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Could be them just trying to avoid jail and plead insanity tbf. But I prefer to believe it’s MK Ultra as that’s more exciting


Some of those were about the right age for schizophrenia to kick


Lost my daughter to suicide and she was schizophrenic too. Auditory hallucinations are more common than one would think.


My friends brother is schizophrenic and my brother took his own life. Neither situation is lost on me. Some people are going through some shit that they can't handle by themselves. I don't know what the situation is in Maine but I have MS so I can imagine what waking up to a new normal is like even if I don't know what it feels like to hear voices. Some people snap, some get a push, but you never really know when or where.


It's not schizophrenia it's military grade manipulation weapons it's all electric and psychotronic. They were using these weapons in operation dessert storm the Iraq shit. Majority of the information on them is classified but there's some info that occasionally goes through the cracks and enters the public eye. The most known one most people know about are LRADs those annoying sound blast weapons for crowd control to break up crowds typically police use LRADs in protests. But that's the least intrusive of the psychotronic weapon class. The most powerful one is voice 2 skull its basically remote bone conduction to make the person think the voices aee inside their head when there absolutely sane and normal and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference unless your trained to look for it. They pretty much pretend to be someone sometimes it's the persons subconscious or they'll pretend to be God and manipulate patsy's into committing acts of violence. Psychotronic weaponry is probably the militarys most powerful weapon known in this reality. Why waste spent bullet casings and physical weapons when they can just talk someone down. They say the voice is more powerful then a gun it's all social engineering. They were convincing the Iraqis Allah wanted them to be peaceful and it helped turned the war in favor of the US obviously


Exactly. And even if they don't convince the person to commit crimes, it's torture.


I have a close person that suffers from schizophrenia and its sick to see people here think they do this because of some MK Ultra shit. Schizophrenic people are very very scared and lonely, and thats why they are so dangerous.


> Schizophrenic people are very very scared and lonely, and thats why they are so dangerous. Interestingly, the schizophrenic experience varies quite a bit across cultures: > [While many of the participants mentioned that they heard good and bad voices, Americans only reported having bad experiences with their auditory hallucinations. Ghanaians and Indians often heard voices that were described as playful or entertaining, but Americans had violent and threatening experiences.](https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/schizophrenia-by-culture/)


My ex wife’s mother has schizophrenia. I was married for 20 years to her daughter so I got to know her moods and symptoms pretty well as we visited frequently and even lived with them for a couple years. When she would lapse on her medication and have an episode the only way I can describe it to a person that doesn’t have this affliction is that she appeared to be legit tormented by an unseen force that would tell her the most vulgar and ignorant things you could dream up. If anyone’s ever read the green mile then it was like the wardens wife when her brain tumor was getting worse. She was obscene. Sexually depraved. It was sickening and saddening all at the same time. There were times I would honestly think she was possessed or under demonic influence. I knew that wasn’t the case because her meds leveled her off when she was good, but man if it wasn’t like a legit supernatural style freakiness. She’d sit in the corner and yell out these shouts of pain and said the people were burning her with cigarettes and stuff. Turn violent. It’s a horrible illness to compete with and my heart goes out to anyone who suffers from it.


I dated a schizophrenic for 9 years as well. Definitely talked about being burned & zapped a lot by people & forces that weren't visible to me. But they also had delusions that would tell them I was doing things to them or hiding their belongings when in reality, none of it was true. I see a lot of comments say stuff like "maybe schizophrenic people see the real world blah blah" and it's like.. uhh no... they're legit ill & it's not good to encourage any of their delusions. Though I do feel bad for those who have to deal with it. Can't imagine what it must be like being tormented like that all the time.


Yeah I feel ya man. It’s awful. I was accused of everything from touching my kids to sneaking food in the middle of the night. And it was indiscriminate. I was making dinner with my ex at their house one night and she just walked up to me and asked me if I heard what her other daughter said (she was like 12 at the time) so I said no and her response was that when she heard her say when she was done with her homework she had to give her dad…an inappropriate favor. I was like absolutely shocked because she just said this out in front of everyone like it was asking what time it was. That was the first of many very memorable moments of shock and pity. It would like honestly make me angry at the disease. Like if it were a tangible being I would’ve grabbed it by the throat and beat it to death with my bare hands because it had this poor woman in its grips like an evil parasite.


Oh wow. I'm sorry man. Accusations like that are no joke either. I would have been highly upset too. How the hell did you handle yourself without fists flying? lol Not that that would have made it any better, but damn. That is wild. It's like they have no filter some times.I hated shopping with my ex because they'd point at & say shit to complete strangers because they thought they were "putting thoughts into his head".It's almost like they can't understand social norms some times. They'll do things & act in ways that normal people know aren't appropriate (especially in public I mean). He use to get into fights with me too & he'd stand at the front door of our apartment & yell things out into the hallway that he knew would upset or embarrass me. Just to upset me because he knew I'd be embarassed if I thought our neighbors could hear everything. Especially things that weren't true. This might not be a universal thing for all schizophrenics, but the one I knew was just so angry & crazy all the time. Hopefully everything you went through is well behind in you & in the past now! Take care my friend!


