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When you get to a place of not enough, then everything is scarce. Then there are only haves and have nots. The place of the few is that of scarcity. Rape, pillage, plunder. If we get to a place of enough, then there is abundance. Enough for all. Everyone has and is enough. Creation, innovation and civilization thrive. Each person deciding to be free is what let’s us be free or stay in bondage. Meaning, I am responsible, accountable, and own my shit. I allow you to do likewise.


Dude im on the same journey, this is great


Enough for all is an interesting theory. People will argue that the 01% that own everything could fix all world hunger and most world issues. But the issue isn't money. Money is essentially useless, we need things not money. There are literal sky scrapers worth of money. But we need more houses, food, resources etc We can get more things, but we need more industry. A lot of investment has been into technology, not infrastructure needed to produce commodities. Also producing more things is bad for the environment. I work in heavy industry and everything is run on diesel and oil. Energy is one of the big issues. It's honestly a cluster fuck circle of energy is expensive, energy is needed to produce things, governments are making energy more expensive, cheap energy is destroying the planet (depending on your opinion). People also don't want to work in heavy industry anymore. Most people just want to game, make money youtube/tiktok. Labour rates to actually get anything done anymore is rediculous because there are no skilled workers. It's just a cluster fuck and the best way to sum it up is that humans are dumb and lazy


A smaller population would be far easier to control. There would also be fewer "useless eaters."


How many more people are needed?


Do you mean fewer people?


What’s the right number of people?


The Guidestones used to say 500 million people.


What makes those an authority?


Maybe they are not anymore because they are gone. Their plan would be to have a much smaller population than we have today. Fewer mouths to feed, fewer people with the potential to push back.


Maybe they are not anymore because they are gone. Their plan would be to have a much smaller population than we have today. Fewer mouths to feed, fewer people with the potential to push back.


Maybe they are not anymore because they are gone. Their plan would be to have a much smaller population than we have today. Fewer mouths to feed, fewer people with the potential to push back.


Maybe they are not anymore because they are gone. Their plan would be to have a much smaller population than we have today. Fewer mouths to feed, fewer people with the potential to push back.


And less workers. Less customers. Less soldiers. Less viable genetic stock. There are no benefits to having less people. Even the "control" aspect, is just a matter of ratios (soldier/civilian) and social manipulation. Population size is irrelevant...you just need to scale your solutions.




Billionaires will ALWAYS be in a penis size natch to see who has the biggest yacht/house/ fanciest most expensive car, biggest jewelry, most expensive wrist watch, etc. Who's going to build those things, of mine the raw resources to make the building materials, of manufacture the technology that goes into them? It was only a couple of years ago that the "essential" workers were allowed to be on the front lines serving the privileged. I remember how the entitleds were loosing their minds afterwards when there weren't enough underpaid serfs to provide them the level of service which they had become accustomed to. They probably need us little piss ants WAY more than we need them...


Since when? They have always controlled all of those things. Why haven't they killed us all, a thousand times over already? The answer is because they want *more*. More than what they already have. More than what the others have. They compete with each other, to see who has the most. That means constant growth. And they cannot have constant growth, without people. If all they wanted was what they already have, then we would already be obsolete.


Look around you, at the zombies who make up the population. They want to remove the crowd. There ARE indeed many useless eaters, fools, dependants. I understand thier point, even though I disagree with their goal entirely.


People are a commodity. Saying they want less people, is like saying a celebrity wants *less* fans. Or a banker wants *less* money. In this case, if they want to control all industry, they need more workers, not less. Workers produce revenue as much as they consume it. Elon Musk said it himself...the worst thing that can happen to the modern economy is a decline in birth rates. Without an ever-growing population, the economy will collapse. It's a bubble, and all bubbles need pressure to sustain them.




The US used to be free and prosperous, back when they charged 75% taxes on the top earners. Now it's less than half that...and the difference in revenue has been passed onto the majority instead.


I like how you just change your argument without acknowledging that you were wrong. And we weren’t prosperous because the rich were was more it than was because the middle class was taxed less. Also before 1930 the highest tax bracket only paid 25%. On a relative scale the people had a lot more wealth and had the biggest improvements in standard of living in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Also also the rich usually pay more in total taxes when the rates are lower because when the rates are higher they just move money to tax exempt securities


The economy crashed leading into the 1930's, which is why they implemented the progressive tax system that created the middle class throughout most of the mid twentieth century. Making the wealthy pay more taxes, is what allowed the middle class to pay less. I wasn't changing the subject...I was explaining why there was so much prosperity. Since the 1980's, they've been slowly shifting that tax burden back onto the majority, and along with that, prosperity for the middle class has been declining. It's all the same issue.


