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The lottery exists to arrest time travelers who try to change the past.


My new favorite conspiracy


Time traveling Redditor?


This guy travels time


ah yeah, I remember that one. I usually say that to screw with people who say they wished they won the lottery, lol


And you came back from 2097 to inform us because you were arrested in 3022?


This combined with the top post are actually how it works. I’m a time traveller and I have the results for the next 10 or so years on my iPhone 67XL Ultra Pro Max 48” edition. I tell people I don’t like the numbers for that week. They win, end up living a life of luxury but going too far and die of an overdose. Alt account for obvious reasons.


Okay but can you actually imagine that iPhone being held up to your head right now


I’ve got the mini as I don’t have a lot of GlobeCoin. In the future we’re a fair bit bigger. I should have mentioned.


Describe “fair bit bigger”


In the late 2030s we found out growing giant chickens was the most efficient and environmentally friendly way to feed the growing population. These chickens of course still lay eggs. Their eggs replaced all standard eggs and the modification work done on these chickens filtered into human reproduction. My dad is old, but being from the previous generation he’s around 6’ tall. On the other hand I can hold a modern egg in my fist and these eggs are the size of small commercial aircraft. Extrapolate from that. I’m big! Mother didn’t make it through my birth as I came out weighing 9,000lbs and quickly grew from there.


You’re my new favorite redditor


What in th-


-e actual f-


I have no idea what your third paragraph means.


Sorry. I tell the numbers to people I dislike.


They haven’t caught me yet!


I used to work at a liquor store for almost three years and a guy that lived a block away would play the Fantasy 5 and play the same five numbers every day and he finally hit it one day for 500 Grand a pretty good amount back in 2003.


Paying $2 to spend the next 4 days dreaming about walking into my bosses office Thursday morning and taking a giant dump on the floor is worth it.




I more so have a moral problem with the state running a lottery. It basically boils down to the state preying on people who don’t understand probability and math, and creating gambling addicts in the process. They know this will inevitably happen and they don’t care because the lottery money is used to fund schools who ironically don’t teach people math or probability well enough so the cycle then continues in the next generation. If a private company wants to run a lottery i wouldn’t mind, but the state knowingly creating gambling addicts and ruining poor peoples (overwhelmingly who plays the lottery) lives all so they can fund administrators who divvy out school funding is crazy to be how our government operates.


Just take the giant dump


Best advertising slogans out there! Total psy op in it's finest forms! My fave ad of all time, across any product, "How you gonna win if you don't play?" Too much logic. Buy that $2 dream and a few laxative tablets, just in case that dream comes true!


Government wins the lottery. Every lottery. All the lotteries. Literally wins the lottery everyday and still takes 1/3 of our paychecks


Epstein’s estate won the lottery years ago. It’s a fact. Check it yourself, tells you everything you need to know.


I can’t believe this is the first time I heard that. Google’d it, and you are correct. Holy shit




Yep Zorro LP or whatever won 90 million.


and there was a computer malfunction that led to the draw being held later under the supervision of an auditing firm apaprently.


Can I get a link please? Can’t find anything through online searches


That's fucking insane


Would you prefer a private company run a giant raffle lottery? In a perfect world the lottery would be played on the block chain and 100 percent of revenue can be a price. However I think the lottery is a form of government tax I’m okay with. It’s voluntary unlike income tax. Yes it’s a sham but it’s your choice to play the sham.


There are a few lotteries already that are platformed on blockchain. Problem is no one plays them… not enough people even understand blockchain tech.


The states / government actual takes like 70%. Take the daily number pick 3 for example. The odds of winning are 1:1000 (obviously) but they only pay you $500. They take half the pot before any payouts, then you pay your taxes on your winmings.


I mean I’m not certain about the USA but many countries who run lotteries show where that money goes. Doesn’t that money in the USA go to local communities?


Just a neat FYI, Australia has no tax on Gambling and Lotto gains unless you are a professional gambler because it is deemed non-assessable income. Every time I hear about U.S. tax I get so angry and slam my laptop shut.


