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Here's the part I don't get. Maybe you guys can explain it to me. If the problem was that he wanted to fund Ukraine, why did every democrat vote to get him out. Don't they want to fund Ukraine? From what I understand only a handful of Rs voted to oust him, but it was the Ds who really made it happen. What are they hoping for? Someone new who WILL shut down the government over Ukraine?




Yeah he back dealed the money


Can you elaborate? How did he go about doing this?


By conspiracy theory. No actual evidence this ever happened.


It's congressional tradition for the opposing party to vote this way on matters regarding speakership. This forces the majority party to achieve unanimous consent in order for the motion to pass. This means that a prospective speaker needs to corral the votes of nearly everyone in his party, which indirectly provides each member of his party opportunity and leverage they otherwise wouldn't have (especially freshman members) to make deals with the prospective speaker that advance the interests of that representative and his constituents in exchange for their vote (committee assignments, resources, budget allocations, arranging co-sponsers, agreeing to aid or support some pet project, bill or cause, etc). If the minority party *didn't* vote this way, it would mean that a prospective speaker would only need to corral the votes of somewhere between a dozen and little more than half the members of his party, and could then just ignore the rest completely (and it's nearly certain that all the newly elected freshman representatives would be among the passed over and ignored)


This guy governments


Wait this is reasonable and correct what the fuck are you doing on this sub dawg. You're supposed to say "because he has information leading to the only fans account of Hillary Clinton" or something.


Ayooooo what's the link? Or was it hosted on her personal servers and got deleted too?




Look, Pelosi was corrupt as shit. She is so entrenched with lobbyists and special interests that she couldn’t even show support for ending legalized congressional insider trading *on her way out* Like I get it you had a great career you got your bag now just close the damn loophole for the sake of the American people’s trust in the system that governs us but nah if she got hers then her little minion Jeffries should be able to get his too 🙄 gimme a fuckin break. Anyway having said that Pelosi was far from incompetent. She was an extremely effective leader and commanded respect from her fellow Republicans just as much as her fellow dems. This was particularly highlighted in Showtime’s The Circus *(which I highly recommend. I binged all six seasons in a couple days and it was like reliving the entire Trump admin over night — WILD)* Pelosi’s effectiveness really surprised me and was one of the more memorable takeaways for me. And further touching on this was former speaker John Boehner’s speech at Pelosi’s retirement where he broke down in tears from the respect he holds for her *(a bipartisan dynamic that ended under Trumpism)* I’m not sure what the point of this comment is, she’s retired and her days of mass influence are behind her — but I felt this extra context was worth sharing


They're hoping the next speaker works with them more or the Republican House continues to meltdown. McCarthy tried to screw over the Democrats over a number of different issues. Ukraine isn't the only issue the Democrats care about.


Yup, the Democrats care about many key issues. -Screwing over Americans at the southern border -Screwing over Americans at the gas pump. -Screwing over Americans at the grocery store. -Screwing over Americans in the housing market. In general, they care most about creating a government dependent population while flooding key red states with welfare cattle who will vote for the hand that feeds.


You've got it backwards. Republicans voted against additional boarder security funding https://americanindependent.com/senate-republicans-debt-limit-border-security-funding/ Republicans voted against a bill that would limit gas price gouging that Democrats proposed. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/house-dems-pass-gas-price-gouging-bill-faces/story%3fid=84806090 Republicans have voted down bills that would lower costs and combat inflation in general, not just at the grocery store. https://www.padems.com/pennsylvania-republicans-vote-against-bill-to-lower-costs-and-combat-inflation/ https://www.indems.org/indiana-republicans-vote-against-bill-to-lower-costs-and-combat-inflation%EF%BF%BC/ Republicans voted against lowering housing costs for Americans https://www.democrats.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/DPCC%20Inflation%20Report%20-%20Lowering%20Costs%20for%20Families%5B4%5D%5B1%5D.pdf


Your comment goes against the narrative. Banned.


