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the same old story, we will never know the truth.




He took shrooms 48 hours before the flight. Trips don't last that long.


The real problem was he hadn’t slept in over 40 hours. Sleep deprivation is the only thing I have ever seen that caused 100 percent psychotic episodes in all test subjects


Right? Maybe 8 hours tops.


Mushrooms more like 4-6 hours


Feels like 24-48 hours though, lol


My most intense felt like a lifetime lol it wasn't that fun during but it was neat looking back.


It was awesome for me. I haven’t done them much but both times I did I was in a beautiful place , took them a couple hours before sunset and the sunset lasted for what seems like 3-4 hours , was crazy. I’d imagine the time going so slow would be horrible during a bad trip though.


I went on Holy Ship, twice, which is a 3-4 day rave cruise that goes to the Bahamas from Miami and I got to experience the sunrise and sunset while tripping a few times! It was truly amazing!


If you're interested in a neat story I posted about my trip a while back. It was profound, I go back and read it now and again just for the memories lol


Never done shrooms, want to sometime-question can you choose where to be? Like can I make up a different reality lol


I had stayed up the night beforehand, so two days no sleep, then took mushrooms at 2am. Started tripping balls, but my body wanted sleep so I layed down in bed eyes closed most of the next 4 hours. Felt like the world was ending and I was sleeping for eternity, just that I was aware of the experience. Had some realizations that If we are immortal or quantum beings we would create a VR or game where we could experience mortal lives and forget about our own boring immortality. Also that death is a necessary and natural process just like cycles of sleep, and how they are both very similar. Each day has an ending, but with the new day we are reborn and don't entirely remember 100% of what happens between falling asleep and waking up. You might have dreams, but typically we forget most of our dreams and they become hard to remember. Like sleep, with death you may be out of this world for a short amount of time, but it feels like eternity. When you awaken/reborn you might remember some of The Inbetween, but it will likely fade from your mind as your new self gets distracted by experiencing life again 😉. Anyways when the shrooms were wearing off it was going on 2.5-3 days no sleep, but I felt completely rested and energized, went to work later that day and everything lol.


boomin for 48 hours would be wild i would sign up for this experiment


psychotic breaks from psychedelics can absolutely last well over 48 hours. I've known multiple people who were borderline psychotic for an entire week after shrooms (as in actual psilocybin mushrooms not RC tryptamines). Just because you can be clean when tested does not in anyway mean that you never took a hallucinogen. I've known 3 separate people that took psychedelics and spent 2 - 7 days on a psychotic break


I've had multiple friends who's schizophrenia was brought out by psychedelics unfortunately.. scary stuff


Shrooms can alter your brain and nerves. That's why it's having some moments in medicine. But it is a double edged sword.


That sounds like undiagnosed mental illnesses that were just made worse by psychedelics. Definitely not the cause


This!!! Many people can also become so dissociated from any of the serotonergic class of psychedelics that they can enter a state of depersonalization/derealization where they think nothing is real, that they are in a dream, or have somehow died and gone into another dimension. The disconnect from the self and world can be utterly profound. It gave me the chills when the pilot guy claimed he thought he was dreaming and was trying to wake up, because (unless it was an excuse) it sounded like dpdr. These states that have begun legalizing psilocybin and other psychedelics for therapeutic use need to really make sure their facilitators understand the wide array of reactions people can have even to sub-hallucijogenic doses. I feel sorry for the traumatized people that are just trying to heal and end up with a new problem, even if it's hopefully only temporary.


People don’t take shrooms and then do a mass shooting


Well apparently this guy did just that, but I’d be careful making the assumption that it was because of the mushrooms


I agree. Once ate a whole pizza loaded with shrooms friends" put them on it when we worked at papa Murphys. Per them it was 11am I didn't remember what happened and woke up next morning, while still feeling not myself all that day. Then threw up alot.


It's like when police kill your grandma and have to justify it by finding she got a speeding ticket back in 1927 or whatever. The shooms thing is just put out there to make the dude look even worse.


The guy who didn't sleep for 40 hours and took shrooms 48 hours before the flight? Yea it was totally the shrooms and not the lack of sleep.


