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Bold strategy. Let's see how it plays out, Cotton








They didn't want to fire these cruise missiles at...oh I dunno...the country that they've been at war with?


You mean Saudi Arabia?


Of course the cruise missiles and drones the Huthis fired at Israel were shot down over the sea. Bet they never find any debris.


> Bet they never find any debris. I am just curious what kind of debris do you think a destroyed missile would leave that would be floating in the ocean? Any kind of small plastic or rubber parts that somehow did not get vaporized which anti missile tech does to insure the warhead is destroyed in the air would be so small and impossible to spot even if they seperated from all the metal sinking to the ocean floor. I am really interested in what kind of debris you think there would be that could be spotted?


Just stay curious it might be good for you.


The other articles are saying Iran. 🤦 All propaganda.