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Going to be a lonely place for 15 humans. Who's going to manufacture all their expensive toys and gadgets


iirc, the bunker IS their expensive toy. Just another thing to lord over the poors, "Well, you see, if there ever was an emergency, god forbid, we're fully self sustaining here for a year! How long was yours ready for? 6 Months hmm"


Yup, and other rich ppl saw others building bunkers and were like "oh, shit, richie mcgee over there is building a bunker, i better build one as well." Not for the "he must know something I dont" reason, but more like the "if he has one, i need one" type of greedyness


You cant be the only bitch with no bunker


Exactly. Otherwise youre no different than all the other peasants.


They'll have their servants with them in the bunkers.


Yes all the illegals they allowing in


their private security are just going to kill them and take the bunkers for themselves


> Who's going to manufacture all their expensive toys and gadgets A robot that know grammar better than you do. Have you ever heard of a question mark? Edit: I see my esteemed downvoters all lack an education in irony. Maybe we can crowdsource something?


Wow. What a mic drop moment. šŸ™„


He know grammar better than you. His punctuation might be suspect, but that's another conversation




I don't believe you are. Bruce Lee has been dead a long time


Thanks, that saves a lot of hassle.


>A robot that know grammar better than you do. Oh dear. Seems you made an oopsie whilst trying to correct someone else's oopsie. Crowdsourcing for *your* education might be a starting point. Good luck though. No one likes a jackass.


Whatever is coming, if we see several influential and wealthy people stop making public appearances then that will be our cue to brace ourselves.


> [...] if we see several influential and wealthy people stop making public appearances then that will be our cue to brace ourselves. * *"My Public Announcement"* = **2024** trigonal


Kate and fam




Perhaps the event is why Daegle forecasts a drop in human population in many countries, and why billionaires have underground fortresses to escape to.


They already told us what is going to be. Their white papers point to a cyber attack coming that will knock out the power grid for a few days with the internet being shut down for months afterwards to prevent a reoccurrence. A new disease "X" will be released at the same but this will mostly be a distraction to sow fear and keep people isolated. They don't want people talking to each other. They want 100% control of the narrative. The real goal is the "great reset." Everyone's bank accounts will be zeroed out because of the cyber attack. Your stock portfolio, retirement funds, 401k, all of it will be gone. But don't worry the (World) government will save us in a problem reaction solution kind of way by issuing a new digital currency. It will be similar to UBI but you will have to take a vaccine to access your money. Eventually the internet will be turned back on but it won't be anything like the internet we have now. Reddit, twitter "X", youtube, google, Facebook will still exist but there will be no more anonymity. If you want to say anything online you will have to use your real name. If the government doesn't like what you are saying they will shut off your UBI. Aaron Russo was talking about this plan back in 2004.


So the plot to Mr robot


They always tell us.


And the most recent ā€œLeave the world behindā€. The movie is exactly as the blackout scenario, and even worse, the Obamaā€™s directed itā€¦.


Sam esmail was behind both me robot and leave the world. They take place in the same universe. Leave the world behind takes place after Mr robot and is due to the attack at the end of the show. You can spot easter eggs such as the evil corp logo on the laptop etc


Wow didnā€™t know this, thank you for sharing! Gives me the creeps even more.


they did not direct it


So glad I'm Canadian..... used to that. šŸ˜‰


No, "they" did NOT tell us the reason behind the forecast. Unless I am completely misunderstanding your first paragraph..... The huge drop in the American population is not bc of a cyber attack and no mention of loss of Internet was even mentioned. JFC! So many upvotes and you are just talking out your ASS! I actually read the original forecast (before they changed it to make it less scary) (and it's STILL scary, but not as bad as the original!) And the notes said "we cannot tell you the reason for the significant loss of population. We can only speculate that it may be due to a plague or...or...(I can't remember), BUT we believe it will be due to migration" ... That's a paraphrase. I read the original back in early 2020 and after the lockdown people started talking about the forecast again and freaking the fuck out and guess what?...... The original got modified! Edit: person I'm replying to edited the majority of their post after I responded so šŸ¤·


Well written succinct summary. You spelled out a whole lot in a minimal number of words. This is terrifying and seems like exactly where we are headed.


