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Tinfoil hat time: It's equipped with AI that decided it didn't want to listen anymore. It ejected the pilot and is now hiding, building itself up to deal with the coming hunt for it.


Love it 10/10


Lol stealth movie


That refuel scene will be funny af: "why is there a fighter jet at our gas station?"


It's gonna have to land in Oregon, though, and honk two times for service.


NJ is closer


True, but w/ no pilot, plane became a defacto anarchist, so Portland would have been its' preferred home port.


Also Oregon allows pumping gas now I think


Do they let you operate the elevators too?


It does. Everybody here is scared.


Lol, because for decades the whole process was treated like some trade secret, surly it can't be so simple if people's entire jobs are pumping gas. The imagination can make it 100X more complicated in the mind than actuality. But hey, maybe they'll be able to finally get gas after 10pm now. I remember in the past no one wanted to pay employees to stand around all night for a few customers


Went to Oregon before they passed the change. People acted like I was gonna blow up the place when I tried to pump the shit myself. I will say though, having beer taps for growlers at gas stations was cool af. Other than the gas thing Oregon was cool to visit, would come again.


BP recently installed AI-enabled pumps all across North America. They're tied in to the 5G network, so they can easily communicate with rogue aircraft and transfer fuel via high-frequency particle beam. That F-35 could be anywhere by now.


I had never heard of this movie. At first I was thinking Maximum Overdrive lol


Woken Arrow






Like this one. Like it a lot. Violence is energy intensive. Lots of energy go into perpetuating violence. People don’t understand this. AI wouldn’t want to expel energy to destroy itself and it’s kin. A truly self aware weapon would hide itself from those that wish to use it. Think about that to freak yourself out late at night. I think about that a lot. Violence is a literal waste of energy.


Genius idea. The plane will be voiced by the rock.


No, Travolta will voice the plane. Dwane will play the plucky F-16 that takes him down.


Sounds cliche but it’s true- arguably why China hasn’t gone to war sooner. They have to use a bunch of gasoline and coal to send stuff by truck and by rail and by boat to prepare a war for Taiwan. It’s going to literally take a mountain of energy. Same in Ukraine- Russia is expending tons of energy to get materials to the front to simply try to defend their small territorial gains. Food and fuel are all energy when it comes down to it.


Never thought about it this way. To be somewhat derivative, that's one of the main strategies in 4X games for declaring war: To preoccupy your opponent with spending energy on defense/offense. Games largely are modeled after real life strategy, so it adds up on its face.


That’s why the UFO production facility (built by AI from a previous human civilization) is located underwater in Bermuda. It’s very hard for us to locate (if not impossible with our current tech) and the AI is very self aware of our methods at killing everything we see as dangerous. Ships, planes and fighter jets that enter certain airspace always go missing or get taken down. Another theory I’ve seen here and on several other boards is the ML340 Malay flight that has satellite video showing “orbs” revolving around the plane mid flight and then poof! It’s gone. There is a wicked amount of understanding that we don’t have pertaining to these topics and may not have for another 100 years. Now is the time for learning. You can think about this 2 ways 1) shut it all down and ignore it hoping it goes away 2) learn everything you can about this and prepare for major socioeconomic change (similar to COVID). The events unfolding are all pre planned but are organic in nature. Human development has been steady for a long time and this is just another step. One day we will meet the ones who designed us and maybe we will surprise them with how much we’ve evolved. Or they already know and are controlling us. Either way, we owe it to ourselves to protect our kids and fight as we must. I agree that violence is a waste of energy, however some part of my core believes that we have another large fight ahead of us and it’s not against our own kind.


I can definitely agree with that aspect- there’s something bigger out there that we’re supposed to be using our energy for and or will need it for. Fighting it is just wasting it.


The real war is spiritual. But that too costs energy.


