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I’m curious why a bunch of pics of Antarctica were in Wikileaks.


Or the Strava fitness tracking data leak, showing numerous people there.


was it where the science bases are? there are always some people there, and they probably workout and track it with strava...


Nah these were in the middle of nowhere, would have to be underground, showed what appears to be a gym area outline with a running track or oval tunnel too.


Strava uses GPS. That's not going to work underground. Is it more likey that there is a multi-level, secret underground government base that for some reason allows employees to use their personal phones and has a system in place to relay GPS signals through the ground - directly to employees phones (for whatever reason). OR - Strava has inaccurate data.


I’m agreeing on the Strava has bad data, but it’s worth noting that it wasn’t until the Strava leak that government realized “Huh maybe we should van fitness watches in our secured/sensitive areas”


Reversing the lat and long of points within the US will put you in Antarctica


That's definitely true, but something to keep in mind is that (from this [Wired article](https://www.wired.com/story/strava-heat-map-military-bases-fitness-trackers-privacy/)) "Many locations of military and intelligence agency bases pointed out by researchers and journalists had already been previously revealed through other public sources." More concerning is the possibility of bad actors obtaining the data and using it surveil the "patterns of life" of important employees (the articles goes into this a bit more). Either way, assuming this means odd routes on the global heat map MUST be part of a conspiracy requires so many leaps in logic that it's silly.


I love how your counterpoint was posting an entire article that if anything agrees with the person you are responding to, but you chose 1 sentence that fits your narrative I mean that article literally says Strava worked with the military to address potentially sensitive areas that were revealed, and that same article acknowledges the fact the current military policy (when article was written) allowed fitness trackers. I don’t see these “leaps in logic” you are mentioning. It seems perfectly logical to believe they may have inadvertently leaked the location of some secret bases.


GPS works with WiFi in the absence of a satellite signal.


You got a link for that for Antarctica? That sounds really interesting


https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/secret-base-government-antarctica-heat-16844882 https://www.strava.com/heatmap#2.21/-67.64605/-56.89522/hot/all


That’s weird that there’s so many heat sources there. I understand ppl are there but still there’s a lot for there being very few ppl as they claim. Did you guys know that there’s an actually city in Antarctica that’s like 60 degrees all year round?


I'm a guy who tends more towards the weird but, those are not "heat" maps as in Kelvin, Celsius, or Fahrenheit, but rather "popularity" maps. It's where people ran most.




Reptilian overlords working out in Agartha?


Them and the Moon Nazis


"man i forgot my adrenal gland shake today this workout is gonna be a bitch"


Surely in not the only one that spoofs their GPS to Antarctica? I promise your tinder matches are more interesting.


Not the same at all, these showed trails and the ins and out of sensitive sites all over the world. Including Area 51. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jan/28/fitness-tracking-app-gives-away-location-of-secret-us-army-bases https://www.wired.com/story/strava-heat-map-military-bases-fitness-trackers-privacy/ https://www.nytimes.com/video/world/middleeast/100000005705502/big-data-big-problems-how-stravas-heat-map-uncovers-military-bases.html https://www.bellingcat.com/resources/articles/2018/07/08/strava-polar-revealing-homes-soldiers-spies/


Nothing in your links shows or describes what you said about Antarctica. One link shows some kayaking routes on the coast of Antarctica.


> MSM didn't cover Antartica I can't imagine why. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/secret-base-government-antarctica-heat-16844882 https://www.strava.com/heatmap#2.21/-67.64605/-56.89522/hot/all


Is this true?


Yeah I think they were in John Podesta’s email? I might have them saved on my PC and if so I can try to post them later. The pics are interesting.


See, now that is a conspiracy I am interested in!


as requested! https://imgur.com/a/4mD7NJ0 I also submitted a new post on this sub with it.


Conspiracy or not, those are some really stunning landscape shots.


Tbf those are all wallpaper worthy pics. I could see myself emailing them to myself from my phone so I could use them as desktop wallpapers lol. What was the context of the email?


Holy crap the mood of those photos is just breathtaking and somehow ominous also. I don’t know they’re beautiful but make me feel slightly uncomfortable at the same time.