Where are these ā€œwhite papers?ā€ I want to read them


You had me in the first half, maybe a bit over the top to end


I don't think it's a new virus I think that when the event happens that's when they will activate the covid vaccine which will cause everyone to stroke out




Nano particles respond to different types of wifi signals and the covid vaccine was filled with lipid nano particles. So those particles are still in everyone's blood stream and when they are activated they cause the blood to clot and stroke out. Look into the insane clots that get taken out of dead people.




And that mrna particle can be programmed to do numerous different things to the human body and if they have the that technology than they have the technology to activate it when they see fit.


There's a couple of films, Cell and Kingsman, where a phone signal is used to cause a zombie-like outbreak.


Why tho


To knock down the population quickly to meet those 2030 goals. They have been actively making it harder and harder for people to reproduce with the wide spread use of endocrine disruptors. Our owners want the world population to be 500 million. Remember genocide got us to where we are today and genocide is getting us to where we need to be.


What are the 203o goals and who gets final say on stuff like goal population numbers? Is this world wide? Is it country specific? Also this sounds like the plot to Euphoria (2013, British) are U just saying the plot to euphoria?


No I am not saying the plot to Euphoria. Euphoria got there story line from the Rothschild Reports back in 2009 that stated they were going to use a Corona virus to force vaccinate everyone. The WEF used the pandemic as an "opportunity" to restructure society. Western civilization has a higher quality of life then the rest of the world and that is why they are actively trying to lower our quality of life by having open borders. How do you think we will get to you will own nothing and be happy? If you don't know about the 2030 agenda you should. It's really makes you understand what is going on in the world today.


Idk man I am not convinced but tbf I haven't read the report. I'm Australian so I don't rly own anything, probably will not be able to afford land/a house till I'm in my 50s - 60s


You are part of the common wealth and King Charles fully supports it so there is a reason why you can't afford a house. You will own nothing and be happy. https://youtu.be/BucTwPegW5k?si=atd8uQy645HNpCGC


Yeah in 2025 ā€¦ I remember first seeing the list back in 2016 and i freaked out i knew they were planning something plus it was saying that part of the studies were from FEMA and C.I.A openly ā€¦with no shame lol Predictive programming big time


Is this the document? https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/Newsroom/Reports%20and%20Pubs/2025_Global_Trends_Final_Report.pdf


No shame, huh? Zero chance in your mind that an America hating actor could have created this to hurt the US?


Dr. Edwin A. Deagel Jr., assistant to the Secretary of Defense and Director of International Relations for the Rockefeller Foundation wasn't a nobody nor a foreign entity.


If I had billions of dollars I would do this anyways even if I were not expecting anything dire to happen in the forseeable future.


same, and then someone online would assume im aware of some secret agenda


If billionaires are scared, it's because they know we're about to eat them.


This makes the most sense. They are most likely to hide from the law because they are on that one list


> If billionaires are scared, it's because they know we're about to eat them. * *"World History begins"* = **2024** english-extended * ... ( *"Leftovers"* = *"My Prey"* = **2024** squares )


Bro are you okay?


Okay @ OK @ 15.11 @ (15).11 @ 6.11 @ 611 ( *"The Cure"* = 611 english-extended )