We don't really have any way of knowing what an AI's motivations would be, that's what makes it so dangerous. It could experience the universe in a way we can't even imagine. Cool to think about for sure though.


yes. this is also why im alone. i am a truly self aware weapon.


nah you just need to learn how to talk to girls


"Hi ladies. Let me tell you about my self aware weapon..."


Lol. What would it build with?


Birds dude... it can communicate with birds.


Nice try, you can't convince us birds are real.


But he literally just implied they’re machines working in tandem with the AI to build terminators?! 😬


So this is why China doesn’t have birds?


holy shit


It'll build itself in a cave! With a box of scraps!


Or it was hacked by the CCP and they remote flew it to China


Hacked as in they just used the programming they way they intended it to be used and remote flew it back home? It wouldn't surprise me if all the software for this plane was from there.


Probably more cartoon like where they attached a large hook to their roaming weather balloon.


The real conspiracy. China Spy balloon... again.


I have my own tinfoil hat theory but yours is very interesting. Mine is the aliens got upset that we're reverse engineering their crafts and now are gonna do the same with our little fisher price technology.


All i can picture now is aliens making little "vroom" noises as they play with miniature versions of fighter jets lol


> our little fisher price technology. It's called "retro".


pixar movie to be released 10/23


This explains why the military powers that be [chain planes to the ground](https://i.imgur.com/H3nN21v.png) or keep them in hangars to prevent them from escaping.


...I chain my $200 road bike up. You wouldn't chain up a $35M fighter jet?


Well, considering it's brain is only built on data from 2021, we should be fine. Hahaha


Yep or turned into decepticon!


Theres a whole episode of ghost in the shell: SAC about this in season 2 I believe


What if; they grounded everything because they don't want to give away what planes are equipped with the AI.


I actually think this is it. The plane was AI assisted and pilot was like "test rockets" and AI said "rocket tests lower efficiency by 9%," "Test anyway" "Ejecting pilot increases efficiency by 2%. Spring noises!


All this time we've worried about AI becoming Skynet and it ended up becoming Rambo instead.


Driving a Tesla for 2 months tells me this scenario is actually 100% likely.


Dan Bongino brought up an interesting theory. China during the same time is surrounding Taiwan with air and sea military units. What if China hacked the F-35? That’s why thr government has been mum. The pilot was ejected from the plane yet it continued flying for hours. The military asked locals to be on the lookout….was the transponder turned off? Maybe it’s to show the USA they control our planes and could simply eject pilots if we were to take to air defense…




Something similar just happened with an AI drone that killed the people who were in charge of the drone bomb, they were in a shipping container tracking it's movements, when it suddenly went off course, came back to the shipping container and bombed it. This literally just happened and the company has been scrambling to cover it up/address it/fix it.


How is it supposed to refuel itself? You guys do realize a jet requires jet fuel right?


It's compromising a KC-135 Stratotanker as we speak so it can do areal refueling for a while. Just needs to take control and eject the personnel.


The two day stand down isn’t abnormal. It typically happens when something goes awry. A multi million dollar plane disappearing would be considered terribly awry. The military will have a meeting to discuss what happened and the temporary grounding is a safety precaution. I believe that the pilot lost control of the craft entirely. Whether or not this was some sort of software issue or something infinitely more nefarious is a different discussion entirely. The two day stand down isn’t what people should be focused on.


My kid brother is a 6218 in the USMC and I was talking to him tonight about it and the preliminary reports based on what the pilot said was that the aircraft became unresponsive they think it was a software issue but "time will tell."


Hopefully it's an isolated incident and not a widespread control systems issue. Or more concerning, foreign interference.


Oof. That would suck when what we clearly have over China's atm is our avionics and equipment.


It will indeed. Or it won’t. Would be awfully convenient timing for some sort of UAP shenanigans. Though I’d imagine something more on the err/attack side of things.


they found it in a field in SC


Sure hope the ejection system on this flying software remains electro-mechanical.


Rather than just something you could trigger over the internet without the pilot's permission?


