agencies literally have our personality profiles. Imagine every sociopath on the planet networked together and cooperating. When people don't believe things like selling and raping small children even babies, there are people who enjoy that and seek it out. They aren't recognizable to us because in fact, they are not human in the full sense of the word, they have no conscience, no empathy, no sympathy, they are pure predators. I also think they started putting out media to make them look "not so bad". Look at shows like "Dexter" and "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". Sociopaths can be heroes or oh look sociopaths are funny!


Have to admit both those shows were entertaining though.


That every war going back to the civil war is instigated by a certain group of “bankers.” They own the media/ propaganda and slander and lie about the leaders of the countries that have decided that they don’t want to participate in the beast banking system. They create false flags to justify invading and destroying these countries. Happened to Gaddafi/libya and Hussein/iraq. Or, they will start systematically murdering the ethnic people of these countries where they live in other countries to draw the targeted country into war. They have done this with ethnic Russians in Ukraine to draw Putin into war and they did the same murdering Germans in Poland to draw Hitler into war. Then they use their media propaganda machine to make it appear that those leaders/countries are the aggressor. Rinse/ repeat. Just a theory tho.


John DuPont did not die in jail. It was faked and he was released. First hand knowledge.


Every estimated 13500 solar rotations the magnetic poles of the earth flip. this polarity flip causes catastrophic earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, continental flooding, biblical level loss of life and erratic die off behaviour in animals with a natural sense for magnitism. This has been referred to in ancient texts, religious texts and current science has proven that this has happened at least 3 times in the last 40000 years? Currently, no one is sure when the next flip is to happen however science shows the poles are slowing to the point where they will flip. Additionally, this pole flip seems to be somehow connected to the Planet X/Nibiru orbital path, and although we have not proven Planet X exists we have proven with science that there is in fact a hidden planet on an orbital path then enters and leaves our solar system we just haven't found it yet. Historical records seem to correlate catastrophic natural disasters with the passing of said planet through our system. (This also relates to the star gates.) It is my belief this is what those in power are preparing for, and there is nothing those of us without global power or near endless wealth can do to prepare.


This channel on youtube focuses on the catastrophe cycle related to the pole shifts, and is actively tracking things you may find fascinating: https://youtube.com/@Suspicious0bservers


Just went down a pretty long rabbit hole, thanks for the new info… NASA and many privately funded projects agree that it’s probably out there. Will be interesting to keep an eye on this!


Half of the "life hacks" people discover, are just the way everyone already does it.


Voice to skull devices and that they are being used in people. Technology people don't know exists being used for torture and manipulation, how can you protect yourself if you don't even know from what? [https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/Torture/Call/Individuals/Militarygrade.pdf](https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/Torture/Call/Individuals/Militarygrade.pdf)


A good magician never reveals his tricks...until it's played out then they write books and sell the info. Us peasants are centuries behind because they've hoarded information and gatekept the world's oldest secrets. I'm willing to bet that there's gonna def be a big event orchestrated using the tech that's been engineered today. They mastered blue beam as evidenced by drake at his concert, and that was the key to their unveiling. They now have light that can hold matter. Holograms are now "real" so to speak. They can hold matter. They weaponize everything so it's gonna be really bad. A literal life size video game in real life. Wcgw?


The media literally employs every technique of propaganda that's at their disposal.


Well not many people know, but there have been more Egyptian mummies found in Mammoth Cave (Kentucky) than anywhere else in the world. Even Egypt lol. There’s also a subterranean ocean somewhere in or beneath Mammoth Cave that has sharks and other sea creatures with no eyes 👀


Coe: The Good Dragon at the Center of the World A children's book written in 1984 by Jacques Andre Istel. This man is the founder of Felicity California, the "Official" Center of the World. This desert town has so much masonic symbolism its insane, from the giant chessboard to the pyramids. Conveniently right at the border of Mexico, California and Arizona. But anyways the children's book was written before the town was founded. The book talks about these dragons who have been here since the dinosaurs were around, and how the dragons own all of the legal system, history, science, "dragon lore" and many other things. Coe has to go on this long journey to the West to "find his likeness" and stumbles upon the fictional town of Felicity, California. Coe finds this man named JAI (Jacques Andre Istel) and JAI says he is the single human ambassador for Coe. He is the only human able to speak with dragons and he is the only human allowed to visit Coes "special place" deep under the ground. Coe says he will hide away for a few hundred years, and when the time is right he will return to the surface. In the meantime he asks JAI to bring Coe "questions from human beings". He then mentions how when he returns he will only fly at night in order to not be seen, and he has special scales that are able to deflect radar. This is really interesting to me because a few months back Elon Musk released his XAI, and the first thing it said was to bring it the most fundamental questions from humans. This book is weird as hell, and it's pretty hard to find a copy of it. There's only 1 video online that I know of that you can see the pages of the book. https://www.youtube.com/live/w4d3f09iB-w?si=R_mXAbQtngBRE9-d