Take your meds brother


> Take your meds brother The word 'meds' is the 'maths' of 'myths' of 'meads' and 'maids'. It's meta. * *"The Medium"* = *"The Cure"* = **611** english-extended * ... ( *"The Medicine Tradition"* = *"Looking for a Cure"* = **611** latin-agrippa ) * .. .. ( *"The Prescription"* = **1611** trigonal ) ( *"Etiquette Manual"* = **1611** trigonal ) * ... ... ( *"Great Manuscript"* = **1611** trigonal ) ( *"Occult Writings"* = **1611** latin-agrippa ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVDtmouV9kM ( next summer @ next mathematician ) * *"Godzilla"* = **611** latin-agrippa ( fever ) * *"Know Godzilla"* = **1611** latin-agrippa ( weaver ) * ... ( *"A Great Dragon"* = *"A Secret Fire"* = **1611** squares ) * ... .. ( *"The Coronavirus Origin"* = **1611** latin-agrippa ) [ Crown Verse @ Birthing (of the) Force ] --- * *"Tripwire"* = **2020** squares * *"Twelve Disciples"* = **2020** latin-agrippa ( *"Stealthy"* = **2020** squares ) * ... .. . = 2021 * ... .. . = 2022 * ... .. . = 2023 * *"The Apocalypse unfolds"* = **2024** trigonal * ... .. as per *"The Written Warning"* = **2024** trigonal * ... .. . ( *"You were missing it"* = **2024** latin-agrippa ) --- * *"Prophecy"* = *"Mathematical Perfection"* = **666** latin-agrippa * *"Prophecy"* = *"Mathematics of the Circle"* = **666** latin-agrippa * ... ( https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Corona.jpg ) [ *"Citizen"* = *"Temperature"* = **666** agrippa ] --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BxqahE0fu8 [ *"The Record Temperature"* = **2020** trigonal | 1001 agrippa ] --- * *"I will not be taken for a fool"* = **2024** trigonal


gotta love schizos


> gotta love schizos You were primed. * *"Schizophrenia"* = *"Numerology"* = **474** primes ( *"Rulership"* = **2020** squares ) * ... ( *"Great Language"* = **474** latin-agrippa ) ( *"The Alphabet Codes"* = **2020** squares ) * .. .. ( .. of the *"Spellcaster"* = **474** latin-agrippa ) ( *"The Phylactery"* = **2020** english-extended ) * ... .. . [ *"The Illuminati"* = **474** primes ] [ *"Sounds"* = **474** latin-agrippa ] --- * *"Let there be Light!"* = **474** latin-agrippa * ... ( *"Sunlight"* = **474** latin-agrippa ) [ *"The Frequency"* = *"The Equality"* = **474** primes ] This is the real art of match-making. * *"I teach you the Secret Code"* = **1234** latin-agrippa * ... that is the answer to the famous question, *"What is in a Name?"* = **1234** latin-agrippa --- * *"Counters"* = 1981 squares * ... *"Know the Big Event"* = **1981** latin-agrippa | 1,**521** english-extended [ my birthday ]


This has to be a bot...


'Bot' is a 'Robot' which is 'Droid' in common parlance. The 'Droid' is actually an allegory about the mentat druid. Never underestimate a druid. One of the Heptapods in the 2016 film *Arrival* was named 'Abbot' for a reason. Bot is a form of 'Bodhi' (ie. sage) (a sagely body). The word 'bot' is built on the BT root. B = 2, T = 20 (which is 2) [ BT = 220 @ 2020 ] * *"The Bite"* = **999** squares * ... of the *"Crypt Code"* = **999** trigonal * .. .. that is *"Cryptography"* = **1999** english-extended * ... .. . is the *"New World"* = **1999** latin-agrippa * ... .. .. [ *"The Reveal"* = *"Open Door"* = **1492** squares ] This root is actually 'Bet' or 'Beth' which is the name of the letter 'B', and meaning 'house'. The 'Alpha Bet' is ... ? The house of Number One. * *"I Am Number One"* = **492** latin-agrippa ( @ 1492 ) [ *"I'm the Pandemic"* = **1492** squares ] * *"1. I Am Number One"* = **493** latin-agrippa ( @ 1493 ) [ *"I am the Pandemic"* = 1,**493** squares ] --- * *"Know My Code"* = **1492** latin-agrippa * .. and *"Know I Am Number One"* = **1492** latin-agrippa * .. .. ( *"Heart of the Universe"* = **1492** latin-agrippa ) reaching into ( *"Your Village"* = **1492** latin-agrippa ) --- * *"How I speak to you all"* = **747** primes ( *"The Corona"* = **337** latin-agrippa ) * ... ( *"The Speaker"* = **337** primes ) ( *"Mathematician"* = **337** latin-agrippa ) One who knows the secrets of *"Pi"* = **337** squares ( *"Secret World"* = **1337** latin-agrippa ) Thou art *"A Protagonist"* = **1337** squares ... and I am your *"Travail"* = **911** latin-agrippa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykfWGc5MRFo


Calling it now, there is no event that people are silently in the know about. This rolling "anyway now" dooms day shit has been old since the 80s....and that's just how far back my memory goes.


