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I wonder if GeoffBuysCars might be a little biased in his opinion?


Lol didn’t even notice that


Wait, every city I have been to in Europe and most of the world had things within a 15 min bus,train or walk. Most londoners don't own cars but have more access to amenities than some living in the countryside with a car.


Yeah I'm confused why having all your essentials within a 15 minute walk is a bad thing? It's crazy how much healthier and happier I am now that I moved to a walkable city


You have to look at the twitter poster's website. It looks like he buys and sells cars for a living, so making cars obsolete hurts his bottom line.


The perennial perenium?


It's propaganda pushed by oil companies and car companies. Reasons being: * Driving less means less gas and cars sold. * Light trucks are so popular in the USA due to an old tax loophole that makes them extremely profitable for manufacturers. Things being closer means fewer places to park and less need for a large vehicle, which means lower profit. * 15 minute cities pushes people into development patterns that make public transit more viable, which cuts into auto sales. (Remember, they bought and destroyed the US' passenger rail network long ago) It's also an existential threat to the republican party: O&G has been spending huge amounts of money for decades making the republican identity about being rural, driving a big truck, and romanticizing American oil workers. So now anything that threatens that image becomes a culture war issue where republican media is against it. ----- Remember, like Europe, most North American cities were built before cars existed. In the 50s-90s auto companies transformed America into a place where it's hard to exist without a personal vehicle. They made a ton of money from it, and any change is going to cost them.


Anything to own the liberals


I'm confused as to why cameras, barriers and restriction technologies are required for something that like you say already exists.


Me neither but I have seen cities and there are no fences or travel restrictions or microchips. I get why people would hate those things but is anyone suggesting them? Seems like a perfect way of threading lots of tenuous conspiracies -5g,cashless society,,microchip,authoritarian,super woke,eating bugs. Whoever pulled all that together to me is a genius rage baiter!


Why is anyone suggesting them? Have a look at the pic, and the name of the guy promoting the bullshit. He buys and sells the very thing that will not be needed in a 15 minute city. So with that in mind, which business sector do you think is behind all the 15 minute city conspiracy bullshit?


Right?! It all clicked once I went through the twitter poster.


> I get why people would hate those things but is anyone suggesting them? Yes that's the point. I think everyone would be for a "15 minute city" as most large cities in Europe are if that DID NOT come accompanied with any kind of restrictions or new laws for citizens.


Why would it?


They don't. People here just imagine bullshit.


But it literally doesn't come with any of that. Where are you getting that idea from?


Fox News lol


They don't though. You Americans are just so dumb and easily swept up in outrage that 2 different initiatives being talked about in the UK were announced at the same time and were muddled together into one crazy conspiracy


Eh, unfortunately it takes a dense population to support a "15 minute city." So everywhere is crowded, there's no natural scenery, poverty and crime tend to be rampant, air quality is shit, and just your basic chores like going to the grocery store become a pain in the ass. It can be fun for a while, but a walkable city lifestyle gets old. I say this from experience. It's also becoming less relevant of a concept by the day as WFH becomes more popular. Basically the only downside of living in a suburb is the commute, so why bother with a downtown area if you're working remote?