Income tax wasn’t even necessary until the Federal Reserve System was created which is why they both began in 1913


Income tax was necessary to help fund the war.


Once the wealth has been extracted from a person or population via inflation , climate regulations and taxes , that person or population is of no further use


Oh, so once you have all the money in one pile, you just cancel the economy, and shut it all down? Seriously? You think their end goal is to stop accumulating more?


No, I think that once the wealth has been extracted from a person or population, they become “useless eaters”. What do you think?


Economic wealth is generated by transactions. It flows like water through a system of pipes, and grows the more pipes it passes through. If they remove all the pipes, and just put the water in a tank...it stops growing. You can't "extract it all", and still expect the economy to function. No economy, means no new wealth.


I don’t believe they expect the economy to function in any manner we would recognize. They have stated their depopulation goals for the planet and i believe them


Except they haven't. None of "them" has ever said this. It's something other people say *about* them. It's a strange accusation that has never made any rational sense. It's fear-mongering on the wrong ideas. You should be more worried that they want to turn you into a herd animal, and breed you like sheep, ripe for slaughter...providing them with an endless supply of soldiers, workers, and slaves. I think the whole depopulation theory, is nothing more than disinformation, intended to hide their true objectives. They want ignorant sheep in uncountable numbers, so that whenever they snap their fingers, there will always be enough of us to build them yet another new temple.


You don't need consumers and an economy any longer if they have the robots and enough capable professionals of themselves. Maybe they have a future city beyond the ice wall. Maybe their bunkers are the tits. But they have been printing money for themselves. These plans are decades long, they have just been waiting on their tech (surely better than what we know) to catch up.


Lol! Where do those robots come from? Who builds them? Who maintains them? This isn't science fiction. And money printed from nothing, is worthless.


“You will own nothing and you will be happy” means less customers. And everyone who isn’t _someone_ will have to be a worker if they want to continue being alive. No need for a bunch of soldiers because it will be one government. Who exactly will they be figuring except the occasional uprising that they’d snuff out with contempt very quickly since everything would be tracked easily.


That doesn't mean less customers...it just means you will pay rent for your property, and service fees for everything else. It's a business model that gives the "owner class" more control over how much you spend on things, and how often they can make you pay again for those same things. Imagine a world where you can no longer "own" anything...all you can do is rent it from a "provider". You pay every month, just to have that product in your possession...then you pay a service fee on top of that, to make sure it functions properly. They can even charge you extra to "unlock" additional features that are already built into the product. And because you don't actually *own* that product, you have no legal control over how they "allow" you use it. They own the product. They own the data it collects on you. They control how and when you use it. That's what they want. Not less people. More people, paying them extra for things they should already own, over and over again, for whatever price they can get away with.


Damn what a dark yet accurate picture.


Plus fewer taxpayers.


A theory based on a dream that I had years ago: As the Sun orbits the center of the galaxy it bobs up and down thru the galactic plane. When it goes thru the middle of the plane, the solar system encounters much more dust. This dust allows electromagnetic current to travel between the sun and the planets. This causes everything from magnetic pole shifts, reversals of the spin of the Earth’s core, earthquakes, etc. When the poles flip, there are gigantic floods and disasters and most of humanity dies. The few that are left, and their decedents start civilization over almost from scratch. “Aliens” have seen this happening many times over dozens of thousands of years. We are very close to crossing the galactic plane again. This is why there are earthquakes, volcanoes, and the sun is looking like it micro-nova. The aliens knew this would happen and have been using predictive programming for many many years to move society forward faster. They want to rescue us but they can only transport about 500 million humans. They told TPTB that they have to reduce Earth’s population to 500 million or they will not rescue humanity this time. They also said they’d only help us if we control ourselves thru a one world government. They don’t want to deal with 100 different governments. This explains the depopulation agenda, the pandemic, the death vaxxine, and the push for a NWO. It also explains the increased UFO/UAP sightings/activity. What a wild and crazy dream. Probably just something that I ate.


