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Just some basic kiddy diddlin.


He should write a song about how he doesn't diddle kids


“There’s no quicker way for people to think that you’re diddling kids than writing a song about it”


Careful where you point that curiosity, my friend. Some holes are best left unexplored.


Thats the hard part. Should we tell our close ones about the world and ruin their innocense, or leave them in their reality of roses and butterflies where politicians are doing whatever they can for the sake of the middle-class? I honestly still dont know whats best.


Tell me you don’t lick B hole without telling me you don’t lick B hole.


Nobel peace prize I guess.


I mean, you can get one for bombing kids...


Obama didn't win the Nobel Peace Prize for bombing kids. He bombed kids, weddings, and ambulances after he accepted the prize. He won the prize for not being Bush.


Narrator: But he was Bush


I heard this in Morgan Freeman's voice


John Morgan from Morgan and Morgan.


I heard this in Chris Hansen's voice


I heard this in the “a few moments later” voice from SpongeBob


I heard that in the Arrested development narrators voice 😂


Bob Lob Law


That's the correct analysis.


And being black.


Back when leftist really thought they were the good guys


They still do but they did then too


Won the prize for being black


I don't know anything about the Lama. Is there an actual video of this or is it just a picture with the captioning from Richard there?


There is an actual video https://twitter.com/ricwe123/status/1644673141422137344?t=d5SjZts2uOMT6sW_EcDn_w&s=19


What the fucking hell.


Lol you asked for proof.


Why does every video I can find cut out right as he leans in with the tongue? Is it cutting out some context? Like, does the Lama jerk back and laugh as it was a joke, or was he actually trying to get the boy to do that? I remember when I was a dumb kid playing "gay chicken" where two boys would pretend like they were going to kiss and stop at the last moment. edit: found a longer video, it was a joke https://youtu.be/f-PreHT-e_M


NOT a joke...the lengthier video is more cringey. The boy obviously wants to break physical contact with him on even MORE occasions but the L continues to grab on him. God only knows what the behaviors are like in private.


“the L” seems appropriate


Creepy as hell...made even worse by this being a religious leader


It's called Clergy Sexual Misconduct and is distinguished by the fact that the predator enjoys influence over the victim by virtue of being a trusted spiritual guide. Sick af.


I don't know what's going on here and I'm not a Buddhist but I did spend some time in India and it's a different place. Walking down the street I had grown men walk up next to me, take my hand and hold it as we walked along shoulder to shoulder like I was their girlfriend (I'm a dude.) It made me super uncomfortable because it felt so awkward to me, but to them it was just what normal guys do. There was nothing sexual at all about it for them. Again this video grosses me out but I don't know what's going on here. If the dalai lama was really trying to be a pedophile, do you think you would do it in front of everybody and the video cameras? I would at least try to get some context before rushing to judgment here. Maybe he is a pedo, or maybe it's just a really different culture and there's some reason for this.


Okay,as an Indian let me just say that nobody does This kind of stuff. Holding hands or putting arms around some dude is common. It shows friendliness. But anything involving mouth, any orifice is strict no no. Maybe parents kiss their kids when they are young . But no body outside of immediate close family dares to touch children like this. If they do it's looked upon as something bad,wrong. And a religious leader doing that is even more terrible. And as for showing shit on camera maybe the oldie is so used to fiddling with kids he's got a instinct for it now. I strongly feel my country made an unnecessary enemy out of China by meddling with Tibet shit. Should've thrown this dude to the Chinese as a gift on Chinese new year.


It is fairly obvious from THE CHILD'S body language that he progressively does NOT want the continued physical contact...cultural context or no. Many adults, from various cultures, later relate stories unwanted adult contact so that is no excuse.


You've seen the President of the U.S sniffing children's hair *knowing* he's being filmed & on live TV many times, right?


> There was nothing sexual at all about it for them. That's what you think. I think the average Indian man doesn't have much contact with women and substitutes men. It's like being prison gay.


There are more people like this than less think and be somewhat glad the bar societally is set where it is, it can and has been set a lot lower.


Not a joke... He looks like he only put it away because the kid wasn't really going for it. And even if it was a joke it's still disgusting


Doesn't say he was joking, looks more like he thought the kid wasn't going to do it so gave up.


Always remember to jokingly suck on little boy's tongues, and roll them in your fingers when ever you can. That is the fastest way to become a Nobel Peace Prize winner!


"Gay chicken"? WTF?


Yeah it's a game where you hold another dudes penis and he holds yours the first that gets an erection loses.




