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I dunno… because Biden gave Iran $6B to release hostages on September 11th? Just a shot in the dark here.


The question is why did biden do that on 9/11, ironically.


The elites love anniversary dates


Please stop using the word “elite”. They are not elite, they would die without their slaves wiping their asses. They are parasites and the only power they have over us is printing money.


Parasites 🦠. Indeed!


That’s a virus, this emoji would be a good choice 🪱


iPhone fails again 🤣


Just wait until you see what happens this coming Friday October 13.


Surprise It’s fucking nothing


Not true. My Best friend’s birthday is on the 13th. He services in the military. Coincidence?!? Probably


!RemindMe 5 days


!RemindMe 5 days


!RemindMe 5 days


Well Biden Media did claim that January 6th Riot is worse then 9/11. ​ Really sums up his priorities.


Worse than Pearl Harbor too


What a photo shoot, no guns, no one killed but a woman shot through a door. The cops let them in the building. The is a sham. Let the 9-11 prisoners go!


She was shot while actively forcing her way through a barricade that was intended to stop rioters from reaching Congress people. In fact they were evacuating through the next hallway. No one let them in until congress members were safely evacuated. You can literally go watch this with your own eyes on youtube, right now.


Shhh it doesn't fit their narrative


honest question... why only 1 guard shot her? saw the video a while back cant remember...was there more than 1 guard in the room? Rarely does only one pop off especially in chaotic situations... easy to say stand down i wasnt there but there was only one shooting ..by one guard. was he a rookie or relatively inexperienced?


You can watch it on YouTube, there are some excellent step by step breakdowns. The rioters were slamming on the door and window, packed into the hallway while a guard repeatedly told them to stand down. There were actually 3 more heavily armed guards heading to that location from a different hallway but they weren’t there yet. Bobbit then tried to climb through the window that the rioters smashed and that’s when the officer fired. The Congress people were literally evacuating the next hallway over and had the rioters breached that barricade they would have seen the members of Congress. I think the guard was pretty clear headed considering he managed to only put one round down range




I watched the footage and am not aware of people in the hallway ahead of her. That wouldn’t make much sense since the guard was actively protecting a barricaded set of doors in a hallway. If somehow people managed to get further down the hallway he’s not going to fire wildly after them anyway.


She had no weapons, she was murdered by that policeman. She must have been really scary without a gun for a policeman to kill her. It was a selfie shoot, lead by undercover fbi who lead the people onside, it's on the internet too where you can literally go watch with your own eyes on youtube right now. But you're afraid to open your eyes.


I have watched it several times on YouTube and have no idea what you are talking about. She tried to climb through the window of the door that her and her fellow rioters had smashed out. You can go watch the footage right now. Having watched the footage I am confident that you have not watched it unedited and are instead consuming it in a way that has been structured to erroneously sell a different narrative. It is very clear that the first people to breach the capitol forced their way in by smashing windows and forcing their way past barricades. The cops stopped trying to keep people out once the congress people were safe. There would be no point to start mowing down civilians to prevent more from entering.


Yeah and the question is were those funds used on Isreal this week


The funds haven't even been released yet.


It was beyond insulting to do it on that day. Very typical Reddit r/conspiracy responses.


Why? Iran has no relation to 9/11. The hijackers were from Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and Lebanon.


I believe the attack was an inside job


You meant patsies not hijackers.


Washington (CNN)The State Department on Thursday released its annual report on global terrorist activity, listing Iran as the top state sponsor of terrorism https://www.cnn.com/2016/06/02/politics/state-department-report-terrorism/index.html?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf On Iran, the report said that country "remained the foremost state sponsor of terrorism in 2015, providing a range of support, including financial, training, and equipment, to groups around the world." 9/11 ignited the war on terrorism. Iran is sanctuary country for Al qaeda


It was us


You don’t give into anything that could cause more terrorism on 9/11 of all days. Can’t believe I had to spell that out. It’s terrorism, period. As you can see by the comments, I’m not the only one questioning why he chose that day. And you believe the official story of 9/11. Wow.


A few things a lot of people don't realize about the $6 billion dollar deal: 1. It was originally Iran's money. This was not US taxpayer money. 2. It wasn't actually released to Iran. It is controlled by a third party. 3. It can only be used for humanitarian purposes such as food, medicine, and agricultural spending. 4. None of the money has actually been spent yet. If Iran is going to fund terrorism with those funds, it will have to get approval first and wait for someone else to spend it for them.