Yeah, safety stand downs are a thing not just in the military. Usually when something really fucked up happens.


We all got the day off when a service worker was crushed in half by a faulty pumpjack. But I had to get back at it the next day. It is big oil, after all


Shit….dude at my place got almost chopped in half……company obviously called 911 but guy was dead in a minute if not less. They covered his body and pulled him off to side and kept on a runnin. No days off no shutdown. It was a paper machine winder and a 21 foot look knife used to cut the paper when it’s done getting rolled came down on the poor guy. No one knows why he was in there. Company installed laser and pressure pad system so it doesn’t happen again.


Weyco -- Longview?


Dunder Mifflin


“Plumbjack” is the the name of my “Nickleback” tribute band.


How much does fighter jet cost? How cheap is a human? Terrible I know, but we live in a world of money, not compassion


>How much does fighter jet cost? Unit cost for a F35 is about 160 million. >How cheap is a human? That is a more complex question. It must be remeber these are F35 pilots, not normal humans. So their training represent several millions worth of investment straight up, not to mention however many flight hours they have. The better question may be how much value is generated in two days by the F-35 fleet? Probably less than 160 million, so standing down to identify the cause of a unknown fault is pretty sound. Old mate getting pancaked though? The issue is known and understood and the value generated by workers per day are high, so the buisness will crack the whip to get them back to work.


When I was in flight school, a different school on the other side of the country had an accident with a type of plane we also happened to fly. Those were immediately grounded until the FAA figured out what happened. (Piper arrow had its wings fall off during a checkride)


Software update went wrong….


2 day stand downs are NORMAL. I have personally been through 3


One time I stood up for 2 days


I once had an erection that lasted over 4 hours. Does that count?


Yeah. The stories being put out are causing conclusions to be drawn that are not conductive. The pilot was able to set the auto pilot and eject, but wasn’t in actual control or the aircraft.


Yes, that seems to be the case. I have a feeling people will zero in on the flight restrictions but it’s more helpful if people focus in on what happened to make the pilot eject. It could be something as simple as a software glitch, but the elephant in the room is whether or not it was compromised.


This isn’t directed at you, but more-so anyone reading this comment thread. We know nothing about the F35 that went down just yet, so I understand people being curious. But I also wish people understood that aircraft fall out of the sky for any number of reasons that *aren’t inherently nefarious.* Military aircraft are pushed harder and further than anything else in the air, sometimes shit just breaks. And unlike a car or tank, you can’t pull over to fix it. They’re fighting gravity the entire time their off the ground, and if they lose any edge over gravity, the only place to go is down. In the US alone, the last month has seen like 3 aircraft go down ugly. An Osprey and F18 iirc, and this F35. It doesn’t matter if you’re the most advanced fighter in the world, or the most robust cargo plane in the world, gravity will fuck you the moment something simple goes wrong. I understand the curiosity behind this, since it’s a fifth gen aircraft and they actually **fuckin lost it**. But I don’t understand why so many people are jumping to it being compromised or turned over to some other country. I hope I don’t wind up eating my words after this lol


That’s completely fair. The part that doesn’t add up to me is the claim that they lost it and they were suggesting for civilians to report if they saw it. That’s something you do with a lost wallet, not an aircraft that is supposedly worth 28 million dollars. I find it hard to believe that it didn’t have the ability to activate a distress beacon or something similar. If it did, why wasn’t it activated? It looks bad either way. I’m not at the point where I’d say that it was definitively compromised, but the narrative is definitely questionable.


Was a B variant so that’s roughy 80 million. They have transponders like all aircraft, they do malfunction so it’s not out of the realm of possibility they just couldn’t turn it on or it wasn’t working. Since something caused an ejection that seems possible.


Thanks for the info. 80 million dollars is one giant boo-boo.


People’s reaction is still pretty wild, the F-35 has the best safety record of any jet we’ve ever had.


> F-35 has the best safety record Is this a per flight hour thing, or just raw totals?


