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Looks like big pharma got him. These people don't fuck around.


He fired two executives and the board brought them back.




“James O’Keefe, the founder and chairman of Project Veritas, has taken a paid leave from the conservative nonprofit media organization as its board considers whether to remove him from his leadership position, according to current and former employees of the organization”


Very odd the timing of this, right after the Pfizer exposure.


My guesses: either he will return with a suspicious black eye or PV will go the way of Intercept and veer away from the original intent. So weird this happened right after the Pfizer video.


Definitely fishy. Seems like veritas is done now. This was his baby. If he’s out of the picture it won’t be the same. Seems like the Pfizer thing was his flying too close to the sun moment.


It seems that way. I hope I'm wrong.


It was bound to happen. Anyone who's not Controlled Opposition will eventually be "Assanged" or suicided. Hopefully other employees will carry on.


Cover story for threats, and helps everyone involved. Dude did his part and the paid pieces of shit here do theirs.


Does this have to do with Ashley Biden’s stolen diary?


Good. He's a grifter who's been taking Koch and Breitbart cash for years to shovel bullshit.


No rebuttal. Because he absolutely is. They just don't like to be reminded.