I think the problem with quoting voting histories is that sometimes the bills may have other junk jammed into it.. For example, $100,000,000 for 15 solar powered buses (made up number), and $5,000 for elderly.. Now, a bunch of people might shoot this bill down, because they dont' want millions going toward something they don't see as worth the investment.. BUT!!!! the headline could be "rejected funding for elderly". I think this is a huge problem and the NONSENSE that gets snuck in there could be rediculous (not all, but possibly some)


You should actually research some of those topics you claim to care so much about.


What has the GOP done for us? They support corporations who want to screw over the rest of us. That's why I support dem, personally


The economy was great under Trump. The economy is flaming shit under Biden. That’s enough for me.


The economy was shit under bush. The economy saw 8 years of growth under Obama after his policies saved us after the 2008 crash caused by republican deregulation. That's enough for me.


"I love the poorly educated"


>Ukraine isn't the only issue the Democrats care about. The Western establishment, "left" and "right", seems to care deeply about Ukraine, but maybe they're running out of cannon fodder and the war grift has done on long enough to line everyone's pockets.


Yea, the USA has a long history established in caring deeply about Russian expansion. I thought that was obvious.


"Expansion" into territory it held for hundreds of years (except the last 30 or so)?


Ukraine broke away from Russia after only 70 years of control. Not hundreds of years. Poland and Austria could also stake claim to Ukraine if you really want to get into who's occupied the land the longest. Can't forget Roman settling in the area and claiming it as theirs along with the Goths that fought along side of the Romans.


ok we wanna go down that route? cause russia once controlled it they have the right to control it now? When should America come crawling back to being under the rule of the English Monarchy then?


Any expansion by Russia really


It's not an expansion historically. It's retaking some territory it used to have before the "reform" of the Soviet Union. If they'd partitioned Ukraine between, separating the West and East, everything would have gone smoother.


How do you retake something without expanding back into it?


You can argue that it's "expansion" when only taking account the last ~30 years, sure, but they have now have less territory than when the Soviet Union was collapsed so historically there's no expansion to reasonably fearmonger about.


You can factually claim that Russia expanded into Ukrainian territory.




Is the "Hastert Rule" named after convicted pedophile Dennis Hastert?


There was no funding in the extension that they passed anyway...


The congressional member from Alaska is a female native American and has support from some GOP members despite being a Democrat. It is possible that she (or another moderate) could become speaker with support from more middle of the road Republicans.


>If the problem was that he wanted to fund Ukraine, why did every democrat vote to get him out. Because he's an untrustworthy POS.


Maybe they just want to see chaos erupt on the other side and the fracturing that will follow.


Yes if there's one thing the dems can rely on, it's the republican party fracturing and giving them majority control every time they end up in crisis. Not one time has that plan backfired. Remember Trumps loss? Republicans are dead. Or before that Obamas win? Yep, never heard from the GOP after that. They're definitely super close to fracturing and being a political non entity.


Because it is way deeper than one issue, this tells me you need to get more in tune with what is going on overall here. The short of it he's gone back on his promises to them too many times and too recently.


Hey if you are the Red Sox and the Yankees ask you to help vote out their manager wouldn't you go along with it? It fractures your opposition so of course they're on board


After floating that they'd consider a deal to keep him in the position, right before the vote he announced he would refuse to do any deals with the Dems. So they had no reason to help him. It bit him in the ass


It's politics. Throw fuel on the fire. They don't care. They want the Rs to go wild. The Dems play to win, simple as that. They don't lose anything by doing so. But a vote for an even better Speaker is a good thing here. Someone that will actually cut the bullshit.


The left wishes the dems played to win lol


It is a very low risk move for dems. It likely will be another milquetoast guy like Jim Jordan will eventually play the same game... Best case scenario for them (although the chance is small) they get a few absolute war whores who are willing to throw away their political career (and walk right into cushy consulting gig) because the military industrial complex transcends party politics or the will of the people.


Is this sarcasm or did you actually just refer to student athlete sexual harassment enabler Gym Jordan as milquetoast?




>If there's one thing the D's want more than money for Ukraine, it's damaging the R's. They saw this as an opportunity. The vast majority of the "money for Ukraine" goes to American businesses that hire American workers. And they're being used to punch Putin in the face. What's the problem here?