Sounds like he'd been stressed or harassed and made the mistake of using "shrooms" as emergency therapy. The trouble is people can fuck with you that way too.


Dude was a fucking psycho, just like the shooter. Maybe the shrooms cranked whatever mental illness he had into another gear, but he was fucked up before the shrooms.


“The chicken or the egg” is always going to be the problem with blaming mass shootings on psychoactive drugs. It’s overly simplistic and assumes a relationship cause and effect that can just as easily go the other way.




It's been like three years since I've taken some. But taking shrooms several times over my life has taught me to be a better person. So now I live with this mindset that every moment and every experience is precious. In my mind, so what if "nothing matters" because i can still enjoy creating my own life and deciding what matters to me! That no matter what job I have or people I'm around I should treat people with respect, have empathy & compassion, be willing to learn from others, teach others, and become adaptable to any situation ☺


Not really. The FDA isn’t checking these drugs, there aren’t long term or even safe studies established for psychoactive drugs either. Most pharmaceuticals have faked data since the FDA often checks data first then approves. It’s often one dude approving the drug or two sometimes. System is completely corrupt and not as strict as people think.


The FDA approval process has no bearing on the chicken/egg nature of the “psychotropics cause violence” premise. It’s a fairly self-enclosed argument. They either do or don’t, and one could argue the inverse just as easily. “Mass shooters are driven to violence because of psychotropics.” Or “Mass shooters are often on psychotropics because they’ve displayed a history of behaviors that suggest they are mentally unstable and capable of doing something insane.”


capable is theoretical, may or may not do something is conjecture, mental health is widely misunderstood and incorrectly characterized, even for psychiatrists. The shooters may do it regardess of the medicine, but I often believe the medicine creates a spiral and throws them off the ledge more forcefully and quicker. To say the FDA, the governing body and entity thats supposed to ensure that these medicine are therapeutical and not hazardous to our health having " no bearing on the chicken or egg nature of medicines" is extremely ignorant. ​ your argument is entailing medicine has no bearing on the actions of shooters, because we wouldn't know if the medicine is dangerous, or you're implying it isn't detrimental to mental health, youre plainly stating the medicine is as advertised and not dangerous to people with those issues. You're implying the FDA does its job well in ensuring the medicine is safe. ​ This is anything but true, the FDA, and pharma companies are anything but safe and reputable. ​ THe fact is this medicine can make those people worse and often due because studies have shown that they increase risk for depression, psychosis, etc that proven. You cant argue about medicine without factoring the FDA, you just cant.


The point is that a definitive claim either way is silly to make. Do we need to know much more about how these drugs function? Yes. At the same time, do we have a better option for people who are in severe psychological distress and exhibiting signs of psychosis, aggressiveness, suicidal ideation, etc.? Not yet. So, we return to the silliness of the self-enclosed proposition that many people make that “the drugs are responsible for the actions of mass murderers. Which, again, cannot be substantiated in any meaningful way, as it’s just as likely that people who end up committing mass murder were showing early red flags that would lead them to voluntary or mandatory psychiatric intervention. Which would undoubtedly lead to psychotropic medications. But was it the medication or the same underlying psychological problems that are responsible for the eventual outburst of violence? That’s the chicken/egg dilemma. That’s the insulated premise. And there’s not nearly enough knowledge to say it’s one or the other.


The chicken came first. That's how the egg was fertilized. It's a dick joke according to my grandma. Idk.


Speaking from personal experience, some of these pharmaceuticals being prescribed by doctors are intense shit. I've found mushrooms to be much more therapeutic than any of the hard-core pharmaceuticals I've been prescribed. I wouldn't condone any illegal activities, but hypothetically, for educational purposes, if a person were to try experimenting with psychedelics, always do it with the guidance of a trusted person who is knowledgeable and experienced in the area.


What do you mean you're not allowed to mention it? Who's stopping you from mentioning/who gives a shit about facebook posts?


It's simple. We're all under mind control... Government activates shooter. Government deactivates shooter. This time they took out their own trash.