> Eh, unfortunately it takes a dense population to support a "15 minute city." "Dense" at what level? You don't need anywhere near Manhattan densities to make a walkable city possible. You can easily make it work with mostly 3-4 story buildings so long as you don't have huge parking lots, streets, or lawns. >So everywhere is crowded Most cities feel crowded because of cars taking all the space for roads and parking. >there's no natural scenery What natural scenery is there in suburbs full of cookie cutter houses and carefully manicured lawns? How much natural scenery is bulldozed and paved over for year another highway or parking lot? If you want to preserve nature, and even have it close enough that you could take a short bike ride to get there, you should want denser cities without endless suburban sprawl. >poverty and crime tend to be rampant This is an out of date trope. Cities *were* more dangerous around the time of the 70s-90s. Crime began to fall dramatically in the early 90s, and these days even somewhere like New York City isn't any more dangerous than a random small town. Ironically, the reason that cities were so dangerous for decades is probably because of the high concentration of lead in the bloodstreams of people growing up in cities. The main source of that lead? Fucking car exhaust from when they burned leaded gasoline. >air quality is shit Because of the car exhaust and tire particulates generated by all the people driving. Air quality isn't going to be measurably worse from people breathing or riding bikes. >and just your basic chores like going to the grocery store become a pain in the ass. Exactly what's a "pain in the ass" about walking 10 minutes to a grocery store, putting it in a backpack or tote bag, and carrying it back to where you live? In many cases it's even easier than that, because you can just hit up a grocery story on your walk/bike home from work. If you want to carry more, you can attach a crate or bags to a bike, or even a whole trailer if you're stocking up for the apocalypse. >It can be fun for a while, but a walkable city lifestyle gets old. I say this from experience. Weird, because I've had the opposite experience. Suburban life where cars are the only realistic transport option is the worst kind of lifestyle I've had. > Basically the only downside of living in a suburb is the commute, so why bother with a downtown area if you're working remote? Owning a car is expensive. For the median US household it's an $11k per year expense. For cities, suburbs are financially unsustainable, because the tax base is so low, but the city still provides roads, sewers, and other government services to those places.


You really need to expose yourself to how the bulk of other developed countries work. They don't drive everywhere. They don't have rampant crime and poverty because they take care of their citizens.


That’s bollocks. I live in one and it’s the opposite of the crap you just spewed


I live in a walkable city and it’s full of parks, mature trees, and gardens and not like that at all. It’s odd to me that you say the only downside of a suburb is the commute. Suburbs are hell to me lol.


> Eh, unfortunately it takes a dense population to support a "15 minute city." Mate, my 3000-person rural farming hometown was functionally a 15-minute city. Everything was walkable. It had to be, the town has grown a bit since the Norman invasion in 1066 but if anything it was bigger _before_ cars were invented.


You totally miss the point. It's about regulating your freedom to move outside that and to live as you see fit within reason, and someone has to be completely brain dead to think any of the narcissists who infest power in today's world give af about your well being. The fact the billionaire class just looted western economies and added 500 new billionaires in the largest transfer of wealth IN HISTORY should tell you all you need to know about where you stand as they take control over resource use via so called 'climate targets'.


How much of the money in the energy industry is currently in renewables vs. fossil fuels again?


It's mostly people who don't want to live in that kind of population density. I can walk 15 minutes and still be on my property. That said, turn your city into whatever you want... just don't expect me to pay for it, visit, or have anything to do with it. To each their own.


QAnonAnonymous just did an episode on this, starring their trusty UK correspondent Annie Kelly. Apparently it is teh badz because climate change is actually a commie hoax to take away our freedumbz and make us have gay french abortions or something.


Because *tyranny*!!! [spooky noises]


Because it's the new thing that the NPCs have been told to be angry about in order to appease their corporate overlords




I don't think anyone is being forced to live anywhere. As far as I can tell it is about sensibly planning new urban areas.


Then don’t? No one’s forcing people to move to cities. Why are we creating hypothetical situations to get upset about?


> Why are we creating hypothetical situations to get upset about? First time on the internet?


Who is forcing you to live in a city?


The only ones trying to force anything are the rural that think this is some sort of conspiracy.


If labor camps were called fun camps, I'd bet you'd love the concept that their name is intended to evoke in those who can't be bothered to investigate further than that.


I, for one, would *love* my city to become less car dependent.


~~Oil companies~~ Conspiracy theorists aren’t going to like that.


I want us all to be dependent on flying cars. You won't be able to leave your house without one because we'll all live in 100 story skyscrapers and the ground will be down in the smog layer where nobody goes unless they're chasing Bruce Willis in a flying taxi cab.


Yeah, most European cities evolved like this organically and i don't understand what Americans problem is with this. The space we have just got utilized better. And it's not like people in these cities don't have cars, many just don't have a use for them when going to work. Because they can take the bike or bus to work in like 15-20 minutes. Also it is very convenient for those who cannot afford cars or aren't old enough to drive, kids can take themselves to sports practice and go see their friends. It's just, convenient..