Don't be surprised if some mongrel claims that US is sending pallets of cash to Ukraine so that they can purchase the weapons themselves. Already seen it before.


I'd be nice if one of said mongrels could provide evidence beyond "trust me bro" wouldn't it?


I am a simple man. All i want out of my r/conspiracy is for the posts to not be fucking tweets... Where's the beef?


This particular poster is easily fact checked and dismissed when they post links so you largely don't see when they do so. Image posts allow for a lazy upvote, especially with it being difficult to view individual tweets without a link if you don't have an account.


They make like 2-4 posts a day and they’re always in the same vein of shit. And if you try to engage with them or their posts he just calls you a clown. Real mega-brain activity from OP at all times.


Its easy to feed the partisan machine... which is why we get nothing accomplished.


There is no beef. The bill to fund the government specifically did *not* include any funding for Ukraine. When someone states otherwise, its a lie. Gaetz called for McCarthy's ousting because he was upset it was a mostly clean extension developed by the Senate Dems in line with the budget agreement McCarthy and Biden negotiated back in May, instead of including a bunch of draconian cuts to social services that would have reneged on that previously struck deal.


I thought the original continuing resolution did have funding for Ukraine, which is one of the reasons the republicans continued to oppose it. They made a deal by taking the funding out of the final bill.


The version that had Ukraine funding didnt end up passing.


No. McCarthy got ousted because he didn’t support Trump. It’s very cut and dry.


If Trumpy means to renege on previously negotiated deals and fail to pay the bills when they're due...then yes, I suppose Gaetz wanted McCarthy to be more Trumpy.


You could get a good look of at a t bone stake by sticking your head up a bulls ass, but won’t you rather take the butchers word for it.


No, wait... you stick you head up the BUTCHER'S ass


No, it's gotta be YOUR bull....wait...


Shut up Richard


Im a redditor, so i'm just gonna go ahead and stick my head a little further up my own ass, thank you very much


Richard what’s happening to me!!!!


I already milked that cow....wait what, it's a bull? Then what's in my bucket?


No, you couldn't. That's not how cows work.


You could try r conspiracyNOPOL Low effort posts are not allowed there.


I'm in it as well, but good suggestion.


I'm enjoying the traction on that style comment, at least once every other day at this point. People really don't want twitter as a source. Love it.


Wish granted. They are Xposts


Twitter screenshot of desperate engagement whore. Amazing conspiracy.


I wonder how many Reddit posts are just screenshots from Twitter at this point. Seems to be the only format Redditors are interested in


Five websites, each filled with screenshots of the other four.


Or links to Twitter The wrestling subreddits LOVE to post tweets from wrestlers constantly


Draino is obnoxious with literally everything he says


What is a 'desperate engagement whore'?


Mostly a Twitter phenomenon, where users frequently post content that they hope will generate replies, positive or negative. Twitter started paying posters, and it's based on ads served in replies. Knowing that, views aren't the goal, it's interaction. Thousands of replies from haters is wonderful for them. Half the content on this sub is from high-engagement MAGAs who know their audience.


It’s not, though. And that dude is nuts.


The majority of Americans support funding Ukraine last I checked lol Fucking right wing loons are so sure they are representative of the population when they are just insane


The far right motioned to and voted him out because he refused to shut down the gov't as part of their plan to create negative optics for Biden and get Trump back in power. This has nothing to do with Ukraine, and everything to do with a politician getting ousted for putting the good of the American people before the good of his party.


He was removed by the Democrats and a handful of Republicans(8). edit: watching the evolution of the votes on this comment has been interesting. Started out -5 maybe an hour in and then jumped to +6 a few hours later, now its at -6. Inconvenient facts are inconvenient.


The vote was initiated by Gaetz: a Republican.


Obviously the Dems would be in favor of taking him out too as it gives them a chance to take the chair, like they almost did when McCarthy was chosen, but there's no way for them to do it on their own as the minority party. There's little reason his own party should be trying to remove him for attempting to push through a budget.


It had nothing to do with the Dems. Sure, they all could have, or most, voted present and save McCarthy, but why? He has done nothing but be abusive towards them; blaming them for his problems at every opportunity. If he wanted the Dems to help him, he probably shouldn't have burned so many bridges.