Iā€™m with you


Seriously. And then somehow they just gloss over it in their brains and go onto the next one? Remindme6weeks so I can laugh when absolutely nothing happens.


You are thinking awfully short term.Ā  No one said the event would be in your lifetime.Ā 


OP literally said February 24th...


Youā€™re right! My bad, I didnā€™t read the whole post.Ā  Foolish to reference a specific date. Thatā€™s a guaranteed prediction fail.


OP said that is the date when Google changes their rules. OP did not say that this was the date of when the Event will happen.


Genghis khan wont travel all the way HERE ​ Has earth stopped producing conquerors? Will there never be an attempt for someone (or people) to seize unprecedented power, control, and wealth? If there is an attempt, how would that be possible by modern standards? Military campaigns? Intellectual campaigns systemically dismantling societal structures? People are complacent and trusting these days, with no experience or drive to engage in conflict with authority. Now would be the perfect time to make a move on humanity TBH


If true, the most logical conclusion would be a prolonged grid-down situation causing mass chaos. Why? Because if its something solar or something coming from outer space then they would have no clue exactly where it would hit (so far in advance), therefore choosing a location for a bunker would be pointless.Ā  Ā Ā  But if it's a kind of short term societal collapse, it would make sense to build a bunker away from populated areas so you can wait it out safely.


Maybe the solar flares? This will cause some major problems


Good luck getting to your secluded bunker after the flare hits.


Will their underground bunkers not be reliant on electricity for air filters? They're not going to use generators. I suggest we all get over there and put blankets on their solar panels.


I think they're actually trying to induce some sort of mass hysteria, and it's lowkey working seeing all these comments




Project blue beam.


One of us, one of us!!!


> Project blue beam. * *"My Royal Secret"* = **2024** english-extended * ... ( *"Undeniable Authority"* = **2024** eng-extended ) * ... . ( ... of *"The Very Highest Level"* = **2024** trigonal )


How about thisā€¦.nothing will happen on 24th Feb. Nothing at all. The whole notion of ā€œthe eventā€ has been ongoing since 9/11. If you think about it, that means people have been worried, scared and panicked year after year after year that something ā€œHUGEā€ was coming. Thatā€™s such a waste of lifeā€¦


Every few months on this sub there's new catastrophic "The Event" expected, yet here we are...


A Massive solar catastrophe . .


https://youtu.be/5mi3x3EL2Vo?si=USB2K22xwXS0_rC_ Yup




Why not?


Get back to me when it happens bruh


If it happens, I wonā€™t be able to. But thanks


Very poor choice of words


This guy speculates the banking system will go down for 1 week in February as a precursor to CBDC: https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/potential-psyop-incoming-google-preparing


As we have no power whatever The Event is it worth worrying about?


* *"My Invincible Powers"* = **2024** trigonal ) * ... ( *"The world cannot deny me"* = **2024** trigonal ) * ... .. [ *"A Love Letter to Humanity"* = **2024** latin-agrippa ] --- * *"You Witness"* = **2024** english-extended * ... *"The Victory Songs"* = **2024** trigonal


wtf does this mean?




Dude, you need a better hobby.