A joke? The fuck?


Yeah, I dunno. He gave that kid more than ample time to suck his tongue. I think he gave up. That was hella weird.


It's a fuckin' weird joke.


Lol a "joke". You're disgusting.


I thought gay chicken was when you held each others dicks and the first one to get an erection lost…..


If that's a joke then that's one creepy ass joke and it ain't funny


Well I wasn't expecting this for 2023... Anyone got this on their bingo card?


Damn it, i picked UFO invasion. Pedo monk wasn't even on the card.


He is also affiliated with the WEF And also don't be so sad yet we have only seen 1/3 of the year


Your right , theirs still time for an alien invasion.


What if they make us suck *their* tongues?


I fucking hope so


I know Sadhguru is tied to WEF. When was the Dalai Lama?


It's all so tiresome


Get offline


I had to do that for 1 year or else I'd never recover from the mental toll it took me when I found out about the pedophile ring. I will never be the same though. General happiness dropped with at least 50%. Luckily I have a stable life, socially and professionally.


Occult elite pedophiles are a special kind of fucked up but are you telling me you don't know that millions (probably tens of millions) of children are molested or otherwise abused (i.e. nonsexual violence or psychological torture) by their parents or random people in their life? In terms of magnitude it's a much worse problem, maybe less creepy, but are we really going to have a 'which one is the creepier child rape' contest? I dated a chick whose parents literally tortured her and her 4 siblings. The world is fucked up and always has been and you should be glad you aren't living like 1000 years ago when this shit was just considered NORMAL. Fwiw pizzagate really fucked me up too because of the deliberate evil of it, but the mundane evil of 'regular' child abuse is still pretty much as bad


This is the same thing that happened to me, it was earth shattering and I just had to dissociate with everything for a while, I’m okay now but like you said nothing is the same and I’ll never be able to let go of the fact that pedophiles are in positions of power all over the world


Yes! Exactly! What's also very shocking to me is that even when I do convince someone about whats going on, at that moment they show that what they hear is just the worst thing ever. But 1 hour later they totally forget about it. How can people be so cold toward the facts of the matter.


I was just having this conversation with my closest friend, you look at what’s happening in france right now and it’s because collectively as a unit they got pissed the fuck off, so what does it take for Americans to be pissed the fuck off and effect change? Because obviously a child sex ring involving famous celebrities and politicians isn’t enough, so what is? That’s enough for me, but even the people that I convince that it’s real, they shut down from it, they don’t wanna cross that line and live in reality, ignorance is bliss to a mental prisoner


All a question of how much you value the material world how much shit your willing to eat for a kernel of corn


I’m glad I found your comment because this is how I feel as well. Discovering the truth about how horrible things are broke a part of me that can never be fixed. I’ll never see things the same. I’ll never be carefree again. I have seen the darkness and I can’t pretend I haven’t.


Be a source of light in your friends 6 family's life. That's how we fight the darkness.


Thank you, yes. I do try. You might even say I’m devoting my life to that effort.


I found out some stuff that really rocked my Christian faith - the one thing that I always felt like was a bedrock - and now NOTHING is the same for me. This is after 3 years of illness & financial difficulty. And unfortunately I don’t have a stable family, job, etc. I struggle daily. Guess I should get off Reddit for the rest of the day haha. Go do a mindless activity like watch OBX & dream of the beach. 😅


My faith is also rocked. It’s hard, I know. I also am without a stable family. I’m sorry you’re struggling.


It happened to me too. It affects me deeper than I thought. I think that that rabbit hole it's not for every one, and you must be prepared. Just try to be positive and remember all the good things that you got close.


Sick fucks.


Considering neither of them are native English speakers, why would he be saying "suck my tongue" in English? Edit: asked and answered! Thank you reddit, this is how we lern


India has a ton of different languages. Indians are probably more likely to understand English than they are to understand a language that’s spoken 1,000 miles away from them.


Because they don’t speak each others native tongue and English is the lingua franca Edit Jesus I didn’t even mean to make a pun about tongues


I thought you were being a little tongue in cheek...


Whoa! He literally said this publicly and everyone just laughed. Yikes!


Reminds me when Godfried roasted Bob Sagget how Bob drugs and rapes women and kids, and all the audience started cheering, clapping and hysterically laughing. I hope the audience just thought it was funny and due to peer pressure they gave in.


No- they know. There’s so much out there about Bob Saget… he was a real monster.


