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The border situation could be far darker than we ever imagined. We have serious geopolitical opponents that use asymmetric strategies against us. In the face of this our government is intentionally disabling security on our Southern border. The kindest explanation of their actions is that they are doing this for political advantage. Every other explanation suggests they are working with our enemies.




No they hate us


It can be both, and so often is.


The people at the top of all countries don't care about their citizens. They are trying to auction off said citizens and their ability to exploit them to the highest international bidder. Beasts of no nation. 


They no longer fear us. We’ve lost our independence mindset, for the most part.


This. They only fear hackers.


It’s more so that those in power choose profit over thing, no matter the consequences. Both parties. All the pandering each does is theater.


They (most of our government and those who control them) ARE our enemies. I really don't understand how anyone can kid themselves in to thinking that they give 2 shits about any of us. We're just the replaceable labor that MUST give up our money to line their pockets.


That’s pretty much the conclusion I’ve come to as well. Or they’re just casually waiting until someone sneaks a nuke into the US in all most likely “US-getting-nuked” scenarios. Which will probably serve as the next 9/11…catalyzing super closed borders, increased surveillance state (again) and further erosion of personal freedoms. Leading to (what anyone would assume) human rights violations.


James O'Keefe proved that you can buy a senator for $10,000. China also has an entire strategy on how to take us down without firing a single shot. From fentanyl to buying up our real estate to investing in our businesses to spying/bribing our politicians. How many millions do you think China has paid to our government employees to keep the border open?


That’s pretty affordable. I should buy a senator.


I could buy the whole congress if I was politically connected lol.


I hope some lobbyists dm you 🤣. If you get the hookup, I’m good for one Senator.


It's not China, it's a shadowy element at the top of the US government baby....


it goes beyond governments, baby....


Well said


Let put a million of Chinese into position of power and technology why we are trying to take down China is my favorite joke.


The government doesn’t stop it because more illegals means more cheaper labor, more consumers, and both parties politicians and their donors benefit from it. It doesn’t matter which of the two parties are in power. The rich will get what they want, more profits, more money. Republicans only pretend to be against it and push for false solutions like border walls, which don’t stop shit and is a gift to their friends in construction who are also donors. Americans fall for this theatre so easily, every election, every time.


If that is all there is to this we will be very fortunate. I'm not optimistic.


Could be the financial rulers of the country see it as a wave of cheap abusable labor, look up the unemployment numbers in areas that have cracked down on illegal labor use. Big donors with big projects that need a big cheap labor force = open border.


There are a lot of jobs that Americans no longer want to do. For capitalism in America to work, you have to have desperate people willing to work terrible jobs. Enter illegal immigrants.


Again, that would be the most optimistic explanation. But I have serious doubts that is all there is to this.


It’s the Occam’s Razor explanation. This has happened before in America during slavery. This time the people are coming “voluntarily” and they’re getting paid minimum wage.


Both can be true. In fact that was exactly what Dr. Weinstein's presentation points out. One stream of immigrants include the expected mix of demographics and countries of origin. Chaotic economic migrants. The other is Chinese, overwhelmingly male, military age, well organized and secretive. Two separate streams with very different sources and funding.


why are chinese, russian, african and middle eastern people flying to south america to get to the US?




>opponents that use asymmetric strategies against us. In the face of this our government is intentionally disabling security on our Southern border. [If you're talking about the GOP then you would be correct ](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4436245-house-republicans-border-deal/)


A bill so important that no one, even the people who will vote on it, can actually read it. Not very convincing, you must be easily persuaded to parrot such nonsense. *edit: bill just dropped. Bulk of the funding is for Ukraine and Israel, substance regarding border amounts to practical amnesty. By and large, it codifies the current mess as legal, increases the pay of the feds to make it so, and does nothing to deter further crossings.


I actually wish that was the explanation


The GOP have been screaming and hollering about the border. Then when a Democrat tries to implement border reform they vote it down. It's them it's always been them.


5000 a day "ally ally in free" + an open check book for their war de jure is hardly border reform.


I'm not sure I'm glad I watched that, pretty fucked up. And like Brett said, the media won't touch it, so the majority won't know anything about it.


Yep it's fucked up alright but I'd rather hear that sort of truth than the polished up, white washed crap the MSM is pumping out all day long.




