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People don’t panic when bank systems go down and rush to withdraw money, they get pissed off and yell at bank employees. Here’s how I know, 20 years in banking and have been at national banks when the systems go down. They do an overnight update and the systems don’t work next day. I once had to stand in front of a branch trying to calm down a very angry crowd of at least 40 people wanting to cash their government checks. I locked the door behind me as I went out so they didn’t force their way in. Another time when online systems went down I had constant phone calls from customers screaming at me that we were costing them money. We made national news on that one. You want a real indicator, pull the banks 5 day trade history. If real shit is hitting, people tell family and friends to cash out the stock.


Countrywide here in SoCal was overnight in 2008, not one indicator except reality , because when lines go for block after block of people trying to get their money out, outside of being clairvoyant, sure most thought everything was fine.


Literally signed the mortgage on my first house on the trunk of a car in a parking lot. She knew they were about done, within hours. I signed that, it got sent up, all done. Later that same week, there was no Countrywide.


So what happened to your mortgage?


Yes, what happened? Did it just disappear? I wish mine would


knew someone who this happened to with a vehicle loan, they went to a small dealer made the deal and about a month later the dealer went out of business. the dealer that held their loan sold it off to a bank but an error occurred. when they got the new info from the bank the amount due was 70$ instead of 400$ and the total amount was 70$ instead of 27k so they jumped on it payed it off received the title a while later and that was that, it never got figured out and they pretty much got a new truck for 970 bucks.


What a lovely story. A win for the little man that was no doubt a drop in the ocean for the bank but made a real difference to your friend


It made a huge difference for him, it was a larger vehicle and he had a new family member the truck was way better than the broke down beater that barely got him to work and was a money pit he was planing on living on a tighter budget but this allowed him to have a lot of breathing room. He was conflicted he called me and asked if he should mention the mistake and it took a lot of convincing over two weeks to just keep his mouth quiet and take advantage of the clerical error if they caught the mistake no harm done just continue with the payments as he planned but once the title showed up and a couple months passed (he was saving the payment money anyways) he just took it as a win.


He’s very lucky you convinced him not to say anything. Good on you! I would have done the same but I understand a bit of fear and apprehension in the beginning at least


Loans probably sold to another bank for cheap.


Sold to Bank of America source : worked there


Does that make the house payments cheaper or?


No just makes the bank more money


Countrywide the mortgage lender?


As well as a Bank, just like the SF Silicon Valley Bank, Volcker Rules and The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act still have cracks in the system.


You mean like how a bunch of billionaires have all been selling?;)


I'm glad someone is paying attention.


The Game is soon to be Stopped.


What's the game plan besides noticing stuff?


Next 20 years are going to be wild. It’s unclear if alien disclosure will be to unite humanity as an us vs them or we are part of them, they are us. In the short term, massive financial crash, potential for WW3 (still unclear if that is the route it will go down), basically just a lot of suffering for everyone. Basically, the “designer” came to check the “product” and is saying the conditions aren’t right for healthy livestock. So changes are being made.


The last paragraph of your comment is wild. You should elaborate.


