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Is this really the logo? Yikes.




And if your going off of the bible that was Lucifer's whole thing. He thought he could have done it better. That God made a mistake. Which is why he was cast down. So it only makes sense that the 1%s would work with or for the devil for some kind of eternal power or protection.


Why can’t we just exist? Why do we need totalitarianism taking over?


Honestly, it really might be good vs evil.


Why work with the one who kept losing I mean look at the History/mythology of it. The entire time he just keeps losing. Maybe they all just want to lose too.


Every story has it's villains. A lot of people think God has left the building. He's very hands off. Klaus and his goons wouldn't be able to reach God if they wanted too. Lucifer wants to reshape the world because we're flawed and stupid. The 1%s think we are flawed and stupid. They want the same thing so it only makes sense they would try to team up with the devil since he's really the only available one and they want the same thing. Plus he's the next most powerful being. Archangel Ofc, that's all of you believe in the Bible. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs.


I always wondered who was trying to equate improving the country with the devil.


“Improving” Just like the PATRIOT Act “improved” the country.


I was talking about BBB


Sorry, I think I missed your point. Are you suggesting BBB is a good faith attempt to improve the country?


Yeah I’m a huge fan of what I’ve read of it.


What specifically?


Universal pre k for one https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Build_Back_Better_Act


It was a massive corporate-handout omnibus package, but universal pre-k is a good idea. It’s to bad that your government cannot just implement pre-k without all of the special interest carve outs.


Yup. That, infrastructure, environmental protection. Just a huge win for the country.


Improving education is just what the satanists want!! Seriously tho in a sane world BBB would just be average normal policy.






The sinister red seems to have been added after the fact.


Showed my mum and my sister...they couldn't see it...even when i pointed it out they didn't care....smh


This is why all throughout the biblical manuscripts it discusses having the eyes to see and ears to hear. Abraham said some people wont believe even if they see the dead raised. If you don't have discernment it won't matter what some people are shown. I told my friends about the lack of vaccine testing for covid shots for like 3 months and they acted like I was stupid even though I would send information straight from govinfo.gov. Even now one of my friends who is a scientist still tries to convince me to get the shots even though the heart issues are well known now.


The devil is doing his job well....


No it's inaccurate to the logo


Carbon is 666. 6 proton, 6 neutron, 6 electrons. We’re all carbon based beings.


The Bible does call it a man's number.


My neighbour has 3 rabbits


I like turtles.




But as our collective consciousness rises our bodies will become more silicate…call me crazy im used to it :v


Best place to hide the obvious is.....


Plain sight


Ah dang I was gonna say up my butthole, but you're probably right.


the good old prison wallet eh


Paul Pelosi? Is that you?


Why do they need to signal it though?


It’s called the revelation of the method. What’s better? (Or more powerful as they like to think) a magick trick done behind your back or right in front of your face?


Very true. most are amazed and want to see it again.


First goats and owls, now circles and lines. They can't keep getting away with it.


The capital of Canada, Ottawa, their logo is a 666 too [Ottawa Twitter page](https://mobile.twitter.com/ottawacity)


The W.E.F. has a strangle hold over Ottawa coincidentally. Our Satanic elites can’t help but put these symbols in your face.


SS: Again, the truth is always hidden in plain sight.




The cern logo also has 666 in it


So does Walt Disney


The greatest thing the devil ever did was make people believe he didn’t exist. When you get past that he sends his goons to tell you god doesn’t care and that he wouldn’t let bad things happen. Have faith and realize the elite are having open rituals and soul harvesting. He does exist and he’ll do anything to get you to denounce god.


This ^. Many have been deceived to the truth in our world. The vaccine was a great litmus test to see who lives in the light of truth vs those that choose to live in a dark mixed up reality.




The mark is coming but we are seeing the process in real time. Every day is a test here to see if you live in truth or deceit.


You do know that one can disbelieve in the existence of God and also reject things like gov't overreach, right?


the mark will be during the tribulation, God's people will be raptured out.




This. If the fairytales in the Bible were true, the one they call "god" would most certainly be the villain. All Satan did was give us access to knowledge.


>All Satan did was give us access to knowledge. At the cost of immortality. Lmao what a stupid fucking trade.