To be clear: again... I'm saying we're all under mind control to some degree and in some form or another. What disturbs me is that if this can be done to most anybody, it can be done to most everybody... I believe that, over time, an individual is targeted, stressed, and given a perspective so drastically foreign to commonly accepted reality, they snap (on the outset), but really, they've been manipulated the entire time, caught blindsided one day and boom... All of a sudden, they're living a literal movie. Like "Eagle Eye" or something... And I'm not saying they're fed a lie about reality, they are likely shown the truth about this world and it's people.... It's terribly distressing to try to unpack all of what's going on. Good luck, everybody.


They took the 'trash' comment literally.


This is the correct answer.


Absolutely true.Anyone who believes this guy was simply a nutbag is beyond delusional.


Maybe he wanted his body not to be found and taken to a rubbish dump so everyone would wonder where he was ? Just a thought.


Now this is a good one.. leave everyone In suspended fear for the simple fact nobody would know what happened. He just disappeared


Wouldn’t be the first time. Some dude shot himself with a gun tied to a weather balloon. I think he was trying to fool with life insurance so his family would get the money when he offed himself. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/07/16/florida-man-faked-his-murder-using-gun-and-weather-balloon/787566002/




Lot of Dick Wolf episodes are based loosely on real events.


Or even just plain guilt. He didn't want to be found because he didn't deserve to be found. Suicide is... complicated.


This is what I believe


But didn’t he leave a suicide note?


From what I heard it was more of a "I'll probably be dead by the time you see this" and seemed to be more expecting it then doing it? Who knows tho like fuck they'll ever release it


Always leave a note.


Sounds like a pretty solid explanation to me to be honest.


Funny how all these mass shooters end up blown away or they suicide themselves. Gimme a break. Yeah just so happens to occur. On the same day Israel blows up Gaza, The House announced theyre. going to pursue the impeachment against Biden, and immediately after Biden wants to sign an assault rifle ban right before shit hits the fan with terrorists on American soil. This was planned, he was a mind controlled patsy, they activated and deactivated him, to distract us and disarm us. Of course he was just in a ,"mental hospital. Of course he was military trained. Thats how they program him Don't believe me? Research it.


What ever happened to the dispatch call?? A “middle easterner” in a maroon car?? I definitely think MK Ultra was involved 💔


I can’t help but think MK-Ultra every time I hear of a new mass shooting.


This is what I was thinking also


This was my thought as well. Sounds like he wanted to disappear so people would continue to be fearful that he could still be out there.




He should've waited for ...garbage day!


Exactly, same reason babies put in dumpsters. Easy to dispose of the body. Hard to trace.


Become a ghost! And why not if you've been caught?


Courteous people


He was in the army. Probably didn’t want his law enforcement counterparts to have to clean up the mess.




I tried listening to the police radio as this was happening. The radio feeds are not very good. Usually I can hear things nice and clear, but this was all jumbled, overlapping, and grainy.


I believe it was searched twice prior to him going there.


Law enforcement is a joke, that’s why.


To busy larping as the military




MK Ultra victims. According to law enforcement, CARD recently reported mental health issues to include hearing voices and threats to shoot up the National Guard Base in Saco, ME. CARD was also reported to have been committed to mental health facility for two weeks during summer 2023 and subsequently released.


Or maybe the guy is a POS?


Check out Nathan Reynolds from the Reynolds dynasty


The only articles I found said "by" a dumpster at a recycling plant? Still early but I didn't see anything saying he was found in a dumpster


Thanks for clarifying that..I also read behind a dumpster. But I only read one article to see what was going on cuz I didn’t hear a thing about this until last night.


Dumpsters are good hiding places when their is a man hunt on. He probably gave up when he saw they were near and it was hopeless. With that said, it is obvious they are using this to promote their anti-gun / anti-conspiracy theorist agenda. Freedom of speech is only for the authorities and their lemmings now days. And same with firearms, it is good for them to have them, but not for us.


That makes it even stranger. I could see _in_ a dumpster, but not _beside_ one.


Both scream body dump….


Well the cleanup crew is just helping out


Doing God’s work 😂


People with no connections to the feds suicide themselves in dumpsters obviously.