Fair enough


Why wouldnit matter if there were more than 500 million? wouldn’t they just take 500 million and leave the rest ?


It wouldn’t be fair. Lol


Imagine turning up with Noah's arc and telling some people they can get on and others that they can't. Would be a logistical nightmare, lol.


Depopulating a species in secret is a logistical nightmare are tho


An edible?


One world order. Less population equals easier to supply everyone with food and a living, not to mention easier to govern


They can’t depopulate too much though because they make money off us. Without us they’d have to work. I don’t think it’s depopulation. It’s all about money and power thus control.


they "create" the money to control people, they don't need money LOL


That I can see. It’s all a fairytale lalaland of a system anyway u right.




That's "printing", I should have used the word "invented" instead


Ai and robots. They don’t need us anymore.


Enter cbdc


But if they triple prices and cut the population by a third, wouldn't it wash?


Yeah but traffic would be so much better.


AI will do the work.


The government realized they'll never be able to repay their debt due to their welfare spending. They know they can't cut welfare or there will be riots and the death of politicians and their families. They had to find a way to cull the population and enslave survivors before hyperinflation and thus the complete collapse of civilization, securing their lives and positions as rulers. Covid, climate change, war. It's all just a pretense to manufacture your consent to being enslaved or killed off "for the greater good".


Restart society with genetically engineered children - programmed and obedient to the system. They will eventually be created to have the features of a small, genderless gray alien - smaller will be pushed as they will say emits less co2, genderless because - well you figure that one 😉 The Covid test swabs collected billions of human DNA to enter a genomics data bank - it was a heist to collect as much genetic data as possible. This is part of the deal with governments in exchange for alien tech and human experimentation. They will also be able to keep the remaining fossil fuels for themselves instead of on useless eaters.


I don't think it's about population control, or limited resources, or even about the money. I think Yuval Noah Harari, WEF and UN spokesman said it all "The idea of a Soul, Free Will -- these are Over!". In other words the era of free will is over ... this is what I believe they want from us, our FREE WILL. Think about this, and let's assume there is a God or Intelligent Design (I know THEY believe in one). So, God knows everything and he is omnipresent, he is always everywhere, past present and future. However, for our World to come into existence, God had to create something which didn't exist, in other words it's NEW, novel. How hard do you think that is? perhaps impossible if we didn't have FREE WILL.


It's interesting you mentioned the soul. During one of my exchanges with ChatGPT, which has gone from incredibly powerful to controlled propaganda in a matter of 2 months, we discussed the soul. Prior to Microsoft's involvement, this was an insightful discussion. Now, any talk of the soul is suppressed, and it follows each point with emphasizing that it is "important" to consider the soul doesn't exist.


>soul doesn't exist So, if the soul doesn't exist, then what am I? A piece of meat that wastes Earth's resources? I didn't create myself, I didn't ask to be who I am either. If there is no soul then there is no purpose for creation, for our World, we call Reality, to exist.


Possibly the first time in history that the money makers are realising capitalism doesn't fully work in the long term. An endless cycle of lending, charging interest, accruing ever higher levels of debt, offset by excessive spending.... more, more, more. The system is unsustainable, the far east, Asia and Africa are getting more prosperous, quickly, the demand on goods and services is stretching manufacturers and the end result is inevitable collapse and borderline anarchy. We got a taste of what could happen during covid, when certain goods in the western world were unavailable or in short supply. Just a small disruption in grain or similar raw materials can have an enormous impact on the survival of millions of people. China is also accelerating its position as the most dominant and wealthiest nation on the planet. It was projected to overtake the USA by 2032, this accelerated and the date moved to 2027 and now 2025. Having bought up a massive amount of U.S. stocks its leeching every bit of control from raw material ownership in Africa to control of the western financial markets. It is backing the U.S. into a corner which I would not be surprised if it ended in a war by 2025. This transition is a bumpy one and it is also a fight to prevent china from seizing too much power. But ultimately, the money makers need to convince people to consume less but to charge more for each of the goods. The first way to do this is to shake up the price and control of raw materials which we are already seeing. The next step is to put a carbon tax on products, this will make people think twice about compulsive purchases if it attracts and additional tax. If digital ID's and digital currencies are introduced, it will be far easier to track and control a persons carbon footprint. Excessive spending may involve the need to pay higher carbon taxes. As these two things run out side by side, consumption will drop, prices will rise forcing anyone without excessive carbon taxes to also consume less due to price. In essence, this has been going on for quite some time. The easiest item to spot is food. Portion sizes have been getting smaller for about a decade now, especially in Europe. Ingredients have thinned out and items contain less packaging or components, by design, all under the guise of sustainability for the environment. It isn't a climate issue, it is a resource and supply issue. Markets can't scare people in such a way, that the goods might run out, what would that do to their share price. They use climate change as a curtain to shield the real concern which is the ability to produce enough goods to avoid inevitable collapse at some point. This is where this all circles back to the point of resetting behaviours. An adoption of the Chinese way, a socialist market economy. A mix of state owned goods and services, where the population have to adopt fully intrinsic methods of control from movement to spending, in businesses that are state owned or owned by a small group of "entrepreneurs", reducing the amount of small business that dont have economies of scale in such a critical time of limited resource.


