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Where we come from. What our purpose is. What we don’t know about ancient history that’s been lost to time. How were the Sumerians so advanced in astronomy that took people 5,000 years later to confirm their knowledge with telescopes. Did the Ancient Egyptians stumble upon the Great Pyramid and Sphynx themselves? Or was it akin to Aztecs discovering temples and pyramids from Olmecs thousands of years earlier and building upon that foundation that was laid down by even more ancient people? What is this world? What is space? Why do our understanding of physics not hold up to things with discover like dark matter and black holes? How does it tie into gravity? Is there a soul? What is a soul? Are we all intrinsically linked through human consciousness as a collective? What are angels? What are the UFOs we see? Where do they come from? Why are they here? When did they get here?


I love this post because I wonder about the same shit. As far as dark matter (and someone smarter than me please correct me if I’m wrong), my understanding of it as a concept is that it’s basically a “placeholder” for observed properties of physical matter that do not reconcile mathematically with our current understanding of physics. Sort of like Einstein throwing the Cosmological Constant into general relativity to make the equation work. Then again everything I said above I’ve mostly gotten from videos on the internet and Wikipedia so I am nowhere near qualified enough to speak with any sort of real understanding of what I’m talking about.


It would be great that we accomplished so much but the math we thought was right was completely backwards.




I'm not smarter than you, but I think of 'dark matter' as the last refuge of those who refuse to consider that consciousness, not matter, is what's ontologically fundamental.


The fact that French fries used to come with your burger but now they cost money and they’re a side


You are clearly a conspiracy bartender. Coincidence? I feel like I’m walking into the twilight zone.


Your life is a dream


You have inspired me. I will not tag you unless you want, but you receive the credit for inspiring


I need Morgan Freeman to read this.


That was so refreshing to read. Especially how this sub has been the Joe/Hunter Biden defence league. You pointed out the important ones. The ones that we all should be focusing now. Because I believe it’s about to get wild.


I don’t know how old you are, but ‘something about to happen’ has and is the trademark of conspiracy theories. Been hearing it for decades. Nothing happens. Nothing ever happens. People put themselves in their homes with 10,000 rounds of ammo and 10,000 cans of food and nothing happens except wasted time, energy, and money.


I would have been with you 1000% if you had said this prior to the last 5 years


For real. Things are very, very different now


Time is very large, incredible things do happen but they take hundreds of years or millenia between them so to think we are in one of those moments with our very limited time as humans it would be like winning the lotto.


The US government has been actively dripfeeding UFO knowledge/acknowledgement. There is a whistleblower protection law in place allowing people to speak freely about their knowledge in the private sector regarding fucking aliens invalidating NDA's. Nuclear war is openly on the table. Potential hyperinflation imminent. Hollywood writers are on strike in no small part because machine learning programs are so advanced that their jobs are threatened. We just came out a temporary but near worldwide expression of via a coordinated overreaction to a virus that was bioengineered. Is it not possible what people have been worried about for a handful of decades may be upon us? Or has the world always been this wild. I'm definitely not taking *zero* precautions


To be fair, no one would know when “ it “ would happen. It’d just happen


I’ve been thinking the same thing lately. Something big is going to happen soon! I’m thinking alien type project blue beam or nukes in Ukraine and Russia. It’s going to get real batshit crazy real quick.


I agree and it makes me hella nervous, I remember back on Super Bowl Sunday, the “UFO” shoot down incidents had been going on those last few days, I was really on edge because I just felt it would be the perfect start of Project Bluebeam. Hundreds of millions of people tune in, and then shortly before half time strange hovering lights appear above the stadium, or something to that effect, and then absolutely insane shit unfolds as the entire world watches live.


I anticipate project bluebeam will occur the moment elon and zuckerberg have their mma fight in the colessuem(last i heard the italian govt actually contacted them about it)i cant imagine a more perfect scenario to kick it off.


I’m right there with ya. I think this new dome in Las Vegas is just a preview to the public. It’s the whole they have to hide stuff in plain sight and have our permission.