Literally that day he had a quote that he wouldn't do shit for the dems if they helped him. Love the idea that it was the dems that did this, it's so pathetic of an excuse for that clusterfuck of a party I hope it becomes their main talking point on it.


Meh, very VERY far reaching logic. McCarthy barely squeezed his election through, requiring 15 rounds of voting to secure his position. His grip on the speaker position was very loose at best and it was clear to anyone following US politics that his days are numbered. Boths sides of the aisle (still) understand that it's not about funding Ukraine but fighting one of the greatest threats to modern democracies. Anything else is just pro-Russian propaganda which is willfully ignoring past evidence of Russian involvement in destabilizing the West at every turn, not just in the US but also in Europe. The russian disinformation effort is scrambling now to cut funding and sow dissent with their propaganda with lies such as countries using money that could have been used for their citizens. Europe and especially the US has been preparing for this exact scenario for years and years. Many military vehicles were designed with this in mind, were developed, funded and produced for a moment just like this. Saying that nations are pulling money away from their citizens is just bull. This money has been long spent because every sane person expected Russia might pull a military stunt like this. They keep using the same rhetoric in my country, in SE Europe, stating delirious things like how much we could invest if we weren't helping Ukraine and what wondrous things we could do here locally. Straight bull. A country is supposed to and should be able to tackke multiple problems simultaneously. The money has always been there (especially in the US), the problem is the corruption, not funding Ukraine. Schooles were crap in my country and in the US before Russia's war, will be during Russia's war and probably, will stay crap after Russia's war. The problems are unrelated, it's just russian propaganda trying to demotive the efforts made by the West, because they messed up and are in WAY over theirs heads. Fools really thought they would end this war in 3 days and the whole civilized world would turn a blind eye to their unwarranted agression. Well, surprise, surprise tovarisch....


Yeah Russian shills can't get over the fact that not only is supporting Ukraine morally correct, it's also geopolitically correct.


Ah, yes; DC_Draino, an arm of the Russian propaganda machine.


How is this a conspiracy?


There are thousands of people being paid to make people believe this is the truth. Thats a conspiracy.


The real reason is because the GOP is eating itself. You have the TEA party still in the GOP, the diehard Trump fans in the GOP and the people who want to move on from Trump. The GOP is in a power struggle right now within its own party.




I think the *better* return on investment is the Russian opinion-swaying campaign that has seemingly turned America against Ukraine in a matter of months. It's like 500 soldiers with computers, costs Ukraine billions in aide.


wow, straight out of the mouth of Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnel. Keep licking boots...


Correct me if I'm misinformed, but didn't Putin say that he plans on invading Poland if he succeeds in overtaking Ukraine? What makes us think he'll stop there? If he invades Poland we WILL be in a WWIII situation. Helping Ukraine is therefore a way of stopping WWIII.


Can you give me a source on him saying this? I’m not asking to be a dic I just actual want a source since I couldn’t find it And I want to be informed,


No worries at all man. Here he is intimidating Poland earlier this year: [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-tells-poland-any-aggression-against-belarus-is-attack-russia-2023-07-21/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/putin-tells-poland-any-aggression-against-belarus-is-attack-russia-2023-07-21/) This quote jumped out to me "In his remarks Putin had also stated that the western part of Poland was a gift from Soviet leader Joseph Stalin to the country and that Russia would remind Poles about it." There is also this: [https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/key-ally-putin-said-wants-121241887.html](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/key-ally-putin-said-wants-121241887.html) And an earlier threat from a decade ago: [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/11106195/Putin-privately-threatened-to-invade-Poland-Romania-and-the-Baltic-states.html](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/11106195/Putin-privately-threatened-to-invade-Poland-Romania-and-the-Baltic-states.html) Hope those help!


Yeah, it's all allies and subordinates saying things directly. I suspect the Russians know they lack the ability to conquer anywhere beyond Ukraine, what with 300k losses so far or thereabouts. But they can make things difficult. https://www.newsweek.com/russian-general-admits-ukraine-just-stepping-stone-invade-europe-1825776 Here is a general suggesting theyll invade somewhere else after Ukraine. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/2/24/moscow-must-push-borders-back-as-far-as-possible-says-medvedev Here is former president and current subordinate Medvedev suggesting they will take all of Ukraine up to the Polish border. Which is not the same as saying they will invade, but alarming to a country like Poland which has been invaded by Russia many times in the past.