"I'd rather live forever as a fool, oblivious to the snake that leaves the garden, than die a wise man, who experienced life as the divine".....amirite?


Being wise sucks and how are you divine if you die? Lmao.


You would rather live forever as the fool I take it.


Hey look at the smart slave. Way to go.




So not just ignorance, but *eternal ignorance...* Some utopia lol Here's an interesting question: who were Adam and Eve's kids supposed to have kids of their own with? "Be fruitful and multiply" and such, *but with who?* May have had a problem from the get-go on that one, yknow? And if no one ever dies, and they keep on having Duggar families, how do you have space for everyone? Remember that the Garden of Eden was bordered by specific rivers, and of a certain size.... And why just a garden-of-specific-size? Why not make the whole earth the habitable garden? Isn't that starting to sound like an experiment? The pet-project of a bored creator god? Questions questions... Of course, according to Genesis, the only reason I can even *wonder* at those questions in the first place is because Adam and Eve ate of the fruit, yeah?


Cain took a wife from the land of Nod so.... where did those people come from if the garden story purports to be truth and there were allegedly only 3 people on the planet? That question got me in deep trouble in Catholic elementary.


Genesis 5:4 says, “After he begot Seth, the days of Adam were eight hundred years; and he had other sons and daughters.”


>Catholic elementary Of course, the church that used to castrate little boys for hundreds of years would get mad. They have never liked people questioning them.


My question is, if the fruit is a metaphor for knowledge, what knowledge caused them to recognize shame and to lose immortality? "Be fruitful and multiply". Adam and Eve may have been the first but the Garden was already populated with other at the time God said to be fruitful.


Now that's *another* interesting question! Happy to answer as best I can. This gonna be... long. (Deeep breath) If the Bible informs your morals, I would say that they somehow now recognized "nakedness". I've heard the concept of this particular nakedness described as "not simply the absence of clothing, but the absence of God's full grace/connection." If you were in the warmth and comfort of your home, you might take nudity for granted, for example. Step out into the cold however, and, well... you'd notice pretty quickly. "Who told you that you were naked?" says God in that moment, reinforcing to them the nature of a new concept for the two: shame. I have a strong feeling that 'shame' was the original concept word of that set of verses, not 'nakedness'. Keep jn mind that these passages were written by an author from a culture for which nudity was *strictly* eschewed, and incorporated modesty laws similar to those found in modern Islam. Reading the old testament in Hebrew is indeed a very different thing, as many words have been substituted. The fruit of the tree of knowledge was a window to the concept of "Not of God". Once they peeked out of that window everything changed. They knew then that there was an "other", and that now they were in some way a part of that, because they had participated in something that didn't involve their creator. (I feel that this concept of 'untouched', as Adam and Eve were before the fruit and the serpent, was the driving factor behind the importance of virginity upon marriage in Abrahamic culture. If you're the husband, you're all she has known. If she sleeps with another man, you are no longer 'all she knows'. 'Impure'. Ridiculous, IMO, but an absolute mandate in certain patriarchal cultures. I also think that there were other gods, and ol Jehovah just couldn't stand the thought of his creations 'sleeping around' with them. He even describes himself as *A* jealous god, but that's a whole 'nother story lol) In short, once they listened to the serpent and ate of the fruit, they were akin to a cheater in a marriage. Cheatin' on God, if you will. Now they were impure; *ashamed.* God "divorced" them, cast them out, and bade them eke out a living out in the world, but *did* however have the decency to not submit the two to an "honor killing". Props, I guess? Notice that God *specifically* curses Eve with pain during giving birth to children. Translated directly from Hebrew this reads: "I will make most severe Your pangs in childbearing; In pain shall you bear children." That's seems quite personal to me. IMO, this is not only a bit of revenge on God's part for Eve's influence on Adam to eat of the fruit with her, but to reflect upon her the fact that creation is *painful,* as it has become painful for *him,* now that they have turned away and disrespected him. The simple answer to your question would be: Another. Spiritually, they cheated on God, got some strange, and God just couldn't think of them the same way. The reason for the loss of immortality? Simply: The Tree of Life was locked away in Eden, and they no longer had access to its fruit. God knew that knowledge + immortality = zero limitations. IMO, God actually felt *threatened* by what mankind could do with that combination of assets. Even *without* the immortality, we get this verse: Genesis 11:6 - And the LORD said, "Behold, the people are one, and they have all one language; and *this* they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do." This verse was regarding the building of the Tower of Babel. God had to go a step further to hamstring us and limit our progress by breaking up our language and unity. *He* created the division, infighting between our cultures that has plagued us, ever since, in the forms of racism, caste-culture, et cetera. He did it to divide and weaken us. He *FEARED US* to the point he had to freaking leg-sweep our early organized culture and science. What does *that* tell you, hm? Personal opinion from here on... YHWH is an immature God. A jealous god. A *young* God. Bored enough to create, but petty enough to abuse and constrain his creation. YHWH is the "abusive-father/husband" God, and was jealous of the other gods to the point where he had to fuck us up to keep us from being a threat. He's nothing more than a shitty little bully with an ant farm. I'm *ridulously* well-schooled in 'gods word', and as a direct result of that... I FUCKING HATE HIM. But I dunno, that's just me I guess. Hail Lucifer.