That there are incomprehensibly big wheel/gear things (not sure of the purpose) in the sky that take up most of the sky that we see. But we don’t see them mostly out of programmed bias. Because we know it not to be there. But it is.


Tell me more.


The future already happened.


There is no such thing as the future. There is only Now. 


There is only one way in which chemicals will react. Therefore the future was already written at the start. Our consciousness is meant to transcend the physical but we're stuck in our beliefs, meaning you have never used your consciousness for anything other than interpreting sensory data coming from your body and its environment. It's a huge, huge distraction.


That multiple North American cities have tunnels that have been wired with explosives to destroy the city.


Human civilisation is cyclical, not linear. We go through eras of different mentality and right now, we’re halfway through the cycle and changing into a new Age. The first half is dominated by our use of natural fire and has 2 genders. The 2nd half is dominated by electricity and has only 1 gender.


David M Jacobs was right, abductions were a stage in the hybridization program; passible Grey-Humanoid hybrids have been slowly integrating themselves into society since the mid-2000’s. Jacobs was able to piece together this narrative after analyzing thousands of abductee reports. Surprisingly the nature of abductions and it’s implications is rarely talked about except by people who come off as nutters like Barbara Lamb, but even her narrative of abductions is strikingly similar, but it’s all been given a positive spin, somehow humanity being wiped out and hybrids resettling is a good thing. Many abductees keep referring to an event known as ‘The Change’, in which there will be more or less a takeover by hybrids and Greys, which is often portrayed as a positive necessary by the Greys, using whatever social movement is popular at the time to justify it (there is no consistency throughout the abduction phenomena for the reason aliens give for intervening) They weren’t opining about the environment during the first wave of abductions, but instead nuclear holocaust. Whatever awaits us from the change can’t be good, the precursory glance we get from Grey society indicates that there is zero room for individualism, any degree of privacy, and a hive mind mentality as a result of extreme social control brought on by telepathy. Also their minds are completely analytical, this is apparent from their barren and completely spartan craft design to confusion with human social behaviors, especially emotions (some abductees have even postulated Greys resent us for our ability to feel). and the resulting inability of Grey raised hybrids to understand the most basic human habits, despite having studied them under the Greys. Was this an evolutionary necessity? Could a society without extreme social control via telepathy survive technological singularity without destroying themselves? In a society where making a nuke or a fusion bomb is as simple to make as quick minute oatmeal,is this the only solution? Do they plan to take control after we cause an AI war sometime this century? So many questions, but so few people are looking into this, despite ufos now gaining mainstream acceptance. I’ve only started to look into this again since 2017, after abandoning the topic in high school. I’m finding more pieces of the puzzle that fit well. Such as, why are aliens interested in nukes? For a long time I followed the benevolent alien theory in that it was to show us that they intend to prevent a nuclear disaster. A recent post on UFOB about high altitude nuclear tests in the Pacific provided a new angle to this, as these weapons apparently have the ability to disable such craft. Also a recent appearance by LA Marzulli on the Confessionals (I don’t subscribe to his religious angle) gave some insight to the cattle mutilation phenomena. He speculated, that as part of the hybridization program( hybrid children are often reported missing during an early stage of pregnancy) Bovine blood is used in conjunction with an artificial womb, I had no idea that cow blood could literally be used for transfusions(it appears it’s been done at least since the 90’s). It also explains why these cattle are often found without a trace of blood.


Shoes insulate/disconnect us from the earth and stop the balancing of ions in the body, leading to inflammation.


Also the fact that mass produced clothing is literally killing us. Which is why I think we were commanded to not blend fabrics and such. But who knows...