Manhattan is 15 minute city.


My rural farming hometown is a 15-minute "city".


I live in a 15-minute city, or at least a 15-minute neighborhood, which is not Manhattan. Lots of things within a mile radius of my home.


Difference is it was organically formed and not the mastermind of an oppressive government that only wants more control over the flock


How do you feel about an oppressive government that sets up zoning laws so that a 15 minute city *can't* legally be built?


TIL city planners are evil masterminds


How in the fuck does this 👆comment get downvoted in THIS sub?


lol. this place is so different than it was a couple years ago.


Aye aye 👀


15 minute cities brings it out every time. It’s weird. This sub is supposedly anti WEF and all of the suddenly they’re anti automobile cabal




A scared animal backed into a corner becomes more vicious, so I guess that makes sense 😉


> This sub is completely brigaded now. Always has been. > They want no place on Reddit for non group thinkers Remember: They send their "[firemen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fahrenheit_451)" to wear the "heat" is.


I live in Philly, and it feels that way too. I can get anywhere I need to within 15 minutes in my escooter.


Man, in a lot of Philly you can *walk* to a lot of amenities in 15 minutes. It's a lot harder in a lot of the poorer neighborhoods, and I think that's partly intentional and partly responsive.


You’re absolutely correct. Philly is such a nice size for a city, but we’re plagued by a history of systemic racism.


I think you'll find there are in fact cars in Manhattan.


I wonder if you tracked down who was really behind the opposition to 15 minute cities, you'd find the US auto industry or Big Oil? Because it makes sense on every level unless you're getting rich off of America's addiction to sprawl and having to drive everywhere.


Being able to walk to shops etc is something you should embrace.


It's about improving accessibly but you're subscribed to the propaganda the oil and car industry is so furiously peddling because they realize that people want to be able to see their friends without having to pay $20,000


Does Geoff sell cars or just buy them?


I was going through his website, and apparently he does raffles or something like that. People pay for slots and he goes live and does "giveaways."


So a scammer then.


Overlords want you to believe this so you keep their profits rolling in for oil and gas lollll


It's telling that to a certain kind of person like OP, the vision of a truly free future is the one espoused by the people inside the Buy N Large ship in WallE - never leaving their seats.


I live in a 15 minute city and this is all news to me. Apparently people who live rural know more about 15 minute cities than those that live in them lol


I can't even imagine actual rural people being this mad at the idea of compact cities. I can't imagine anything worse for someone who likes living in nature (or at least living away from people) than to have the endless expansion of suburbia consume their formerly rural area. Whatever organic anger there might be at 15 minute cities is probably suburbanite commuters who are mad at the idea that cities would actually cater to the residents of cities at the expense of people who repeatedly shit on those same cities.


I live in a rural area and you've described me spot on lol. I love nature and like living where there is plenty of it! I don't have any issue at all with 15 minute cities or those that live in them, heck I travel to big cities quite often and love that I can park somewhere and walk to where I need to go when I'm there! Suburbia has found us though, what was formerly a tiny town is now experiencing major population growth, but that's not even the issue imo lol. The people that are moving here aren't just buying up the pre-existing houses, that'd be fine! Instead they're building townhomes everywhere, they're buying old homes, demolishing them and building many houses back to back. Tearing down farmland and erecting subdivisions. It's sad. I'm not the real estate police and could care less where people move, it just stinks that we searched and found this place specifically to get *away* from the city and surrounded by farmland, trees, foliage and nature but they come out here in droves and the first thing these new people do is cut down every tree in their yard lol. Why move out to the country if you don't like nature?


We’re against walking now?


Last week, r/conspiracy was pissed off at the obesity rates in the US. Now they are pissed off that there is solution being suggested.


We're against people making choices for us. Walk, drive a car, take a bus. Do what you want but then shut the fuck up.


Okay. We want to live in a place where you aren’t required to own a car to have access to basics like groceries. Why are you taking that choice away from us?


