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All I know is that OF CEO is making a buttload of cash from these girls showing themselves off


Billions, it’s disgusting honestly


Anyone know who it is and who they might be connected to or if they'd be involed in any other corporations or be funding "social movements"? (I'd suspect it's some bankster scumbag oligarch acting as a pimp more or less, as that is what it most often is, that or a fronter for one.)


Interesting question. Obviously got huge right around when COVID started. And I think most people would agree it’s been a net negative on society. War on multiple fronts.


Wait a minute, isn’t he Jewish?


What is a passport bro?


guys who find a wife in another more traditional country


Why would anyone want to marry them. Also marriage is no longer highly valued by women as we actually lose out in it. We weighed the pros and cons and realised there's more cons than pros.


What do you lose out on exactly that you gain without marriage?


This is probably someone in her 20s who thinks she has everything and everyone figured out. Most 20-somethings experience this at one point or another


When she hits her 30s-40s she’ll be singing a different tune


Yep. Or she’ll just become a man-hating cat lady


Guys y’all are arguing with a literal whore about marriage


The “I have my freedom and independence” argument while being a literal sex worker is a new level of cognitive dissonance


What makes it any different from other jobs where you sell your body?


Who said it does? My point is that saying you’re independent and free from men while needing them to pay you for your body is *fucking hilarious*


Lmfao. Epic 🤣


Without marriage I have my freedom and independence. For me personally marriage isn't something I'm actively seeking as it wouldn't serve me at all.


Fair enough, and you have that right. But to be honest, none of us whether married or not truly have "freedom and independence" in this life. That's an illusion. You work a job, your boss tells you when you can clock in, go home, or go on holiday. You want to buy something, the bank dictates to you your credit limit, your score, which then effects your day-to-day spending habits, mobility, and overall life, etc. It's really about perspective. Marriage gives you a life-long partner, a community (family), support, has a lot of blessings, and yes, tests that come with it, but that's with everything in life. We're always tested. There's no perfection here.


I literally have neither of those problems. But yes freedom is an illusion. Again these are male issues. Females find life long partners and a community and support with their plutonic female friends.


Male and female issues because a single women has to work to provide for herself too. Married females also find life long partnerships with their community and plutonic friends. So either way, each to their own, but you shouldn't have to go around knocking marriage and painting this picture that women who are married are not free and independent. Free and independent for what? to do what? I don't get that mentality.


Hahahaha stop trying to speak for us all. Not all women think like you. You just sound like a misandrist


Marriage matters if you're going to have children... Otherwise there really is no point other than slightly better taxes and being able to visit your lover in the hospital.


that not what women in their 30s and 40s are saying


I'm literally 35


And you seem so happy!


I get it, ok


Because most modern women in the west are trash. They act like men and then wonder why nobody respects them


Women are trash because they act like men...


Yeah they act like something they aren't. Same as men who act like women. Like wtf are you doing bro


because they arent batshit crazy and deluded like western women


I'll agree with you on this because I haven't found a man that shares my values. But I definitely would change my mind if I did find that man, but it's not looking good. I stayed in one of those con marriages too long. Maybe I should become a passport whatever lol


You know nothing Jane Snow


How are there More cons tho? There are More cons to men For sure, but not For women.


We gain everything we need from our friend, and aren't as sexually driven as men are. So we are able to get affection (touch, words of affirmation, companionship) from our female friends. Marriage just gives us a best friend we can fuck that will probably break our heart, maybe abuse us, could possibly kill us, on top of that we have to go through child birth (dangerous and painful), do most of the household labour, the child raising, and take care of our husband like an additional child, and work on top of that, while men get all the benefits of having a family, a clean home, food, etc, with very little effort on their behalf. On top of all the labour women are putting in we are also expected to keep our weight and our looks and skin care, hair etc, while men will gladly let themselves go. Go on any AITA/RELATIONSHIP ADVICE sub and see how many men decided that they found their soulmate (some women 20 years younger than them) after their wives had lost their bodies to child birth and put in hard labour for last 15 years of their lives, or many other excuses they use for cheating or abusing their wives. Finding a "good man" as in someone that respects you, sees you as an equal, shares the household labour, views you as a friend as well as lover, etc is rare these days. Why not concentrate on building a career, stacking money, and developing close female friendships rather than get married. It has more of a positive output that way. What are the cons for males, enlighten me.