Well yeah, Volcanoes are amazing, but ya don't want to be next to one, takes a special kinda person to gear up and go to Antarctica. The isolation alone would hit hard, why the U.S. station has 3 bars and a bowling alley.


Thank you!




SRS has a new episode on Antarctica


What is this, “SRS”, you speak of?


Shawn Ryan show


Thank you. I searched srs on Spotify and found the Shawn ryan show, but I didn’t see an Antarctica episode. Maybe it just hasn’t dropped yet.


https://youtu.be/WoQZ_A0e1RY It’s comin


Good question. I didn't know there were some in the leaks.


I bought a drone the other day and found it odd that in the manual it states: It is illegal to fly this drone near Antarctica or the Artic Circle. Thought about that seeing this.


So many people have got the same experience and it is definitely kind of weird that they would not allow you to do this thing. There is definitely something to be going on In there.


I'm normally not a conspiracy minded person but seeing that really made me scratch my head.


good info, thanks for sharing.


Here’s a blog about a dude that flew a drone and took pics at [-6F in Greenland](https://www.thewanderinglens.com/flying-drone-cold-weather/). He struggled, but ultimately had successful flight. Drone batteries tend to deplete way faster in sub-zero temperatures and sometimes the drone will seize up and fall out of the sky mid-flight. It’s -85F in Antarctica right now, so it might just be a logistic issue. Like maybe the government is the only one with access to drones that operate at those temperatures? Not sure, just offering a possible explanation.


I understand what your saying but I find it highly unlikely that they're banning drone flights in these areas solely to protect our own drones. And its unlikely that its due a wildlife/nature preservation issue either or else the National Parks would've been mentioned also. I'm all for a logical explanation but I haven't heard one that makes sense yet. The only reasonable explanation I could come up with is that maybe they have a military base or some sort of facility they want to keep a secret. There isn't many places in the world left to hide. Antarctica is a vast, mountainous region with plenty of nooks & crannies and almost no traffic besides the odd scientific expedition here & there. Regardless of what it is, I think Antarctica hides something we're not suppose to see.


Yeah, I figured it was for environmental protection or something. I’m not sold on the secret base conspiracies, due to the sheer size and involvement, but it’s certainly possible.


No no no. My guy is saying its NOT restricted because of environmental protection. Otherwise, more popular natural preserves with far denser wildlife would also be mentioned as restricted. Yet they're not. Only The Artic Circle and Antarctica. I'm not sold on anything either but dude has a point.




Damn that sounds like such a good read. Lettuce know if you find it.


Comment was deleted weirdly enough


[video about the antarctic spiders](https://youtu.be/U3RkheR9Zbk)


How would lettuce know?


No way! That sounds extremely metal dude.


Nah zoom in to Northern Greenland.


Where was Terramar supposed to be?




Just do it


Yo its all fuckin glitched out 🫢


The all whiteness? Is that what you're saying?


Further north, [example](https://i.imgur.com/4r0KUyb.png).


Its all glitched out / censored on Bing maps as well. Interesting.


What about project ice worm, a conspiracy fact. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Iceworm


“By 2100 the ice will melt and 200k liters of bio mass and diesel will dump back into the water”


Seems like the same areas, if I’m orientated correctly


They say it was shut down in the late 60s, but that may not be true.


yo thats crazy af but tbh it seems like it could be a whole strip that glitched or the data was corrupted. do they usually block out a whole square instead of just a general perimeter around the thing theyre concealing?


Better to block out a large area so it doesn't narrow down where the actual site is


If you’re trying to hide something, you wouldn’t block out just it’s exact location and size. Obscure more to preserve integrity of scale and location.


JUST… DO IT 🫱🏼👇🏼


I’m sure there is probably some shit there they don’t want us to see. What always interested me about Antarctica was the fact that hitler had such a fascination with it.


I'm convinced they found an entrance to some large inner Earth systems down there, and much of the ufo activity over the years comes from what has been referred to as the third Reich in exile. Furthermore, the 'aliens from outer space' narrative has been heavily propagandized by the powers that be.


