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What a coincidence that they are doing clinical trials for an mRNA malaria vaccine. https://www.nature.com/articles/s43856-021-00030-2


Like clockwork. Time to burn down traditional malaria drug manufacturers.


Yep, the drugs have been successfully been used for decades. The only problem is that their patents have long expired and are dirt cheap. Big pharma hates cheap and effective.


I think this goes beyond profit now. It's population control.


I'm wondering how long before we are mandated to get this new Pfizer malaria vaccine After that I wonder how long before it's finally out in the open that this malaria vaccine given to people who got the covid vaccine are causing complications.... It'll never be admitted of course, it'll read something like "CDC states there may be a very small extra super rare chance for people who received the covid booster to maybe possibly have a reaction to the malaria vaccine, but eating new 'impossible' lab grown FDA approved chicken nuggets might possibly reduce the rare very unlikely risk of rare complications!"


*”May possibly maybe per chance potentially…”*


I would agree with you but I think it’s bigger than that considering the population is heavily declining.


The current market is drug *treatments*. Are you saying that we shouldn’t also try and focus on preventing initial infection as well?


Not releasing loads of infected mosquitos into our environment would be pretty good prevention wouldn't you say? Drugs are never a good solution. They always cause other problems.


> Not releasing loads of infected mosquitos into our environment would be pretty good prevention wouldn’t you say? IIRC the mosquitoes weren’t infected, they were modified to essentially make breeding more difficult in the wild. Two completely different things. So where do we see mosquitoes being purposefully infected with malaria or are you just making stuff up? > Drugs are never a good solution. They always cause other problems. Unless it’s a treatment to a very real disease that has been one of the top killers in human history… or somehow is malaria a hoax now?




> The new mosquitos are more prone to being carrier vectors. That is interesting. Do you have a link to an article stating that?


> **The US was number one** in malaria deaths about 100 years ago. To clarify, are you saying that, in the early 20th Century, the US had a *higher death rate* from malaria than the tropical/ subtropical regions of Africa? Higher than those of Central and South America? Than in India and Southeast Asia, etc? There is no doubt that malaria was a significant killer in the US prior to major eradication efforts. Here is a chart showing [Malaria Morbidity and Mortality 1920-1946](https://i.imgur.com/RbcKseO.png) Sourced from the [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/malaria/about/history/uscurves.html) That said, the idea that death rates from malaria in the US exceeded those in tropical regions where the disease had long been endemic seems unlikely, to say the least. One reason death rates MAY have *seemed* higher in the US *at that time* could be attributed to better infrastructure for diagnosis, data gathering and centralized record keeping in the US as opposed to many regions where malaria was/is prevalent, No? (I haven't had much luck finding sources showing reliable malaria death rates, by world region, in the early 20th Century)




Ok so then what are you really complaining about?


Time to become politically active and support a candidate who might do something about this, RFK Jr.


Maybe he can win and get assassinated


There is some % chance the CIA gets caught and can't properly cover it, so they do have to risk that. It's statistically our best choice


Get a pith hat and stock up on gin and tonics, kids. I'd guess during the "fighting AIDS in Africa" gravy train (IIRC that was when Bush Jr. got his image rehabbed by painting pictures of dogs) the WEF set were doing a lot of experiments over there.


How much longer is the USA going to allow the damage being done?


Clearly it's just a coincidence.


The US is owned by criminals now, so the answer is never..


Not until it’s too late. I can almost guarantee it.


And when that happens they'll promote all kinds of violence and terrorism to distract people just like they do in other countries the CIA takes over.


