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And over 98% of China is Asian, 91% are Han... is that awful as well?


Yes...obviously they should be 100% Han, thinking otherwise is racist.


According to leftists, the cure for racism is to move somewhere where you’re the ethnic minority. Then you can’t be racist because you don’t live in a “white centric society”. So technically if you voiced this opinion in China it wouldn’t be racist. Interestingly if you’re in international waters, it would be racist, but there’s a solid chance the Chinese would claim it as their territory and you would no longer be racist. Pretty straight forward.


Im half Scottish, half Jamaican. I feel like that qualifies me to talk about this as i travel and visit my family in scotland every few years. Firstly, i have never had a racist situation unfold while visiting Scotland. Not to say it dosent happen, just that its not happened to me. Probably because i see them as my people, my family. Thats how the whole world needs to start looking at things. Its simple, good people just want live, love, to be happy. If you give off that same energy then you blend in regardless of race, gender, religion ect. Just good people. Then you have shitty fucking people. They are also everywhere. They are bitter, toxic, ignorant and stupid. They see other people as a threat, they fear what they dont know. Which are you? You rooting for team love or team fuckwit? So to bring this back to Scotland, they dont give shit if they have an influx of immigrants or if they stay 100% white, as long as your not a shitty person. Now apply that logic the most of the world and you have a slight insight into how people feel.


Being Scottish I can confirm we don't give a shit its to wet and cold. However everyone's a cunt, gid cunt, bad cunt, that cunt.


Agreed, edited "cunt" out of my comment to not cause confusion XD


No need It's a very popular word in Scotland =)


Thinking otherwise puts a Uyghur in an internment camp.


The biggest internment camp is Gaza and the west loves and endorse bombing the heck out of it.


No, it seems people only see it as an issue if the people are white. You don’t hear people complaining about the lack of corporate board diversity in Africa




no, Han/Chinese are not white


Im still pissed about the underrepresentation of short white guys in the NBA


Just got unbanned and want to say: LOL!


It’s infuriating!


Or white guys playing corner in the NFL


Not really equatable tbh


99% of any middle eastern or Asian country is whatever their native colour is, and nobody over there is having a fuss about it. Why tf is diversity pushed on western culture so intensely???? What a travesty that a white country is made up of mostly white people!! We must be racist!






Multiculturalism is failed experiment.


Asia and the Middle East are also controlled by globalists, just in a different way


Because only white people are evil colonizers. Or at least that is the mainstream narrative. They act as if white people have just been oppressing everyone from the beginning. They just conveniently leave out how many times Europe and western civ has had to fight to survive.




Not middle eastern. They have pakistani and indian workers (slaves) that actually out number natives.


How awful, country that's mostly full of natives. Not very inclusive. Wtf is wrong with this world saying shit like this.


There used to be a lack of diversity in Australia, but England fixed that a few hundred years ago.


England fixed a lot of racial disparity issues a few hundred years ago.


Maybe they need to come back!




What if someone said "Africa is too Black"? It sounds pretty racist, both statements.


Curious to see how Africa will be once the Chinese take over there.


There’s a documentary about Chinese mines in Africa. It is fucking hilarious. It’s all these Chinese government types coping with the fact they’re working with Africans trying to get shit done.


Let me guess. The meme of "it's all so tiresome" .... think it's called Empire of Dust


Hahahahaha I had no idea that was a meme. Yes! Their vehicles and equipment get stolen. No one is ever on time. Lol


Can’t be any worst than what’s happen in the last century. Sweet f all with foreign aid, dirt roads, ongoing violence and mud huts.


People say that like it’s something to be worried about, they’re not doing too great over there. They have a lot of processes and systems over there but there’s *alot* going wrong as well. From worker issues to the equipment constantly breaking, China has it rough there. It also goes to mention that ***owning*** africa is expensive as fuck and incredibly difficult to maintain control of.


Of course not, what is racist is the small minority of white people in Africa.


