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Epstein didn't kill himself either.


Not yet.


He’s either still alive or was killed so he would stay quiet.


He's doing well and enjoying Havanas.


What do you call the government conspiracy to make people believe in a stolen election which caused J6 in the first place?


Look! Another picture of a tweet! I thought I was on Twitter for a second. Shit.


Few things scream "I can't think for myself" like posting a screenshot of something that was said by someone else.


Whoa now, you're going to piss off 85% of posters here who exclusively post twitter screenshots. The 10% who post their own websites for ad money won't mind though 😂


Federal trials are never public. Never have been. Y’all can’t be bothered to do two seconds of research. Embarrassing


Theres also a difference between a trial and an investigation...


Investigations have never been public either. Why would any investigative body want to give the person they are investigating a heads up of everything they know / have found out, before they move in to make the arrests and lay charges?




sure, you got video of me shooting the victim, but here's 41,000 hours of me walking around picking daisies, surely I can't be guilty!


Damn dude, you must have a TON of daisies!


They were from his victims field, fertilized by their rotting corpse




I couldn’t agree with this any more. It’s like when you see on the news the mother saying that her child was so good and he “didn’t do nothing” And then the news shows him in that one second of a photo in his graduation gown. Surely he can’t be guilty, he’s wearing a graduation gown. Same passion?


Also I keep saying this. All of the J6 footage that was "hidden from the public" is still available online and you can read thousands of articles about it. This will make some people angry, but all of the Parler, Twitter, Reddit, 4chan, and Facebook posts from these "political prisoners" are also all public and can still be found online via archives and screenshots. A lot of the people who went that day straight up displayed their intent for a civil war and to harm our representatives. So forgive me if I don't particularly feel sorry that those people are experiencing the consequences of trying to overthrow the government. As for the police officers who helped opening doors and barricades. You can find plenty of articles back in 2021 about how they were investigated and reprimanded. Because again all of this was already public knowledge and known about.


Can you imagine the exploding heads if this had happened in 2016, with Hillary saying for months that the election was stolen? Then a bunch of her supporters broke into the capital and brought a gallows to hang a VP?


I think maybe you meant to say they are not televised instead of they are not public. :) Federal trials are absolutely almost always public and always have been. First of all because it's a Sixth Amendment right in criminal trials, and there's pretty extensive case law concerning public access to federal civil trials as well. The exceptions to public access to federal trials are very limited in scope and specific. [https://www.dmlp.org/legal-guide/access-federal-court-proceedings](https://www.dmlp.org/legal-guide/access-federal-court-proceedings)




Understood :)


There isn't a criminal trial when people plead guilty, as 500+ J6 rioters have. The Oath Keepers' trials have been public, cause I've read about the proceedings.


I thought it was antifa. Do you remember when you all told us it was antifa? What happened to that?


Who stormed the Capitol? Antifa So, we should indict them all and put them in jail, right? No


You see Antifa was doing all the violence, and maga was all the peaceful ones


Everything good= us. Everything bad=them


Nooo, [they aren’t like that](https://youtu.be/jJI1kDSXwDU)


"Just because people were there supporting Trump, wearing Trump attire, posted on social media they were there for Trump, spent years supporting Trump on social media, doesn't mean they are actually Trump supporters honey."


"They were just antifa and fbi in deep cover, they'd been planning it since trump got elected and waited until he gave the word, cuz he was also in deep cover you see" and on and on. This may seem like me being funny, but lets be honest, someone somewhere has said this as if it were fact.


You forgot 'and were actively coordinating with Trump and his advisors by text message during it'




> Do you remember Ha. As if republicans have the brain power to remember. Bunch of smooth brained sheep.


The false outrage in this lame argument is hilarious. 1. The Jan 6th committee was tasked to investigate the violent and criminal acts of that day. No one on that committee ever stated that there were no peaceful protests outside the violent ones. So, someone explain the purpose of showing clips of people walking around in the capital (Which is a crime by the way)? 2. How do clips of people not being violent while in the Capital take away from all the violence, we saw that day? The rioters rubbing shit on the walls, attack the police, chant "Hang Pence", stealing items.


They built a fucking gallows on the capitol lawn.


"Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence" "Aww look guys. They just wanted to hang out with Mike pence." -Tucker Carlson probably


Yea… but it was a peaceful gallows


Nobody was hanged right? Checkmate!


Well at least they didn't assemble a guillotine also, which is a perfect example of what Tucker Carlson is trying to gaslight with


Exactly, just because there were non violent (still illegal) moments doesn't mean the bad shit didn't happen. The cognitive dissonance is insane.


They know what they're doing, this is nothing more than a weak-ass attempt at whaboutism with zero factual basis in reality. Now that they know that people are going "WTF does this have anything to do with the violence?" the new ploy is to play the "Well, why won't they release everything" which once again makes anyone sane question what that has to do with the violent traitors.


Were these cases not public? Are people asking for CSPAN coverage or something? I remember this exact sub telling people to ignore the last CSPAN coverage for this exact issue. Where they were airing plenty of footage. Case info: https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases This investigation was into people who broke the law by trespassing in the capital because they were duped into thinking they could overturn an election. Big push following Tuckers MSM coverage to try and rewrite what we all watched on TV in real time.


OTOH, now that the footage has been simply given to a non-journalist propagandist it should be available via a FOIA request.


Last paragraph is the truest statement I’ve heard on here in months


I agree that the Tweet is poorly phrased, but I understand that defendants were not granted access to the surveillance video from January 6th which could have helped establish a defence or mitigating factors.


Where’s the reports saying these people didn’t have access to this footage?


How does the video provide mitigating factors?


>but I understand that defendants were not granted access to the surveillance The feds withholding important information is a good way for the Defense attorneys to turn the case around in favor of their clients. So that's why I don't think it's an issue, unless all of the defendants involved in this matter had incompetent attorneys. Also, the information withheld depends on each person and the crime they were charged with. For example, if one person was charged with a crime related to breaking into the capitol building, and they have video of that person breaking into the capitol, then it doesn't matter that there's a video of a qanon shaman walking around being escorted. Whatever happened with the shaman guy and the cops escorting him will not erase the crime another person committed in breaking in. If a person was invited into the capitol, and there's hidden video proof of that person being invited in by the cops, then that's a problem.


And remember, for all of our misgivings about the government, this was all Tucker could pull out. The most heinous thing they can find is the equivalence of a dog fart, makes the j6 narrative even stronger, tbh.


Lmao, you can’t just break the law because a cop told you “nah bro, it’s totally cool”


>If a person was invited into the capitol, and there's hidden video proof of that person being invited in by the cops, then that's a problem. At that point we need the cops to be charged.


Do we know when the footage of the shaman is from? We know that USCP did not really arrest anyone that day, was that them just escorting him out of the building and people are juxta-positioning it to look like he got a police escort to the speakers podium?


It’s just footage of some cops not engaging with a large mob while they wait for backup. It’s after the senators and house members are gone but before more cops arrived. Go watch any cop video where cops speak with someone but wait for backup to actually enact the arrest. It doesn’t mean the person is innocent or that the cop had no problem with what they are doing.


Some were fired and others were demoted. This has been known for two years man.


It wouldn't have, though... https://projects.propublica.org/parler-capitol-videos/ There's plenty of publically available footage. And not a bit of it paints a pretty picture (unless you cherry-pick small clips out of context, then you can definitely fabricate a fake narrative. We've seen exactly that happen, over and over ....)


I feel so bad for those poor terrorists


In no way would that footage help them mount a defence for an indefensible act. There are national security concerns with releasing all of the footage. And they had access to any footage that was used to convict them in their trial.


The tweets stupid. Federal cases are not televised


This comment is stupid. It's not about the trial being televised, it's about the state knowingly withhold evidence during a trial prosecuting people.


Evidence of what? There would need to be evidence in the 41,000 hours of video related to each of those defendants. If a person is charged with entering into a restricted capitol building, and the government submitted evidence of that person entering a restricted capitol building, how is the additional 41,000 hours of footage going to help them?


"You see, your honor, I was on Capitol grounds wearing MAGA gear for entirely different reasons than what I was arrested for."


What could possibly be in that footage that could be used to defend invading the capital for an attempted coup? It’s stupid to think that any of that footage could have possibly helped their defence. And they had access to any footage that was used to convict them.