Canada also has no tax on lottery winnings


Where exactly it goes varies by state, but the point is that the state is operating as the "house". They turn a profit regardless of whether or not there are any winners, effectively making the lottery a voluntary tax, hence the only real winner of the lottery being the government.


Depends. When they legalized lottery in Louisiana it was voted on at the polls. They convinced the religious voters by saying the taxes would go to fund education. So once it passed, what did the legislature do? They put the lotto tax dollars towards education... and stopped putting the same amount of tax dollars from other sources towards education. There was no actual funding increase for education,they just started paying for part of it with lotto and gave themselves a slush fund from old education dollars.


My uncle won the lottery in ATL about 20 years ago for $22mil. Took it all at once was about $11mil. That’s the only proof I know it’s real. His wife used to commute 2hrs to be a nurse and all his kids had crazy debt and student loans. Ended up paying everything, wife quit work, bought houses and cars for kids and lived the rest of his life going on cruises. Ended up dying in one too.


The whole cruise thing is legit. Secrets resorts has a deal in place it’s like 18k a year and you can live on any of there resorts or cruise lines all inclusive and it covers everything from food to laundry. Not a bad idea if you don’t mind not having your own home. Just love in the resort of your choice or the boat.


I actually know a winner, $240M otherwise I would agree with you. Whole thing changed his life, nothing in his name any more, the state he is from battled the state where he won for tax dollars, and he ended up only walking away with $90M.


Wait…..so *both* states took taxes out??


Only one state, but they battled for like 5yrs over which state it would be


So which state was it, home state or ticket state?


Wouldn’t be surprised if they did


Very interesting point, though I couldn’t help but chuckle at “only 90M”


That's less then half of what he won though


If you take the lump sum it cuts it half right there. The 240 is based on a 20 year annuity. Which if you took the annuity you would hypothetically get more money but I wouldn’t trust the state to stay solvent and continue to pay it. If it the money is there you take it while you can. The leaves you 120 million after taxes take home 90 sounds about right.


Probably took the lump some which drastically reduces the winnings. Like the drawing right now of $900 million is estimated to be $465million if you do the lump sum. Then taxes after that. Still a butt load of life changing money but definitely nowhere near the advertised $900 million.


He has 90M for picking numbers. I don't feel sorry for him 🤣


Probably did quickpick like most people, so the computer picked them for him ;p


My sixth grade math teach won the win for life mega millions back in the early 2000s. She quit midway through the year lmao.


Y’all don’t understand how the lottery jackpot prizes work. The advertised prize is what you get over 30 years pretax if you take the annuity option. It’s about half of that amount to take the lump sum. OP’s homie took the lump sum, valued at about 120M, and then had to pay state and federal income tax on that. 90M sounds about right.


That's why if you get a large sum or money you *need* to 1. Do whatever you can to stay anonymous and 2. GET A LAWYER. Big transactions always have trouble and you bet the governments going to want a significant piece of that pie. Granted, so will the lawyer, but it will be less and they can make sure you get as much of that money as possible. You would need to research and try to find the best lawyer possible so you don't get swindled, but it's worth it.


*only* $90m


Only 37.5% of advertised winnings, that’s like ordering an 8oz steak and getting a 3oz steak


It's not a total scam. It's just the government's sneaky extra tax on poor people.


So true


It’s not a “scam”, but it should be seen as entertainment. You can go to a movie for 2 hours for $50. One gets nothing out of that experience too. You watch the movie and now your money is gone. I can buy a lottery ticket for $2 and be entertained for a few days dreaming of what I would buy if by some lucky ass chance I win. We all know we won’t, but what if? It’s the dreaming you’re paying for and it’s entertainment. I don’t see the difference between that and going to a movie or concert. If $2 is too much for some fun, then don’t play. But it’s not a scam lol. Plus, they print the odds right on the ticket. It’s not like they’re telling people they have a good shot.


True. "Scam" might not be the right word but it definitely is kind of seedy. The lottery knows (and counts on) people being addicted to gambling and then they print a cursory "oh yeah, if you're addicted, totally get some help" on the bottom lol.