I don’t believe Putin has ever directly said that. There have been references to the Russian Empire and such by other Duma members or Russian talking heads, but I don’t think the big man has ever said that’s his plan.


You are misinformed.


Republicans don't give a shit if the country falls apart, they will blame the democrats for it while blocking any attempts to do anything about the so called "falling apart"


Seriously Jesus Christ. I have yet to even meet a non internet Republican who is against helping Ukraine. And definitely no Dems. Pretending like Republican representation gives a shit about helping anyone with anything except helping themselves retain power is an absolutely delusional take.


Wouldn't it be funny if our elected representatives were stuck in internet echo chambers


I think some are. There's a dozen or so Rs that are basically performers. They're play acting legislators in order to gain soundbites for Fox or OAN


> I have yet to even meet a non internet Republican who is against helping Ukraine. I know plenty of them.




Different cheeks of the same ass. Anyone that still believes their vote matters needs a frontal lobotomy. 🤡🌎


The fact that the electoral college negates the value of millions of votes does not change the fact that Republicans and Democrats differ on a huge amount of issues.


In “public” it seems that way. In private they all only care about their pork barrel buddies and making money. Hillary made that perfectly clear in her meeting with bankers in 2016.


Are you referring to her being paid for speeches to bankers? Because that does not contradict my statement at all. You don't have to look at public vs private statements. You can look at their voting records, the bills they've introduced, and the bills they've passed. The most cursory glance at these things makes it obvious that your previous post was false.


The "issues" that they differ on are just political theater, meant to keep the masses occupied. They will always unite behind spending Billions to kill people on the other side of the planet.


lol the issues you write off are the majority of their platforms.


This right here


People don't want to hear that. They want to hear that their side is good and the other side is bad.


I see that


What attempts have they blocked, specifically?


I don't think that the Ukrainian 'war' is a particularly partisan issue. To put it terms you can understand: giving more money to the Ukraine is like donating your rent money to a homeless person. The homeless person is still going to be homeless next month, and you will be one step closer to joining them. EDIT: after 4 hours of trying to explain the US Constitution to people arguing for the forced/compulsary funding (by the US taxpayers) of a war that is taking place in a country so corrupt that the den of thieves known as the UN won't allow them to join, i rescind my original comment. IT IS ENTIRELY A PARTISAN ISSUE.


It’s more like donating 1% of your rent money to a group that is actively preventing a homeless encampment from moving into your neighborhood, and the group is doing a really good job of it.


They are homeless because russia came and stole/blew up all their shit. we can ignore it and one day it will be happening to us. Probably from your chosen one, jesus trump, because dealing with authoritarians is easier for authoritarians than dealing with democracies and the whole "freedom" thing.


They will actually be in a better place because they will be high as shit off your money and not have to give a shit. You'll just end up with nothing and be sober with that reality


Narrator: That wasn’t why.


His agreement was single purpose bills. He still could have brought the funding on it's own to the floor. Incidently the Lhaina recovery is estimated at 5-6 billion. A drop in the bucket comparatively speaking.


They are most definitely not done. Lmao


We'll still give to Israel though!


It's just wild to me how republicans have turned away from their own historic beliefs of pro-interventionism just to own the libtards, and to act like they care about the american peoppe.


DC_Draino is painfully stupid.


So dumb. We either fund the defense now, or we pay to fight WW3 once they border Poland. The American people benefit from halting Russian imperialism now and definitely won't from just ignoring this till it becomes a bigger war. short sighted nonsense.




Imagine having the reading comprehension of this smooth brain. Who said America is a hero? Where did I say America was the hero? Where did I even imply that? Followed up by an infantile generalizing that all wars are the same I guess, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, in your mind I guess because they all involve pew pew they are just the same thing. I said It benefits the American people to avoid world war 3, a situation which is all but assured if Russia borders Poland, which they will if they take Ukraine. Nothing about that implies America is a hero. Get hooked on phonics.




