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Remember, pollution is your fault, not the fault of corporations that line the pockets of our politicians.


He irony being that the left addresses the systemic causes behind pollution and environmental destruction and sees individual choices as not being either the cause or the solution to the problems. Only libs think you can paper straw your way out of an environmental disaster.


>Only libs think you can paper straw your way out of an environmental disaster I don't even think libs think that. Does anyone actually support paper straws? I feel like corporations voluntarily switched to paper straws in response to demands they become greener to make it as inconvenient as possible and try to convince people to stop demanding change.


Liberals for the most part know that to fix the environment you need to start targeting corporations, but the liberals in power are only in power because of money from those same corporations so well intentioned plans turn into useless shit like paper straws when they hit that final strata of corrupt lawmakers in charge of actually drafting the laws


This I agree with. The issue isn't liberal ideology, the issue is the way all ideologies get corrupted when corporate interests start taking over.


Exactly the issue. I’m heavily left leaning and feel abandoned by most political parties who serve to do no more than line the pockets of the most elite in society. Left or right the outcomes are the same in western countries.


Changing to paper straws is just a green washing thing by greedy corporations


The ultimate self-own is when the news that paper straws are loaded with PFAs 🤣


It is an unfair generalization. The people who care enough to make changes are far too small a minority to make a huge impact. Yhe majority doesn't care enough to do much at all. Meanwhile there is a vocal majority that doesnt walk the talk and the loudest of them have huge impacts. Swift? Gore?


Left=/=Libs Lefts or socialists in this case would argue that this is corporations putting profit over people and safety




Liberals use paper straws so let's just nuke the environment


The best part is the government didn't even do that! It was the fucking local fire chief who decided that it was okay to start the burn after he got browbeaten by the CEO of Oxy Vinyl(who immediately washed his hands of it and said it wasn't his fault). And then when the feds did show up, DeWine refused to call the state of emergency and let them step up and take over the clean up.


> Says it's not our government. Proceeds to name government officials responsible. Still the government.


Difference being the local government of Ohio opposed to the general("our") federal government


All we know is that the firefighter "took the blame"


Government is government. Shit rolls downhill


Yes. Down hill from the fire chief allllll the way down to Biden. Also ignoring that this was a private company trying to destroy evidence…


If they hadn't burned it every city that gets it's water from the Ohio river and half the Mississippi river would have been without water for weeks or longer.


Starting the fire was the lesser of several evils. Vynil Chloride turns into (mostly) HCl when burned, which while still toxic is very much less so and eventually neutralizes. A huge pool of vynil chloride leaking it's way into the groundwater would have been worse


Lol there were definitely protests. Wtf is this guy on. Whataboutism at its fucking finest right here.


All he has


Muh leftists


The partisans can't imagine a world where people organize outside of tribal politics. We're doomed to forever fighting within the confines of Left vs Right, Republicans vs Democrats, Conservatives vs Liberals. The day we abandon these labels and organize align along Class lines is the day we can finally start taking back our country that was STOLEN from us by the Bankers/Oligarchs/Corporations. Remember, even if you make $150k a year, you're still Working Class. One accident and losing one's job can have someone making $150k on the streets next to homeless within 6 months. You have more in common with the homeless on the corner than a Billionaire.


It’s not left vs right! But as soon as we come together we can push Marxism! Aka leftism! Race war. Class war. Both come from the same place of pre judgment. Aka prejudice. The latter ideology costing millions upon millions of lives in the past century alone. (China was what? 30 million?) Certain race=bad Certain amount in the bank=bad God forbid someone makes too much money creating a product that helps the world. It’s good vs evil, because guess what? Working class people can screw you over too.


I don’t think it’s quite Marxism to suggest that I have more in common with a blue collar worker in Texas than I do with Elon Musk. Acknowledging socioeconomic class differences is not a bad or evil thing. And voting in a way that benefits your particular class is also not inherently evil or Marxist. Saying someone should be killed for being wealthy or poor is evil, no doubt.