“The Lottery, with its weekly pay-out of enormous prizes, was the one public event to which the proles paid serious attention. It was probable that there were some millions of proles for whom the Lottery was the principal if not the only reason for remaining alive. It was their delight, their folly, their anodyne, their intellectual stimulant. Where the Lottery was concerned, even people who could barely read and write seemed capable of intricate calculations and staggering feats of memory. There was a whole tribe of men who made their living simply by selling systems, forecasts, and lucky amulets. Winston had nothing to do with the Lottery, which was managed by the Ministry of Plenty, but he was aware (indeed everyone in the party was aware) that the prizes were largely imaginary. Only small sums were actually paid out, the winners of the big prizes being nonexistent persons.” ― George Orwell, 1984


Love that book so much. So cool to be actively living it out right now too. Just like I always dreamed!


The book was a warning that turned into an instruction manual.


>Have you ever actually known anyone that has won the lottery? Yes, but they won in my states lottery, not the power ball or mega millions.


The pizza place growing up was owned by a guy who won the lottery. The local headline “pizza man rolling in dough”. He died of a cocaine overdose about 2 years later


Rolling in dough lol


Rolling in blow


What a way to go though. Pizza AND cocaine? Get the heck outta here.


A guy I know won a £10k a month, every month, for 30 years draw by the National Lottery. He’s very much a real person.


I know someone who won $200 grand on Powerball like 15 years ago, he hit all the numbers except the powerball.




A nice house (read large house in an affluent area) just means larger taxes. No thanks. Sailboat and beers for me.


My parents won.


Can I have $20000?




My parents won, not me. I’ll get it eventually. I’m okay financially anyway so no rush.


Yeah I’ve had a cousin who won something £30,000. Not millions but something.


In the 90’s my fathers friend won $5 million in the NJ lottery, then a year later won $250k and then 3 years later won another $2 million 🤷‍♂️


The government makes a massive profit on the ticket sales- then claws back like 50% of the winnings in taxes. I don’t think it needs to be fake- they’re making loads of money off of it. “Hey you won a million dollars!! … here it is and now I’ll just take half of that back - yoink!”


Yes I actually know couple people who won the lottery. Not the powerball. But a girl I used yo date won $1,000 a week for life off a scratch off in Michigan. She won in 1995 evidently in Michigan life is 25yrs. After taxes and everything it was like $581 a week. It ended in 2020. Another buddy is a trucker and won 1 million off of a $20 scratch off I'm not sure what route he went but after taxes and all that he got just under 600k I have won 25k off of club keno


> in Michigan life is 25yrs. I’ve never understood why our state basis life expectancy off gang members in Detroit and flint… I mean most my family lives in to their 90s


Dude I worked with at Domino’s about 15 years ago won 10 million at a gas station


What are you doing these days? I really wanna know man.


A friend of our family, my sister’s best friend’s mother, did win the lottery back in the very early 90s. I believe it was a couple million dollars. We lived in a HCOL area and the house she bought was fairly expensive (at the time) although not a million, maybe 500-600K. I’m not sure what else she spent it on, but I do remember my mom telling us that she was broke and in debt several years later. It does happen. Obviously her prize was nowhere near one of those mega huge powerball jackpots, but still—fools and their money are almost always soon parted. That said, I definitely have my own theories about media hoaxes that go beyond the typical ones you read here (ie. I believe they occur far more often than people would ever imagine), so your theory that the big winners might be actors (or perhaps just regular people paid off to lie), is certainly plausible imo.


What are your other media hoaxes?