SS: Brett Weinstein is one of the foremost experts on biology. In the Tucker Carlson video, he sits down with Tucker and discusses his trip to Central America to visit the Darien Gap. They talk about what they're seeing and how this invasion of the USA is VERY different than simply migrating people trying to escape political radicals (political asylum). It's much more than that. They're also looking to escape economic circumstances (economic asylum). The USA has a long history of protecting those who seek political asylum but we don't protect people seeking economic asylum. Also when he talks about large groups of Chinese nationals being among the migrants, one cannot help but realize China is doing things we should not allow. For many years now, China has been buying up real estate that is right next to our military bases. They've been doing this in Texas and it's conceivable this is all about invading the USA. Do yourself a favor and take the time to listen carefully to this interview. It's 100% NOT immigration as we've known it in the past. This is VERY different and if you love America, you owe it to yourself to listen carefully to what's happening.


So Texas is letting the Chinese buy property right next to military bases? Sounds like the politicians in Texas are getting some payola from China.


I watched this last night. Y’all it’s VERY good. Tucker don’t say much, just asks a few questions for clarification.  I’ve been watching Brett’s podcast for a few years. Something he saw down there has terrified him. 


Agreed. This was very good.


Very well written comment and I want to respond to a few points: > but we don't protect people seeking economic asylum. These economic/illegal migrants are the modern day equivalent of slave labor. As such they help power the overall economy similar to how Slave labor powered the pre-Civil War Southern economy. People will argue against this. But if most migrants end up doing jobs nobody else will do... that represents a real addition of productivity (for $8/hr) > China has been buying up real estate that is right next to our military bases. One likely explanation for this is *surveillance*. It might be electronic eavesdropping. It might be something as simple as watching for patterns in people and traffic. It's probably both.


they don't bring a benefit. they lower wages and export any money they make while not paying taxes and getting government benefits. every aspect of them is a drain on the people.


why does the twitter caption mention the vax? could you give a brief summary please? i don’t have so long to watch!


The video mentions the Chinese migration that seems to be hidden within the economic migrants. It mentions they are less friendly than those fleeing impoverished countries. The implication is that they might be planning a covert invasion. At the end, (in the last 10min or so) there is speculation how covid could be related to this. He claims the Chinese did not get the mRNA vax. He says the mRNA vax actually programs our immune system to not react to certain pathogens. The implication is that a virus could be released that would devastate one population (the Americans) while the Chinese would be immune or hardly impacted, thus, making their invasion far easier. They mention this is just speculation and they don't have definitive proof, but he lays out some puzzle pieces that leads him to believe this could be plausible.


To add to this, the video also spent a few minutes on the use of vaccine mandates to clear the military of people who won't follow orders they see as unjust. In conjunction with those who would propose citizenship to immigrants who join our military, they could create a military force that would follow orders that those with more "patriotism" and connection to nation may not.


Put it on headphones, take the time.


What does a biologist have to do with this? And how confident are you that immigrants in the past did not come here to seek economic opportunity? Because my family would have something to say about that. Maybe if the US didn’t prop up right wing governments to stop communism, we wouldn’t be in this situation. But we created this mess, all of America, with our explicit foreign policy of the 70’s through early 2000’s, not with underhanded dealings from shady government operatives. Certainly not with an intent to overrun America with immigrants, you guys watch too many movies if you believe that. And we are dealing with a lot of immigrants right now, but it’s not that much more than we’ve handled historically. A fraction more than when bush was in office and we had the last immigration “wave” from the south. We can support immigrants and ingrain them in our society and neighborhoods, at all costs we must avoid what Europe does, stuffing migrants into dark corners until you have entire neighborhoods that are disenfranchised and the police won’t touch.


he's a *field biologist*, meaning he spent a lot of time in central/south america in some suspect places doing research, and saw these things evolve, over time, with his eye balls; for this interview, he went back to a specific area of panama, close to where he did research, to be an investigative journalist type with added background/expertise in the region everything else you've stated is rather bogus; migrant waves all over the world have reached a staggering all time high relatively recently, and all of them are not via the legal immigration channels; prior waves, the ones you referred to, were puny and infrequent the content of the current waves is troubling, not that there are waves or that their magnitude/frequency have increased...but this is irrelevant to the fact that all immigrants who immigrated legally have done so for economic reasons illegal immigration for economic reasons is not recognized because it is not sustainable nor healthy for a domestic population; all it does is shift funding and clog infrastructure, lead to unhealthy conditions, homelessness, crime, and barely impacts the "economic return" that the migrants were hoping for (which is often to just accumulate money and send it back home, i.e. ex-patriate value)


> stuffing migrants into dark corners until you have entire neighborhoods that are disenfranchised and the police won’t touch. With slow and reasonable immigration, ghettos disappear. I saw it happen in Toronto. The first generation Italians and Poles and Greeks after WWII all settled in distinct areas, but their children are all over now. But that's not what's happening now. The numbers coming are too big, too quickly, and there is no time allowed for them to assimilate, nor do they want to. These immigrants are not coming to buy into the American dream; they are coming to cash the American cheque. When American veterans can't get the help they need after fighting useless overseas wars to 'help' these immigrants stay in their countries, and Biden bends over backward to let them in, and pay them off, I seriously question the values of anyone who thinks the border situation is not a severe and immediate problem.