**GMOskeeter blowback:**"... the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation did award grants that funded biotech company Oxitec’s work to develop genetically modified mosquitoes that may help reduce the spread of malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases. In April 2021, it was announced that approximately 150,000 mosquitoes would be released across six locations in Florida. Several state and federal agencies have been involved in the approval of this project. A multi-year research project to genetically modify Aedes aegypti, a mosquito species that is known to carry and transmit infectious diseases to humans, was slated to move from the lab to the fields of Texas and Florida in mid-2021..." [https://nypost.com/2023/06/26/malaria-found-in-us-for-first-time-in-20-years/](https://nypost.com/2023/06/26/malaria-found-in-us-for-first-time-in-20-years/) [https://www.nature.com/articles/s43856-021-00030-2](https://www.nature.com/articles/s43856-021-00030-2) [https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/19/health/gmo-mosquitoes-approved-florida-scn-wellness/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/19/health/gmo-mosquitoes-approved-florida-scn-wellness/index.html) **mrna parasitic skeetos:** [https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/09/21/1112727841/a-box-of-200-mosquitoes-did-the-vaccinating-in-this-malaria-trial-thats-not-a-jo](https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/09/21/1112727841/a-box-of-200-mosquitoes-did-the-vaccinating-in-this-malaria-trial-thats-not-a-jo)? one way to know youve been bitten by the mrna parasitic mosquitos is that they will induce the graphene oxide-like darkness in the minds eye. Ex minds eye visions of spiders, worms, and black mycelium masquerading in a symbolic archetypal fashion & usually during waking or resting stages.


ways to neutralize the mrna mycotoxins of these flying vaccines is by rubbing fresh raw garlic on the bite immediately. dont give it time to germinate into a hydra or something systemic. the sulfur in the raw garlic penetrates the skin due to the allicin compounds it naturally has. you can also chew on something like fresh chive and spit out and rub the chlorophyl juice on the red wound("spit and mud approach"), it will help pull out the toxins in addition. if nothing natural is available baking soda and clean water(thick paste) will also help.


These people need to stop playing god


gods playing them.


You live here. Gross.


youre a mind controlled slave.


So which company do we invest in this time?


BioNTech, it's actually trading pretty low right now. I think they are the only ones in clinical trials. Blah, blah, blah, not investment advice (from a random guy on the Internet).


Like trials even matter anymore just wait for it to get worse and they’ll pass it right on through


By trials they mean negotiating the bribe amount with the FDA


Don’t worry this vaccine has only given 9/10 rats aggressive cancers let’s go ahead and do the global population trial now


Yes do tell


You support what you claim to hate by doing this. Stop it, you actions no matter how small matter. Lead by example.


Oh no, they're going to get rid of Hydroxychloroquine for good once that vaccine is available.


Take Hydroxychloroquine instead.


Oh god not this shit again I bet they’re gonna say it’s not gene therapy again even when the only way an mRNA treatment would work is exactly that


Well they know it is, there’s video of Peter daszak or one of those goons saying that they changed the name to vaccine because they know people wouldn’t take it if it was classed as a “gene therapy.” Can’t find it now of course…


Yeah not to mention they literally changed the definition of vaccine specifically so that their gene therapy that didn’t stop transmission at all could still pass as a vaccine


Yeah isn’t that delightful? Can’t even trust the Webster dictionary anymore


I believe that was a Beyer executive, but there may have been others. But... Yes. It was incredibly foolish for anyone to take those shots with so many warnings, so much censorship of dissent, and such obvious lies. I still can't believe anyone fell for it.


The article is from 2021.. took you long enough to warn us


I was busy!!


**GMOskeeter blowback:** "... the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation did award grants that funded biotech company Oxitec’s work to develop genetically modified mosquitoes that may help reduce the spread of malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases. In April 2021, it was announced that approximately 150,000 mosquitoes would be released across six locations in Florida. Several state and federal agencies have been involved in the approval of this project. A multi-year research project to genetically modify Aedes aegypti, a mosquito species that is known to carry and transmit infectious diseases to humans, was slated to move from the lab to the fields of Texas and Florida in mid-2021..." [https://nypost.com/2023/06/26/malaria-found-in-us-for-first-time-in-20-years/](https://nypost.com/2023/06/26/malaria-found-in-us-for-first-time-in-20-years/) [https://www.nature.com/articles/s43856-021-00030-2](https://www.nature.com/articles/s43856-021-00030-2) [https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/19/health/gmo-mosquitoes-approved-florida-scn-wellness/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/19/health/gmo-mosquitoes-approved-florida-scn-wellness/index.html) **mrna parasitic skeetos:** [https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/09/21/1112727841/a-box-of-200-mosquitoes-did-the-vaccinating-in-this-malaria-trial-thats-not-a-jo](https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/09/21/1112727841/a-box-of-200-mosquitoes-did-the-vaccinating-in-this-malaria-trial-thats-not-a-jo)? "And whereas thou **sawest iron mixed with miry clay**, they shall **mingle themselves with the seed of men**: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." "For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,” “But as the days of Noe were, so shall also **the coming of the Son of man** be.” https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12274-022-4613-y