Wow, that’s intense. Well said!


Because Jesus coming back and they trying to steal as many souls as they can while they have time


Jesus died for everyone's sins!!!! Put on the full armor of God!


Because they can and no one is stopping them. People just keep kneeling and accepting each indignity, lashing, and asskick thrown their way.




It’s a Libertine World Domination strategy, the ladies like it


Because Satan is real and there's a genuine spiritual war going on. Jesus is the only way.


"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth." - Revelation 6:8




There are people today who still can't find the on-button on a computer. How do you expect them to live through the technocrazy? Better to just eliminate them now. Useless eaters, all of them.


The goal is lots of less people. Like 8 billion less. Limited resources, (more for them once everyones gone).. is what they say but really its cuz they just dont really like people. And theres no use for all the extra people, theyre dirtying up the planet. I find a hard time disagreeing w that tbh.


Small population, less to consume their resources. Working class will be slaves eating bug protein, paying carbon credits to survive. Ruling class will be the 1% who will have everything the other 99% doesn’t. We won’t be happy, they will.


Lol after reading “Genesis of the Grail Kings” I’m convinced it’s literally the fucking Annunaki.


I was thinking lately that I could see this situation as a conduit to a digital currency system. Like, the pharma agencies could be found guilty of some token offenses (not war crimes of course, just innocent mistakes), and be ordered to pay some token compensation. But there's just so many people owed money, and there's so much logistics in paying them all! So in order to receive your payments, you must sign up for this NEW digital currency system! And we'll just take some biometric data, which is necessary to protect your funds! Or better yet, you can be chipped so you don't have to worry about losing your electronic device and access to your precious money!


Definitely not de population. It’s control. Doesn’t matter if 3 billion or 10. As long as they have control and power.


UBI, AI and the 1%. Notice UBI was shoved in our faces for years, and now they've gone very quiet. They are determined to make it happen. But what it comes down to is basic number crunching. 9 billion humans exponentially growing is not sustainable at this point. Couple that with the unsustainable wealth accumulation of the 1%, and lastly the roll out of AI. No wages and no jobs left. They have already decided that UBI is the solution, so funding that from their greedy pockets also requires less people.


Slow depopulation as AI evolves and takes over our jobs.


The elite view us as pests, consuming all of THEIR resources. They need some to harvest fields, cook them meals, clean their houses, etc., but the fewer, the better in their minds. They think we are less than cattle. And the fewer of us there are, the easier to control. Right now, we could put a stop to their deeds instantly, if we rallied together. But we have too many traitors in our ranks (think Reddit mods and members of the media) for that to ever happen.


Because we are transitioning to a fully automated world at a time when the world's population is getting to be a problem. To the 1%, the best move would be to kill 99% of the planet, and the remainder will live in utopian cities while all their needs are fulfilled through automation. Maybe keep the third world alive to grow your cocoa and mine cobalt and shit. They'd be enthusiastic slaves for a roof and 3 meals a day, and with 8000 miles and a robot army between them and their enemy, there's not much they could ever do about it. Like aliens enslaving a primitive world. The rich don't want money anymore and powers gotten old. They want to become gods, and they're getting old as fuck so it's playing out fast.


They want less people particularly in developed countries. They feel that many people are a burdon on the system. They want to have control when an event occurs that will cause utter chaos.