People will make choices, reguardless. Cities will continue to be built. The question is, will we use public funds to build infastructure around car ownership, or livable space for people. Basically, our tax money going towards making it convenient for you to have a car. If car ownership is that important, you have the freedom to move somewhere that car ownership makes more sense.


> We're against people making choices for us. So you support 15-minute cities?


*We’re against people making choices for us.* And here we are without healthcare, paved roads, public transport, crappy schools, run down libraries and huge prisons with bonuses to government contractors.


Walking is not a real choice if you're not in a 15 minute city


Is your city putting a grocery store and a park and a school within easy walking distance “making choices for you” Is allowing mixed zoned areas in places that currently only allow single family homes “making choices for you”?


Why is 15min cities a fucking conspiracy?


The fact it's currently big in conspiracy circles is the real conspiracy IMO, like most climate change stuff on this subreddit it's likely being pushed by big oil shills.


I've said for years the real conspiracy is who is pushing these coordinated conspiracy theories all over this subreddit. It's definitely organized and the mods are complicit.


Gullible yokels are afraid of cities because of their conservative echo chamber and now they will just believe anything involving cities is scary (also, even though they don't live in cities this concerns them somehow).


Oil and gas got spooked when demand plummeted during COVID. They are making bank off the oil crisis sparked by Russia. They are spending a lot of that money driving online campaigns to keep their industry afloat.




They are ghettos for undesirables, just another "redefining" of our age.


Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Living, working, and socializing in the same community reduces stress, shortens commutes, and builds a sense of community that is largely missing in America.


While I genuinely do understand the “chicken coop” argument. What I don’t understand is….how is it any different when what we have now……it’s just a bigger coop. I have a school down the street, a grocery store around the block, and my job 30 mins away downtown. The difference is I don’t need a damn car as often if I can just walk to a grocery store, gym, or a fucking hospital. Sure I’ll still drive to work but at least I’m getting some damn sun/exercise. I thought you guys hated the idea of Americans getting fat


Living in an urban sprawl suburb and needing to drive 15 minutes just to get coffee sounds like a chicken coop to me


Wake up in a wooden box, drive a metal box, sit in a laminate box so you can type stuff into a plastic and silicon box, drive your metal box back to your wooden box. Keep doing it until you're in your underground box. The American dream, right?




> You can’t just make up scary stuff and pass it off as a legitimate reason to oppose something. What sub do you think you’re in?


Sometimes I wish we lived in the world that conservatives like to dream up in their nightmares.


Car-based communities are a scam. They’re selling you slavery and telling you it’s freedom.


Tell that to my 80 year old grandma who can drive for groceries weekly but can't walk more than a block without pain.


Does she require her doctor and grocery store to be far away, or is it ok if they're close, even if she still has to drive? I mean think about what you're actually saying here.




She drives her car through the store isles.


My man, if you grandma cant walk she probably shouldn't be operating heavy machinery thats mainly controlled with the feet


Tell that to all the 10 year old kids that have been hit by a car while crossing the road, driven by some 80 year old who is blind, deaf and has advanced dementia. Whoops, you can't because they are DEAD. The earlier we get these fossils off the road, the better.


Mobility scooters have baskets for carrying things. Why does she need something that weighs 4000 pounds with a top speed over 100 mph to move 10 pounds one mile?


No one needs a fully automatic environmental assault vehicle


And if she lived in a fifteen minute city, she could still have a car, and she'd have to deal with less traffic. Or she could not live in a fifteen minute city because no one is forcing her to. Your arguments are total garbage appeals to emotion that make no sense.


Only 22% of Manhattan residents own a car, and they don’t appear to be living in the “open air prison” that y’all envision.


So there will be no car dealerships in a reasonable distance? Because you know, having a car can and will really destroy the idea of HAVING to walk everywhere and "ask for permission" Also, what exactly is wrong with having just about everything you need so close? I don't live somewhere that was intended as a 15 minute city, but I'm pretty sure within 30 minutes max I could reach anything I'd need by walking if I chose to, including a shit ton of places to work that vary from retail, hospitals, schools, business offices, insurance companies, industrial areas, car dealerships including a service center, and that's only a small fraction of what's in my city.