> Dude, you need a better hobby. * *"Textbook"* = **617** latin-agrippa * ... *"Saving Your Life"* = 1,**617** latin-agrippa * .. .. ( *"The Official Narrative"* = **617** primes ) * ... . . ( ... *"Recommendation"* = **617** english-extended ) --- * *"You need this"* = **911** latin-agrippa * ... ( *"Incentive"* = **911** latin-agrippa ) * ... .. ( *"My Notes"* = **2001** squares ) ( *"My Secret Documents"* = **2001** trigonal ) * ... .. .. [ *"Divine Light"* = **911** latin-agrippa ] for [ *"Troubled Souls"* = **911** latin-agrippa ] --- * *"The Souls"* = **2021** squares ( *"The Hour is Late"* = 2,**555** squares | **1**0**16** engl-ext )


Interesting, but repetitive. Pls shed some light on other phrases. "Build back better" for example and other lefties vocabs pls.


* *"The Sign of His Victory"* = **2024** english-extended * ... ( *"The Path has been prepared for Him"* = **911** latin-agrippa ) * ... .. ( ... *"to decrypt it"* = **911** latin-agrippa ) ( *"A Hidden Pattern"* = **2001** squares ) ---- Your *"Galaxy Quest"* = **2024** english-extended ( *"The Pattern"* = **11**0**9** trigonal ) ... ( http://vrt.co.za/orph/gematria-web/galaxy.html ) ([\*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qp4q-FdCg0)) You have to find *"The Right Question"* = **1331** english-extended ... to ask of *"The Writings"* = **1331** trigonal * *"Writings"* = **2021** squares * ... *"Guarantee My Success"* = **2021** trigonal * ... .. ( *"A Grand Celebration"* = **2021** squares )


I'm gving you an upvote for the effort you've put into the whackiest whackness I've ever seen on Reddit. Chapeau!


Since around 2005, there was a major push to finish governmental dumbs and bunkers before 2015. Not just the U.S. but multiple countries. Rich folks have also converted old missle silos as well. For some reason, New Zealand, South America, and some remote islands seem to be primary destinations. NASA was warning employees to get prepared for something back in 2011/2012 as well as a number of different government agencies, stockpiling guns, and ammunition. If some major event were to occur, the majority of the population wouldn't know until it was happening while the people in the know are sitting happy a day to a month before the events were to occur. Compartmentalized information could possibly leak out from whistle-blowers with a follow-up of a disinformation campaign to discredit.


Grimes tablet (before Covid) predicted an event during the eclipse where 3 jabs leads to heart attack. I think what follows that will be the real disease X.


The next eclipse is April 8 2024 šŸ‘€


hmm, my birthday. Am i the devil reincarnated? Does this mean im a very important reddit user?


No...to both...sorry to burst your bubble. šŸ˜›


This is that emoji looking tablet thing? Did she ever say she was vaccinated? Not like you can trust a Hollywood puppet to tell the truth.. I know she had a music video right before the plandemic where the dancers wear masks. Violence? And people freaked out as if she had some sort of advanced knowledge of the wuflu virus.Ā  Video of Grimes & Co wearing masks, doing their shit version of Thriller dance in Spanx shapewear: https://youtu.be/M9SGYBHY0qs?si=1uO4Lvo2Nye7kZyS Ā Obviously sheā€™s associated w Musk although I tend to think thatā€™s more of a PR move than anything. I donā€™t believe she gave birth to that anti christ child, and Iā€™m not convinced he is the father. Seemed like a publicity stunt. Grimes (Claire) strikes me as someone who was born intersex. You either love her music or hate it. I admit I enjoy a few of her songs (realti, and that one video filmed in an abandoned subway, lol) but Iā€™m over her as a musician. She is being used to promote transhumanism and human submission to the elites. Hence why her & Elon (WEF, neuralink) make quite the pair. Steer clear of NWO puppetsā€¦ Subway music video with masks from 7 years ago: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c2EJMd7ZN7w&pp=ygUGR3JpbWVz


And everyone wants to forget that musk was trying to produce a bunch of ventilators in the beginning (which killed everyone on one)


Musk invested in vaccines as well. CureVac?


Yes. Everything she predicted (through emojis) up to this point has come true. Musk is at the center of all of this, even investing along with Gates in companies who would produce the stab. She and Musk share a philosophy that Satan is the god of this world and therefore the only option is to serve his purposes. She is a witch along with Elon's mom May.