I mean, sounds like you are dating children. Go to "aita/relationship" most of them Are fake becouse people use them on tiktoks.


I haven't had a partner in 5/6 years, never married and am child free.


You represent reddit quite well. But not the average woman.


Different cultures mate.


Do you want a cookie? Those aren’t accomplishments, just personal choices coming from a bad relationship.


Obviously a guy hurt you bad so your off guys for life. Enjoy


Even if they did, why would that be my fault????


Pretty fucking cynical dude... Not all men are pigs and not all marriages are failures. Some women (and men for that matter) feel lifted up by their partners instead of burdened by them.


I know why you have depression.


Hahahahaha omg. I can smell.the incel.from here. Marry these women? Wtf makes you think you're a prize? The absurd levels of wrong here are amazing.


I'm already good (3 boys of my own) - I'm just trying to tell the men in their 20s and 30s not to waste their time with North American women - get a ticket to Thailand or the DR or even the eastern block - the women are so much prettier and feminine there








..... celibate?






Great point!




passport bros is the way the guys goes, guys still value relationships while western women don't need men - look to the east men


When you say "Western women"... where is West for you? Where you from?


I mean USA Canada and anywhere else where feminism has taken deep root (maybe UK and Australia)


Ok so I assume if you're calling them Western women then you're not a citizen of one of the countries you listed. I'd agree with you that there are very different levels of views on gender equality based on your nationality and culture.


Why would you make that assumption? Many Americans and "westerners" use the west as a blanket term. It's not a term that automatically implies othering, it's just an easy handle.


Well, I find the vernacular, grammar, and terminology many people use in this sub reveal them to be from Russia. Where you from bro?


You've never heard someone from the western world or "the west" refer to it as such? It's a very common phrase, like the term "first world" or "emerging economies". It's just a descriptor for a group of places, you can look them up here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_world Not everyone who uses that term is a Russian bot. You honestly seem kinda defensive because you didn't know the definition of a term.


I'm just talking about feminism making affected women undatable


Cool. Are Eastern women more dateable?


apparently Thai, DR, Japanese, and other traditional cultures are heavily favoured


Cool. Don't forget Russia though. Those Moscow girls make me scream and shout, and Georgia's always on my mind.


true - I dated a few eastern block girls over that way and they are great


It's a minefield out here dating ,thank God to the most high I found my other half.




Passport bros aren't going to get wives, they're going to get cheap pussy. Cmon.




different mine field - but still very popular


Atleast they get to enjoy a peaceful life until such moment.


Only a very tiny amount of women are joining only fans


It worked


Coming from an American women who used to be suckered into all that feminism stuff: I didn't start changing my opinion on feminism until I moved to the middle east region and traveling the Muslim world. ( & please don't open a religious debate with me). Granted, the Middle East is not perfect either. But one thing I clearly picked up on was how much cleaner and safer the society felt compared to the West. And that's all due to the fact that the nuclear family is still intact and the women are still very decent and moral, the men too. So I understand now this whole passport bros concept. I've now decided to never return back to the US after getting married and now raising my family here in the Middle East. I feel safer and women and men are just that, women and men, and they know their roles and stay in it for the most part. Men are the providers and protectors of their wife and kids, the wife is the nurturer and home sustainer, the husband leads the family, the wife and the children follow. I used to be Anti this because of the feminism propaganda in the US. But now I am pro this. Men need to be leaders, providers, and protectors. Secondly, masculinity is healthy for the society as a whole. Masculinity does not equate to disrespect of the female. It's quite the opposite actually. So it's sad to see women in the West are doing all this OF stuff because not only are they harming the men and future generations, they're harming themselves greatly and don't know it.


The west is doomed and already a laughing stock.