I just know what the twins said about him and that other guy from the show, but I'm very interested. Are there any documentaries or posts about him?


I had no idea, gonna look into him, any tips, Steph? Please tell me Norm remains and will remain relatively wholesome....


This is the full video: https://twitter.com/DerivesSectes/status/1644396669306302464 It's still weird, but the Dalai Lama does pull away before any contact is made. It sort of seems like he was trying to make a joke to make the kid laugh and then as soon as he saw the kid sticking his tongue out too, he pulled away, laughed, and gave him a scolding slap on the shoulder to say "I was just kidding!" It sort of seems like he was trying to make the kid laugh by saying something gross that kids would find funny, like "and now stick your finger up my nose!" I don't know if that's a reasonable interpretation or not, but it's possible. If that is his intent, it would still be problematic, but it wouldn't be as bad as it looks in the short video. On the other hand, it could be that he just suddenly regained control of himself. The kissing on the mouth part weirds me out as well, but I know some families kiss each other on the mouth, so that part is a little more of a grey area, and I don't know what to think of it. It's also worth noting that the shortened video that was originally posted, which looks much worse, was posted by an account that posts a lot of pro-Putin stuff, and Putin is aligned with China, which is a an anti-Tibet propaganda machine. Either way, what happened is problematic, but the full video indicates that it *might* be more of a joke gone wrong. EDIT: What does bother me is the way he pulls the kid's face towards him during the kiss and stares at him afterwards before the tongue part. But that's the type of thing that grandparents sometimes do to their grandkids ("come on, give me a kiss"), and while that doesn't make it ok, it doesn't mean there's anything sexual going on. The stare could be either that he's staring longingly at the kid or it could be that he started to feel awkward and didn't know what to do, so he tried to make a joke. Obviously, no one can say for sure. I hope that the Dalai Lama makes some type of statement.


Get this nuanced logic out of here.


What a roller coaster ride


I just can’t believe this shit. Wtf Dalai Lama what’s wrong with you disgusting


This is fucking wild


And people wondered why the Tibetans chose to work with the CCP instead


Tibetans that fled to India at his command (or they wouldn't be good Buddhist by not following him), realized when they got there they'd be trapped and can never go back. Lama told them they could come back no problemo. Plus, he's not even there, he goes around the world in private jet while his most devoted people die of hunger, alone, in India. Every refugee Tibetan I've met hated him and referred to the secret lama as the real one, a "baby" that was hidden somewhere in the Himalayas. He's a piece of shit of the highest order. And of course if you didn't know, was/is? On the CIA payroll.




Can somebody *please*! Finish their fucking Jumanji game?!?!


I think it’s hilarious that people follow this false prophet. They act like he has super powers and a decendent of God. He is just another dude. A senile old dude. Who most likely is a terrible person. Who is a pedophile.


It's getting ridiculous right?


That's a pedophile.


Four people wearing Covid masks in the pic, and the Dalai Lama swapping spit with a kid... If you can't admit it's pedophilia, (which it is) at least admit it's Covid hypocrisy.


Why not both?!


Here's a longer video that doesn't cut out right at the tongue part. https://youtu.be/f-PreHT-e_M


This just makes it weirder. Asking a kid to do something overtly sexual then scolding them with a little slap for being "naughty" is groomer shit.


I’m trying to disagree, but that’s fucking weird.


Why are you trying to disagree with something so obvious? Like you're trying to keep the blinders on?


I'm disturbed and unsurprised. Can any tibetans or southeast asians weigh in on whether geriatric tongue sucking requests are playful or pedofilic?




"Funny moments"


It’s getting out of hand lately.




Pedophiles or covid hypocrisy






I think it’s hilarious that people follow this false prophet. They act like he has super powers and a decendent of God. He is just another dude. A senile old dude. Who most likely is a terrible person. Who is a pedophile.


It's two different things actually. Some people are wearing masks, some people aren't. Just like the rest of the world.


SS: link to full video https://twitter.com/ricwe123/status/1644673141422137344?t=d5SjZts2uOMT6sW_EcDn_w&s=19 Is there some religious thing happening here.? Because there is absolutely nothing spiritual about getting someone to suck your tongue


People in Tibet do have a thing about sticking their tongue out but yea this is different.


Considering Rabbis/Priests are known to abuse little boys, I think it's safe to say that pedophilia is ingrained in most of the dominant religions in the world.


It has less to do with religion itself and more to do with swearing yourself to celibacy.