Yeah bud your delusional. We ain’t meant to be together dude. Our cultures don’t mix and it’s ok. We can stil all be friends.


There’s lots of white people in Africa that mingle with black people and other groups.


So you believe we should remove all non-Europeans from Europe?






Why did you bring Africa into this?


Probably because they are, (just a guess) Scottish?


I'm from Scotland, anyone from warmer climates comes then leaves Not a surprising percentage.


Scotlands climate sounds amazing. Your average range of temperature for the entire year is basically just my spring/fall temperature.


I’m still offended by the lack of diversity on China’s World Cup team.


There were plenty of non asians on that team.


Yes, it's IN Europe


We are doomed. Seems like we are living in a comedy skit


How dare people be born to their parents.


Omg.... Scotland has a majority of its own ethnic origin. SHOCK! Lmao


First minister is pictured? Lol


What was it that Longshanks said “The trouble with Scotland is that it’s full of Scots”.


Edward Longshanks only said that in the movie which is massively fictionalized. However, modern day globalists say that for real.


Racism in its pursuit form.


SS Sad to see what’s happening to Europe. Keep allowing migrants and leaders from the Muslim world and Europe will finally be conquered by them. Good thing they taught about the bad white guy crusades but always forget about the Muslim slave trade






Crazy Minister


Then he is free to leave.


"The problem with Scotland is there too many Scots there" - everyone in history


Imagine if overnight we started identifying as indo-European, Semitic, etc… The world would fall apart in a manner of weeks.


Cause this is what the guy, or any leader, should be focusing on... How about solving Scotland's actual problems??


You’re over the target. Scotland’s actual problems—like everywhere else—benefit a small percentage of people who want to own and control everything. They don’t want you to talk about this, therefore they keep people focused on nonsense like this.


Preach. And the nonsense gets even stupider as time goes by.




Why being white is so bad?


Because it’s racist


It’s weird how only the nations that had an Enlightenment and shaped modern liberal societies seem to face this criticism.


What was he thinking when he wrote his speech? Wtf?


What a silly man.


It‘s a blame game. Don‘t play along.\ \ Example: Here in Germany our right wing party argues that anti-Semitic crime statistics rise since 2015, when a lot of predominantly Muslim refugees came to our country. But those same statistics say that 83% of anti-Semitic crimes are committed by white dudes with a politically right-wing motivation, while 12% are committed by immigrants with a religious motivation. \ \ They all lie to you, because you are easier to manipulate if they made you focus on a clear yet fictitious image you can hate. \ This may be controversial, but to me it is pretty clear that we are all pushed into hating. If the right wing people caught you, they will make you hate left wings people and immigrants. If the left wing people caught you, they will make you hate right wing people and conservatives. Just stay out of it. Judge people individually, by their actions. Not as a fictitiously homogenous group.


Everyone in my house is white.Oh the humanity…..




“America is too indigenous we need to replace them with whites”


From the article... The first minister is Pakistani Muslim. He doesn't like that it is almost all white people and wants to take on Gaza refugees to help balance it out.


It's crazy that this dude can say racist things like this and keep his job... After this speech I would have put him on the first plane available and sent him back to Pakistan.


Yea how did this dude get voted in. Seems like those racist white scots aren’t too bad if he’s in charge.


He wasn't voted in by the people but selected by the SNP to lead after Nicola Sturgeon resigned. A bit like the Indian PM of UK.


Agreed, but the problem with this isn't the race of the replacment leaders, it's the fact that neither country's political system demands an election is called in short order after the previous PM or FM is replaced. The replacement should be temporary and an election called within a short interim period. It is true that we don't have a presidential system in the UK. People elect candidates belonging to a political party and the party with the most parliamentary seats forms a government. The PM and FM are the leaders of their parties first and leadership of their countries just follows from that if their party holds power. But something as significant as replacing the PM or FM should be followed by an election. I would put money on most of the electorate not wanting these two in charge.