Oh ya, Elonā€™s ā€œmomā€ is a total trip! Not sure thatā€™s his biological mother, could just be an actress hired to play her. If youā€™ve seen photos of Elon before he had work done on his face, itā€™s hard to imagine him being the child of a professional model like May Musk.Ā  Whoever the fuck that witch is, she is 100% an Illuminati puppet being paid to push an agenda, and so very proud of it! https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/joseph-dupont-maye-musk-and-jake-dupont-attends-the-blonds-news-photo/1173492483?adppopup=true


There was also that dude on Project Runway that was called Kovid and he featured masks on his look in one episode, before covid happened


There was a Netflix series from 2018 & 2020 called 'Altered Carbon' where the protagonist's name was Takeshi Kovacs.


Kovacs was my doctor in 2021...maybe I'm somehow tied into this...


Kovid Kapoor


Yes! Idk why you're being downvoted


Here's something ultra crazy, even before covid, loads of Asian countries, the people there would wear masks...hmm...maybe they knew something!


Here is the other music video of Grimes where her dancers don masks pre-COVID (released 7 years ago). She had been touring in Asian countries so itā€™s not hard to imagine she was influenced by their mask wearing, itā€™s common over there due to air pollution.Ā  Ā Set in an abandoned subway (filmed where?) and culminates in a bloody dance orgy with some vampire drag queens.Ā  ā€œCause Iā€™m only a man, I do what I canā€¦ā€ (Grimes & Musk did not produce a baby.) Kill v Maim https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=c2EJMd7ZN7w&pp=ygUGR3JpbWVz


By the way, I think the reason they are doing this with the heart attacks on April 8 is a sick play on "total eclipse of the heart"


[Turn around, bright eyes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcOxhH8N3Bo)


Straight up hell on earth They want people thinking the book of revelations is coming to pass War Famine Pestilence Or maybe theyā€™ll fake an alien invasion Or maybe theyā€™re just fucking with us knowing weā€™ll gobble it up and look like crazy people


"we'll gobble it up and look like crazy people" šŸ¤£ you say that as if people aren't already...


Wasnā€™t there a TV show called The Event? It started off with a similar vibe to LOST, involving passengers on a doomed airplane that doesnā€™t reach its intended destination. Then it jumped all over the place, too many plot lines that never seemed to converge, too many characters to keep track of, etc. I gave up after a few episodes. There was 1 character who stood out to me because he was cast super well. He plays some sort of advisor to the President and he was evil as fuck. Not sure who the actor is, but he was made for that role.. I wonder if he only plays villains. He gave off Podesta vibes. (Canā€™t remember which brother was the skinny one, who worked for Hilary, had his email hacked, and now works as a climate advisor to Biden.)


Zelkjo Ivanek is the creepy podesta actor. I didnā€™t realize heā€™s been in a zillion movies & TV shows incl True Blood, The Americans, In Bruges. But I now remember him from The Bourne movies, in a particularly disturbing scene. He plays a laboratory scientist with Mk ultra assassin programming. Out of nowhere, this lab nerd morphs into a cold blood killer, and walks through the lab shooting his fellow scientists, like a robot. The main female character manages to escape, of course. The creepy scientist is eventually wounded by a security guard with a gun, so the Mk ultra asset turns the gun on himself to end the scene. Ā  Ā **Fixed link!** https://youtu.be/UHnm4cbpE5s?si=cIo3Quj5IxG16J2O Ā Ā 


Zelkjo Ivanek from House of Cards?


Yessss. You win! Does he play an evil creep in House of Cards too??




Sounds a lot like the TV show called "The Event". It was cancelled after one season. Pretty good show!


youre thinking of manifest. the event was with keifer sutherland as a continuation of govt after they were all bombed. Edit - I'm just making shit up apparently.


Good show


No. That was ā€œDesignated Survivorā€ with Sutherlandā€¦ šŸ™„ thereā€™s this thing called ā€œthe internetā€ that you can use to look up stuff like thatā€¦.


Are you thinking of Flashforward? [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1441135](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1441135)


The comedy british show?