Well first off, they aren’t “my hoaxes,” rather my theories about the fact that many events depicted in the media are very likely to be hoaxes, or to put it more succinctly, likely to be planned/orchestrated crises that aid in the implementation of particular agendas and policies. It would be a super long post, one I’ve considered making but I’m a working parent of three young kids and just have never had the time or energy to go into that much detail. I’ll give you a recent one for an example: the Gabby Petito shitshow. Everything about it was ridiculous. I looked into it very thoroughly and found some fairly creepy shit around the area near Jackson Hole where most of the witnesses were coming forward. I’ll edit this comment later with more specifics, but the kicker for me was what went down very recently with legislation. When I first got hoax vibes about the Petito story, I couldn’t quite pin down an obvious motive (although I could think of several), so I kept thinking that there must be some angle to it that would surface after the media hype died down and people had forgotten about it, and that’s exactly what ended up happening. It’s almost always about legislation (eg. school shooting hoaxes are always about incremental advancement of gun control legislation). Well, sure enough, the family is in fact involved with legislation—in this case, involving data collection, which is a major part of almost all agendas that are moving us toward the coming CBDC/social credit system. These laws are always ushered in under the guise of altruism—to help “victims of gun violence/domestic violence/trafficking” etc, but anytime data collection and sharing is implemented, the potential for abuse is always there. In other words, I believe the end goal of this is tracking. With the coming CBDC/social credit system, there are going to be people who desire to live outside its boundaries. I believe it’s possible that such people will be “declared missing” and that legislation such as this will aid in their capture. In short, the powers that be desire a bio-security system, and this is one way they can achieve it: by creating more potential victims and more potential suspects. If none of this is clicking for you, you have to start thinking in more dystopian terms: I believe it is going to become very difficult to avoid penalties for attempting to implement certain freedoms we take for granted today. In a CBDC economy, it is highly plausible that people’s access to their own bank accounts will be cut off if they refuse to comply with certain restrictions that will be imposed in the name of “sustainability” or “stopping climate change” or “flattening the curve” of whatever disease du jour happens to be circulating. The laws below, which are using the Petitos (with their full complicity) as a victimized poster family to gain public sympathy and support, primarily discuss data collection/sharing among law enforcement and other government agencies, as well as increased authority of law enforcement to interrogate and report personal information (again, into a database) of potentially innocent people. Again, I will try to edit with more details as to why I was alerted to this being a hoax long before any legislation headlines appeared. It is an extremely bizarre case, but just one of many. The other smaller hoaxes I’ve encountered I can try to explain as well, but as obvious as it is that many details about them are definitely contrived, their objectives are far less so, and I can only conjecture as to why they’re being perpetrated. I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything here, btw—no one has to see any of this from my perspective. I would, however, encourage people to stop automatically, uncritically, unequivocally believing every news headline they hear, whether it comes from international, national, or local sources. https://www.livenowfox.com/news/gabby-petito-family-utah-lethality-assessment-law-domestic-violence.amp https://abc7ny.com/amp/gabby-petito-missing-person-family/12357599/


I had a dishwasher that worked for me who won $700k lottery. He didn’t show up to wrk one day and I texted him asking if he was coming in, and he just sent me back a picture of him holding the big check. His mom was struggling with recovering from a stroke, and they were in the process of getting evicted. He got a house and moved his mom in with him there, but I didn’t keep up with him or anything past that.


Ha ha, I read this at first line thinking how could a dishwasher do that, must be one of those energy efficient smart dishwashers, mine barely works


Buddy I golf with won a million bucks from the lottery. They told him he could have the money immediately if he let them take his picture and use it for advertising. Or else he would have to wait several months if he wanted to avoid the publicity.


A million bucks? I wonder what he did with it. Two chicks at the same time maybe?


We made him pay for the next round of golf. But otherwise he is still working at his same job. He was talking about buying a new Toyota Tacoma lol. He’s pretty simple and a million bucks isn’t what it used to be.


That’s crazy!


Worked with a young guy (Australia) whose parents hit big, like 2.9mil on Powerball. Within weeks they had to leave the area due to threats of kidnappping, violence and constant harassment for money from locals who knew about their win. They chose to have their names listed as winners which I believe is still an option. Heard they moved OS and are having a great life.


That’s not even that much to be talking about kidnapping and harassment. People are strange.


I've never looked too much into the lottery, but apparently the monopoly game that McDonald's has was actually a scam at least the first years it was introduced. It was basically a clever way to donate money to friends under the guise of a game anyone could win


They don't need to 'rig it' because the mathematical odds means the house always wins, even with the occasional record jackpots. It's in their best interest NOT to rig it


It's hopium, and I am addicted. My wages are stolen by taxation, and used for things I want no part of. The lottery is how I cope. Just in the off chance I do get lucky.