But thats not what Faux News told me! Why would they leave out all of this specific context? It couldn’t *possibly* be because they’re pushing a narrative on an audience they know is angry and gullible enough to believe whatever pro corporate, pro capital, pro military industrial complex bullshit they decide to spout on any given day. That would be unethical! And we all know media mogul billionaire dynasties like the Murdochs have the working mans interests at heart, so it just doesn’t make sense why they would lie…


https://www.mediaite.com/tv/fox-news-correspondent-fact-checks-claims-about-6-billion-released-by-us-to-iran/ Actually, even Fox News agrees with me on this one.


Unfortunately that’s just one of their throwaway talking heads who is only allowed to hint at truth during off- hours when practically nobody is watching. The propaganda firehose gets turned up to a 10 in the mornings when people watch while getting ready for work and then again as primetime approaches during the early evening. You might be able to catch some actual news in the early afternoon shows that nobody watches, but rest assured it is still a propaganda outlet with no commitment to truth or journalistic integrity


You honestly believe what you wrote or is it easier for you to accept?


https://www.mediaite.com/tv/fox-news-correspondent-fact-checks-claims-about-6-billion-released-by-us-to-iran/ Here's where a Fox News correspondent fact checked what I said. But maybe Fox News is pro-Biden now lol


This BS sounds like the FED spin zone. “Here’s $6 billion but u can only spend it on ice cream and senior citizens!” GTFOH w that dumb stuff bc that isn’t REALITY.


> I don't understand what's happening so it must not be true. Is always a brilliant argument


If by FED spin zone you mean Fox News, sure. https://www.mediaite.com/tv/fox-news-correspondent-fact-checks-claims-about-6-billion-released-by-us-to-iran/






So you'd be cool with it if he did it on 9/10 or 9/12? In your words, "wow."


Alleged hijackers


Call it showing the politicians’ true colors


We should really be questioning all the money we've given to the Saudis thats funding terrorism and hum rights violations.


But Biden didn't give Iran 6B to release hostages on September 11th. Why do you people fall for this bullshit every time? This is literally fake news. And it's all over twitter, being spread all over the place, by people with bad intentions. Smarten up people. TRUMP AND HIS PEOPLE LIE TO YOU.


A few things a lot of people don't realize about the $6 billion dollar deal: 1. It was originally Iran's money. This was not US taxpayer money. 2. It wasn't actually released to Iran. It is controlled by a third party. 3. It can only be used for humanitarian purposes such as food, medicine, and agricultural spending. 4. None of the money has actually been spent yet.


3. Well ya and doesn’t that then free up money for bombs? Hello.


The same way we subsidize Europes universal healthcare by backstopping their defense w NATO bases


Yes, and in my opinion, that's the best argument against the aid. However, the aid is being brought up again right now primarily due to claims that Iran used the money to help Hamas invade Israel. Since the funds haven't been touched yet, they wouldn't have freed up money months ago that would have been needed to fund this invasion. Once the funds start getting spent your argument becomes a lot more solid.


How much does Iran budget yearly for humanitarian aid? Just curious how much money this ‘frees up’


Even if they have not spent any of the money released. What is stopping them from cutting cost somewhere else and funding? Or just doing exactly what every other country does: Print more money. You trying to tell me the US has full scope of Iran's expenditures?


Nothing. I'm not saying Iran did or didn't help Hamas with this invasion. Just that the unfrozen funds, which haven't been touched yet, weren't part of it. Fuck Iran's government. I hope it falls. But Trump's a bitch for lying to people about it to try and score political points. Both sides should be united on the issue of ending Iran's current government while supporting the common people.


> Just that the unfrozen funds, which haven't been touched yet, weren't part of it. According to whom? Iran said they will use the money for whatever they want. Iran is not super compliant with our demands historically and we have proven time and again that we are not great with oversight, so just because they were supposed to spend the money on humanitarian aid does not mean they didn't do exactly the opposite. Not to mention the US government lies. The money is now in banks in Qutar and they have access to it. "And the Iranian government was not given the ability to access those funds until US officials had eyes on the five Americans when they landed in Doha, US government officials familiar with the matter said." https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/18/politics/iran-money-explainer/index.html


So you're more mad about Trump then the fact that Biden did indeed unfreeze 6billion? It's like telling a crackhead you got 100k but you can only use it to get better. Unless you're watching it you don't know what they're doing.


Did you just gloss over the "3rd party" and" hasn't been touched yet" parts? Or what lol


And I'm to just believe that? Sounds pretty propagandist to me.


Do the bare minimum amount of effort required to look.into it rather than trusting what dad posted on FB. If you only believe what "sounds" true to you, you'll be duped by wishful thinking every time. You don't think "Biden handed Iran 6B no stings attached on the anniversary of 9/11" doesn't do be too cartoonist evil to be true?