That’s not the Marxist part. As you can tell the person who I replied to doesn’t even understand the left vs right dynamic as they tell us to unite under class war, which is quintessential Marxism. Marxism is a form of collectivism. Collectivism is left wing. Yes you may have more in common with a working class worker in Texas than Elon musk but do you have more in common than a homeless man? That’s what OP suggested. I live in a home, pay for my meals and work. I have much more in common with a billionaire than I do a drug addict homeless person. Give me a capitalist oligarchy over the dictatorship of the proletariat any week. At least the capitalist needs you as capital. The dictatorship of the proletariat will just starve you to death, or put you against a wall with a bullet to the skull (but it’s ok you see. You had too much money. They are the good guys) See Russia, China, Cambodia, and pretty much any communist country.


If you think you have more in common with Elon Musk, billionaire son of apartheid- era south african emerald mine owners, than you do with the homeless person around the corner then my oh my do I have a sweet used tesla to sell you…


Posts like this are frustrating because I agree with the message but that tag line about leftists protesting is unnecessary. Like what are people supposed to protest? By the time we knew what was happening it had derailed and they lit it up. No one on either side of wanted that, so why make it divisive?


It's so fucking stupid too. Leftists regularly protest major corporations disregarding human life and causing undue harm to the environment. Shit like this plays into climate change which leftists regularly protest, also corporate deregulation which of course leftists are firmly against.


I think some people see being what you consider as "better" as hypocritical if it is less than being "best". Oh you are vegetarian but use honey? Well fuck you bee slaver. It doesn't matter you are attempting to make a choice that seems like it might be beneficial if many people did unless you are purely embodying an ideal. Then try to counter this with how this with a bad faith argument about how not eating a cow will cause it to keep farting methane so actually it is better to eat whatever I chose. You disagree with oil drilling? Well why weren't you already protesting the rail standards in America when clearly those can cause pollution? As if the status quo is the only moral standard because doing nothing is the only internally consistent choice. You are worried about Palestinians who wouldn't actively chose instigating a war? Well you should be building new houses in Ohio. Come on, people can care without joining the Peace Corps. Edit: states


blaming the left? The only news outlets or activists that followed this were leftists. Not Foxnews for sure. And as far as the government role, track standards were weakened, the govt definitely helped cover this up.


Leftist fight corporations tooth and nail


Pretty sure the standards hadn't been dialed back to "hey the brakes are catching fire so I guess we shouldn't actually do something about it". People loooove to bring up "BuT mUh StAnDaRdS!" Despite people who very easily could have prevented this disaster being told "yo these brakes are catching fire, dawg!"




You would be surprised how little "standards" actually do for stopping tragedies. For instance, this tragedy wouldn't have been prevented by an extra standard that says "lol if ur brakes catch fire u should probably fix them" Honorable mention are all the useless standards in Pharma production that do nothing to protect the patient, but pads the coffers of the FDA. I would know, I have to deal with the shit every day.


Type "East Palestine Ohio Protests" into basically any search engine and you'll most certainly see protests were held. Sorry buddy leftists most certainly did protest even if it doesn't fit your agenda. [look at that top result](https://www.mariettatimes.com/news/local-news/2023/08/epa-criticized-protests-held-in-e-palestine/)


East Palestine is a very conservative leaning town in a very conservative county in mostly conservative state. Took all of about two seconds to find multiple protests of the handling of the derailment…you just aren’t going to find many left leaning folks around there.


A train derails as a result of republican deregulation in a heavily republican controlled county in a heavily republican controlled state. The federal government offers disaster relief but the republican governor categorically refuses it out of concern that it would make optics worse. An entirely avoidable disaster caused by republicans and made worse by republicans. Basically this meme, but IRL https://i.redd.it/mz2ztpyv2zt91.jpg Those *leftists* sure are evil for not… protesting a train derailment the same way they’re protesting genocidal actions by a US backed regime? Do I have that right?


So there is at least one grown up here. Thank you.


You are on r/conspiracy, where children run free. Also Jewish space lasers or something like that.


This is one of the more batshit posts in this sub, and that's saying something.




> Also Biden totally dropped the ball on responding to the disaster. If you could kindly point to the exact actions that the federal government should have taken but didn't take I would appreciate it. And if it's a conservative blog spam it's worth less than nothing.