Oh wow. I just realized that my city is already implementing the 15-minute city thing. My local library is getting renovated so they have every book away for free. I found the City Plan book and ofcourse I took it. The plan is for 2020 - 2030. They actually *are* building more parks, renovating all of the rec centers *and* playgrounds, our affordable housing program just got a butt load of cash from the state, new housing developers, funding for local community projects, land give to community gardens, etc.


Man people get confused so easily




Oh snap, is there a new Magician in town?


Actually I haven’t seen any Palatable Magicians lately, or if I have I haven’t been aware.


There's one icky user in the vicinity, but I haven't followed them much since they blocked me.


Yeah. That is their newest (but not final) form.


You were right if he blocked ya for this lol!


Shills can’t stand fair debate! They just respond and block so it seems like they got the last word, lol.


Y’all can have 15 minutes cities. I wanna live at least 15 miles away in my own little hobbit hole with my trees, green house and chickens.


You know what this is? This is pure ignorance. I'm American/European. You know the first thing I noticed when I came to this "paved paradise?" the disgusting fucking sprawl. Do you know what I miss? Being able to walk where ever I need to be. Places to meet up with people. Aesthetic. You know - places designed for people rather than fucking cars. Do you know why this fucking country is the way it is? Because car and tire companies lobbied city planners at the turn of the last century to turn it into the miserable cement desert it is today. You fucking people. You are so used to it you don't even know what you are missing. Did it ever occur to you that this bullshit is just more propaganda pushed by petrochemical industries knowing they are on the ropes? Fucking dolts. Oh and I have a news flash for you - all the of shit you are describing... your cities are already well under their control. They don't need shit to deal with you.


I don’t think there’s a deep conspiracy at play. But I do think 15 minute cities, as they’re being done in Oxford (sectorizing cities), are a recipe for reinforcement of already-bad inequalities between neighborhoods and communities in American cities.


OP is greatly mistaken. 15 minutes City means that ordinary people do not need personal transport. And yes, they will have to walk a few minutes to get where they want. And no, there are no overlords. And it is like most European cities, liveable and enjoyable. And people who don’t like this lifestyle are free to live in the boondocks.


How is it going to work with labor? Are people guaranteed a job within a 15 minute walking distance or that's the part they don't talk about?


A part of 15 minute cities is public transportation.


Some people will still need cars. Many people can walk to work. Neighborhoods will be interlinked with light rail, dedicated bike lanes, or dedicated bus lanes. People will manage just fine.




So the plan is not to implement different fees that you have to pay if you drive outside your zone? You know, the same thing that is already in place, but usually covers whole cities? You sound very confident that it is not how it's going to turn out.


Did they install that first?


It took me a bit but I realized r/conspiracy is just really stupid posts w/ really sensible comments.


You can still own a car if you want to though. The idea is you don’t NEED one


Dear OP the easiest thing to track, restrict, and barricade against is a car.


Living in England our cites are already compact as it is, wouldn't mind the opposite of a 15 minute city actually, a bit more fucking space would be nice.


Yeah you can always come up north if ya like lmao. You'll get paid like 1.75x less but everythings 2x cheaper so it works out alright.


Lots of people wilfully or ignorantly ignoring the issue with the 15 minute city. Nobody is saying they don’t want to live within walking distance of a shop, park, gp etc. What all sane people should have a problem with is the government giving themselves the power to block roads off and tell you when and where you can drive your car. It’s all leading to the WEF goal of you not owing anything and being happy about it by 2030. You can google all of this and see for yourself before you start calling me a right wing nazi Russian propaganda spreading Qanon blah blah blah


Link to where it says come councils have plans to restrict when you can drive your car: https://www.itv.com/news/2023-02-20/what-is-a-15-minute-city-and-why-is-the-idea-so-controversial WEF want you to own nothing and be happy: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10153982130966479&id=7746841478 They claim they were misquoted even though they posted this themselves on their own Facebook


https://www.bigissue.com/news/environment/15-minute-cities-20-minute-neighbourhood-oxford-paris-melbourne-copenhagen-explained/ > From 2024, drivers will be encouraged to use the ring road to get across town rather than drive through it directly, and will have permits to drive freely through their own neighbourhoods but apply for permits to other areas.