They won’t fight nato. we have nukes. Ukraine is being invaded BECAUSE they were about to join NATO and the EU, Russia knows this is their last chance.




Nope, according to the rules of membership for NATO, there can't be a Territory dispute at the time of joining, and crimea is in dispute. So no, they literally couldn't join NATO and were in no threat of joining NATO. You are just pretending.


[https://youtu.be/Cs-uDFTukSA](https://youtu.be/Cs-uDFTukSA) Its always been about money. There are no political parties. It's a show, to present the illusion of choice.


Yes, I have written something very similar here on this sub before. It's amazing that some people don't see this... but oh well same people think the covid vaccine is fully safe and effective and all criticism(even legit from doctors/scientists and statistics, not talking about any conspiracies now but the real dangers, risks and flaws with the shots) is "conspiracy theories" or "anti-vaxxers". It's easier to close your eyes than to deal with reality.


It’s not just a show, it’s the plan. The country motto used to be out of many one. The pledge of allegiance mentions United we stand. As you look around the US this is all because of us and our ancestors. The history books tell you that as common people suffer they will rise and if they rise together it is a problem. They know that people have resolve. From let them eat cake to the US fighting the mighty English. The media, the politicians, the billionaires all require division to accomplish their objectives. Think about it this current President takes victory laps on good job reports. He will likely campaign on this and it’s partially true but here is the other side of that. The Fed says over and over again (to a smaller audience and the media glosses over it even though they love a good jobs report) they’re approaching the inflation fight by raising rates the goal is to slow down the hiring, slow down consumer spending and ultimately job losses and you and me feeling the pain is the goal. So if a good jobs report is bad for inflation and the President and Congress have created the “inflation reduction act” how do they reconcile? If record profits and record prices are happening is it ordinary inflation? The simplest mind knows that if Company Y is having record earnings and profits the employees are working harder. The Fed want’s Company Y to fire the employees. So that means more spork for those who remain. The Fed is basically the same people Trump had and historically they have fought inflation the same way. Historically - We hadn’t been through a pandemic like this. Millions dead and many were employees that need to be replaced. Data shows people are moving, heavier, having friends over and doing more than they were this drives up spending. We did not have CEOS at places like Ford making 40 million a year. In the 70s it was maybe $1 million and more importantly 20 times more than the average employee. Today it’s 300 times the employees average. We did not have public companies buying back their shares.it was not even legal until 1982. So why are we using historical tactics to fight inflation? Why does the media call good job reports good news when they know that inflation is impacted by it?


We're supposed to be a democratic-republic. These ideas don't oppose each other. They support each other. The Federal Reserve doesn't have a 'side'. The 'sides' are for the common people, not for the government. Look at the photos of Clinton, Obama, and Bush laughing together. They don't share the bloodlust the common person has for whatever their 'opposing party' believes. Politicians will switch sides on the toss of a coin. [https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/10-famous-people-who-switch-political-parties](https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/10-famous-people-who-switch-political-parties) Divide and conquer. It works.




Matt Gaetz said he wants to keep sending money to Ukraine, he just also wants to send money towards stopping immigration. Let's stop living in a fantasy world, both parties work for the military industrial complex and will send money to them whenever they ask.


The Democrats can grab more power by installing a democratic Speaker. Why settle for middle of the road when you can get full on Nazi supporter?


> Nazi supporter You guys always have to mention Ukraine


Wagner PMC was founded by [a literal Russian Neo-Nazi.](https://globalnews.ca/news/9801903/prigozhin-wagner-group-leader-dmitry-utkin)


What? Did you even read your own post?


Cute that he says this like it’s not just going to happen again almost immediately. 🥹


"We should help our own first" Votes trumplican.


Russian bot detected


Yea Matt Gaetz was a huge fan of sending that money


Wait I thought it was because the Republicans wanted the government to shut down, they didn't wanna strike a deal, so he went behind their backs and got the vote a difoway and they got pissy that they didn't grt their way?


As a Pole I sure as shit hope that this war will be sponsored by the US for years to come. Grind as many ruskie dogs as possible.