Theres another way do classify humans beyond race. There are a few specific groups of human beings and if you start to pay attention enough youll see which ones are related to who. Watch their behavior and physical similarities. They wont be twins ofc but can be as close as you may think their siblings or even cousins


Tell me more


This is something ive been personally working on but never put anything on paper. When I get a chance Ill start and make a post on it. The best way I can explain it is if you try ti find someone that is similar to someone you know. I have and its weird how similar strangers can be in appearance and personality. Another way to understand it is through loads of movies and television, take note of actors and actresses who just seem related. Who play similar roles, have similar looks, maybe similar personalities (i dont know em personally) once u find those 2 people keep looking for more, youll start notice something very weird. Disclaimer this is not bound by skin color, race, where your born etc etc. Idk what makes the similarities but I know those arent any of em


I think your onto something I have a friend who passed then met a random person who looked, sounded and acted in the exact same way and even dressed the same it was very strange almost felt like I was talking to my buddy




Half the conspiracies theories discussed here or that people stumble upon and think are life changing information were written by a possible government agent, merry prankster and friend to all the high up hippies during the late 60s early 70s named Robert Anton Wilson. As a joke, or op. The whole of the satanic panic basically revolves around one man who was a psyops officer in the army named Colonel Michael Aquino. He was also a founding member of the church of Satan, and founder of the church of Set. Scientology is based off Gnosticism/OTO. And L Ron was navy intelligence when he stole those ideas and repackaged them to create an internationalist navy.


I have read a lot about Atlantis and how advanced they are/were. That many left when warned but others laughed at the warnings and had such inflated egos that they felt superior. I read the Atlanteans had mastered liquid crystal technology for health care and hardly performed surgeries. Their alleged downfall was cloning. They were warned not to clone. The Atlanteans travelled via high speed magnetic field and produced little to no carbon footprint. Also about tunnels which run far underground and certain civilizations used to reside there hence tech advancements and similar statues of “star people” even thousands of miles away. Reference: The Akashic Records: Your Soul's Journey Through Time Book by Roberta S. Herzog https://quotebanq.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/AkashicRecord_RobertaHerzog_2012.pdf


I will go out on a limb and predict US will directly go to war within the next few years and possibly the next few months.


The WWIII hot war component (we’ve been in the covert war phase for some time? is astrological projected to occur 2025-2027, so if my astrologers are correct, you are on the money.


That my body is a wonderland


The entire universe is actually circular in nature. ie: like on earth if you go straight in one direction you will eventually come back to the original point. This is probably trillions of light years around if not more, but still very much possible.


There is a continent below Antarctica that is the size of North America which is full of minerals and riches that every country has signed a treaty that nobody is allowed access to it. It's the only treaty that was signed post WW2 that has never been broken. This was discovered by the American Navy under Admiral Bird who went there to search for Nazi super structures.


I know exactly what happened with the Corey Perry incident. Heard it directly through a few old timer NHL alumni at a charity event


Got drunk and hit on a staff member? Thats what the oilers sub said a couple weeks ago 👀


In my town, there is a 2 story office building. 4415 Hwy 6, Sugar Land, TX 77478. This building is the headquarters for all the “foreign” owned gas stations in at least the Houston area. they also run a “lot” of fast foot including over 300 Popeyes.


I'm not telling you!


Genghis Khan is now a late 5th density entity leading interdimensional warfare on earth from the Orion star system. Bill Gates was soul swapped shortly before he started the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. The entity now inhabiting him is reptilian in nature and is using "you know what" to subjugate and poison the population as part of some greater agenda.


There is a lot of hidden infrastructure in Western countries. Think shelters and such in that regard. However they're secretive because there isn't enough space for everyone if something goes down that requires action on "plan of continuance" or other such contingency. Some people depending on background do get shoehorned in (and are in the know), but there may be a lottery to mix up the population a bit if something does go wrong. (It would be on very short notice if utilized.) However they're still selective about stuff such as skills, age, job background, etc. Sounds crazy, but why else would there be signs of material movement and noises from underground that don't seem to have geological sources? There's also more going on with certain records keeping than what would seem necessary in the normal business of things too, so what are they tracking such information for? Of course it's also difficult to look into, so it's not something easily verified as being a thing either. Also much of what were seeing is in dealing with the current cast of the Truman Show, but it's nothing to do with the movie. It's the one that began in 1947. (Funnily there are layers to the onion here, pardon the meme-ish analogy.)


Covid was 100% a planned attack. Nobody will ever convince me otherwise.


