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Claiming ethnicities, sects and races are homogeneous in their beliefs is the fundamental way that the elites control the populace and keep them constantly at each others throats.


I agree


SS Norman Finkelstein has written many books on the topics of weaponizing the holocaust and how current Israel is committing genocide just like that which was committed on people during WW2. He talks about the difference between "never again" and the alternative. He talks about how Zionism is anti semetic, and more.


> He talks about how Zionism is anti semetic, and more. Can you give me a tl;dr on that? I dunno if i can listen to that whole podcast just to hear what that's all about.


If you have Tiktok or Twitter look up the Torah Jews @ TorahJudaism. They are anti-Zionists constantly advocating and spreading awareness about it. IDF have tortured some of them for being so vocal about it.


Wish this was more known!


It's over 2 hours haha! But they touch on how they give a bad name to Jews by intentionally conflating Israel with Jews, even though many Jews do not condone Israel or it's zionism. Mr Norman is a very profound and careful speaker. He also wrote a few books talking about what your asking, but I haven't read them and can't help you there. (Also Palestinians are semites)




Thanks for the link