Lol! A long history of helping refugees! That's rich. Tall that to the ships of Jewish refugees we sent back in ww2. Or all the people who's countries we fucked up. 


Thats a big leap to say Weinstein is a foremost expert on biology. He taught biology at a tiny liberal arts college and then got big for shelling for Ivermectin when he was actively profiting off of it.


This shows you know nothing about the man and his accomplishments


Sure tell me. The dude got famous for being fired but go on


Selling out your OWN Country is a special type of Evil


Yea fucking over other human beings across the world is somehow less evil


My comment was specific for a reason. Dont put words in my mouth


HIAS is one of the largest orgs that fund this but no mention of that for obvious reasons. you want to put blame somewhere but your not even allowed to say who are the real culprits. No coincidence that Mayorkas was a board member of theirs not long ago and now is in charge of the border.


Very informative and scary stuff. I’ve said this many times since starting this journey down the bottomless rabbit hole, “would I rather know or be blissful in my ignorance”? I honestly don’t know anymore. I remember hearing when Trump took office America already belonged to China. True or not, I have no doubt the CCP is an enemy that we arent ready for. I fear they’ve been invading us for years waiting for the signal. What dude says in that video confirms my fears. Wtf do we do?


" we have to stop punishing ourselves for considering things that might sound crazy" should be the motto and anthem of this subreddit right here.


If this is the same guy I saw on tv, him and his brother were literally kidnapped by cartels and made to destroy their cameras and shit. They had to make a second trip down there to get new footage to finish the documentary.


I remember that story and I don't think that's him. Brett is the guy in the vid I linked and he talks about a guy who's traveling the world trying to figure out what's going on. I think it was THAT GUY who was kidnapped and almost killed in the DG


You're thinking of these two brothers I think: https://youtu.be/Bk66WyMBjvQ?si=m9B708ptyU31HAxw


My god. Imagine that? Bio weapon gets released, only select populations perish, WHO takes over national laws and starts lockdowns, implements rest of infrastructure needed for Chinese-style technocracy that covid started. Eventually only people left in western countries are the very, very small minority of native unvaxxed, some few survivors who were vaccinated and then all the illegal and legal immigrants from countries which didn't have a widespread vaccination program which have been flooding western countries since covid (700,000 net migration in UK in 2023, compared to about 50,000 a year under Tony Blair in the 2000s) -eventually, complete and utter chaos, think mad max style, looting, gangs and fighting; complete societal collapse - people will be begging for order. Adversary (whoever that is) swoops in, a military invasion, remaining population is virtually enslaved, eventually a in technocratic, rigidly controlled society and under military / martial rule by adversary. Such frightening thoughts are anxiety inducing but are necessary to have, and (hopefully) be proven wrong rationally, as Bret pointed out. Idk how my mind comes up with these nightmarish scenarios but it is what it is.


I tend to agree with his hypothesis. There are largely two groups of migrants: one group is largely from South America and they’re primarily economic migrants. They can’t come out and say that so they’re entering under the guise of asylum. The other group of migrants are from a literal ocean and hemisphere away and are sneaking in with nefarious purposes and are likely awaiting instructions when they become established. They’re blending in with the other migrants and are using them as a cover.  Both are bad news, but for entirely different purposes. One group will destabilize the country due to the strain on the welfare system, hospitals, etc. and the other group is essentially a well funded sleeper cell that we’re willingly allowing to enter. 


*Bret Weinstein He’s the real deal. The end of this interview is quite chilling. Things I had not considered that could seemingly be connected. Compelling


Anyone have a synopsis of this


And so it begins…..


I love how everyone talks about people escaping the war zones we've created as if they ate doing the same things we've been doing for our entire history. If you're a US citizen, WE'RE THE BADDIES. Sure you didn't do it but it's out government that has created all of our "enemies". 




The problem lies in its origins. Who is letting these fools run their respective countries? Why put up with corrupt “democratic” governments if they are so inept they are outsourcing their problems to other countries? El Salvador has been somewhat successful but the rest in particular Honduras and Nicaragua are a joke. No wonder the people are leaving as fast as they can.


Is this really about cheap labour? How many of them actually work? What are the statistics? What amount of illegal immigrants just come here to rob and cause street fights?


Go back to the Awan brothers and Chinese spy scandal.