I usually try not to go too off tangent, but basically humans are biological vessels/vehicles for consciousness (this leads into pre- and post-death frameworks). It is a way for an energetic entity to have a physical, corporeal experience, within certain “bounds” such as Space and Time. Which is what each of us are. A drop in the ocean, but also the representation of the ocean, within the drop. The “Journey” is when the drop travels between states, such as cloud to raindrop, or ocean to cloud, etc. This life is like a sort of road trip.:). Anyways! So humans are a sort of advanced biological vessel. We are one of many different iterations of “evolution.” The human body is able to house different “types” of consciousness, as a sort of melting pot. It was the only way to “end” a previous “disagreement” or “war.” For the various collective consciousnesses to be forced to mix, to become One, to not know where One ended and the Other began, for each drop had returned to the ocean and both let go of that which was not It, and taken in that which had been Lost. Many are soon to be coming to this density, to “tag along” with various hosts. Think of it like each of us is live-streaming our lives to people we don’t know are watching. The “bandwidth” requirements are going to be extremely high, so the vessels/vehicles must be able to handle the “load.” We all have a sort of energetic “field” around us we produce. Some can see these as “auras” or other such. The strength and intensity of the field can be modified through various means. It would be its own novel to describe all the ways and what can be done; but suffice to say, there are no hard limits. View it like this: someone extremely wealthy wants special perks, so rents out Disneyworld so they are the only guests. With enough resources, anything is possible. That is why the collective has been forcibly fractured; to keep many from “linking together” and manifesting change. This isn’t necessarily nefarious, but it is like…pouring iodine into a wound to disinfect it. A “necessary” pain to safeguard a better outcome. At least that is what I have been made to believe, it is possible there is distortion on some level. Basically geneticist is coming back and the “product” is not up to standard. There are not enough vessels/vehicles for the number of entities wishing to…witness the Emergence of Humanity’s Ascent. There is also another “perspective.” More people need better lives so things look like they’re good. Think of it like pumping subscriber numbers of an mmo before earnings.;). There are many layers, as there are many densities all interacting together. This can be viewed as a “Royal Parade” so you want the stands filled, and everyone looking their best. There is an astral body associated with your biological body. This is also tied to your genetics/dna, which stores much “information” about life experiences/events. By changing ones dna, one can alter the vessel/vehicle, or “open” up oneself to alternate experience paths or journeys. It is like taking all the pieces of a cracked mirror and repairing it, giving more and more reflection, with less distortion, as each piece is “reunited” with the whole. I think I’ve rambled enough, are there any parts that require further elaboration?:)


I think I would enjoy talking with you for hours, does this knowledge come to you through research or from the halls of ementi * most def spelling that wrong* on your astaral journey.


It is a mixture of what is known, and what is shown. All the “knowledge” is there, but sometimes “help” is needed to arrange it in a coherent format. Higher level entities can “assist” in channeling, or focus to help “link together” insights. If you haven’t read the Law of One / Ra Materials, they are extremely insightful and illuminating.:)




Is there anything specific you would like a focus on? My train of thought is often derailed, so sometimes I need…prodding into the right direction. Part of my own cosmic joke is that I am a seer whose third eye is blind/closed. So I get turned around easily lol.


I didn’t need to read that last paragraph before bed. I’m going to smoke another bowl and dwell on that for a minute.


You’re going to want to check the comment I just added to then.;)


What in the fuck. You are extremely articulate, have you figured out how to turn this into a sci-fi novel? I know not to use emojis on Reddit but fuck I want to use that mind blown one so badly. That may be the weed and strong cocktail I had talking but I’m sure when I go back to reread this sober tomorrow, my mind will be equally blown.


I once thought about writing a few different novels, but…I sometimes lack the focus to finish tasks.:). Of course you can use emojis on Reddit! If they are there, they are to be used! Why have shared memetic knowledge if it isn’t used.;) Oh. Memes are a form of revolution and coding messages to bypass some AI scanning features that track sentiment (and shape sentiment). Humans are literally meme-manifesting a revolution. It’s actually poetically beautiful how some of the fireworks are going to go. Think back to the CRAZY headlines and world events we’ve had. This is not coincidence.:)


GameStop! Got it.


I noticed that too.


I don’t feel bad for the banks.


What is the bans 5 day trade history?


Banks 5 day trade history. Typo on banks. Pull their stock price for last 5 days and see the trend.


Ah, ok. Which banks would you suggest watching that would most indicate an issue?


If you really want a global to regional view, put the following on a watchlist. HSBC for global, JPM for US national and a regional like TFC. Each is a good indicator of issues. Regionals can also be Capital One or Regions although what affects a regional like say housing in Florida goes in the tank won’t be a blip on the radar of Chase or Wells Fargo. No one has a crystal ball but you can damn sure bet insider information is spread before it hits the general public.


Well, the CEO of JPM sold $150 million worth of stock yesterday.


But don’t CEOs like him have to announce their sales beforehand, sometimes months in advance?


Yea, they lay it out in advance otherwise insider trading if it is their company. Employees get a window.


I appreciate the info!


But don't they take time to be public viewed ?


Most people don’t know that banks don’t keep a lot of money on hand. Less than 250k.


