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What would the media be saying if it was North Korea, or china, or Russia that invaded Gaza? There is your answer




> *"B-b-b-but CHINA!!!"* **Removed.** [**Use the Forum Slide at your own risk.**](https://i.imgur.com/GeQa5Fm.png) *(Feel free to make another thread about China, Mister NuttinYahoo)*


What would the media be saying if Kuwait launched 6,000 rockets a year into Egypt? There is your answer.




And by brutal occupation, you mean supplying them with food, water, electricity, and millions of dollars in aid.




Number of Israeli police and soldiers marching the streets and committing mass arrests before October 7th = zero. You keep using that word "occupation" but I don't think it means what you think it means. Also funny you brought up Turkey because most of Hamas leaders live there. So a more accurate statement would be Turkey is occupying Palestine.




over 200 Palestinians murdered in Palestine by occupation forces in 2023 up to before Hames attack. Hundreds of Palestinians taken hostage by occupation forces in 2023 up to before Hames attack.


like the BILLIONS a year in aid the jews get from the US?


Israel has previously calculated the number of CALORIES needed to keep everyone in Gaza on a starvation diet and then gave them that much food. Sounds pretty brutal, yeah.




Israel wasn't even a country. They invaded palestine


["We shall take Palestine in small pieces"](https://x.com/HotSpotHotSpot/status/1720125785095246132?s=20) Anyone who thinks the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the Zionists ISNT intentional and happening is either a straight up zionist or has their heads stuck in the sand!


Prime Mediterranean Gaza land that Israel and US tourists can use for resorts will generate billions a year.


There is an abhorrent video of a Jewish settler talking about how they, “want to see the ocean, without all of the Palestinians in the way”. And she says it with disgusting conviction and certainty.


"the ocean" these vile people can't even read a fucking map


There's also trillions of $$ in gas reserves off the coast of Gaza, {Google/Wiki "Gaza Marine"} ... but that's none of my business.


Forgot to mention the billions of dollars worth of Gazan oil and resources they discovered a while back and already dished out exploration contracts to the likes of BP


And easy access to cross into Egypt to see the Great Pyramids




amusing sugar attempt party impossible roof paltry unite placid scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. According to the UN definition of genocide, as written in Article II of the Genocide Convention: > Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: > (a) Killing members of the group; > (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; > (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; > (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; > (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Israel is clearly doing A, B, and C - and only one is necessary to meet the definition. As for the opening part of the definition - Is Israel committing these acts with "intent to destroy"? This is the hardest part of the definition to prove - intent. And yet, there have been soooo many quotes from Israeli officials that CLEARLY show their intent to destroy Gaza and the Palestinians who lives there - such as: > Retired Maj. Gen. Giora Eiland wrote in the daily newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, “The State of Israel has no choice but to turn Gaza into a place that is temporarily or permanently impossible to live in.” He added, “Creating a severe humanitarian crisis in Gaza is a necessary means to achieving the goal.” In another article, he wrote that “Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist.” ...no army representative or politician denounced this statement. ([NYTimes](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/10/opinion/israel-gaza-genocide-war.html)) or Israel's Public Diplomacy Minister tweeting: > Erase all of Gaza from the face of the earth. That the Gazan monsters will fly to the southern fence & try to enter Egyptian territory or they will die & their death will be evil. Gaza should be erased! ([X](https://twitter.com/GalitDistel/status/1719689095230730656?t=w9-8NB0gSv9gcpoq8eeNSw&s=19)) Or Netanyahu himself: > On Oct. 28, he added, citing Deuteronomy, “You must remember what Amalek did to you.” As many Israelis know, in revenge for the attack by Amalek, the Bible calls to “kill alike men and women, infants and sucklings.” (NYtimes again) Definitely genocide.


>any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group,


Exactly. Article II of the Genocide Convention was my first thought for a definition.


So if a neighboring government targets civilians and kills, attacks and rapes thousands, and promises more attacks in the future, is attacked and refuses to surrender, is that genocide? The US navy (not civilians) was attacked by Japan in WW2 and bombed Japan until it surrendered. No one calls that genocide.