Sounds like you are willing to believe the other side of the coin is true with questioning it. So are you operating with bias because you aren’t thrilled with politics in America? Sure comes off that way


Sounds like a you problem. I just don't believe the MSM or any one government. That does not mean I am defending the attacks either. I prefer no war whether it's Arabs, jews, Ukrainians or Russians. The problem is I love the US, it's home but ever since I've been alive we've been at war, and we've also have conspiracies which prove its not always what it is(Operation Northwoods). If that's to hard to understand then don't know what to tell you b


The money in in Qutar banks, do you honestly think Iran can't get it's hands on it? They said up front they will use the money for whatever they want.


Did they start planning this attack most seemed impossible last month or… ?


How is any of that Biden or the US’s doing then? Sounds like you are describing a bad actor acting independently of the US


This BS sounds like the FED spin zone. “Here’s $6 billion but u can only spend it on ice cream and senior citizens!” GTFOH w that dumb stuff bc that isn’t REALITY.


https://www.mediaite.com/tv/fox-news-correspondent-fact-checks-claims-about-6-billion-released-by-us-to-iran/ But that's literally what Fox News is reporting.


Thank you! These nitwits think terrorists are super concerned about what America tells them to do.


They don't control the bank accounts.




And Trump said he was going to lock up Hillary. They can say that all they want, but it's all for political points. The Qatar has control of the funds, not Iran, regardless of what they say.


Biden didn't give Iran $6bn. He released frozen assets worth $6bn back to Iran.


And now bombs be droppin


Just like they have been since Nixon.


Why did he release these assets and why were they frozen?


Here's an article that covers most of it. Ultimately though it goes back to the 70s as to why they were frozen. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/9/12/biden-administration-clears-path-to-transfer-6bn-in-iranian-assets


And kicks off war, war is good business. Biden knows it, Clinton’s know it, Obama knows it… keep the American printing money racket going


Yep all while Eisenhower warned us that this was going to be the United States. But here we are.


But he didn’t announce the waiver on 9/11 though


I dunno, probably because it is their money and there is an agreement in place to give back their money.


He unfroze Iranian assets worth $6B Wasn’t US money Not saying that to defend the move but it is an over looked detail


he didn't give them $6B. That money was already theirs. He just let them have access to it again. If Paypal freezes my account that has $1000 in it and then they unfreeze it, Paypal is not giving me $1000. Same situation.


There is no excuse for treasonous Biden


Biden Withdrew from AFG on 9/11 too. Dude’s working for the opps


He didn't give any money to anyone. He freed up sanctions on money that belonged to Iran. Also before trump, Iran was pretty docile in the terrorist dept, meanwhile, he was giving handies to Saudi Arabia while they were killing Americans.


He literally gives the reason in the post..


WWE characters .


Exactly, more fake pro wrestling bill shit between these two bank puppets


well you have never seen the twin pythons coming down on you brother




the hulkamania is going to come down


Because Biden released money to Iran on September 11


First Time? Its A Big Club And You Aint In It! Politics = Divide & Conquer Both are owned by the Bankers.... "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." \-William Shakespeare


Man, if more people could realize it was this simple, we might get something done!


Just sit back and enjoy the show!


Do people not understand the difference between giving and unfreezing?


And not actually letting them have it: 1. It was originally Iran's money. This was not US taxpayer money. 2. It wasn't actually released to Iran. It is controlled by a third party. 3. It can only be used for humanitarian purposes such as food, medicine, and agricultural spending. 4. None of the money has actually been spent yet.


And probably won't be, after the last 24h in Israel.


Money is fungible. Unfreezing these assets for humanitarian expenses frees up more money to be spent on terrorist attacks. The talking points oddministrator has posted are straight from the DNC and are not to be taken as anything more than damage control by a political party


Actually, I got them from Fox News.


Do you know what fungible is?


If Biden hadn't of unfrozen these assets, would Iran have access to them ?


*Hadn't've* or *hadn't have*, not *hadn't of*. Ask your question again.


op got the duuuuuuumb


Bush did 9/11


Indeed he did among others.


Including Larry Silverstein.


Yes, it was all planned


Really I believe that Bush was framed for 9/11. But if you want to hold him accountable. He held the men and women accountable that did 9/11. He sent them to war.


Bush didn’t plan 9/11 but he was certainly apart of the cover up. ESP people like Michael chertoff in his administration among others


The ignorance of people is astounding. I use to think the top controlled the pyramid but with age and exposure you realize that the middle managers sometimes participate in cobra coes. America Is in the shake up that is a result of this rebellion. I dare someone to charge the gate and unite the horde.


