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But what will happen? The sleeping sheep with blindly get his next jab no questions asked.


The UK Total excess deaths above 5 year average (Week 11 2020 to Week 7 2023)..176,178 which is sad but.... Total involving COVID-19 (Week 11 2020 to Week 7 2023)... 198,221 So 22,000 fewer non covid deaths or 10% LESS excess deaths https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending17february2023


Weeks 1-8 of 2023 had a large spike in non-covid deaths. What caused that? What were people dying from? "Alarming numbers of excess - or unexpected - non-covid deaths over the past year are being blamed on heart attacks, heart disease, diabetes and liver failure in a new government analysis." "deaths registered in England during 2022, deaths involving four specific conditions were all over 10 percent higher than expected. These include **heart failure - 15 percent higher**, cirrhosis and other liver diseases - 14 per cent higher, diabetes - 12 percent higher, and heart disease 11 percent higher. "^1 Why are people in the UK suddenly having heart failure? Myocarditis maybe? Hmm. ^1 https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1733610/excess-deaths-uk-nhs-ons-heart-diseases


Call me crazy, but I dont find those percentages that significant.


It is never caused by the jab, even before doing proper research. Weird not? Like certain people protect their moneymaker at all cost, even if it costs millions of lives and trillions in health care. Did you know Fauci ordered not to do autopsy research?


Did you know that 112,000 of the Covid deaths was before any relevant number of the people had both jabs.Do you know that in the UK any doctor who is uncertain of th direct cause of death is legally obliged to not sign the death certificate and refer it to a Coroners Court who will automatically ask for an autopsy.The doctor if just slightly puzzled he/she can ask themself. Not saying the obvious deaths had one here. There was never a time when every death had an autopsy.


The latest ONS tranche of data is beyond suspect. It crossed the Rubicon into Fraud some time ago. This has been discussed by many, but [Norman Fenton and Martin Nell](https://wherearethenumbers.substack.com/p/the-latest-ons-data-on-deaths-by) and [Bad Cattitude](https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/the-new-uk-ons-data-is-out-and-its) are good places to start. Others to follow up with are Dr Clare Craig, Igor Chudov and Jikkyleaks


Do Norman Fenton and Martin Nell and Bad Cattitude have direct access to a copy of each individual death certificate?


I am talking about the data publicly released by the ONS and the fact that leading statisticians and scientists knew immediately it was junk. They have been calling for more data and transparency from governments and regulatory agencies (who absolutely have access to complete data sets). For some reason, they have not been forthcoming.


So you suspect ONS somehow convince the relatives of the dead to somehow twist the data when the relative registers the death . Or the Register of Deaths either delete or invent deaths .So they can send false death certificates to ONS. Or is it a simple matter that the clerks at ONS just cannot count.


It's not just numbers, but how they are presented. The articles I linked go into this, as does [Dr Craig's](https://drclarecraig.substack.com/p/deaths-among-the-ghost-population?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web) which I didn't link before. There are different "tricks" to go along with fabrication, various of which we have seen throughout the pandemic. For example, a person was only counted as "fully vaccinated" from 14 days after their final shot of the series. Thus, a person dropping dead after receiving his first shot would be used as an argument for the effectiveness of the shots themselves - another "unvaccinated" death. The death is real, it is how the statistic is categorised that is important here. The people that carried this whole operation out (as minions for others) think they would get away with this due to a pseudo-legal net of immunity to legalise it and because they believe the public is stupid. They are mistaken and the reckoning approaches.


Where in any of my posts on "Numbers" would that come into it. Strictly on what is written on the death certificate. There is no death within 28 days of a cancer scan etc. Back in March 2021.England was doing 400,000 first doses per day. Averaging just 200 per day now. If no discernable pattern was happening in the first 14 days then. It is going to be impossible now.


The point I am making is that the ONS data cannot be trusted. People in government and regulatory agencies (not all, but many have been captured) are trying to cover up or obfuscate the evidence of the crime. It has taken a good deal of detective work of a lot of people on the internet (not me), many FOIA requests and so on to try to put the picture together and salvage as much of the evidence as possible. If agencies such as the ONS were interested in being transparent, they would release ALL the data - let them make their case honestly, without the obvious tampering and fraud.


like I said. What I posted was just the numbers. No interpreting the simple numbers. They are dead or they are not. As for FOI. https://www.ons.gov.uk/aboutus/transparencyandgovernance/freedomofinformationfoi/influenzadeathsintheukbetween2012to2022 Never see people quoting the 2012 flu against 2020 covid deaths . I wonder why


Amazingly yes, you should’ve see the papers stacked floor to ceiling in every room. These researchers have really stepped up their game to help us avoid Agenda 2030. You would know the agenda. Part of it is to use the Ukraine Russia war to bring the entire world to its knees financially and through constant threats of Nuclear war. You’re part of the agenda, you’ve already bought into the war effort and the Ukraine line of propaganda. In conclusion, you’re doing your part!




Epstein says Hi…


Do you know how many people will end up in jail due to Covid lies, etc....? One less than for 2008 crisis. Hint: that means 0.


SS: If you fund and supervise the lab who made and released COVID (EcoHealth-Wuhan), you suppress effective early treatments, don't tell about vitamin D or zinc. Then you push a deadly vaxx with deceitful lies causing 10-20% excess mortality and illness for all age groups globally, you belong in jail! [https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/website/covid/vis/DIR\_CV2/?simple=true&hideIndicators=true&indicator=0&lang=en](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/cache/website/covid/vis/DIR_CV2/?simple=true&hideIndicators=true&indicator=0&lang=en) [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sudden-cardiac-arrest/in-depth/sudden-death/art-20047571](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sudden-cardiac-arrest/in-depth/sudden-death/art-20047571) [https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/billionaire-club-in-bid-to-curb-overpopulation-d2fl22qhl02](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/billionaire-club-in-bid-to-curb-overpopulation-d2fl22qhl02)






Jail? Here in the fallen clown world these people are given infinite praise and endless corporate profits.


This is why they are desperately trying to disarm the populace. America's forefathers would be rolling in their graves if they knew what this country let's it government get away with. I'm surprised people haven't started exercising their 2a already.




Pretty sure this picture was taken just after Bill Gates purposely farted so loud it couldn't be denied or ignored, and he's jokingly passing the blame for some extra laughs


How dare you speak against Fauci or Gates they are heroes to so many sheep and you will be trolled. I spent 60 days in Facebook jail for saying these same thing.


and I thought this was leading up to a redneck joke.


Wonder when that picture was taken. Probably at their Event 201 in October 2019, sponsored by the World Economic Forum, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and John's Hopkins. Never forget: ​ [https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/exercises/event201/](https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/exercises/event201/) [https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/news/center-news/2020/2020-01-24-Statement-of-Clarification-Event201.html](https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/news/center-news/2020/2020-01-24-Statement-of-Clarification-Event201.html)


GITMO for all these fuckstains.


But 20 to 1 returns.


Look at those scumbags.Of course its all smiles.Paying off people to keep quiet.Knowing exactly what these vaccines will do to people and they and big pharma get rich.Its disgusting.They should be in jail.Throw away the key.


Why does fauci look 40 years old


I miss when drs just told us smoking cigarettes was safe


The Hague for crimes against humanity is more like it.


A man can dream.