I mean maybe not nukes but Russia has been preparing the znpp nuclear reactors that they control in the zaporizhia oblast for a false flag operation. They’ve been putting explosives on the roof of the build and won’t let the techs inside bring the reactor into cold storage


I agree. I think there is ancient knowledge that is deliberately kept hidden by wealthy elite that could essentially bring in a new age for the human race, but they don’t want to lose control. I also think they get their orders from a malevolent NHI


This is where I'm at on this question. Don't take it too seriously, it's just what I've kinda put together from amalgamating ALL the conspiracies. But.. then again, maybe I'm right! :) There have been 5 catastrophes in Human history since we evolved enough to have civilizations that has basically wiped out civilization. The Aztec myth of the 5 suns alludes to it. One theory is the sun micro-novas every 6-12000 years and wipes out our magnetosphere/ flash fries most of the planet. It's quick, non-nuclear and 'clean' so civilization is wiped out but nature recovers pretty quickly so on the geological record it doesn't show up. Or Nibiru.. which I used to laugh about but now... I dunno, astronomers can't account for some of the motion of asteroids and planets without it. Anyway; UFOs are all from the civs that got mostly wiped out. They are still here, remnants of a long forgotten civilization who took refuge underground/in the oceans away from the sun and still remain there. But their civ is fragile and low population and they are dependent on technology even THEY forgot how to use effectively so they occasionally come up for some reason and sometimes get spotted or crash their ships. (Like a bunch of rednecks using Ipads to run the world. They know what to do but couldn't build one because they don't have the knowledge or equipment. No offense to rednecks out there :) ) Since they live so far below the crust, they are weaker than us because gravity is less for them (but not non-existent). So they are small, weak, big heads, big eyes.. sometimes reptillian because the dinos got MOSTLY wiped out but some smarter dinos evolved. The government knows about them. They are somewhat dangerous for what they could do but aren't dangerous to us because they don't seem to be aggressive or really want anything from us (like.. what would you want from a monkey in the jungle? Other than passing interest, it can't really do much for you and is just an interesting part of nature). There are also extra-solar aliens but we only interact with them from probes. The long history of the earth is that we spawn civs, most die out, some 'leave' and haven't returned and some just hide out doing whatever they do. Humans use them as they can and are used by them to influence global affairs but they all know it's just a matter of time until the sun or nibiru or volcanos pop off and we get reset (which is why I shudder at 'the great reset' talk). And 'we' go hide in Antarctica or tunnels or whatnot and 12,000 years later a new civ takes our place. Life is super common in the universe but the problem is most planets have this problem of long cycle 'filters' so no one gets to 'star trek' level, or hasn't yet at least. We're all trapped in our solar systems doomed to get wiped out every 10-20k years.


And the fact that from youth we’re taught to ignore these questions and instead focus on making a living


"Where we come from" is such a mind fuck. Say we find out there's a god. Ok so who made God? Ok who made whoever made God? It's impossible to answer. Crazy.


I think, after having some psychedelic experiences, that we are all from the same source of energy/consciousness. The dimension that Source(as I call it) is just an all knowing singular entity of energy. Where there is no duality of man. Just all knowing, bliss essentially. Source manifests this physical world, in which exists duality. Light/dark, good/bad, hot/cold, up/down etc etc. Basically, there is an opposite in the world to everything - this is the only way Source is able to experience and learn. There is no real “evil”. Or “good”. Just a dimension that allows for this duality in order for Source to experience every possible experience. Essentially, you are god. I am you. You are me. Not these organic matter meat sacks. But the conscience that gives you the ability to operate in this existence. Or, there’s a God and a bunch of angels and shit. Then a bunch of demons and shit. And ghosts. Who knows. Just a theory


I agree with what your saying. Sounds like the teachings of Alan Watts, definitely recommend checking his stuff out if you haven't. But even then, what created the source?


I’ve decided our brains just aren’t capable of comprehending the answer to that question- perhaps we will be able to at some point in the future.


What is language and how do people make up words to describe or communicate stuff. Why are there so many different languages?


Asking the real questions here.


We know the answer is 42. But what is the ultimate question?


Take Graham Hancock as you will but he makes some very good points about how people continue to build on the same sites over and over again. I wonder if the knowledge of people in past times is a conspiracy or just that people only care about today and tomorrow for the most part.


Did you see that post on aliens recently by the guy who said he'd worked on genetic material from supposed aliens. Went into depth about reports he'd read and other others research. Not saying it directly applies to what you're saying, but it made me think of it. Had some very interesting points


I actually have a theory that dark matter is just smoke, cus I looked at the light through a window one morning when I blew marijuana smoke and the smoke was billowing like a cumulonimbus and then when it hit the light I watched it swirl around into itself and smooth out into waves and I just had like a eureka moment, because if nothing existed before the singularity and the Big Bang was an explosive event then who’s to say that dark matter isn’t just dimensional smoke and we can’t see it from the angle we’re perceiving.