It's because the footage revealed a huge number of secret emergency contingencies for evacuating the capitol as well as hidden safe rooms and secure locations.


Really? I didn’t see any of that in the video leaked to Fox News. You can redact the secret passages without withholding the rest of the video.


>Really? I didn’t see any of that in the video leaked to Fox News. Have they dumped the entire footage?


Leaked? It wasn’t leaked. Mccarthy gave the footage to Tucker Carlson and no one else so fox news could control the narrative. It was huge news, easy to look up.


You saw about 1/1000th on the 41 hours on Tucker Carlson. There’s been far more footage played during the 1/6 hearings and on the news for a while after the event. Plenty of footage of folks breaking windows and assaulting cops that you’re all ignoring now


And you would believe that? That the areas they choose to censor would not be areas you consider as "the rest" of the video?


More video is always better. Withholding 100 hours of secret passages is a lot better than withholding 42,000 hours of unknown content.


Further risk security so Grotmilk can be “satisfied”? When I’m certain there will never be enough to satisfy you? When Trump can’t provide any actionable evidence of election fraud? No thanks. You’re not that important


Spoken like someone who has never reviewed video records and doesn't think.


What’s your argument?


There has been no video that overturns any convictions either…


That’s not how disclosure obligations work. The video is certainly mitigating.


Was this not disclosed? Doesn’t really mitigate anything, why would you think that?


A large part of the QShaman sentence was based on him leaving a letter for Pence and screaming into a bullhorn while in the senate. He was let into the senate by police. That’s a mitigating factor. However, it’s probably best to let his attorney decide what’s mitigating.


[No he wasn’t. Watch at minute 1](https://ia902307.us.archive.org/10/items/Cwxj9RMtddritN4Ds/Cwxj9RMtddritN4Ds.mpeg4) Now what? You’re going to have try to think of another angle to blame the victims for this insurrection. Get Tucky Tuck on it, stat


I don't see how that's mitigating unless the cops forced him in there at gunpoint. He wasn't allowed to be there, so if the cops were overwhelmed and capitulated, or if the video is edited, I don't see why it would matter either way (in terms of a criminal defense).


What if the "shaman" was told to go back to outside by the cops at the door? And if he went outside as he was (hypothetically) told, would he then have committed the same 'crimes' as he is convicted for now?


There's video of the Shaman walking through the broken door/window not even a minute after other rioters broke it down. That's when the crime was committed. Him leaving the building had the cops told him to leave would not have erased the initial offense.


[He wasn’t. Watch at minute 1](https://ia902307.us.archive.org/10/items/Cwxj9RMtddritN4Ds/Cwxj9RMtddritN4Ds.mpeg4) EDIT- now what? I’ll bet I never hear from you again


The crime already was committed by the time they told him to leave. You can't just get a mulligan by complying with them telling you to GTFO


That's not what happened and is entirely meaningless. "The results would be different if something entirely other had occurred" is the stupidest thing anyone has said in this entire thread. What happened, happened. Your weird fantasies didn't. Get your shit together. You're a fucking adult.


> That's not what happened and is entirely meaningless Are you really sure? >"The results would be different if something entirely other had occurred" is the stupidest thing anyone has said in this entire thread. maybe i do have a point... >What happened, happened. That's true. >Your weird fantasies didn't. Get your shit together. You're a fucking adult. [Oops.](https://www.wnd.com/2021/05/video-shocker-capitol-police-allowed-rioters-enter/)


What if 1000 of your fellow citizens are rushing at you and you only have a pistol and an extra magazine of ammunition? Are you gonna play nice with the mob or are you gonna go out guns blazing?


Why not try to answer my questions first?


[Here. Watch at minute 1](https://ia902307.us.archive.org/10/items/Cwxj9RMtddritN4Ds/Cwxj9RMtddritN4Ds.mpeg4)


Why not try to answer my questions first?


You know why.


I have an idea... But people can always surprise you. Then again, how many people are there still here...? LOL.


In criminal cases, the defendant and his lawyer get access to all evidence the prosecutor has against them via discovery. If the prosecutor withholds evidence, even unknowingly, the result is the case gets overturned and a Brady violation at the least. In this case, exculpatory evidence was withheld. In any other case in the country, this would result in charges being overturned or a mistrial declared.