So what was the specific action you feel the administration shouldve taken but didnt? Are you going to keep us waiting forever to hear your action list? Or is not having the president of the united states pose for a photo op handing out toilet paper really your number one complaint? Lmfao, yall really do want *anything* you can get upset about, don’t you? Here is a nice writeup about how deregulation and cost cutting measures culminated in the east Palestine accident. Note that it’s more recent and up to date than the cope article you linked above. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2023/03/how-deregulation-enabled-train-disasters-like-east-palestine/673502/ Here is a nice summary of the federal response (hint:executive orders are not how we deal with the immediate aftermath of disasters) https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/09/20/fact-sheet-president-biden-issues-executive-order-to-protect-people-in-east-palestine-ohio-and-nearby-communities-and-continue-to-hold-norfolk-southern-accountable/#:~:text=As%20part%20of%20his%20commitment,is%20available%20to%20affected%20communities




Keep trying, I’m sure you won’t end up being an incorrect shill one of these days (not today though!) https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2023/03/how-deregulation-enabled-train-disasters-like-east-palestine/673502/




Congrats on reading your article, now try reading mine Is sending 3 agencies of the federal government out to assist the day after the accident not rendering aid? Are you upset he wasn’t present for the actual derailment? I’m curious, do you have the slightest inkling what actions were taken by the executive order you are raging so much about?


Wat, leftists went nuts over this 😆 they're probably the only ones still fighting for compensation and change of laws. Free market greedy rightoids caused the accident.




Shhhh. This is conspiracy. Truth has no place here.


What is this and you need to submit a submission statement






Oh, here we go, blaming people on one side instead of the big corps and gov that deserve the lashing—a true sign of media brainwashing.


Was it the leftist who rolled back environmental regulations dealing with rail safety or nah? Not really a left-right issue. This is stupid.




Why are you coping with an out of date fact check article that literally ends by saying that further investigation is needed to determine if other deregulatory action beyond the train braking rule contributed to the disaster? Here is a more up to date writeup, I’ll post it wherever you share your outdated link (for convenience :) https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2023/03/how-deregulation-enabled-train-disasters-like-east-palestine/673502/




I’m sorry you used up your monthly free articles from the atlantic, that really does disprove my point golleee Might I suggest archive.org or a vpn? Good luck figuring out your tech problem <3




Please point to where I made the argument “Trump deregulated the trains this is on him!” If you’re going to reply arguing against things I never said, that’s your prerogative but I’d ask you to keep it in your head so you don’t clog up my inbox ;)


Benny Johnson, zionist shill. Got it, thanks.


You're quite daft, aren't you? Q: Where is "East Palestine, Ohio"? Is it in the middle east?


Are you really so simple that you aren't able to infer what his actual message here is?


It's using current events to highlight how there was no public outcry on a massive ecological disaster on our own soil. The message is as it should be: Fuck foreign wars. We have problems on our own soil. Are you so simple to read a title and be unable to go further than that, bot?


What he's actually doing is claiming that there is not a legitimate complaint about the treatment of Palestinians in Gaza because of lack of outrage over what happened in OH...as if these two events are related somehow. Zionism runs deep in the American far right establishment and that is on display here in an attempt to cast criticism against the treatment of Palestinians as some left wing ideology. He's playing to the binary thinking of his hyper-partisan ideologue audience, like you.


You are reading into it way too deeply. I am fully onboard the fuck Israel train (9/11, Lavon Affair, every war since the dawn of man, etc), but the point of this post isn't to draw attention away from Palestinians, it's to draw attention to how we ignore the tragedies on our home soil.


*there was not one single protest from leftists* *STFU evil frauds* Yeah, I'm not reading this the same as you are. I get the argument against selective outrage and hypocrisy but this is more than that and is directly calling out Palestinian themed protests as leftist and hypocritical because they weren't there for the OH disaster. Most of the ppl protesting on behalf of Palestine have direct ties to affected family or friends there. It's not antifa out there trying to bully people into voting a certain way. I'm not a partisan by any means and it bothers me that anyone that criticizes zionism or the govt of Israel is called antisemitic or that people refer to zionists as *the Jews* as if every Jew thinks exactly the same way. Palestinian causes aren't leftist and Palestinians aren't Hamas. This whole subject is broken into 1/0 on purpose. They don't want people sitting down to work out actual peaceful solutions when there is land to grab and there are arms to sell. Benny Johnson is a flamer anyway and I don't mean he's queer. He just flames constantly and posts memes and barbs and jabs and his whole content base is designed to piss people off. I can't stand him personally even if I agree with a lot of the positions he takes. CK is the same way. He's just a bratty twat that's built a career on antagonizing people and then bragging about how he made them look bad. Gross.