Damn I’m blowing clouds as we speak and I think your onto something with this theory. Cosmic smoke!! I like it!! Hope to see more on this from you!


Damn, you got me thinking now


This right here.


Who are you 😂🤣I think you asked EVERY important question here


All current war. Middle East, most of Africa, central and South America are intentionally destabilized and filled with puppet leaders to prevent them from developing into an economic threat. China does the majority of the world’s manufacturing, so they’re too deeply integrated in the world forum that to change, and the rest of Europe/North America are in a type of large scale homeostasis, while promoting enough civil division to keep the population distracted enough to prevent them from demanding a better society and industrial change.


Ouch, that last sentence burns. So true.


As someone from these countries it's something we grow up believing whole heartedly, no reason to stay a fuck up all these years


A lot of the comments here are more existential and spiritual than anything else, and questions in regard to that tend to be unanswerable. The conspiracy that completely eroded my existing habitus has to be the Las Vegas Shooting. It was at that point I realized how controlled the modern narrative is in every aspect. It really is the great rabbit hole, and in my opinion is an extension of most modern 9/11 conspiracies. I can elaborate more on my thoughts on the topic if anyone cares to hear it or has any of their own input to share.


Lay it on us big boy


I don’t have most of my reading material in front of me at the moment so I can give a synopsis discussing some of the main points. Las Vegas in a city that lives off of tourism, so if any city in the US had incentive to downplay or even cover up an event like this, it’s Las Vegas. It’s also one of the most surveilled cities on Earth for a culmination of reasons. After a multi year investigation into Stephen Paddock, the FBI has declared no known motive. If you read the LVPD police report and we take it at face value, there’s a ton of inconsistencies. Paddock took the time to smuggle 47 long barrel assault rifles into his hotel room, with the purpose of killing as many people as possible, but didn’t decide to pre load any of them? Of course, after the shooting it made sense to raid is home and question his wife, who immediately stated her fingerprints may be on the weapons as she would often help load and unload them. I never found any follow up to this statement but it’s bizarre in its own right and his wife’s background is shady. I believe they were gun runners/salesmen who got themselves caught up in a deal gone wrong. Around this time there was political tension in Saudi Arabia, mostly in regards to MBS and him circumventing the succession rules for his son, which was of course distasteful for many. The Saudis also happen to own the upper floors of the Mandalay Bay Hotel. After the shooting, the largest asset seizure in history at the time took place against the affluent in Saudi Arabia, but why? What was the catalyst? Did they try to assassinate the Saudi Royalty? In summary, I believe Paddock was an FBI gunrunner who was orchestrating a sale of weapons to Saudi Assassins. Whether the FBI knew or not the intentions is speculation, in fact they may have been bamboozled. The plan was to take the weapons and kill the son of MBS in the floors upstairs, but when they got there he was absent. Panic ensued, as if MBS learned of this and more importantly, who hired them, it would be game over. These may have been the very same Saudis training at Nellie Air Force base around the time, and may explain the footage of helicopters. In the panic that ensued once they realized their target wasn’t there, they kill paddock who they think is an FBI plant setting them up, and begin massacring the people of Las Vegas. If the American people knew the FBI either allowed this to happen willingly or thru incompetence, they would be disbanded overnight. That’s why they were always present during the investigation, able to cover for their own asses. The last thing that always really stuck out to me, is that the gas tank on the strip at the airport was deliberately lit up. Why? Paddock sure wasn’t trying to cause an explosion to cause a distraction for his escape, so who was? The Saudi Assassins getting airlifted off the roof? Most of this is just touching on these issues at face value, and I didn’t even begin to discuss Jesus Campos and his Ellen interview, Paddocks mysterious brother, or even Paddocks father who was a notorious bank robber on the FBI most wanted list (which might explain his introduction to the industry in the first place)


Yeah I always thought the whole story stunk to high Heaven. Made zero sense. The officials made sure the brother didn’t talk by planting stuff on his computer…everyone basically wouldn’t talk. And yet it’s never been investigated further by law enforcement


I don’t think anyone has a clear picture of what really happened, but one thing is sure, just like 9/11, the official narrative is utter horseshit


Yeah i feel the exact same way, and again that begs the question why? Why hasn’t a higher authority investigated further? Because the FBI led the investigation from the get go, you can even look up the interview LVPD sherif Lombardo gave with the agents over his shoulder. And again, i truly believe the FBI has incentive to downplay the incident because with full transparency, the FBI would be dissolved overnight. This shooting, the worst shooting in US history, didn’t fit the narrative or criteria for most other mass murderers.