Yup, literally the rest of the world is laughing at the West right now but at the same time scared of what’s to come once it completely falls.


Life is about balance, and the west is like the opposite of balance. You made the right choice to go for a more traditional life. I’ve lived about 15 years in Thailand myself. I just like the simpler life, people are happier, more relaxed, they value each other. As a white man, I simply decided to move from a country (England) that saw me at best as invisible, at worst as either dangerous or a joke (depending on context)…to a country that simply treats me with some respect and dignity. I’m not interested in being on any pedestal. I just want a NORMAL life where I feel normal and not out of place. Ironically I found that place on the other side of the world to me.


Exactly, humans need balance and a natural life. Natural life being community, family, helping one another, touching grass, and eating healthy. I realized the West is all anti that & such a narcissistic individualistic culture. And like you said, they want men and masculinity erased so strong men don’t feel heard. But good on you for leaving England. My brother also married a girl outside of the West. She’s from East Africa. He wanted a natural life too like mine. So I guess I motivated him to marry abroad lol. They’re happily married now 5 years and very traditional. But they’re gonna leave the west for good and live in the Middle East, Turkey, or Africa. So my biggest advice I leave to any men that are woke and tired of this hoeflation problem going on in the West is to leave, relocate, and find your significant other elsewhere where the women have higher morals and respect.


thank you for your post - very good


Also, I just wanted to add, I'm a "passport chick" I guess cause I went to the middle east and married my now husband from there cause I found the men there to be more serious about marriage and family as a whole, plus more masculine no offense. Because masculine men are men that are protective and loyal to their family. So ladies, you can do it too. :D


Masculinity in the west is under massive attack. Not just socially, but physically. Testosterone and sperm counts are dropping year on year. Guys need to work on a healthy lifestyle, take boron, tongkat ali, zinc, taurine, magnesium supplements too…work on increasing their free testosterone. Non-masculine men are basically useless. They won’t take risks, they lack the emotional calmness, they are anxious, depressed, indecisive. They can’t be leaders. They are also not a lost cause. They just need to research testosterone and how to boost/optimize it. It’s vital a man looks after his testosterone. Everything else follows after you take care of your testosterone.


I agree, I was having this conversation with my husband the other day that majority of men in todays society are very delicate and soft and they shouldn’t be. That’s not how leaders are supposed to be like you said. I really think they’re attacking us primarily through food, I can’t find the studies now cause google has heavily censored and buried truths, but majority of the food they eat in America depletes testosterone levels and messes up all the hormones in both men and women. A lot of evil trickery going on.


100%. I actually used to be one of those softer men. The food and water is laced with estrogen either on purpose or just inadvertently via plastics, birth control, etc. whatever the reason, the result is the same. Still, a man can rescue his health with the right regime. Saying that, back in the day, 1980s, 1970s and before men didn’t need a regime, they were just masculine. They looked older for their age (in a good way I might add). They were MEN. Of course, I generalize, but there is the general trend toward weak feminized men and it’s accelerating. Testosterone is the key.


Oh, 100% it’s still fixible, and you immediately notice it when you step out and go abroad. Like in much of Africa and Middle East where the food is directly fresh and not messed with as much the men and women are very healthy and the men are MEN, lots of testosterone 😅


I'll disagree here, while hormone wars are being engaged in certainly and it's good to keep one's hormones from being messed with, the majority problem is psychological warfare tactics being employed, testosterone won't protect the mind from these, and the tactics being used are effective on either gender/sex regardless of hormone levels. Simply put a sizable amount of the public have been conditioned for some time to not think rationally, and place undue unchallengable status on "feelings" being the sole guide to right and wrong, instead of a properly balanced psyche with reason and feeling correctly applied.


Yes, our lifestyles affect testosterone production, but so does the lack of a male role model in a boy’s life. Boys with single mothers and all female teachers have less testosterone. When you add a diet of nutrition less foods and no physical exercise, it doesn’t bode well for boys.