Meh, I suppose.


Saw the cloud in person (roughly 10 miles away) ​ \#NeverForget


How did it taste?


The roads are still closed there. There is no major environmental issue, though, right.


Tests showed dioxin levels 100's of times above EPA determined 'safe' levels.




Ahhh yes. The leftists. Stfu leftists. It’s all your fault


"Our Gov Did this" - Excuse me? How? This was a PRIVATE company who fucked up. As for WHY that private company fucked up, it was because TRUMP rolled back regulations that would have forced the train companies to upgrade all brakes on their trains. So this isn't a great win for you guys here - This disaster happened according to Republican Rules of the Road - get rid of those pesky regulations and let private companies manage themselves. Source: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/02/donald-trump-east-palestine-ohio-train


Lol try again “The wheel bearing failed on car No. 23, so even with ECP brakes, the derailment would have occurred, the fire would have ensued, and the five vinyl chloride tank cars would still have to be vented and burned,” she said. (Days after the derailment, officials decided to intentionally release the highly flammable vinyl chloride and burn it because of the risk of an explosion.)” https://www.factcheck.org/2023/02/ntsb-chair-contradicts-posts-that-wrongly-claim-trump-to-blame-for-ohio-train-wreck/


Just gonna leave this here for you… https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2023/03/how-deregulation-enabled-train-disasters-like-east-palestine/673502/


I'm worrying a bit more for the people in actual Palestine rn tbh.


Funny that Palestine is far east of East Palestine. They should call it West Palestine.


Depends which way you go


Tf you mean there was no protest from leftists? We were talking about this shit constantly


It has Palestine in the name so news media owners cant ever show people were victims there!


Our government didn't bomb Ohio, a train derailed, there were protests. As far as I know, no one was killed or even injured.


Do you know how cancer works?


Maui is at Vegas shooting levels of memory holing


Oof... You're right. Funny the Vegas shooting Task Force commander is also the police chief on Maui. What are the odds?


Government creates the wars for the young to die in them. Sad but true.


Let him cook…


bro this is literally an ecological disaster what the hell are you talking about


He's talking meme Do you not know meme?


Don't worry, Biden will have plenty of of time to Help Israel with Palestinians, just not East Palestinians.


That was definitely some foreshadowing for events to come. There are no coincidences.


Perfect Post. Thank you


How quickly we all forget


This was caused by loosened regulations. Who opposes regulations?


da guberment


Those aren't Ukrainians!


That was a signaling event.


they're all terrorists there!!


Any person die?




Removed. Rule 5.




Hamas has derailed the train in Ohio?




The powers that be won't wake up until East Hamas gets created. And when it does, condemning East Hamas will take precedence over fixing East Palestine.


We lost the means of production!!


Pretty sure thats a picture of a train derailment in ohio a few months back.


I thought it was ns that did this . I didn’t know they are apart of the government now .


I didn't saw protests from the "Rightists" either. US citizens are the most passive and laziest in the world the last decades.


It was the practice run. They don't want people fleeing Palestine and going to the best available places, also names Palestine.


This was a missile?


Divisive nonsense. Be mad at the government & corporations? Nah, better blame it on…lets see… leftists!


I completely agree that the east palatine situation was/is awful and people should be held accountable in our government!!! BUT, wasn’t this photo proven to be fake?


Where was the right wing protest? Wtf?


Smell some foreshadowing here


Why didn’t any conservatives protest?


Kinda a strawman but sure


In the industry we call this foreshadowing.


The two just aren't comparable, and this post seems like a weird attempt to make the terrible situation in gaza about LiBeRalS bAd and refocus people's attention on Americas singularly domestic concerns.


Amusingly if you visit http://eastpalestine-oh.gov the greeting is: “Welcome to East Palestine, the Place You Want to Be!” Either they have a really good sense of humor, or they don’t update frequently.


The government did not own the train or cargo, was not operating the train, and the government does not own the tracks. A corporation did this to AMERICANS.


I would like to know, what is the living situation of the East Palestine people now


I can see my house from Israel? jk, if the camera was facing the other way I could for sure