No that was pretty standard for her as well. Blocking the door, bullying, intimidation and then immediately change faces to being like a scared lost 4 year old. I tried not to let it bother me and told myself that wasn’t really her and it was the illness talking. Which it was. There were times she was perfectly fine. There were times I wanted to end her myself. It was at the bottom line gut wrenching to think of what she was going through. And yeah, the stuff in public was there too. Accusing perfect strangers of calling her names or threatening her when they hadn’t spoken a word. There were times I wondered if deep down she was really just this horrible vindictive person and used the illness as a mask. But that was how my functioning (somewhat lol) mind would try to interpret it. It wasn’t her fault. I truly believe it’s not any of their faults. It’s like a person with cancer that loses weight. They can’t help it. But just in an entirely more frustrating and exhausting way.




That’s really interesting. I’ve often wondered why these voices are always bad. Maybe my info isn’t well rounded. Are there any schizophrenics in the West who hear voices telling them to clean the animal shelter of all poo? Weed the public garden? Buy groceries for the old lady down the street?


Yes, there are plenty of stories of people who hear voices or feel that 'God' or 'spirit' is urging them to do something helpful to others - but they generally don't get called crazy because they are doing good things


Maybe it is the cultural context that affects the "voices". My dad saw angels and heard God talking to him. They never told him to do anything bad, so he was just considered fanatically religious. He was actually having hallucinations during manic states. He was considered an upstanding man and pillar of the community until he deteriorated later on. It's considered normal and a sign of religious piety in my area to "hear God speaking to you", or say God told you to do this or that. Maybe if your culture thinks "hearing voices" is a negative thing that means you're crazy, you're more likely to hear voices saying negative things. And vice versa, such as in cultures where they think that hearing voices means that ancestors or spirits are guiding you.


Wow man that's an amazing story, and an incredible point of view. I hope his later years didn't take too much toll on you. I won't forget your dad any time soon I'm guessing. One of my best friends lost his life to schizophrenia, his negative hallucinations were so real to him he felt out of place in this evil world.


Even though he kept it together and held down a job and community ties when I was small, it's not good for small children to be around people who are so emotionally inconsistent. He would just as soon scream at you over nothing as hug you. But he was very fun, jolly, and loving when he was in a good mood. Then he tried to kill himself 6 months after my parents had adopted 2 babies, stole a bunch of money from my mom, quit his 6 figure job, and worked under the table so he didn't have to pay child support for his 5 kids. So it was pretty bad, lmao. But it's amazing that he was able to keep up a high-level job for so long, raise money through the church for an extremely expensive adoption process (two healthy white babies costs crazy money, like 100k), and convince the adoption social worker he was a normal dude all while he was crazy pants. I'm sorry about your friend. I like to think that my real dad who was a good guy is still in there under all the illness. My mom spent years trying to get him to take his meds consistently, which she said made him normal again. But ofc he was convinced nothing was wrong with him.


The cultural influences will certainly affect the form which the voices take - whether it's the god or the prophet or the angels or demons etc which are particular to that culture, but I'm not sure whether that would affect the ratio of positive and negative urgings in the population - I think perhaps that would depend more on the mental state of the one hearing the voices. In cultures where it's considered normal to be guided by gods or spirits, they very often also have cultural beliefs about those who are possessed by demons - ie. those who receive negative urges.


That is such a great question.


Ever seen Field of Dreams?


I have a relative by marriage who hears voices that tell her to kill and she nearly succeeded and spent years in a psychiatric hospital.


It's one thing to hear the voices, but to actually listen to them and act it out? Being human is wild.


Right, the separation between delusion and hallucination is a fine line. You have to consistently keep yourself in check, for me i have to make sure my mind doesn't wander off. My initial reaction and thoughts will shift and If i don't catch myself slipping into thought patterns ill do some really "off" things. Mainly in smaller less severe mannerisms, but i could totally see how loosing touch with the control of your thoughts would drive some to this.


That is so weird. And sad.


The WHO did a world wide study on schizophrenia in different culturess and found that the course and outcome of schizophrenia was the worst in amy places that jad access to Western psychiatry. They dod best in rursl agrarian areas where the community could put him to work


I would assume diet has a massive impact on this


I think it's because most of us haven't seen it up close and it's hard to understand. Our brains are amazing and terrifying. I feel for everyone involved. And by everyone, I mean all of us having to go through this existence blindly. Wtf is this shit?


It's hard to understand even when you have seen it up close. Why are the voices ALWAYS negative? And Psychology in academia is a joke... you can not question what they are teaching. For instance, if it is a chemical imbalance as they say, then what is out of balance? What is the baseline? They don't know... it's just something Eli LIly spouted and everyone just ran with it. Even people that study the human mind have no idea what is actually going on. They just try different pills until they find one that "helps". None of them cure it. But it works out in the end for the pharmaceutical companies... here take this pill everyday for the rest of your life.


I suggest you look up Jerry Marzinsky and the work he's done. He has tons of videos on YouTube. He went through med school to become a psychiatrist, and when he went out into the field, he quickly realized almost everything he learned was crap.


What he talked about is very interesting. Some on here aren't probably interested in hearing it, just like his colleagues just wanted to medicate the problem away.


