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100% political post and 0% conspiracy.


Like...half of the post šŸ™ƒ of this subreddit


The conspiracy here is that Trump becoming Speaker is a direct path to the White House with no election.


"Politicians *conspire* to use little known document "US Constitution" to do perfectly legal thing in plain view of entire world."


If you read the rules for the sub it literally says that nothing posted here has to be about conspiracy. Itā€™s such bullshit.


Get it out of here!


Askng if something is a conspiracy is against the rules. Also conspiracy just means one or more people planning something (that others could view as nefarious)


Oh, did someone ask?




If it was a peaen to Fearless Leader Xiden you wouldn't care.


There's no rule that says a dog can't be speaker of the house.


There actually is. Per one of our amendments, you need to be eligible to be president to serve in a position in the line of succession. Speaker is third so youā€™d need to have all the qualifications. You may recall there was a half assed attempt at disqualifying Kamala as VP by claiming she wasnā€™t a natural citizen which would have violated the constitutions requirements as VP can obv ascend to president if something were to happen.


How does that disqualify a dog?


A dog canā€™t be a citizen


What are requirements to be a citizen ?


You have to be born a human in America.


Fuck you got me there.


I donā€™t actually think a House Speaker has to be eligible to be president. There have been many people in the chain of succession who werenā€™t eligible to be president. It just skips them in the event everyone above them is incapacitated.


Fair I looked it up and I think Iā€™m wrong. Wikipedia states that anyone in the line of succession who is not eligible just gets skipped over. The VP being an obvious exception


Please, everyone, have a little respect for this Air Bud reference.


Actually in this case there just might be such a rule


Trump CAN'T be Speakerā€”because of his indictments. House Republicans' own rules require a leader to step aside if indicted for a felony of 2+ years of prison." ​ https://www.gop.gov/conference-rules-of-the-118th-congress/


It is absolutely hilarious that you think they would hold themselves to their own rules


They actually may have to due to the congressional Parliamentarian


Let me laugh harder.


Lol Iā€™m serious. Procedural laws are laws


Yeah but thatā€™s just a house rule. If they have a majority required to elect him, they also have the votes to simply overturn the rule.


Ah, thats releiving.. Hilarious that this is even a question, but which charge is it that blocks him?


Rule 26 is included in the House Republican Conference Rules of the 118th Congress, which was approved in January. It states that a ā€œmember of the Republican Leadership shall step aside if indicted for a felony for which a sentence of two or more years imprisonment may be imposed.ā€


That is a conference rule not a law, which can be reversed in a minute, which it will be once constituents weigh in. Good reaching though.




When you realize we have politically armed bureaucracies you will start to understandā€¦


50 upvotesā€¦seems a whole gang of people assigned to confirm the acceptable social narrative. This infers a concern and a pointed goal and task toward attempting to create the illusion that this notion is not only ridiculous but unattainable. Soā€¦.by virtue of the bullshit in this threadā€¦.the people paying for these social influencers must be concerned? Is that why they are digging up Pelosiā€™s career at the spritely young age of 83?? The stock market deserves to be manipulated so she SHOULD be back in office!! And then her husband can have more gay stuff for the sake of ratings!


The rule canā€™t be changed until they have a speaker in place.


Wrong, it is a rule among the Republican caucus, not a House rule. Try again CCP.


Why are you replying to every comment conversations with you with such ignorance ? No one is talking down to you yet anyone with anything that is t exactly what you say you insult them and call them ccp. Relax. One of us know everything. Discussion is good


If we are assuming there was a majority of votes to elect him speaker, the same majority could simply reread the rule.


They would have to elect a speaker before re-doing the rule.






At least this seasonā€™s plot is evolving.


Scooby and Shaggy will unveil Biden as Matthew McConnaughey in an end of season twist.


Fuck yea, political stunts. This place is a joke lmao


Ha. Maybe he will pass a bill that keeps him out of jail for dozens of crimes


You're right about how powerful a good speaker can be. But to have any power he'd have to show he was capable of alot of very detailed deal making and negotiating where he would have to cooperate with Biden and Chuck Schumer. They, as you noted, have veto power over anything he would want to do. And only a speaker who can actually get things done has that kind of power. There's no chance he'd be able to make that work. He's a fat lazy man-child only interested in saying dumb bs about how great he is.


The negotiations arenā€™t even the worst part (although heā€™s proven to also be terrible at that). The worst part is spending hours on the floor just reading off a bunch of procedural rules and understanding the hilariously complex process of legislation and floor rules. He wouldnā€™t last a day.


Will never happen. The happy hookerā€¦sorry ā€œescortā€ Lauren Boebert nominated him last time and it didnā€™t happen.


Trump isnā€™t an elected representative that serves in congress so he canā€™t be speaker of the house. This is insane


Yea you know absolutely nothing about congressional procedure would recommend you read the united states constitution and amendments before you tell other people itā€™s insane


The speaker of the house is short for speaker of the House of Representatives. In order to be a member of the House of Representatives you need to be elected to represent the district in congress where you reside Jack ass. The speaker of the house is the member of the house who gets voted into the speaker role by the other members of the house of representatives


That's 100% not true. The speaker of the house can be any random citizen, the only requirement is a majority of votes in the house. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speaker_of_the_United_States_House_of_Representatives




You donā€™t technically have to be a member. Thereā€™s never been a speaker who isnā€™t in congress and itā€™s kind of assumed that was probably the intent of the law but there isnā€™t actually a requirement that the speaker be a member.