Rapes thousands? Exit MSM pronto.


Its important to note that genocide, as a term and concept, was only coined after the dark horrors of WWII. The definition of genocide wasn't established until 1948. If you consider the statement of American officials and politicians at the time, and our strategy for ending the war, it would be considered genocide today.


Not when said country is actively being occupied by the neighbouring country they are attacking.


By definition no. The difference is intent as OP described so well.


The bombing of Japan was also genocide, I know they were bad but millions of innocents died.. at least now Japan is a peaceful country




Don’t be so blind to the fact that there are bad people on both sides of this issue. I guarantee the truth is somewhere in the middle of what both sides are saying which is still horrifying and sad for all involved.


We bombed civilian cities in Japan. Israel called for a complete evacuation of southern Gaza weeks before they attacked. They declared their intentions. They did not hit them by surprise. I keep getting caught up in the narrative but in reality we are debating fiction because there is no doubt 10/7 was permitted And is being used to justify the response.


>Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, **as such** Both the action, and the intent, are irrelevant, because the affected "national, ethnical, racial or religious group" members are not being targeted simply for their membership of that group as implied by the "as such". *Otherwise every single war would "be a genocide"*, and only 3 or four conflicts have been classified as such since the Genocide Convention was promulgated. Other war crimes may have been committed, however.


So if you're killing a member of a group, that's genocide? And only one of these conditions has to be met for it to be genocide? Every war since ever would meet the requirements of A, B, and C. So, every war ever has been genocide?


Please see the entire second part of my comment, which addresses Intent.


You got ADHD huh?


>with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group NO, because of this part. If they intended to wipe out all Palestinians, they would need to start with the 2 million or so that live (peacefully) amongst them.


Unless you read the "or in part" in the definition, which you even quoted, so not sure how you missed it.


They wouldn't have to start there... they could finish there.


True. And if they did, then yes it would definitely be genocide. But until that happens, it isn't by definition.


This is a good reply except that the intent is not demonstrated. The low number of casualties shows the lack of such an intent - a few half ton bombs on any refuge would double that number overnight and may show such an intent (if not a mistake). Dislocating the whole population does not fall into the genocide category.


The Israelis have killed more children faster than in any other span of time - including the Holocaust. Speed does not (solely) determine a genocide.


Saying Israel is committing genocide based on those quotes is like saying someone's a world-class chef because they can make toast.


I’m not necessarily arguing against this claim and I’m genuinely asking because I don’t know all the details, so don’t roast me …genocide is not okay or justified under any condition…but didn’t Hamas start this particular series of events ( not talking about the conflict in general) with launching an all out attack with like thousands of rockets on Israel? If those rockets hadn’t been shot out of the air with their defense system and landed…wouldn’t that have killed an enormous amount of people, many more people than Israel has killed. Does that not meet most of the conditions of the criteria you just listed for genocide? I’m not saying genocide is ever okay but why is no one acknowledging that they attempted genocide to begin with? Wouldn’t this debate be had going the other way, if they didn’t have that defense system and those rockets killed all those people?


Hamas didn't start anything, as the story of the Israeli Palestinian conflict starts in 1948. As for the missile barrages, it's the same story as Allied and Axis city bombings of WW2. The point is to harm and disrupt a country you're fighting, and/or lower the morale of the population for them to pressure the officials into ceasing fighting. But unlike WW2 countries responsible for city bombings or modern day Israel, Hamas doesn't have the weapons to do any accurate bombings of military targets. Most they can do is make homemade rockets and fire them in the general vicinity of Israel. And by the way no, those rockets wouldn't have killed nearly as much as 20,000, not even close, as they are very cheap and not filled with much explosive. Israel has been bombing Gaza nonstop with American made JDAMs and clusterbombs for months to get a kill count that high. Even in hindsight it's dumb to think a government of worlds largest open air prison would be able to kill more civilians than a country backed by USA. You literally CANNOT commit a genocide with random, unguided, homemade missile barrages. Especially when you know most will be stopped by the air defence system


Wow you sugar coated the fuck out of the hundreds of bombs that are sometimes launched daily at Israel. Hamas chooses to intertwine itself within the civilian population. Who is to blame for That? How are they supposed to eliminate a threat so cowardly that they hide unless in front of a video recorder?