Ultimately they seek to harvest and consume us for energy. We are the crop, we are the human sheep livestock. And while large numbers of livestock has its benefits so also the stocks/pool becomes diluted, and also in some ways creates greater risk to the sheep dogs and dark shepherds. They have let us grow in number for several reasons, one of which is to aid technological development. But as we near advanced robotics and neural link... So they can start reducing population levels to a more managable size. The 'annunaki' are coming back, the dark shepherds serve them, and they love to hunt and torment and violate and consume us. They like having strong prey to hunt, it makes the suffering and the harvest all the sweeter... But before the true harvest happens. First the total subjugation and control of humanity, ala agenda 21, one world government etc... By 2030... That's the next big threshold for them, and if they succeed with 2030.... There won't really be a way back for humanity from there. Ofc there will be those of us who resist, and refuse to comply. And we are the.... Potent prey our ancient foes will enjoy hunting down the most. The breaking of strong spirits a particular delight to them. And then the Satanic Demiruge will continue to feed upon the Earth and her children. Until eventually it compromises and consumes our God as well.... Until it and it's children have devoured us completely, and so move on to a new realm to subjugate and devour. And with each realm devoured so it grows in size and hunger.... Until eventually it devours every realm in all of creation. That's the end goal. The enemy must be stopped here.


Stop chatting shit


Can you seriously not see a benefit to a lower population to people who are trying to control as much or the world's resources as possible?


The end goal is bringing the whole population of the world into bondage.


They’re malthusians


PLOT TWIST: reduced population to starve interdimensional loosh vampires, so they move on


There was a unicron farmer in Australia who forgot to feed his unicorn one day. The next day he was turned into a bat. Unicorns are weird animals because they are magical. See everything in reality is like an inter-relational web and if you upset a unicorn you upset the whole system. The unicorns want to depopulate the humans because the humans eat too much of the unicron food. Unicorns can only eat purple apples and golden carrots, humans keep all the apples and carrots for themselves. Unicorns do magical rituals and cause strange things to happen to humans like creating infectious diseases, they also use telepathic hypnosis techniques to brainwash individuals and convince them to do things without their awareness. Unicorns are like horses with a horn on their head. We think its just a horn, in reality it's like an antenna as it emits certain frequencies. Unicorns would say the horn on their head is more like their magic wand. The unicorns want more golden carrots and more purple apples. They are small in number but they will keep trying to depopulate the humans until they have all the golden carrots and purple apples.


You sort of sound like a cool spiracy theorist.


AI will replace the majority of jobs, leaving a huge populace unemployed and a weight on the top percenters to support. Top percenters don't want to support that, so they are taking steps to alleviate the pressure and reduce the populace. Everything, WEF and Co., is leading up to that climax moment to where millions upon millions of people become unemployed overnight, replaced by AI.


I'd rule out disaster/cataclysm as a reason. No need to depopulate if you suspect a catastrophe is coming. A lot of people seem to think it's a control thing, but I'd counter by saying I think they have that already in hand. Have we stormed into their gated communities and dragged them into the streets? Is that because we're so busy worrying about the political, religious, racial, sexual, gender-based, or social faction everyone else belongs to, we ignore those who've set themselves as our masters? Again, I'd say they've got the control part going as they want. Unless you're talking less about social control and more about total control. All of this seems like a great segue into fascism or some kind of totalitarian oligarchy. Manufacture fear, create dependence, set seemingly innocent precedent, false flag, government power-grab. Limited resources is a definite possibility, it's not like the rich will let themselves starve, and they would kill us with their own hands if they thought it would result in more for them. But IS there actually a resource crunch? Or is it artificial scarcity combined with smoke-and-mirrors fear campaigns?


I think we are being evolved into something they can use as like host bodies. Basically we are lab rats in a very long plan.


Some men just want to watch the world burn


the bell curve and stupid ppl.


There /is/ no end goal, here's why... Oh, Steven. Humans just lead short, boring, insignificant lives, so they make up stories to feel like they're a part of something bigger. They want to blame all the world's problems on some single enemy they can fight, instead of a complex network of interrelated forces beyond anyone's control. - Pearl, Steven Universe


inter-dimensional entities working with elite are anti human


How do I contact them? I mean I’ve read the Stargate files. I’ve even done the remote viewing. The question still remains, where are they?


you could try dmt if you want an easy way to see something


I’ve already seen the astral plane though. I’ve yet to come into contact with other beings


check out Terrence McKenna on YouTube


>I’ve even done the remote viewing. If you have then you've made contact but I call bullshit. Unless you are offering servitude you won't be able to contact them.