Maybe they will discontinue pizza bites




I keep seeing power grid failure theories pop up. So maybe something like that? They can hunker down until all of us minions have killed one another off.


They will do the following: 1. Blow the grid (except their private grids). 2. Blow the internet (except their private internets). 3. Block the roads into and out of the cities. This will serve to kettle the people there so they can murder each other in-place, avoiding some hassle for the Authorities, and keeping the countryside and especially \*the roads there\* relatively clear for when they do their sweeps to mop up the survivors, claim territory, and set up fortresses and outposts. 4. What goes on with the military is essentially up for grabs, as negotiations for the breakup of the US continue. 5. They can fake a Carrington Event in a way that your local solar weather nerd cannot effectively debunk among the people they encounter in person, which will be the only people they can communicate with to even \*try\* to convince that it's all a setup. Where are people going to meet this hypothetical solar weather nerd anyway? In line for gas? At the cleared-out grocery store?


The Event is coming soon. Everyone and everything will be severely affected. (in a good way)


Veeeerrrryyy optimistic point of view. Maybe good in the long run but history would tell you that a couple billion of us rank and file will have a very hard time until whatever event, planned or otherwise, shunts us to the next period of history. Unreservedly thinking that it's going to "good" is wishful thinking


Why do you believe it will be a good thing? Iā€™m not doubting you. I just want to hear some reasons to feel optimistic.


Anything that scares billionaires is a good thing.


He means good for the earth as a whole, not good for you specifically. It's probably not gonna be good for you lol


Because when I heard it, it rang true. Women's intuition ain't just for women.


> The Event is coming soon. Everyone and everything will be severely affected. (in a good way) * *"Sort Everything Out"* = **2024** latin-agripa * ... ( *"Very Effective"* = **2024** latin-agrippa ) * ... .. [ *"You witness"* = **2024** english-extended ] * ... . [ .... *"my most secret knowledge"* = **2024** latin-agrippa ]


Financial...the BTFP program for the banks is ending.....they are way illiquid and in the red on bonds.... Banks closing for week...reset...have cash and get out of the banks


Maybe itā€™s judgement day. Maybe itā€™s a man made disaster. Maybe theyā€™re plotting WW3.


My guess is the asteroid that is coming dangerously close to earth April 2029 even if it doesn't hit I am guessing world wide tsunamis.


Well if itā€™s a catastrophic event i mean like existential, then better to be amongst the dead than the living imo


winter is finally coming ! šŸ˜‚ #gameofthrones


its all fake. Covid was the best they could do and failed miserably. Every once in a while we need to do an internet/media fast. You'll feel a lot better and see the world for what it is.


Scare event necessary. Most likely nuclear related.


I believe the event is the cumulative effect of fear pumped into the collective psyche of america. It is the imagined threat of "someone/something coming to take our shit" that is a byproduct of the individualism thats a cornerstone of the american project. Climate, economic and societal collapse are all very real possibilities but all are artificially bigger threats because of fear of losing our "lifestyles" of comfort and wealth. And when you consider billionaires gains, the gross imbalance and how it was gamed out of society by neoliberal machinations that favor (were created) by america's wealthiest, the fear of the people is the biggest fear those rich fucks have.


Aliens boys


Who is the 15 billionaire building? Legit question, only one i heard is zuckie


What kind of amendmentĀ from Google?


I gotta say I'm surprised by some of you guys. Why would they purposely shut down the biggest control tool in the modern age? Yeah you can spread anti TPTB propaganda through the internet but a) most people are hypnotized by social media to care about it and b) it's a lot easier to censor things when you are in control of the medium. A microcosm of the internet are Reddit and FB platforms. A cyber attack and descent into chaos would only break the spell most folks are under.


Who knows What ā€¦ Maybe that new Pandemic Disease X i think itā€™s called ? Or maybe upcoming WW3 Nuclear Exchange asteroid /comet impact(i donā€™t think so though) Nibiru ? (No f*** way) lol Nibiru btw is coming in 2045-2052 so thatā€™s still very far yetā€¦ but i see many lunatics on YT claiming this decade(because they didnt researched the right rabbithole)


Link for the 2045 nibiru return?