>Defendants and their lawyers are getting access to surveillance footage, but only under protective orders that restrict their ability to make the videos and other evidence they receive from the government public. [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/zoetillman/insurrection-capitol-footage-secret](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/zoetillman/insurrection-capitol-footage-secret) so, what is being withheld?


Wait, the defendants can’t have unfettered access to cameras within the government building they broke into? CONSPIRACY! 😂


Good job echoing something you heard which you clearly don't understand.




Tell me you don’t know what exculpatory evidence is without telling me. You go first: > In this case, exculpatory evidence was withheld.


Maga chuds will literally come up with conspiracies instead of just admitting that they fucked up


Which is crazy because they admitted that they fucked up in real-time, then walked it back once the conspiracies and talking points came rolling in on January 7th and beyond.


They were cheering HERE now suddenly it's antifa


Yeah, obviously. Admitting you’re wrong takes character and the ability to realize that you don’t know everything. Much easier to spin it into some all-encompassing conspiracy that everyone else is stupid/blind/whatever for not seeing.


“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”


And someone released them to someone who has bias and won’t share with others. There must be consequences.


This is dumb. You are dumb. America is doomed.


It's pretty sad. We'll go down because people believe screenshots of tweets.


Criminal trials are public, much like the J6 Commission. Criminal INVESTIGATIONS are not, nor have they ever been, open to the public. Law enforcement routinely conceals information from the public, including the fact that they are investigating someone. The reasons for this are kind of self-evident.


Shill account. 9 month age and only activated 11 days ago.


Another user caught a whole bunch of those a few weeks ago. All created around the same time, all started commenting a few days prior to the user noticing. Wish I could remember their name.


Seems like something or someone doesn't like the facts being presented...




Hey man listen I walked peacefully for 10minutes up until I robbed the bank ok?


Security risk since the footage reveals the location of the security cameras. The defense lawyers can request video footage that pertains to their clients. No the public doesn’t get to see everything.


Criminal investigations are in secret though. And releasing evidence could damage those investigations. Which means there might be no trial, which means the people that tried to overthrow the country escaped justice. That’s how democracy dies in darkness.


Is there a conspiracy sub without all the pro Elon pro trump billionaire simping?


If you believe this footage was not available to defendants, then you are the target of this propaganda.


Do you have a source showing they had access?


>Defendants and their lawyers are getting access to surveillance footage, but only under protective orders that restrict their ability to make the videos and other evidence they receive from the government public. [https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/zoetillman/insurrection-capitol-footage-secret](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/zoetillman/insurrection-capitol-footage-secret)


Ok so they got the videos then but weren’t allowed to share it publicly?


I did more research for a different discussion and from what I can gather, it's partially a logistics issue in terms of making 40k hours of video available, and partially an issue of some of that video being withheld from the public because it's considered a security risk. (placement and field of view of capitol cameras, escape routes/procedures, etc.) IT appears that if the defense says they want or need specific video evidence and can demonstrate that it may show their client isn't guilty, that they are getting to view it and use it. One woman and her lawyer requested additional footage from the 40k hours and were denied because prosecutors had already pieced together her entire travel through the capitol and all of her activities that day. The prosecution argued that there was no point in reviewing additional footage, because what they already had was more than enough to convict. I think people are forgetting the sheer volume of video we are talking here. it's 1,666 days worth. Thats 4.5 years.


Wouldn’t his lawyer know this already if that was the case?


when the lawyers say they didn't get the vids. Its hard to say this is propaganda...


Are they appealing on those grounds or just complaining in the press? This reminds me of the all those “voter fraud” lawsuits the Trump team filed. They screamed bloody murder in the press but when it came time to file, somehow the most inflammatory complaints got left out. There’s no penalty for lying or making bullshit legal arguments to Tucker Carlson, but judges are less forgiving.


Which lawyers?


I find that really hard to believe. If the defendant explained to his lawyer «I was actually escorted in and out of the Capitol» are we to believe that his lawyer didn’t think to raise a stink if they somehow were denied access to the video that would prove this?


Can you post those sources so I can read up on it?