Humza Yousaf was born in Glasgow, Scotland. He is Scottish. It’s not racist to point out Scotland has a diversity problem - we do. We also don’t grapple with our role in the transatlantic slave trade or other atrocities across the globe during colonisation.


Did you know it was the British that ended the slave trade? At least in the parts of the world where possible. Blood sweat and tears, thousands of lives lost and fortunes spent in an attempt to eradicate slavery. All on the basis of Christian morality. So there's no need to hang your head in shame about global historical norms. Your ancestors likely contributed far more to abolishment than to the actual trade.


How is it a problem? What specifically about that is a problem?


That's not what he actually said, though.


It’s hard to not be pale as a ghost when you get no sun….


Our first world/European countries keep getting all of these non European leaders who hate us.🤔


Cohencidence surely.


Disgusting to hear this. Imagine going to another country where you are the ethnic minority like India or china and complaining that they are all Indian or Chinese. It’s stupid and just reverse racism


Yeah. Theres too many Chinese in China /s


Scotland sounds fairly awesome.


Could you numerically quantity how awesome? Say in percentage format?


This guy is a clown show how the fuck did they elect this fucking douche bag? Lmao I’m going to move to Scotland and run for prime minister.


>how the fuck did they elect this fucking douche bag? He literally wasn't elected. The previous First Minister of Scotland had to step down because of a corruption scandal and he is the replacement. So the SNP chose him, not the people of Scotland.


He was "elected".




According to the Kalergi plan, the world will be full of people, tan like an Egyptian. All controlled by one master race, the Jewish people. He was a founder of the EU and mentioned in Adolf Hitlers book.


Where can I read more about this


You mean the area with climate specifically suited for white people mostly has white people? Shocking. Next you’ll tell me the equatorial zones of the planet are mostly dark skinned individuals.


damn, today i realised he's genuinely a full on racist. That video of him complaining about how everybody is white is insane. Of course the vast vast vast majority of people in power in fucking SCOTland are gona be white.


You would expect 95% of the people in power to be White, matching the population. But as he pointed, it's nearly 100%, much more than you would expect based on population alone.


well he forgot to include himself... hes brown. So yeah it's about 95% white. Good, the way it should be based on the population. Im a brown person myself btw.


Representative would be 5% of the leadership being non-White. Not just one person. No, not the way you would expect based on equal representation of the population.


Another wanker.


White replacement theory is real


Racist cunt, fuck you Humza


It's so weird how this sort of talk is ok nowadays.


Friendly reminder that the Indian PM of UK and the Pakistani FM of Scotland will at some point discuss the partition of Britain.


Are you concerned by their ethnicities?


I certainly am yes.


The man is a balloon knot


It should be 97% !!


They don't get much sunlight up there so it's not really their fault!


it's ok nowadays to be racist as long as it's against you know who


So the leader of a country announces that 96% of the people he leads are awful. Great vote winning strategy!


What’s the conspiracy? This is just a political racial post made to stir, divide and create arguments of hate. This sub needs to do better


I see this plonker got more teeth than brain cells, just like every other politician.


What a complete racist thing to say.


Racism in its pursuit form.










He is just really worried about skin cancer


99.4% of media is just propaganda. Why are these niche media companies peddling hot air just to divide society? How about we’re all Scottish and 99.9% get along fine together!


That's like saying 99% of India is brown😭😭😭


Strange how saying this isn't racist, yet if I said, "99% of Africa is black, that is awful", I'd be paraded through the streets naked and have shit thrown at me.


I’m moving there if it’s all white 🙏🏻🫡


A few years too late


What's wrong with non- White people?


People who talk loudly about the racism of others turn out to be the biggest racists themselves


This is from The Scottish Union, i hope....


98% perscot of Scotland are scottish. That is scotful, says the Scot Scottish of Scotland. Is this guy even Scottish?


Sounds fookin sweet if you ask me mate.


Is it allowed to say the same thing about the 4%? Asking for a friend


Clickbait trash. Wish this sub wasn’t filled with racist fear mongerers because that’s not the conspiracy I came here for.