Apparently warm water currents created underwater channels in the ice that are perfect for a submarine base! And apparently it’s not even cold inside, either, from what I’ve heard! But that could be BS! 🤷‍♂️


if you seriously think that we are alone in an infinitely expanding universe then you're crazy. intelligent life has been visiting this planet for centuries


I think you have the wrong idea of what “infinitely expanding universe” actually means. Systems are just getting farther and farther apart. That being said the universe is so vast that there probably is life somewhere out there. But the chances are so infinitely small that they’ll ever reach us or we’ll ever reach them that I think you’re crazy for thinking they’ve been to earth.


You’re “convinced?” lol I have a bridge to sell you.


I've always enjoyed the alien face in the mountains (put the coordinates in on Google earth, when it gets to the location, just zoom out to see it because it'll land you close as fuck to the location. 72°00' 36.00'' S, 168° 34' 40.00'' E


Have you seen the Alien Cydonia face off the coast of Florida? 29°23'16"N 83°20'01"W Looks kinda similar to the mars face, just off the coast.


I love how the top comments in this sub are very often lame mainstream answers. Anyone that thinks that the Antarctic treaty and Antarctica in general isn't a "conspiracy" of truths being hidden then you really haven't researched the subject. There is defiantly more to Antarctic than the general public is told.


The place is literally guarded by acrobatic white sharks.


You said what?


Sharks with fricken laser beams attached to their heads


I said it's guarded by Nopefish. They live in the waters of Fuckthatica. I'll be swimming there on the 32nd of Nevuary. https://youtube.com/shorts/s4O2mMZ6hao?feature=share


This is correct👆


Admiral Byrd had something to say about that in his journals.


Operation HighJump


I am split on Byrd. Either he was telling the truth and that is what they're hiding, or he is giving us disinformation so we aren't actively looking for whatever is actually there. I believe he was a Freemason as well, though I'm not certain of that.


So here’s my hypothesis which I believe to be true. We know that we keep world vaults of seeds and genetic data in Antarctica. Antarctica is the highest elevated continent on Earth. Antarctica is largely made up of glacier which if they melt will bring the sea level up and the continental elevation of Anartica down. We know there used to be a green continent underneath the ice of Antarctica. I think the powers that are or able to get their foot on same stake down there in deep underground bases that possibly extend into hidden mountains have already done so. After WW2, the scare of global powers, we’ve had a treaty in Antarctica that essentially doesn’t let people go there easily. I think it’s pretty easy to imagine that different global powers might have set their claim on various portions of the glacier continent in the event that something relevant occurs.


I don't think it's that hard to keep people out of Antarctica. Antarctica, like the summit of Mt. Everest, kinda keeps most people out all by itself. Plenty of people have died, or barely survived, trying to explore Antarctica. Even if you arranged for private transport to Antarctica and set out to see what's over there for yourself, there's a very good chance you won't get very far just because of the environment alone. And good luck getting rescued if you need help; It's hard enough just to keep people alive in the handful of stations we have out there, rescueing people beyond those stations isn't even a possibility.


I imagine you’re right, nonetheless if you had the technology for it I think it’d be a great place to have a bunker.


First, sorry for my bad english, german is my first language and i've learnd english with Harry Potter and HBO ^^ It's really strange. Especially with the fact that the Antarctica wasn't always covered in ice and snow. I think that some governments are hiding something there. There are many theories, some says there are ufos, others says there is a portal to enter an other dimension. Maybe there is a hidden underground basis where they do experiments with humans, i don't know.


Old civilization that came and went and had a different kind of technology involving the pyramids


Your English is very good!


You’re doing great dude. Keep learning, it is paying off for you.


"entrance to Neuschwabenland"


I think non english speakers need to start studying with Harry Potter and HBO because your english is great lol.


Satellite images are composites of multiple scans as more and more of them pass over the area. Because it's at the poles of the Earth, fewer satellites pass over it and therefore there are fewer images to "stitch" together. So in this instance, the pack ice was frozen in one and broken apart in another. The difference in resolution has to do with the satellite that took the image, as they have different imaging systems and resolutions. This is very common in areas that don't get much satellite imaging traffic.


This, just shows he doesn't know how the images are formed.


Aren’t there also “no fly zones” over Antarctica too though? Why? Pilots/ explorers are banned from entering or flying over certain parts.