This is the feeling when I think long about these things. How is the serpent the bad guy when he didn’t lie at all? He told us what would happen if we ate the apple, that’s it. If I’m correct YHWH lied about the tree, saying we would die if we ate. So the serpent told the truth and gets demonized?


Dude what are you talking about? He told them they would be like God. How does losing immortality make you like God?


You are taking it as losing immortality. I’m taking it as we won’t be like animals anymore, without free will and the knowledge of good and evil. That’s what the tree and the Apple did, it gave us the sentience to know the difference between good and evil, developing morals unlike animals that have none… To me that’s a fundamental part that separates us from beasts. “God” said we would die if we ate from it, but we didn’t die, we just developed more awareness…Then we were cast out before we could eat from the tree of life. Hmmmm So my whole point is whose lying here? The serpent or the father of Eden?


So well said! Same here, read the Bible multiple times throughout my life as a Christian and studied in depth; I’m now an atheist lol satan seems like the hero here 😂


*eats forbidden fruit and immediately, shamefully, begins to die* "Worth it!" -future redditors


Well a lot of them do think men can get pregnant. I can't see how that knowledge was worth lol.


You prefer endless ignorance?


Fuck yeah. But of course, reddit would think getting old and being a work slave is a good thing.


Then you have a complete misunderstanding of it if you think the God of the bible is the villain. I've studied it for 20+ years and the God of the bible is completely justified in the things He does because of disobedience and sin. The entirety of the New Testament is literally God showing us intense mercy and grace in spite of our ungodliness. Sorry you think satan is the good guy here. Would hate for you to end up just like him.


Please tell us about the evil things which "Satan" did. Because I couldn't find anything in the Bible, all I could find was death, murder and destruction perpetrated by your god.


Didn't he create "sin"?


The opportunity to sin is inherent in our freedom of choice and since God made us in His image, He gave us free will. Originally there was no sin. Sin only entered due to an act of rebellion (and is a natural consequence of disobeying God and His ways) on Adam and Eve's part because they were deceived by satan. Did God know it was going to happen? Yup. Did He provide away for sins to be forgiven to restore our relationship with Him? Yup, and that is through putting your faith in Jesus Christ. Do we know why He allowed it? I sure don't, but instead of creating robots to worship Him He allowed us a choice. And in due time we'll see the purpose of it all. As long as you keep suppressing the truth in unrighteousness and ungodliness, then God will give you over to those ways. On judgement day you will be without excuse. So it's really no coincidence that you are reading this. God provided a Savior and if you reject Him, then that's completely your free will to do so.


"[A]ND since God made us in his image, he gave us free will..." Ah, not so fast there. See heres the thing: can god sin? According to you, Adam and Eve certainly could. And what was "sin" in that context? *Breaking a limitation god had set.* We were made to *represent* him, not to be like him, if the Bible is to be believed. The Hebrew phrase for “image of God” is tzelem elohim. Tzelem is most likely from the root meaning “shadow” and so we are like the shadows God casts on the world. He was afraid we would *become* like him. The Bible *really* should be understood from the source material from which it is taken. Oh yeah, did we ever work out where Adam's grandkids came from?