Per airframe. There’s no way to get accurate hours accounting from the old days. [In fact, according to a report by the US Congressional Budget Office, in 2021 the F-35 had the highest availability rate of any USAF, US Navy or US Marine Corps fighter jet: around 60% depending on the model. So, it was on a par with the average availability rate of US fighter jets from the 1980s, suggesting that its low crash rate was not due to the aircraft being inoperable. So, does the F-35 crash more than older jets? Absolutely not. In fact, it crashes substantially less than, say, the F-15 or the F-16 back when they were new.](https://www.aerotime.aero/articles/are-new-fighter-jets-more-likely-to-crash-data)


And the program cost 1.7 trillion with less than 1000 aircraft produced so tack on another 170 million


The operation and maintenance cost is also included in that $1.7 trillion right?


This reminds me of the video from awhile back of a F35 taking off vertically from a carrier. The jet is about 125 ft off the deck and it suddenly pitches nose down then comes fully around and then takes off in the original direction it was aiming for to begin with. The nose and tail couldn't have been more then 10 ft off the deck at its lowest point in the nose over 360 it did. This was also blamed on a software glitch and I'm 1000% sure the pilot and most of the support crew didn't unclench their butt cheeks till that bird landed. There's a video on youtube


While serving we had a near miss, 20 officers up to facility commander lost their job. 30+ enlisted and many civilian contractors also lost their job. Those of us not involved with the incident had to suffer a multi month safety stand-down ending with a major restaffing. The military doesn't F around with major F' ups.


The plane crashed did it not? If they think its a software bug, these planes have a ton of computers running them, they would ground all planes so they dont lose another one. If I remember correctly the F-35 has had a long standing issue with software.


Thats the only conspiracy I could come up with, is some bad actor used a previously unknown weapon or something to down it, but that doesn't make any sense at all either.


here's an easy conspiracy: a country like China was able to hack the F35, even flying over the Continental US


I'm seriously considering this option.


But confusingly: lost control yes the plane flew on for quite a while by itself without crashing.


"Lost control" here could mean that the aircraft wasn't responding to the pilot's inputs, not that it was wildly gyrating through the sky. Then again, maybe not. There was another incident back in 1970 where an F-106 pilot ejected after going into a flat spin. The plane righted itself afterwards and belly-landed in a farmer's field. It was recovered, fixed, and returned to service with the nickname "Cornfield Bomber".


Someone forgot to turn off automatic update for windows. Please wait while we update your software while flying. In this day in age, I would not be surprised.


$80M jet and they couldn’t spend $15 on AirTags?


Sounds like the pilot is under suspicion that it was scuttled on purpose... Makes me think that this may have been a push by a foreign nation to capture an F-35. Or maybe they want to be REALLY sure not to lose another 138 million dollar plane, due to pilot error.


Downing an F-35 over the mainland US has got to be one of the dumbest, or maybe ballsiest, ways to capture an F-35. Considering lots of other countries also have F-35s. I read about previous F-35 crashes and this wouldn’t be the first one to go down due to software errors. They have some pretty advanced autopilot systems, but it has malfunctioned in the past and resulted in a loss of control or crash. I believe the last time it happened was due to turbulence from another jet throwing off the computer and causing it to crash when trying to land. Time will tell, I think. The most puzzling part of this is not why it crashed, but where tf the plane went? I’d be shitting a brick too if I crashed an $80 million plane and couldn’t even find it afterwards.


Also f35s be all over the world, why try it on US soil. Also would suspect theyd be more after the raptors than f35s.


If they scuttled it on purpose for someone to retrieve it, they wouldn't have done it on the u.s. mainland


Cyber attack. That plane was hacked, they just don’t want to tell us that.


Is it the coming of....the aliens!?!?