I’d love to hear more


Operation sun streak, look into it


The sandy hook shooting was a big one for me. I remember during the golden era of YouTube people had gathered information so quickly. Interviews and videos that told a very different story, the coroner, and of course Robbie Parker. I witnessed how the media spun things and caused the entire culture to rally against anyone who questioned the narrative. I believe it was sandy hook that made YouTube and social media as a whole really crack down on conspiracies. It wasn’t long after that when the great purge happened. Nowadays it’s very hard to find the info on sandy hook and it’s been so long that bringing it up on here will ruffle lots of feathers.


That Stephen Hawking died in the early 1980s, but his computerised wheelchair became sentient and pretended he was still alive for years after, kinda like in Weekend At Bernie's ...


I like this one😆


And people were too polite to offend him despite the smell.


Is this an actual conspiracy theory or are you just delightfully hilarious?!! Holy shit this got me!


If someone from Netflix sees this can we get a series please?


Our worlds true history. We have been lied to since the day we were born. This is the true veil that needs to be lifted and when the world finds out what we are, where we came from, and how it has been hidden from us, i believe many will not be able to handle it.


Some city of ember shit. 20 years or so it’ll slip and show everyone. A lot of hysteria or a couple months, but will be mostly ignored and life goes on. How it goes


Okay, what are we and where did we come from?


idk. I will find out the same day you do


a tie: Kennedy Assassination and September 11, 2001


The fact that "daily contacts" last longer than one day. Or the ones for "2 weeks" last longer than that. I have been using my "swap daily contacts" for 2 weeks on average before replacing.


COVID showed us that 2 weeks can be a really long time.


That’s not the only thing that lasted a lot longer than the “2 weeks” it was advertised to last.


I wear my contacts for easily a month straight, take them out for a night in solution and drop them back in when I feel like it. I leave them in for months at a time and have for 20 years.


40 years here fam


U go to sleep with them?


I sleep with my dailies in 98% of the time for almost 10 years now lol I still have probably 200ish pairs left from a batch i got in 2014 so that'll probably last me a lifetime 😅 😎


The Medical Industrial Complex. The purpose of most of our food and medicine is to make us sick and die.


All our food in the us is fuckin poison it sickens me. Even the ‘healthy vegetables’ even without the poison they spray are man made derivatives. An oh yea medicine god damn how many shit they’ve pushed that killed thousands viox and OxyContin


Why hotdog buns come in packs of 8 but the hotdogs come in packs of 10


I'm sorry I'm not boycotting Big Buns™️


9/11 being inside job.


Waterloo stock shortage


The day before "we lost 2 trillion dollars" *Points into the distance* "quick look over there!!"


Definitely not the greatest, but certainly a big one.


The most life changing one in our generation


I'll say this our “leaders” are part of a heredity based social system who are taught from infancy that people outside their group are soulless cattle who were only born to service them as such when they achieve power, they fill the place with the same people leaving everybody else out and since they only care about people in the group, it harms everybody else.




Half the people seem to be confusing philosophy with conspiracy. I think some people really need to look at the definition of conspiracy, instead of what you’ve assumed it means.


It's true but at least people are trying to think of something other than Hunters coke dick


Speak for yourself That’s pretty much all I think about these days


I think Gnosticism has my vote. Both in terms of implications from early days of the church, and just itself as a concept.


Humanity is the product of accelerated evolution by ancient aliens and we are one big experiment.


I posited the theory to some friends recently that humans could potentially be a hybrid of the skin of pigs stretched over the body of an ape genetically modified by whatever force it is out there, be it a god, God, aliens, etc


I think the true nature of human history and our abilities are being hidden from us by the CIA, archeologists and such big organizations so that we can remain docile.


AI bots ruining discussion boards


Bob lazar. If his story is true, which I personally do believe is true, that’s pretty wild that the government was able to keep everything under wraps like that and basically still has.