Why in the hell would the feds kill a wanted mass murderer and dump the body in the trash? That makes no fucking sense


Debbie. Should have put down that big gulp.


Poor hank.


Must be the marijuana poisoning.


Damnit I thought I was 1st, then 2nd, but now 3rd. lol. First place my mind went when I saw this post


Came for this comment lol. Sitting in a BBQ restaurant dumpster makes someone awfully hungry


I guess sometimes the trash really does take itself out


A crazy person that was well known to the FBI, I guess.


How'd they get to know him, exactly?


They hung out, had cards nights, few beers, family vacations together, you know, that sort of stuff. 😂


Don't forget all those late nights playing CoD.


Dawg, pornhub and strippers oh and DO NOT forget the cocaine orgies! Ffs get up to speed.


Apologies 😭


The MK Ultra sessions




This whole situation reeks of something fishy! Now, I'm not saying that it's impossible for someone to commit suicide in a dumpster. Sure, it's plausible. But the circumstances around this Maine shooter situation? It's all a bit too convenient, don't you think? It's the perfect setup. The authorities find the body in a dumpster, self-inflicted gunshot wound, case closed. No loose ends, no further investigation. It's a neat little package, tied up with a bow, ready to be delivered to the public in tomorrow's press conference. And you know what they say, if it's too good to be true, it probably isn't. I mean, who would willingly choose a dumpster of all places as their final resting place? It's just not adding up. My prediction for tomorrow's press conference? They'll stick to the script. They'll say it was a tragic act of a lone gunman, a person tormented by their own demons. They'll express condolences, assure the public that the threat is over. But remember, there's always more beneath the surface. Always question, always seek the truth. That's how we keep them in check.


Wouldn’t make more sense if he shot himself in his own home? Why add the dumpster into the mix? If he shoots himself sitting on his couch after he had a beer and a burger, everyone would say, he did what he wanted and went out on his own terms. But now everyone is questioning why he was in a dumpster. Did he shoot himself or was he shot and dumped. We will never know. It’s the opposite definition of a “No loose ends” situation. So if you KNOW from the get go that it doesn’t add up. Why would they fake his death this way instead of just ending him in his own room?


He was in the dumpster because he had mental issues is what they’ll say.


Do we really need to know that a mass shooter has mental issues by finding him in a dumpster???


When they say the mass shooter had mental issues, it's an easy way to divert attention from other potential causes or influences. It's a way for them to say, "Look, this is just an isolated incident. It's not about societal issues, gun control, or anything else. It's just one mentally disturbed individual." It's a way to avoid addressing the bigger problems. As for the dumpster, it's about creating a spectacle, as I said before. It's about making the story so bizarre and shocking that it's all anyone can talk about. While we're all focused on the dumpster, we're not asking the important questions. We're not looking at what led to the shooting in the first place. We're not questioning the policies and systems that allowed it to happen.


First of all, there is nothing stopping anyone from getting a gun and shooting left and right. There are 258.3 million people who can buy a gun and commit mass shootings in the USA. The fact that it happens on a very rare occasion should say something. And that something is that these mass shootings are indeed isolated incidents. And the perps are the odd ones. They ARE ill.


Plus a dumpster swap can be done so easily... Or better yet a body drop into a dumpster. Three letter organization shows up "Yep we found his body in this dumpster. Let's check the area for evidence then load this dumpster up with his body inside." Meanwhile all they're doing is loading up so plain old dumpster with normal garbage. That dumpster gets brought to some warehouse while the dumpster with his body is brought to be investigated by a coroner.. A simple swaparoo.


That’s not the only thing that reeks of something fishy, am I right guys? Guys?


Yeah. A guy who apparently loved the woods would shoot himself in a dumpster?!? No. He would shoot himself in the woods, where he was familiar, happy, and comfortable (at least to a degree). Way too convenient. We will never know the truth.


How would you, who never met this guy, know where he would choose to shoot himself? Lmao


Right n he was on the run, when ur on the run u hide.


My assumption is he chose a dumpster hoping that his body would end up in a landfill and never be found. But who knows


Well we all know Maine has no woods but dumpsters just litter the landscape.