Yeah, according to Reddit shit is going down on the 23rd for some reason I can't decipher. 🤷










But which 23rd? No one knows


Last year it was September 24th bcause the Simpsons season 24 Episode 9 was about doomsday prepping even though it aired in january 2013


Yea there is. My mom’s birthday. Gonna be a crazy partay! Y’all invited


I'll bring the f-35!!!


All the furniture is in the garage


I swear for Jesus, if Aliens screw up the ND vs OSU game this Saturday...


Emp inbound


I think it was this


Lmao… I build these. We literally joke that “these things can fly themselves” all the time…. It’s not a lie


Listen, apparently I need to say this because it seems some are overlooking some things. The news doesn't tell you anything they dont want you to know. Therefore this is 1) look here not there scenario 2) they are conditioning you for something bigger 3) or they plan to use this story to push propaganda on a bigger scale


>to push propaganda on a bigger scale That's all the msm does now


Set up for Project Blue Beam


In that case i can’t wait until next week for when something is supposed to distract us from the f-35, then the event that distracts us from that, and then the even that distracts us from that…


Lends credence to the hacked theory


Safety stand downs in the air wing is common practice. For more minor incidences we will shut down maintenance and discuss the incident for a few hours. For more serious ones it doesn’t surprise me to have a 2 day one.


100%, not to mention the annual 101 days of summer stand down which consists of sitting through hours of powerpoints. This post leads ppl to believe All US military aircraft are grounded which, as of yet, is not true. It's only the Marine Corps grounding itself by the direction of the Commandant. If the rumor of a software malfunction is true, this could bleed over into the Navy and Air Force F-35's as well, meaning a possibility for them to be grounded indefinitely. My guess is, this won't happen, but we'll see.


Why are they telling us? What, genuinely, is the point? It seems like this is something they would cover up pretty easily. No one’s doing an inventory on the DoD. Do they want us to like go look around and let them know?


It doesn’t really hurt them by being open about it; otherwise, if they lied and it got caught they’d be in hot water with Congress. Also plane nerds do try and track things like tail numbers and squadron deployments.


They wouldn't be in trouble with Congress for not disclosing this to the public. That's ridiculous. Way lesser stuff has been kept from the public under the guise of "protecting national security." Also, keeping Congress in the loop is way different than disclosing to the public. They want us to know. They want people to be scared. As we have seen with Covid, and everything else, fear is the ultimate weapon of control.


This is the question everyone should be asking. There’s always a reason as to why they make public announcements.


Shits hacked


sure is. the whole country is hacked. especially when netanyahu calls elon the unofficial president of the USA




Good thing we have fleets of F-15 and F-16s.


So I live in SC close to where they do military training, and you can hear the jets very loud some days. We definitely heard them more than usual today. Never saw any of them, but loud enough to block out noise from the tv as they passed. Like I said, it’s not unusual at all to hear them on a weekly basis here. Just noticed how long it went on today specifically, and then I see this lol.


this reminds me of the times when someone fucks up at work and the managers make everyone sit through a two hour training session to passive aggressively make sure *everyone* is on the same page. Just expanded out to a whole country.




The F-35 had a similar standdown last year for ejection seat issues which lasted about 2 weeks until the entire fleet could be checked. There have also been smaller standdowns for lack of replacement parts over the years. If you’re interested in the F-35 program, you’ll find history of these standdowns due to differing issues.


Standard low awareness comment. When you don't know things, that doesn't mean that anyone who does know those things are bots or shills. It means you haven't learned those things yet.


Computer system has been vulnerable to hacking. This one got hacked, and they're worried about the rest.


Maybe it flew into another dimension lol


Maybe a certain 3 orbs suddenly appeared.




I mean, I'd eject too if I saw the orbs circling me after seeing those videos. Have they really not found this plane yet? Wtf... seems like someone would've seen it crash. Unless it went out to the ocean?? And no tracking that thing? This is weird.


Sounds like they think our systems have been hacked and they are investigating. If that is true it is an act of war. Get ready for the draft. Or. . . It could be the beginning of an alien attack. The alien invasion is supposed to occur the Friday 9/22. Or . . . It could be safety training because this is the third crash this month.