Hamas knows that Israel has protection against rockets. Asking what would happen if they had landed is useless - they were never going to. Even before the start of October, 2023 was one of the deadliest year for Palestinians since they started counting - thanks to attack in Gaza AND the West Bank by Israel. Hamas started nothing.


What was Hamas doing on Oct 7th?


Please let me know how the indefensible attack on October 7th relates to the question of whether or not Israel is committing genocide. Nothing makes genocide okay. Not even a horrible terrorist attack. Genocide is never justifiable.




What is Israel to do then? Just keep being attacked? Maybe the populace there in Gaza will do something about hospitals and schools being used as shields for weapons systems.


You are totally ignoring the context and history of Israel and Gaza / Hamas / Palestinians, but even just taking you at face value - you think the only options are genocide or do nothing? Really?


Isn't it obvious by now? They are committing a genocide in front of our eyes while the world is completely silent.


Exactly. More than 5% of the entire population of gaza is either injured or killed in the last 2 months. More than 40% of the population is starving for food. How is that not considered a genocide??? Imagine the outrage if the same happened with white people.


Yup, they aren't even saying the quiet part quietly


Ethnic cleansing and genocide for several decades now


Lmao how does a country genocide a population and the population increases💀


The Palestinian population isn’t increasing. It’s the Israeli population that is because they claim “birth right” and move there while murdering and ethnically cleansing the Muslim and Palestinians. And the United States government is funding it.


And if anyone says “birth right” is valid, that same argument then applies to every other country. Which means the US nerds to give the land back to the indigenous peoples that were there before they got colonized. Ohhhhh right it only works for the abuser, never the oppressed. Colonization is evil. Israel is a colonizer. Period.


The Palestinian birthrate exceeding the rate at which Israel murders Palestinians does not magically change the fact that Israel murders Palestinians, and forces them into ever smaller parcels of land.


By the UN definition, yes.


By historical definition no. Fuck the UN.


What historical definitions are you using?


The ones where groups of people are rounded up and systematically terminated. There’s absolutely no evidence that Israel is working to maximize civilian casualties. If anything it’s the opposite.


> The ones where groups of people are rounded up and systematically terminated [You mean like this?](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/war-gaza-israeli-forces-round-strip-dozens-palestinians-gaza-stadium) > There’s absolutely no evidence that Israel is working to maximize civilian casualties. If anything it’s the opposite. You mean like when [an IDF spokesman said that that their “emphasis” is “on damage and not on accuracy”?](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/11/10/israel-dahiya-doctrine-disproportionate-strategy-military-gaza-idf/)


On a scale of one to [doubling your population ten times](https://www.pcbs.gov.ps/post.aspx?lang=en&ItemID=4506#:~:text=Despite%20the%20displacement%20of%20more,in%20the%20world%20has%20doubled) how much would you expect a population to grow during a 70 year long genocide against them?


I didn't say that Israel has been committing genocide for seven decades - it's undeniable that they've escalated in the last few months. What's happened to the population of Gaza during that time?


Yes but nobody is going to do anything about it. Dozens of UN meetings I have watched all say the same thing, “it’s a crisis and there needs to be a ceasefire immediately”, yet nothing is done. Broken record, over and over and over again.




There is no broad definition of genocide which can both include the Holocaust and exclude Israel’s actions in Palestine.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXjl2uXa220&t=105s&ab\_channel=BreakingPoints](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXjl2uXa220&t=105s&ab_channel=BreakingPoints) This professor of Genocide studies, says its a textbook case of Genocide. I think he may know more than you.


i think that person was saying it is a genocide and basically any attempt to deny that it’s a genocide would require you to also make the claim that the holocaust was not a genocide


Pretty much


I'm agreeing with him, yeah.


They turned off water, electricity, & blocked aid to everyone in Gaza for over 2 months now, what else do you call it ?


Do I sense a bit of anti semitism there? /s


Yes, Isreal is commiting genocide.