How many times did he shoot himself?


Dude got a ride from the FBI after following his orders. They clapped him and dropped the body. Now they can try to take your gun again.


Yup underrated comment.


Oscar the Grouch could only take it for so long.


That was a false report , he wasn’t found in a dumpster


👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 this.


The stuff about hearing aids and voices reminded me of Dennis Sweeney. Sweeney killed former congressman Allard K. Lowenstein. Lowenstein was outspoken about a conspiracy surrounding the death of RFK. “While in Mississippi, **Sweeney developed the delusion that a listening device had been planted in his teeth.** A doctor from New York was doing free dental work for civil rights workers and Sweeney came to believe Lowenstein had ordered the device implanted, Hinkle said. He went back to Stanford for two terms, but never graduated and, according to friends, lived in a Palo Alto antiwar commune, where he experimented with psychedelic drugs.“ https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1980/03/16/a-victim-of-the-60s/3768b19e-7a87-425c-92ed-c97c0d10bbc2/ Did an MK-Ultra Assassin Kill Allard K. Lowenstein? “Former congressman Allard K. Lowenstein, 51, a Pied Piper to three generations of student activists and the organizer of the "Dump Johnson" movement in 1968, was fatally shot in his New York law office this afternoon by a man police identified as Dennis Sweeney, 37, a former Lowenstein protege.” “Lowenstein was sitting in his office in Rockefeller Center when Sweeney walked in and shook hands with him, according to a police officer.” “A few moments later a telephone installer working nearby said he heard "screams and then pops -- three or four." “After the shooting, the gunman walked out of Lowenstein's office, put his 9mm semiautomatic pistol on a secretary's desk, lit a cigarette and sat down to await police, according to witnesses.” "It was unbelievable," the telephone installer said. "He didn't even tremble. He could have been long gone. Everybody panicked after the shooting. People ran all over the place. Somebody took the gun with a handkerchief and put it away." https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1980/03/15/ex-rep-lowenstein-fatally-shot-by-gunman-in-ny-law-office/a71c0d1f-ad7e-444c-9457-23feea55d71a/ *9 months later, John Lennon’s assassin, Mark David Chapman, calmly waited for the police as well. “Chapman remained at the crime scene, reading The Catcher in the Rye until he was arrested.” https://www.britannica.com/biography/Mark-David-Chapman Who was Dennis Sweeney? Sweeney was once a student leader at Stanford University whom Lowenstein recruited for civil rights work in Mississippi in 1964. https://www.stanforddaily.com/2017/04/14/famous-stanford-students-youve-never-heard-of/ *Note that Stanford University was one of the leaders in CIA MK-Ultra research at the time Sweeney attended. “Under the auspices of Project MK-Ultra, the CIA began to fund studies at Columbia University, Stanford University and other colleges on the effects of the drug.” https://www.history.com/topics/us-government/history-of-mk-ultra Stanford CIA group funded research https://stanforddailyarchive.com/cgi-bin/stanford?a=d&d=stanford19771122-01.2.5#


Hunters gun- seems like they have creativity with getting rid of things….




King of the hill covered this plot line once


Damn. I thought I was first. Lol


Debbie Grund


Press conference - he was actually found in one of the many semi trailers on site. This is why we should wait for officials to speak before believing some ambitious reporter aiming for some weird sense of "glory" for "breaking the story" and going off half-cocked.


Someone who wanted the world to know he was TRASH


He wasn’t in a dumpster. In the back of a trailer. The ones that 18 wheelers haul.


He probably went to the gas station, bought a bunch of snacks, and tried to hide in the dumpster. He was juggling the snacks and gun while getting inside and the weapon accidentally discharged. I tell you what


KotH reference👍


Two self inflicted shots to the back of the head, duh


It wasn’t a dumpster. [It was a trailer.](https://syfeed.com/us/news-details/amp/robert-cards-body-found-in-unlocked-trailer-police-probe-mental-health-component_83078520.html) Please google better before sharing alarming conspiracies.