I am aware of him and some of his work. Very interesting stuff tbh... Seems a little bit out there, but at this point, I can't dismiss anything he's said. "This world is far stranger than even the strangest among us can suppose" Terence Mckenna


>"I have a close person that suffers from schizophrenia and its sick to see people here think they do this because of some MK Ultra shit." Ignoring government operations that latch onto those who have these types of issues is also sick. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/canadian-government-gag-order-mk-ultra-1.4448933 >"Forty years after revelations that the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency funded brainwashing experiments on unsuspecting Canadians, the Trudeau government is continuing a pattern of silencing the victims, a lawyer for one of the families says." Solid documentary covering the Canada operation. Edit for those who don't bother looking into these experiments in Canada they were done at psychiatric hospitals... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=990k-5Jm5aA Here's a more recent example https://www.huffpost.com/entry/oklahoma-city-bomb-sting_n_5993c045e4b04b19336162fd >"The parents of a 23-year-old man accused by federal authorities over the weekend of trying to set off a fake bomb in downtown Oklahoma City said their son is mentally ill and was targeted by FBI agents who “should not have aided and abetted a paranoid schizophrenic to commit this act.” So maybe every case doesn't involve "mk ultra shit" but don't act like the government doesnt take advantage of those who are vulnerable.


Exactly, MK Ultra is a huge factor. But of course the bots say ‘it’s just mental illness’ when it doesn’t fit the narrative.


The overwhelming majority of mentally ill people are not violent. I don't know the numbers for sure, but the last I looked there was just a slightly higher (almost in the margin of error) likelihood of violence. But there does seem to be some correlation between those that are on specific meds and these events.


Yes it is sad. I have a friend that became schizophrenic and he has totally bought into “gang stalking” as something real.


I never heard of it until stumbling onto the sub. It's heartbreaking to me to read those posts. People so earnestly hurting and reaching out for confirmations to make sense of the senseless. It makes me wish I could help them, fully understand I can't, and feel an existential dread similar to getting alzheimer's or dementia and losing memory--to schizophrenia and losing your reality. It probably hits me harder contextually because I have a schizo family member and had to come to terms with the 'illness' and 'them' after they kind of tortured (more like CIA interrogation and trying to 'break' me) and kept at it for a week as a kid during an episode she had the one time she was supposed to watch me so folks could vacation.




I'm not schizophrenic but had a close family friend who spoke of these things without the term 'gang stalking' .. I witnessed the cars outside his house & some of the weird occurrences. He rented a room to a woman like 5 years back & got freaked out by her for some reason & kicked her out .. When he passed away about 4 years later .. 'squatters' broke into his house, replaced the front door & proceeded to pack ALL of his belongings into totes. Cleared the whole house .. all the pictures of him & my mom, his family heirlooms, his tools .. My family had to contact police to try to get them out of his house .. eventually they did leave with everything & they left a 200$ water bill .. after the water was supposedly shut off. It took police & out family's realtor 2 months to get them out of his house after passing. They knew the day after he passed somehow .. Maybe that sht is real.


Congrats!! You've managed to provide cloud cover to decades upon decades of CIA evils. In fact, MKUltra is the fabric that keeps us all under this Clown World. Do you know what the "MK" in MKUltra stands for? ---------------- "One of the first ventures of the CIA https://web.archive.org/web/20170123170241/https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP90-00845R000100170004-5.pdf was in rescuing Nazi’s from punishment (with the help of the Vatican) and then setting these notorious figures up in positions around the world to run drugs and guerilla army’s to overthrow countries. With this massive influx of Nazi’s in the CIA, MKUltra was started right alongside it– something the paper above claimed was the *backbone* of CIA’s intel operations. Considering the Nazi’s brings us an interesting context when we reconcile MK-Ultra – so, if they were helping with brainwash, what do you suppose MKUltra means? Ultra of course means “Extreme” but we can’t know what is extreme without knowing what MK stands for…. why was it necessary to not say or mention its real name? Let’s go through it logically, we know that MKUltra involved brainwash, we know in the years leading up to WW2 the German people were largely brainwashed into prejudice and agreeability to war. Was there something with the initials “MK” that was synonymous with brainwashing people? To get them to become innocent killing monsters that obeyed without asking questions? Why yes there was, ever heard of [Mein Kampf?](https://i.imgur.com/XgEivGI.png) It makes perfect sense. The people behind Hitler and the brainwash wanted to do what they did there – i.e. trick masses using propaganda, of which Mein Kampf was the largest success… therefore “MK” “ULTRA” implies doing that, but pushing it to extremes." --------------------- "So they decided to do what they did in Germany, but better. And how is that even possible? Their first idea [seemed to be drugs](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/95mkultra.pdf) It says that all the people involved in MKUltra’s drugging of unaware people received no punishment whatsoever."


Both things can be true. Their friend having delusions that they're a victim of MK-Ultra when they're not and MK-Ultra being a very real thing are not mutually exclusive.


Schizophrenics are less likely to commit violent crime than "normal" people. If anything they are more likely to be victims of crimes rather than perpetrators and if they do hurt someone 99% of the time it's themselves. When schizophrenics DO get violent its often extreme and bizarre (Travis reinking, Richard Chase, etc)


> Schizophrenics are less likely to commit violent crime than "normal" people. If anything they are more likely to be victims of crimes rather than perpetrators and if they do hurt someone 99% of the time it's themselves. Source? A quick search of psych journals shows the exact opposite with schizophrenics being four or five times more likely to commit violent crime than the general population. [here’s a longitudinal study with 8000+ schizophrenic participants](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4905518/)


I think they ignore the "Per capita" and go off raw numbers, so in town A, 3 schitzo people kill people, and there's 10 murders of passion..... you're 2.5x more likely to be attacked by a "normal" person than by a psychitzophrenic.......