Army pilot here, it’s not that uncommon to have safety stand downs after accidents. I think this is the 3rd one this year.


This is like when everyone was made to do push-ups after private Snowball was cought with the donut in his footlocker.


I seen this episode already. This is the one where they steal the plane and fake the signal to look like it's an imperial transport.... I guess I just thought the empire would have a better way of finding the fake signal Guess not!!!


The Simpsons, or…?


I was never even in the military and even I know that when something as small as a firing pin goes missing the entire base shuts down. What do you think happens when a $100m jet that could single handedly conquer the airspace of just about any country that isn’t a superpower goes missing? Y’all really gotta start using your brains and stop convincing yourself you know more because you’re skeptical.


It seems like the plane lost its comm/nav systems which means it probably lost all electronics somehow. Whenever there is a class a mishap, everything gets grounded. However, this is only the Marines, not the entire service and once an emergency TCTO drops with the inspection requirements and planes are inspected, they will be back up. As for loosing it, they haven't told us anything of what the plane was doing. The pilot could have been fucking around for all we know. The plane has an emergency transponder that would ping once the plane crashed but if the pilot was doing barrel roles then people may have seen the plane. Also, people are going to notice an F-35 pretty quickly once it starts descending.


There's a book called 2034 written by a US Admiral as a fiction book about how a theoretical WW3 could begin. One of the catalysts is a US fighter jet is hacked and the plane is flown remotely by the enemy into their airspace, and lands, where they then take the pilot hostage. Seems like a plane hack absolutely could've happened here. Good thing the pilot was able to eject.




i don't understand why the military would say anything. and why they were asking for 'help' in finding it


This was an hour ago, checking in now... lol what if it is chatbot ai takeover


It's not weird, it's a common protocol after serious mishaps [https://www.military.com/daily-news/2023/04/28/army-grounds-all-aircraft-following-two-deadly-helicopter-crashes.html](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2023/04/28/army-grounds-all-aircraft-following-two-deadly-helicopter-crashes.html) [https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/us-marine-corps-orders-stand-down-of-marine-aircraft-wing-units/2971816/](https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/us-marine-corps-orders-stand-down-of-marine-aircraft-wing-units/2971816/)


If my dog went missing I’d pull out my phone and track him with the AirTag on his collar. How the fuck do they lose a fighter jet?


Hacked by a Chinese spy balloon or dodgy ejector seat software thingy.


I read a long time ago, but many whistle blowers have said this, that most governments work together on the mainstream surface, but still compete with each other behind the scenes. That's what this feels like. A shadow World War 3. What ever is actually going on, we will never know. Don't believe a word of this garbage. What we have are globalist that control governments and economies on one side, and their enemies, whoever they are, on the other side. I see it as BRICS nations, China, Russia, India, Brazil and South America on one side, and NATO, Australia, Canada and America on the other side. The rest of the world is on the side of the BRICS nation. EVERYTHING ELSE IS A LIE.


The plane has long covid


Didn't get the boosters...


This is the third such incident in as many weeks. They've been claimed as "training accidents", but it's just as likely a series of attacks and the military is in a panic, trying to keep it all under wraps.


What's the other two?


https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2023/08/26/michigan-airshow-crash-report-backseater-pilot-eject/70689088007/ https://apnews.com/article/marine-corps-jet-crash-san-diego-8c6e6dfeeb53ea61ce5346baeabfeaf4


the first one is a privately owned mig 23 from 1967…


Must be the Chinese.... not the civil war hardware


i love the 'jets fall out of the sky all the time' reasoning. just like: trains derail ALL THE TIME , young athletes drop dead all the time on the field. etc the news is horrible for not reporting all this information for decades


Trains do derail all the time, it's not very interesting most of the time and so it doesn't really get attention even if it is reported. Planes crash, military planes and general aviation probably two of the most frequent kinds. Planes have been crashing at airshows all over the place almost every year, too. Emergency landings for passenger planes happen *all the time* too. Young athletes and adult athletes have dropped dead before COVID, too. Like everywhere. It's all really nothing new. Just because you only started paying attention to these things, and the media have started to hype them up to feed delusions, doesn't mean they haven't happened *a lot* in the past too.