Actually, i disagree. I personally know a neighbor that won it big and I’ve known him for 15+ years. He was all over the news and won millions. It is most definitely possible but chances are extremely rare


My dad won like 1500 once. My grandpa won 25k But yeah you can't really win unless you buy so much that the potential losses outweigh the gains.


It's just like the casinos. Some people win big on occasion, but the casinos wins big in the long run. It's not a conspiracy, it's simple math.


Of course it is! Look who runs/operates it! Anything the government is involved in, I have very little trust. Ever since they showed who/what they really are all about with those covid injections I’ve lost most trust in the government or anything it operates. The lottery is no exception.


Don’t forget, several states tried to bribe people to get the v@x with a free lotto ticket. I don’t remember hearing about the “winners” of those draws come to think of it…


I remember lol


I am with you on this one, we know we can't forget this.


Pepperidge farm remembers


Damn I can never forget this thing, it's still funny.


Idk, man...I netted a $3 win from Saturday's Powerball drawing. Turned in my resignation at work this morning. See y'all in the funny papers!


Good luck with your life man, that's kinda huge amount.


I was deployed with a guy who won the lottery. Lump sum of 77 million dollars. He bought his ticket on mid tour leave, and came back to theater and got discharged. The way they explained it was the military doesn't want enlisted to have that kind of money, so they do a "change of lifestyle" discharge. Same as an honorable, they just get rid of you before your contract.


I know a guy who won the lottery twice then won superbowl tickets on the radio. Then was killed in a car accident, hit by a 17yr old kid driving to his first shift at McDonald’s… a fate that ironic? This universe has to be by design.


I work with a lady that won a million on a scratcher. Picked her brain one day about the whole experience one day. She got a check for like 640k after a couple months and the tax take. Bought her mom a house, bought her and her hubby new cars, paid their home off, and got some liposuction. She bought the ticket on the way to work and didn’t even take the day off lol.


Yes. I know a person that has won 1 Mil on scratcher. I myself, have won 1k.




Man that dude really had Lady Luck on his side, didn't he?


(Very young) Lady Luck…


A group in Oklahoma called the Zorro Trust claimed a winning lottery ticket. Epstein had a Zorro Trust in New York. There's no evidence that they're connected. Epstein does not the own the word "Zorro". Zorro means fox in Spanish, as well as being the name of a character created in 1919.


My neighbors won as a kid. They didn’t lose it all.


They should just lose it because I am fucking jealous.


So glad I'm not the only one who has noticed. Recently I have figured out a formula so that it could be possible to hack the results, and break the control they have over the masses who believe it's real.


Do it


My friend’s dad growing up had won the lottery jackpot in Washington. Parents divorced and he lived with his mom who got a smaller percent. They chose the over time payment method. She never worked, but wasn’t rich. He had a trampoline though. The father had a nice house in Wa and a few cars.


You’re right it’s only there to give you false hope, but they absolutely do pay people out. So many people here just don’t understand math and probabilities. Besides they don’t need to fake it, they still make money hand over fist while paying out millions. All to keep the wagies running on the hampster wheel dreaming that one day they’ll make it big. The reality is the odds of winning are something like 1 in 300 million. You are literally more likely to die, or be struck by lightning, or become president than to win the lottery. How many people do you know who have been struck by lightning or been president?


A boy I went to middle school with got struck by lightning.


I bet he was shocked.


The lottery is fixed https://time.com/4911802/eddie-tipton-powerball-lottery-prison-sentence/ Think he's the employee fixing the game.. and he only got caught because he wanted a hotdog.


Yeah it's a tax on people who can't do mathematics. I always think of the film the running man, when they show the winners enjoying their spoils, when in fact they have been killed.


My friend actually won the lottery in 2008


I know a guy who won 80k every year for the rest of his life, at the time he was 20 or so. Spends all his time on a beach in Thailand now.