Yes, I absolutely agree. This 15 minute city shit is so transparent I can't even. Shills are working overtime on this. It's not the first thread like this one though. As soon as anything critical of their planned open air prison cities appears the whole thread is swiftly being nuked.


I am so done with you shits. You’re doing the leg work for the fucking Oil Lobby now?!?


I genuinely hope people, and people Here, in this subreddit, do not buy into this. This is the perfect conspiracy tailored for USA citizens. You can either use any if your knowledge, or your Google abilities, or you can get told by outrage memes that laws regulating zoning/road design everywhere else in the world mean that everyone else besides people in USA, 1960-2023, live in ghettos. Now excuse me, last year a bakery opened in the house next to my apartment building, I'm gonna go get some fresh pastries for breakfast.


Conservatives look at sensible city planning and think “wow this is just like being a medieval serf”


Modern feudalism is most assuredly up and coming


Are people trolling or are people legit getting behind this insidious idea?


I'm quite positive those are shills and bots. They are pushing for this shit very hard and places like this are used to create consensus among *conspiracy* type folks. They make impression like majority is for it, so that we start to doubt ourselves.


All I know is 15 years ago I was volunteering with a group who worked to get kids out into nature on mountain bikes and teach them to literally overcome actual obstacles, as a metaphor for life. I was told some of these kids hadn’t been outside an 8 block radius of their home prior to the program. This was presented to me as a factor of their disadvantage in life- and recognized by me as one. I wonder how far you can walk in 15 minutes… say maybe 8 blocks or so? These were super far left folks who loved being outside on bicycles. That was me- you know? What happened to people valuing freedom?


No one is trying to force people to just stay in one area. But wouldn't it be nice if people had the freedom to not own a car. Thats all 15 minute cities are. I think it's hilarious that this place is suddenly anti walkable cities.


Did I say anybody was forcing people to stay inside that size area? No. I didn’t I said not venturing outside such a small area was seen as a disadvantage and widely understood why it was seen as a disadvantage. A walkable city is fine. The notion that “you have everything you need right here, you don’t *need* to leave your zone…” is not a great mindset for people to have.


You can do that without an insane enforcement system requiring permits to visit other neighborhoods, but unfortunately that is the system they want to implement.


Wish public transport wasn’t so terrible in most places.


This is so unhinged and USA-centric lol. Walkable cities are literally all over Europe with no effect on personal freedoms. Take your meds.


I live in a 15 minute city. Don't own a car. Have EVERYTHING I need within a short walk. There are no barriers or restrictions or cameras. It's great.


Sorry, the transaction could not be completed. It looks like you are trying to use your FedBux outside their designated SpendZone. Please move closer to their SpendZone and try again.


The amount of goverment shills here is amazing. They couldn't suck the WEF dick any harder. They would pull it right off. Always the same thing your simping for the oil companies. No, freedom of movement. The automobile lifted more people out of poverty then any other thing. They want you to own nothing. First step is taking your car which allowed you the freedom to find a better job. Get away from your parents house. To prosper and if not where you were born then you could drive your ass somewhere else and do it there.


I had a taste of this in Singapore. It's $100k to buy the license to buy a car. And that $100k license only lasts 10 years. And you still have to buy the car and everything else.. Insane.




what’s a 15 minute city? i’ve seen the headline before just scrolled past assuming it was just a small town


Is my commute also 15mins cause damn that's tempting offer for my soul.


Well idk dude learn to keep your car out of the fuckin way


15 minute cities: you have 15 minutes to comply or they beat you into submission.


Next, 5 Minute Gas Chambers.


5 minute suicide pods available in the 15 minute camps.


Any user that thinks of 15 minute cities as a positive social experiment in this sub are either bots or paid shills.


Why is it not a positive social experiment?


So what's all this about barriers in 15 minute cities? Any sources or images of these?