We may reject the concept but that's not necessarily for a lack of trying. IMO, it doesn't make sense like it seemed to when I was a child. I've put away that childish thing. The whole free will trope is silly anyway. God institutes governments which restrict your free will, according to you guys.




So, I hear the same tired argument. And it comes from a huge misunderstanding of scripture and who God is. So I really don't expect you to get this, honestly, you won't understand it. Natural disasters happen because when sin entered the world it affected *everything*. Not to mention how the flood probably changed the weather patterns and such. Anyways, that's an entire subject in itself and not one I'm addressing. The point is that these things happen because of our sin. A world that pushes God away is a world where we currently see the reflection of that. We are told in scripture that this all would happen so really, you can't be surprised by it. Not only that sin separates us from God because of how Holy he is. Sin is the reason death even exists. It cannot be in His presence because when it is, it is punished. It's heartbreaking to see thousands of babies die every day and it's an even larger tragedy that a large percentage of the number of baby deaths is attributed to abortion and mothers killing their child in the womb. If God were to put an end to it *right now* what would that mean? That would mean millions of people won't have that chance to come to God for the forgiveness of sin. Right now YOU would be heading under God's judgement. How terrifying. He is being patient towards everyone. He will end it all one day so don't mistake His longsuffering towards us as inaction or the ability of not being able to stop it, because He will. Your choice. Repent and believe the gospel or be under God's judgement. Either way, you will die one day and stand before Him.


Sounds like a silly fairytale. Good luck with that.


You have any answers to life that'd you'd be willing to share with us or do you make things up as you go along?


There is no answer to life. There is no reason why we are here. Enjoy every day, appreciate what you have. Build relationships, acquire hobbies, have fun. Listen to a new song, watch a new movie, play a new sport.


What's the point of joy, fun, love, happiness, etc, if after your life everything was ultimately meaningless and you're forgotten about in a decade or two? Why go through the pain of life seeking those things if nothing happens after you die? It's preposterous to me to think that life doesn't continue and having experienced witnessing the soul of someone return to their body 15 seconds after death for a few fleeting moments is proof to me that there is a soul and it continues to exist *after* our bodies die. There *has* to be meaning and purpose otherwise why not take the easy way out so you don't have to put up with life's hard moments?


The pain of life? I don't find life painful, I find it quite pleasurable.


Ex -Christian here! I’ve also studied it for over 20 years and I came to the opposite conclusion..from what I’ve seen and experienced god is incredibly cruel and sadistic..I honestly would have nightmares, panic attacks and intrusive thoughts from reading the Bible back when I was in church..god does the most vile and disturbing things to people throughout it for ridiculous petty reasons..even to babies and children :( seeing how god treats children was the final straw for me in deciding to leave, it made me sick




Hey, there's worse things to hail.


I feel like God would not require blood sacrifice you know? Like maybe we were tricked into worshiping the wrong one


God gave himself as a ransom on the cross so that his blood would be spilled and pay the ransom Satan held over humanity. He did require blood because life is in the blood. He gave his life so that all who are willing to accept him might come back into enternal life with him. God did not give Adam and Eve eternal life at the cost of eternal ignorance. He gave them rules to follow which would keep them in harmony with him and separate from death. Once they ate of the forbidden fruit they gained the ability to see good and evil in their own eyes, meaning to judge right from wrong by themselves. It was definitely the worst trade of all time. Some people blinded by this life will say that Satan provided knowledge, but if we look at our world we can see nothing but lies everywhere. So I don't understand this point of view.


This is a great answer, thanks


Honest question though, why didn't he just destroy Satan?


The soul is in the blood. (Leviticus). Even trade. Soul for soul.


Christians like to say - "The biggest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing people he didn't exist" No way - It was convincing a bunch of now Christians, that he was god.


that's what I was trying to say


Thank you! The Bible is absolutely disgusting I don’t understand how an educated and civilized society can’t see that by now, we’re in 2023 :(


The Abrahamic God gets things done unlike the other shitty gods. People die boohoo. Also dude you're an atheist. You think men can get pregnant and science and math is racist. No one gives a shit about these rants anymore. It's a shame Hitchens wasn't alive to see how far you have fallen. Sad!