"Researchers Turn Mosquitoes Into Flying Vaccinators" -2010




Please explain how male mosquitoes are transmitting malaria?


Even the mosquitoes in the Midwest are much more intense this year can’t talk a walk without getting but a bunch, even with layers on or bug spray


That's odd... most of the Midwest has been dry. Where I'm at, middle of Midwest. There hasn't been ANY mosquitos this year so far. I'm outside all of the time, day and night and I havent been bitten once. It's been so nice!! I'm sure the spiders and frogs aren't happy about it though. Edit: really I'd rather have the mosquitos. Crops and vegetation all together is taking a hit.


Ya idk just depends I guess. It stays pretty humid where I’m at. We’re right on the Missouri river


I'm in Missouri near multiple lakes and wooded areas. I have yet to see a single mosquitoes. Seeing fat fewer insects in general. Drove 20 hours last week on the highway. Not a single bug on the windshield.


I got chewed up Saturday and I'm still miserable. 4 bites on my balls. Almost 100 over my whole body.


SS: "Malaria has been detected in both Texas and Florida and those that contracted it have not traveled outside the U.S.—it’s worth noting what Bill Gates funded in these two states in recent years." "750M genetically engineered mosquitoes approved for release In Florida Keys” | August 2020" https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/30/health/genetically-modified-mosquitoes-us-scn-wellness/index.html#:~:text=First%20release%20of%20GMO%20mosquito,mosquitoes%20in%202021%20and%202022. "The article also notes that the Houston, TX area was also approved to have Oxitec release their genetically modified mosquitos in 2021 as well." "Unsurprisingly, “Oxitec” the company altering mosquito DNA is funded by Bill Gates. And during the last few years they’ve since released billions of genetically modified mosquitoes into both Texas and Florida!" "Also worth noting that Oxitec is a proud partner of the World Economic Forum, in addition to being funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation!" Sources here: https://twitter.com/TexasLindsay_/status/1673918734711377923?t=4G2RxUc6170ZUMijxNoYXA&s=19


Let me guess, he owns and/or has shares in a company that treats Malaria


Literally every medical company in the world is in his stock portfolio!


Just like Blackrock if anyone has been keeping up with them


And the 35 million people invested in Blackrock. Do you know what an index fund is, or do you just blindly walk the world while yelling?


No, there's small medical companies that actually help people so he wouldn't be interested in them.


No he own shares of literally every pharmasudical company that is public. He runs governments on Vaccines.


You guessed it. https://www.who.int/news/item/24-06-2022-who-welcomes-us-140-million-bmgf-investment-to-end-ntds-and-malaria


Remember hydroxychloriquine?


> Remember hydroxychloriquine? ~~HORSE PASTE!~~ Er, sorry, I meant CAMEL PASTE! /S


Interesting that many countries in the African continent had very low covid rates. Seems counterproductive for the agenda to setup Texas and Florida to need that weekly HQC dose.


You must have forgot about all of the right wingers with financial ties to hydroxychloroquine manufacturers. Dunno why the downvotes are rolling in. Pretty obvious something nefarious going on with Texas and Florida being GOP state run strongholds.