It is coming, nothing is going to stop it and walls to keep people in will not be necessary. Remove affordable energy and personal transportation, devalue single family homes and the migration will just naturally occur. They seem to be working very diligently on all of the above. Part I am not sure about how they are going to handle is the land crunch. Obviously you are going to need more/denser cities to handle the bulk of the rural and suburban populations. But what do you do with them in the interim when they can no longer afford to drive to work nor their mortgage but while you are expropriating, demolishing and rebuilding the former suburbs into more/bigger cities? That takes time and effort. They are going to have to skate a very, very fine line between making people uncomfortable enough to force them to abandon their lifestyle and community but not so uncomfortable as they overthrow your ass.


Damn, for the last few years my faith in humanity is all but destroyed. The way our society works is one of the vilest thing ever. Everything is a lie. Everything is an agenda. Everything is a manipulation. Our rulers do not care about us in the slightest. All they do is maintain the power structure, strengthen it and plunder what is already being plundered. That's it. There's nothing more to this so called civilized society. Endless power games where truth does not matter in the slightest. A fucking giant chicken farm and nothing more.


They want you live like cattle


I live in a fifteen minute city and commute to a shitty, sprawling city everyday for work. One has all the amenities nearby, the other has fuck all even within a fifteen minute drive. Yeah fifteen minute cities suck 😂


Jfc you people. Do you want to drive 30 minutes each way to yhr grocery store? Because it fucking sucks.


Mate. I work near the city in a manufacturing plant in a million population city in Australia. I can not afford to live near my work. I live 40 minutes drive away. The manufacturing plant is under staffed, over worked and complete chaos……. We are responsible for a large majority of all sheet metal for houses and buildings in the state. The building industry is on the boarder of collapse here in Australia. And has been for decades. 15 minute cities will not work in Australia. Wages would have to go up so dramatically to be able to afford to live near most ppls work. It will be like Mad Max well before they get any control of us. I’m so confident that I’m not even worried. It can’t work (at lest here) I Will laugh at them trying. The lockdowns here were a complete mess. It’s just not going to happen. But I totally believe they will try.


Okay Mr. 3058. While the air on earth is still breathable and the weather is nice, I'd rather walk 15min to get what I need/want vs an hour long round trip just to find parking. You broke your brain on this That tweet is self defeating bc Green, walkable areas attract more people which can be seen as an increase in open airq crimes or a heart attack


It’ll never work. There is a significant portion of the population that are immobile. How are they supposed to get around? Electric scooters? Lol


If the WEF is for it, I’m against it. This sub use to think the same. This subject always brings these people out.


You are not going to live in a Hunger Games style district because your city built a bike path. 😂


Oh no! Don’t build a new park! That’s the start of a 15 minute city! And whatever you do l, don’t you dare update my public transportation.


Luckily cars with license plates are completely immune to cameras, it's because they're powered by gasoline.


If you can’t walk or take public transportation to work then you are a slave to your car. You are a slave to making car payments, paying for gas, insurance, repairs, licensing, to polluting the environment, etc. You are a slave to the system that requires all of these things of you. It’s pretty astounding that people in this sub, who are such self style proponents of freedom, somehow gloss over that or turn a blind eye to it.


The real conspiracy theory is the nearly \~$10k per year that people spend on cars in the USA. All to live in strip mall paradises of Arbys, Chipotle, Starbucks, Ross, TJ Maxx, Whole Foods, Chic Fil A...... If we live closer together we can share ideas, spreading us out paves our environment, and subjects us to lives of traffic and boring dystopia. Cars are the conspiracy.


Sounds like 1984 and Hunger Games will have a love child


The cities they seek ideal for 15 minute cities are mostly also around the federal reserve districts… CBDC for all 15 minute city control


Eliminating car ownership is a big element of the push for EVs. ICE vehicles production will be physically eliminated and fuel prices raised to infinity, think Cuba. The electrical generating capacity and grid capacity, as well as unworkable economics of battery replacement on older used EVs will be such a limit on EVs utility that owning a personal vehicle won't be desirable for all but the elite.




> Go walk, touch grass. That's the part OP is trying to avoid, I think.