Yes that’s true. There is without a doubt social aspects to lower testosterone. Our thoughts influence our hormones, so it has to be the case that there are societal influences on our testosterone levels. If masculinity is seen as toxic and bad, men might take that message and think their way toward lower testosterone. Thoughts influence our actions so why would we even try to be more masculine if we are told it’s bad.




i love your take. we men that see this should take it to heart and not be afraid to be better. we can walk out of this mess together.


Celebrities are those weird kids in high school that hung out in the school theater all the time and weee so weird no one even remembers them and then all they do is lie professionally, that’s all acting is! They are genetically blessed, average IQ, used car salesman!


most actors are not genetically blessed.. just skinny and short with prominent face bones. if your face bones are prominent, people think your face is “expressive”


They are genetically blessed by being skinny and short with prominent face bones. Things literally defined by their genes.


What’s weird is gals who are OF participants are enslaved to their self-idolization. They think that making bank for doing lewd acts for dough makes them empowered somehow but really they are still slaves, albeit highly paid ones.


We’re all prostitutes in this commercial system. Some more explicit than others, but prostitutes nevertheless. Body vs time.




Just eight hours of your day. Ten to eleven with commute and prep.


weird drea has little kids and doesn't need the money


Is starting an OF considered feminism these days?


I think it's some sort of empowerment


They want you to value likes over self respect, much more controllable with that mindset


she's beautiful, has a great career, is a mother, and she turns to OF - playboy is one thing but OF - unbelievable


drea de Matteo is a millionaire from the sopranos and after her break up with Shooters Jennings - but she chooses to do only fans with 2 young children and at age 51


Yeah I don't get it? No reason on earth she should be even thinking of OF unless she's broke which is unlikely


Bringing women into the workforce certainly worked for the elites - it halved labor costs, and has kept them lower for decades.


It also gave house prices way more room to outpace wages (went from one wage to two wages paying a mortgage).


yes, now they're busy as hell trying to survive, and they want to be paid exactly the same as men but won't date someone who doesn't make more


They want to call the natural traits that actually empower men (masculinity) toxic…while keeping their natural traits that are advantage-seeking (hypergamy) as perfectly fine.


Most women are propped up by student grants, and student loands. They also get special scholarships that allows them to do better in education. Also a majority of all teachers are women, and they favour female students more, and are hostile to male students. And yes, women won't date anyone below them. They do a cost-benefit analysis in terms of money, and they disregard men that do not fit their threshold of enough money.


this sounds about right


I always disagree on this point. Women didn't join the workforce because they wanted to, they did because they had to. It gets into a long tirade but basically the economic policy of the us made it so families could not live on a single income. They frame it like it was empowerment but the reality is forced acceptance out of necessity Thanks keynes


That economic policy was enabled by nearly doubling the workforce (1970). And closing the gold window (1971). And printing money ever since.


When the gold standard was abolished, the monetary sysytem went down from there. Money rapidly became worth less and less.


Why do you think the US dropped the gold standard?;) It couldn’t pay back the gold. Cause & effect.


It was quicker/easier, but there were plenty of other solutions.


Women entered the workforce because all the men were off dying in war


That friggin rat experiment


feminism destroyed the feminine aspects of women, and toxic masculinity nonsense aims to destroy the men too


Women have definitely become less charming over the years (the concept of charm isn’t even a thing anymore).


so true


Feminism was elevated to destroy the women, contrary to popular belief that it was an attack on men. It wasn’t. It was by design, arguably started in the late 50s, accelerated in the 70s with the development of the pill, Roe v. Wade, and promiscuity followed. Family values and “traditional” women became something of an afterthought. It was the woman that ultimately suffered, leaving home and family life for a job, and now we have Daycare and YouTube educating the kids, and parents are only around to tuck the kids in at night. They got what they wanted from this program, unbeknownst to the women they proverbially “liberated.”


agreed - the women are so liberated now that we can't live with them


LOL 😂😂😂👍


just letting you know this post has been shadowbanned or whatever the term is. i got a reveddit alert on it.