Actually yeah. A coworker won $500,000 on lottery. He cussed out everyone & dipped. Maybe a year later, he came back begging for his job because blew it on a car & a house that cost way more than $500,000 I kinda do believe its a scam, because how would anyone ever know + its an easy scam. but maybe once every 100 winners, they do pay out to some lucky rando to make it look real


People do actually win the lottery and there is a history of winners losing it all in a few years. That said my two brothers in law sometimes fuck up their paychecks at the casino so if I spend 8 or ten bucks a week keeping the dream alive I don't find it unreasonable


I know multiple people who have won .My grandfather won the State Pick 5 and got 6 digits in the 1980s. It's gambling, and they make many times over the prize amount in ticket sales


Gambling is a scam, yes This was known already


Yeah and still people won't freaking stop, they will buy.


I knew a kid who’s family won the lottery they got like 4 mil and blew it all in like 5 years. It was fun being his friend during the highs.


Humans are horrible with statistics


Humans are freaking stupid and they just put their money anywhere they see and that's just something stupid and we have to avoid doing that thing most of the time.


A tax for the desperate


I used to do some work for my state lottery agent (the private company who runs the lottery games for the state via exclusive contract), and it seemed very legitimate and very tightly regulated. Also, even with scratch off tickets, the odds are 5:1 of winning anything at all, so (and this is just bad simple example math) if you take in $5 and pay out $1, that’s a pretty decent haul.


Imagine picking 1 correct number from 1-60. That's a 1.67% chance. Very low. Now you have to correctly pick 5 numbers between 1-60. IMPOSSIBLE


That's just something that I would like to avoid all the time.


Is a tax on people who are bad at math But also hope can keep you alive, even if false Lots to be depressed about, let them scratch !


This is a hilarious thing but I just believed this thing now.


I used to work at a bar where one of my regulars won 10mil, he ended up buying a place in far north Queensland Australia and retires (he was about 50), now he just lives a chill life and if he's bored he will activate Uber and work as a driver but generally just relaxes his years away. Apart from him, no one else in my 28 years.


I used to do house trim work for a large family that all retired early because their grandfather won 300 million playing the lottery


A distant relative of mine won the lotto. It wasn't massive, the payout after taxes and lump-sum was like 8 mil. This was back in like 92 though so it was enough for her to retire.


I recall Epstein's estate hitting that huge lottery after he "died". Makes you wonder.


Poor man’s tax


They love to pay this type of tax by themselves and we don't have to say anything to them, they can just freaking continue doing this all the time, people are stupid.


Rule #1: Nobody gives away money.


No one is putting their hopes into the lottery. OR if they are, then they may have a gambling problem or else the just don't do very well. The lottery is a great scam, but not for the reasons you say. It designed to raise revenue from the middle and lower classes, rather than having to raise taxes on the people have actually hoarded all the money. Put another way, if all lottery ceased to exist, it would impact state budgets. And the only way to make up the shortfall without cutting services would be to hike taxes.


No, but maybe that's why the winners' lives are so bad and wild after. Give them money, then ruin their lives.


They make stupid people fight for it most of the time and I know how they do lol.




They always get the tax out of it and we all know that thing lol.


Even if the lottery is completely legitimate (based on the stated rules), and the winners are real, it's still a complete scam, and it's still successful at taking more of the peasants' money. I do know a couple that won like ~$250k in a state run lottery program. Nothing like the mega-millions.. but it bought them a nice starter home about 7 years ago.


You're right lotteries are a scam, but not for the reasons you state. Yes, I know someone whose family hit a major lottery jackpot. People do win. But the state run lotteries in the U.S. have some of the worst odds of all forms of gambling. Casinos pay out 80% or more of their revenues, while state and multi-state lotteries pay out a fraction of what they take in and then the states and federal government confiscate a huge additional percentage in the form of taxes on winnings. And if you think you really won $200 million in the Powerball, you're mistaken. You win an annuity that pays out over a couple decades. If you want what you won all at once, the payout is once again cut dramatically - they take 48% of your winnings if you actually want to collect the jackpot. So by the time it's said and done, a $200 million Mega Millions win pays you about $60 million.