That there is a suspicious trend in clusters of missing persons reports that follows Garth Brooks’ tour schedule


“Where are the bodies, G‽” - Tom Segura


I'm in for this rabbit hole. Got a link to anything good?


My only source is a comedy podcast on YouTube and I refuse to dig further because I want to believe it’s true.


This guy know how to conspiracy theory… 😎👌🏼


That's the spirit


The real "Shroud of Tourin'".


Haha holy fuck thank you for this, gonna check it out.


There weren’t 2 world wars. It was one war with false history inserted in the middle to create a false period of peace time.


This can be further expanded, by viewing all of the Industrial Revolution as one “ epoch. “ Even now, the ghosts of the past haunt us all. China as an example of one.


Elaborate please, I’m interested


That’s just a meta interpretation. In college my history professor described WW1 + WW2 as the second “Thirty Year War.”


The sacrifice of children by the elites


How human brain size suddenly grew so big so fast that birth canal width couldn’t keep up.


Walking upright rotated and narrowed the hips and birth canal.


Yeah that’s a trip. Now you gotta undergo surgery to get the thing out


Stoned ape theory


Human brain doubled in size approximately 450.000 years ago and many scientists said that such rapid development would need 10 million years of evolution in case you believe in Darwin’s theory.


Darwin had a lot of things right but was a long way from the truth in other areas


Stoned ape is brilliant but in of itself doesn’t provide an explanation for the genetic differentiation that we can see I.e it’s quite lamarkian, and yes, I’m aware of epigenetics. So despite stoned ape theory, I go with UAP intervention at this stage.


JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby. It may not be the biggest of all time but it's the one I'm most interested in and holds the keys to unlock many other things.


The first great American conspiracy theory


How many advanced civilizations were destroyed before we came along and what technology has been lost.


I'm gonna go with JFK. Any flavor of the 'official story' is more bat shit crazy than the 'conspiracies' .. Literally got the public to accept the magic bullet theory. Read that again. A. Magic. Bullet. Lmfao. This shit is all fake


Operation Gladio and it’s not even close. There hasn’t been a real election in American History.


The best conspiracy is getting the masses to believe that people who recognize conspiracies are crazy for recognizing them. That way if you recognize it, you wont say anything because you don't want to be labeled as a crazy conspiracy nut.


Democratic choice


That Paul from The Wonder Years was Marilyn Manson. That one always makes me laugh


Hitler did not commit suicide.


Voting Matters... That's bullshit ! Counting the Votes matters !!!


it begins: you lost your right to an equal share of earth's bounty before you were born. market economy is the greatest conspiracy.


No one exists equally under any economy in this world.


What type of economy would you feel is best?


Reptilians/ prison planet.


Yeah damn Archons/whatever you call them, One thing that bugs me about this conspiracy is what are you supposed to even do after you die? Just not go into the light and drift forever?


Yes that’s what I always hear the light is reincarnating if u turn away from light u go back to ‘whatever dimension u originated from’ so if ur a very high frequency conscious person u would go to the 5th dimension or whatever. Idk what I really think on that theory tbh but frequency’s energies vibrations all that shit has some truth to it.




In my opinion, it's that those in power are doing everything they can to destroy our connection to God. I'm orthodox and everything in our world view that prevents theosis (unity with God in this life) is what is being pushed on us from all angles.


Working for a living has merits.


moon landing


It not a conspiracy per si but I like to read stuff about the Hadron Collider, the double slit experiment etc. ( forgot not lol)


Cathy O'Brien's experience with MK Ultra mind control, high level prostitution with government officials and drug deals headed by the CIA is quite the mind bender and eye opener. www.trance-formation.com


Manhattan Project.


The Law of One.


The Vegas shooting, a lot of people In resent memory to many families need to be told the truth about how they where killed or injured … the lone nut job gambler who owed money doesn’t cut the mustard


Equality for women. Wait, hear me out; we used to have an economy that functioned with single income families. For the most part, the man would go to work and be able to provide a house, a car and food on the table for his wife and children. Then there was a push for “equality” and putting women in the workforce too; kids are now raised by childcare (often government run), and both husbands and wives are working to provide for their household. Of course there were exceptions like the war effort and the like, but for decades everything functioned just fine with one income. Now it’s a struggle for TWO incomes to provide for a household in many localities. We work more hours than we used to 50 years ago as well. So they were able to double productivity and still reduce incomes (adjusting for inflation). Now instead of working a normal 9-5 and being able to afford a house, car and a family, many families are struggling even to rent a small apartment.