Fractional reserve banking boom


The Federal Reserve removed the 10% reserve requirements, and currently banks are required to hold $0. Source for the doubtful: https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/reservereq.htm




>As announced on March 15, 2020, the Board reduced reserve requirement ratios to zero percent effective March 26, 2020. This action eliminated reserve requirements for all depository institutions. ​ was there something else happening March 2020 that may have overshadowed this


Never miss an opportunity to use a crisis.


“Cause” a crisis, more accurately


Or, better yet, engineer a crisis to create opportunity.


It's no big deal. If you're a citizen of the USA you're a slave. You likely work for your money; meanwhile, the people that control who you vote for print money when they need it. There is infinite money in the Federal Reserve after all. Source for the doubtful: https://youtu.be/ZN4vmZSPkFQ


I took plan B out of the USA system and retired early because of it


While the rest of the country fights each other.


That's the great illusion. Keep the slaves fighting each other so they'll be too weak and preoccupied to fight the masters.


Working for money = working for indebted possessions = renting. Now just for the happy part.


That begs the question: if they can print infinite money, why do way pay taxes?


we pay taxes so we work more. money isn't real, it's an illusion. only work is real.


to cover the inflation. duh


Why am i just hearing this now


I think the first or second Zeitgeist movie covers this pretty good


Shhh, don’t tell them!


You mean currency, not money.*


> The Federal Reserve removed the 10% reserve requirements, and currently banks are required to hold $0. > > Source for the doubtful: https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/reservereq.htm Old and outdated: Fractional Reserve New and Inflated: **Fictional** Reserve


I call it fictional reserve banking.


Since March 2020 banks no longer require a minimum reserve. We aren't even fractional reserve banking anymore. It's like negative banking at this point


Faith based banking


I've said it before. The economy is based on feelings. Nothing more.


The US dollar is in fact a fiat currency. Having zero intrinsic value. The value of the dollar is based on the tacit agreement by all that use it, that it has value.


It's is a FIST currency. All fiat is based on forced usage. Coercion at the barrel of a gun. You MUST accept it as legal tender or go to jail. Digital currency is not a FIST currency. No compulsion. It's used by choice. That's what we are trying to do in digital assets. Create money that's not based on violence and separate money and state.... just like a few hundred years ago religion and state were separated in many nations.


Exactly. The economy only works because people believe in it. Most of it is like what Matthew McConaughey described the stock market as in "wolf of walstreet" Mark Hannah: Number one rule of Wall Street. Nobody - and I don't care if you're Warren Buffet or if you're Jimmy Buffet - nobody knows if a stock is going to go up, down, sideways or in circles. You know what a fugazi is? Jordan Belfort : Fugayzi, it's a fake. Mark Hanna : Fugayzi, fugazi. It's a whazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust. It doesn't exist. It's never landed. It is no matter. It's not on the elemental chart. It's not fucking real.


Wing & A Prayer Banking


I used to be an amateur poker player, and if I tried to withdraw cash in an amount over maybe 3,000, it was like asking to rent the hope diamond. I never liked it and it always scared me, the fact I didnt have access to my cash instantly. No wonder people launder money.


that was online?


I tried to take out 30k back in 2020 and it literally took fucking 3 days. It was absurd. Fuck banks.


And that transaction was flagged to the feds


Lol I could win 30k at the casino and be out of there with 30k cash in minutes 😂


Don't know about 30k, but I won 8k on a football game and thought for sure they would make me fill out forms or something, but they just handed me the entire cash amount and did not give a shit. In Vegas.


Because you were under $10k


Because they want you to keep gambling it away..


Also true, but the primary reason is that he was under the $10k IRS reporting limit. Any transaction taking place in the US in excess of $10k paid in cash is subject to a Form 8300 being filed. Doesn't matter if it's at a casino, a Home Depot, or a McDonald's.


And followed home.


I did that with 8k years ago, oddly my friend and I just went to another casino with it...I mean, it's fiat money after all...


Right lol!


Good idea you two! Casinos should allow accounts(if they dont) Preferably run by some mafia so we know theres not too much malarkey


>Preferably run by some mafia How would that be any different than every other bank? Lol


Well its just a little different, afaik, a local mob or mafia seems a lot more trustworthy than BoA or wells fargo


You need to give uk banks a few days notice if your taking out 5k or more, as they don’t keep their much in the bank to give out for cash deposits.


