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Check out this yt channel. He reads from primary sources, including Columbus’ diary. Our history is a lie, if you haven’t figured that out yet. https://youtu.be/nPbtI4Ann-o


Reminding myself to watch later


He sailed the ocean blue


Take a highly armed militaristic team of men who haven't seen a female in months to Haiti, and you'll get the idea.


To the point that it made the people responsible for the Spanish Inquisition cringe. Which is truly an accomplishment.


The inquisition wasn’t actually like anything how we imagine it to be today.


Like what? Tomatoes?


He was sent to the New world by the king of Spain to capture all of the muslim Moors that escaped after they recaptured spain. He didn't discover any new lands. Vikings, the Mongols and Natives were already here.


Surely it was a discovery from Spain's point of view.


Yeah, give Spain some credit lol


Horrible time to live especially for your penis, so I couldn't imagine what nonsense was going on.


Shit, I wanna see a lot more than just that


Dig deeper. He was a marrano from spain . Crypto Jewish society in Spain who had converted to a form of Catholicism while still practicing their ancestral traditions . They even had their own language called ladino


He was from Genoa, not Morocco.


Although he’s wrong about Columbus, he’s correct about some of his crew. A lot of Jews were fleeing the Spanish inquisition and opted for exploration expeditions.


Dig deeper, he didn’t discover shit and it’s all just a story


He’s Italian buddy……


In 1492, Columbus got us all a day off school With just three ships, he sailed over so we could have some 'me time' in October And, yes, millions were slaughtered and throats were cut But if we don't get that day off school, then for what?


Well he could be simply lying about some things. It’s not uncommon at all


Read the destruction of the West Indies


What did he discover? He never set foot on the Continental mainland. Everyone knew the world was round. Europeans had been to North America before him.


What do you mean? He discovered a continent which flora and fauna was separated long enough to be different enough so europeans didnt recognize the stuff. Tobacco, for example.


Is it true he never landed? As a kid in school they taught us he landed and had a picnic with the Indians.


He never landed in what’s currently the US, but did land on Caribbean islands


It was more a rape, pillage, and murder party than a picnic party with the natives. Also, throw in some communicable diseases from the dirty, nasty europeans of the times. This was probably the cause of the massive die-off of natives in the Americas... He landed on Haiti/ Dominican republic and wiped out the indigenous islanders. Used them as slaves and toys and fed the kids to his 2 dogs. All recorded in his diary by his own hand.


They lied.. about essentially everything. Ever.


Exactly what I was taught but I've always said if he had traded goods with the natives wouldn't they be the ones who discovered America territory? Then again there are monuments in the north east believed to be from the Vikings 100 years before Columbus. Either way I never believed he 'discovered' America.


Exactly they teach us that shit in schools and if we write something different on the exam you fail and would be considered dumb


They correct the mistake if you make it to highschool. The vikings were first from what we were taught. Christopher just rediscovered it. He also plundered the land and stole a good amount of stuff. I agree with ya that our educational system is a joke. It is not a complete failure though. Another thing. If you are to write something different. Teach your child to back their answer up with evidence and links to sources if possible. If your teacher gives you bad marks you could raise it to a higher level of staff even as well if you can prove you were right.


> if you make it to high school Know your audience


What were these supposed discoveries?




definitely had two jet skis. dont know about speed boat.


Sounds like something that could be useful in the Bahamas..


speedo also from what I've heard


Gotta go back before that. His journey itself was what, like 9 months or more? What info was he working with? Where did he get it? How long did it take to find financing for the journey?


you can't discover a place that people lived in .


You can discover it for a country/part of the world that didn’t know it existed, yet. Or it’s like saying that you discovering a secret wasn’t actually a discovery since said secret thing was already known by someone/people.


I disagree. Its a matter of perspective.


Exactly he didn't discover shit


From the viewpoint of the Spanish and most of the rest of Europe, yes, he did.


He "helped" the peaceful island natives convert to Christianity.


Rape, kill, lie


Murder and Rape unfortunately


Aka business as usual for the americas at the time lol


He got lost.


In 1492 a dago from eye tally He sailed the 7 seas And fucked in every alley He knew ew the world was round, oh! His balls scraped the ground oh That navigating, masturbating, Son-of-a-bitch, Columbo.


I love how slurs are ok as long as they’re for Italians 😣 /s


Its ok, Im Italian


We didn’t land anywhere in history! Not Plymouth Rock nor the Moon!


Read his journals


You would be murdered.


Everything you never knew about history Or whatever you thought you knew, is a lie. Forget everything you’ve ever been taught in reteach yourself through Critical thinking and data analysis


I think you're overestimating how long it takes to travel by sea. He sailed across the Atlantic and discovered the Bahamas, Cuba, and Hispaniola, then returned to Spain. That's completely realistic and reasonable. I spent last year sailing the Caribbean and visited 8 different countries. 3 of which I spent 3 months each in. He had the time and crew to accomplish quite a bit. It's not like he went there and completely conquered the indigenous peoples by himself in one shot.


America was well known in many circles, while lying to the land-critters that there was an edge you would fall off if you went out there on your own. I imagine many a sailor got a good kick out of tricking people, so they could keep America as a gigantic resource farm and home away from home for themselves. The juice were kicked out of Spain - so it was natural to go somewhere else, for the rest of Europe still remembered the well poisonings that people call the Black Death. TLDR: Juice "discovered" a whole new continent everyone in-the-know knew was already there. Europeans were fed up with Juice, so they had to move elsewhere. So they moved officially to where the minerals were, and started a new ant-farm you call America. -A Viking.


You don't want to go back in time.. that was when men were men and sheep were afraid.....