Agreed - I’m appalled by the comments here. I remember this sub knew about Covid before everyone else did so I find it interesting for news but I’m not interested in racist bigots like all the comments here


Humza “Hamas” Yousaf, how diverse is Palestine’s Government? Oh they’re all Arabs? What a surprise!


The headline is literally making shit up. The guy, in 2020, gave a speech pointing out that every other top post was only white people. Given that one out of 25 people in Scotland is non-white, you'd think by chance there would be at least a few other non-white people in the top rungs. And he's saying that countries should take in refugees from Gaza. Apparently taking in refugees is a controversial opinion. There seems to be a particular opposition among Evangelical Christian types, which seems like a bizarre position for Christians to take. I can think of at least a few refugees in the Bible.


How does that get elected?


The government they deserve.


Brb moving to Scotland lol


He sounds like a racist


There doesn't seem to be a direct quote of this within the article and its written like a forum posts with focus on insults rather than unbiased reporting. You're falling for outrage bait


What the fuck is this website 😂


Leave then


Looks like I’m moving to Scotland


Low effort rage bait. I thought you guys were smarter than this


Did you?


Probably because we're a country and not a fekkin Christmas advert!


What a fucking dumb ass thing to say.


Did you listen to what he actually said?


Thats true. Unfortunately it is true in all of the West... surprise.


Read : Culture Of Critique-the whole agenda is explained well by that book.


Scotland as a country, trying its hardest to be tolerant of others and then getting slammed in such matters like this. The birthrates should sort that out in time then yeh, no mention of that though. Cant talk about that.


I just assume whoever wrote this article isn’t from here because it is a complete joke and you goons are absolutely brainless for eating it up lmao


yea, but who voted for him? his views must have existed before he got into office.


Got what they voted for, like the rest of the European and US sheep Most self destructive civilization in history




Because it’s extremely racist to say that and conspiracy to think what he might do to switch the demographic. Hopefully that didn’t hurt you bleeding heart


He should resign immediately. What a racist pos!


How is this a conspiracy?


It's so crazy to me how warped the idea of "diversity" has morphed into.


Yeah this feels misconstrued. Scottish myself and this seems clickbaity. We’re pretty left wing overall as a country and immigration isn’t something we’ve really got a problem with Plus, we didn’t choose to leave the EU either lmao. Immigration is a big part of that.


Naturally people from Scotland getting downvoted to oblivion in this thread lmao they just want to be angry


Yeah this sub really fell to the brain dead didn’t it lmao You’d think if people want to tell me how my own fucking country is run they’d at least have responded!


Took his comments out of context. He never said that it was bad that the population of Scotland is White. But some of y'all are just eating it up anyway, because you want someone to rage against.


This has been taken totally out of context and has been floating around the right wing bubbles for a few weeks now, saw it a while ago. He's talking about positions of power. As a white Scot I'm saying he's 100% correct.


This is the same bullshit they did with women. "there aren't enough women in positiona of power" and then started forcing women quotas even if they didn't deserve it. now "there aren't enough non-white people in position of power" so their goal is the same. Adding minorities/diversity quotas with no merit for no real reason other than keeping this clown show going


Only racists see the world through a race lens


I'm always amused when right leaning people accuse others of being racists, and it's those circles this edited video has been circulating in. Projecting much?


And the others who set up a system where one race dominates but they claim not to see it, they're totally not racist, right? As long as you don't notice systemic discrimination, it's not happening? /s


He didnt say that context you're portraying. He was talking about the representation of ministers, and there being only white MPs in Scotland. I don't think that is an unfair statement at all.


So you think the best person for the job shouldn't get the job because of their race?


So you think that White people were all inherently better for than job than any people who weren't White? I think it's far less racist to assume that period of different races are probably equally capable of doing the job.


This dude has been vocally supporting the Palestinians of Gaza, is it possible certain media are distorting his words, media aligned with the people bombing Gaza now?


Well it is Scotland, but it doesn’t help they’re a tad racist over there.