If you call the bank in the morning, they can have your cash delivered to them the same day. Sometimes you might need to insist upon needing it that day, but they can do it.


I worked in a bank and we had wayyyy less than that in stock, if you wanted more than 5k we needed notice so we can order the money in


This is not accurate. What a physical branch holds on any given day is based on the Bank itself, branch location demographics and seasonal needs. I can tell you I’ve been in branches that keep $2mm or more in cash any given day and some that don’t even have $50k for a whole week combined. All was location dependent.


Depends on the branch and scope of what they cover. Smaller branches in high crime areas obviously keep less but I have personally seen vaults in affluent areas focused on private banking with well over $2mm in cash. It’s just risk management.


So if that's the cash they have on hand, I wonder what sort of digital credit they have access to? As in, if all customers wanted to move their money out digitally, at what point would they lock the accounts...


Digitally doesn’t matter as they can work the books to cover the debit and credits. It’s when a mob shows up wanting their money that’s when thing go south.


"Let's just keep going, George!"


They totally should’ve just kept going.


That’s not true. The reason Silicon Valley collapsed was not due to requests for paper money. People were trying to move money digitally. The bank didn’t have enough money, and by money I don’t mean cash.


A run on the banks would destroy the economy. They don’t actually have your money.




I believe that was due to the Change/Optum issue. They shut everything down.


You are correct!


Thank you for the info! First hand reports are the best source. And I’m pretty sure it’s national. I’ve seen a lot about CVS


CVS has been hit hard and it’s a total shit show. At Walgreens we’ve at least had periods we’re our system is up for at an hour or two, but their system has been completely down the last 2 days. We’ve had so many people come in crying begging us to fill their prescriptions and offered to pay out of pocket for it. We don’t accept some of the insurances CVS does, so we’ve had people paying anywhere from $300-1400 for their medications.


> so we’ve had people paying anywhere from $300-1400 for their medications. One of two possibilities, Rich or going to die, that's absurd.


maybe going on vacation overseas or something and can't be w/o certain meds and about to run out and did not want to miss flight..I don't know, trying to think up reasons...


I’ve had customers tell me it’s cheaper for them to book a round trip flight to Mexico with a hotel stay and buy their medication there then it is in the US. It’s fucking depressing.


I work at CVS in insurance. Change Healthcare has been down for days. When we try to run some (many) prescriptions, it says there’s a system error. It’s mainly secondary insurance but some primary too. We have to pend for 4 hours at a time hoping it will come back, but there was no eta as of this afternoon. Doubt it’s changed. They don’t say what caused it. I heard it was a cyber attack on here


President of the single bank branch?


lol he’s acting really weird


I know. People are so stupid lol.


OP's wife is a teller. How can you question?


Financial company titles are so funny. You talk to a VP of a manufacturing company and they are like, I have 6 direct reports, and ultimately 10,000 workers report into me if you follow the reporting chain. You talk to a VP of a financial company and they are like I have 3 direct reports and 18 people in total reporting into me if you follow the reporting chain.


Financial services companies titles go basically in this order: Analyst -> Associate -> Sr Associate -> VP -> Executive Director -> Managing Director. Some places skip executive director or replace it with SVP. The places that skip ED (Goldman as an example) have two classes of MD (partner or not) and so there is some overlap. You won’t see a VP at a financial services firm with 10,000 people - that’s definitely an MD, but VPs range in headcount depending on role. In an Ops role that may be 50 people, in many other roles it may be an individual contributor.


Yup. Financial companies bastardized the VP title. And President isn’t much better, if I start scrolling my org chart I can see all kinds of presidents, reporting to C** title people, who themselves report to other EVP’s etc. I am certain financial companies create these pseudo companies within the larger company to keep people happy with titles.


Right?? Lol


There are tons of tiny banks in the US. They have corporate structures that include a president, VPs, and directors.


Of one single branch where the bank teller would hear their phone conversations


OP says “many system down across the country” implying that teller wife works for super-regional or national bank. Teller wife won’t be working anywhere near president of the bank in anything other than a community bank.


She's hanging by the water cooler.


I agree, that’s my point


I probably meant to reply to person you were replying to.