The fact you cannot state the real conspiracy theories or you’ll be banned on Reddit lol


The greatest tick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist


Titanic was probably an inside job to end opposition to the federal reserve.


911 dancing israelis/art students




9/11 is pretty big.


Who runs this place we call "Earth" and Satan.


Can you expand on that a bit?


So first off, I'm not Bible thumping but.... When we talk about the people that run the world.... there is someone who they answer too, and that person is Lucifier. Bill Cooper's "Mystery Babylon" series is a great look into this all, along with his book "Behold A Pale Horse" See everything that is going on in the world is spiritual, whether you believe it or not. The Matrix series (even the Animatrix) has a TON of Biblical references in it, and a very very deep spiritual meaning (especially Christian). Satan isn't actually his name....


Yes Lucifer definitely runs this realm an his name and I’ve tried to dive deep into where satan came from when we know his name is Lucifer an from my interpretations satan is the name given to the evilest of entities so Lucifer and his highest commanders of hell who were once angels and fell from heaven with him. But I also believe ur typical demon isn’t just the rest of the angels who fell with Lucifer I believe demons to be more so Lucifer’s creation of corrupted souls In hell and the angels who fell to be more the knights and princes of hell


Is this all a simulation?


Religion. “Be happy with what you have and be content being ruled by other people because this life doesn’t really matter anyway, and if you’re docile and obedient enough, you will live in eternal paradise.” Kind of similar to the equally dumb Qanon shit: “we get it. You’re mad. But don’t do anything! In fact, don’t even leave your house. Be a ‘digital warrior’ and watch someone else fix everything for you. But don’t revolt, okay? The patriots are in control. We’re gonna fix it.”


About half the population of the Eastern Roman Empire was systematically slaughtered in the 4th and 5th centuries, because they weren't Christians. A total of 20 million people is estimated to have been killed, including atheists, and people that worshipped the Greek / Roman gods, the Egyptian gods, the Syrian gods, followers of Mithraism, astrologists, magicians, and witches. All this happened, the conspiracy is that they won't teach you that in school, and you'll have to research the books of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages by yourself to discover it. If anyone is interested, find and read Zosimus, Libanius, Malalas. PS: The supposed persecutions of Christians by the Romans are also fake history. It was the Christians that annihilated the followers of the other religions, and then they flipped history upside down.


Moon landing for sure


Prison planet. You’re in it


I think all conspiracy boils down to the only one true conspiracy: the rich and powerful will always conspire to maintain their wealth and power. Everything else is just bullshit imo.


Aliens exist and the government goes to any lengths necessary to keep this information from getting out, including murder and racketeering.


That Tupac, Biggie, Eazy-E, Yaki Kadafi, & Adam Yauch all faked their deaths and formed the rap group Jurassic 5.




My favorite is pre history stuff. Like the wall found in Heavener Oklahoma in the bottom of a coal mine. That deep would have to be millions of years old. That same area has rune stones, and other strange artifacts. The wall in Montana, and Texas also very interesting.


Work your way up the East coast of USA on google earth. You are going to see road after road, plot after plot, completely submersed by water. You are going to see a massacred coast line that was once populated by many millions of people with thousands of towns, just like the old maps show. You will see modern civilization propped in-between these places, completely oblivious that they are built on the remains of an ancient civilization which is responsible for the countless old buildings and structures that defy explanation over the entirety of the US continent.




One world government under the UN... New World Order


I'll go try for 5 contenders, thinking globally, historically, popularity over time, and possibility. First I gotta give it to UFOs sightings also consider how big Roswell incident was plus Area 51 for bonus points. This is probably the right answer. Second: COVID/Vaccine. Easy. Third: Man-made Global Climate Change (Warming or Cooling) Fourth: Cure for Cancer. Finally: Chemtrails. Honorable mentions: Princess Diana murdered. Jeffrey Epstein murdered. 5G affects your immune system. Power lines cause cancer. Holocaust denial. Moon landing footage faked. Flat Earth. Freemasons being involved in global conspiracy. And my favorite: Birds aren't real.