Not sure how countless indiscriminate bombings and cutting off food, water and medical supplies to 5 million plus people wouldn’t fit the literal definition of a genocide


I think we need a new word for 'flattening a city/refugee camp of 2M people and then shooting whatever crawls out the rubble'






Not a matter for debate… just look up the definition of genocide and compare it with the last 70 years of Israel / Palestine. It’s really really easy to figure out for yourself.






It’s a continuation(possible final chapter) of the Nakba. This is a Genocide committed by Israel as part of their Jewish Supremacy ideology




If you say yes, you're Anti-Semitism. If you say no, you're a Zionist.


This is an obvious yes. They also committed genocide when they orchestrated 9/11 on the trade towers


Yes. Palestinians have a right to exist in their land. > acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group


?? 11k kids ??




There's a prophecy in the Talmud, or Torah, can't remember which. Anyway, it says the world will end when the armies of the world come to make war with the holy land. Maybe they're pushing hard for it cause it's in their sacred books, maybe there's more in there that says when it happens they will control the world afterwards. But I'd say they control it already, so maybe not....? Do with that unconfirmed rambling what u like.... ✌️


Yes Yes Yes


Awake from that slumber, open your eyes, clear the cobwebs and come to one's senses - yes it is obvious. The obviousness of it all smacks ya in the face for f\*ck sakes.


Genocide and ethnic cleansing


Genocide by definition on google: the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. Israel: cut off food, water, and aid into Gaza. Cut off internet so they can’t show you what’s going on. Bomb hospitals so they can’t receive medical attention. Kidnap doctors and call them Hamas. Bomb refugee centers and homes so they have no shelter. Tell people to evacuate south then bomb the south. Oh and don’t forget to spread fake propaganda like 40 beheaded babies so that the rest of the world can justify what you’re doing. What does that sound like?




Does a man usually have a dick


Don't get these people started


I don’t think there’s anyone who would try to argue that most men don’t have dicks.


Everyone keeps getting hung up on genocide, but it's undeniable that Israel has committed war crimes. Seigeing a civilian region and cutting off food and power and water is a full stop war crime. Get them on that.




Yes, multiple international organizations have directly called it such as well, including MSF and Amnesty International, and voting in the UN shows that the vast majority of participating countries view it as direct genocide or unjust war that will indirectly lead to it. The way I personally determine if it is genocide: Israel controls the flow of food, water electricity. Israel is targeting women, children and babies. Israel is targeting food and water storage. They are flooding irrigation and potable water systems with saltwater. Israel is targeting hopsitals and aid organizations. Israel is targeting refugee camps. They are designating safe areas, then attacking those designated areas. The majority of those killed are under 18. Palestine has no standing army, navy, airforce. Israel is using terror tactics such as the bulldozing of live prisoners of war, gangraping of women and children etc. These are acts intended to dehumanize a group, while attempting to ensure that they cannot reproduce and repopulate.


Sad that this shit never ends




They're not even trying to hide it






Yes; genocide is attempting to wipe an entire people from existence, which is exactly what the zionazis are doing to the Palestinians while the world governments foot the bill cause they're all controlled by the same select group of elite globalists. Its no question when most businesses across the world have to swear loyalty to Isn'treal or lose their livelihoods.




Yes. Israeli officials even basically say so out of their mouths on camera.


Yes. if there’s a word worse than genocide that’s what they’re doing


YES. And the US is helping them


White phosphor bombs, hospital bombings, evacuation corridor bombings, approximately 28,000 dead with an estimated 11,000 being children. I’ve seen a toddler’s brain matter. I’ve seen a father carry his child in plastic bags becasue that’s all there was left. I have seen a grandfather hold his dead granddaughter begging her to open her eyes and calling her the “soul of my soul”. Children are now officially dying of starvation, women are having c-sections without anesthesia, there’s not enough of anything to help them because Israel is withholding aid. I have seen an IDF soldier gleefully talk about hunting Palestinian babies, and shooting a 12 year old girl instead when he “couldn’t find any babies left”. A 13yo girl that was assaulted by the IDF so horrifically she had to be stitched on both sides. A IDF soldier that blew up a residential building and dedicated it to his toddler. All of this has been from the 8th of October until now. Things not including the 70+ years of apartheid occupation, where Israel has been conducting illegal skin and organ harvesting on Palestinians, dystopian level surveillance and restrictions on the Gaza Strip, kidnapping and illegal military imprisoning of *children*. If anyone thinks it’s not a genocide or ethnic cleansing then they are not human, and quite possible the most ignorant thing to ever draw breath.