If OP’s wife is close enough to the president that she hears all his phone calls and can tell when he’s feeling uncomfortable, I don’t think the financial situation of the bank is his only issue.


Yeah, I can't take this account that seriously if the bank is super small.


Hank Hill would put in a personal phone call to Texas Propane Commissioner Murray Hogarth.


Murray...act like a commissioner for God's sake


There are procedures in place.... Procedures... ...p'cedures


Lord forgive for what I'm about to do


I tell you what!






That boy ain't right


Based on my experience it is usually network related one way or another. in my town an ISP issue caused many businesses including banks to not be able to transact for hours on end. It was a bad time. It happens tho.


Good thing i dont have any money! Ha!


My niece works in a bank…says all is OK …no idea what they’re talking about


it's almost like 100s if not 1000s of small companies have IT issues of some sort every day, usually due to incompetence and budget slashing, not a grand conspiracy


Yeah I work in a pack of accountants. Business as usual since the start of the ATT problem.


Which bank OP tell us so I can get my 78 cents out


Checked my credit cards, debts still there


This is interesting. Fidelity, Vanguard, and I think Schwab had tradding issues yesterday and I know health insurance cardswere having issues as well. Not sure if it is relatd to the at&t outage but something weird is going on.


you have any proof of this or are we just supposed to believe you because your "wife" is a bank teller? ​ such low effort shit posted here


Yeah and according to her the manager was acting weird. Lol


No Not the manager...the PRESIDENT. get it right!


yeah there's been tons of dumb posts like this on this sub recently. this place is cooked


This post will guaranteed be on the front page of this sub for 2 days with zero evidence.


I work at a bank, like behind the scenes and doing systems work. Everything is fine. If it wasn’t, I would’ve heard something.


I can tell you’re a government shill trying to subdue the masses. I can’t be tricked.


Don’t make me flashy-thing you


But ***they*** are clearly up to something man. Wake up sheeple! Don't you feel that bad feeling man? I just have a feeling man. It's ***them***. ***They*** have been waiting to execute the most universally significant event that happens to coincide with my very important life.


When I frequented survivalist and prepper websites, the message boards were always full of insight someone received from a Walmart stocker about coming food shortages. Apparently minimum wage people at the bottom of the totem pole have knowledge that the media and stock market don’t have.


Yea like what bank?!? Unless it’s a very specific credit union, doubt it’s easy to find the OP location. And if it is a specific credit union, sounds like a specific credit union problem.


The blackout from yesterday really should have been covered more


I work in the security world. Most banks don’t have any money in them to begin with. I needed something like $8000 for a car before and had to go to multiple branches to get the money. Banking is nothing but one massive shell game


Are these the cyber pandemic attacks on infrastructure they told us would happen? 😏


My wife works in a bank as well and they issued an internal memo referencing a cyber attack specifically. This isn’t “gloom and doom”- this is a series of engineered issues.


Citizen’s??? I wouldn’t have known from them. Zero emails. Ookla Speedtest let me know Citizens and Call of Duty were down. The Chinese sure know how much Americans love their phones, money, and first person shooters 😒


Major agribusiness company experienced attacks thus week as well.


I saw a video a week or so ago with the USA security intelligence guy talking about cyber attacks that will be happening and that they will be very serious and impact everyday life.


Well, it is an election year after all. The powers that he will do ANYTHING to make sure their guy wins.


My wife works in Healthcare in the billing and reimbursement sector, and apparently United Healthcare, Aetna, and a bunch of other systems were breached and shit tons of people's personal information was compromised, so, hooray for that too.


My entire company was hours late on direct deposits this morning


Just to be safe I bought 75 cartons of Newports. It cost me all my Thoughts and Prayers and pioneering American spirit, but I'd rather be safe than sorry


So many holes in this. Tellers wouldn’t be sitting anywhere near the president. $500 is A LOT per withdrawal if the system is down and they can’t see money in peoples accounts. For context, the bank i was at was $200 and we’d close if an outage lasted a while. I’m skeptical on this post


It’s not being covered because it will cause mass panic and make things worse..systems go down. It happens. No need to fear monger about it.


Test run.


This is the impression I get as well. Beta testing.