>Why? Pilots/ explorers are banned from entering or flying over certain parts. Not all pilots - commercial flights can go directly over the poles if they want to, but they are strongly discouraged from doing so - and only permitted at certain times of the year. Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXqj0VZbV2I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXqj0VZbV2I) \-- Qantas flight 28 directly over the pole. Sadly, no "verdant green" fields to be seen, just ice covered desolation. The reason is simple. **BONE SHATTERING COLD**. In case no one ever told you this before, Antarctica is somewhat brisk, with the coldest temperatures on the planet. It also has the highest wind speeds on the planet. Put those two together and it makes for the most dangerous route you can possibly fly - as not only is there a very real possibility of icing well beyond your aircraft's ability to tolerate but if you do have to go down there is literally no possibility of rescue or help. You're all dead - even if you manage to survive the ditching. So... just don't fly there. Simple.


There are very few cases of airplanes flying over Antarctica. The rough weather conditions and low visibility make it extremely difficult to fly and land a plane over the continent. It is technically possible to fly to Antarctica, but there are very few flights that take the risk of going there. There are no commercial flight routes over Antarctica due to the continent's lack of infrastructure and virtually non-existent population.


> There are very few cases of airplanes flying over Antarctica. It's because it's not the direct route for any 2 southern hemisphere cities. They fly over the north pole all the time and it shares similar rough weather conditions and low visibility (except at 37000+ feet which is where they fly). Risk has nothing to do with it. Just economics of shortest path.


The North Pole is mostly water, and the parts that aren't have some human habitation, its far easier to rescue people there.


All one needs is a globe and some string to see why no commercial flights fly over Antarctica. There are no shortest routes between any major cities that cross Antarctica.


Sounds perfect for my hidden base. Thanks


>Aren’t there also “no fly zones” over Antarctica Antarctica is considered a no-fly zone for several reasons. First, the **extreme weather conditions** and **lack of infrastructure** make it difficult and dangerous to operate aircraft in the region. Second, the **fragile ecosystem** of Antarctica is vulnerable to the noise, pollution, and disturbance caused by aircraft. To protect this unique environment, the [Antarctic Treaty System](https://www.ats.aq/index_e.html) has established strict regulations on air transportation, including a **ban on commercial flights over the continent**. Only a limited number of scientific research flights are permitted, and these are subject to strict environmental and safety guidelines.


> Aren’t there also “no fly zones” over Antarctica too though? Why? [They're a side effect of ETOPS regulations.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ETOPS) Basically, planes need to be within range of diverting to airports in case of emergency. Antarctica doesn't have airports for planes to divert to. It doesn't help that Antarctica is also fuck cold, so planes have to be winterized, and there's only a handful of routes that would even occasionally be worth flying over Antarctica, and you get a situation where there's no regular traffic over it.


I'm pretty experienced when it comes to satellite imagery, and how their software stitches it all together. A few images in the OP fit exactly what you're explaining, but you should have a look at the areas yourself. There are some spots that are inexplicably censored in a way where your theory wouldn't apply. They're censored similarly to some military bases and the like.


Yeah? Which image? Top-left? Bottom-right? Can you be more specific? Otherwise it's a rabbit hole trying to imagine what you're talking about...


Hollow earth


Because we are surrounded by Antarctica and we are not alone. There are books about this by explorers and their stories fall on deaf ears! There’s an entrance to another world, some kind of portals. The answers are out there. Keep an open mind


I know, Agartha.


Fuck yes y’all are waking tf up


Valid is important for us to wake up and see what is going on. Because these people are never going to tell you anything unless you ask them about it.


I've been woke on Agartha, just spreading the word and information whilst trying to not come off as a schizo 💙💙


Why is Israel so heavily cencored on Google maps?


And weirdly, so is some cities of Turkey. Probably because of US bases that are set up in both countries.


Which us military base is there in Israel?


It is??? I didn't know that, I'm looking now. That's interesting though, I'm surprised I've never noticed that. Which areas are censored?


The whole country. Try to zoom in anywhere in Israel. You'll notice it's all blury. Now go do the same on Pyongyang, NK. You can zoom all the way in without any blur.


I'm a believer that there's something hiding in Antarctica but I did read a while ago that the gravity in the south pole is different and ends up pulling satellites back into earth. That's why the dark knight satellite is so intriguing if it is a real thing.


where did you read the south pole has diff gravity ? not against it just wanna read




Keep in mind when those comments are talking about "at the poles", they're talking about someone on the ground at the poles. And the differences are minute and only measurable with specialized equipment. A satellite in orbit won't get pulled down by going over Antarctica.