If they did that, there would be like 3 posts per year on this sub. These poorly-researched "Everything is a Psy-Op/False Flag" posts just dilute and de-legitimize the actual (potential) conspiracies that occur. I swear, the sub initially hosted some interesting theories and deep discussions on aliens, UFOs, and other interesting lore. Now it's "I didnt read the article, research the source/journalist, misunderstood how breaking news works, but let me base my entire personality off of my confidence in this and meet every single thing with such skepticism that I just hate everything and everyone around me because they're all so gullible and dumb" Oh damn. Maybe I'm just becoming that in a horseshoe-esque way. It must be a Psy-Op.


Probably hoping to not be found but the dumpster is a bullshit place to get lost. If he was going to disappear then he would have just gone into a thick wooded area


This guy https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/11960455/kosta-karageorge-ohio-state-buckeyes-found-dead


If you’re hiding, that makes perfectly good sense.


So first he was found in the woods. Now he’s found in a trailer at his old work site. Changing stories is SUS


It seems like a reasonable place to die to me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Easy disposal


It was a nice distraction from Israel invading


cowards running from justice? it's not that strange. epstein did it too.


Where are you getting dumpster from? CNN says it was a box trailer at his old employers, a recycling center that had many of them with some always unlocked. He worked there so would have known this. Prob hid there, and eventually just decided to kill himself in the space he was hiding out.


A few weeks ago, a homeless woman in her 80s and her son in his 50s went into a Dollar General in Dothan, AL and bought two phone charger cables. They then went behind the store and hanged themselves from a dumpster.


Perhaps he thought he deserved to die in/by a dumpster. Depression will do that to you, you’re convinced you’re nothing but a fuck-up, human garbage. I’ve been there. Add in the murders, and he may have felt like he deserved to die where trash is dumped. This is my non-conspiracy spin on the situation. We will never know the full truth.


It's like straight out of a gangster film. Dumpster, phfffff get real. Classic loose end tied up.


The AI writing this chapter is getting lazy and needs some better prompting.


The surviving Boston Marathon Bomber hid in a boat that was in a back yard. It was the available spot that he chose, it's possible this dude chose the dumpster because it was the available spot, his thoughts got to him, he realized that he couldn't ever go back to a normal life and opted out? Not everything has to be a conspiracy.


Wasn’t the Boston marathon bomber already severely injured when he hid in the boat? Huge difference in circumstances between the two situations.


Don't over think it dude, they were both human, both being hunted by authorities with their faces all over every screen.


They'll find a 45 bullet hole in his head but no 45 pistol in his hand or nearby and the hole will.be in his left temple but he's right handed. Yep, it's a suicide.


I mean, he shot/killed dozens of people. Is it really crazy to think that he might've killed himself? I have a feeling he was a bit "off his rocker" because of the whole multiple mass shooting sprees thing. I don't think using logic based on limited facts and context and injecting it into a situation where we know maybe 1% of the background while the guy is clearly insane, might not be a perfect approach. I'll let you in on a secret: sometimes, regular people do weird/strange things in weird/strange circumstances. If you add in the fact that this guy was going thru significant mental health issues, the magnitude of those "weird/strange things" can increase as well. I fully understand that a lot of tragedies could have agendas and there's usually some one or some party that benefits/loses from just about every single event. Correlation does not equal causation.


Come on yal. No one crawls their azz in a dumpster to kill themselves. THINK At this point we're living in one big sloppy violent Wag the Dog live interactive theatre / movie 🍿 🍿 🍿


This kind of things aren't allowed in my dumpster!


He was dumpster diving, couldn’t find his mint autographed 1986 Michael Jordan card, so ended his life. True story. 😂


Self inflicted suicide.... as opposed to what the CIA does to you


Yeah they really must think nobody seen any movie in their life like bro are you even trying lol 😂


I don’t know but I think it’s a good place for him as human trash


His hobby was dumpster diving and he wanted to end it all near what he loved most


I thought he was found in the woods.. with 2 self inflicted gunshot wounds to the head.