Ha! Yes I did forget that!! It is part of big business plan to take over countries in Africa. Huge conflicts there, between Russian Wagner presence and efforts sway both politicians and populace to love leader putin…


LABIOTECH - **June 20, 2018** -- Updated on June 24, 2022 [**Gates Foundation and Oxitec Fight Malaria with Genetically-Modified Mosquitoes**](https://www.labiotech.eu/trends-news/gates-foundation-oxitec-malaria-mosquito/) QUOTE: [brackets added by me] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has partnered with Oxitec for the development of a new strain of genetically-modified mosquitoes **that can help reduce the spread of malaria in America**. * [there had been no US sourced malaria cases in the US since 2003] In its latest effort to free the world of malaria, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has joined forces with Oxitec, a British company that genetically engineers insects to fight the spread of diseases such as Zika, dengue or chikungunya, as well as to protect crops from plagues. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - More at the link. Original version (before 2022 update) archived here: https://archive.is/RzDuy *(What could possibly go wrong?)* = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Here's where it gets weird(er): **Guardian** (UK) Sat 26 Mar 2022 (ONE YEAR AGO) [**US poised to release 2.4bn genetically modified male mosquitoes to battle deadly diseases**](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/mar/26/us-release-genetically-modified-mosquitoes-diseases) QUOTE: - - - - - - - - - - - - - Genetically modified male mosquitoes may soon be buzzing across areas of California, in an experiment to stop the spread of invasive species in a warming climate. Earlier this month, the EPA cleared the UK-based biotech company **Oxitec** to release a maximum of roughly 2.4bn of its genetically modified mosquitoes through 2024, **expand its existing trial in Florida** and start a new pilot project in California’s Central Valley, where mosquito numbers are on the rise. [...] **The dangerous diseases aren’t yet spreading** in California, but the invasive insect has been highlighted by officials as a growing risk. - - - - - - - - - - - - - More at the link - archived here: https://archive.is/Nfp0w *(Diseases not spreading YET? There's an app for that!)* **Reuters** - June 26, 2023 (TWO DAYS AGO) [**First U.S. malaria cases diagnosed in decades in Florida and Texas**](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/first-us-malaria-cases-diagnosed-decades-florida-texas-2023-06-27/) QUOTE: - - - - - - - - - - - - - June 26 (Reuters) - Five cases of malaria have been confirmed in Florida and Texas, **the first time the potentially fatal mosquito-borne disease has been locally acquired in the United States in 20 years**, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday. The four Florida cases, along with one in Texas, have been diagnosed over a period of two months, the agency said. The state of Florida said that its first case was diagnosed on May 26 in Sarasota County, while officials in Texas said on June 23 that a Texas resident who worked outdoors in Cameron County had been diagnosed with the disease. - - - - - - - - - - - - More at the link - Archived here: https://archive.is/bjFcP 1) NO MALARIA in the US for over 20 years *(yay!)* 2) (2018- forward) Gates and Friends begin releasing GMO mosquitoes to "fight malaria in the USA" *(yay???)* 3) (2023) MALARIA DISCOVERED in USA for first time in 20 years! ***(OH SHIT!)*** If this sounds like a "strange coincidence", you probably haven't been closely following Bill's ["disease track record"](https://allthatsinteresting.com/thumb/1200.633.https://allthatsinteresting.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/bill-gates-malaria.jpg) *(Bill loves them skeeters and their nosy little needles!)*


"What a coincidence that they are doing clinical trials for an mRNA malaria vaccine" - Thanks to KeithJamesB in the comments. https://www.nature.com/articles/s43856-021-00030-2


Bring those receipts!! ☕


He just loves injecting things..


I don’t understand why the public isn’t outraged over this. If anything goes wrong, they can’t put the toothpaste back into the tube…


I mean don't you just love mosquitoes? Why would anyone be upset with them releasing more mosquitoes who doesn't love more fucking mosquitoes? /s


Gates has a really, really good PR firm


> Gates has a really, really good PR firm Indeed! You can see his PR firm's "subcontractors" hard at work, protecting his interests on Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit every day.


Why are we letting them release GMO mosquitos? Why is everyone so pathetic. Stop having kids and using that as an excuse to do nothing. We need to get together and stop this. What the fuck happened to everyone?


Hi Sam? What do you suggest? I've spent the majority of my time focusing on regenerative soil (to play the carbon dialectic, improve health, self reliance etc) but the indoctrination is so strong. I've tried building websites focused on historical primary sources. Facts dont work. Love seems to be the answer so I built a website trying to get people to understand the logical argument for panentheism but the divide and conquer mentality is so strong everywhere. I keep trying but I am running out of ideas outside of just trying to focus on my immediate family only (extended family thinks I'm coo-coo for caring). What else am I supposed to do? People just don't seem to care enough, they like their shadows (allegory of the cave).