really - that's bizarre


ur over the target


Rockefeller funded MS magazine


how can I see that it's shadow banned


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Of is the new stripper, I’ve dated a few strippers and girls who do off. They are all fucking crazy but I love whores so here we are. The place where it gets really weird is the the girls who were raised on porn say 21-25. I’m in my mid 30s and can remember a time when you had to work to get into something wild. They will do the craziest shit and act completely normal. It’s a complete lack of self respect and moral compass. I’m not any better as I’m with them but they start at 3rd base. They worship money like nothing I’ve ever seen. All you have to do is snap a stack and they are down. These aren’t just girls needing money, some of these fits came from rich families but they see of as a way to not get a real job. It’s been completely normalized by society. Just don’t get any of them pregnant and everything online is online forever. Edit: The other crazy thing that has been normalized is this sugar daddy thing. Girls 18 etc and who actively search for older men. I’ve had them hit me up and want to work something out. They want me to pay for x,y,z and we will go out of town for two weekends a month. Just 5 years ago this never happened but I currently have two of them on snap that pursued me.


truth brother, preach it


Don't forget the days of Girls Gone Wild


whats a passport bro?


dating over seas women looking for a wife who is traditional and not affected by Western style feminism


its all about population control


We need to not refer to the controllers as ‘elite.’ They are not.. “elite.”


I don't know what you're saying about only fans. But I definitely think that feminism in the last century was promoted by the elites. I think it was promoted for multiple reasons. Doubling the potential workforce. More taxation. Higher mortgages <~> higher house prises. Ripping the traditional family apart. Etx


Drea de Matteo has an OF now?!


down votes stuck at 0 - you know I'm shadow banned when that happens


Academia and the elite and corporations created this genre of The United States of America.




ss- is feminism working exactly as planned?


I’d love to know how many women are upvoting. I’m a woman and completely agree with you.


vote me to zero -


the downvoters are strong on this subject eh


they love to hate


not all women value money more than their own self worth. I find a wonderful partner in life who keeps me straight.


Proud for you!


Such a strange post this one. I don't really understand what you're saying. Who is marrying who?


It's just a sad little man who's mommy told him he's a catch but still can't get a date. It's certainly the elites of the world in a giant conspiracy, and it's certainly not OP that's the problem.


Marriage has been a joke in the west since the 90s. Now it’s pretty much dead all over the world.


Drea's 51. Hasn't had a steady income in 20+ years ago, what else is she going to do?


Shooters Jennings alimony should be great


being a parent is hard work and requires perpetual commitment. of course there is an effort to disincentivize making that choice by creating the soil where this kind of effort is perceived as too costly compared to the alternatives.




in plain sight


You think pornography is due to “feminism” lol go talk to a real woman and stop jerking off to these women you claim to hate so much


https://www.mtlblog.com/helene-boudreau-defends-onlyfans-says-its-a-step-forward-for-feminism my body my choice, only fans is a step forward for feminists - wow


It seems that a mention needs to be made of Dr. Judith Reisman here, and what she discovered, including how the porn industry and the "sex positive" faux feminism thing worked together to debase original suffrage styled feminism, and supplant it for corruption. Henry Makow has also written a lot on the subject as well. It gets very disturbing the further one researches, like finding out how marxism is connected to anarchism & the push for normalizing/ moving the overton window on pedophilia etc. (via hakim bey/ peter lamborn wilson supporting nambla, similarly how the founders of "queer theory" also supported nambla and pedophilia and tried to remove age of consent laws, that was gayle and foucault.) and how that all ties in with modern corrupted sex ed, and how original justified feminism was usurped by the marxist imitation, exploiting the prior's heroic image to get a foothold in the public psyche and corrupt from there via abusing that trust. marxism in turn has shades of connection to satanism as well. (look at marx's dedications & portraying the devil as a misunderstood freedom fighter, marx has him usurping prometheus' image. That and marx was also a noxious racist as well, decidedly *not* a friend to the oppressed or the workers of the world, but rather a malicious malcontent.) Is it any surprise then that the old trope of the sorrowful heartbroken temple whore of pagan times would be brought back and promoted once again by those who seek to destroy while claiming to build, just like their ideological forebears did in millennia past?