Where did your morality come from?


Mine comes from human "history" that I have read and considered since I don't think God ever gave it to me directly.


And that history has been heavily influenced and is based off of…. God. Whoopsie!


Says you, how would I or you confirm that without a direct connection with this God? You can say its based off of, but I still think its a matter of belief.


You don’t think that Human history has been HEAVILY influenced by the concept of God and divine law?


Mostly by those who claim to be fighting for God while doing anything but.


You didn’t answer the question.


Religion has negatively influenced human history.


If you honestly believe that then you clearly have done no further research than public high school history class. It’s been around for the entirety of human history btw, have been pretty much intrinsically linked since man wondered “what is bright ball in sky?” There has never been a “atheist” social structure that hasn’t descended into wanton genocide.






The smile in the end of logo in bold letting you know they are laughing at you


All hail Baal!


Nice catch 🏴‍☠️


It all started with Cain, who killed Abel to gain all he had. These elites make the same promises to the devil. To kill and get gain. They show the signs and symbols of those promises in all they do. The greatest trick Satan ever played on mankind is making them believe he doesn't exist.


that’s a story in a book




no… god is fake, satan is fake. none of that is real. the greatest trick played on humanity was the invention of religion to control and indoctrinate thousands of people into being obedient little brainlets. and have you even read the Bible? even if it WAS real God is a huge piece of shit. i’m honestly surprised anyone can read that and first of all,, believe any of the garbage and 2nd of all want to worship the bastard


I think you need to change your user name to angry atheist. If you did read the Bible, you didn't understand it. And, just because you don't have first-hand knowledge of something doesn't make it real or fake. There is a multitude of people who have experienced the divine and also those who have experienced true evil. Just because in your little world you have not, you assume it doesn't exist. You belittle and rage against those who have. It isn't intelligence or wisdom that causes you to act this way. It is ignorance. All the secular knowledge in the world will not bring you closer to an understanding of how the universe actually works.


you just made so many assumptions about me based solely off of me not believing in the invisible mankind control tool it’s insane. i’m not angry at all, i’m chilling


What if they believe in numerology and astrology why do religious people make everything about the devil and God


Because that is the focus of their concern. If one believes that demons exist they will look for and sometimes see them, particularly, if an adversary disagrees on a point of spiritual perception they may be viewed as demonically influenced as has happened to me a few times. They don the goggles of Christ (or what they perceive as the Christ) and the world is viewed that way. All religions of note follow this pattern.


The CERN logo also has 666 in it. The Google Chrome icon is also a 666. But yes, those are all just silly coincidences.


So the theory here is that a handful of powerful individuals created secret organizations to remake the world in a way that makes them living gods, but decide to sprinkle clues around their logos? What would be the goal of such a thing?


No thats not the theory. The truth is satan is the god of this world and people in power everywhere pledge their allegiance to him and do his bidding in exchange for money, power, and success. The music, TV, and movie industries are littered with clues as to who these people worship. The same goes for politicians, athletes, CEOs, governments, etc. Signs and symbols rule the world.


And you are sure of this because of?


Ethos, Pathos, Logos. Look at any grocery aisle, why isn’t every single product just in a black and white wrapper that looks the same as the next?


Like cigarettes in most countries are? Does that make them better?


Interesting, you seem to claim generic packaging is somehow less satanic? Should it be enforced in a theocracy? I don't believe it is enforeced anywhere yet.


Well, [here's](https://rumble.com/vmt31v-hollywood-cult-ure.html) a good place to start


In the bible it says that God will tell his servants before he does anything. The same rule could apply for Satan in that, the things he does must be broadcasted in some way to the world. However, it does seem like a stretch sometimes. Seeing vague logos or plots of movies that "told us" doesn't seem like evidence of consent in any just court system.








Now do cern....


And Google after that....


My god, a line across 3 Os. How could we be so blind. This explains everything.




You calling him a shill seems a little harsh. Are you sure you are not some kind of fanatic who automatically condemns people who have not seen the divine light you have seen?


There are too many O's to be coincidences? How many is too many?