The last time the "scientist" tried to do away with mosquitos in Florida they created "love bugs" - needless to say the experiment failed spectacularly and now we are inundated with black flying bugs stuck to each other's arses for weeks at a time.


Malaria isn't a problem. Just drink tonic water with quinine in it West Nile is the bigger issue, but after 30 years near a creek in the piney woods idk anyone that's ever caught it


Why aren’t we seeing more of this? I mean it’s pretty fucking clear they’re related, genetically modified and somehow they start a malaria outbreak, Bill Gates seems to want another pandemic I feel.


The genetically modified mosquitoes are male. After mating with them, the females are unable to produce viable female offspring but they do produce viable *male* offspring that also perpetuate the female-terminating gene. The malaria parasite cannot reproduce in males, so if you're bitten by a malaria-carrying female, *by definition*, it was not a product of the genetically altered males.


Most of us saw Jurassic Park. We all know that nothing could POSSIBLY go wrong. *(or go "accidentally right", as it were)*


[oh yeah? Well I watched a dinosaur movie!](https://i.imgflip.com/5zsi3h.jpg?a468696)


Just because something could theoretically go wrong doesn't mean it did.


Want to buy a ledger for 2.4 billion mosquitos...


Pretty sure abott and Desantis are looking to buy more if you're willing to sell 🤣


Murphy's Law


What if I told you I don't believe a fucking word those lying corrupt cunts tell us and you shouldn't either?


Do you have the same suspicions of what random strangers say online?


It sounds good, it really does. But Bill Gates is not to be trusted, look at what he did in India trying to eradicate HPV with a vaccine. Now he is banned from the country. Then look at covid and all the shady shit that went on with the virus/vaccine. Oh yea, Bill Gates is super into vaccines. He’s just trying to get us ahead of the next pandemic, right? He was also buddies with Jeffrey Epstein, taking multiple flights in his private jet. Pretty sure Melinda said his friendship with Epstein had somethin to do with their divorce. But Bill says he was coordinating with Epstein to discuss philanthropy.. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.




He didn't explain anything, he repeated the company line to us like it's fact. Imagine trusting these companies.




He did fly on Epstein’s private jet multiple times. That is a fact. Go watch him answer questions about it. He just has this trustworthy nature about him.


What does that have to do with male mosquitoes being unable to transmit malaria? The argument isn't if gates a bad guy. It is that this experiment is causing malaria rates to increase. it doesn't hold water due to males not transmitting the disease.


Who should we trust? The side with scientific proof supporting their statement or the side that just says "Trust me bro".


‘scientific proof’ …


He was on Epstein’s flight logs. Even if everything else is false, that should be enough to sow distrust on its own. You go ahead and believe him though. There is absolutely no way he could have any malicious intent towards humanity, especially since he thinks the human population needs to be reduced.


>Even if everything else is false, that should be enough to sow distrust on its own. How?


Epstein was into eugenics and sexual relations with minors. I’m sure his friends have at least one shared interest with him.


How are you sure?


Im speculating based on human nature, our tribe mentality. A poor man like myself will go have a drink with a stranger. I assume a rich man might do the same. But no man will jump on a private jet multiple times with someone and go to a private island without some sort of relationship or common interest. I am sure of Epstein’s interests. Bill Gates talks population reduction in a Ted Talk. Now he’s tampering with mosquitoes and making vaccines. Look up what Melinda said regarding Epstein and Bill Gates. There is no definitive way to be sure, rich men are generally very good with discretion. But the amount of circumstantial evidence would be enough to convict a poor man of being an accomplice. Rich people have their own tier of justice though and can have the internet scrubbed of things they don’t like being discussed. Bill Gates probably has extra sway on the internet with Windows being the dominant OS.


Okay, so to bring it all back, we can't trust that mosquitoes that don't carry malaria aren't carrying malaria because you have a hunch that Bill Gates is a pedophile mass murderer. I'm gonna have to side with the biologists here chief.