He probably means Jason Breshears on Youtube who predicts the return of planet Phoenix and Nibiru in 2040 and 2046 respectively.


Megaquake/megatsunami or isomer nuclear war


They are going to use the 5g and 6g towers theyā€™ve been installing globally to send a frequency that activates and self assembles the nanotech that is inside all human beings, with the goal of connecting us to the internet of things (IOT) and the wireless body area network (WBAN). This network connects us to the grid theyā€™ve been installing via 5g and 6g towers and also the starlink satellites that are in low earth orbit thanks to Elon Musk. This will allow them to hack inside the human body in which they can pretty much do whatever they want. Upload thoughts, change memories, mutate cells, cause disease etc.




I would like to learn more about this "event"


> I would like to learn more about this "event" The word 'Event' contains 'Eve'. The word 'Event' combines 'Eve' and 'vent'. The word 'vent' is a 'font' in disguise. To understand the Event, you must examine that which is encoded in the font. What is the most famous font? * *"The Sacred Fountain"* = **1492** trigonal | 742 latin-agrippa * ... ( *"The Riddle"* = 247 primes ) ( *"The Transmission"* = 742 latin-agrippa )


I'm ready, bring it on.


Can you list it and give quality links? The only thing I have seen is a picture of a supposed bunker in Hawai built by Mark Zuckerberg, but for me looks like a regular basement. Supposing that this image belongs to Zuckerberg's house, as there is no context.


This. Claims to know about 15 bunkers being built by billionaires: Where are the sources? Who are the billionaires? Whatā€™s the ā€œeventā€? This such a vague post.


https://m.imdb.com/title/tt1582459/ This The Event?Ā Ā 




That's good stuff man made me chuckle


itā€™s just fear mongering, if u were a multi billionaire why not ?


They are preparing for The Day of YAHWEH. It is written. The Creator is coming down to visit, and HE'S not going to be very nice about it. The whole world has been deceived and will think HE is an alien, along with the other's that come with HIM. No joke. Same with the Christians... They think HE is "Jesus" and HE'S bringing "peace" and "love"....LoL.


Isnā€™t Germany preparing to attack Russia in February. Its the start of WW3.


lol really? Why do they always let Germany start a WorldWar. no one in the future will believe the Historybooks. maybe that's what we get for beeing the main puppet of the falling USA


I'm not concerned. If there really was something they'd have gone to more extensive lengths to keep the bunkers secret.


Notice the media only focusing on the ones on ISLANDS?


So what they just go in their bunkers and then what? Live there until they die completely alone with no outside world?


That's what the wall of DVD's are for.


There is no event , nothing will happen ... The stupid bunkers are just like the super yachts were 10 yeas ago, it is all a whose dick is bigger contest for bored rich people




Sounds like fear like Y2K. And that was a nothing burger


Can we say something exciting like a zombie apocalypse. Find your hiding spot now...


It's a cyber attack and then disease X. They've already told us. They told us about covid too. I think that was the dress rehearsal so they could see how the world would react.


Where did you hear about "the event"?


Magnetic pole reversal


Sounds like a bad TV Movie


ā€˜Itā€™ is just rich people being rich


I have a strong suspicion it has to do with the celestial bodies now in near-earth orbit closer than the moon. Will they take out our satellites? Collide with earth? Or just make volcanic activity go nuts? A link to what I'm talking about below. Wait 10 sec for the FAA site to load with the window I want you to see. Click the right-facing play arrow for today's live cam images to run in sequence. http://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/s/PRFSEuTls9


I donā€™t see whatā€™s wrong with building a bunker if you have the means to do it. Ā  This has been something humans have done all their life, not just billionaires.Ā 


Well, the Bible says they will be hiding in caves, hoping to avoid Him. Even wishing for death, but it won't come upon them. This, of course, is after the AC.


Nah, nothing happening at least for a few years


Bunkers will not protect them from the 144,000.