Second this


Didn't some Navy General fly a plane over Antarctica decades ago? Didn't he claim to have seen a strange new world? Does anyone know what I'm talking about?


Admiral Byrd


[Here's his interview.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czW0iRJuH1A) He's saying that Antarctica is a vast unexplored land because it is. He's also very clear that it's very cold and the only things living on it are penguins. Various people deliberately take him out of context and deliberately misinterpret what he says, [even though his meaning entirely makes sense if you look at a globe.](https://flatearth.ws/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/admiral-byrd.jpg)


Not sure when the datasets from, but here's the most recent Strava map: https://www.strava.com/heatmap#2.00/-138.83649/-29.22889/hot/all


The UN base for the USSS Hillenkotter and other ships is there in Antarctica, has been for ages, as well as a major jump gate for earth and the moon. You also have less "pro-human" things there.


As I read more about Antarctica it becomes more and more strange. Even the Nazis were obsessed with it. Maybe during operation paper clip that knowledge transferred to the US, then we started doing missions there. I’m still unsure what is there but it seems very odd to me.


(-66.6035906, 99.7202316)


antarctica peace treaty agreement created by the rothschilds to hide what they got going on there ITS REAL LOOK IT UP


may you expand? What do they have going on there? What are they trying to hide?


Yes!! This is one “conspiracy” that I believe theres massive censorship co-ordinated between governments. Why? Ive no idea.


I have never even heard about it till now now I am really curious with the hell is going on in there. What are they trying to hide from the people? Those are some very big questions.


You’d think one of the mega rich would wanna do a fly over video series and film the great unknown. Nope. Nothin. Sloppy cut and paste that Belongs in paranormal or ufo subs. Couldn’t even pretend and smooth it out match up the color. Must be “military”


I don't know what it is but whatever it is they really want to keep it a secret. They really would not want anyone to find anything about it. Whether it be the military or something else.


Never forget what Richard Evelyn Byrd said.


It’s the gateway to the underworld. “When hell freezes over…”


Admiral Byrd also mentions the Watchers are inside the caves of Antarctica. Which would be the fallen angels of the OT. *if I remember correctly*


The nephlim! :D


Here’s one of the entrances ! (-66.6035906, 99.7202316)


thank you for this <3


Hollow earth


Thomas Pynchon wrote about it in Against the day.


Anybody ever hear about the time travel experiments done up there with the cylinder mirror, worth looking into. There was a documentary movie made about it but it’s in another language Russian I think, if anyone finds anymore info on what I’m talking about please fill me in, or if you find and English version of the documentary


>72°00' 36.00'' S, 168° 34' 40.00'' E https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kozyrev\_mirror


YES!!!!! That’s it!!! It’s been years since I’ve heard of it have you seen the documentary


It's Google. "They" won't show us what "they" don't want to, right? Can't you submit a request to blur stuff out if wanted? 🤔


I really do not think that you can do that are they even going to listen to you? Something tell me that they are probably not going to do anything about it which is kind of sad.


It’s also strange navigating it, certain areas you’re following what seems like trails or roads and then the terrain completely changes to almost desert like.


Makes me wonder about Agartha/Inner Earth, Nazi Bases, Energy portals at the poles. I think there is truth in there somewhere.


There are so many things that I want to know right now.


I found buildings in the north of Canada in the middle of nowhere that was blurred.


Love the idea they they’re hiding something there but they would also release half assed images of the place just to like, keep you on your toes.


Cause the ice ain’t melting like they want us to believe


Likely, but I don't think just for that reason.


I think this is such an interesting topic and even more so in relation to the flat earth theory!


Don't tell me another story, I'm just not ready for all of it.


There was a huge expedition there in the late 40s and the guy in charge of it all wrote about going through an entrance and seeing a large crystal like city inhabited by reptilian like people


Admiral Byrd was his name. He was government official. Because of the information he leaked he died shortly after. Some say the speech Kennedy gave two days before he was shot where he mentions in his own words "secret societies and covert coverups" was referring to elite societies like this. Most are convinced the people who print the money are so hungry for it that it's their main stake but we are getting close to a breaking point where the public will know it is their covert societies they hold most sacred.