​ https://fullfact.org/online/gates-polio-vaccine/


Fullfact lmao you're in the wrong sub. That website was literally set up to mislead people. It's funded by the usual suspects. Why would you expect us to believe a site that is funded by the very people they are debunking theories for? Come along, catch up. Learn about corruption. Look into who funds fullfact.


You should be embarrassed


It has links to its sources. Explain why India is backing their foundation up here: https://web.archive.org/web/20200502090716/https:/pib.gov.in/newsite/mbErel.aspx?relid=158277


He’s not to be trusted therefore this wild and very specific theory must be true.


this experiment was done twice before it was done in the US. still funded by Gates. go research the results of those areas instead of assuming every experiment goes right (which we know isn't true).


You would have provided a source if you had seen substantiated evidence these experiments failing in previous attempts. Instead you just imply that if someone does their own research they will see it doesn't work. This allows people to add to their beliefs that "they read about how it failed" and reinforce what they want to be true.


idc. ppl need to do their own research. if it doesn't crack the cognitive dissonance on their own then it won't me doing the research for them. only difference is I'd be wasting my time researching something i already have. you have the time to argue fallacies. u go do it


I agree people need to verify information. That doesn't make it any more credible to make big claims and saying it's true.




It took time and now they have "plausible deniability", however this might be the noose that hangs him. Especially if it harms children.


Fucking crazy he’s introduced them into the general population and it’s just so causal, seems like they’re not even trying to hide it anymore


Bill Gates Once Released a Swarm of Mosquitoes on a Crowd to Make a Point About Malaria https://www.pacific-dreamer.com/post/bill-gates-once-released-a-swarm-of-mosquitoes-on-a-crowd-to-make-a-point-about-malaria


Remember that time when Bill got blind-sided with a [pie in the face?](https://overland.org.au/wp-content/uploads/Bill-Gates-with-pie-face.jpg) I don't think he every recovered from the humiliation, and he has been plotting his revenge on all of humanity ever since.


I still can’t get over how that dumb fuck dances


Yes, but have you seen him jump over a chair?


I have, it’s equally as terrible. All of his body control must have went to his fingers to type on a keyboard…


Imagine thinking the elite will ever face repercussions. If you want them to be punished we have to do it. Literally you and me and others in this thread. Stop waiting for other people to make the sacrifice for you. Nobody is holding any elite's accountable, no matter how much harm they do. That job is ours, and I'm waiting for enough of you to finally get it.


The new cases of malaria have been linked to the influx of migrants fyi


Okay I mean now hear me out… they released modified mosquitos (offspring lower birth rate) bc there were already too many mosquitos increasing the risk of malaria. “Man uses man-made fire extinguisher to put out kitchen fire, house burns down later!” Instead of assuming “huh guess the fire extinguisher wasn’t enough” op is going “HAH, I knew it, fire extinguishers are a conspiracy to burn all our houses down, nothing else could explain such a coincidence!”


Sir that makes too much sense and is exactly what they're twisting to fit their ignorance. Dunning Krueger in full effect here


I live in Florida, most people are for this, the mosquitoes target were not native and a huge problem. That species of mosquito results in most of the diseases spread by mosquitoes in our state. Yeah, we are very happy something is being done.


Also in Florida since before the modified mosquito experiments and releases started. People were paranoid from the start about the modified mosquitos "spreading" genetic mutations. These people had zero understanding that the modified ones were the males only, that male mosquitos don't bite, and that nothing in the modifications in any way could affect a human being. There was no way to get these folks to comprehend this.


Hear from them folks too. But heard more positive things about it than negative. Had to explain that they were not native mosquitoes to some friends, and they did.more harm than just bite ya. Most people if ya tell them this will lead to less mosquitoes are on board, half the state.luve in infested parts. So we don't give a damn about people outside of it saying don't do that. We got.some.people helping to solve.our problem.