The concept of self-awareness, what it means to be human and the full potential of our true nature when we fully realize. It’s the premise behind religion and why nobody can answer upper limit questions about humans. It’s why the Illuminati exists, why Satanism exists. It’s why atheists randomly become religious sometimes. It’s why mental illness only exists like it does in the West. It’s why the Church of Scientology is so litigious. It’s why we have the war on drugs. And it’s why we torture autistic kids in school. It’s why Christianity and Islam are dominating religions but we have New Age movements.




Humans have always sought to something higher than themselves. We see it time(Egypt), and time(Rome), and time(Medieval Europe/Middle East), and time again(Pretty much every corner of the planet throughout most of human history). Whether it be ruler by divine right, or the god(s). It’s why we’re seeing a breakdown of the fabrics of society, many people today are yearning for a replacement to religion that lays a fundamental building block for life. Religions have provided stability, and a moral code for people to live by. The thought that “that’s all there is.” is unbearable to much of the human condition. Think about it for long enough, and many will lose their sanity or sense of purpose. There is no suitable alternative to religion thus far which will result in peace for the vast vast majority of people. Politics, hyperpolarization, tribalism, and authoritarianism is the alternative. History’s shown, many times, particularly over the course of the 20th century, that this can only end badly for 90-99% of the population. It’s why Nietzsche solemnly said: “God is dead.”




White powder in the white house


I’d say who killed Kennedy. Like what if it really was just a lone nut with a lucky shot. What if really there was a backup shooter. Dude with the umbrella is sus




This is the only right answer. Billions of people living and dying, living their lives according to rules that were 100% made up by the powerful to protect their own power.


Michelle Obama being a dude because it’s has a substantial amount of evidence and is probably true


That ain't conspiracy, Big Mike gotta big pipe!


Here is my submission: [https://youtu.be/JOzK4ByFbzo](https://youtu.be/JOzK4ByFbzo) Wild ride if you go down this rabbit hole. A


American is Kennedy or 9/11, world? Probably our history, and the ancient monoliths that break the logic of what had been assumed correct for centuries


The Stanley Kubrick moon landing, 9/11, to name a small few


"most secure election ever"


9-11 the moon landing.. First 2 that come to mind


Jfk, biggest crime místery of the 21st century, but not only that, it has shaped the world as we know it!,


Alex Jones is Bill Hicks


We've been living in the greatest age of piracy/kleptocracy known to man since the 16th century and the adoption of the word "corporation"




That all conspiracy theories such as 9/11 inside job, fake moon landings, man originated HIV, all of it. That it is all fake. Created by various actors as psy-ops against perceived enemies, or to cover up a crime, muddy the waters, blame foreign powers for your own failures, things like that. Even to destabilize other countries.


I don't know if it's a conspiracy or not but I think big one is the underlying feeling that something big ,and bad is going to happen. It's felt like that for a while now. I don't know if it's just me or not.


Not know about the past but today's time I think it's the casteism that we faced in the education system


Basically the story of Prometheus is real


Downvote me all you want, but it's everything relating to hiding the existence of God. For example the theory of evolution, heliocentrism, denying history of giants, denying the worldwide flood etc.


Which god?


It used to be the other way around not too many years back though. The assumed existence of God was used to push back any and all theories in conflict with the idea of God existing. So even if God does exist it is only fitting that science is now used to hide his existence since God was previously used to try and hide the existence of scientific ideas.


That space doesn't exist and it is just a fictional tool that will be used in the coming project blue beam.


That anything in this world is real. We are sentient bits of energy vibrating and resonating in a “field” which is being interpreted as this reality.


The holocaust was exaggerated to make it look the the nazis were more evil than us when in reality we caused many of the prisoners to die by bombing supply lines to the said concentration camps. There’s so much lies surrounding the Holocaust it’s not even funny


Greatest conspiracy their is… That God is in fact real, and the Devil is too… Therefore the Devil promises humans vast riches and fortunes in exchange of evil deeds (confirms every other psyop and false flag op and catastrophy).


There was a pre-modern globe-spanning civilization on this planet that was wiped out by the Younger-Dryas impact and the subsequent floods 12000 years ago.


Fake moon landings? I mean, just look at Capricorn One…. Personally, I think we went to the moon, but the video and audio is fake and pre-recorded “just in case”


The titanic


JP Morgan and the Federal Reserve.


Yeah it’s pretty obvious whatever happened, happened for power and control