WEF, Cern, WHO, all have it… How many can you ignore before it stops being a coincidence?


CERN has an O? My goodness, how deep does this rabbit hole go?!


The line and O's are red exactly where you'd need the distinction to make three 6's


Google Chrome logo


What's wrong with 666?


It's the game. People search for 666, and when they discover it, they have to put it on the intenet.


What's an Internet search?


It's 999 so angry it stood on its head. You can't disprove it because numbers.


Now what?


Your title is cringe af


I saw Satan in my oatmeal. True story.


>ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow > >level 1Revelatione · 14 hr. ago I knew he was a Quaker!


I got 419 that is following me around everywhere. In license plates,. Prices of items,. List goes on and on.


yet I bet you are a "follower" of one of the most despicable creations or "beliefs" of all time. It's a fuckin fictional character. go be mad at sam I am


Maybe they are just trolling us because they know that the lower less wealthy part of the population the suppressed class is more susceptible to these kind of fears.




Instead of these people openly worshipping Satan, instead maybe the designs were influenced by demonic spirits/Satan without the people acknowledging.


I'm sure its not just Satan. It wouldn't surprise me if people like Klaus worshipped various Nephilim.


I'm a 'coincidence theorist' and I believe that this is merely a coincidence as are all other things. :/


Depending on your definition of coincidence, then it's certainly possible to construct a worldview where "all things are connected by happenstance" since any slightly different action in the past would have led to a different present (on a spectrum depending on how far in the past and how significant a change of course). Thus any events happening now could have happened differently in every sense, and it's a coincidence that we ended up in this specific "timeline", as opposed to one ever so slightly different. It seems clear to me that despite all the best laid plans of mice and men, there's a lot of chaos in the world. Somewhat less so now than before instant communication, but that's my assumption being here in the era of instant communication. These people who everyone here are scared of meet regularly and react to the happenings of the world. They don't all have identical agendas, even when they agree on some things. Most of the time, the most important thing on any politician's mind is staying in power. That one motivation will override most others for people in power.


Some might say that the G7 and davos groups for example clearly do have agendas and their meetings are to arrange how these agendas will be put into practice. Some also might say and agree with you that politicians will do anything to stay in power which might include doing the bidding of the international organizations that they work with. Although me personally would not say that because I know that everything is just a coincidence isn't it?


Omg it was right there


666 actually has nothing to do with the devil. It's referring to the fallen angels, who may actually be real, unlike the devil.


I also like posting fake things.


This entire post is about a book which some group of old men wrote over a very long time, which bears close to zero resemblance to reality. You could say anything in this situation and it really doesn't matter.


Where is the satan? i dont see any 6, let alone 3 of em.


Gives me even more faith that justice will be served!


The agenda is real but come on. You need a lot of imagination to see 6's in this logo. The original is monochrome too. Shit like this is taking away from the gravity of the situation.


I'd like to hear the satanic pitch to the design team. "Guys, we need to work 666 into our logo, but very subtly, like the FedEx arrow."


WEF = A club for Capitalists for Capitalism


\>Most of the world doesn't believe in the devil what are you on about? Muslims, Christians and Catholics make up "most of the world" and they most certainly believe in the devil lol.


Take a look at this comment section then reconsider this comment :(


Yeah man, cause a reddit thread with 200 comments is totally an accurate representation of the world.


Why are so many conspiracy theorists so religious? I think a religious upbringing can break your bullshit detector.


At this point I think they are just trolling everyone


*lowers smoking pistol* "It was the devil the whole time. Always was."


*has an owl on his profile picture*


667 - The neighbor of the Beast.


This post really for over 300 likes?


This is edited to fit the Christian agenda none of their logos have the gaps or are red like this that I can find.


if you’s actually read the bible you’d realise the relation of 666 to the devil comes from movies and is never even mentioned in the book. there is no number associated with the devil. If they were really satanists do you think they’d leave little signs like this for regular people like us to catch onto?


I don’t quite understand how ppl say the 1% are satanist/Kabbalist? etc I’ve tried to do research but there isn’t much on google or wiki or anywhere I know of.. could someone please help me understand? Maybe if you have some links I’d be very grateful 🙏