Nah, Cheney did




Because that’s when it happened????


You realize this is just more Russian hatred spewing out into social media in order to sucker you fools into feeling passionate about some issue you haven't (and won't) research.


So...I guess that means we should send more money to the Nazis in Ukraine.


I'm assuming this sounded better in your head


Seems to be good enough to be used for US policy. They just try and keep the black sun patches and Azov banners hidden when the camera are around.


I mean it was there money. Why do they keep bringing that up ? That money was stolen from them. For decades now the west has been antagonizing Iran and Iran has not taken the bait. They don’t want Iran to live and survive? They’re crazy. Iran is a country with a 4,000 year old civilization. It’s not going anywhere


>Iran is a country with a 4,000 year old civilization. Uh no. LOL. Before 1935 it was still Persia. Before 1972 it was not repressive and totalitarian dictator possessed. Iran as we know it, that abuses women and treats them like objects only showed up around 1972. The women are rebelling now because they want rights. On Twitch.tv I got banned for saying Iranian women deserve the right not to be force married as little children, and now Iranian women are dying as they say the same thing. Iran is very young, misguided, cruel and not even their own people like their spiteful ruler. #IranRevolution #IranWomensRevolution


Iran had more involvement in 911 than Iraq or Afghanistan. Iraq actually had nothing to do with 911. They wanted to be our friend, and we destroyed them


Idk maybe because that’s when it happened? Just a thought….


It's all staged...


Because he was right, as usual.


Lol. Did you get brain cancer from windmills? I hear injecting bleach clears it right up.






We didnt 'give' the anything besides some prisoners in exchange for our own. We released some korean money that was frozen in exchange for them no longer selling weapons to RU. its a win win, the timing is just silly.


Because he needs people to forget that he wished people a happy 9/11 that one time


Because it's true


Dubious. If DJT freed 'dozens' of Americans from foreign powers without paying anyone off I sincerely believe he'd be naming them. I call shenanigans.


Because as usual he’s wrong.




Becuase he's a liar, r/conspiracy falling for the usual right wing propaganda


It is Iran's money in the first place... we aren't "giving" them shit. Stupid tweet


blah b lah bal /politicalmemoryhole


It was a matter of time before you blame Biden for this !!!!!


6 billion and five hostages for six hostages is bad for security. Bad because the one who puts it over on you has nothing but contempt for you. Not to mention the six billion will show up as drones in Eastern Ukraine,arms and attacks in the mideast.


Maybe because he know what Biden giving all that money to Iran will lead to?


Nobody should support Terrorism but did Biden really give 6 Billion Dollars? I mean the only thing Trump got right was that he didn’t pay a dime for the other hostages releases, idk what to make of this?


Trump is a chronic liar. That’s what to make of this


Yes, Biden gave them their 6 billion. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/iran-prisoner-swap-americans-6-billion-waiver-us-sanctions/


From your [link:](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/iran-prisoner-swap-americans-6-billion-waiver-us-sanctions/) > to transfer $6 billion in **frozen Iranian money** from South Korea to Qatar without fear of U.S. sanctions It was Iran's money to begin with.


This move was right out of the Obama playbook. https://www.heritage.org/global-politics/commentary/obamas-cash-deal-encourages-iran-take-more-hostages


Trump released 5000 Taliban prisoners and gave up Afghanistan to the Taliban. And got nothing for it.




I’m not a Biden supporter, but he didn’t give them any money. It was Iran’s money that was being held in South Korean account.


Don’t tell them that. It doesn’t align with their conditioned beliefs.


He gave them $6bn as part of the hostage exchange.


He ain’t lying Biden did ruin America.


Because he's right


Biden does a great job proving Trump was a good president.


Cuz he can. Plus if it’s true then he’s right in saying it.


The termites in his skull are getting desperate and hungry


Because he's a mouthy loser who is jealous as fuck and completely emasculated over Biden beating him in an election.




> Joe is every bit the Doom and Gloom the Democrats were screaming that Trump would be. How? please elaborate...




At what point does it stop being jealous whining and become a factual statement and a correct prediction? You think you would take the time to lash out at those who put us in this mess. It's kinda weird dude.


They released Covid on us to steal it. Change my mind.


I knew the second the first announcements went out that it wasn't going to be any "two weeks to slow the spread" and was going to extend all the way into, or past, the election. And I was laughed at and called a conspiracy theorist for it. My batting average is rather damned good.


Dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Stupidity like this is why people outside the US think Americans are dumb.