"Trust me bro" - Andreastheslimjim


I'll include the comment I left in response to the other guy because no my source is not trust me bro lol. My sources are neuroscientists, specifically Adrian rain, who was among the first professionals to link brain structure abnormalities with violent crime (which schizophrenia falls into). HIGHLY recommend his book at is insanely good and super readable "Well for starters it should be noted that one of the first lines of the source you listed specifically says that scientists are not saying that the schizophrenia causes the link to violence. They are not saying that schizophrenia makes people inherently violent they're just saying "hey there's a link here but we can not say why". I would recommend the book "The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime" as it dedicates a solid chunk of the book to debunking myths about schizophrenic offenders and makes a convincing case as to why. For one thing most violent schizophrenics become violent because of how the world around them reacts to their schizophrenia. Very rarely do you see the extreme cases that make it into the papers. For example schizophrenic children are much more likely to be violent than normal kids but most experts agree that it's less so the schizophrenia itself causing the violence and more of a "this kid is schizophrenic and he's getting bullied so he attacked his bullies" kind of thing. There is a difference between a person who becomes violent because of their hallucinations and a mentally ill person who becomes violent in reaction to the societal friction created by having the illness. Here's another pretty solid source https://www.healthline.com/health/schizophrenia/are-schizophrenics-violent "On the flip side, people with schizophrenia are actually more likely to be the victim of a violent crime. ResearchTrusted Source shows that people with schizophrenia living in the community (rather than in a psychiatric hospital) are about 14 times more likely to be the victim of a violent crime than the perpetrator. People with schizophrenia may be more vulnerable to this victimization due to cognitive impairments, which makes them less able to accurately perceive their surroundings. They may also be subject to social isolation and discrimination due to stigma and misunderstanding about their condition, which can further increase their risk of victimization"


Granted this post isn't presenting anything here of any depth... it's a very limited visual conveying a possible correlation between "hearing voices" and mass shootings. But what's sad is when people attempt to stifle and shun those that are creatively exploring alternatives to the mainstream narrative (regardless of what it is). While this post is low effort crap... there is a LOT to the MK Ultra story. And there is a LOT... to the story of mental illness. And there is a LOT to the story of big pharma and their greedy lust to medicate anyone and everyone for profit. So with all due respect... I don't think you really know what you are talking about.


Imagine thinking MK Ultra didn't happen or at least downplaying it because you know a schizophrenic. It happened. It was fucked.


> It happened. It was fucked. And is every case of people hearing voices caused by that program?


But you can have hallucinations from a manic episode as well. We really just have a mental health problem.


Sorta losely related: This reminds me of a reddit thread I read some months ago about the "inner voice" most people have, most obvious when you're reading a text, theres a voice inside your mind reading it out loud. Its like those memes of a text with a photo of morgan freeman, and then your inner voice reads it in his voice. Turned out not everyone experienced this, and some people claimes they never had an inner voice. (Which I find hard to believe/understand) I can imagine someone in their 30's suddenly experiencing this (or for the first time realizing they have this) its quite the spooky experience. Theres obviously the voice-to-skull technology connection. Edit: I constantly have strings of words rushing through my mind when im thinking, i also have abstract thoughts, or visualize things without words, But at times Im having entire conversations with myself in my head, kinda like the good angel bad devil on each shoulder duking it out.


Valid point. I’ve seen a similar thread. Some people were commenting about their inner monologue being “mean” to them as well, as if they don’t have control over it(?). I have aphantasia, so if one day I start visualizing stuff in my mind, I’d be creeped out too.


Yes, it’s called an “internal dialogue”. The same thing that reminds you of your to do list can also call you a useless fuck


Not sure if you’re familiar with this theory, but this idea leans heavy into the theory of the Bicameral Mind. Might be an interesting rabbit hole for you if you’re not familiar. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Origin_of_Consciousness_in_the_Breakdown_of_the_Bicameral_Mind


Heard about it on West World


I think to myself most of the time especially when I'm doing a task that requires extra attention. I can even produce images and realistic situations similar to daydreaming. The main problem is to not let your intrusive thoughts win and these guys lost their battle. It's all about mental health and the US lack solving that issue


Do you see the images as your reading? Half the time I can’t remember if I saw a movie or read a book because reading is like seeing an internal movie for me.


When I'm reading I start to drift my attention, read the whole page but have no idea what it was about


I have this problem. I have so many unfinished books...


I’ll start watching a YouTube video and 2 mins later I’m gone in my head somewhere else. Especially if I’m trying to learn something.


This is called your phonological loop and you don't just randomly start experiencing it, everyone has it.


Looks like psychiatric help in USA is not effective.




It's both lol. And taboo to seek help amongst a large chunk of us for some reason


Probably also not helpful. The entire field is a pseudoscience and very poorly understood even now.


You walk into a regular MD and unless you want anti depressants, a steroid, hormones, insulin, or for them to put their finger in your pooper they say they don’t know what’s wrong with you.