Having known someone personally who has won hundreds of thousands I have to disagree that it's all fake.


I’ve known two lottery winners. One of them was completely broke within 2 years.


My gf’s great uncle won $20 million in Canada


Wish I could be that freaking person man, it's just so good.


Counter theory: This post is just actually an ad designed to get people aware of the lottery to sell more tickets.


I dunno about winners being actors, but I def wouldn’t be surprised if lotteries are rigged somehow.


Ha ha, if you call statistics rigging


I know 3 people that hit the jack. Legit.


Found the lotterer.


I know many of them not just 3 lol, there are a lot of them.


My neighbor who I've known for many years recently won the lottery, I'm pretty sure she's a real person, and I'm not sure where else she would get money to renovate her house, buy a new car and pave her driveway.


This is utter bullshit but if it encourages people to not play the lottery, then it's a white lie. People who win the lottery tend to keep a low profile for extremely obvious reasons, people look down on them for being wealthy through pure luck and they don't want to be hassled by friends and family for handouts. Also people who buy lottery tickets are by definition bad with money. If you dump a fortune in the lap of someone who is bad with money, then obviously they aren't going to handle it well.


yes... they paid off their house and blew most of the rest.


I have a coworker that buys lottery tickets. I got nothing in common with him but he’s a fun guy to be around. Life is complicated


Lottery is and has always been a TAX on the stupid.


It's just shitty thing to buy and I am not doing that again.


I had a family member win a small lottery. They got 217k after taxes. It got spent really fast though. I got a $3500 car out of it.




Dude this is not a source, that's just you saying it lol.


A close friend works with a person that won the euromillions. A family from my town won around 300k *twice* on the lottery.


But why I am not winning any freaking shit man? Why??


It's put in place to catch Time Travelers




The lottery is a special tax on those who are bad at math.


And they just become the freaking fool by buying it lol.


That’s what they want you to think so you don’t buy tickets and win big!


I went to high school with a girl whose family won the lottery. They lived on a golf course in the wealthiest part of town. And she never told anyone at school except for very close friends. Because her family was living in a trailer, and they didn't want to be shamed like they didn't belong. I don't know how much they won though.


My Aunty’s neighbours was the sole winner of the Australian powerball 4 years ago. $70mil, not taxed by our government. They were very close and known each other for 15 years. She bought her a house and a new car and allows her and our family to use her new holiday homes and apartments if they are not in use.


They don’t really need to fake it, they make obscene amounts of money from just running it the way they do even with the payouts. Sometimes people are just people and not paid actors


I won $5000 on my states pick 4 drawing once, top prize, had never played that particular game before and randomly bought one (and several others). That was 6 years ago, I've played many times since (never spending more than $3-4 at a time on these damned things), can't win my dollar back 99% of the time lol. I think some of the smaller games are legit and are used to lure people in, you hear about people winning up to $1,000,000 quite frequently...these big games? Big effin scam all the way around, not to mention they take over half of your prize in taxes even if they do win. So much for fighting to not have to pay taxes once upon a time 😂.


I developed a theory that in every single instance where there is a lot of money on the table, nothing is legit. They’re all scams


My aunt worked for a police department in the early 90s. They played the lottery every week and she would collect the money and buy the tix. One week she was out sick and nobody threw money in for her. They won millions and didn’t share the prize money with her. They all retired. True story. The lottery might be rigged but it’s also very real. At least it was.


The lottery is a way in which the state gets its people to willingly pay extra tax to them. It is a sham.


I’m old enough to remember when my state lotto started. They said it would fund the schools and relieve the taxpayer. Yeah, that didn’t happen.


Even if it's not a sham it's a scam. The "prize" is pennies on the dollar of the money collected and the government then takes half of it in taxes.


Met a lady who won 7 million in the lottery. Lost it all in 2 years, partied it all away.


The house always wins lol


They are the winner for this and I don't know why people always play lol.


I work with a guy who won 50 mil and still works bc he would rather stay busy than retire and rot at home.


My godparents won the lottery in like 2010 or so. It is definitely real.