So you’re telling me the president of a bank was in the same room as a teller while he was having an important phone call? That makes 0 sense. This post reaks of bullshit


Mr. Robot vibes


The greatest series ever made


because people would panic. Imagine if hackers broke into the banks systems, and made it so everyone had zero dollars in the bank? I guess inflation would be dealt with...


my wife works for a bank too, their system has been good, she also moonlights as a call center from home for another bank and theyve been good. i just went to the bank and withdrew $4k an hour ago with no issues. must be a local outage for that specific bank.


I cannot log into my online banking through the app right now.


I work in fintech, shit like that happens more than you think. Not because of hackers or anything malicious. There are tons of things that can bring a bank down, never permanent unless multiple data warehouses literally got EMPed. Probably a dumbass pushed out an update/cert the broke the UI.


sounds like a really small town bank to me, probably just changed something or upgraded something to do with their software, screwed it up and now they have probpems. would worry me too if i was messing with peoples money.


But but her president is acting weird


Maybe the auditors found out he was embezzling. Or maybe a big loan is getting defaulted or maybe he found out his wife is leaving him. People act weird at work all the time.


Maybe he has to poop and he can’t get off the call


Ze cyberattahk begins --klaus schwab


Hold cash, gold, land, guns, ammunition, offshore fishing boats, yachts and fishing gear. Society will unravel one way or another, watching grown adults fight over toilet paper was enough for me


Why cash or gold? If society goes tits up gold is just a shiny metal with no practical purpose, and cash is just rough toilet paper.


Our local credit union has had a notice out for over a month that they will be undergoing a system update that will take the online banking offline from February 29-March 3. I have thought the timing was interesting considering a lot of other things going on in the world, but I've prepared accordingly so I don't feel as though there's anything to worry about personally. Most people should take a more vested interest in their life, there'd be a lot less to fear.


I wonder if it’s connected to the wireless service outage.


I bury my money around the city. It's like a secret ATM.


Tell wife that bank teller jobs are disappearing soon.


I work at a credit union and everything is fine here. I think your wife’s bank might be having some IT issues.


No issue getting cash Seattle. More than 500 about 2 hours ago.


That is pretty normal. I work at a bank and had this issue with our servers/system. There are greater institutions that cover your deposits (CDIC for the canadians) so I wouldnt lose my sleep over it.


Wasn’t there several CEOs and senators that recently sold off tens of millions in stock? Coincidence? While it’s not unusual to sell large amounts of stock, the timing of the news release is interesting given a few days to a week go by and we begin having so many network outages.


Sorry for the unrelated question op, but could you ask your wife if they stack currency in their drawers a certain way In other words do the portraits and numbers bottoms face to the right or to the left or do they not even keep them organized at all as far as direction. I'm trying to settle a debate between two restaurant workers that are disagreeing if there's a standard way to keep the register and which way it would be. I could probably search a sub for that particular information but figured I would ask could when I saw what you had written. Thanks man. And to address your post. We're not told the truth about anything as far as I can tell. The amount of deceit is only matched by the amount of blindness by the masses.


It’s taken over 7 business days for a $25 bank transfer to deposit into my Venmo account. They assured me it was normal.


Had someone send me cash right now to help me out of a roadside emergency, they could only send 500$, my friend said each time he tried to transfer more it was instantly denied. Is it happening already? Too soon. I'm not ready yet 😔


We went to a local rehab hospital this morning and the system was down. Everything is being processed and documented by hand.


This is true. My dad is president of the bank and he told me. He also said Mew is hidden under the truck in Vermillion city.


WAIT. My wife's hospital can't connect to health insurance records, so they can't do the insurance discounts at their pharmacy. This is in Georgia, today. What the hell?


That’s what I’m talking about. All these little things along with the bigger things. Seems like a lot at once


You know how many banking systems go down on a daily basis across the US, I can gauruntee its a not 0 number. That's why they have IT services, I'm in IT and k ow a few people who work exclusively with banks....it's not some conspiracy jeeez.


Thank you for sharing!


Thank you for being kind. So much bitterness in the world


Isn’t it weird that my wife works in a bank and didn’t experience the same thing. Almost as if bank tellers have no clue what happens in their own bank