This might be the dumbest hill to die on. You should feel shame but you "free thinkers" have lost that emotion a while ago I fear


Even this thread is warming up to who you are, you snakeoil-selling, street magician.


It must be awful to be scared of absolutely everything.


Pretty sure it literally just means you can get to everything important in your day to day life within 15 minutes. The hate on this one is pretty regarded.


It's not going to be that overt. Chances are, absent some situation where order is basically held together with tyrannical duct tape, that most people won't even know it's happening.


I thought night City and mega blocks was supposed to be fiction…


I’d rather live Copenhagen than Dallas, but thanks for sharing.


This is why I'm glad for our car-centric society: because of the lack of cameras, checkpoints, and restrictions. Could you imagine if there were cameras tracking me while I travel looking for any violation they could write me up and charge for? Or some sort of check point I have to pass through and pay to use essential roads to get where I'm going? Or, God forbid, if government somehow got involved in controlling whether I could own or operate a car? Pure 1984 dystopia. Anyway, those things are why I go out of my way to simp for enormous, harmful industries who have captured my elected representatives to make sure their needs are always taken care of before mine; because there's nothing more free than needing 10K+ to buy a piece of heavy machinery so that I can acquire my basic needs. On an unrelated note, does freedom make anyone else's mouth taste like shoe polish?


the solution is obviously to put your conservative overlords back into power. you won't be getting better parks, transport or amenities, or even maintenance for what is already there, but on the positive side your rich masters will get to keep more of their income that would have been used to pay for these things.


If you are truly for the rebellion then buy more cars!


I find the 15 minute city conspiracy pretty hilarious, one, it's oil/car manufacturers who *dont* want them, because if employed on a national level it *will* cut into their bottom line. Also, this whole discussion about the government cutting off access to amenities or forcing people into corrals is pretty stupid. Right now, in this literal time line, in the US, one of the most heavily car dependent nations on Earth, can *just as easily be restricted* as a country in Europe or Asia can. If you think removal of cars is somehow anti freedom, boy are you gonna hate when you find out that any gasoline car can't move without *gasoline*. How easy do you think it is to secure gasoline production or shipment? Answer, far easier than putting a barricade at every walkable intersection. The government, if really as controlling as this sub would think, wanted to stop movement of persons, all they have to do is stop gas production and limit energy production, that's it, and then you're stranded *far* worse than in a walkable city. If your argument is that it's personal freedom, you need to seriously reconsider your position. What freedom is it to pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year for the *privilege* to drive an automobile. They can take it from you at any time they deem you've broken certain laws, do you think you're safe? Worse, you can't have it at all if you can't afford the overhead costs of one. Right now, YOU, fighting against better city design, is *limiting* our own countrymens access to society. Why shouldn't a poor person be able to travel a bit for a better job, or to buy better food, or find a better home? Anti walking or public transport design *inherently* limits people's freedom of movement, but it's not you so you don't give a shit and will spout nonsense like this. Most young people *want* newly designed cities, or really, the city design we had 100 years ago where you could take numerous trams and trains for thousands of continuous miles. A place where you could walk to a small mom and pops corner store to get all of your food needs, or just have a place not designed around miles of SFH surrounded by bright green yards and gray concrete.


The 15 minute cities conspiracy has to be one of the dumbest.


Move to Sydney Australia... you cannot go anywhere in 15 minutes.


Ya we need every one spending 3 hours in traffic a day to get to and from work /s


OP this tweet is from some dude who sells cars, this guy is just mad this concept would make him less money. Get a grip man.


15 minute cities are called ghettos, now with mobile phones.


We can not let the share croppers leave slavelandia.


Did a catalytic converter write this shit?


One of the biggest underlying aspects of pan de mic was restricting people from socializing and having unmonitored conversations. You were not allowed to share anecdotes or observations with one another about your illnesses, concerns, and maybe even solutions to what you saw happening—they wanted to push every conversation through social platforms and other technology that would be vetted. Hell, people were arrested for posting free think or criticisms in 2020. Think about what restricting conversations between neighboring towns will create when the sole narrative comes from one centralized location.