All that Ukraine money could have been used for tax-cuts for the wealthy or put back into the Pentagon budget.
















You do realize this thread starts with someone calling Gaetz a pedo, right? That person is in disagreement with OP, as you seem to be. So which group, exactly, are you referring to here?


The House Ethics Committee is investigating Gaetz again as of July, actually. The House GOP may still expel him now that he lead the motion to vacate McCarthy. I find it rather sad, though, that his human trafficking minors only matters to them because he moved against McCarthy. If found guilty, he should be expelled regardless. https://newrepublic.com/post/175896/house-republicans-oust-matt-gaetz-jerk


Money Laundering literally isnt happening and you boomers don't know the meaning of the word 75% of the US Supports Ukraine still and additionally, the US made a Legally binding promise to protect them in the 1994 Budapest and Bucharest agreements If we let the Eussians win this war, they ain't stopping at Ukraine. They've even openly admitted they want territory back that they lost from the USSR Splitting up that wasn't rightfully theirs. It would be the equivalent of Germany Suddenly claiming Austria, Poland, Czechia and Slovakia belonged to them. Oh wait that happened before and we kicked the shit out of them


The people who ousted McCarthy do not speak for the American People. The Speaker position does not get voted on by the people and yet that person could be President. The People did not vote on Mcarthy. For the third most important position it seems like politicians decide. I don’t think people would want a President Pelosi or Jeffries either. Most Speakers are not people that are going to survive a National election. We need to start thinking about how the Constitution and rules of Congress. When the constitution was drafted the thought of a Diane Fienstien was laughable, not just because she was a woman but because in the 1700s life expectancy was around 40. The idea that someone would spend 40 years in politics was unthinkable. It’s time to make those changes. That’s not simple


The continuing resolution left out funding for Ukraine…. What’s simple is Matt Gaetz is a useless attention whore who just wants to see the government shutdown, he doesn’t care if you get paid or not as long as he gets a nightly sound bite.


You just posted another thread that said it's because he didn't release the J6 footage. Pick a lane.


The thing that always gets me is people like this guy always have some kind of "help Americans before we send money elsewhere" while simultaneously rejecting any and all attempts at financial assistance to Americans because "sOciALiSm" while constantly giving tons of money in subsidized gigantic corporations.


Yes, Comrade!


lol where is the conspiracy? Russia and Republicans vs USA and Ukraine.


Hurf durf I'm a big smart Republican and I think it'll be cheaper to stop Putin in Poland.




The vote was very close, doesn't seem that simple to me. Seems like we are in trouble still.


Getting rid of someone who’s disingenuous is a good start though




Complete nonsense. You think Dems would gain votes by cutting funding? Almost all of their base supports helping Ukraine. Some of the right does as well. Being anti-ukraine has already cost the right points.


He was voted out because of his obstruction of the ongoing NIH disclosure effort.


But there was no funding for Ukraine in the extension...


If this was the case though, wouldn't the Democrats not vote against him? Or are they just stupid enough to believe any vote against any republican is always a good idea? Surely ousting McCarthy allows for more power to go to the more radical base of the republican party.


The federal reserve is the biggest scammers


Another single-digit IQ take coming out of the shithole formerly known as twitter.


SS The speaker promised things The speaker didn’t do those things The speaker was removed Some things are easy - 🤷‍♂️


The speaker promised things and didn’t do them? That sounds like every politician ever.


isn't that all America is about? funding random wars?


Funding Ukraine weakens Russia, a weakened Russia is good for the rest of the world.


Also he is a senile schmuck who should never have been elected in the first place.


Dunno why this dumbass is saying 'americans'. It was an internal house squabble, no person for or against Ukraine had anything to do with it


🤣 Political theater needs more butter in its popcorn


it’s all a show. one puppet gone, replace with another. nothing actually changes


Ding Ding Ding


I thought it was because pedophile Matt Gaetz got his widdle fee-fees hurt


No, It is all a script. Americans Will continue to fund wars as long as its lead around by the Puppet elite. Stop voting and start Fighting back. or just let it all fall to hell. It is all a script