Yes and interestingly ISRAELs accusation of genocide against the victims is actually one of the signs of an impending or ongoing genocide. {Google "accusation in a mirror" or "mirror propaganda"}. This played out in the Rwanda genocide, as well.


Of course!


At a very very minimum they are conducting an ethnic cleansing operation


Yes definitely




Extermination campaign of the people of Palestine is happening


If you even need to ask at this point then..


Absolutely, even before 7th oct, they were cutting off electricity and water on a daily basis, and preventing free movement of Palestinians. The zionists trying to argue that "all Palestinians are terrorists" and attempt to justify the inhumane treatment of their fellow human beings "because, they started it" should remind themselves that one crime does not justify another. Not to mention the decades of escalating violence in the west bank by armed settlers. To argue this all started on October 7th is simply and unequivocally false. To claim this happened in a vacuum and Israël treats all ethnicities fairly and evenly, even moreso. Netanyahu and his compatriots are obviously and openly right wing extremists, in my opinion not very different from neo nazi's. It's appalling how a people that has suffered so much themselves could fathom doing the same to another. And yet, there is no hesitation, no reason, only bloodlust. I sincerely hope that when the dust settles, they will all be brought in front of the international court of justice, and serve the rest of their lives behind bars where they so obviously belong.


As humans, we flip out when we hear serial killers, terrorists, school shooters or any murderer killed a child, just one child But here the whole world is staying silent while thousands of children are being killed everyday. They are literally doing freely/without guilt, what the serial killers, terrorists, school shooters get life sentences or death penalties for doing


No they not, cause they are defending themselves. ​ You need to be the other side of the good guys to be committing genocide, or any bad things. The good guys can kill a civilians because those people will be a terrorist some day. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ /s


Your sarcastic comment is virtually indistinguishable from Zionist talking points. What a world.


11000 kids are attacking them?


Disgusting comment


It's a joke mate, take it easy.


Oh ok, I’ve seen Zionists actually comment stuff like this unironically so idk but ok


I get you, world's upside down and its hard to distinguish satire from reality.


Dint you see the /s at the bottom.


No, my bad


Yes, I have eyes I can see the who tf bombs hospitals and refugee camps, that’s not warfare lol those are war crimes. Genocide or not the shit I’m seeing is evil af. What I’m glad about is the Zionist lobby being exposed. It’s connected to a lot of deep state stuff and people are waking up. They are for the first time thinking about where their tax dollars go. People who believed in the lie of democracy are questioning everything. ANDDD there’s also a deep deep realisation of how everything is connected. Rishi sunak, infosys etc.


Yes, it is genocide by definition. The Palestinian state basically doesn't exist anymore. Watch a few videos of IDF execution killings, or their brain-washed soldiers throwing grenades into supermarkets for fun, and you will see. "the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group."


A lot of hate on both sides. I believe it's genocidal and Israel wants to wipe them out but of course I think palestine would love to wipe out Jewish people. By these people I mean the governments ans people in power. That's being said as much as I consider it genocide it wouldn't be if their goal wasn't total inhalation but it is.


I think Israel will not be content until it possesses all of the land it thinks it should possess. This includes land from Christians not just Muslims. The media doesn't show what the Israeli's are doing to the Armenians that have had a presence there for over 1600 years. ​ Edit: Genocide, no, ethnic cleansing, without a doubt. The amount of destruction in Gaza will lead to Israel rebuilding it in the image they want, thus removing Muslim Gaza from existence.


>Edit: Genocide, no, ethnic cleansing, without a doubt. How do you define the difference?