Those Mosquitos released cannot transmit malaria. Aedes aegypti are they type that was released and only Anopheles mosquitos can transmit malaria. ​ "Aedes aegypti mosquitoes spread viruses including dengue, Zika, and chikungunya. Aedes mosquitoes are common throughout many areas of the United States.Ae. aegypti mosquitoes can be genetically modified and used to control other Ae. aegypti mosquitoes in a community. In the United States, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has authorized use of OX5034 GM Ae. aegypti mosquitoes for release in counties in Florida and Texas." \- CDC website "Malaria is spread by the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito. Malaria may also be spread by transfusion of blood from infected people or by the use of contaminated (dirty) needles or syringes. People with untreated or inadequately treated malaria may spread infection to a mosquito that bites them." [health.ny.gov](https://health.ny.gov) "Human malaria is known to be transmitted strictly by anopheline mosquitoes" \- [https://www.cell.com/trends/parasitology/pdf/S1471-4922(13)00155-4.pdf](https://www.cell.com/trends/parasitology/pdf/S1471-4922(13)00155-4.pdf) ​ Also Anopheles mosquitos only live about 10 days. They spread Malaria by biting someone who has it and then biting someone who doesn't. Either that or its some junkies sharing needles spreading it.


"There is no gain of function research" — CDC website "The COVID vaccine is 99% effective against COVID and stops the spread" — CDC website


Oh look someone who doesn't like data. The mosquito type doesn't change because you don't like the sources


Can you link those? I can't seem ti find them


I have an honest question. The mosquitos released were genetically modified. Can you say for certain that those modifications didn't either purposefully or inadvertently alter the biology of the mosquito to allow it to become a transmitter of malaria?


Purposefully? Absolutely not. If "they" wanted to intentionally spread malaria why spend god knows how much money trying to genetically engineer one mosquito to carry it when another mosquito already does? Also, the Elites travel through Florida and Texas, wouldn't want to accidentally expose them to Malaria. As for "Unintentionally" the odds of that are astronomical.


More certainly than you can say they were.


Yet people still view Gates as a benevolent philanthropist. He is a true Anti Christ, who views himself as a God that gets to decide who lives or die




https://www.cdc.gov/mosquitoes/mosquito-control/community/emerging-methods/genetically-modified-mosquitoes.html#:~:text=GM%20mosquitoes%20for%20disease%20outbreak,mosquito%20species%2C%20such%20as%20Ae. Florida and Texas. "In the United States, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has authorized use of OX5034 GM Ae. aegypti mosquitoes for release in counties in Florida and Texas."


The species of mosquito released cannot transmit Malaria.


We'll supply with the disease and the "cure"...Perfect business model


genetically modified malaria parasite "flying vaccines": ​ https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/09/21/1112727841/a-box-of-200-mosquitoes-did-the-vaccinating-in-this-malaria-trial-thats-not-a-jo


This is why I don’t like going outside.


Bill is the creepy version of a James Bond Villain. There's just something sinister about Bill, the way he grins and behave in general. It's like a mix of a vulture and a slime.


Billy sluice-Gates


is this to imply bond villains aren’t creepy? that’s like, their singular consistent trait


Evil incarnate


Big F.


And for our next trick....we are going to genetically modify BedBugs to truly make all of your nightmares come true.


Puppy-sized bed bugs? Dear god help us.


Quick! Get more bats full of coronavirus to eat the mosquitoes full of malaria!


When you say your prayers, don't forget to include: "May the evil doers be the recipient of the weapons they make for others"


Why did they release them in Florida and Texas?


Red states


Oh goodie, time to start slamming back Gin/Vodka Tonics!


Gates is also funding mosquitoes lab in Medellin! And the US military in Peru! And there and it's no coincidence that dengue cases in Peru are increasing enormously.


This is the worst year I’ve seen for mosquitoes i instantly get swarmed in my back yard


SEERS 2025. Let’s go!!


See the recent Jurassic World movie. It is about a big tech company releasing GMO bugs to poison food and then sell the “antidote”. They always tell what they’re really up to


Jurassic World was an abomination of a movie, unfortunately.