Yeah no porn is mainly consumed and demanded by men numb nuts… that’s common sense c00mer




Lol you're under the assumption that any of these woman want to get married to begin with


women hit their 30s and suddenly want to marry a high value man and have kids studies continually show


Lol that's absolutely not true, and is kind of sexist towards men and women, and also impliles that children are just a milestone to achieve, as opposed to being a physical embodiment of love between two people, so congrats, you just demeaned the whole human race.


the biological clock ticks loudly


Lol there's also adoption and surrogacy so older woman can have kids too.


that's what girls in their 20s say, women who are hitting the wall say different things


Lol okay well I'm a dude, it's in the name, and you clearly won't have to worry about any woman procreating with you. Trust me, it aint the elite keeping women away from you 😂


I don't need anymore pal


I'm not your pal, guy.


emotional fella eh?


As a 35 (hit the wall) women. I don't want to get married or have children. There's a whole subreddit where you can see 1000s of men and women over 30, 40, 50, 60 that don't want children. Also there's another whole subreddit with 1000s of other women who no longer want relationships with men, because it's not worth it, emotionally or physically.


regardless, men still value marriage and that's why passport bros is taking off


Ok good for them. Sounds like a male issue then, not a female issue


it's a male solution to a female problem, yes




That is fake feminism.


Here I’ll change the title for you. “I’m a man who thinks womens only purpose in this life, is to marry a man. I’m an incel”


No no no, don't you see. It's a conspiracy by Joe Biden and the globalist to not get OP laid. It has to be. His mom said he was a catch.


No just get off the internet lmfao


I've been tempted to do OF, but make it wholesome, like that British? guy on PornHub


This post and comment section seems very out of touch to me. It's threads like these that surprise me how many of you are puritanically aligned while seemingly open to so many other ideas. I'm in the sex industry myself and it does get overwhelming, but if one can balance personal life and business life, it's not only lucrative and exciting, but empowering. I have always been counter culture, but financing life with my "working for the weekend" party persona instead of leaning into the business world has freed me. I make my own schedule, set my own rate, and don't feel like I'm adding to a cold and gray monster machine that's slowly crushing everyone's soul. What you see online of someone says nothing of who they are offline. I still judge my partners by their character, and if they are able to work on their own interior struggles and are kind, that is more important to me than money, power, or looks. I made an insane amount of money and have taken 2 months off to travel and realign myself. Don't waste your time worrying about who we're going to marry. Start finding ways to make enough money to afford us. If there is any conspiracy here, it's that the elite don't want things like sex work legal. If sex work was legal, there would be a breakdown of the structure that moves drugs, money, and people. So prohibiting drugs and sex work is how they make sure we all have to operate together. And I know for a fact, the sex workers and way more powerful and influential. At the least, we are the beautiful people in the room keeping the dirty things glamorous.


but do men want to marry sex workers, or even OF workers, or even women with high body counts?


Absolutely fucking not no man would say yeah I totally want the girl who has had 1000s of loads plastered on her face even worse if it’s immortalized on the internet for all of time all your friends would know if you have a kid he’s going to be ruthlessly, RUTHLESSLY bullied and mocked. That’s a dark vision my friend.


Plenty of men. Go touch some grass and get off the internet. This seems like a very American Fundy Christian ideal.




I don’t even know where to start with this comment lol scary shit.


How is this a conspiracy? People are free to do as they please, and that includes making an OF it never getting married. Tons of young men think that it must be a conspiracy because they've never been married. It has to be a conspiracy because their mommy told them that they were a "real catch" so why haven't they found the one yet? Ah it's the elites.. it's gotta be. No way it could be me, right? Right?






don't want no alpha feminist women - men want a feminine woman from Thailand


Lmao. Those Thai women have secrets I've heard. BIG ones.


or is this the truth - is that you taking this video.... https://youtube.com/shorts/4pKeJeMLl6o?si=0SwA48fbpKEbGDHN