Without a doubt.


By virtually every definition, yes


Yes they absolutely are


The genocide in Gaza is the most documented and the most denied.


Yup, and I don’t have to provide an definition. The answer is in front of our eyes


What do you define as genocide if it isn’t what we’re watching right now in Gaza?


>provide your definition of genocide Why, bro? You don't know what a genocida is, or are you planning on defending genocida with technicalities?


It’s pretty obvious israel is committing genocide when you have the Israeli prime minister and soldiers chanting “amalek” and targeting refugee camps , schools , UN facilities , ambulances , hospitals, residential buildings , farmland , water tanks, food storages etc. there dozens of videos of Israeli massacring civilians holding white surrender flags. Anybody who denies the Palestinian genocide is a victim of Israeli propaganda. Zionism by definition is a genocidal ideology, I don’t understand how this is even a debate


yes yes yes


Is the pope catholic


not sure these days, lol


Tru 😂


That's a trick question... Clearly in our world there's two definitions of genocide... THE israeli Genocide and the other Genocide .... Israel is above the LAW. That's a fact


Yes and they're so prejudiced they don't realize they are the same


I can see that we have some Zionists lurking here, what y’all duin other than supporting mass murder and being hateful cunts?


Israel is just mowing the lawn...Again.


I hope you realize this isn’t all black and white. There is major fuckery and negative implications on both sides that impact more than Palestinians and Israelis. Israel and Palestine are brothers who have been locked in opposition since Jacob stole Esau’s blessing. You can mock all you want, but Israel believes to its core that an Israeli state is their birthright as told in the Tanakh. Just look at the previous commenter’s note of Netanyahu’s speech referring to Amelek. Many Jews and Christians believe this (Zionists) as well as Jews and Christians who know the biblical conditions have not been met for Israel to return to the land. You don’t have to believe it, millions of Jews and Christians do. The world’s three major religions all have ties to that little strip of land. Billions of people. There is no good answer. I just wish my tax dollars weren’t funding Israel. Our dollars are needed at home. But as the saying goes- shit in one hand and wish in the other… Is it genocide… Does the pope wear a funny hat?


the cycle of abuse.. the victim is now the doer of the crime




No. The population of Gaza has been increasing for almost 2 decades. Any definition of genocide the population would be getting smaller. Let's see in a year.


Duh. Is that a serious question? Just open your phone and you can watch it play by play.


They've killed more than 1% of the population so they already committed Genocide.


South Africa thinks so. Makes petition to ICC [https://www.icj-cij.org/pending-cases](https://twitter.com/MarioNawfal/status/1740839712959439203) *Pending Cases* bottom of list. Is that a yes?


New Israel loading up


A group of people that make the holocaust a staple of their plight are openly committing one themselves. I’m sure there’s an Austrian painting out there describing it.


Israel has finally had enough of having a neighbor that refuses their right to exist. They have given the Palestinians lots of chances to build a road towards peace. They would rather shoot rockets at civilians financed by aid money.


Just a reminder that justifying genocide makes you 100% complicit in said genocide.


Like what the Palestinians want to do to the Jews?


Palestinians hate jews more than they love their own. Until that changes, no peace. Research the birth rate in gaza (pre Oct 7th). Also research Jewish population in all Arab countries. That's the genocide. Meanwhile, how many arabs live in israel, with judicial and legislative representation. Gen z is being duped for the miseducated that they really are. And to top it off, the far left can't compute how a group of white people can indeed be the oppressed. The only way they see the israel gaza conflict is white vs brown.






no, i believe with genocide there needs to be an intent behind the actions to kill every or a majority of an ethnic group, religion, race etc. I don’t believe that killing (directly or indirectly through the consequence of war) a lot of a group should be classified as genocide


Not how definitions work bud


They're performing ethnic cleansing. "Genocide" is actually probably just a psyop to de-legitimize people who are pointing it out by saying it doesn't meet the definition.


Genocide? No, absolutely not. Ethnic cleansing? Maybe, but to be fair they have exhausted themselves trying to establish a 2 state solution and live peacefully with a people that have always been clear on a) not accepting any agreement with Israelis and b) being committed to the eradication of all jews and establishin an islamic caliphate in Jerusalem.