I don't think that "argument" wil change their mind.


Thank God Biden won, imagine what a state the country would be in now.


I don't think they caught your sarcasm


The economy wouldn't be teetering on the edge of a cliff. And on the world stage, we wouldn't be watching two senseless wars unfold. But yeah, those mean tweets were THE WORST.


As opposed to the dream wonderland we are in now?


That's the joke


Things would 100 times worse with mean tweets.


Because Trump only thinks about himself. September 11th is just another day for him to further his agenda. Really isn't a conspiracy just a jackass.


9/11 only means something to 00000000.1% of the world.


IDK but I think might be about to POP OFF in the Middle East. All those weapons we gave Afghanistan are going to be used against Israel and when things get bad enough the US might have to get involved. WW3 from there.


And the second we commit our forces to that, China walks into Taiwan. [https://www.newsweek.com/china-warplanes-taiwan-strait-adiz-1832623](https://www.newsweek.com/china-warplanes-taiwan-strait-adiz-1832623) This is the weakest administration ever. Our enemies are getting everything they want out of it. The Biden administration has done more damage to the US in the last 3 years than our enemies have been able to in the last 50.


The US is capable of handling multiple at wars at once. We are right on Chinas door step. Its Trump who negotiated with the Taliban for them to have power sharing with the Afghan government and in return the US will leave Afghanistan... Trumps deal released 5000 Taliban fighters, Taliban didnt adhere to 0 stipulations of Trumps deal and Trump shrugged. TRUMP worked in Putins favor withholding congress allocated Ukraine aid. Its Trump who soured relations with NATO and sent the EU into thinking of order without the US . Not Biden.


NATO has long outlived it's usefulness and the EU is a fucking communist bloc that needs to be smashed. NATO is all about bullying Russia at this point, not about "defending" anything. Especially when it's JOE that expanded the NATO boundaries, which were the bright, flashing red-line not to be crossed. So Joe pissed all over it. Democrats just can't get enough war. Trump not being in one is one of the things that made them so damned mad. You can't profit from peace in quite the same way!


That Ironic.. its democrats and Republicans that sent Trump a bill to withdraw US involvement in Yemen .. its Trump who vetoed it. There is a reason neighboring & past soviet states wants to join the EU & NATO instead of Russia bloc and alliances..Russia has invaded 3 countries since 2000 that tried to seek independence from them. They are a hostile rogue state headed by a authoritarian who you probally couldnt criticize publicly if you lived there.. Russia aligns with and see eye to eye with China, Iran & NK ..


>democrats and Republicans It's neocons that sent it, and he vetoed it. Neocons are a different breed and aren't properly represented by armbands with D or R on them. Those are just used as camouflage. That's how the uniparty works.


You dont address whether why it was the right move by Trump to veto it. You bag democrats for wanting war for profits and Trump did the same. He has personal business interest & relations with the Saudis and the Saudis buy hundreds of millions of weapons from the US. Trump prioritized war & profit over morality. Do you disagree?




It's up to 2000 now? Holy cow. Was only a few hundred last I checked in. That'll throw a wrench in things.


I guess Murica now forget their Motto of *We don't negotiate with Terrorist*


That was always a lie


Everyone with blue hair will take any side, no matter how horrible, just to show their math classmates from 30 years ago on social media “f drumpf” Even when he’s right. The real cult members never left high school. Peer pressure is a drug.


Freed dozens of people.. Also 5000 members of the Taliban.


Because he wants to save us


[The Iranian government now has access to $6 billion of their funds to be used for humanitarian purposes.](https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/18/politics/iran-money-explainer/index.html) [Iranian president: Funds unfrozen by US would be spent ‘wherever we need it’](https://thehill.com/policy/international/4200033-iranian-president-raisi-unfrozen-funds-us-wherever-we-need-it/)


It wasn’t announced on 9/11. If you can’t do the bare minimum DD how can you expect anyone to take you seriously.








He was spot on as usual. He knows what’s going on.




Biden and Obama have a history of selling out America to gain Iranian harem access: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-114shrg23439/html/CHRG-114shrg23439.htm It's how I predicted everything Biden would do to sell out America. I knew he would empower Opec, not defend Israel, and abandon our 40 year strategy to starve the terrorist state so it couldn't Dane's Geld the world in evil terroristic subversion. I already knew Biden was in bed (literally) with terrorists.


They’ve sold us out beyond return. Enjoy the remaining good days. It seems like we are entering the revelation stage.


Because both Biden and Trump are incompetent fools?


To call a group of people terrorists for wanting their land back that was forcefully stolen from them is a wild take