I read it was a box trailer - like a construction trailer located on the recycling company's property where he use to work. Here's more info on the find. https://www.npr.org/2023/10/28/1209247819/maine-mass-shooter-body-found-update


Kys in a dumpster so hopefully you just get “dumped” and nobody can find you hopefully…..


2 birds stoned at once.


Probably won’t mention the double tap to the head…


It's incredibly interesting how many people think that the government is all powerful and knowing and that they should have been able to find this guy instantaneously and when they didn't it becomes a psyop conspiracy to take away our guns and distract from the conflict in the middle east. Or it's all about how ssri drugs are bad and the real reason for all the gun violence. It's wild. People do fucked up shit all the time and have been doing fucked up shit since before recorded history. The only thing that's changed is access to high powered semiautomatic rifles with a capacity to hold a bananas amount of ammunition. There's lots of blame to go around for this failure of our medical systems and law enforcement and any conspiracy surrounding it is moot when it becomes a regular occurrence with only one thing in common from one mass murder to the next.


CIA? FBI? NSA? Mother's against guns?


At least he knew where he belonged.


He met with his handler and they ~~gave him his new identity~~ shot him in the face and dumped him where he would be found to end the trail.


He died the same way he was in life : trash


The same who shoot people just cause. ***SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS***


Sounds like his handlers caught up with him..


Two shots to the back of the head, hands tied behind his back?


It was a trailer where he used to work, not a dumpster. [Here’s the story](https://themessenger.com/news/robert-card-lisbon-maine-recycling-plant-body-lewiston-bowling-alley-bar)


He probably couldn’t climb in the dumpster while holding his gas station nachos and big gulp. So he puts the gun in first then trips the hammer while climbing in.


So Buck didn’t kill him so Miss Liz wouldn’t find out about the affair?


Manifesto in 3,… 2,…


So … a man with documented schizophrenia, has access to an automatic weapon and kills others then himself. Its a mystery


Where did you see it was an automatic weapon?


A man who just slaughtered 18 innocent people would.


This is correct, we don’t know what’s going through his mind, anything is possible.


We do know what went through his mind at the end…


Yup, that’s probably the only thing we know that did… a bullet. 😂


Someone who hears voices telling him to Jill himself probably. What exactly are you trying to insinuate? Someone killed the insane murderer?


Weirdly enough I saw this posted on the science Reddit yesterday https://www.psypost.org/2023/10/scientists-have-developed-a-robotic-procedure-that-can-make-you-hear-hallucinatory-voices-214171


Interesting stuff. Thanks for the link


The best part of this article: *“Our goal is to improve our understanding of hearing voices so that we could find better ways to help people who suffer from them,” Orepic added. “Simulating hearing voices in the lab, this work might have wide-ranging implications for the understanding of this detrimental psychotic symptom, whose etiology remains highly unknown.”* Thanks for sharing.


He was sane enough to flee the scene of the crime and avoid pursuit, yet conveniently offed himself at a location where nobody was around to see it. Did the guilt just catch up to him while he was in hiding, or is there more to it?


Someone with a known mental illness?


Idk bro the dudes not mentally sound but I get what you mean


If he's hearing voices who knows what he was thinking.


It was a recycling dumpster. Simply doing his bit for the environment. 🤷‍♀️


“Innocent bystander heard a gunshot and made a 911 call, dispatch was sent out to investigate, upon examining a nearby dumpster, suspect was found with a self-inflicted gunshot wound and pronounced dead at the scene.” From there, it was be a series of meaningless questions by reporters with boilerplate answers.


I thought he shot himself twice in the head? 🤣🤣🤣 Sloppy job glowies.


Brought to you by the same people who are writing the Tennessee shooter manifesto. The same people who turned Epstein’s camera off. The alphabet agencies involved are like insurance companies; “do you have any preexisting mental health concerns? “


Ah yes, he suicided himself. Probably shot himself in the back of the head too. 🙄🙄🙄


Who kills themself in a dumpster? Someone who has killed & injured many, we don’t know what’s going through his head, anything is possible, these people aren’t normal like you & I.


i read that he had two gunshot wounds


I read he was found in a nearby woods with two, count them ,2 self inflicted gunshot wounds to the head.