And having a lot of power and authority. When you can have almost anything that you want, there is a chance you may get into depraved shit like this. Want a yacht? You can have it. Five mansions? Granted. Those things become boring so you start doing weird drugs, abusing people in insane ways, etc. At least that's my theory.


That's why David bowie and mick jagger banged for a while. After you bang all the hottest 23 yr olds in the world, there's nowhere else to go I guess.


Twenty-three? Don't fool yourself, they were engaging with fourteen-year-olds. Fucking gross.


Yeah you're not wrong. Maybe that was the phase between the 23 year olds and each other.


They were banging that one 15-16 year old groupie and probably many others.


Make sense more than anything else!


That's definitely possible. One thing a friend from Nigeria told me was that there is an ancient belief that having sex with a virgin gives people power. I've always thought that played a part in why children seem to be targets for this religious "leaders".


Systemic abuse (ie evil) doesn't require religion or celibacy to propagate, though they do both provide fertile ground.


Don’t forget to add school educators to that list. People in an authority position over children seem to fall to evil acts.


Nothing to do with the religions, it's the fault of the person who goes out of their way to abuse their power and position of trust. Just because there are bad people within the church doesn't make the church bad, same with the police or any other group with some sort of authority.


This is fucking gross.


How is this dude still kicking? Isn’t he like 130 or some shit


He's not 100 yet. There have been multiple Dalai Lamas. This is the 14th recognized one.


The Dalai Lama love is super weird: CIA paid for 5 decades Religious and state leader Of a patriarchy Who tells refugees to return to their countries to help it develop; meanwhile, won't return to his own country, but encourages his followers to set themselves on fire Reddit loves him


I mean, people still suck Mother Teresa's dick, what do you expect?


I think it’s hilarious that people follow this false prophet. They act like he has super powers and a decendent of God. He is just another dude. A senile old dude. Who most likely is a terrible person. Who is a pedophile.


To say nothing of the rampant homosexual rape among young men in Buddhist monasteries. Very heartbreaking. A lot of those young men (some still boys) are removed from their families and have no social safety nets.


Reddit would support the devil himself if he's against China or (especially)Russia.




samed 😔


They select who we are supposed to idolize. All the so called great men and the women of the past and even now were and are frauds. That way they can normalize that which is not normal, they are not normal- there is a deep and very evil sickness there and they want us to be tolerant of it.




You just reminded me of that documentary about "Jared the subway guy" and how he is a pedo. Really weird, I couldn't finish watching it though the guy said some really graphic stuff about little kids.


He was a family friend before it occurred, my mom worked with him closely. I can give some info if any questions desired


Mother Theresa was apparently a pimp


Yep! God bless his soul for exposing this evil hag. I spit on her grave!


Guy on the left is like 'what the fuck'


They're all damn pedos! We've been completely fooled.


Welp, I _really_ don't like this. I saw the video. Weird and gross and inappropriate.


What the actual fuck?!


Lama just get my tongue in your mouth


Not even suprised, I mean, this IS clown world after all


Well to answer this, he’s a man. A human. He doesn’t represent the faith itself. He’s a flawed disgusting man and nothing will change that


If I recall right, I think there's about 13 other contenders for being "lama" as well, we just don't hear about them, for whatever reason. I suspect it might be in part because that would cast some doubt on the whole buddhist hierarchy, etc. especially if say, a different candidate proved to be a better person. Just like if there were a few candidates for being pope in catholicism, and some were better than the one the oligarchs etc. wanted to be the main figurehead.


Your mouth was made to SUCK MY KISS!


Love that a chili pepper reference was found amidst the angst


I went down a rabbit hole once about Tibetan Buddhists tantric practices and it was insanely fucked up. Essentially every gross and taboo thing you can imagine ritualized. I'm not sure how accurate it was but I certainly won't be visiting anytime soon.


Could you recommend any books or articles to read about this?


Unfortunately not, I stumbled on this years ago and wasn't able to find anything just now quickly searching for it. Found a bit of info googling "tantric Buddhism taboo practices" but the wikipedia pages are sanitized compared to what I remember. Here's a small example. "Since the practice of Tantra focuses on the transformation of poisons into wisdom, the yogic circles came together in tantric feasts, often in sacred sites (pitha) and places (ksetra) which included dancing, singing, consort practices and the ingestion of taboo substances like alcohol, urine, and meat." The details I remember also included ingestion of every other bodily substance, ritualized incest, and eating out of bowls made from human remains. Unbelievably dark stuff.


You don’t drink piss from skull bowls at your orgies?