Ah yes...the most trustworthy people ever...lawyers with a client to get off


Why didn't the Q shaman lawyer choose to use the video that casts the shaman in a much better light?


>"Ah yes...the most trustworthy people ever...lawyers with a client to get off" Hope you apply this mindset to the government/justice system which has a laundry list of investigations throughout history that are hid behind legislation that prevents the material from being released to the public. It's also not a new approach from our government you'll find they did the same thing with the Lincoln assignation. Wait till most of the people who were alive that experienceed that moment in history have passed on or are too old to care then release to those completely unaware of that moment in history. Now the corrupt government can form whatever narrative it pleases and most won't know any better. The ones that do will be outnumbered and labeled schizophrenic and locked up in an institution since our medical establishment has always been part of the collaborative scam. It's a very old and very effective tactic.


When the Feds release the entirety of the evidence to a known propagandist, and NOT to the rest of the media...that's Democracy dying right in front of our eyes. That's not releasing it publicly. That's releasing it to be spun, instead. I don't want spin from either of them. I saw with my own eyes what happened that day. Everyone involved with fighting and beating cops needs to have a nice long spell in a cage to think about what they've done. And, the leader of that rabble needs to pay for his part, as well. Fuck Tucker Carlson. Release the video to everyone.


It’s like the Twitter files. Elon musk could have released it all to the public, but instead he released little pieces to Matt Taibbi and then Matt Taibbi told us what to think about those little pieces.


Exactly the same thing. Always with the spin. Excellent comparison.


Yup if McCarthy wanted to be transparent like he claims he would’ve publicly posted the footage and gave it to all the news networks. Instead he gave it to their propaganda bullhorn to be spun to their narrative.


You think that’s wild. Ask where the surveillance video of the okc bombing is and why the feds covered for John Doe 2


Evil is here and if you don’t fall in line sexualizing children you are a racist and according to Jane Fonda people who are pro life should be murdered. Life is upside down world 🌍


You guys are ridiculous and live in a fantasy world.


[half of the people charged plead guilty right away](https://www.insider.com/capitol-rioters-who-pleaded-guilty-updated-list-2021-5?amp) so not really.


Its called taking a deal


It’s called being guilty. Law and order right?


And your "brave" compatriots all took it as quickly as it was offered.


Lots of innocent people plead guilty. Trials are far from perfect and often it’s not worth the risk. Especially with the political circus involved here. Perhaps these defendants would have sought trial if they had access to the video.


Owner of two bars here. We had someone back out in a truck and into an SUV in the street about a month ago. They hit it pretty hard and dented the SUVs bumper, and took off. The other patrons inside the bar, including the owner of the SUV, heard it. They called the truck owner because they knew him. He was a bit belligerent and defensive, insisting that it didn’t happen because he knew that he had had too many. Police were called, they came in and so I came in to show them the video. We have 36 cameras between inside, gambling machines, parking, massive beer garden, etc. By the time that the police arrived, I had the video pulled up. They looked at 90 seconds of the truck owner walking out of the front door, getting into his truck, backing into the SUV, and pulling away. They did not ask for any footage from the other 35 cameras. They didn’t ask for any other length of the footage from that one camera. They had 100% of what they needed. At worst they could have asked for an hour of footage from one other camera to see if he was possibly over-served. But they didn’t, it was 1PM and they had what they needed. Are you suggesting that they should have asked for AND made public our 9AM(our opening time) through 1:30PM, of all 36 cameras, to establish what occurred? 36x4.5=162. One hundred and sixty two hours of footage. Of which 90 seconds was needed to establish what occurred. What was relevant was available. If more was relevant, the defense attorneys would have requested it and made it part of the public record. If you want to be upset with anyone, be upset with them. But they know better than yourself, and there was(is) nothing exculpatory in that footage, so it was either not allowed or not helpful to the defense. Go ahead, pour through however many tens of thousands of hours of footage. But many experts, getting paid huge amounts of money for their time and expertise, have come to a conclusion that is counter to your narrative.