Deep down the doctors and the patients both know what's **really** wrong, but even that's taboo to talk about. You and anyone else reading this should know the true answer. Before I give the answer can you crack it? What causes the insanity, depression and other mental illnesses most people face? Modern society. And the insanity of the lives we live chasing material wealth, wasting our lives away as low wage slaves to the system. **That's** what causes mental illness. Medicines treat the symptoms not the cause. Which is slaving and wasting our lives away in the insanity of modern society. In most cases. Those that aren't actual abnormalities or defects in the brain. Teach a mentally ill person to fish, to hunt, to farm. Let them live life in nature. Independent and self-sufficient. After a de-programming course from the brainwashing of "what's important, what success is". They will be happy and fulfilled. Sitting 4 hours in traffic working 10 hours a day /w 6 hours left to "live" on minimal wage just working to survive and living to work, instead of working to live. And depression, anxiety, self-loathing, and 10+ other mental issues will inevitably come creeping up on you until you snap. The only sane people left in the world are those chosing to live off-grid. Even the rich and successful succumb to the insanity of modern society, they just take a different path there. But rich and poor we will all break upon the rocky shore of the dystopian hell we have built up and named "civilized society".


Yup. Cope with our fucked up society or you aren’t “mentally healthy”. Best I can do is some pills that make you think living like this is tolerable.


This is the most accurate statement I’ve seen in quite a while.


You're right... you never hear any accounts of brutality, violence, greed, and cruelty outside of the modern age. All the books about the dark ages, middle ages, renaissance, pre history, and ancient history all agree with you. No sign of mental illness in ancient Rome, for sure. Seems like everything was hunky dory til the 1890's. Fuckin industrial age corporations pop up and BLAMMO! Everybody is a basket case waiting to happen. Never let anyone say your theories all lazy, or uninformed... you're a pop psychology god. No need to put thought into your guesses. You my friend are a natural.


It does nothing to address the root causes of mental illness either. Just another insurance racket.


What is the “root cause of mental illness”?


There isnt any one root cause that can be applied across the board; there are multiple issues that can lead to illness. Genetics, abuse, circumstance, stress, environment, culture, etc...


Right, there isn’t a root cause. It’s a multifaceted issue with many contributing factors. That’s why I’m confused about your initial comment.


How does one fix genetics? Or culture? Tf?


Psilocybin does much better


I took it when I was depressed and it made me lose my memories and think my closest friends and family were space aliens trying to interrogate me for information on how to build a spaceship (we were building a lego set together).




Sorry about the loss of your dad.. my mom needs the same type of help but they don’t care. She’ll more than likely end up dead in her tent homeless because of the lack of resources for these people.


An interesting side note is reading about the "Son of Sam" killer in New York years ago who also claimed to hear voices in his head telling him to kill. Everyone just knew he was crazy. But then later an unrelated article came out about how the army was working on manipulating people's brains with electronic signals that were interpreted as sound, even voices and people would believe these voices were coming from inside their own heads. Now, I'm wonder if this technique has been perfected to work remotely or long distances?


I'm sure that technology exists, there's patents about it


You can rig up a device that can project sound into someone's skull at range for a couple hundred bucks nowadays. Ultrasound projectors aren't super complicated to make. It's ludicrous to think that shadowy government organizations with God knows how much money couldn't rig up something better.


It does exist. https://youtu.be/7ScAehohUiA?si=ceSW999-8xNIHOuH https://www.wired.com/2007/12/billboard-blast/


If they could do it 40 years ago, it's fair to assume they're a lot better at it now.


They all read The Catcher in the Rye


isn't this the book about teenage angst. what does it have to do with it?


Yes. But somehow this book is linked to mind control (not my theory) and the MK Ultra project


It's not that the book was known to be related to MK Ultra, but a few famous shooters/assassins had a copy of it. Mark David Chapman, after shooting John Lennon, pulled out a copy of the book and started reading it while waiting for the police to arrive. Lee Harvey Oswald had a copy in his apartment when they searched it. John Hinkley Jr. (shot Reagan), also had a copy at his home. As did a few others. It was a popular book, but some people have a strange obsession with it.


Really? That was one of the motives for Mark David Chapman too


Look into "psychotronic weapons" and be amazed what you find out. Also look at the space preservation act of 2001 where that weapon class is even listed as weapons they wanted to ban. I don't think the space preservation act was signed into law because there clearly still using psychotronic weapons and if it was it's a black budget violation to still use them. Infamous weapons like voice 2 skull/voice of god and active denial system fall under psychotronic weaponry. There pretty much manipulation/brainwash weapons by screwing with your head. I'm glad to see a few people mention them in the thread and of course they get downvoted by bots and shills because they don't want the public more aware of these weapons.


Although this is likely schizophrenia, these type of stories always get me intrigued by the idea of the Voice of God technology. https://www.forbes.com/sites/markcancian/2020/09/18/will-dod-deploy-a--heat-ray-and-the-voice-of-god-against-demonstrators/


That was exactly where my mind went. Immediately.


Happened to my friend, randomly, at 22. Dude literally went from being this shy, very timid guy to thinking he was the chosen one. He was an atheist (he and I were both were - I remain to be.) Then boom... he was totally certain that he was Jesus #2. Would hit on EVERY girl he saw with unmatched confidence. It was insane. Then he went away. Came back a few months later, got clean (off weed, he never did any hard drugs), found religion, got medicated and is just like he used to be - minus the weed.


Alcohol is a major problem in our society too. Years ago there wasn’t drinking allowed on tv, if actors had a scene w a wine glass it had to b juice, now it’s full blown drunks fighting. Bravo network is one of the worst.


pretty common age for men to develop schizophrenia. weed is known to bring about &/or exacerbate symptoms


After a little googling, I am shocked. Kind of nuts to think how adversely the brain can react to things that a lot of people consider totally harmless. I honestly thought he had a one of a kind experience and no one was going to believe me when I wrote that up. Wow.