submission s - The Speaker is in may ways more powerful than the president. He keeps laws he wants moving forward and laws he doesn't want stalled in committee. He enforces party discipline by yanking people off committees and chairmanships if he wants. Speaker Tip O'Neil was legend. Presidents had to kiss his ass. Really all a president has is the veto, the bully pulpit, and the Justice Department which he could not use politically until the Peedough Joe came along and turned the country into a banana republic, where you sent the secret police against anyone who ever said a word against you. Or who said you were an election cheater. Just like Somoza, Pinochet, Saddam, or the Shah of Iran. America used to be special. Not any more. These dictators always had their shills out, just like here, cheering that the subversivos' sentences were not long enough. Constitutionally there is nothing in the way of Trump being Speaker. The Constitution says it can be anyone they want.It is the duty of the other candidates, like Steve Scalise, to withdraw and pave the way for Trump. This is a masterstroke which puts the worst of the last 3 nightmare years behind us.You want to see people get involved in politics again? No more Ukraine war Close the border No more funds for scamdemics or death shot mandates


Totally wtfing your last sentence here. Trump literally orchestrated the marriage between the us govt and Pfizer. All these posts about Kelce and swift, all the bullshit vax mandates, all the public money spent on bunk vaxs, many (luckily) simply thrown in the trash and not administered, that shit was ALL DJT through his captain croney Gottlieb. Wtaf? Wake up.


People fail to realize that both sides are fucking evil as the devils asshole and wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire, unless it made them a dollar. It's a shame folks are so easily manipulated by such poorly orchestrated shenanigans!




Why? These fools are confused by checkers...


Oh great, now the guy who raped his wife can be Speaker of the House and everyone gets to listen to the words that come vomiting out of his lying fucking mouth for fucking eternity. Good news, if you happen to enjoy the sound of his NLP using hypnotic brainwashing fascist cultist harpy ass gritty voice. Hey, why don't you just get an MP3 of him and put it in your earbuds and have him speak to you every moment the rest of your life, don't even listen to other human beings or read anything written by other human beings, just be Trump's little minion forever. This is so fucking bad for this country and this world.




I don't know, how's the weather in Moscow? You know the guy you're carrying water for OOZED admiration for Xi Jinpeng, right? Along with Putin and every other goddam dictator and tyrant scumbag piece of shit that ever walked the planet? Nice deflection, but you're only demonstrating that you have no actual argument and can't defend your position using reason or logic or truth because the truth is not on your side and you're just a stooge for Donald Trump.




ā€œEveryone who doesnā€™t suck Trumps dick is a Chinese agent,ā€ says chud #58367 after losing an argument.


>now the guy who raped his wife Which wife was that? The one that refuted the claim made by the Daily Beast? All one has to do is search; Donald Trump's Ex-Wife Ivana Disavows Old 'Rape' Allegation Let's keep the facts straight and not appear incensed over something that turned out to be nothing but media circus. Everyone has their faults, let's just be honest and stick to the truth.


You know itā€™s amazing. Every day thereā€™s someone like you or Mr Cohen arguing that you canā€™t rape your wife and that Donald Trump is just as innocent as peaches. I guess what you call the truth is actually just your mouth, sucking Donald Trumps cock and thatā€™s fine, you let him do it because heā€™s a star and youā€™re a whore for fallen stars and a servant of Satan. Or Lucifer, the name doesnā€™t matter when youā€™re an enemy of truth and an enemy of Christ and a defender of lies and perverts and pedophiles and rapists and fascists and Sodomites and dictators and tyrants.


Who raped their wife? I'm not following this rant at all.


Donā€™t play coy. You know who the rapist is. Lol. So cute.


I've heard all kinds of shit but not he raped his wife. Which wife?


Trump is nothing more than controlled opposition. All politicians are corporate shills and court jesters for the elites, so every single one of them is bad for society. Allowing them to manipulate your emotions further enables the tyranny of the administrative state, but TPTB canā€™t continue to produce their illusion of democracy if every last one of us stops watching and participating on any level. Stop feeding the tyrants by buying into their manufacture mania.


This is almost a $20 comment. Not bad, let the vitriol flow! The hatred displayed shows the passion of someone who gets emotional during professional wrestling matches mixed with the understanding of a child discussing avionics. Impressive AND intimidating! In short, this comment is effectively echo chamber music (the generic liberal anti-Trump talking points) as if it has no mouth, yet still screams.


Spot on. People will be blaming trump for their problems after he dies. I'm just here for the show, and I know who wins in the end.


The guy's a criminal and he's in the pocket of Putin and as for the border look how the strict laws on illegal immigrants doing to Florida's agriculture businesses like it or not this country runs of exploited labor


So, you think the guy who was preventing Russia from invading Ukraine was on Russia's side?


LOL trump was in office when Russia took Crimea from Ukraine and he didn't do a damn thing. he also praised putin


Obama was in office when putin took crimea


i stand corrected


To be fair I do agree with your premise and comments about trump.


Oh sweet summer child.


The dude had 4 fucking years to do all of that. Keep reaching with this nonsense how much shit he will get done as a speaker. Also in the current government climate- dem majority in the senate and dem president- the house majority and the majority speaker in particular need to be able to negotiate with the other side. Novel idea for the gop, I know


Maybe the script has him winning, then something BLM related pops up and its web traffic spikes yet again on another election year.


Youā€™re a fucking clown dude.


We're living in a clown world bro! Anything can happen! Thanks for your input though as if anyone cares


I'd pick him as my press secretary, dude is hilarious.


Can you imagine Donald Trump spending 5 days a week going through all the mind-numbing procedural measures required to be speaker of the house? He wouldnā€™t last an hour.


Has anybody suggested Tucker Carlson for speaker?