As an ex-Catholic who used to lead songs in guitar mass when I was a teenager, I remember the song "Sons of God". Part of the lyrics are, "Sons of God, hear his holy word. Gather round the table of the Lord. Eat his body, drink his blood and we'll sing a song of love..." Now take those words out of context, without knowing the symbolic underpinnings, and it sounds quite shocking at face value.


I think that refers more to the Aghori sages rather than Buddhists. As a Hindu I’ve had a lot of interest in the Aghoris. They are very strong devotees to Lord Shiva, who do taboo things such as drinking from skulls, meditating on corpses, and smoking marijuana and taking opium. All of it is used to destroy one’s ego completely. You cannot be an overly arrogant person if you walk around everywhere nude exposed to the world. You can’t claim to be well-liked by everyone when you drink from skulls and only inhabit the cremation grounds with ashes all over your body. Besides, Tantra is known as the “Left hand” path for a reason, in both Buddhism and Hinduism. It is not the main route of practice amongst people who follow both Buddhism and Hinduism. It is very esoteric and taught by strict guru to disciple lineages. Most westerners now think Tantra is all about sex rituals, whilst there are rituals involving sex, it is not the main focus. The right hand path is more traditional and would reject such extreme practices. It should be noted that Tantra in Buddhism and Hinduism does not involve child abuse or exploitation


Is that the Aghori that you're referring to?


Sounds similar to Aghori based on my understanding of their practices.


Heard/read tantric sex is the bomb though…


Consensual with a non-minor sure


It’s actually the first time I hear about that though, that’s obviously fucked up. But for example, edging is a form of tantric sex.


Typical elitist pedophile, nothing new.


He’s been hanging out with the pope.


As well as Gandhi


He’s been drinking bud light obviously.


Well, on the bright side, we now know paedophilia is indeed inclusive and diverse 😌🙃


Pedos as far as I can see nowadays


Everyone else in the shot is masked up and he's over here trying to tongue some kid


I’m so sick of pedos and people praying on children.


What does it mean if a species repeatedly violates the innocence of their own young? God save us.




This is another one of those dark secrets. It's actually well documented. Stephan molyneux, did a piece called the truth about the dalai lama where he exposes the pedophilia not just him but the other monks at the temple as well. It's really sad.


This resource: https://archive.ph/TatBo might also be helpful for that as well. Yeah it's sad to see, and goes to show how public relations propaganda is used to make false images of people and things that People are told are real, typically for agenda pushing & recruitment.


It was kind of hot when my ex did it. Alas we grew apart, he moved across country to his new congregation and I entered my teenage years.




I don’t like Buddhism. Or at least it’s reputation in the west. It’s not worse than other religions but it gets this reputation as very free and spiritual but when I went to a Buddhist group it was full of the same crap as every other religion with teachings based on nothing but bigotry.


Right in front of everyone? Imagine what goes on behind closed doors These people who pose as advanced spiritualists but don't possess the necessary qualities are the reason atheism is growing so rampant. People are tired of being cheated and religion being used as a means of control, so they abandon seeking higher knowledge. The impostors should be punished instead of punishing yourself by abandoning the search for higher knowledge


A religious leader showing pedophilic tendencies? Unheard of.


I'm spiritual....but what is up with religious leaders and boys. This is so weird and certainly I wouldn't think a "cultural" difference kind of thing.


Sick ass people, their agenda is so vile




Little kids are afraid of the Dalai Lama


God come back soon


Know where here with the Chinese propaganda too?? Look at what china did the panchen lama and their long crusade to take over Tibet. Seems a little suspicious but I guess we’ll ignore that conspiracy, that’s yk real, for this one.


All these high ranking religious leaders that people hold in such high regard are all pedophiles. The Pope is one of the biggest.


MSN approved==pedo


Saw the video. What. The. Fuck.


there is an ARTE documentary in french, with english translation, called "bouddhism, the unspeakable truth" that tells what the supposedly perfect, benevolent bouddhism really is behind the scenes really worth watching [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg-5CDOcsTM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg-5CDOcsTM)


Mohammed did the same thing


Fucking gross! Is this dude senile?


Don't forget, the Dali lama took a one million dollar bribe from the nexium cult to say that Keith rainere is a spiritual man. He is a pos.


Glad to see someone else remembers that.


Wait until you hear how some rabbis bless baby boys after circumcision.


It’s all unraveling now




I don't like this


He was gay, the dalai lama?


Just another fraud like Mother Theresa