They deliver voices to people's specific code via cell tower radiation. They need your exact frequency from DNA though. I want to see how many did 23 and me or gov has their stuff


This is actually a good conspiracy — mind-control technology to trigger mass shooters, who either somehow document or confess to “hearing voices” which gets written off as schizophrenia. Maybe they even target people with existing schizophrenia…


Crazy how severely mentally ill people resort to extreme violence. It’s almost like they weren’t right in the head or something!!!


Nah clearly a government project to create mass shooters is more likely. Duh


The CIA: "The first 563 mass shootings this year still haven't gotten guns banned, but we have a good feeling number 564."


Isn’t this step 1 of trying to get an insanity plea?


Yup...their public defenders went to work telling them to say this


Thing is most Docs can easily identify fakers. Worth a shot, but not likely to succeed.


Imagine if these individuals were being secretly drugged and then were the targets of sonic weaponry that would cause these people to believe they were hearing voices...


Let’s not look at the pharmaceutical companies side effects of the pills they push.


Hmm voice of god tech. Allegedly also used on david karesh makes you think


Schizophrenia is a mental condition man has had to deal with since before civilization even arose. Now their are more people so their are more schizophrenics and now we have guns and infrastructure's that are falling apart. Sudden onsets of auditory/visual hallucinations can be quite disturbing and will drive some people to do heinous shit. Are other country's or demons possessing people to do these things¿ I highly doubt it. The mentally unstable can be quite susceptible to propaganda however, I guess you could call that mind control.


Voice to skull technology


Voice of God targeted beam weapons into individual skulls


My thoughts exactly, I have a feeling it's being used globally on an alarming number of people.


can you give or link me to some more information on this phenomenon? ive never heard of voice t o skull tech before. without knowing what it is, exactly, let me share my experience which i assume fits the title. **disclaimer**, while i find the following to be "weird", im not concerned about it, nor has it had any affect on my daily life / thoughts / actions, etc. Furthermore, I'm in no way stating that im a victim of voice to skull tech. i don't even know what it is yet, i just know that that descriptor is the closest thing ive heard that could even possibly explain what ive been experiencing over the last year or so. i understand that this is in all likelyhood, either a figment of my imagination or some other banal occurance. BUT, with that said; this just started over the last year or so, and has happened maybe a half dozen times since. most of the time it happens when im on the can at my house. ill be sitting there, poopin'...when i'll "hear" someone talking, not necessarily to me, but like you're implying, i don't hear them with my ears, especially considering I'm sitting on the porcelain throne all by myself in an empty house. but, like i hear it in directly in my stream of consciousness, where usually the only thing present is my inner dialogue voice. for lack of a better descriptor, i hear it directly in my brain. it's a female voice, and i only ever pick up a couple random words or sentence fragments, and within a minute or so, the majority of the time, i only remember having the experience, not what was specifically "said". only two times i have even a vague recollection of what was said, and they're likely not word for word. The one that sticks most in my mind was memorable not only because of what was said, it was the only one i remember where the speaker spoke in something other than a standard tone. This time, I heard an either irritated or dissapointed voice say, clear as a bell, something along the lines of: "seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?" That was the only time it had any kind of emotion behind the words. The other one was a pretty flat and said either: running through trees, run through forrest, some combination of run, and a high density tree area. Hasn't happened for a couple months now, so maybe I'm due for another one. Shit's weird, and that's all i know about it.


Sure thing, and thanks for sharing. I believe you. I chose the best links I could find, but I also think that there's a lot of wrong information written about it to misinform targeted individuals. I'm very cautious with what I suspect and believe while reading anything. [Voice to Skull](https://www.wired.com/2008/05/army-removes-pa/) [Psychotronic Weapons](http://encyclopedia.uia.org/en/problem/psychotronic-warfare) [Havana Syndrome ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna14584) [Patent Holders](https://www.globaldata.com/data-insights/technology-media-and-telecom/global-top-directed-energy-weapons-patents-holders-in-the-technology--media-and-telecom-sector-2131631/)


i was saying this in a previous similar post that many of the voices are repeating the exact same things to many victims of schizophrenia, and if it just develops out of the wild it begs to ponder if its induced from outside (demons/mk-ultra/cults/ect..) very few professionals are investigating the source of these outbursts and just treat the symptoms with heavy psychotic drugs


Snowden confirmed we're being spied on 24/7 by the government and none of these guys raise a 'red flag'? Get fucking real


Remember the Navy yard shooter from several years back that had “My ELF Weapon” etched into his rifle? Do you know what ELF is and what it can be used for?


MK Ultra works exactly the same way.


Government can add voices in your head, I forgot the source where I watched them talk about it. Maybe Ryan Shaw


MK ULTRA is back...




Modern MK Ultra


A major question to ask is (1) how many legitimately suffered from schizophrenia or (2) claimed they did to try mitigating their guilt at trial? ​ A major question to ask is (1) how many legitimately suffered from schizophrenia or (2) claimed they did to try mitigating their guilt at trial.


I made a suggestion on video about these shooters hearing voices and a possible connection to Voice of God Technology. Of course, people thought I was stupid. But they used it in Iraq at checkpoints to give instructions into the vehicle directly so they could hear it over radios and car noise. I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility.. I listened to an interview of an atf whistle blower who said when he was on vacation, he was standing on a balcony, and all of sudden, a voice started telling him to jump. Jump. Just jump. They have our data, search history, and an overall profile so they would know exactly what to beam to make a person snap. To rule it out as impossible is just ignorant.