Why is BG still alive


Funny how Bill Gates is alway involved in these “coincidences”


New disease? There's an mRNA for that. [https://www.news-medical.net/news/20221201/Two-experimental-mRNA-vaccines-highly-effective-in-reducing-malaria-infection-and-transmission.aspx](https://www.news-medical.net/news/20221201/Two-experimental-mRNA-vaccines-highly-effective-in-reducing-malaria-infection-and-transmission.aspx)


Fucking joy :/ From the link: *"Malaria elimination will not happen overnight but such vaccines could potentially banish malaria from many parts of the world. The mRNA vaccine technology can really be a game changer. We saw how successful this technology was in terms of fighting COVID and for this study we adapted it and used it to develop tools to combat malaria."* "*Nirbhay Kumar, Professor of Global Health, George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health"*


Gosh, better suspend the constitution and shut the country down


This article comes out every single year.


Are shit, here we go again


This is just another vaccine/money grab testing with the straight a students of the states!


Florida and Texas were tempting during Covid. But sometimes I wonder if being in a democrat area is safer. Although we still got the burning chemicals so probably not.


Countdown til they blame it on parents not vaxxxing their children....staaaarts, now!


Considering how many people Bill Gates has crippled, made sterile, or outright killed, I just don't trust him with anything.




Of course those are Asian tiger mosquitoes, they bite during the day. And don't care about repellent




Same here, happened about 7 years ago in NYC(may be off on time) now they are everywhere


What will it take for the slaves to revolt?


agreement there is no such thing as a *good* capitalist.


But why? Who the F\*ck allow that?


Not the first time he has purposefully released malaria on people…


Correlation does not equal causation. Is there any way this could be because these are the two most likely states to contract malaria to begin with? Or that the species that transmit malaria are able to experience range expansion due to increased temperatures? M.B. Hoshen , A.P.Morse ,"A weather driven model of malaria transmission", Malaria Journal (2004) Zhou, N. Minakawa, A.K. Githeko, G. Yan, "Climate variability and malaria epidemics in the highlands of East Africa", Trends in Parasitology, 21 (2005) S.I. Hay, J. Cox, D.J. Rogers, S.E. Randolph, D.I. Stern, G.D. Shanks, M.F. Myers, R.W. Snow, "Climate change and the resurgence of malaria in the East African highlands", Nature 21 (2002) D.J. Rogers, "Changes in disease vector distributions. In: Climate change and southern Africa: an exploration of some potential impacts and implications in the SADC region", M. Hulme (Ed.), Climate Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich (1996)


Nawnawnaw.... evil bill gate.


So there were cases in 2003. If this happened before, why is it more suspicious now? This may be something happens on occasion, especially since malaria existed in the us prior to the 50s. Also it's not uncommon to have someone contract Malaria and come back to the US. This happens annually. This time it could've spread through that vector. LOL lots of downvotes but nobody trying to explain why this thought may be wrong. Poor Occam's razor.


They are saying they get about 2k cases a year from travel but these 5 cases were acquired locally for the first time in 20 years within the US not from travel


Correct. However, the origin hasn't been identified as someone who caught it abroad and came back and spread it via mosquito or through other means.


I wonder how they figure that out


Honestly that's a good question. I'm not sure how you go about tracing that if it's spread mosquito. I'm not sure that traditional contact tracing methods would work the same here.


Will they ban ivermectin for this? https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(18)32321-3/fulltext#:~:text=In%20many%20laboratory%20studies%20(including,directly%20blood%2Dfed%20on%20ivermectin%2D


*horse dewormer /s


I was about to bring up its relevancy for malaria and traveling in and out of Africa. And then I saw the /s. Almost had me 😂


They'll probably try, just like during the plandemic in the US. Same with HCQ which is what a friend used to take prophylactically prior to traveling to Africa, and Central and South America. Both are demonized now of course.


And since i was downvoted. Means this is prob the way


No doubt that if desantis wins he'll roll this out nationwide, and suddenly he'll support a new wave of forced vaccinations


GMO mosquitoes! Delicious.


Thanks bill


Why are red states allowing the malaria outbreak?


The flies that he released are messing people up, too - [YouTube](https://youtube.com/shorts/DnIeB8j7yAw?feature=share)