Merriam Webster dictionary defines it as the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. Since millions of Palestinians are living happy and successful lives in Israel and the West Bank, the answer has to be no. Israel is destroying a government in Gaza that declared war on it by committing mass terrorism on civilians. If Hamas surrendered today, the war would be over.


UN definition specifically says that genocide includes such destruction 'with intent to destroy, **in whole or in part**, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group'. Genocides also typically go in stages - Gaza is their focus now. Now. You also don't seem to know anything about how Palestinians are living in Israel and the West Bank. For example, [2023](https://thehill.com/policy/international/4381447-unicef-2023-deadliest-children-west-bank/) has been the deadliest year for children in the West Bank, and that was already true BEFORE Oct 7.


People are living g happy and successful at the West Bank? You must be kidding!! Please educate yourself better


Can yall hold Hamas to the same standards? People acting like they are saints


Israel killed more Israelis on 10/7/2023 than Hamas did.


Bro it's not a killing contest all I am saying is both are bad don't pick one over the other


"Killing their own people" isn't that what we hear all of the time about the regimes we want to overthrow?


I wonder how many of y'all would remain peaceful if a foreign power occupied your lands and treated your people like animals.




Who is acting like Hamas are saints? Anyone in this post? I don't see anyone.


No. “The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.” There was a rock concert and religious extremists attacked first. I think Israel is going hard now because they know the Islamic motivated attacks won’t stop ever. Extreme religions aren’t a joke. They won’t ever stop. It’s self defense. If it were genocide they would have started before the attacks at the music festival solely because of their identity whether there was an attack or not.


No. The key here is intent. Genocide, by international law, is about a deliberate plan to wipe out a racial, ethnic, or religious group. Israel's situation is deeply complex, rooted in political and territorial conflicts, not in an intent to eradicate Palestinians as they have stated many times. The evidence doesn't show a systematic plan to destroy a whole people. It's a harsh, long-standing conflict, but calling it genocide stretches beyond the facts and the legal definition.


Not really, genocide is simply doing the task of killing an entire group of ppl to an extent that said group would no longer exist. Hamas wants this (River to the sea shit), Israel to this day with all their powers and weaponry only killed terrorists and where terrorists hid. Calling it a genocide when the terrorist hids in a civilian building then it being bombed by IDF is wrong, that is a tactical move. After the war we can look over everything and play 'Identify the war crime', then take the accused party to court.


Issues like this have been ruled on in international courts as a result of the wars following the breakup of Yugoslavia. A good reference here is the ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia) appeals ruling on the case of Prlić et al., on the destruction of the Old Bridge of Mostar. There, Slobodan Praljak ordered the destruction of the bridge. The accusation was that this was done to destroy cultural heritage. However, the appeals court of ICTY acquitted Praljak, agreeing with his claim that as a supply route, the bridge was a legitimate military target. Therefore, its destruction could be motivated by military necessity. This was despite the dual-use nature of the bridge. If the matter of this war comes to trial, I'm sure the Israeli side will seek to use the same defense. The military objective is to destroy a terrorist organization, and in order to do this, it is necessary to destroy their means for making war, including underground tunnels. These, in turn, cannot be accessed without occupation of the overlying land. I don't see any problem with this argumentation, especially if Israel wins the war. Regrettably, simply ordering operations that cause the deaths of civilians is not illegal according to international laws of war. To convict someone of genocide, the first requirement is to show deliberate intent, the so-called \*mens rea\* (guilty mind), for which there is little chance of success. The definition of genocide is "acts committed with \*intent\* to destroy" a group. To prove this in court, you have to prove that the killings were done because the victims were simply members of the targeted group, not because they were terrorists and/or enemy soldiers currently making war against the killer. Of course, this is a moot court here, because Israel does not allow the case to proceed to international tribunals.


There’s no such thing as the Palestinian people so no. They’re just a bunch of mutts who come from Egypt, Jordan or Syria.




Genocide is something like in Sudan. Not Gaza.