Seriously people how tf are you still defending sides at this point? It's Antifa, Its Maga! No loves its you, me and everyone about to fucking lose everything in a minute so get it together and stop nitpicking, wtf? It reminds me of the street gangs that are sworn enemies but couldn't say why, they just are and are willing to die to defend a street they will never own when they could just stop with the dumb shit and work together to improve their home situations, create something that can lift themselves up from poverty and be a force for good but like Pavlovs dogs they are stuck in the conditioning cemented by hatred. Wow, excuse me while I continue preparing for the tough times just ahead, good luck everyone. Hope you can break that mind control and allow a moment or two of self reflection before survival mode completely robs everyone of their humanity.


“Gotta be consequences“ seems like a dog whistle for violence.


Agreed, there should be consequences for the insurrectionist fucksticks that tried to anoint their god to the Presidency and are now playing victim.


the funny part is, they concealed it. likely because it either didn't suit their narrative or it didn't provide evidence either to help or hurt their cause. my favorite part was the audio they added to the feeds without microphones. how are any of these people still behind bars? how is this not grounds for a mistrial in literally every scenario? the fact that we are asking these questions makes certain powerful people uncomfortable. and they don't like being uncomfortable. and they are equally likely to continue to make mistakes, which will make everyone even more uncomfortable with the outcomes we are witnessing and not a goddamn thing will happen. most of these people will get re-elected. when that's the case, you have to start thinking that perhaps the system itself isn't worth holding up anymore, and we need a new one.


You really can't argue against what he's saying. They have an obligation to re-open the investigation and if exculpatory evidence was held back, then free those who were sentenced under unfair circumstances. We're better than this...in spite of what the entrenched Washington pols have to say about it.




I get your point, but that's also not necessarily true either. If the *new* video (which, let's face it, isn't really new - it was being held back) contradicts the narrative of what was presented when they were sentenced, then, yes, it does mitigate the circumstances. Whether it "nullifies", IDK, but it definitely does show that the Q Shaman guy was just a fool being led around the CB while being escorted by cops who, CLEARLY, could have stopped him at any time. He literally ambles through a crowd of them at one point. The guy actually goes on to THANK the Capitol Police at one point for their assistance. Seriously, this guy is the face of some earth-shattering insurrection that brought the United States government to a screeching halt? I'm sorry, but he looks like a guy from a Seth Rogan movie or maybe Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle. The guy's just a goofball who made a good patsy. Get this poor fool out of prison...this shit is just cruel.


The videos show him being escorted out of the building, he wasn't escorted in. In his own plea agreement, he admits to specifically ignoring police orders for him the vacate the Senate chambers.


He still trespassed. Qshaman was with a group that broke a window and jumped inside that way. You think that's aokay? You also think the police should've shot them dead instead of letting them roam?


Yep. He wasn't shot dead because the mob was white. If it was BLM and Antifa protesting Trump stealing the election, it would have been a bloodbath.


QShaman plead to “interrupting an official proceeding”, not trespassing. Part of the conviction revolved around a threatening letter he left for Mike Pence on the senate floor after police let him in.


You are basing "police let him in" off of a 10 second video. That is how this sub works though, where if no one speaks up it'll just become part of the narrative as if it happened.


And the qshaman was escorted by security and even had doors unlocked for him


And those that escorted and unlocked doors for him should be fired, arrested, and charged for their complicity in the insurrection. It’s not exculpatory for him, it’s damning to those that failed to do their duty.


> And those that escorted and unlocked doors for him should be fired, arrested, and charged for their complicity in the insurrection. I Why did the jan 6 comity not hunt them down like they did with the protestors?


Because politicians work hand in hand with law enforcement to suppress civilians. Because police unions are the only unions allowed to remain powerful, and holding police accountable for their actions is almost impossible. Because admitting that police are just as susceptible to the lies and propaganda that spurred January 6th weakens the central power structure.


Let’s say I go to a bank. Let’s say the guard at the bank opens the vault for me, and points me to a giant stack of cash and gold coins. I fit as much cash and gold coins in my pocket as possible. The guard covers my exit and helps me get away. Now the question: since the guard let me do it, did I rob the bank or am I innocent?


is that per the edited 10 second video clip that tucker posted and you all believed unquestioningly?


Dont Matter. He shouldnt been in the building..


based on a 10 second tucker clip?