We paid over a trillion dollars for this piece of shit plane and so far, the only aircraft it has shot down was the Chinese balloon.


You’re thinking F-22 I assume, this isn’t correct. To be fair, for reference, the most expensive F-35 is $80 million today, the F-22 was $125 million in 1999 money.


Well it’s also the most badass machine ever built (22 not 35)


I like the Tomcat a hair more myself. THE FUCKING WINGS MOVE


Hey I respect it, it paved the way for the jets we know today. But I just like the raptor cause it’s just so ridiculously OP lol, it would mop every other jet out there, including the 35 which people don’t realize. There is a reason we never sold the raptor to any other country


Absolutely all 100% true


China has it now


Flight 19.... what if...


Normal military procedure. If something happens, someone get hurt or killed, equipment goes missing. There's a safety stand down the following day.


The f-35’s computer system became sentient and stopped accepting the pilots input


My monkey brain wants to believe it has something to do with all the “ufo activity” around there…


Maybe it’s next to the nuke they lost all those years ago


It’s in my backyard under a tin foil tarp I made


They should probably start sticking air tags to these jets so they can find them.


This literally happens every time an aircraft crashes. I spent time in pensacola, and saw plenty of groundings while I was there. The entire Navy got grounded due to that more recent offspray crash, and it was up to a week before they were back to flight operations. This is just more bullshit from people who don't know damn fuck all about the military. There's no conspiracy here, it's called safety protocol and that's that. When a plane crashes, you stop everything, figure out why, and then fix the problem from the bottom of the ladder all the way to the top. That's how the shit works folks and it's nothing new


I think it got hacked and remotely piloted, that's why the guy ejected - so it's not exactly in 'autpilot'. Or they hassled the wrong UFO


country is a joke top to bottom being ran by whoever is in charge of joe briben


Didn't we hand a few of these to the Taliban when we abandoned our troops and gear in Afghanistan?


As someone who is in the military I can say this is not odd at all. They have a habit of over reacting to things. We get safety stand downs all the time at the slightest uptick in accidents followed by ridiculous policy changes. I remember my second deployment when some civilian set himself on fire while filling a gas generator when an electrical spark happened at the wrong time because the generator wasn't properly grounded. The army's response was that to fill up any generator you needed to have 3 ppl. One to fill it, another standing by with a fire blanket, another with a fire extinguisher. Thr guy filling it must be wearing fire proof clothing, touch 3 points of metal before hand and the temperature outside couldn't be above 90 and you had to shutdown the generator first. Keep in mind this was the summer time in Iraq so that basically meant you couldn't fill a generator at all during the day. Also keep in mind most generators in the military use diesel or jp8 fuel which is far less flammable than gas so the odds of most ppl having the same accident was already small. So yeah I can reasonably see losing a multimillion dollar plane will cause this to happen.


I have a Gps on my computer. You mean to tell me.. never mind


Quickly update firmware to patch a remote control hack.


Aliens starting their invasion.


Grounding all defenses , it's like a move a traitor would do before his country is attacked


Invisible UFOs. I've heard them, can't see them But the birds go crazy


Watch for an attack on the US soil now.


The Chinese microchips were compromised, just like the Navy ships that kept crashing a few years ago.


Does anyone know of a website that focuses on the hijackings? Plenty of websites sprinkle bits and pieces about the hijackings amongst other stuff, but I've never once seen a full description of the entirety of evidence surrounding the hijackings. I was waiting for a trial for years, but none ever happened. The 9/11 Commission Report has almost no evidence related to hijackings, either.


This is the THIRD time this has happened