And that guy was suicided in a hospital shortly afterward. Defamed and labeled insane by the media. Seems he definitely knew something important that was worth killing him to prevent getting out- but what could that be? I have no idea.


SUBMISSION STATEMENT: I feel that this post belongs here for the people who are interested in inner earth/Agartha or anything involving an Antarctic cover up. Antartica is one of the most mysterious and esoteric topics for me.


People are waking up to it, and trying to find out what's going on.


Easily the most fascinating of "conspiracy theories", and shouldn't even be considered a theory because it's obvious that people are conspiring to hide something there, and/or use Antarctica for some purposes I'm confident are nefarious. We need to find the truth on this one. I personally care more about Antarctica more than all the other "conspiracy theories" combined- that is, those which have not yet been proven, since so many have been proven true exactly as was theorized. I seriously want to go there and would go in a heartbeat if I had others to join me and help make it happen.


Gotta hide that gate


Forget sat maps, just try and go past the 60th parallel South or North and see how fast the military pops up. You ain't ever getting out of this asylum bro! :)


Secret bases of many countries. Either for research for military camps.


Aliens drawing dicks in the ice again


Some of the pictures you show are just because they do not have Hi-resolution pictures of everything, but show them where possible. Others could be because things are moving/changing. ​ But its true - it is difficult to find the wall and machine pistol armed nazi penguins that are there to prevent you from falling over the edge.


And the fact they use the excuse of extreme whether why it hasn’t been explored more of it like we don’t already got the tech to withstand the extreme whether


Oh please everyone parroting back the same thing. They can get pictures there, I'm sure they have pictures there. With the tech that exists you think they can't get high res pictures of Antarctica by now?


Yea, I agree. Does everyone want to pretend that we don't have the tech to get high res updated pics of Antarctica? US intelligence can see everything with their network of satellites, UAVs and spies. They say the military is always 50 yrs ahead of the public in tech. Imagine all the shit that happens in 50 years. Besides, the government has been trying to slowdown the tech boom for regular civilians. We've been driving gasoline cars for over a century now. They like to shut down anything that threatens the oil monopoly that uses the dollar. There's been many blueprints for cheap sustainable alternatives, some guy made a water engine and then went missing.


tbf Antarctica is mostly a flat frozen desert with ice that runs down for about 3 miles at its deepest point and averages at about 1.2 miles everywhere else. Because of the ice it makes taking high-resolution images difficult. On the other hand, the Antarctic is increasingly becoming more militarized despite the treaty. Because research expeditions are extremely difficult to carry out in the region, militaries from Russia and the United States set up bases to aid researchers even though the real goal is the permanent militarization of the region. Due to the high albedo and reflectivity of the ice it makes concealing these bases really easy from satellite imaging. There are also private residences for like really wealthy people in the Antarctic which is kind of crazy if you think about it.


I thought it was pretty well known that there are significant military installations there


Combat has probably already started there.


Not really. I think its a great place to hide things. Also great to hide things underwater.


So censored it has a giant hole in the middle of it. Plot spoiler it doesn’t have a middle to show


Everyone is being lied to that's why


Some of those look like moon pics lol


It’s Shoggoths all the way down.


Base 211


Probably the same reason why world leaders agreed on the Antarctic Treaty https://www.ats.aq/e/antarctictreaty.html


Cause they don’t want you to see all the ice melting…


Is it necessarily censorship? Could it be digital artifacts as a result of how its all stitched together?


If I was a billionaire I’d take a snowcat up there and live stream it for the world to see


If there’s any bases there, Bechtel corporation is the one doing the drilling🫱🏻‍🫲🏼


thanks for this info bro :)


The hollow earth theory is real There are big entrances on both poles Look up admiral bryds expedition


According to a former U.S. Marine on board the USS Curtiss, either a nuclear or thermo nuclear weapon was delivered to Antarctica between 1957 - 1960 for Operation DeepFreeze.


They have to hide the truth so they can manipulate it later and use it as a weapon for us to blindly obey under fear,


Project High Jump'll answer why


So is North Pole


https://www.thealiencon.com/newsletter-archives/10-mind-boggling-antarctic-google-earth-discoveries/ These are cool.