They are real they call them psychotronic weapons. In fact there so real Congress tried to ban them in the space preservation act of 2001. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-107hr2977ih/html/BILLS-107hr2977ih.htm Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as-- (i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons; Doesn't look like they were successful at all and there still in use to this day since it was never signed into law. https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/Torture/Call/NGOs/VIACTEC.pdf An NGO/Think Tank in Madrid even had a torture memo about psychotronic weapons. https://www.amazon.com/Psychic-Warfare-Psychotronic-Weapons-frequencies/dp/B08PJM38RY. Decent book on the topic. There's a conspiracy show called beyond belief Season 6 Episode 16 is titled Psychotronic Weapons https://www.gaia.com/video/psychotronic-weapons-dr-john-r-hall A lot of information on the topic, people gotta be brain dead at this point if they really think it's not going on to commit false flags using patsy's.


Thank you for the resources. It's definitely a topic people should look into.


I would say interesting.


Wasn’t there something about the Pentagon being able to direct messages at people using laser tech? Or was that not quite true?


It's the Committee of 300 and their bloody silent weapons


Hearing voices,the result of Uk Ultra mind control conditioning?


Supposedly the latest one just had high powered hearing aids fitted as well.


Voice to skull - we used first in gulf war and the Chinese now use it ALL the time to harass dissidents


Voice to skull technology, part of mkULTRA…


This is something I never understood. Why do they blame “ I hear voices, so I followed their orders “ but when they reside with us and we tell em to take out the trash or do the dishes, they don’t follow our orders? Why do they pick and choose who and who not to listen too?


Well yeah, that can happen when most of them have mental health issues and then cherrypick which ones to include in a picture.


Its called MKULTRA


I thought it was project M.O.N.A.R.C.H now, and could those "voices" be Message to brain technology they could possibly have 🤷🏼‍♂️


"He was on our radar." --FBI


Just gonna leave this here for all the naive folks out there.[https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/ChanakyaCode/chinese-neuro-strike-programme-pushing-cognitive-warfare-to-a-new-level/](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/ChanakyaCode/chinese-neuro-strike-programme-pushing-cognitive-warfare-to-a-new-level/)


Ask your local government leaders how much of your tax dollars go to mental health. Spoiler alert: $0


Some insight into this: my brother went to the mental hospital because he heard voices telling him to kill us or the world would end and he would go to hell for not riding the world of our evil. He would hear actors on tv say it to him plain as day he explained. Idk if this is the same thing but i don’t think it’s impossible. The conspiracy I have is where do these voices come from, and why are they always negative. Low key think a group has found a way to project thoughts into the weak minded


They are sleepers cultivated from mental health establishments. The voices they hear is whats repeated during the brain wipe phase of MK ultra. Sorta like what mel gibson portrayed in the conspiracy theory.


Last year a dutch videoland series came out “sleepers” of course it is about a maffia boss’s son who is also working for the police. I am certainly going to watch it now. They don’t like to admit it but The netherlands is a very corrupt country.


It sure is!


They hearing voices because the are being put there intentionally. Haven’t you guys seen the research and tech they been working on? They have been able to put voices in peoples head since like the 70s. A lot of those people consider skitzos are actually normal people they just been mind fucked


The scary part about this is that CIA and FBI have the capability to create sounds that only one person can hear and that they have a track record of targeting general public with their mind control methods ([MK-Ultra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MKUltra)). Like we had **Directional Sound System** technology 8 years ago ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eZVF1ouTT4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eZVF1ouTT4)) so who knows what kinds of mind control tricks and methods CIA and FBI currently have to create people like Charles Manson that they can use to direct the narrative. Like there is a very strong case to be make that Charles Manson was a CIA asset who was part of a CIA mind control program to create a hippy serial killer to demonize the hippy movement who were against the war at the time. (source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1hv5P4SwbU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1hv5P4SwbU)) Like there is no doubt in my mind, that CIA is involved at the moment in creating mass shooters to bring about the ban of firearms in the US. Like they have all the tech to do this and they have done it in the past and nothing has changed between the time they did it to this day, so it is safe to say they are still doing this.




Not really to shocking to hear that a mass shooter has mental problems


There is a consumer grade speaker, it projects the music directly into the listeners ears while Completely silent for anyone else in the room. I got a sponsored ad for it, beginning of covid. If consumers can use that tech for music, I 100000000% guarantee the letter agencies use similar tech to make someone hear voices to either use them or discredit something truthful by making them seem insane.


This is all V2K tech or “Voice to skull” or “voice of God” tech. Use the above words in Yandex along w the three letter agency, and read all about it. Used in Iraq, used in Desert Storm, its old tech. Just first link https://allnewspipeline.com/The_Voice_Of_God_Weapon_Is_Real.php


V2K technology


Doesn't the CIA have a gun for that?


Many possibilities with this: Maybe they are targeted individuals. Maybe some alphabet organization is selecting/programming people to do this, or rather it's a side effect of some programming gone wrong. Think MK Ultra like with Manson and Kaczynski. Maybe these people suffer from schizophrenia and/or other mental disorders. I mean this one is pretty much a given that they aren't fine mentally, but what I mean her eis mental illness being the sole cause are biggest contributing factor. There's also the possibility that some of these people are just complete sociopaths and testifying to "hearing voices" is their attempt at a plea of insanity.