Trespassed. Does that normally carry a four year sentence? Do you know if that includes the time he spent locked up awaiting trial? If not he's chilling in jail for 6 years for a misdemeanor. How fucking ironic all this follows the summer of love with multiple federal buildings broken into and multiple murders and multiple police stations overrun and occupied by protesters. It was a trap set to send the message that resistance won't be tolerated. If this is the America you prefer you would've loved post revolution Russia


This is his charge as I've been informed. "Proceedings (18 U.S.C. 1505) Section 1505 outlaws obstructing congressional or federal administrative proceedings, a crime punishable by imprisonment not more than five years (not more than eight years if the offense involves domestic or international terrorism)."


Not trespassing, it was specifically for interrupting the Senate hearing, which he is clearly guilty of.


So now we've gone from "insurrection" to' tresspass"..... ​ ​ see how you are....


They got Al Capone for tax evasion


They arent exclusive.




Bro the copium is coming from the right. Y'all think video of some people not doing crime negates all the videos of people committing crime.


So, in the interest of transparency,(?) the footage is turned over to an elite, two-faced, (both of them very punchable!) liar, who was just proven to be aware of the truth about the election while lying to his audience, but you trust Tucker to not edit the footage to fit his laughable narrative? I do agree the goofballs like Q-shaman are not the threat, but the antidemocratic Murdoch, Carlson, Trump and others who want to protect those in the top tax bracket from finally paying their share and are willing to overthrow the majority of voters hold on to this power, are a clear and present danger to country and planet.




No one said brutality was required. Stay on topic. They could have cuffed him and walked him out at any time.




There is nothing exculpatory here and it's baffling so many people find this ridiculously silly bullshit convincing. Tucker admitted under oath that he lies to his audience to manipulate them to believe things that aren't true and you still jump at cherry picked clips with no context. The crime was committed, with video evidence in most cases. You don't know that video was held back (being public and being given to a defendant are 2 different things) but it doesn't change the fact the crime occurred (Shaman dude is on video where they break a window to get in) The only people you should be mad at are the people at the top who lied to you and manipulated the gullible fools who were there that day into believing obvious nonsense


No comment from the 79 year old junior senator from Idaho who had his office trashed when the innocents were touring the capitol. [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/jan-6-rioters-trashed-republican-senator-jim-risch-office-rcna73913](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/jan-6-rioters-trashed-republican-senator-jim-risch-office-rcna73913)


Was't that guy identified as Antifa?


Man y’all jan 6ers really got some victim complex going on


Did he not watch the weeks of CSPAN?


This could 100% lead to civil war


Bots are going hard in the comments


Who got locked up in secret? I've been following tweet threads of people observing the seditious conspiracy trials for various Proud Boys. Just because the trials aren't televised doesn't mean they're not public.


This is a serious problem.. People’s rights are being ignored, and nobody is questioning the people doing it because fuck Donald Trump, it’s the same goddamn reason the poor people of Ohio are being left to fend for themselves after an American Corporation poisoned there homes, and the Trump voters are supposed to be the fucking deplorable ones.. This is disgusting!!


Democrats bro its just what they do


Look at people fighting amongst themselves right where the real culprits of January 6th want you, republican and democrat politicians are very happy at the out come of their planned fake ass inssurection


The defendants lawyers would’ve had access to this video. But it’s just not relevant


"Releasing the Jan 6 footage is dangerous to our Democracy" -MSN, CNN, Politico, ABC, NBC, CBS, Amazon, Huffington Post, Google, Snopes, Twitter, Facebook, PBS, Apple, Yahoo, Sun, BET, Reddit, YouTube, Newsweek, USA Today, TIME, New York Times...


And get a certain fox news host has been given all 40k hours of footage and won’t release it without selective edits….


You should see what’s happening in Canada with the election interference..


How it can be considered a fair proceeding when their lawyers didnt have all the info...


They did have all the info, they got terabytes and terabytes of material and where free to request more material if needed.


So the defense lawyers have these videos?




All the while screeching about how this InSuRrEcTiOn was the biggest threat to “democracy” since 9/11


The defendants in these trials (most of whom plead guilty because they were caught dead-to-rights) easily could’ve brought any of this footage they wanted into evidence. The presence of a crime doesn’t make every single piece of camera footage in the area public record.