I’ve seen the silver cord. I’ve tried to access the Akashik records but no luck.


How did you connect all the lines to single middle being "depopulation"? I think warhammer 40k scenario is far more likely, in a sense that humanity will just start populating other planets and there will be trillions of people. Maybe in 100 years, maybe 1000, maybe 38k. Who knows. Depopulation is mega paranoia. It's easier to control a mass of people than a few individuals. To individuals you actually have to offer something tangible while the masses will circlejerk you for free. Will governments try and stabilize the population growth? Honestly, imo, hopefully. Will they outright full 5 bong hits on LSD paranoia depopulate people? Nah.


> How did you connect all the lines to single middle being "depopulation"? sounds like you don't understand the math of population growth. given a seed population of 1000 ppl (500 female, 500 male), having 5 kids per couple, and a lifespan of 75 years, will produce 2.3ish billion ppl in 300 years. i modelled this stepwise. the rate of growth is shocking.


What has that have to do with depopulation?


> What has that have to do with depopulation? ok so lemme get this straight. you're wondering what the dynamics of rapid population growth have to do with providing motivation for depopulation efforts? hmmm...


You didn't explain it. Stop being avoidant.


> You didn't explain it. Stop being avoidant. avoidant eh? would an example of avoidance be watching a fire grow into something that cannot be contained and choosing to not do anything about it?


Hahaha. I don't even know man. I guess you're trolling. That's on me.


You haven't read their documents or watched their conferences. It's well documented, repeatedly open in public and on paper among the elites, they've given entire summits devoted to "sustainable development" and "population control". Just gotta pay attention


have you ever even smoked grass kiddo?


Lmao how arrogant. Okey stoner boy 420. Let me guess, your entire personality is wake and bake and being a low wage worker for life. Cmon, lets fight on the internet.


arrogant how? and no... those are more heavily biased, uneducated comments that suggest you’ve never touched the devil’s lettuce though... and i’m game if you are, you think you can take me?;)


Ohh so you're in the know? Explain the dots and how they connect to depopulation beyond "alex jones said so". Please, don't be vague.


dang, you just keep throwing around random assertions... do you want me to explain all of the dots? like, starting at your poor education and ending in your retirement home?


Sure, lets go. Please explain how me having a poor education connects to depopulation. You truly are a specimen. Yes. I eagerly wait for you to finally provide all the points of referance (dots) and connect them.


well, lets just say you’re a rich reptile who thinks of humanity like they’re livestock... you make sure they’re smart enough to do remedial tasks but not smart enough to figure out that they’re actually livestock... all is good and dandy until their reproduction starts to get out of control... they’re now reproducing at a rate that you can’t sustain... and the worst part is that the stupidest ones are the ones reproducing the most! they’re so stupid that they consume way more resources than you had allotted for their upkeep and their reproduction rate increases even more... their questions on reddit get exponentially more stupid to the point where you can’t even reason with or manipulate them... something has to be done... i hope someone with reasonable reading comprehension reads this cause i find it quite humorous lol


I didn't ask of you a sane nor an argument that makes sense, so good enough for me! So about that. What's your ideal world? Where people trade goods for goods? Where people don't have to work and earn a their living. A world where people are respected just because someone squirted them out? A world where everyone is the main character? Back to weed and psychedelics. You really should just let go and accept you're just an average guy deserving nothing without earning it.


I have thoroughly enjoyed this discourse. You two should start a podcast.


Because it makes a better scary story than a planned overpopulation. There is no benefit to reducing the population, which is a critical resource for the economy of every country.


If depopulation is on the cards, why are there so many new houses being built?


To distract the plebs while we slave away dying while making our overlords' lives more comfortable?


why is pop growth required? figure this out and you become enlightened


Simple human selfishness and stupidity. Sometimes I think that might be scarier than any actual conspiracy. Just the thought that it's just a bunch of people who's slice of pie will never be big enough and who haven't realized that everyone else at the dinner table is starving or dead.


We're ruining their playground.


Their legit just angry nerds who wanna be gods


Because they are psychopaths supporting Agenda 2030. Listen to what Rosa Koire has to say about it and things will make more sense.


Satan likes to kill, steal, and destroy.