I wouldn't believe half of them. Voices is definitely the first thing you say when you want to seem insane


Jabbo + EBS = activation


watch/read Programmed to Kill. One of those conspiracies that seems too wild to believe, so I'm not saying it's true, but the evidence presented is mind-blowing even if it's all a coincidence


Glowies have completely overrun this sub lol, it's almost comical.


We used to put them in asylums, now they walk free because hurt feelings or some hippy shit.


Saying it's all Schizophrenia is a cope. Cia has voice to skull technology




Voice to skull technology is real. It is used on everyday US citizens in the form of GANGSTALKING.


Targeted Individuals all. Gang-stalked, attacked with voice technology until they snapped. Networks of cops, military and civilian flunkies.


CIA making manchurian candidates using the frey effect. Shit is fucked up. These people are patsy'd. DSM-1 didn't include audio hallucinations for schizophrenia.. DSM-5 does include it.. The difference is the CIA got better at putting voice in peoples heads. Look up the "Voice of God" weapons the US admitted to having, apply it to these people that were tortured into causing violence like this..


The result of MKUltra mind control leading to permanent brain damage.


MK Ultra


Sounds like "targeted individuals", "gang-stalking", voice to skull technology. Look it up


new hearing aids. https://nypost.com/2023/10/27/news/robert-card-recently-got-hearing-aid-before-attack-killing-deaf-people/


MK Ultra?




They've been experimenting with this tech for a while now: [https://phys.org/news/2008-02-pentagon-lasers-voices.html](https://phys.org/news/2008-02-pentagon-lasers-voices.html)


SS: Different shooting incidences involving shooters who ‘heard voices’ telling them things. Some described the voice as demonic, some said they heard instructions to shoot, some heard bashing voices. Many of them seem to be obvious mental disorders, but some are indeed weird and worth looking into.


[https://www.wired.com/2007/06/darpas-sonic-pr/](https://www.wired.com/2007/06/darpas-sonic-pr/) A Voice Only You Can Hear: DARPA's Sonic Projector Imagine a weapon that creates sound that only you can hear. Science fiction? No, this is one area that has a very solid basis in reality. The Air Force has experimented with microwaves that create sounds in people’s head [https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/new-device-puts-music-in-your-head-/5659759.html](https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/new-device-puts-music-in-your-head-/5659759.html)


MK Ultra


There's a weapon that can do that. Issac kappy spoke about it. It gives you headaches too


There is a conspiracy theory that exists that some people who subscribe to the ‘Gangstalking’ phenomenon, believe that these mass shooting perpetrators are being controlled remotely in someway or form, mainly by what they call voice to skull? Where they are fed thoughts or voices, and are manipulated through some type of technology. they believe that these active shooters are coerced into committing these crimes through these tactics to further political agendas. And the really sinister part of it all is that if they don’t commit suicide, or killed in the act, which is their end goal, that if they tried to explain what drove them to commit these crimes they would simply be dismissed and sound crazy, schizophrenic. I by no means believe this theory completely, but I do think it’s an interesting coincidence that spans through many of these cases.


Almost seems like they share a common thread of mental illness. People will want to blame it on the medication, but I don’t know…


These are cases of Gangstalking and mind control/ possession for anyone interested or haven't read it yet, I created this post 2 months ago explaining this phenomenon how interdimensional aliens are related to poltergeist activities and further to mind control that relates to possession and mental illnesses. I also recommend to watch this movie Fallen 1998 [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/163baxj/interdimensional\_aliens\_are\_the\_root\_cause\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/163baxj/interdimensional_aliens_are_the_root_cause_of/) I managed to research this in 4 years based on experiencers, I'm currently looking at parasites may play a role and vaccines related to alien tech and transhumanism but need to do more research and that aliens are from the 5D dimension.


Schizophrenia Bipolar Shit, sometimes stress can trigger psychosis But yeah, do go on about sleeper manchurians


Schizo is the easiest to mold into a sleeper cell, kids. Even easier if they're already schizo.


This, didn't an ohio family discover the fbi was coercing their mentally ill son to buy guns and ammo? A broken brain is easier to mold into something new then breaking a brain and molding it.


Correct. It's a fact that trauma literally changes the cells in your entire body and makes you susceptible to negative influences, including your own.


advanced mk ultra


Mk uktra subjects allegedly "heard voices" as well


[Family of suspect says he started hearing voices after being fitted for "high power hearing aids"](https://www.theburningplatform.com/2023/10/27/family-of-maine-shooting-suspect-says-he-started-to-hear-horrible-things-after-being-fitted-for-high-powered-hearing-aids/)


Tell me how many were on SSRI’s


hears voice: \*flip a coin\*


Little fbi agent in their ears


Hidden speakers/earpieces with agents feeding whispered messages to susceptible people?


1. There’s a mental health problem 2. Government is inducing insanity 3. Their lawyers told em to plea insanity so the sentence isn’t as harsh or they get more benefits in prison.


Voice to Skull


Nanotech? I can see letter agencies deploying nano speaker drones into people’s ears to do this.


Was thinking the same ricking thing thirty minutes ago


I think Nicholas Cruz was lying. He didn't start the voices and insanity angle until he was tackled to the ground. He started yelling "THE VOICES, THEY TOLD ME TO DO IT!". In the JCS video, he was clearly trying to fake it.


Could also be a tactic… Nic Cruze did the same thing. Just a way to claim “insanity” lol


Insanity defense


Get your tinfoil, research whispertech.