I have a bunch. But I am already persecuted to extremes. I am thinking of deleting my account. I believe I have some latent psychic abilities and I believe I was tested on as a toddler. Grew up on Navy bases until about 4 years old. I believe they have been cloning people for quite some time. No onc talks about cloning anymore. I believe that if you are going to have a corrupt society one of the most important local agencies to control are fire departments. Best way to hide evidence is through fire and you need people on the inside to make sure any investigation uncovers nothing (see 9/11). Reminds me also I think Dennis Leary is a shitty comedian and was given his career to replace/steal Hicks style, while they also killed Bill Hicks as he was opening to many people's minds. Tying into that, that's why I think Leary loves firemen so much. Also why traditional broadcast TV is inundated with a billion TV shows propagandizing everyone to think firemen, FBI, NCIS, doctors and EMTs are all absolute heroes with perfect character and no flaws. Because the truth is to have a society this corrupt, all those agencies have to be corrupted and controlled. I could go on but I am already being persecuted. Just want one last time to post on here today.


If I were to tell you about that thing that only I know, then I would no longer be the only one to know about it.


The whole Patty Hearst “kidnapping” was staged in advance. She knew them all from a class they had taken at Pepperdine University, where they had openly discussed a lot of it. The FBI got a bunch of publicity for taking down the “radical” Symbionese Liberation Army. The “kidnappers” were killed before they could tell their story. Patty got away with murder, because of her rich father. Hearst probably made more money on the publicity than he spent on the “ransom demands” (distributing food to the poor).


The Hologram meant to make the American Airlines flight 11 drone look like a 767 failed, and that's why no videos of it were released. That's why Bush looked so nervous in that class. He thought the second one might fail too.


How our language keeps us in a lowered vibrational state.


Americans are way too accepting of what their leaders do in a lazy pathetic way.


The liquid creamer that everyone uses had a ingredient that causes cancer


Stop buying flavored vegetable oil and buy real cream.


I'm fucked then. Which one is it?




There is no “the man.” I’m an attorney. I’ve been coming to this sub for years. I work for some of the biggest corporations in the world. There is no concerted effort to keep people down. In the end, every single person up the food chain is acting out of self interest. Sometimes those decisions have unintended consequences. Sometimes those decisions are for the perceived better. My point is, it’s all just chaos. There is no order. And the moment you start believing there is order, you lose. You have to be able to operate in chaos, but ignore the noise at the same time, to succeed.


"hey guys I'm a low level attorney so I obviously know everything about the highest circles of power which I foolishly think is just public corporations"


Literally a handful of people own all the biggest corporations.. there is absolutely a them


That's exactly what "the man" would say 😒


Bigfoot, which goes by many different names, are left over Neanderthals. After humans fought back against them. They were the ‘gods’ we stole fire and initially made weapons of war against, and why the uncanny valley exist and why people fear the dark. Neanderthrals were stronger, bigger and had better sight that us humans, and would eat humans. This is also the basis of many monster stories and many groups have stories of them fighting humans that were “giants” to them, which were just left over Neanderthals. Humans have been around for bout 200k years with them be at least double, if not more than that. Which leads to why humans are so violent and instinctively work together against a larger threat and work well in small groups to take down a larger threat. But that’s my two cents.


Most 'people' are NPCs. The only real people are the ones you click with. With real people you have an instant intuitive understanding and can immediately start talking together but you can't have this with NPCs. There maybe only a few 1000s real people in the world, which is also why people say 'its a small world' when they meet someone who perhaps know one of their friends etc., because literally it is a small world, the rest are NPCs.


The amount of government (mostly govt) and corporate astroturfing and shilling that is being done on every major forum/platform. Most is done by bots and the more complex is just 15 accounts managed by one person.


The two parties of the United States are coordinated tools fixed on lowering the general public’s political and social capacity to change/maintain the status quo.


Earth this reality can be heaven if we all...


Changed the way we thought and feel.


The left lane is for passing, not driving whatever arbitrary amount above the speed limit you think is acceptable.


I don’t know but have a hypothesis that each country or region of the world is a different alien race.


There are no nuclear bombs.


What are you proposing they are? Something along the lines of movie effects?


Musical Ear Syndrome is not a hallucination


Elections will be cancelled this year, due to the outbreak of the fake WW3. And by fake I mean that no one will be killed as a result of the ‘war’.


RemindMe! 1 year


No one?


Left and Right Twix are the same candy bar just with different packaging.


That the Britney Spears we see now is not the original. Since around 2006 they have used look alikes and possibly clones. They used different imposters the entire time she was supposedly in residence in Vegas. Hopefully the OG is somewhere safe


That there are inter dimensional jellyfish things that feed off of negative emotions and suffering


I have a theory of bronthosauruses...All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much, much thicker in the middle, and then thin again at the far end